The production program of the catering enterprise. Development of the production program of the enterprise. Leisure services include


Public catering is one of the forms of distribution of material benefits between members of society and takes an important place in the implementation of social and economic tasks related to improving people's health, increasing their productivity, reducing the time for cooking at home, creating opportunities for cultural leisure.

The main objectives of the development of public catering:

Improving the organization of public catering at the place of work and study of the population;

Industrialization of public catering;

Expansion of the network of specialized catering establishments, including fast food establishments;

Raising the level of labor organization and management, the introduction of moral material principles that contribute to the activation of the human factor;

Improving product quality and service culture.

The solution of these tasks requires further expansion and strengthening of the material and technical base of the industry, rational placement of a network of public catering establishments, the construction of new enterprises that meet modern requirements and reconstruction, technical re-equipment of existing canteens, cafes, snack bars, restaurants. It also provides for the development and improvement within the industry, the introduction of progressive forms of customer service based on the use of progressive technology, comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes for packaging, packaging, transportation and sale of products using rational equipment and functional containers.

Strengthening the material and technical base of public catering is associated with the improvement of design, the development of new culinary associations, procurement and pre-preparation enterprises, as well as projects for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing ones.

For this, it is necessary to improve the architectural and planning solutions of buildings, production workshops and sites, halls for consumers, administrative, utility, technical and other premises of public catering enterprises using standard elements of industrial construction to reduce its time and reduce capital investments.


Justification of the place of binding the enterprise project

Justification of the location of the projected enterprise is based on the study of the economic and geographical characteristics of the settlement and the prospects for its development.

When determining a site for building an enterprise, it is necessary to take into account the availability of access communications and convenience for visitors.

Using the modern achievements of modern nutritional science, progressive technology and high-performance equipment, the pizzeria has great opportunities to provide the population with high-quality food. The production of the pizzeria is carefully thought out and organized so that this establishment is profitable, does not stand idle and can withstand competition.

Pizzeria is a specialized catering enterprise. This institution operates on semi-finished meat products, raw vegetables. Heat treatment of food, preparation of cold, first, second courses, flour products are carried out on the spot. The product range of the enterprise is aimed at a broad middle class consumer.

The pizzeria is located on the Second River, along Russkaya Street, in the city of Vladivostok, near residential complexes. There is a sign with the name of the company on the facade of the building.

At the entrance, the opening hours of the pizzeria are posted on the door glass. The institution is designed to serve a certain number of consumers and is organized for 110 seats. There are benches near the premises, and in the summertime, plastic tables and chairs are displayed on the street so that visitors can admire the panorama of city life. Trees, shrubs and flowers are planted along the road. The entrance doors are large and wide, as well as ramps for wheelchair access.

      Water supply, power supply, sanitary communications are provided by city networks. The supply of raw materials, semi-finished products is carried out by various suppliers of wholesale centers in the city of Vladivostok, with whom contracts are concluded and cash payments are made. Initial data for the design of a pizzeria are presented in table 1.1.

      1. Table 1.1 Initial data for the design of a pizzeria

      Enterprise type


Working hours

From 8.00 to 21.00

Service form

Waiter service

Range of products sold

Pizza - 9

          Cold appetizers - 6

First courses - 4

Second courses - 7

Composition of premises according to

SNiP-II-L. 8-71

Technological equipment

On electricity

Additional form of services, organization

Takeaway packaging

Ordering products by phone with delivery

Organization and holding of children's celebrations, holidays, anniversaries


When developing projects for various types of public catering establishments, a number of technological calculations are carried out in advance. These calculations make it possible to determine the production program of the projected enterprise, the number of employees, the types and quantities of technological equipment used, the area of \u200b\u200bindividual workshops, premises and the entire enterprise as a whole.

2.1 Drawing up a production program for a pizzeria

Determination of enterprise throughput

The number of consumers can be determined based on the hall load schedule or the turnover of seats during the day.

The number of consumers served for 1 hour of operation of the enterprise is determined by the formula:

N \u003d p φ X / 100, (2.1)

where N is the number of consumers served for 1 hour;

p-hall capacity (number of seats);

φ- turnover of a place in the hall during a given hour;

The calculation data are summarized in Table 2.1.

      Table 2.1 Schedule of loading of the trading floor of a pizzeria for 110 seats

Opening hours

Place turnover per hour, times

Average percentage of loading of the trading floor

Number of visitors, people

Determination of the number of dishes sold by the enterprise

The initial data for determining the number of dishes is the number of consumers and the coefficient of consumption of dishes.

              The total number of dishes is determined by the formula:

n \u003d N m, (2.2)

where n is the number of dishes sold by the enterprise during the day

N- number of consumers during the day

m is the coefficient of consumption of dishes (the sum of the coefficients of consumption of pizza, cold dishes and snacks, first courses, second hot dishes).

m \u003d m pizzas + m cold dishes and snacks + m first courses + m second courses

          m \u003d 0.8 + 0.3 + 0.4 + 0.5 \u003d 2.0.

          Calculation data are summarized in table 2.2.

          1. Table 2.2 Table of realization of dishes by pizzeria trading hours

Opening hours

Number of visitors

      Product range

Flour products

Cold meals and snacks

First meal

Second hot dishes

      Consumption coefficient

Total number of meals per day 3851

Determination of the required amount of purchased and other products

            Determination of the required number of purchased pizzeria products is presented in Table 2.3

            Table 2.3 Purchased pizzeria products


unit of measurement

Total number of people

Consumption rate per person

Percentage breakdown

Total number of products

Cold drinks:

Fruit water:



Mineral water:


      Natural juice



      Bread and bakery products:


Flour and confectionery products of our own production:

Sponge cake "Prague"

Sponge cake "Lakomka"

      Sweets, cookies

      Cookies "Tandem"

      bird's milk

Hot drinks:

Development of a production program for a pizzeria

          The calculated menu is a list of dish names indicating the output of the finished dish and the number of dishes. The data are presented in table 2.4.

