Location of workshops in a restaurant. Requirements for the arrangement of public catering establishments. Manufacturing process documentation

It is difficult to imagine a modern service sector without catering. Restaurants, cafes, canteens hospitably open their doors to numerous visitors, trying to attract them with impeccable cuisine, quality service and affordable prices. Statistics show that the network of public catering establishments and the number of visitors to them are increasing every year. This industry is extremely interesting for investors and those who wish to start their own business.

However, despite all its attractiveness, the food industry is a labor-intensive and energy-consuming production that requires considerable financial investments. And you can get real returns only if you correctly organize the production process, choose the right technological equipment catering and to organize the production of high-quality products that are in steady demand among consumers.

Development of the menu, production program and raw material stocks

The menu of a catering company is not just a list of dishes offered to visitors. Here, first of all, they take into account the interests of the serviced contingent, reveal their preferences, as well as financial capabilities. The menu should be in demand, popular and as diverse as possible, where each visitor can choose what he likes.

Based on the menu and the number of visitors that are planned to be served during the working day, a production program is drawn up, where, according to the investment rates, the required amount of raw materials per shift is calculated. Based on these data, and taking into account the shelf life of products, the optimal stock of the volume of raw materials required by the enterprise for rhythmic work is determined. They draw up contracts with suppliers, develop a delivery schedule, and organize uncooled and refrigerated warehouses for storing goods.

Organization of warehouse operations

Warehouses, in which the necessary stock of raw materials is stored, should be located in a single block, which will ensure convenient acceptance and release to the blank workshops. Recommended warehouse area - 15-20% of the total area of \u200b\u200benterprises. Correct organization of storage facilities allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality;
  • ensuring storage in accordance with all sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • maintaining stocks of raw materials at an optimal level.

Temperature and humidity in warehouses must be maintained within acceptable limits, and to ensure the frequency of air exchange, natural or mechanical ventilation is provided. Here they install warehouse equipment, commodity scales, as well as all the necessary equipment that is required to check the quality of the goods and release them for production. The main warehouse equipment, racks and podtovoy are intended for placement and storage of goods, and for the mechanization of processes of acceptance and dispensing, it is advisable to equip warehouses with mobile carts.

For storage of perishable products in warehouses, refrigeration equipment is provided, the number of which and the volume of refrigerated chambers depend on the amount of raw materials to be stored. The main types of refrigeration equipment installed in warehouses: cold rooms and refrigerated cabinets, as well as freezers for those products that require low-temperature storage.

Organization of production workshops

Procurement catering enterprises with a full cycle of processing raw materials contain in their composition: meat, vegetable, flour or confectionery shops, as well as hot and cold, where the direct preparation of dishes is carried out. In precooking enterprises operating on semi-finished products, the production process is organized in the semi-finished product preparation shop, in which a flour department can be organized.

For each workshop, a production program is developed, the heads of the shops or foremen receive the necessary raw materials at the warehouse, deliver them to the workshop and distribute duties between the chefs responsible for the preparation of one or another product. Raw materials undergo primary processing, after which all the technological stages necessary for the preparation of semi-finished products are carried out. The prepared semi-finished products are placed in a functional container and sent to a hot or cold workshop, where, after final processing, they are brought to full culinary readiness. The rational organization of the hot shop directly depends on the well-coordinated work of the blank shops. The technological equipment of the hot shop is installed here, with the use of which all types of heat treatment are performed.

The cold shop receives products, both heat-treated and not heat-treated, so the organization of the cold shop is primarily determined by the coherence of production processes in the hot and vegetable shops. And the equipment of the cold shop allows not only to mechanize the processes of preparing salads and snacks as much as possible, but also maintains the required storage temperature.

Ready meals are transferred to gastronorm containers and sent to the distribution line for sale. Here they are portioned and released to consumers. In restaurants, ordinary dishes are prepared in small volumes and sold as required, and they begin to prepare ordered portioned dishes after receiving requests from waiters.

Organization of customer service, sales of products and dishwashing

Every food service establishment must pay special attention to serving consumers. An important role is played by the interior decoration and comfortable arrangement of the dining room, so that visitors have a desire to come here again and again. In restaurants, service is organized by teams of waiters who must not only accept and deliver orders, but create a friendly atmosphere and provide professional advice on the characteristics of dishes and their preparation technology. It is advisable for restaurants to organize low-cost set meals at lunchtime to reach a larger number of customers.

In canteens and cafes, the sale of dining products is organized according to the free choice method. For these purposes, a self-service distribution line is equipped, on which short-term storage, portioning, design and delivery of snacks, first, second and third courses are carried out in compliance with their serving temperature. The modern line of distribution in the dining room is a technological equipment for public catering, which includes a set of counters, display cases and food warmers. The service is carried out by one or several chefs of the distributors, and visitors, moving with a tray along the guides, have the opportunity to choose their favorite dishes. The speed of service, which is especially important at rush hour, is influenced by the timely preparation of dishes by hot and cold workshops, as well as the correct organization of the work of washing tableware, which eliminates interruptions with clean dishes, appliances and trays.

Additional services and an increase in production

In order for a catering company to work with a stable profit, it is necessary to develop a number of measures to increase the volume of sales of its own production. Indeed, as a rule, the potential of enterprises is unusually large, and the installed technological equipment for public catering is distinguished by high productivity.

In addition to the dining room, most catering establishments organize a banquet room, where solemn feasts are held for groups of visitors. In the warm season, summer grounds are opened, where a certain range of drinks and goods is sold.

It is advisable to arrange the sale of products of our own production through a culinary store. It is equipped with counters and the necessary types of refrigeration equipment are installed, including freezers, which ensure the display of goods, taking into account the storage temperature.

