The highest paid kindergarten manager in Kazan shares off-budget income with a janitor. Salaries of educators in Russia What experts in this field expect

It is an honor to be an educator, because this is a person who helps to take care of the younger generation. But at the same time, the profession is extremely difficult, tk. educators have a huge responsibility. Today, unfortunately, caregivers have become synonymous with minuscule workers. Therefore, the indexation of educators' salaries is one of the most pressing issues.

The educator is essentially a budget worker state institution, whose main responsibilities are to deal with the development and education of children in preschool institutions. Also, the duties of such employees include caring for the baby during his stay in kindergarten.

It may only seem to many that there is nothing complicated in the work of a preschool institution. In fact, this is a very difficult job. After all, you need to find an approach to every kid. During the working day, you should be attentive all the time so that the crumbs do not get crippled, nothing is stuffed into your mouth, etc. After all, if suddenly there is some kind of emergency with the child, the educator will remain responsible and extreme.

In addition, such specialists regularly need to improve their literacy. This means that you will have to additionally:

  • learn;
  • read books and magazines on methods of education and training;
  • master new training programs;
  • improve their qualifications, raising the rank and much more.

As a result, such teachers simply have time for no other business, incl. and personal just doesn't stay. And, of course, such a profession must be paid well. In Russia today it is not clear what will happen to the salaries of educators.

Of course, in such a scenario, there is no need to mention any significant increases in teachers' salaries. Moreover, the Government has already temporarily suspended the implementation of the May decrees. They were not canceled at all, but for the most part they were frozen for a year. So, for example, officials, court workers and others have lost their increments.

Official representatives of the authorities, however, claim that in 2016 the situation will be improved, because Russia has already passed the main peak of the crisis.

What the experts think on the subject

Experts are confident that an increase in the salaries of educators in 2016 in Russia, the latest news on which many are waiting for, will definitely take place. But only at what level it will be still unknown. Many analysts believe that one has to count on an increase equal to the maximum size of official inflation.

Today it has been announced at 6%. Naturally, this is an extremely low figure, moreover, it does not reflect the real state of affairs at all. And even if the salaries of teachers for children preschool institutions will be raised on it, it still will not give them any special income and preferences.

What will happen to the salaries of nannies

Do not forget that kindergarten teachers alone are not enough. There is also such a position as a junior educator. This is usually the official language called the nannies familiar to many since childhood. The increase in the salary of a junior teacher in 2016 is also a rather sore point. After all, their work is no less difficult than that of ordinary educators, and they are also responsible for children. At the same time, their salaries are very low - on average they do not reach 20,000 rubles, and this is in the capital. In the periphery, these amounts are even less.

Naturally, the May presidential decrees also apply to junior educators. But also for them there is a salary increase at the inflation rate. So, of course, they can count on an increase, only it will be rather modest.

Dismissal of teachers from kindergartens

Another very important and exciting issue is the reduction of educators. A wave of rumors has already spread that part of the staff will be cut from preschool institutions.

Experts say that there has been no talk of mass layoffs so far. But in the country today there is a large-scale optimization, the purpose of which is to reduce the costs of the budgetary part and find funds to pay all the necessary social guarantees.

As part of this optimization, the following are carried out:

  • staff reduction;
  • consolidation of structures (unification of hospitals and clinics, kindergartens and schools);
  • sale of property on the balance sheet that is not used, but requires funds for its maintenance.

As a result of such measures, it turns out that instead of two organizations, only one remains. And, of course, this is followed by the reduction of "extra" personnel. The Ministry of Education is also carrying out a similar reform, creating entire educational complexes of schools and kindergartens by combining them.

Because of all this, conversations are beginning and actively circulating that teachers will be fired from kindergartens. This issue is especially acute when combining several gardens into one. Since, uniting, the school and the kindergarten need different specialists. And two gardens are in the same. Such categories of employees as psychologists and methodologists may also be laid off. Unfortunately, kindergarten workers do not contribute to the replenishment of the budget, which means that they are only an expenditure part for it.

You should be prepared for such an outcome. And it is worth taking care of raising the level of your qualifications so that you can quickly find a suitable job for yourself upon dismissal.

News on salary increases for children preschool education should appear soon, tk. need to plan a budget for next year... Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully study various media - from print to Internet sources, in order to find the information you need in time. Everything - and when it will take place, and what size this increase is planned - will be announced in as much detail as possible.