      Table 2.4 Settlement menu of a pizzeria

              Name of dishes

Total number of dishes

Percentage casting

Number of dishes of this type

Labor intensity factor

Number of conventional dishes

"Palermo" (with eggplant)

Hawaiian (ham, pineapple)

"Bolones" (vegetable)

"Pantelia" (squid)

"Messina" (crab)

Foligno (ham)

"Avezziano" (mushroom)

Cold meals and snacks:

Sprats with egg

Pickled vegetables (eggplant, white cabbage, mushrooms)

Fresh cucumber salad, tomato, onion

Greek salad (fresh vegetables, olives, cheddar cheese)

Olivier salad

Parma salad (carrots, with garlic)

First meal:

Tomato soup with cauliflower

Broth with meatballs

Mushroom noodle soup

Solyanka national team

Second courses:

Sicilian fish

Fondue in Italian

Lasagna (beef, pork)

Pilaf with chicken

Pork chop with boiled rice

Calculation of the number of workers in the production of pizzeria

For each workshop of a public catering enterprise, the number of employees performing a particular job, technological operations related to the production and sale of products, and customer service must be determined. The calculation of the number of production workers in the shops can be determined by the norms of time (per unit finished products).

The number of production workers according to time norms is determined by the formula:

N1 \u003d Σ n / 3600 T λ, (2.3)

where N1 is the number of production workers directly employed in the production process, people;

n - the number of manufactured products per day, pcs., kg, dishes;

t is the time standard for the manufacture of a unit of product, s.

t \u003d K · 100, (2.4) where K is the labor intensity factor; 100 - the norm of time (in s) required for the preparation of the product, the labor intensity factor of which is 1;

T is the duration of the working day of each worker, s (T \u003d 7 - 7.2 hours or 8 - 8.2 hours);

λ- coefficient taking into account the growth of production labor (λ \u003d 1.14)

Calculation data are summarized in table 2.5

      Table 2.5 Calculation of the number of production workers in a pizzeria

Name of dishes

Number of dishes, g

Time rate (coefficient of labor intensity K 100)

The amount of time to cook the dish, sec

"Neopolitano" (combined)

"Palermo" (with eggplant)

Hawaiian (ham, pineapple)

"Bolones" (vegetable)

"Pantelia" (squid)

"Messina" (crab)

Foligno (ham)

"Avezziano" (mushroom)

Cold meals and snacks:

Sprats with egg

Pickled vegetables

          Fresh cucumber salad, tomato

          Greek salad"

Olivier salad

Parma salad

First meal:

Broth with meatballs

Mushroom noodle soup

Solyanka national team

Second courses:

Sicilian fish

Fondue in Italian

Lasagne (beef and pork)

Chopped chicken meatballs stuffed with mushrooms

Pilaf with chicken

Pork chop, boiled rice

We accept for work in a pizzeria: 8 people

Cold shop - 30% - 2 people

Hot shop - 40% - 4 people

Completion shop - 30% -2 people

The total number of production workers, taking into account weekends and holidays, vacations, sick days is determined by the formula:

N2 \u003d N1 K1, (2.5)

where K1 is a coefficient that takes into account weekends and holidays (K \u003d 1.32)

The number of employees (N2), taking into account weekends, holidays, vacations, days due to illness, is 9 people.

Calculation of raw materials

The calculation is made according to the formula

G \u003d qр n / 1000, (2.6)

where G is the mass of the product (item), kg;

qr is the mass of one portion of the product, g;

n- number of servings, pcs. or finished products, kg sold by the enterprise per day.

              Calculation data are presented in Appendix 1

Calculation of storage facilities

When designing warehouses for catering establishments, the amount of raw materials is determined, taking into account the shelf life. The useful area is determined by the formula:

S floor \u003d Q pr t xp / H, (2.7)

where Q pr is the daily consumption of raw materials, kg;

t хр - shelf life of raw materials, days;

S total \u003d ΣS floor / η, (2.8)

where S half is the area of \u200b\u200bthe useful area, m2;

η- utilization rate of dry pantries (η \u003d 0.4)

The calculation of the pantry of dry products is presented in table 2.6.

Table 2.6 Calculation of pantry dry products

Product name

Daily consumption of raw materials, kg

Shelf life, days

Useful area, m2

Green tea "Jasmine"

Black instant coffee "Maxim"

Wheat flour

Canned olives

Canned corn

Gherkins are canned.

Vegetable oil

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe dry storage room is 9 m2

The selection of equipment for the pantry of dry products is presented in table 2.7

Table 2.7 Selection of equipment for the pantry of dry products

Name of equipment

Type, brand of equipment

Dimensions, mm

Equipment unit area

Number of equipment

Equipment occupied area


Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe pantry of vegetables, calculated by the formulas (2.7), (2.8), is presented in table 2.8

Table 2.8 Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe pantry of vegetables

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe vegetable pantry is 5 m2

The selection of equipment for the area of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bpantry of vegetables is presented in table 2.9

Table 2.9 Selection of equipment for the area of \u200b\u200bthe vegetable pantry

Name of equipment

Type, brand of equipment

Dimensions, mm

Equipment units area, m2

Number of equipment

Equipment occupied area, m2


Hot shop calculation

        Hot shop production program

The production program of the hot shop is the range of prepared dishes and culinary products and their quantity sold per day. Hot shop operating hours from 9.00 to 21.00. The hot shop production program is presented in table 2.10

Table 2.10 Production program of the hot shop of the pizzeria

Name of dishes

Number of dishes, pcs

          Olivier salad

          Tomato soup with cauliflower

Broth with meatballs

Mushroom noodle soup

Solyanka national team

Sicilian fish

Fondue in Italian

Lasagne (beef and pork)

Chopped chicken meatballs stuffed with mushrooms

Pilaf with chicken

Pork chop, boiled rice

The basis for compiling this calculation is the hall load schedules and the calculation menu. The number of dishes sold for each hour of the enterprise is determined by the formula:

n h \u003d n q K, (2.9)

where n h is the number of dishes sold for 1 hour of the hall's work;

n q - the number of dishes sold for the whole day (determined from the calculated menu);

K is the conversion factor for a given hour, determined by the formula:

K \u003d N h / N q, (2.10)

where N h - the number of consumers served for 1 hour;

N q - the number of consumers served per day

These values \u200b\u200bare determined according to the hall load schedule. The sum of the conversion factors for all hours of the hall's opening should be equal to one, and the sum of dishes sold by the hours of the hall's opening, the number of dishes produced per day.

