Reference information system "landscape fires". Helicopter systems for extinguishing forest fires

Good day. I would like to tell you about the spillway devices used by the aviation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Avialesoohrana.
For extinguishing forest fires in the structure of Avialesoohrana there are special paratrooper teams. Brave paratroopers jumping in the smoke-filled regions of the edges of forest fires. They are armed with saws, axes, special hand pumps, and sometimes explosives. Their job is Feat. But the story is about, "heavy artillery" firefighting. Helicopter spillways VSU-5A, VSU-15A.

The first models of these systems, VSU-5, were developed in 1995 by NII AUS (Feodosia) together with VNII PANKH GA (Krasnodar) and Avialesokhrana for Mi-8MT (MTV, AMT) and Ka-32 helicopters ... The shell of the VSU-5 spillway device was a 2-layer container, which was not rigid in the vertical direction. The stiffness of the shell, near the upper hole, is given by a special ring-shaped element. The casing is equipped with a second metal ring with a smaller diameter in the lower part. The suspension of this structure was carried out through thin steel cables along the perimeter to the standard cable external suspension of the helicopter, 21 meters long. The cable of the Water Drain Control Mechanism was flanged along the suspension cables. To date, all the APU-5s have been taken out of service and replaced with the improved APU-5A. Structurally, the soft container itself has hardly changed. The steel suspension cables are replaced with slings, consisting of several layers of nylon tapes sewn into the structure of the soft shell with both ends; the soft shell has special eyes on the side slings. When preparing the APU for operation, 4 parts of the upper rim are sequentially threaded into these eyes, and grooves in the upper part of the soft shell. In three places, the parts of the rim are joined by a “glass-finger” connection, and the fourth “ear-fork”. All connections of the rim are countered by axles, which, in turn, are countered either with cotter pins or spring rings. The lower rim consists of two halves that fit together in the same way. The slinging diagram of the VSU-5A tank is shown in the figure.

slinging of the VSU-5A container

Titanium bushings with flanges are woven in the middle of the slings. There are six such bushings in the latest modification. The previous one had eight. Through them, the soft container is attached to the Drain Control Mechanism. The structure is hung through a meter-long extension cable from the standard suspension to the DG-64M external suspension lock using a 20 meter long ribbon sling consisting of a set of nylon mono-rings hidden in a protective case. The breaking strength of this sling is about 40 tons. Soft container, sling covers are made of technical polyamide fabric with a film coating. The slings themselves, the radial power frame sewn onto a soft container are made of LTPE-26-2000 tape. In the lower part, the soft shell is additionally reinforced with an LT-SVM-48-6000 annular tape. The inner sealed liner is made of a thinner polyamide rubberized or PU coated fabric. Parts of the upper and lower rims are made of 51 mm diameter steel tube. Moreover, two sections of the upper rim are filled with lead shot. This is necessary to quickly flood one of the sides of the device when collecting water from a reservoir. The total length of the entire device is 27 meters. Weight is about 160 kilograms. The maximum volume of the tank in the first version of the VSU-5A is 5 cubic meters of water. The device was designed to be universal. But the carrying capacity of the Mi-8 and Ka-32 helicopters is different. And if Kamov easily pulls 5 tons, then Mi-8 MT, MTV with TV3-117VM engines can lift only 3 tons of cargo on an external sling. A special corrugation belt is provided on the soft container, which allows, by pulling, to reduce the volume of the container up to 3 cubic meters. In the next three versions, the maximum volume of the container was changed to 2.5; 1.8; 3.5 cubic meters. Accordingly, the corrugation belt on them allows you to reduce the volume up to 1 cubic meter. Now a new modification of the Mi-8 AMTSh has appeared, with VK-2000 engines, and a new main gearbox, capable of lifting up to 4 tons of cargo.
The control mechanism is electromechanical.

Control mechanism design

Inside there are a 27V DC collector electric motor with a worm gear, a ball friction clutch with a pulley on which a 1.6 meter long pull cable is wound, a ball lock that fixes the boss on the cable in the closed position of the lock, two AM-800K limit switches that determine the operation the electric motor and the moment of closing the ball lock. When the operator presses the "DRAIN" button, power is supplied. The electric motor, through the kinematics, turns the ball lock, opening it, and causes a friction clutch to break off, connected to the pull rope pulley. The lug on the cable is released and the cable is drained from the pulley by the mass of water. At this moment, the pulley axis spins a spring motor, which serves to reduce the load on the electric. engine when reeling in the cable. The rope is connected to a soft-capacity exhaust halyard, which, through plastic rings on the drain pipe, holds it in a retracted position. Locking is performed by crimping with a mass of water in the container. At the moment of opening, the drain pipe is released and turned outward. The water is drained. After draining, the operator presses the "Prepare" button on the control panel. An electric motor turns on, winding the suction cable onto a pulley, which pulls the drain pipe into the container. When the lug of the suction cable enters the ball lock, it compresses the ball lock. The ball lock rotates, pressing 3 balls into the groove of the boss, and locks it. The limit switch is triggered, the control panel de-energizes the electric motor. The device is ready for the next application.
Assembling the spillway device according to the documentation by a group of 4 people takes 30 minutes. In practice, in the same time, it is quite possible to assemble together. When the helicopter is operating with the device, the filling time for dry is 15 seconds, for wet - 10 seconds. The flight speed of the helicopter with an empty device is up to 160 km per hour, with a full one up to 180 km per hour. Water can be drained to the fire site at a speed of up to 120 km per hour. The flow rate of water is about 700 liters per second. The closing time of the drain valve after draining is about 8 seconds. At the same time, the flight speed is limited to 80 km per hour. The loss of water from the APU in flight is no more than 8 liters per minute.
The design of the VSU-15A is similar. This device is designed to work with the Mi-26T helicopter, and is designed to take 15 tons of water. It's just more and more. Capacity, number of side suspension slings. The webbing sling is longer, withstands 80 tons at break. The upper rim is assembled from six sections, not four. The design of the Control Mechanism is completely similar to the VSU-5A. The spring motor develops more force when winding the draw rope. If for the VSU-5A the maximum pull on the pull rope is 25 kilograms, then for the VSU-15A it is 35 kilograms. If the force is exceeded, the ball clutch turns. It is a disc with recesses into which spring-loaded steel balls are recessed, located in the grooves of the pull rope pulley.

Drying of a soft container VSU-15A after application

The practice of using these devices has revealed the following problem. Even 15 tons of water discharged into a forest fire is not efficient enough. Burning on the surface stops, but the high temperature dries it out quickly. A light breeze is enough, and the tree flares up again. Therefore, in addition to the APU, another system is used - the SDP. Foam addition system. Special foam-forming agent. And in case of contact with a burning surface - a film that prevents the access of atmospheric oxygen. It is a container with a volume of 250 liters for the VSU-5A, and three identical for the VSU-15A. A solenoid valve is located at the bottom of this design. SDP is controlled by a control unit based on an Atmel ATmega16 microcontroller. The microcontroller enters data on the volume of the poured foam concentrate, its density, and the volume of the soft container. It calculates the required amount of additive, the time for which the valve must be opened, records the number of drains, the volume of the remaining foam concentrate. When the operator presses the Add button on the control panel, the controller opens the SDP valve for the calculated time. A hose is laid from the SDP valve inside the soft container, through which the foam concentrate is mixed into the water. Also, special techniques have been developed in which aviation works in conjunction with ground crews. Helicopters shoot down the flames with massive drops, and ground firefighters prevent it from flaring up again. In addition to direct extinguishing, these devices are used to create a supply of water in hard-to-reach places. An artificial reservoir is being built, into which helicopters drain water. It is used by ground crews. One full VSU-15A is five water fillings for a standard fire engine.