Labor activity educators and teachers is a rather complex and responsible process. They need to adhere to accepted norms and standards. In kindergarten, one of the most important stages of the child's socialization takes place, therefore the specialists working there bear great responsibility for the development of children, their communication, and interpersonal interaction.

The salary of educators consists of many factors. Their average earnings are 22,000 rubles in Russia. In the capital, the salary of educators can reach 42,000 rubles, and in some districts of the Russian Federation it is slightly more 10,000 rubles.

In private kindergartens in the capital, the situation is slightly different, educators receive much more than specialists from state institutions. For example, young professionals with little experience can count on from 30 to 40 thousand rubles per month.

Educator rate kindergarten lower than that of teachers. In April this year, salaries were increased by 6%. In 2016 at social sphere in the Russian Federation 4.4 trillion rubles were allocated.

Given the insufficient amount of funds in the budget, kindergarten workers are being laid off, the teaching staff is being cut. But with all these moments, the workload is the same, and this specialty becomes irrelevant for the younger generation.

The main components of the salary of a kindergarten teacher

Qualification. Young specialists who have just received their diplomas will be able to count on 5-10 thousand rubles, since they do not yet have experience and the corresponding category. Specialists with grades 9-10 receive 17-25 thousand rubles.

Full change. The schedule for a full five-day week and a 12-hour working day is paid at 1.5-2 salaries. By Labor Code RF is hard work, respectively, an additional 10% is paid to the salary.

Additional lessons educators (circles, sections) also provide an additional payment to earnings.

Labor activity in a "narrow" focus gives a chance for a higher salary. This applies to speech therapists, ophthalmologists and other specialists.

As for the caregivers of boarding schools, then they receive 15-20% more from their basic income.

Kindergarten teachers with learning foreign languages have 15% more of their basic salary.

Teacher in the position of head of the department of preschool education and responsible for the group also eligible for a wage supplement.

This is important to know!

To receive the maximum salary and bonus, you need to consider the following points:

1. Work experience not less than five years.

2. Availability of the title of Honored Teacher.

3. High qualifications (first, second and highest qualification category)

More than 40 kindergartens have been opened in the Moscow region recently, and about five thousand jobs have been created. According to preliminary data, experts do not make comforting forecasts for an increase in educators' salaries. An increase of 30-50% is possible by 2018.

Despite the fact that looking into someone else's pocket, especially into the pocket of a teacher, seems unethical to many, the materials of Realnoe Vremya's analytical service on this topic invariably gain many views and comments. Today we offer our readers a rating of Kazan kindergarten managers. The first place in it was taken by the head of the popular city kindergarten No. 414 Tatiana Pirskaya, who in 2014 was involved in a scandal around financial extortions from her parents.

Dear leaders

The analytical service of Realnoe Vremya studied data on the salaries of heads of 317 out of 335 kindergartens in Kazan. Information on the rest was not in the public domain. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to draw some conclusions about the level of official income of heads of preschool institutions in the capital. And one of them is that the more children and teachers in the kindergarten, the more the leader earns.

In total, about 170 million rubles were spent on the salaries of heads of kindergartens in 2016. On average, the heads of kindergartens in Kazan earned about 43 thousand rubles a month. The incomes of the highest paid managers are three to four times higher than those of the lowest paid managers.

It is not the first time that Realnoe Vremya has compiled such a rating. However, last time we analyzed data not on salaries, but on the total income of kindergarten managers, which includes the sale of property, interest income from bank deposits, and more. The average annual income of heads of Kazan kindergartens in 2015 amounted to 678.8 thousand rubles (or 56.5 thousand rubles per month per person) compared to 654.4 thousand rubles in 2014. For comparison: average salary teacher in Tatarstan by the end of 2015, according to some data, amounted to 18 thousand rubles a month, according to other data - 14 thousand rubles. At the same time, judging by the declarations, there were many millionaires among the heads of the kindergartens - 26 people showed incomes of more than a million rubles in 2015 in their declarations. And those in the top 10 richest kindergarten leaders earned 26.4 million rubles in a year.

Children of the future

However, the leaders of the previous rating did not make it to the top of the current one - their salaries were not so high. For example, Reseda Tukhfatullova from kindergarten No. 110, who earned a total of over 4 million rubles in 2015 and took first place in our rating, in terms of salary in 2016 - only in 68th place. She received an average of about 50.7 thousand rubles a month.