The value of the conversion factors for cold, sweet, second courses and drinks remains the same. The data are presented in table 2.11

Table 2.11 Schedule of sales of hot dishes, side dishes by pizzeria trading hours

Name of dishes

Number of dishes

Conversion factor

          Olivier salad

          Tomato soup with cauliflower

Broth with meatballs

Mushroom noodle soup

Solyanka national team

Sicilian fish

Fondue in Italian

Lasagne (beef and pork)

Chopped chicken meatballs stuffed with mushrooms

Pilaf with chicken

Pork chop, boiled rice

Calculation of the number of workers in the hot shop

The calculation of the number of workers in the hot shop of a pizzeria is carried out according to the norms of time per unit of finished product and is determined by the formula (2.3), presented in table 2.5

Calculation of auxiliary equipment

The calculation of the number of production tables is based on the number of people simultaneously working in the workshop and the length of the workplace per worker, according to the formula:

L \u003d N l, (2.11)

where N is the number of people simultaneously working in the shop;

l– length of the workplace per employee, m (1.25 m)

The number of tables is calculated using the formula:

N \u003d L / L st, (2.12)

where L st is the length of the accepted standard production tables

The calculation of production tables in the hot shop is presented in table. 2.12

Table 2.12 Calculation of production tables in the hot shop

the name of the operation

Number of persons

Table length norm, linear m

Estimated table length, linear m

      Overall dimensions, mm

      Accepted tables

Type, brand

Quantity, pcs

Dough shaping

We accept a table with a washing bath, brand SPM -1500 (1500x800x850), electronic portion scales - 1 piece

Calculation of refrigeration equipment

Refrigerating cabinets are designed to store the daily stock of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products in the workshop. Technological calculation is reduced to determining the required capacity of the equipment in accordance with the amount of products simultaneously stored. The required capacity can be determined by the weight of the products or their volume. Calculations are made according to the formulas:

E \u003d G / v; (2.13)

V \u003d G / ρ v, (2.14)

where E is the capacity of the cabinet, chamber, kg;

G is the mass of the product taking into account the shelf life, kg;

v - coefficient taking into account the mass of the container in which the products are stored and the degree of filling the volume of refrigeration equipment (0.7 - 0.8);

V is the useful volume of the cabinet, chamber, dmi;

ρ - product density, kg / dmi.

The mass of the product is calculated using the formula (2.6).

The calculation of the refrigerator is presented in the form of a table. 2.13

Table 2.13 Calculation of the refrigerator

Name of products, semi-finished products

Product weight, for 2 hours of work, kg

Product density

Useful volume, mі

Chicken egg

Minced chicken

Minced pork


We accept for installation a refrigerating cabinet ШХ-0.5 with dimensions (854x2064x884 mm)

        Calculation of cooking equipment

The calculation of the volume of boilers for cooking first courses is made for two hours of the most intense supply of dishes according to the formula:

V \u003d n V1 / k (2.15)

where V is the volume of the boiler (dm 3);

n is the number of first courses sold in 2 hours (pieces);

V 1 - the rate of the first course for one portion (dm 3);

The calculation is summarized in table 2.14

Table 2.14 Calculation of the volume of boilers for cooking first courses

Accepted for use pottery - stainless steel pots 10 l - 1 pc, 3 l - 4 pcs, 5 l - 1 pc

Calculation of the volume of boilers for cooking main courses and side dishes

The volume of cooking kettles for cooking cold dishes is calculated using the formula for cooking non-swelling foods:

V \u003d 1.15 Vprod, dmi (2.16)

The amount of water for cooking non-swellable products is taken into account with a coefficient equal to 1.15. The calculation of the volume of boilers for cooking cold dishes and side dishes is presented in table 2.15

Table 2.15 Calculation of the volume of dishes for non-swellable products

We accept stainless steel pots with a capacity of 3 l - 2 pcs, 5 l - 1 pc

Calculation of the boiler

For the production of hot drinks, it is necessary to calculate the volume of the boiler using the formula:

V \u003d Vhor bln / k, (2.17)

where V is the volume of the boiler (dm 3)

V gor bl . - the volume of one portion of the drink (dm 3)

n - the number of drink portions for the maximum hour of the trading floor (pcs.)

k - boiler fill factor (0.85)

The calculation is summarized in table 2.16

Table 2.16 Calculation of the boiler

Name of the drink

Servings per maximum hour (pcs.)

The volume of one portion (dm 3)

Fill factor

Boiler volume

    Technological project of reconstruction of the bakery shop of the cafe "Yunost": general characteristics of the enterprise, development of the production program, calculation and selection of equipment, determination of the shop area; organization and requirements for labor protection of employees.

    The role of mass food in the life of society. Development of the catering industry. Menu of the Vstrecha cafe enterprise. Organization of production of finished products in a cold shop. Payment total dishes sold per day and their breakdown by assortment.

    Characteristics of the projected enterprise. Calculation of the sale of dishes by the hours of the trading floor. Calculation of refrigeration equipment. Payment work force and scheduling an exit job. Selection of kitchen utensils. Calculation of the useful and total area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop.

    Premises for receiving and storing food. Maintaining on necessary level stocks of raw materials, products. Store goods in accordance with scientifically sound storage conditions. Release of products according to the established schedule. Calculation of raw materials for the restaurant menu.

    Description of the enterprise and hot shop. Technological calculations of the hot shop. Development of the production program of the enterprise. Drawing up tables of product sales. Determination of the operating mode of the workshop and the number of employees.

    Consideration of the location of the enterprise catering, its main activities. Assessment of technical equipment and operating mode of the meat and fish department. Development of a technological process for the production of a signature dish "Kokil iz sturgeon".

    Drawing up the production program of the projected restaurant. Determination of the number of consumers, the number of dishes. Drawing up a settlement menu and a schedule of hourly sales of dishes. Calculation of cooking equipment. Features of the organization of the hot shop.

    Using achievements modern science about nutrition, advanced technology and high-performance equipment, the catering enterprise - cafe "1001 nights" has great opportunities to provide the population with high-quality food.

    Public catering enterprises perform the functions of production, sale, organization of consumption of culinary products by the population in specially organized places. To improve the enterprise, a project was developed for the flour shop of the cafe "Kalachik" with a phyto-bar.

    Drawing up a cafe menu and calculating raw materials, calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe cold shop and the number of its employees. Arrangement of mechanical, refrigeration and auxiliary equipment... Determination of area office space and drawing up a raw material sheet.

    general characteristics enterprises. Characteristics of the premises: meat and fish, vegetable, cold, confectionery department. Development of a production program. Layout, arrangement of equipment in the workshop. Sanitary norms and rules. Staff.