Water intake from the river VSU-15A

Draining water from the VSU-15A to a fire

But the fiery element, like any in nature, has a nightmarish power. Forest fires are divided into grass fires, when dry grass and undergrowth burn, and upper ones. When the whole forest is on fire. And if aviation and paratrooper teams can cope with the first, then it is practically useless to extinguish the horse. The combustion temperature reaches 1000 degrees, the volume of the fire ensures the suction of huge volumes of air. Sparks rise to a height of over 100 meters and are carried over long distances. The speed of fire propagation can reach 100 km per hour. Therefore, other technologies are used. Felling wood, plowing a fire strip with bulldozers. But…
Of course, thunderstorms are often the culprit in forest fires. But people, out of stupidity, easily create a fiery hell. An unquenched fire, a cigarette butt thrown in the forest, burning grass on the land. And then he is not able to cope with the consequences of his stupidity. The stupidity of one often leads to the loss of hundreds of all property, and in some cases, the lives of people. Numerous cases when entire villages were burned down in different parts of Russia, I think, everyone remembers. And sometimes the forest is set on fire altogether. After that, firms owned by criminals buy the burnt-out plots for little money for logging. And along the way, they are cutting down commercial timber. Add tags

Case No. 1-315 / 2017

Investigative No. 900842



Kamchatka Krai

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky City Court of the Kamchatka Territory, consisting of:

presiding judge Borisenko N.L.,

under the Secretary Khapalazheva A.V.,

with the participation of the state prosecutor - Kamchatka Transport Prosecutor of the Far Eastern Transport Prosecutor's Office Losev D.S., Deputy Kamchatka Transport Prosecutor of the Far Eastern Transport Prosecutor's Office Netsvet I.A.,

defendant Pochukalina FULL NAME3

defender - attorney Gontar E.I., who submitted certificate No. 203 and order No. 101,

representative of the victim FULL NAME1 - lawyer Dyachenko Y.M., who presented the certificate No. and the order No.,

representative of the victim FULL NAME5 - lawyer Lavrentieva M.N., who presented the certificate No. and the order No.,

having examined in open court the criminal case according to which

Pochukalin FULL NAME3, born ", unconvicted,

accused of committing a crime under Part 2 of Art. Special Part\u003e Section IX. Crimes against public safety and public order\u003e Chapter 27. Crimes against traffic safety and operation of transport\u003e Article 263. Violation of traffic safety rules and operation of railway, air, sea and inland water transport and metro "target \u003d" _ blank "\u003e 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation,


Pochukalin FULL NAME3 obliged by virtue of the work performed and the position held to comply with the rules of traffic safety and operation of air transport, violated them, which inadvertently entailed death FULL NAME2

The crime was committed under the following circumstances.

According to the order general director Societies with limited liability aviation company "" (Hereinafter LLC AK "") No. / ls from DD.MM.YYYY Pochukalin, hired with DD.MM.YYYY on indefinite term for the position of the commander of the aircraft of the Mi-8 helicopter of the squadron, was the commander of the aircraft - the Mi-8T helicopter, state and registration marks No. owned and operated by LLC AK "".

In accordance with the contract No.-DVP from DD.MM.YYYY, concluded between LLC AK "" and the Regional State Autonomous Institution "Protection of Kamchatka Forests" (hereinafter - KGAU "Protection of Kamchatka Forests") for the implementation in 2016 of forest aviation work to extinguish forest fires of the state forest fund on the territory of the Kamchatka Territory on aircraft, and an agreement from DD.MM.YYYY to amend and supplement this agreement, LLC AK "" undertook on the instructions of the KGAU "Protection of Kamchatka Forests" to perform forest aviation work during the 2016 fire hazard season extinguishing forest fires of the state forest fund in the territory of the Kamchatka Territory on aircrafts (Mi-8 helicopters) in compliance with safety rules and flight safety during the work.

By the decree of the head of administration municipal formation "Tigil Municipal District" from DD.MM.YYYY No. on the territory of the Municipal Formation "Tigil Municipal District" in connection with the threat of natural fires introduced the regime "emergency in the forests of a municipal nature."

According to the minutes of the meeting of the commission for prevention and liquidation emergencies and ensuring fire safety Kamchatka Territory from DD.MM.YYYY No., based on the results of considering the situation in the Tigil Municipal District, the Agency for Forestry and Wildlife Protection of the Kamchatka Territory and KGAU "Protection of Kamchatka Forests" were ordered from 9:00 DD.MM.YYYY to organize extinguishing work natural (tundra) fire on the territory of Tigil municipal district groups from the forest protection group, using two Mi-8 helicopters with a spillway device (hereinafter referred to as the APU) and fire-fighting equipment, and LLC AK "" was recommended to organize the allocation and timely refueling of two helicopters to extinguish natural (tundra) fires from the APU.

At the same time, by order of the director of the KGAU "Protection of Kamchatka forests" from DD.MM.YYYY No. "About forest fire No. (control zone)" in order to extinguish the fire on the territory of the Tigil municipal district, organize its localization and complete elimination with DD.MM.YYYY sent workers KGAU "Protection of Kamchatka forests", including FULL NAME2, consisted in accordance with order № from DD.MM.YYYY in the position of paratrooper-firefighter Elizovsky branch of the specified management.

DD.MM.YYYY to the crew of the Mi-8T helicopter, state and registration marks RA-№, LLC AK "" the representative of KGAU "Protection of Kamchatka Forests" transferred an application for a flight with the participation of the pilot-observer FULL NAME4 forest aviation works according to the contract. On the same day, the commander of the air squadron of LLC AK "", the crew of the specified helicopter, consisting of the commander of the aircraft Pochukalin, co-pilot FULL NAME24 and flight mechanic FULL NAME 6 issued a task for flight No. on the route "Kozyrevsk-Esso (work) -Esso (work) -Esso ".

In the course of the execution of the application and the task for the flight with the Mi-8T helicopter, state and registration marks No., the employees of the KGAU "Protection of Kamchatka Forests" with equipment and equipment arrived in the region of the Kamchatka Krai River, and the paratroopers-firemen FULL NAME9, FULL NAME8, FULL NAME2, FULL NAME7, FULL NAME10 and FULL NAME11 with equipment and equipment for fire extinguishing work were delivered to the edge of the ground fire in the open area, representing a plot of tundra, covered with grass-shrub vegetation with a slight slope and rise in the southern direction. In the indicated area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain, the indicated paratroopers-firefighters, using a motor pump and water cannons, extinguished the edge of the fire.

At 17 hours 55 minutes DD.MM.YYYY helicopter Mi-8T, state and registration marks No., under the control of the commander of the aircraft Pochukalina, with the crew as part of the second pilot FULL NAME24, flight mechanic FULL NAME6 and pilot-observer FULL NAME4, having VSU-5A, fixed on the external sling of a helicopter, filling the VSU-5A with water with a volume of about 1.5 m3 in the Tikhaya River 5 km from the fire site? and weighing about 1500 kg, proceeded to the edge of the fire to extinguish it.