Most of all of those who reported on the salaries of kindergarten managers in 2016 received the head of the elite Kazan kindergarten No. 414 Tatyana Pirskaya - 85.9 thousand rubles a month. The institution she heads is very popular with young parents, it has been repeatedly recognized as the winner of various competitions and bears the proud name "Star Baby". In 2012, the Universiade Lesson, the main event of the five-year plan, was held for its pupils.

And in 2014, human rights activists suspected the leadership of the preschool institution in organizing the current scheme of extortions from the parents of the kids. According to the audit, between the director charitable foundation Children of the Future, which had a cooperation agreement with the kindergarten, and the parents concluded an agreement on monthly contributions of 1,489 rubles to the fund's current account. Today in the "Star Baby", which is the base platform for the implementation of the event "Modernization municipal systems preschool education ”, 525 children are being brought up.

The prosecutor's office also found that salaries and pension contributions were paid to the director and accountant of the fund out of the money transferred by the parents. For these purposes, 500 thousand rubles were allocated from the planned income of the fund in 2013 in 2 million 450 thousand rubles. It is noteworthy that only 80 thousand rubles were allocated for the organization of the protection of the kindergarten pupils. Pirskaya then confirmed that the parents paid extra to the teaching staff for an additional unit in each group and additional food for children, in particular, for oxygen cocktails, which, according to the decree of the chief state sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation, should be prescribed to children only for medical reasons and subject to daily monitoring by medical an employee of an educational institution.

As a result, the prosecutor's office demanded from municipal government education to take measures to eliminate the identified violations and involve those who allowed them to disciplinary responsibility... Also, the inspection materials were transferred to the head of the regional department of economic security and anti-corruption to organize the inspection. However, young mothers from the popular SuperMomki forum did not support the zeal of human rights defenders and law enforcement agencies, condemning the parents who complained about the extortions: “He works, he tries, because no, you can't please the living.”

Last year, Tatyana Pirskaya tried, apparently well - she, one of all Kazan managers, managed to earn more than 1 million rubles per year on her salary alone.

From kindergarten to kindergarten

The most highly paid heads of kindergartens in Kazan, along with Tatyana Pirskaya at the end of 2016, were the head of kindergarten number 185 Tatyana Davydova and the head of kindergarten number 387 Adilya Sanatullina. The salaries of specialists last year averaged 80 and 75 thousand rubles a month, respectively. These are the 2nd and 3rd places in our rating.

The dream of young residents of socialist skyscrapers on Glushko - kindergarten no. 185 "Aistenok" - received in 2011 a modern second building under the "Belekach" program. Today it is one of the largest preschool institutions in Kazan - 558 children study here, with whom 44 teachers work.

There are 445 pupils and 39 teachers in the kindergarten № 387 "Goldfish". The kindergarten was established in 1987. In 2013, the equipment in it began to malfunction - as a result of a short circuit in the electrical distribution board, a fire almost started in the kindergarten. Fortunately, at seven in the morning there were not many children in the kindergarten, they all evacuated on their own, the guard got his bearings in time and called the firefighters.

Below average in Kazan

Least of all other managers last year earned the head of the kindergarten with the Tatar language of education No. 45 Gulnara Khamidullina. Her average monthly salary was 19.8 thousand rubles a month - one and a half times lower than the average in Kazan. There are only three groups and 55 pupils in her kindergarten. At the same time, the institution located on Tolstoy Street in the historical center of the city - one of the oldest in Kazan - was established back in 1942. Evaluating the kindergarten and the work of the head, users of the SuperMomki forum disagreed, and radically.

In the meantime, 30 more of the reporting heads of Kazan kindergartens received salaries below the average in Kazan last year. Basically, about 100 babies are brought up in the institutions they lead.

95 Kazan managers earned from 30 to 40 thousand rubles a month. From 40 to 50 thousand rubles - 118 people. The salaries of 58 managers were from 50 to 60 thousand rubles, and 11 - from 60 to 70 thousand per month.