    Manufacturing program canteen at industrial enterprise... Drawing up a settlement menu (number and list of dishes). Calculation of the costs of raw materials and semi-finished products. Technological process and necessary equipment butcher shop this enterprise.

    Development of a production program for public catering enterprises. Determination of the number of dishes sold. Drawing up a planning and settlement menu. Hot shop production program. Determination of the hot shop area, principles of its layout.

    Description of the enterprise (children's cafe with 50 seats). Technological calculation to determine the number of people who eat using the load factor of the halls. Drawing up a schedule for the sale of dishes, determining the consumed raw materials. Calculation of the total and occupied area.

    Organization of the technological process of processing raw materials and the production of semi-finished products at a public catering enterprise. Determination of the production program of the meat shop, the output of semi-finished products and waste. Equipment selection. Labor force calculation.

    Characteristics of the canteen of the educational institution. Organization of distribution of finished products and customer service. Determination of the number of dishes and drinks sold in the hall. Calculation of the useful and total area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop. Selection of equipment for the vegetable shop.

    Characteristics of the projected enterprise. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe hot shop and the specifics of the equipment. Calculation of the total number of dishes and their breakdown by assortment. Scheduling the implementation of dishes. Calculation of the number of personnel (cooks) in the hot shop.

    Production program for the canteen, determination of the number of consumers. The total number of dishes for the checkout day. Drawing up a settlement menu. Selection of equipment, tools, utensils and inventory. Routing on a roll of chicken "Nourishing".

    The snack bar is a catering establishment. Calculation of the number of visitors, the number of dishes, the number of production workers and the area of \u200b\u200bthe hot shop. Development of a diner menu plan, space-planning and sanitary and hygienic requirements.

    Calculation of the production program of the canteen. Drawing up a menu plan based on the minimum assortment (with a free choice of dishes) and two options for set meals. Technological calculations and equipment selection. Selection of kitchen utensils, inventory.


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3.1 Calculation of the production program of the cafe

Calculation of the number of visitors

The production program of a public catering enterprise operating on raw materials is a daily settlement menu for the implementation of dishes in the hall of this enterprise:

The number of visitors served in one hour of the enterprise's work N hour, people, is determined by the formula:

where P is the capacity of the hall, seats;

c - turnover of seats in the hall during a given hour;

We calculate the number of consumers in the form of table 3.1.

Table 3.1 - Calculation of the number of cafe visitors

Opening hours

Place turnover per hour, times.

Number of visitors, people

Conversion factor

Calculation of the number of dishes

The number of dishes sold by the enterprise during the day n, pieces, is determined by the formula:

where N is the number of visitors per day, people;

m is the coefficient of food consumption (for a cafe of a general type m \u003d 2.5).

711 * 1.5 \u003d 1067 pcs.

Breakdown of meals into groups

The breakdown of the total number of dishes into separate groups and the intragroup distribution of dishes by main products are made in accordance with the standard percentage breakdown according to this type of enterprise - cafe. We arrange the breakdown of dishes in the form of table 3.2.

Table 3.2 - Breakdown of meals into groups

Calculation of the amount of other products according to consumption rates per person. Consumption rates are also standard and are determined by the standards corresponding to this type of enterprise. Calculate the amount of other products in the form of table 3.3.

Table 3.3 - Calculation of the number of products according to consumption rates

Product name

Rate for one person, g, l, pcs.

Total product quantity, kg, l, pcs.

Hot drinks, incl.

71.10 (356 ports)

Tea with sugar, %

7.11 (36 ports)

49.77 (249 port)

14.22 (71 ports)

Cold drinks, l, including

49.77 (249 port)

drink own production

fruit water

mineral water

natural juice

Bread and bakery products, g


Fruit, kg

Cookies, kg

Sweets, kg

Wine and vodka products, l

We make the calculation menu based on the calculations performed and using the recipe book. When drawing up a menu plan, it is necessary to take into account the assortment minimum that corresponds to this type of enterprise - a cafe that positions itself as a cafe-pizzeria, presented in table 4.

Table 3.4 - Assortment minimum for cafes - pizzerias

In accordance with the above calculations, a settlement menu (with a free choice of dishes) is drawn up for the summer-autumn period. The cafe menu plan is shown in table 3.5.

Table 3.5 - Plan-menu of the cafe - pizzeria "Winter Garden"

Recipe book number

Name of dishes

Number of dishes, pcs.

Classic pizza

Pizza with onions and tomatoes

Pizza from Nice

Hunting pizza

Pizza with mushrooms

Pizza with onions

Bull's Eye Pizza

Pizza with curd

Pizza with salami

Pizza with ham

Pizza with sausage

Pizza "Tarantella"

Cold meals and snacks

Herring in Russian

(served with boiled potatoes, onions, herbs, olives)

Boiled tongue

(served on lettuce with fresh vegetables, horseradish and herbs)

Assorted vegetables

(tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, radishes and herbs. Served on lettuce leaves)

Greek salad"

(red onion, olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, green salad, sweet pepper, feta cheese, dressing. Decorated with herbs and olives)

Mushroom stuffed tomatoes

(served on lettuce leaves, decorated with a sprig of herbs)

Assorted pickles "Cellar"

(sauerkraut, pickled tomatoes, lightly salted cucumbers, pickled chili peppers, wild garlic, pickled garlic. Served on lettuce with a sprig of herbs)

Olives (served with a sprig of herbs)

Olives (served with a sprig of herbs)

First meal

Chicken broth transparent

with french fries

Sweet dishes

Fruits in assortment

(any combination at the request of the customer)

Lemon with sugar

Ice cream "Grand"

(ice cream, banana, rafaello, hazelnut, coconut syrup, canned pineapple)

Fruit and berry ice cream with dessert wine

Hot drinks

Black coffee

Black coffee with lemon and liqueur

Black coffee with cream

Milk coffee

Hot chocolate

Tea with lemon

Tea with milk

Green tea

Fruit tea

Cold drinks

Fresh orange

Fresh lemon

Fresh grapefruit

Pomegranate juice

Iced coffee (with ice cream)

Rosehip drink

Milk chocolate cocktail

Coffee-apple cocktail

Pineapple cruchon

Wheat bread

Compiled by: production manager: ______________ / full name /

Approved by: Director: ________________________ / Full name /

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In public catering establishments with a free choice, the total number of dishes sold in trading floor, is calculated by formula (3.2). n \u003d N m (3.2) where n is the number of dishes of this assortment group, pcs. N is the total number of consumers ...