At the same time, Pochukalin, having the proper education, qualifications, experience and work experience as an aircraft commander on Mi-8 helicopters, performing the functions of an aircraft commander - carrying out active piloting of the Mi-8T helicopter, state and registration marks RA-№, endowed in accordance with paragraphs. 1, 2, 4 h. 1 tbsp. Russian Federation dated March 19, 1997 No. 60-FZ with the rights of the aircraft commander, including making final decisions on takeoff, flight and landing of the aircraft, as well as on the termination of the flight and return to the airfield or on the forced landing in the event of a clear threat to the safety of the aircraft flight , in order to ensure the safety of the aircraft flight, give orders to any person on board the aircraft and demand their execution, take other measures to ensure the safe completion of the aircraft flight, was responsible for ensuring the safety of traffic and the operation of air transport in accordance with the following regulatory legal acts:

At the same time, when determining the amount of punishment, the court takes into account that Pochukalin was not previously brought to criminal responsibility, his critical attitude to what he had done, expressed in full admission of his guilt in what he had done, repentance and compensation for moral harm caused to the victims, his exclusively positive characteristics, and considers it possible to impose a sentence of imprisonment on the defendant within the limits provided for by Part 2 of Art. Special Part\u003e Section IX. Crimes against public safety and public order\u003e Chapter 27. Crimes against traffic safety and operation of transport\u003e Article 263. Violation of traffic safety rules and operation of railway, air, sea and inland water transport and metro "target \u003d" _ blank "\u003e 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specified limitation, with the application of the article on conditional conviction, with the imposition of duties in accordance with part 5 of article on him to fulfill certain duties that contribute to his correction: not to change his permanent place of residence without notifying the specialized state body exercising control over the correction convicts to appear once a month in this body to register and report on their behavior.

Taking into account the factual circumstances of the crime under Part 2 of Art. Special Part\u003e Section IX. Crimes against public safety and public order\u003e Chapter 27. Crimes against traffic safety and operation of transport\u003e Article 263. Violation of traffic safety rules and operation of railway, air, sea and inland water transport and metro "target \u003d" _ blank "\u003e 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the degree of his public danger, the court finds no reason to change the defendant in accordance with Part 6 of Art.the category of the crime committed to a less serious one.

No civil action was filed in the case.

The fate of material evidence (vol. 3 case sheets 182-183, 196) is subject to resolution in accordance with Art. ...

There are no procedural costs in the case.

Based on the foregoing, guided by Art. , court


Pochukalina FULL NAME3 found guilty of a crime under Part 2 of Art. Special Part\u003e Section IX. Crimes against public safety and public order\u003e Chapter 27. Crimes against traffic safety and operation of transport\u003e Article 263. Violation of traffic safety rules and operation of railway, air, sea and inland water transport and subway "target \u003d" _ blank "\u003e 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and sentenced him to imprisonment for a term of 2 years.

In accordance with Art. assigned Pochukalina FULL NAME3 punishment considered conditional, with a probationary period of 2 years.

In accordance with Part 5 of Art. during the period probationary period to impose on the convicted Pochukalina FULL NAME3 the fulfillment of certain duties that contribute to his correction: not to change his permanent place of residence without notifying the specialized state body exercising control over the correction of convicts, to appear once a month at this body to register and report on his behavior.

The preventive measure against Pochukalina FULL NAME3 in the form of a recognizance not to leave the place and proper behavior upon the entry into force of the sentence - to cancel.

Material evidence upon entry of the judgment into legal force: mobile phone HTC Desire 620G dual sim EEA S / N LC571Y653861 with cover and battery "Serial no .: LHDD3562J01652" - return to the victim FULL NAME1; drainage device VSU-5A № - leave at FULL NAME16; CD "UMNIK" - to keep in business.

The verdict can be appealed to the Kamchatka Regional Court through the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky City Court within 10 days from the date of its announcement.

In case of filing an appeal, the convicted person has the right to apply for his participation in the consideration of the criminal case by the court of appeal.



Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky City Court (Kamchatka Territory)

13. Soft spillways VSU-5 and VSU-5A (for Mi-8, Mi-8MT, Mi-17 and Ka-32)

Manufacturer: NII AUS together with VNII PANKH GA and Avialesokhrana (Russia)
Status:mass production

In 1995, NII AUS (Feodosia), together with VNII PANKH GA (Krasnodar) and Avialesoohrana, designed, conducted experimental testing and began serial production of a soft spillway device VSU-5, with a variable volume of the tank from 1.3 to 2 , 5 and from 3 to 4.5 cubic meters, for Mi-8MT (MTV, AMT) and Ka-32 helicopters. The cover of the VSU-5 spillway device is a 2-layer container that is not rigid in the vertical direction. The stiffness of the shell, near the upper hole, is given by a special ring-shaped element. The shell in the lower part is equipped with a second metal ring of a smaller diameter, determined by the required value of the second flow rate of the drained water. In the VSU-5 product, the drain pipe is designed in such a way that during the immersion of the shell, it automatically opens and allows water to fill the shell from below.

The VSU-5 has the following advantages over foreign counterparts:

  1. Due to the lack of stiffness of the shell in the longitudinal direction and the specific process of filling with water, the VSU-5 product provides the ability to fill the container with water from sufficiently shallow reservoirs (0.7 - 1.0 m deep).

  2. The corrugation system (system for adjusting the volume of the casing) in the VSU-5 is designed more efficiently and allows you to adjust the volume of the casing up to 50%.

  3. VSU-5 is easily disassembled into constituent elements, each of which has a mass of not more than 40 kg. The water-carrying soft container ВРУ-5 consists of two shells that solve different problems. The outer shell, consisting of a nylon base framed by annular and radial ribbons, performs a "power" function. The second (inner) shell-insert, made of rubberized nylon fabric, solves the problem of sealing.

The design of the drainage device VSU-5 provides for the possibility of adjusting the volume of extinguishing liquid (coolant) depending on the type of helicopter and, accordingly, its carrying capacity. In the first version, the corrugation (regulation) of the APU shell is designed for volumes: 1.3; 2.0; 2.5 cubic meters m, (predominantly used on Mi-8T, Mi-8MT helicopters). In the second - 3.0; 4.0; 4.5 (helicopters Mi-8MTV, Ka-32).

The upgraded VSU-5A have improved performance characteristics:

  • reduced from 40 to 20 sec., preparation time of 8SU for the next water intake after draining and increased speed from 60 to 120 km / h, at which the tank drain valve closes. The closing time was shortened due to the introduction into the design of the BCY-5A device, an additional spring mechanism and the installation of a larger electric motor (38 watts instead of 16 watts). Both of these parameters are very important because allow the helicopter to operate effectively at small distances from the reservoir to the fire, as well as to "leave" after draining the coolant with a set of speed, which increases the safety of operations.

  • the coolant consumption was reduced from 900 l / s to 600 l / s.

  • the VSU-5A set includes an LS-5A tape sling, which makes it possible to abandon the established semi-annual strength tests of the sling with a static load of 15 tons. In this case, the strength test is replaced by a check technical condition slings at the same frequency. The LS-5A belt sling has a length of 20 meters, is made of LTsvm-48-6000 belts, from a synthetic high-molecular material (SVM), providing a carrying capacity of 5 tons with a breaking load of 30 tons. To improve the repair conditions of the VSU-5A, the soft shell is made collapsible, i.e. The sealing insert, which is most susceptible to damage, is made removable, which allows it to be replaced if necessary in the field.

  • the repair of both the outer and the sealing shells is also greatly facilitated.
VSU-5 for extinguishing forest fires is used for:
  • extinguishing ground forest fires;
  • filling ground tanks with water in the area of \u200b\u200bfires.