Information on the salaries of heads of preschool educational institutions in Kazan in 2016, rubles

Institution name (abbreviated) Institution name Full Name Average monthly wage for 2016 from all sources of funding Total income in 2015
1 MADOU "Kindergarten No. 414" Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 414 combined type" Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan Pirskaya Tatiana Borisovna 85 918,0 1 000 174,1
2 MADOU "Kindergarten No. 185" Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 185 of the combined type" of the Soviet district of Kazan Davydova Tatiana Nikolaevna 80 785,0 945 574,7
3 MADOU "TsRR-d / s N387" Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 387" of the Moscow region of Kazan Sanatullina Adilya Nailevna 75 629,0 963 254,5
4 MADOU "Kindergarten No. 161" Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 161 of combined type", Privolzhsky district of Kazan Mamonova Lyudmila Vasilievna 74 175,0 703 024,1
5 MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 25" Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 25" Privolzhsky district of Kazan Danilova Zhanna Vyacheslavovna 74 130,5 1 028 003,7
6 MADOU "Kindergarten No. 27" Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 27 of combined type with upbringing and teaching in the Tatar language" Privolzhsky district of Kazan Mingalieva Luciya Shaukatovna 70 102,3 882 574,7
7 MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 99" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 99 combined type" Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan Khakimova Rita Kharisovna 66 401,1 797 152,4
8 MADOU "Kindergarten No. 382" Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 382 combined type" Privolzhsky district of Kazan Minvaleeva Luciya Mannurovna 63 991,7 730 093,9
9 MADOU "Kindergarten No. 376" Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 376 of the combined type" of the Moskovsky district of Kazan Garancheva Farida Mansurovna 63 638,9 N / A

More than 20% of Kazan kindergarten managers earned from 50 thousand rubles a month and more in 2016. The highest salary - 85.9 thousand - was received by the head of the elite kindergarten No. 414 of the Novo-Savinovsky district, Tatyana Pirskaya. "Vechernyaya Kazan" asked the leaders of the salary rating, what is the secret good money.

According to information on the average monthly salary of heads of 330 kindergartens and their deputies, published on the website of the Kazan Department of Education in the section "Combating Corruption", about 65% of managers last year earned in the range of 30-50 thousand rubles a month. About 20% - more than 50 thousand, the rest - less than 30 thousand. Note that the salaries of managers educational institutions are formed from budgetary and non-budgetary funding sources, depend on the number of pupils, the level of teachers and other criteria.

If we analyze the figures for the districts of Kazan, then the highest paid kindergarten managers in 2016 worked in the Volga region: out of 52 local managers, about half received more than fifty thousand rubles a month. In second place is Novo-Savinovsky, where about 30% of managers could boast of a pay exceeding the 50,000 mark. For comparison: in the Aviastroitelny district, out of 33 managers, the work of only one was rated so highly, and in Kirovsky - two out of 38.

Well, the highest salary in 2016 was received by the head of kindergarten No. 414 of the Novo-Savinovsky district Tatyana Pirskaya - 85,918 rubles a month, her two deputies earned 52 thousand each. According to the results of the last academic year, this kindergarten entered the top 10 in Kazan and is one of the largest in the city: it is located in two buildings - on Amirkhan Avenue and Chetayev Street; more than 520 children attend it.

When asked by Vechernyaya Kazan if the manager knows about her salary leadership, Tatyana Pirskaya replied:

Yes. So, apparently, it happened at the expense of extrabudgetary funds. Our kindergarten provides additional paid educational servicesdemanded by parents. We distribute these incomes among the entire team, and not only among the administration or teachers, as they do in other kindergartens. Our nannies, cooks, cleaners, and even a janitor receive a bonus, although it is not they who additionally study English or dance with the children. But the whole team works for the child. In addition, it is possible that the remnants of money from our tutoring activities got into my salary and the salary of my deputies. In 2011 - 2015, our kindergarten was a federal base site for the modernization of preschool education, where innovative projects and trained teachers from all over the country.

Recall that in 2014, the prosecutor's office of the Novo-Savinovsky district identified a kindergarten in the 414th kindergarten. It turned out that fathers and mothers transferred 1,489 rubles a month to the current account of the fund, with which the kindergarten had signed a cooperation agreement. And according to the law, fixed parental contributions according to the schedule are no longer voluntary charitable assistance, but levies. In this regard, the prosecutor's office sent a submission to the head of the education department of the city executive committee, Ilsur Khadiullin, with a demand to eliminate violations and bring the perpetrators to disciplinary responsibility. However, this story ended for the administration of the kindergarten, as well as for the leader of the salary rating, principals of Kazan schools.

In second place in the rating is Tatyana Davydova, head of the combined type kindergarten No. 185 of the Soviet District, who received an average of 80,785 rubles a month, and her two deputies - 43 and 53 thousand each. According to the results of the last academic year, the 185th kindergarten took the 12th place in the rating of preschool institutions in Kazan. The kindergarten has two buildings - on Bigichev and Akademika Glushko streets, it is attended by over 550 children.