Organization development technical process production of products in the canteen during production

3.1.1 Compilation of the hall load table and determination of the number of consumers The number of consumers in each hour of the enterprise's work, people, is determined from the hall load table according to the formula:, (3 ...

Technology of preparation of oriental sweets

Production program different types catering enterprises - pre-cooking and working on raw materials (canteens, restaurants, cafes, etc.) - is a calculated menu for the implementation of dishes in the hall of this enterprise and supply of buffets ...

At this enterprise, a workshop structure is organized, since for the production of products of a certain assortment or for the implementation of one or another stage of the technological process in a cafe-snack bar, workshops are organized:

Hot shop, cold shop, as well as a banquet hall.

The production process at this enterprise consists of the following stages:

· Reception and storage of products and semi-finished products;

· Treatment certain types semi-finished products;

· Manufacturing of finished products and decoration of dishes;

· Sales of products and customer service.

The number of potential consumers per day is determined based on the schedule of the dining room's occupancy during the day.

The number of consumers is determined according to the loading schedule

(Ng, people) for each hour of work according to the formula:

P - number of seats in the hall, seats;

t is the average time of food intake by one consumer, min;

(for a restaurant - 60 minutes, for a bar - 40 minutes, for a cafe - 30 minutes, for a dining room - 20 minutes, for a snack bar - 15 minutes)

60 - number of minutes, min.

Кз - the average coefficient of the room occupancy per hour, (for a restaurant - 0.05, for a bar - 0.07, for a cafe - 0.1 for a canteen - 0.25, for a snack bar - 0.4);

Diner cafe hall load schedule

Table 6

Total: 199 people

Knowing the number of consumers during the day (Ng) and the coefficient of food consumption (m), we determine the number of sold dishes (n) for each meal and in general for the day using the formula:

n \u003d 19 * 3.0 \u003d 57 dishes

n \u003d 137 * 3.2 \u003d 438 dishes

n \u003d 43 * 2.0 \u003d 86 dishes

Total number of meals sold by the cafe per day: 581

Development and justification of the production program of the restaurant

Features of European cuisine

First of all European cuisine? varied. For its dishes are characteristic:

the use of a large number of vegetables and fruits - on their basis, real masterpieces of appetizers, first and hot dishes are created.

adding sauces - they will be a great addition to any dish.

meat base - Europeans have never been inclined to vegetarianism, and therefore have reached culinary heights in cooking different types meat.

The basis of the production program of the Minutka cafe-snack bar is the settlement menu for the sale of finished products.

The production program is drawn up in accordance with the estimated capacity of the enterprise (the number of seats, the volume of products sold) and the menu plan. The production program reflects the release of all types of products of its own production, which determines the need for raw materials, semi-finished products. When developing a production program, the number of dishes is determined:

sold through the dining room (80 seats);

sold outside the enterprise;

sold through the banquet hall (30 seats);

meals for staff.

The number of consumers per day is determined on the basis of the loading schedule of the hall or the turnover of seats during the day.

According to the hall load schedule, the number of consumers (Ng, people) is determined for each hour of work according to the formula (1):

where Nch is the number of consumers served in 1 hour;

Р - the capacity of the hall;

Y- turnover of seats in the hall during a given hour;

Let us determine the number of people from 12 to 13 h using the formula (1):

We summarize the calculation data in Table 3.

Table 3 - Schedule of loading the hall of the cafe "Minutka" for 80 seats

Places turnover in 1 hour

Number of persons

General hall

Business lunch

General hall

Business lunch

General hall

Business lunch

The main thing in the development of a production program is the preparation of the menu. When compiling the menu, one should rely on the recommendation GOST R 50762-2007 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises ". The calculated menu is compiled according to the current collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, taking into account the characteristics of the chosen cuisine, the assortment minimum for the restaurant, the seasonality of the products, the variety of dishes, the methods of heat treatment, the peculiarities of the tastes of the local population, climatic conditions... The menu with free choice of dishes is presented in table 4.

Menu with a free choice of dishes at the Minutka cafe-snack bar

Table 4

Name of the dish

Signature dishes

Minutka salad

Signature fish recipe

Fish in European style

Steamed sturgeon with mushrooms and sauce

Pork on the bone

Signature recipe for cooking meat with sweet sauce

Cold meals and snacks

Pancakes with red caviar

Red caviar, pancakes, butter

Fish slicing

Herring with potatoes

Slicing meat

Homemade jelly

Assorted vegetable caviar

Caviar from: courgettes, eggplant and mushrooms

Assorted mushroom with butter

Milk mushrooms with sour cream


Boiled cod, potatoes, tomatoes, lingonberries

Herring salad



Ham, salted mushrooms, radish

The vinaigrette

Classic vegetable recipe


Boiled turnip, green onion, spicy dressing


Potatoes, beets, apples, horseradish

"Mushroom glade"

Pickled mushrooms, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes

Ural cabbage soup

Moscow borsch

Leningrad rassolnik

Solyanka fish

Meat solyanka

Fish soup

Mushroom soup

Pea soup

Hot meals

"Golden carp"

Crucian carps baked in sour cream

Royal fish

Fish zrazy with prunes

To calculate the production program, it is necessary to draw up a menu and calculate the number of dishes sold through the banquet hall Ї table 5, the banquet starts at 16-00, the number of guests is 30 people.

Table 5 - Banquet menu for 30 people

Name of dishes

Servings, pcs.

Cold meals and snacks

Pancakes with red caviar

Red caviar, pancakes, butter

Fish slicing

Muksun cold-smoked, sturgeon balyk, s / s nelma

Slicing meat

Tongue, pork, lamb, beef

Assorted mushroom with butter

Milk mushrooms with sour cream

Severny salad

Cod, potatoes, tomatoes, lingonberries

"Autumn" salad

Ham, pickled cucumbers, green peas

Hot meals

Chicken Kiev

Royal fish

Muksun fried piece with crafty rings

Fried pickled chicken

Potato cutlets

Fried zucchini

Sweet dishes

Cranberry jelly

Cottage cheese with honey

Bakery products

Wheat bun

Rye bun

Cranberry drink

Lingonberry drink

During the daytime, the snack bar provides a business lunch menu service. The operating mode for this menu is from 12-00 to 15-00. The menu of the meat-and-fish business lunch of the Minutka cafe-snack bar is presented in table 6. The menu of the vegetarian business lunch is in table 7.