Parameters of the wetted strip, when draining 3000 liters of water from the VSU-5, in pine plantations
depending on the completeness of the stand and flight speed, will be:

Wetted strip characteristic Medium-density plantings High density plantations
Length, m50 km / h
70 km / h
50 km / h
70 km / h
Width, m12 11 12 12
Average dosage, m 23,5 2,8 2,8 2,2

In 1996-1998. The VSU-5 has passed a production check to determine the effectiveness of extinguishing forest fires and to develop the most rational methods of extinguishing them in the Krasnodar Territory, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Krasnoyarsk Territory. In the Volgograd region, this device was used to extinguish a fire at an oil sump. Its high efficiency manifested itself in extinguishing fires in Moscow, including in the central part of the city with a high building density. In the fall of 1998, BSU-5 was used by units of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in extinguishing forest fires in the North Caucasus. The use of spillway devices for extinguishing forest fires is gaining increasing understanding and recognition among the workers of the forest guard of the Russian Federation. In 1999, the APU-5 was used in 8 air bases to extinguish 55 forest fires, 1415 wastes were made. Especially successfully suppressed fires using the APU-5 in Vologda region, where the forests were extremely burning. Largely thanks to the active use of the APU-5, it was possible to stop fires on the outskirts of settlements. The high production efficiency of the VSU-5 in extinguishing fires (forest, steppe, site) is also evidenced by the fact of their widespread use in 1999 by aviation units of the Russian Emergencies Ministry and other airlines both in Russia and abroad.

The unit costs for the delivery of 1 ton of water (coolant) to the fire site in Avialesokhrana actually amounted to:

  • amphibious aircraft Be-12P - 2400 rubles.

  • by plane-tanker An-2P - 1900 rubles.

  • helicopter Mi-8T with VSU-5 - 660 rubles.
It should also be borne in mind that by adjusting the speed of the helicopter when draining coolant to the edge of a fire or creating a barrier strip in front of the front of the fire, it is possible to increase and decrease the dosage of water or coolant on the ground, which cannot be done by tanker aircraft. The same volume of liquid dropped from an aircraft will have 1.5-2 times greater length and width and, accordingly, lower coolant dosages on the ground. Research and practice of application has established that even with minor additions of some wetting agents and foaming agents in the amount of 0.3 - 1.0%, the efficiency of fire suppression increases more than 2 times. At present, a team of specialists and scientists from SPbNIILKh, Krasnodar Research Institute of PANH GA, CJSC Tekhnoekos and Avialesoohrana are developing a device for feeding wetting agents and foaming agents into the VSU-5A.

"V.B. Kozlovsky Yu.P. Tarshin 2001 // INSTRUCTIONS for the use of the VSU-15A device for extinguishing fires with a Mi-26T helicopter Head of the department of technical and technological research ... "


Head of DLS GS GA General Director

Ministry of Transport of Russia OJSC NPK "PANH"

V.B. Kozlovsky

Yu.P. Tarshin


on the use of the device VSU-15A

when extinguishing fires with a Mi-26T helicopter

Head of Techno-Technological Research Department

V.P. Asovsky

Krasnodar 2001

This manual was developed on the basis of the results of the pilot operation of the VSU-15A spillway device on Mi-26T helicopters when extinguishing forest fires in the 2000-2001 seasons. in the Republic of Greece.

The instruction was compiled by V.V. Ilkun and M.O. Gumboy (JSC NPK PANH), A.G. Sudakov (JSC Tekhnoekos).

1. General Provisions 4

2. The composition of the VSU-15A 5

3. Technical data of the VSU-15 A on the Mi-26T 5 helicopter

4. Device VSU-15A 7

5. Scheme of the VSU-15A 10

6. Assembly and installation of the VSU-15A on the Mi-26T 11 helicopter

7. Adjustments VSU-15A 16

8. Checking the operability of the VSU-15 A on the ground 17

9. Schemes of transportation of the VSU-15A on the Mi-26T helicopter 18

10. Technology of extinguishing fires using the VSU-15A on the Mi-26T 20 helicopter

10.1. Preparatory work and fire inspection 20

10.2. Water intake from reservoirs 22

10.3. Drainage of water on fire sites 25

10.4. Draining water into storage tanks 29

11. Technical operation of the VSU-15A 30

12. Safety precautions 31

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Mi-26T helicopter with a VSU-15A spillway on an external sling is used to combat various kinds of fires by taking water in hover mode from open reservoirs (reservoir, lake, river, pond, sea, pool), delivering water to the fire site and draining it directly to the seats of fire or to storage tanks used by ground crews.

1.2. Firefighting flights on the Mi-26T helicopter equipped with the VSU-15A are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Flight Operations Manual for the Mi-26T Helicopter", Supplement No. 16 to the Airplane Flight Manual of the Mi-26T helicopter dated 01.30.98 and this " Instructions".

1.3. Flight crews who have experience in independent flights with a load on an external sling on this type of helicopter are allowed to fly on a Mi-26T helicopter equipped with an VSU-15A.

1.4. Fire extinguishing operations using a Mi-26T helicopter equipped with a VSU-15A can be carried out with representatives of the fire services on board. Their presence on board and the functions performed by them in flight must be regulated by the relevant regulatory documents.

1.5. Work on extinguishing forest fires using the Mi-26T helicopter equipped with the VSU-15A on the territory of Russia is carried out with the obligatory participation of an observer pilot on board who has undergone appropriate theoretical training and flight training under the program of the Central Aviation Forestry airbases.

1.6. The use of the Mi-26T helicopter equipped with the VSU-15A for other types of work is possible only if there are approved "Instructions ..." for these types of work.

2. The composition of the VSU-15A

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

The soft shell, made of nylon fabric, is a container framed by radial and annular ribbons, the upper part of which has a cylindrical shape, the lower part is hemispherical, coupled with the cylindrical part. The diameter of the hemisphere and the inlet of the soft shell is 3.01 m.

In the upper part of the soft shell, along its perimeter, through the fabric grooves of the shell and the loops of the radial frame, a metal upper rim is passed, made of six interconnected arcs made of a steel pipe with a diameter of 51 mm and a wall thickness of 4 mm.

In the lower part of the soft shell, a hole is made for draining water, the shape of which is set by a metal lower rim with a diameter of 0.6 m, consisting of two half-rings passed through the loops of the radial frame and connected to each other. The lower rim, like the upper one, is made of a steel tube with a diameter of 51 mm. Two ballast half rings made of the same pipe and filled with cast iron shot are attached to it from below with the help of four M16 bolts.

To prevent water leakage through the fabric of the soft shell, a removable sealing insert made of rubberized fabric on a nylon basis is attached to it in the upper and lower parts with the help of loops through which an annular tape is passed. In the lower part, the liner has a cylindrical drain pipe with a valve, which consists of four nylon soft links passed through plastic rings of the drain pipe and having loops at the ends for connecting with a central cable.

On the outside, the drain pipe is protected from damage and force when filling a soft container with water with a cylindrical cover made of nylon fabric and sewn to the drain pipe along the upper and lower edges. Side cables (24 pcs.), Made of high-molecular synthetic material placed in nylon covers are used to connect the soft container with the control mechanism. The ends of the lateral cables, on one side, end in loops for attachment by means of "noose" knots to the radial frame of the soft shell, and on the other side, they end in lugs for attachment to the control mechanism. The length of the side cables is 6.5 m.

The central cable is designed to control the valve of the drain pipe using a control device and is a soft link made of high molecular weight synthetic material, placed in a nylon cover. At one end of the central cable there is a loop for connecting it to the thimble of the links of the drain pipe, at the other end there are two loops, the end one and, located at a distance of 70 mm from it, the intermediate one. These hinges are designed to be connected through a metal adapter with a steel cable of the control mechanism.

Outside on the soft shell, in its middle part, there are three rows of loops through which corrugation belts are passed to reduce the volume of water taken. Corrugation belts are made of high-molecular synthetic material, placed in a nylon cover, and are closed with buckles installed in their loops.

Inside the metal body of the control mechanism there are: an electric motor with a gearbox, a ball half-coupling, a return spring, a ball lock, end switches and a steel cable coming out of the control mechanism body through a hole in its lower part. The end of the outgoing cable is connected through a metal adapter to the upper end of the central cable.