The manager Tatyana Davydova did not disclose the secret of good earnings:

I cannot comment on anything without the approval of the founders.

In third place is the highest paid manager - the head of the child development center - kindergarten №387 of the Moscow region Adil Sanatullina with a salary of 75629 rubles. Her deputies received from 51.9 to 56.5 thousand rubles. The institution is located in two buildings - on Barudi and Batyrshina - and, judging by the information on the portal "Electronic Education", has a football field, a park area and a children's playground for the traffic police. More than 400 kids go to the kindergarten.

The fourth and fifth places in the ranking are occupied by the head of the combined type kindergarten No. 161 of the Privolzhsky district, Lyudmila Mamonova, with a salary of 74,175 rubles, and the head of the child development center - kindergarten No. 25, Privolzhsky district, Zhanna Danilova - 74130.

The founder, the Kazan Department of Education, knows better why he gives me such a salary. Perhaps because our kindergarten all year round high attendance, and some teachers have PhD degrees. Personally, I have three higher educations and the highest qualification category, - Zhanna Danilova told VK. - As for extra-budgetary sources, we have a strong decline since last year. Parents refuse additional paid services, many low-income families. Therefore, I do not receive a percentage of extra-budgetary funds.

It should be noted that the 25th kindergarten entered the top 20 in Kazan; more than 300 children attend it.

The lowest paid head in Kazan was Gulnara Khamidullina, who heads the kindergarten №45 with the Tatar language of instruction in the Vakhitovsky region - 19.8 thousand rubles. The young leader, in whose care about 50 students, declined to comment.

The work of educators and teachers is very difficult and responsible. They are required to comply with a number of established standards, while maintaining human qualities. Kindergarten is one of the most important stages in the development of a child, and that is why the specialists working in it are responsible for adjusting his erudition, the ability to hear and understand the information that gives them, establish contacts and interact with the rest of the young representatives of society.

Government representatives in the Ministry of Education understand the complexity of this work and that it should be stimulated accordingly. Therefore, the bulk of the budget goes specifically to education.

Average salary of teachers in Russia in 2019

Today, the salary of educators is multi-layered, it consists of a number of factors.

The average salary of specialists in this field in the Russian Federation is 22 thousand rubles. However, in the metropolitan area this figure is somewhat higher and can reach 42 thousand rubles, which cannot be said about certain regions, where the salary does not exceed 10 thousand rubles.

Interestingly, the monthly salary of a teacher's assistant is not much different from the salary of a teacher who has higher education... This is another proof of the presence of "incomprehensibility", and the government of the country promises to correct it as soon as possible.

What is the salary of a kindergarten teacher

Here are a number of factors affecting the salary of the educational staff:

  1. Qualification. It is logical that young teachers who have come only from a university will not receive a salary higher than that of their colleagues who have a grade 1-2. At first, you should count on a salary of 5-10 thousand rubles. Of course, this is not to the liking of specialists and, accordingly, leads to unemployment in government institutions.
  2. Full-shift work (12 hours 5 days a week) is paid at about 1.5-2 salaries. In addition, according to the Labor Code, this labor is classified as heavy, and therefore an additional payment is provided for it (10% of the basic salary).
  3. Additional classes, circles, sections provide an additional payment to the main monthly salary.
  4. Working in a kindergarten with a "narrow" focus also allows its employees to count on an increased salary:
    • speech therapy;
    • ophthalmology and others.
  5. Boarding school teachers who work night shift receive 15-20% more from the basic salary.
  6. "Language" kindergartens provide an additional payment to their teachers in the amount of 15% of the basic amount of wages.
  7. The teacher who holds the position of the head of the department or responsible for the direction / group is entitled to a supplement (it is established by the administration of the garden).

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the amount of salary for teachers in kindergartens is rather big. But not every educator will be able to receive all these additional payments, and if they do, then their volume may be quite small (if we count on a fixed rate, which is often minimal).

A different picture is observed in private children's institutions, of which there are now a lot, and especially in large cities country. Naturally, teachers there receive much more. So, for example, a young specialist with little experience can receive from 30 to 40 thousand rubles a month. This explains the fact of the choice of commercial kindergartens by university graduates.

How much will the salary of a kindergarten teacher increase in 2019?

Everyone knows that today the situation with places in kindergartens is quite difficult. therefore state bodies in 2017-2018, they plan to eliminate long queues at preschool institutions.