Table 6 - Menu of the meat and fish business lunch

Name of the dish

Dish output, g

Serving amount, pcs.

Herring salad

Herring, potatoes, cucumbers, apples

"Autumn" salad

Ham, pickled cucumbers, green peas

Petrovsky cabbage soup

Moscow borsch

Hot meals

Fish zrazy with prunes

Natural chop cutlet

Baked potatoes with cheese

Fried potatoes with mushrooms

Sweet dishes

Cottage cheese with honey

Baked apples with jam

Flour dishes

Pancakes with honey

Pancakes with jam

Bakery products

Wheat bun

Rye bun

Own beverages

Cranberry drink

Lingonberry drink

Table 7 - Vegetarian Business Lunch Menu

A menu for lunch and dinner has been prepared for the staff's meals. Lunch takes place from 15-00 to 16-00, dinner - from 20-00 to 21-00. To calculate the production program, we accept the number of personnel - 20 people. Personnel catering menu is presented in Table 8.

Table 8 - Personnel nutrition menu

Next, you need to determine the number of dishes that will be sold according to the menu with a free choice of dishes. The calculation is based on the percentage of each dish group for a specific culinary product and dish. The data are summarized in Table 9.

Number of dishes sold à la carte with a free choice of dishes

Table 9

Name of the dish

Percentage of the total number of dishes,%

Number of dishes from this group, pcs.

Signature dishes

Minutka salad

Fish like a merchant

Pork on the bone

Cold meals and snacks

Pancakes with red caviar

Fish slicing

Herring with potatoes

Slicing meat

Homemade jelly

Sauerkraut with lingonberries

Assorted vegetable caviar

Assorted mushroom

Milk mushrooms with sour cream


Herring salad



The vinaigrette



"Mushroom glade"

Ural cabbage soup

Moscow borsch

Leningrad rassolnik

Solyanka fish

Meat solyanka

Fish soup

Mushroom soup

Pea soup

Hot meals

"Golden carp"

Fish stew with mushrooms and onions

Royal fish

Fish zrazy with prunes

Natural chop cutlet

Chicken Kiev

Fried pickled chicken

Dumplings with cottage cheese

Preparation of baked goods and semi-finished products for retail sale trading network and through the cafeteria takes place in the morning, in quantity, according to the order - the order. Outfit - the order is presented in table 10.

Table 10- Attire - order for products sold through a retail network and through a cafeteria

Name of the doc

Name of semi-finished products

Outside the enterprise


Implementation hours

Siberian dumplings

Dumplings with mushrooms

Siberian Shanga

Carols with cottage cheese




Meat kulebyaka with rice and egg

Fish kulebyaka with potatoes

Pie with apples

Pie with potatoes and mushrooms

Homemade aspic with garlic

Sauerkraut with lingonberries


Herring salad



The vinaigrette



"Mushroom glade"


Fish zrazy with prunes

Natural chop cutlet

Chicken Kiev

Fried pickled chicken

Based on the calculations, we draw up the production program of the enterprise. It indicates the number of dishes sold at the enterprise and through the retail network. The production program is presented in table 11.

Table 11 - Production program of the Minutka cafe-snack bar

Regulatory document

Name of the dish

Restaurant hall

Meat business lunch

Business lunch vegetarian

Staff food


Retail network

Signature dishes

Matryoshka salad

Merchant-style fish

Pork on the bone

Cold meals and snacks

Pancakes with red caviar

Fish cutting

Herring with potatoes

Slicing meat

Homemade aspic with garlic

Sauerkraut with lingonberries

Assorted vegetable caviar

Assorted mushroom with fragrant butter

Milk bags with sour cream


Herring salad



The vinaigrette



"Mushroom glade"

Ural cabbage soup

Moscow borsch

Leningrad rassolnik

Solyanka fish

Meat solyanka

Fish soup

Mushroom soup

Pea soup

Hot meals

"Golden carp"

Fish stew with mushrooms and onions

Fish royally

Fish zrazy with prunes

Natural chop cutlet

Chicken Kiev

Fried pickled chicken

According to the production program, on the settlement day the enterprise produces 6526 dishes and flour culinary products, as well as 165 kg of frozen semi-finished products.

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Catering plays an important role in people's lives. They most fully satisfy the nutritional needs of people. Food enterprises perform functions such as production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products by the population in specially organized places. Catering companies carry out their own economic activity and in this respect do not differ from other enterprises. Food for the population is organized mainly by small private enterprises.
Hundreds of people use the canteen services every day. To open a canteen, you need to know the correct organization of its work and workshops. Therefore, the chosen topic is relevant.
The purpose of the course project is:
- deepening, generalization, systematization and consolidation of the acquired knowledge and practical skills.
Objectives of the course project:
- development of creative initiative, independence and organization;
- formation of skills to use reference and regulatory documentation;
- to fully reveal the work of the canteen;
- show all calculations;
- draw up a work schedule;
- to sum up the results of the course project.
1. Characteristics of the canteen and cold shop