In the lower part of the body of the control mechanism there are two identical attachment points for connecting to the side cables of the soft container, and in the upper part there is one assembly for connecting to the tape sling LS-15A.

Ribbon sling LS-15A is made of high-molecular synthetic material, placed in a nylon cover (soft link), and has a metal thimble sleeve at one end for connection with the control mechanism, and at the other end - a metal adapter for connection with the helicopter external suspension carrier. The length of the tape sling is 20 or 30 m.

The control panel (portable) is located in the cargo compartment of the helicopter and is connected by electrical harnesses to the onboard 27V DC socket and the control mechanism. The control panel has a power switch, buttons for controlling the operation of the VSU-15A and the corresponding control lamps.

5. Scheme of the VSU-15A

5.1. The VSU-15A assembled and tested on the ground is transported on the external sling of a Mi-26T helicopter to the nearest open reservoir. In this case, the drain pipe is pulled into the soft container, the valve is closed, the central cable is tensioned, the steel cable of the control mechanism is wound around the pulley of the ball half-coupling, and the liner attached to it is fixed in the ball lock of the control mechanism.

The VSU-15A device on an external sling does not rotate in flight due to the strictly symmetrical shape of the soft shell, the use of weighted (two out of six) sections in the upper metal rim and the absence of the LS-15A ribbon sling (in contrast to twisted steel cables) properties self-spinning under tensile load.

5.2. After the helicopter hovers over the reservoir, the VSU-15A sinks into the water, after touching the water, the speed of immersion of the lower rim together with the soft container in the water becomes less than the speed of the lower rim in the air, the device folds in the vertical direction, the central cable weakens and the drain valve under the influence water pressure opens, the soft container is filled with water through the drain pipe. The final filling of the tank occurs after a slight immersion in the water of the upper rim. At the same time, the soft container, submerging under the influence of the weight of the lower rim and ballast half-rings, restores its vertical size, the central cable is stretched and closes the valve of the drain pipe. The VSU-15A filled with water is lifted out of the water by a helicopter and transported to the fire site.

5.3. When the water draining point is reached, the operator presses the "Open lock" button on the control panel, while the ball lock of the control mechanism releases the liner of the steel cable connected through the central cable to the drain valve. Due to the weight of the water, the drain pipe is lowered and its valve opens. The water is drained.

5.4. After releasing the soft container from water, the drain pipe is pulled into the soft container under the action of a return spring located in the control mechanism. At the same time, the operator presses the "Prepare tanks" button on the control panel, and after 10-20 seconds the control mechanism returns to its original position and the VSU-15A is ready for a new cycle of operation.

6. Assembly and installation of the VSU-15A on the Mi-26T helicopter

6.1. Assemble and install the VSU-15A on the Mi-26T helicopter in accordance with the requirements technical documentation manufacturer and this manual.

6.2. Remove the VSU-15A components from the bags having the same number indicated on the bags. When assembling this kit, it is not allowed to use arcs of the upper and lower rims of metal and ballast half rings belonging to different kits.

6.3. Pull the thimble of the drain pipe links with the central cable inside the soft shell. First, skip one arc of the upper metal rim into the grooves of the base of the soft shell 2 (Fig. 2) and the loop of the frame tapes 3, avoiding twisting of the loops, so that the marks made at the ends of the arc by drilling to a depth of 0.5-1 mm are on top ... In this case, the ends of the arc should be located in large gaps between grooves 2 (there are six such gaps along the perimeter of the upper edge of the shell). Similarly, pass the remaining five arcs through the grooves of the soft shell base, observing the markings, that is, the ends of the arcs connected to each other must have the same number of marks

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(one, two, etc.). Connect the arcs with each other using a glass 4, pin 5, axis 6 (head up) and cotter pin 7, then bend the ends of the cotter pin. In this case, the connection "ear-fork" (in these places the ends of the arcs do not have marks) should be performed last.

6.4. First, pass one half-ring of the lower metal rim with connecting elements through the loops located in the neck of the soft shell so that the mark made by drilling at one of the ends of the half-ring to a depth of 0.5-1 mm is located on top. Then, through the remaining loops, pass the second half-ring with connecting elements, in which a similar mark should also be located on top next to the mark of the other half-ring. Connect the half rings to each other in two places with the help of axes (head up) and cotter pins, the ends of which should be well bent in order to exclude tissue damage during the operation of the VSU-15 A.

6.5. Connect two ballast half rings to the rim already mounted on the soft casing so that the marks made by drilling to a depth of 0.5-1 mm at the ends of the half rings are located above and vertically at the same level as the marks of the rim mounted on the casing. To do this, pass the M16 bolts into the four holes of the rim mounted on the shell so that the bolt heads are on top. Install on each bolt a 9 mm bushing and pass the bolts through the holes in the half rings so that the marks on the mounted rim and half rings are at the same vertical level. Screw two nuts onto each bolt with a wrench, with a spring washer installed between them (the nuts should be located at the bottom and the outer nut should have a hemispherical head).

6.6. Connect the end of the central cable 1 (Fig. 3) using the fork 2, screw 3, spring washer 4 to the cable of the control mechanism 5.

6.7. Connect the ends with the thimbles of the lateral cables 6 (Fig. 3) of the soft container to the attachment points of the control mechanism 7, three thimbles for each axle, Connecting the side slings to the control mechanism 1 - central cable, 2 - fork; 3 - screw; 4 - spring washer;

5 - control mechanism cable; 6 - thimble of side lines; 7 - lower assembly of the control mechanism; 8 - safety wire Fig. 3 not allowing the lateral cables to overlap between themselves and the central cable. When connecting, use adapters (axles, bushings, nuts) that are part of the control mechanism.

6.8. Connect the end with the thimble bushing of the ribbon sling LS-15A to the upper unit of the control mechanism.

6.9. After connecting the side cables and straps of the tape LS-15A to the control mechanism, fix all the nuts of its attachment points with a safety wire.

6.10. After assembly, move the control mechanism relative to the soft container so that some of the side cables are taut and make sure that the side cables do not overlap with each other and the central cable. Place the ribbon sling LS-15A attached to the control mechanism in a straight line.

6.11. Dock the electrical harness (cable) plug with the control mechanism. Seal the docking place with a dock located at the end of the electrical harness (cable), then fit the electrical harness (cable) to the tape sling LS-15A and the external suspension rope (if applicable) with a step of 1 m and an allowance at each step of 5-10 cm. use, for example, electrical tape (scotch tape), wrapping it several times a ribbon sling (rope) with an electric cord (cable) or ties made of rubber material. Tidy up in the direction from the control mechanism to the other end of the suspension. When tucking into a steel rope, lay the electrical harness (cable) around the rope in the direction of its lay.

6.12. Attach the VSU-15A portable control panel with a carbine in the helicopter cargo cabin in a place convenient for the flight operator.

Insert the plug of the power cord (cable) from the control panel into the on-board 27V DC socket, taking into account the polarity.

6.13. Hook up the metal adapter of the upper end of the strap of the tape LS-15A to the load carrier of the external suspension of the helicopter. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe external suspension hatch, connect the electrical harness (cable) coming from the control mechanism with the electrical harness (cable) coming from the control panel.

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7.1. The VSU-15A provides for a stepwise adjustment of the volume of water drawn into the soft shell (7.0; 8.0; 9.0, 10.0, 12.5 and 13.5 cubic meters) and the average water consumption during discharge (700 or 1000 l / s).

7.2. The volume of the collected water is 15 cubic meters. provided in the absence of corrugation belts on the tank. The VSU-15A provides for the use of three corrugation belts to adjust the volume: the top (green), inserted into the loops located from the upper edge of the shell at a distance of "0.65 m and marked" 7t "and" 8t "; middle (red), inserted into the loops located from the upper edge of the shell at a distance of "1.3 m and marked" 9t "," Ut "," 12.5t "and" 13.5t "and the bottom (yellow) , inserted into the loops located from the upper edge of the shell at a distance of "1.9 m and marked" 7t "and" 8t ".

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After installing the corrugation belt (belts), it (them) must be closed using a detachable buckle, for which first unscrew the buckle locking screw, which has a left-hand thread, and then unscrew the main screw with a right-hand thread, insert a free loop marked accordingly into the buckle bracket , insert a screw into it, which must be tightened and locked with a locking screw; Tuck the remaining free section of the corrugation belt into the loops sewn on the soft shell.

After installing the corrugation belts, connect the soft central cable through the adapter to the cable of the control mechanism, using the extreme loop with volumes of 7; eight; 12.5; 13.5 m 3 or an intermediate loop for volumes of 9 and 10 m 3.

Straighten the vertical folds of the walls of the soft shell, which are under the corrugation belt (s), evenly along the perimeter of the shell.

7.3. To reduce the average water consumption when draining from 1000 to 700 l / s, it is necessary to install an adjusting cover on the drain pipe. To do this, insert four cover valves between the lower rim, mounted in the neck of the shell, and wrap the ballast half rings with them. In this case, the valves should be placed between the M16 bolts, tightening the rim and half rings. Then fix the cover flaps on the cargo half rings using buckles and belt loops installed on the cover.

8. Checking the performance of the VSU-15A on the ground

8.1. To check the operation of the VSU-15A after its installation on the helicopter, set the "Power" toggle switch on the control panel to the "ON" position, the "Power" lamp should light up and, if the lock is closed and the control mechanism is in its original state, the " Initial ". The control mechanism is ready for operation. If the "Initial" light does not light up, press the "Prepare container" button and in 7-8 seconds the "Initial" light should light up. The control mechanism is ready for operation.

Set the Power toggle switch to OFF.

8.2. If it is necessary to pull the cable out of the VSU-15A control mechanism to inspect it, press the "Lock Opening" button and holding for 1-2 seconds, simultaneously apply a force of 25-30 kgf to the cable. Pull out the cable to the required length (up to 2 m). The Home light goes out. Release the cable and it will wrap around the drum. Press the "Prepare container" button and after 7-8 seconds the "Initial" light should come on. The control mechanism is ready for operation.

8.3. After checking the operability of the VSU-15A, set the "Power" toggle switch to the "OFF" position, while all the lights on the control panel go out.

9. Schemes of transportation of the VSU-15A on the Mi-26T helicopter

9.1. The VSU-15A can be transported by the Mi-26T helicopter in the following ways:

inside the cargo compartment of the helicopter packed in bags of the manufacturer;

on the external sling of the helicopter fully assembled (working version);

inside the helicopter cargo compartment fully assembled.

9.2. When using the third method of transportation, you should:

fully assembled and connected to the VSU-15A helicopter with a closed drain pipe (for example, after flying), bring it to the open doors of the helicopter cargo compartment and put it on the floor of the cargo compartment (first the lower ballast rings, then the soft container with the upper rim);

disconnect the end of the strap of the tape LS-15A from the load carrier of the external suspension of the helicopter and undock the electrical harness (cable);

put in the cargo compartment on top of the soft shell without sequentially disconnecting the side cables, the control mechanism and the LS-15A tape sling;

unloading the VSU-15A from the cargo compartment is carried out in the reverse order in order to avoid overlap of the side cables between themselves and the central cable.

9.3. The transportation of the VSU-15A by the Mi-26T helicopter is carried out according to one of three schemes:

On a double central rope, 30 m long;

On a ribbon sling LS-15A, 30 m long;

On a ribbon sling LS-15A, 20 m long, and a double central rope, 10 m long (total suspension length 30 m).

When transporting the VSU-15A on a double central rope, 30 m long, connect the load carrier of the external suspension of the helicopter to the upper power unit for attaching the control mechanism, having previously installed the load carrier on the lower traverse of the central rope. The double central rope should be assembled from two sets of external hangers for Mi-26T helicopters. Dock the ropes with each other using standard fasteners. Set the jumpers between the ropes in the amount of 5 pieces from the VSU-15A set on the ropes with a step of approximately 5 m. In the upper part of the double central rope, install a swivel between the traverse and the end piece with the cardan.

When using the VSU-15A set with an LS-15A ribbon sling 30 m long, connect the lower end of the sling ending with a thimble washer to the upper power unit for attaching the control mechanism, and connect the upper end of the sling ending with an adapter to the load holder of the standard external suspension of the helicopter. When using a tape sling LS-15A with a length of 20 m, connect its upper end with a load carrier installed at the lower end of a double central rope 10 m long of the standard external suspension of the helicopter. In the upper part of the double center rope, place a swivel between the traverse and the end piece with the gimbal. When using a ribbon slings LS-15A with a length of 30 m, the use of a double central rope with a length of 10 m is not required. The total length of the external sling must be at least 30 m.

9.4. If it is necessary to increase the length of the external suspension, it is possible to use in its composition additional tape slings LS-15A with a length of 20 m, supplied by the manufacturer under an agreement separate from the VSU-15A. In this case, tape slings LS-15A are connected to each other, and the scheme of attaching the external suspension of the helicopter to the load carrier does not change.

9.5. If the ropes of the standard external suspension of the Mi-26T helicopter are used when working with the VSU-15A, the latter must be equipped with a standard current collector swivel.

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10.1. Preparatory work and fire inspection 10.1.1. A fire report must be accompanied by the following information:

location of the fire;

size and type of fire, features of its location;

wind speed and direction in the area of \u200b\u200bfire, outside air temperature;

the distance from the fire to the nearest bodies of water.

10.1.2. Before departure, it is necessary, taking into account the information received from cartographic materials, to clarify the relative position of the fire and the water bodies closest to it, outline the characteristic landmarks and possible landing sites for the helicopter for operational purposes (unloading, pick-up and adjustment of the APCA, delivery of the ground crew, etc.).

10.1.3. Depending on the meteorological conditions (temperature and wind speed), the fuel supply on board, the possibility of refueling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fire and the distance to it, outline a flight plan and, on its basis, determine the degree of volume control of the VSU-15A, the need to install an adjusting cover and choose a transportation method VSU-15A to the fire area.

10.1.4. When preparing for a flight with the VSU-15A on an external sling, it should be placed 6-8 m in front of and to the left of the helicopter (in an area well observed by the helicopter commander), the side cables of the VSU-15A should be extended, pass from above the soft shell laid on the ground and directed towards the helicopter. The control gear must be positioned between the soft casing and the helicopter so that the plug of the control cable fits on the top of the control gear. Ribbon sling LS-15A, connecting the control mechanism with the load carrier of the external suspension of the helicopter, must be located on the ground with "slack" (zigzag or in an arc). Fulfillment of the stated requirements prevents the air flow from inflating and overturning the VSU-15A shell during the helicopter takeoff.

10.1.5. After takeoff and a vertical climb of 5 m, it is necessary to start shifting towards the location of the VSU-15A, followed by a climb. The separation of the device from the ground must be done vertically, not allowing it to be dragged along the ground in order to avoid damage to the shell structure and the drain pipe. For the same purpose, the separation of the VSU-15A from the ground should be performed only with the closed position of the drain valve.

After the vertical climb to a safe altitude, put the helicopter into the climb and climb mode. An empty VSU-15A with a closed valve can be transported at a speed of up to 160 km / h.