On industrial production in order to create favorable social conditions and provide workers with hot meals (including those working in dispersed and small groups), catering establishments are provided.
A promising direction in the work of public catering enterprises in industrial production is to increase the efficiency of using seats in the hall of the enterprise and increase the proportion of consumers using public catering services by organizing services for the population living in nearby areas and other consumers.
When designing public catering establishments with manufacturing enterprises and institutions are guided by SNiP 2.09.04-87 “Administrative and domestic buildings. Design standards ".
A canteen is a public catering establishment or a catering establishment serving a certain contingent of consumers, producing and selling dishes in accordance with a menu that is varied every day.
The canteen catering service is a service for the production of culinary products, varied by day of the week or special meals for different groups serviced contingent, as well as to create conditions for the sale and consumption at the enterprise.
Canteens are distinguished:
- by the range of products sold - public type and dietary;
- by the served contingent of consumers;
- by location - public, at the place of work.
Catering establishments can be built-in and located in detached buildings. They include the following groups of premises:
- retail space (dining room with hand-out, buffet, lobby, dressing room and washbasin for visitors);
- production premises (hot shop, bread slicer, meat - fish, vegetable and cold preparation, washing, chef's room);
- warehouses (cooling chambers for meat, fish, milk, pantries for dry products, inventory, linen, loading);
- administrative and household premises (office, director's office, staff room, dressing room, showers and restrooms for staff);
- technical rooms (ventilation chamber, switchboard, boiler room, heating unit).
At specialized enterprises selling a small range of cold snacks, a separate workplace in a common production area. Cold shops are designed for the preparation, portioning and decoration of cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and cold soups. The products used for cooking are not subjected to secondary heat treatment before being released, therefore, strict sanitary requirements must be observed in the workshop: products used for cooking must be stored in refrigerated cabinets or chambers at a temperature not higher than 6-8 gr .; utensils and utensils must be marked and used for their intended purpose; In accordance with technological process workplaces for processing raw and boiled vegetables, gastronomic meat and fish products, portioning of dishes, etc. should be clearly delineated; salads, vinaigrettes, sandwiches should be prepared only in batches and sold within one hour; observe the temperature regime of storage and dispensing of cold dishes (10-14 gr.).
The production program of the shop (plan-menu) includes the range and quality of prepared dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and cold drinks. The dining room employs cooks of the 3rd, 4th and 5th categories.
To fulfill the production program in the workshop, workplaces are provided, which are equipped with equipment, utensils and implements, depending on the type of technological and production operations performed.
Consider the organization of jobs.
At the workplace for cutting raw and boiled vegetables, they include: a bath for washing fresh vegetables or a table with a built-in washing bath; production tables for cutting vegetables, cutting boards, chef knives and functional containers. In the mass production of simple salads for the complexes, the P-2 universal drive with interchangeable mechanisms for cutting raw and boiled vegetables and mixing salads is used. In addition, it is possible to install an MROV-160 machine for cutting boiled vegetables on the production table. Vegetables are cut by cooks of the 3rd category, and salads are prepared by cooks of the 4th category.
The second workplace is organized for cooking dishes from gastronomic meat and fish products. Cutting of products is carried out on cutting boardusing the middle knife of the chef's troika. The proportioned pieces of products are placed in functional containers and placed in a refrigerator.
If a large number of dishes are made from gastronomic products, then it is advisable to use the MRG-300A machine for cutting ham, sausage, cheese. It is installed on the table for small-scale mechanization equipment SPM-1500.
The third workplace is intended for portioning and serving dishes to the dispenser and is equipped with a production table with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide and a rack for installation ready meals for implementation. The slide is designed to store pre-prepared products (canned fruits, parsley, lemons, etc.) used to decorate dishes.
In the summer at catering establishments in great demand they use cold (vegetable, meat) and fruit soups. For cold soups, vegetables and meat are cooked in a hot workshop. After cooling, they are cut by hand into cubes or strips. Green onions are cut by hand using the UN3 device. Soup serving temperature 10-12 gr.
In a cold shop, special attention should be paid to exemplary sanitary order at the workplace and personal hygiene, compliance with the rules of commodity neighborhood, the timing of the sale of sweet dishes, since they can serve as a breeding ground for the development of microorganisms.
2. Technological part

2.1 Development of the canteen production program

The production program of various types of enterprises is a calculated menu for the sale of dishes in the hall of this enterprise and the supply of buffets, culinary stores and delivery of meals at home.
The calculated menu is a list of dish names indicating the output of the finished dish and the number of dishes. To create a menu, you must:
1. Determine the number of consumers. The total number of consumers per day (according to the hall load schedule) is determined as the sum of the number of consumers served in 1 hour of the enterprise's work. The number of consumers served for 1 hour of the enterprise's work is determined by the formula:
Nh \u003d (P * Rh * Xh) / 100, (1)
where P is the capacity of the hall, people;
Rч - turnover of seats in the hall during a given hour;
Хч - hall load at the given hour,%.
Total number of consumers per day:
Nd \u003d? Nh. (2)
Calculations are made in the form of a table:
Table 1
Determining the number of canteen consumers

Opening hours
Place turnover in 1 hour, times Number
consumers for 1 hour (Nh)
Dish recalculation factor (CZK)
Nh \u003d (60 * 2.5 * 30) / 100 \u003d 45.
We determine the number of consumers in order to draw up a calculation menu.
The total number of consumers per day (taking into account the turnover of seats in the hall during the day) is calculated by the formula:
Nd \u003d P * Rd, (3)
where Nd is the number of consumers served during the day,
P is the capacity of the hall, the number of seats,
Rd - turnover of a place in the hall during the day
Nd \u003d 60 * 5 \u003d 300.
It follows from the calculations that about 300 people will visit the dining room in one day.
The coefficient for recalculating dishes for a given hour is determined by the formula:
Kch \u003d Nh / Nd, (4)
where Np is the number of consumers served per 1 hour of the enterprise's operation, Nd is the total number of consumers per day.
K12-13 \u003d 45/300 \u003d 0.15;
K13-14 \u003d 135/300 \u003d 0.45.
2. Determination of the total number of dishes and the number of dishes by groups.
The total number of dishes is determined by the formula:
nd \u003d Nd * m, (5)
where Nd is the number of consumers served during the day,
m is the coefficient of food consumption. The value of the coefficient of consumption of dishes for this type of enterprise is taken from the reference book:
nд \u003d 300 * 3 \u003d 900.
The breakdown of the total number of dishes into separate groups (cold dishes, soups, second hot and sweet dishes), as well as the intragroup distribution of dishes by main products (fish, meat, vegetables) is carried out in accordance with the table of the percentage of different groups of dishes in the range of products manufactured enterprise.
We draw up the calculation results in the form of a table:
table 2
Determination of the number of dishes by groups and assortment
Approximate% ratio
Number of dishes
(estimated) for
inclusion in the menu
of the total
from this group
of the total
from this group
Cold meals and snacks:
fish and meat salads
milk and
fermented milk
filling stations
Second hot dishes:
fish and meat
vegetables and cereals
egg and curd
Sweet food and hot drinks
We determine the number of dishes by groups and assortment to compile a calculated menu.
Based on the data obtained, we draw up a settlement menu according to the current Collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products. When compiling it, we take into account the season, type and specialization of the enterprise.
We draw up the calculation menu in the form of a table:
Table 3. Dining room estimated menu
Dish recipe number
Name of dishes
Output, g
Cold meals and snacks

№ 47 (/96)
Fish salad
№ 51 (/96)
Meat salad
№ 57 (/96)
Fish cocktail salad
№ 644 (/96)
Boiled milk
Sour cream