10.1.6. Before the first set of water in the VSU-15A, it is necessary to fly around the fire at a safe distance from it in order to get acquainted with the situation and characteristic features fire (the object of ignition, the direction of the spread of the fire, the degree of openness of approaches to it, the presence of ground obstacles on possible approaches, the direction and speed of the spread of smoke-filled zones, features of the relief and wind conditions, etc.).

In the process of inspection, choose tactical techniques for extinguishing a fire, outline the zones and directions of approaches and exits, select characteristic landmarks and determine safe and rational modes of height and speed of entry to the drain (after the first drain, if necessary, make adjustments to them).

After inspecting the fire, fly to the reservoir for water intake.

10.2. Water intake from reservoirs

10.2.1. When choosing reservoirs and places for taking water from them, you must be guided by the following:

the depth of the reservoir at the point of water intake must be at least three meters (at this depth, a set of the maximum possible volume of water is guaranteed;

hovering over the point of water intake should preferably be carried out with an oncoming or counter-left wind direction;

surface or ground fixed landmarks facilitating the hovering process should be observed by the helicopter commander in front-left;

in the direction of the helicopter's departure from the point of water intake, there should be no obstacles that interfere with the flight with a climb of the helicopter with an external load;

the place of water intake, presumably, should not contain underwater and semi-underwater objects (driftwood, snags, etc.) that can prevent the tank from immersing in water and cause its damage;

other things being equal, preference should be given to reservoirs with stagnant water or weak currents;

if it is necessary to take water from the river with a noticeable flow rate, the points of intake should be selected in places with a weakened current (near the banks, on reaches, etc.); in this case, the direction of the helicopter approach to the water intake point should preferably coincide with the direction of the water flow in the river;

the water of the selected reservoir should not contain any significant amounts of oil and oil products.

10.2.2. With open approaches, the approach to the water intake point must be carried out along the glide path of average steepness so that at the moment the tank touches the water surface, the forward speed does not exceed 1-2 m / s. Upon receipt of the “touch” command from the flight operator, the commander must vigorously extinguish the forward speed to zero and continue the descent until the “rim in water” command is received, then stop the descent and hover as instructed by the flight operator, avoiding an excessive descent of the helicopter to avoid the control mechanism sinking into the water ... This approach technique causes the arrival of a vortex flow from the rotor to the place of water intake later than the moment the device touches the surface of the reservoir, which greatly facilitates the process of the initial stage of water intake and reduces the time of its execution.

10.2.3. With closed approaches, the approach to the water intake point must be performed so as to hover over this point at a safe height. Then perform a vertical descent. If in the process of descent, when the height of the VSU-15A above the water surface decreases to about 5-6 m and it begins to deviate in one direction (refer to the air flow) or randomly "walk" in a circle in a deflected state, the helicopter should not be moved to side of the container deviation. It is necessary to continue the vertical descent until the VSU-15A touches the water surface, only then can the helicopter move to the tank with increased attention to the control of the movement height in order to avoid the control mechanism dipping into the water. Having hovered over the tank, perform the necessary vertical maneuvers at the command of the operator, after receiving the command "rim in the water", hover until the command "lift" is received. 10.2.4. When taking water from rivers with a noticeable current, the direction of the helicopter's approach should preferably coincide with the direction of the current; the approach should be performed according to the method described in clause 10.2.2. After the device touches the surface of the reservoir, at the commands of the flight operator, it is necessary to equalize the forward speed and direction of movement of the helicopter with the speed and direction of the VSU-15A drift downstream. This agreement must be carried out throughout the sampling process until the filled container is completely out of the water.

10.2.5. The onboard operator, in the process of taking water with his commands in direction and height, ensures that the helicopter hovers over the tank and insignificantly (up to 0.5 m) immerses its upper rim, while simultaneously excluding the immersion of the control mechanism in water. After 6-8 seconds after the top rim of the tank has completely gone under the water, the operator gives the command "lift" (when the dry tank is first dipped, this time increases by 2-3 times for the air bubbles to escape from the intershell space of the tank).

WARNING: Do not immerse the control mechanism in water when drawing water.

10.2.6. If the control mechanism has been immersed in water, the subsequent lifting of the VSU-15A must be done so that one or more side cables do not get caught on the upper parts of the control mechanism. If such a hook occurs, you must immediately open the valve of the drain pipe, before the container leaves the water, then continue lifting when pouring water from the VSU-15A. Subsequent water intake should be carried out only after the hook is removed.

10.2.7. When lifting a filled container, the commander must take into account that, unlike lifting a load from a hard surface, the load increases in this case as the container leaves the water, which requires adjusting the usual pace of movement of the "step-gas" lever.

10.2.8. If, when lifting the container out of the water, it is found that it is insufficiently filled with water, it is necessary to re-dip the device to fill it completely.

10.2.9. To check the operability of the drain device, it is necessary in every first flight after assembling the VSU-15A on the ground, lifting the filled container out of the water to a height of 3-5 m, draining, and then again taking water.

10.2.10. If the power of the helicopter's propulsion system is not enough to lift the filled container out of the water, the commander must give the operator a command to open the drain valve and, after draining the water from the container, direct the helicopter to the landing pad to reduce the volume of the container.

10.2.11. The transfer of the helicopter to the forward speed mode can be carried out only after the filled container is completely out of the water (i.e., in the absence of contact between the container and the surface of the water in the reservoir).

10.2.12. The VSU-15A fully filled with water can be transported at a speed of up to 180 km / h.

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10.3.2. The selected flight mode (speed and altitude) in the process of draining the water should provide:

flight safety;

the helicopter does not fall into the smoky areas;

the absence of a noticeable effect on the object of combustion of the air flow from the supporting system of the helicopter in order to avoid the blowing up of the source of the fire and its ignition;

the effectiveness of the impact on fire of the drained water.

When meeting these requirements, one should take into account the decrease in the fire extinguishing ability of the drained water with an increase in flight speed, the height of the VSU-15A above the burning surface and the time between adjacent drains to the fire site.

10.3.3. When extinguishing the edges of an area fire, the method of successive water drains should be used with the obligatory overlap of the end of the previous drain by the beginning of the next one.

10.3.4. The flight mode selected for draining the water (speed, altitude and direction) should be set 100-150 m before the point where the draining starts.

10.3.5. The water can be drained from the VSU-15A at a flight speed of up to 120 km / h.

10.3.6. When determining the moment of switching on the VSU-15A to drain, it is necessary to take into account that from the moment of impact on the control button until water appears from the drain valve of the device, 0.8-1 s takes. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the time of the water falling from the height of the VSU-15A to the burning surface. When determining the moment of switching on, the data in the table below should be used.

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* - height of the VSU-15A above the surface;

** - the delay in the operation of the VSU-15A (1 s) is taken into account in the table.

10.3.7. When approaching the point of switching on of the VSU-15A for unloading, the operator must inform the commander about this, and a few seconds before switching on, he should start sending the countdown to the commander ("five, four, three, two, one, draining"); this is necessary for the commander to determine the moment when the helicopter's tendency to "swell" begins to counter.

10.3.8. Having pressed the "lock open" button on the control panel, the operator must hold it in this position until water appears from the drain pipe, after which the button must be stopped.

10.3.9. The commander in the process of draining the water must fend off the tendency of the helicopter to "swell", ensuring the maintenance of a constant speed and altitude. The process of "swelling" when draining water from the VSU-15A is not instantaneous, prolonged in time and can be easily parried.