№ 217 (/97)
Chicken broth
№ 116 (/96)
Ukrainian borsch
№ 167 (/96)
Vegetable puree soup
Second hot dishes

№ 312 (/96)

№ 375 (/96)
Beef stroganoff
№ 465 (/96)
boiled rice
№ 472 (/96)
Mashed potatoes
№ 283 (/96)
Fried eggs with ham
№ 297 (/96)
Cottage cheese casserole
Sweet food and hot drinks

№ 719 (/97)
Orange mousse
№ 746 (/97)
№ 756 (/97)
- rye
- wheat
Next, we draw up the production program of the workshop.
Table 4. The production program of the cold shop in the canteen
Name of dishes
Output, g
Fish salad
Meat salad
Fish cocktail salad
Boiled milk
Sour cream
Chicken broth
Ukrainian borsch
Vegetable puree soup
Fried pike perch with onions in Leningrad style
boiled rice
Mashed potatoes
Fried eggs with ham
Cottage cheese casserole
Orange mousse
The production program serves as the basis for further calculations. The production program was made taking into account the leave to buffets and the service menu.
2.2 Compilation of sales tablescoldworkshops

For subsequent technological calculations, we draw up a table of the sale of ready-made dishes by the opening hours of the hall. The basis for compiling this calculation is the hall load schedule and the calculation menu. The number of dishes sold for each hour of operation of the enterprise is determined by the formula:
Пч \u003d Пд * Кч, (6)
where Pd is the number of dishes sold for the whole day (determined from the calculated menu),
Кч - recalculation factor for a given hour.
We calculate the table of the sale of dishes from the cold shop in the diner hall to determine the number of workers in the shop.
Table 5

Food delivery in the hall of the enterprise (by opening hours)

Name of the dish
Number of meals sold per day

Allocation factor


Number of dishes sold within 1 hour
Fish salad
Meat salad
Fish cocktail salad
Boiled milk
Sour cream
Chicken broth
Ukrainian borsch
Vegetable puree soup
Fried pike perch with onions in Leningrad style
Beef stroganoff
boiled rice
Mashed potatoes
Scrambled eggs with ham
Cottage cheese casserole
Orange mousse

2.3 Determination of the operating mode of the workshop and the number of production workers, drawing up a timetable for going to work

The number of workers in the workshop can be calculated according to the time rates and production rates. The calculation according to the norms of time is made according to the formula:

N 1 =?
n * t
2 , (7)

3600 * T *TO

Where n is the number of products (or dishes) of each item made per day, pcs., Kg., Dishes;
t is the time standard for the manufacture of a unit of the product, s; t \u003d K * 100;
T is the duration of the working day of each worker, h
(T \u003d 7 ... 7.2 h or 8 ... 8.2 h)
K is the coefficient taking into account the growth of labor productivity (K \u003d 1.14).
The total number of production workers, taking into account weekends and holidays, vacation and sick days is determined by the formula
N 2 \u003d N 1 * K 1, (8)
where K 1 is a coefficient that takes into account weekends and holidays; the values \u200b\u200bof the coefficient depend on the working hours of the enterprise and the working hours of the employee.
Table 6. Coefficient valueK 1
The company operates 5 days a week. Working hours production worker - 5 days a week with two days off. K 1 \u003d 1.13
We draw up the calculation of the number of workers in the workshop in the form of a table.
Table 7
Calculation of the number of workers in the cold shop in the canteen

Name of dishes
Number of dishes per day, pcs.
Labor intensity factor
Time spent on cooking (n * t), s
Time rate (N 1)
Fish salad
Meat salad
Fish cocktail salad
Boiled milk
Sour cream
Chicken broth
Ukrainian borsch
Vegetable puree soup
Fried pike perch with onions in Leningrad style
boiled rice
Mashed potatoes
Fried eggs with ham
Cottage cheese casserole
Orange mousse
We calculate the number of employees in order to draw up a timetable for starting work.
Let's determine the number of employees, taking into account weekends and holidays, vacations and sick days:
N 2 \u003d 2 * 1.13 \u003d 2.26.
In the cold shop, 2 people work daily, taking into account weekends and holidays.
A properly developed and observed work and rest regime at the enterprise ensures an increase in labor productivity, an improvement in the quality of supplied products, and reduces industrial injuries.
We draw up a schedule for going to work.
4. Organizational part

4 .1 Technological calculation and selection of equipment

4.1.1 Mechanical
Based on the norms for equipping public catering establishments, without calculation, we accept for installation a universal drive PX-0.6 with a set of replaceable mechanisms.
Complete set with replaceable actuators:
1. For cutting boiled vegetables - МС18-160
2. Whipping - MS -20
3. For cutting raw vegetables - МС 27 - 40
4. For mixing salads, vinaigrettes - MC25-200
5. Ice cream machine - МС 6-10
6. Juicer - МС 3-40
The drive is installed on a tubular support, bolted to it and consists of a coaxial two-stage spur gearbox with an electric motor flanged to it, covered by a common sheet steel casing. A push-button station is mounted on the side of the drive housing to control the operation of the drive magnetic starter.
4. 1. 2 refrigerated
For short-term storage of perishable food in production workshops refrigerated cabinets and tables-sections are used with a refrigerated cabinet.
Table 8
Determining the volume of dishes and snacks to be stored

Name of dishes and snacks
Weight of one portion, g
Weight of products, kg
kg / dm 3
semi-finished rikata,
dm 3
Fish salad
Meat salad
Fish cocktail salad
Boiled milk
Sour cream
Chicken broth
Ukrainian borsch
Vegetable puree soup
Fried pike perch with onions in Leningrad style
boiled rice
Mashed potatoes
Fried eggs with ham
Cottage cheese casserole
Orange mousse
Refrigerating cabinets are installed in all shops, their technological calculation is reduced to determining the useful volume, or capacity, of the cabinet (m 3) according to the formula:
? v
V p. \u003d? , (9)
where G is the mass of the product (item), kg;
? - bulk density of the product (product), kg / m 3;
v - coefficient taking into account the tare weight ( v=0,7…0,8).
V p \u003d 14.1 / 0.7 \u003d 20 dm 3 \u003d 0.2 m 3.
Using the reference book, I picked up a refrigerating cabinet ШХ - 0.4 M (Table 9).
Table 9
Specifications, etc .................