10.3.10. Upon completion of draining, the operator must immediately press the "tank preparation" button on the control panel to close the drain valve. The process of closing the drain valve lasts up to 20 s and should be carried out at a flight speed of no more than 80 km / h. The signal that the drain valve has been closed is signaled by the "lock closed" warning light on the control panel.

After this lamp comes on, the VSU-15A is ready for the next water intake.

10.3.11. The commander of the helicopter, after the end of the drainage of water from the VSU-15A, must continue to fly at a speed of no more than 80 km / h until the flight operator's command is "locked". After that, it is necessary to increase the speed to the required value (up to a maximum of 160 km / h), directing the helicopter to the place of water intake or to the landing pad.

10.3.12. If, when pressing the "lock opening" button on the control panel, the drain did not occur (refusal to operate), it is necessary to fly to landing site, lay the container (not allowing it to be dragged through) on the ground (while the water from the container pours out through the top) and land to find out the reasons for the failure.

10.3.13. Before landing a helicopter with a VSU-15A on an external sling, make sure that the drain valve is closed. When hovering over the landing site, when the height of the VSU-15A above the ground is reduced to 5-6 m, it is carried in one direction by the air flow. A further vertical descent of the helicopter is required before the container is laid on the ground, after which it is necessary to land. When laying the VSU-15A, do not drag the container along the ground. Laying the VSU-15A and landing should be done so that after landing the relative position of the shell, side cables, control mechanism, external suspension is the same as before takeoff.

10.4. Draining water into storage tanks

10.4.1. When extinguishing fires, it is often necessary to have a supply of water near the fire site, which is used by the ground crew in order to fight the fire and extinguish it. For this purpose, portable collapsible ground tanks are used, which can be filled with water using a Mi-26T helicopter with a VSU-15A.

10.4.2. The assembly, installation and fastening of the tank is carried out by the ground crew in accordance with the "Operating Instructions ..." for this type of tank. The installation sites of the reservoirs, as a rule, should have free approaches, in forest conditions they should be located in the open spaces, and in the case of high-density forest stand in "windows" prepared by the ground crew, at least 10x10 m in size.

10.4.3. The descent process of a helicopter with a filled VSU-15A on an external sling above the tank should be performed according to the flight operator's commands and corrections from the senior ground crew, transmitted by radio. In the absence of radio communication, the helicopter commander and the flight operator should be guided by the correction techniques used by the senior ground brigade using hand gestures:

both arms raised up - increase the hovering height;

downward movement of both hands - to lower the hovering height;

movement with one hand to the side - displacement of the helicopter in the direction of the hand;

both arms are spread apart - hovering is accurate, you can drain.

10.4.4. It is advisable to drain the helicopter when the VSU-15A is exactly above the tank at a height of the lower rim above the tank side of 1-2 m. When draining, the helicopter should be kept from "swelling" and moving to the side.

10.4.5. In the process of draining the water, the possibility of precise hovering decreases due to the partial rebalancing of the helicopter and part of the drained water does not enter the reservoir. Therefore, if the size of the tank allows, you should not drain when the VSU-15A is in the air, but on the instructions of the flight operator put the soft container into the tank, while the bulk of the delivered water will pour into the tank through the upper rim of the VSU-15A; after that, the operator presses the "lock open" button and gives the command to lift the helicopter; the water remaining in the VSU-15A is poured into the tank through the drain pipe.

10.4.6. After draining the water into the tank, press the "tank preparation" button on the control panel and direct the helicopter to the reservoir or landing site.

11. Technical operation of the VSU-15A

11.1. Technical operation of the VSU-15A should be carried out in full accordance with the "Technical description and operating instructions for the VSU-15A" TO-9301.016-99 VSU-15A.

11.2. The technical operation of the VSU-15A control device should be carried out in full compliance with the "Technical description and operating instructions for the VSU-15A control device" TO-9210.019-99 VSU-15A.

11.3. Technical operation of the LS-5A tape sling should be carried out in full compliance with the "Technical description and operating instructions for the LS-5A tape sling" TO-9300.021-99 VSU-15A.

12. Safety precautions

12.1. Before carrying out work related to the use of the VSU-15A on the external sling of the Mi-26T helicopter, the workers directly preparing, assembling, connecting and testing the VSU-15A must be instructed in observing safety rules.

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in Feodosia


The VSU-5 has the following advantages over foreign analogues:
1. Due to the lack of stiffness of the shell in the longitudinal direction and the specific process of filling with water, the VSU-5 product provides the ability to fill the container with water from sufficiently shallow reservoirs (0.7 - 1.0 m deep).
2. The corrugation system (a system for adjusting the volume of the casing) in the VSU-5 is designed more efficiently and allows you to adjust the volume of the casing up to 50.
3. VSU-5 can be easily disassembled into its constituent elements, each of which has a mass of no more than 40 kg. The water-carrying soft container ВРУ-5 consists of two shells that solve different problems.
The design of the drainage device VSU-5 provides for the possibility of adjusting the volume of extinguishing liquid (coolant) depending on the type of helicopter and, accordingly, its carrying capacity. In the first version, the corrugation (regulation) of the APU shell is designed for volumes: 1.3; 2.0; 2.5 cubic meters m, (predominantly used on Mi-8T, Mi-8MT helicopters). In the second - 3.0; 4.0; 4.5 (helicopters Mi-8MTV, Ka-32).
Over the past two years, significant improvements have been made in the design of the spillway. The upgraded VSU-5A have improved performance characteristics, such as:
- Reduced from 40 to 20 sec. preparation time for the 8SU for the next water intake after draining and the speed was increased from 60 to 120 km / h, at which the tank drain valve was closed. The closing time was reduced by introducing an additional spring mechanism into the design of the BCY-5A device and installing a larger electric motor (38 watts instead of 16 watts). Both of these parameters are very important because allow the helicopter to operate efficiently at small distances from the fire, as well as to "leave" after draining the coolant with a set of speed, which increases the safety of operations.
- Reduced coolant consumption from 900 l / s to 600 l / s.
- A tape sling LS-5A was added to the VSU-5A set, which makes it possible to abandon the established semi-annual strength tests of the sling with a static load of 15 tons. In this case, the strength test is replaced by checking the technical condition of the sling at the same frequency. The LS-5A belt sling has a length of 20 meters, made of LTsvm-48-6000 belts of synthetic high molecular weight material (SVM), providing a lifting capacity of 5 tons with a breaking load of 30 tons. To improve the repair conditions of the VSU-5A, the soft shell was made collapsible, i.e. The sealing insert, which is most susceptible to damage, is made removable, which allows it to be replaced if necessary in the field.
The repair of both the outer and the sealing shells is also greatly facilitated. VSU-5 for extinguishing forest fires is used for:
- suppression of ground forest fires
- filling ground tanks with water in the area of \u200b\u200bfires.

Products similar to Spillway devices VSU-5 VSU-15 are intended for the intake of water transportation using a helicopter Mi-8 Ka-32 (VSU-5) Mi-26 (VSU-15) and its discharge over the fire or special storage tanks

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The price of the product declared by the Scientific Research Institute of Aeroelastic Systems, SE "Spillway devices VSU-5 VSU-15 are intended for the intake of water transportation using a Mi-8 Ka-32 (VSU-5) Mi-26 (VSU-15) helicopter and draining it over a fire or special storage tanks ”may not be the final sale price. For detailed information on the availability and cost of the specified goods and services, please contact the representatives of the company Research Institute of Aeroelastic Systems, GP at the specified phone number or e-mail address.

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Buy spillway devices VSU-5 VSU-15 are intended for the intake of water transportation using a Mi-8 Ka-32 (VSU-5) Mi-26 (VSU-15) helicopter and its discharge over the fire or special storage tanks in Feodosia:

st. Garnaeva, 85

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