The culinary store can present products from all departments of the enterprise. These are not only meat and vegetable semi-finished products, various types of dough, but also ready-made salads, culinary and confectionery products. The development of the assortment of a culinary store should be dealt with by the technologists and economists of the enterprise, since one of the ways to attract customers is reasonable prices for products. In addition, it is possible to organize remote trade and supply of products of our own production to retail chains at wholesale prices.

Technological equipment of public catering establishments

To fulfill their main functions, namely, the manufacture and sale of culinary products, catering enterprises are equipped with a wide range of equipment. All technological equipment for public catering is classified into the following types:

  • electromechanical;
  • thermal;
  • refrigeration;
  • auxiliary or neutral.

The types of technological equipment, its capacity and the number of units are determined as a result of special calculations and taking into account:

  • type of enterprise;
  • organization of production (for raw materials or semi-finished products);
  • production program (menu plan);
  • forms and methods of customer service.

All catering equipment must meet the needs of the enterprise in terms of productivity, perform all the necessary technological operations, ensure storage at certain temperatures, create comfortable working conditions for service personnel and organize customer service at the highest level.

The company Petrokhladtekhnika has a wide range of modern technological equipment for public catering, the installation of which will become a guarantee successful work any enterprise.

Canteens with a workshop production structure for the preparation of hot and cold dishes are allocated special rooms. At low-capacity enterprises, separate places are created for these purposes in a common production space. In this article, we will consider what a cold workshop is.

General information

The range of cold dishes served is formed in accordance with the type and class of the enterprise. The menu includes:

  1. Snacks.
  2. Cold dishes (aspic, boiled, stuffed, fried, etc.).
  3. Gastronomic products (fish, meat).
  4. Lactic acid products.
  5. Sweet food and drinks (compotes, jelly, mousse, jelly, etc.).
  6. Soups.

The menu of a first class restaurant must include at least ten dishes daily, and at least 15 dishes for the highest class restaurant. The production program is formed in accordance with the assortment that is sold in the sales area, culinary stores, as well as sent to buffets and other enterprises.

Cold shop: description

As a rule, it is located in the brightest room. Its windows are usually directed to the northwest or north. Hot and cold shops must have a convenient connection. It is necessary to transfer food for heat treatment and get them back for cooking. In addition, the cold shop must have communication with the washing and distribution line. The room provides for the required amount of equipment, which ensures the safety of products and prepared products. Due to the fact that cutting equipment is mainly used in production, safety must be ensured. In the cold shop there is a responsible specialist who manages and controls all processes.


The organization of the cold shop is carried out taking into account its characteristics. In particular, products after cooking and portioning are not re-cooked. In this regard, it is necessary to ensure strict compliance with sanitary rules. The cold shop chef must also maintain personal hygiene. Dishes must be prepared in such quantities that they can be sold in a short time. Taking into account the fact that products that have passed and have not undergone heat treatment are used as raw materials, it is necessary to strictly delimit production from meat and fish, boiled and raw vegetables. In small enterprises, universal places are created. There is a consistent preparation of dishes according to the production program. The organization of the cold shop at a large enterprise involves the creation of specialized places.

Mechanical equipment

The cold shop should be equipped with replaceable mechanisms. They are intended for:

  • slicing boiled and raw vegetables;
  • squeezing juices from various fruits;
  • whipping cream, mousses, sambucs, sour cream;
  • mixing vinaigrette and other salads.

Such versatile machines are installed in a cold workshop when cooking in large quantities. In small enterprises, as a rule, such operations are carried out manually. When large assortment small-scale mechanization equipment is used for sandwiches, gastronomic products. Such devices, in particular, include a machine for cutting and placing cheese, sausage, ham, bread slicer, manual butter divider.

Low temperature units

The temperature of food served on the distribution line should not exceed 10-14 degrees. In this regard, the workshop must be equipped with a sufficient amount of refrigeration equipment. For storing ready meals and products from which they are made, special cabinets are used. In addition, work in the cold shop is carried out on production tables with low-temperature cabinets. They contain: a container and a slide for salad. For the release and storage of ice cream, low-temperature counters are used. To obtain ice for its subsequent use in the manufacture of cold drinks, cocktails in bars and restaurants, special ice makers are used. The choice of equipment depends on the production capacity, the number of finished products and products that need to be stored.

Other equipment

The number of tables depends on the number of people at the same time in production. In this case, the scheme of the cold shop should be drawn up so that each employee has at least one and a half meters of space. Washing of greens, vegetables, fruits is carried out in mobile or stationary baths. A modular table equipped with a built-in wash compartment can also serve for these purposes. Before being sent for sale, finished products are placed in mobile shelves. In restaurants, the cold shop is equipped with a serving counter.


Without them, the description of the cold shop would be incomplete. When preparing dishes, a variety of devices, inventory, tools are used:

  • Egg cutters.
  • Knives (gastronomic: for cutting ham, butter, cheese, sausage; fork knife; curly; chef's troika).
  • Oil scraper.
  • Tomato cutters.
  • Molds for mousses, jellies, aspic dishes.
  • Cutting boards.
  • Unfolding devices.

Creation of production sites

In the cold shop of a restaurant or other enterprise with a wide range of snacks and dishes, technological lines for their preparation stand out. Separate places are created on them where:

  • Making vinaigrettes and other salads.
  • Cutting gastronomic fish and meat products.
  • Portioning and presentation of dishes.
  • Making jellied products, soups, sweet drinks, sandwiches.

At workplaces, for the preparation of vinaigrette and other salads, a bath or a table with a built-in container for washing greens and fresh vegetables is used. The slicing of raw and cooked products is carried out on different cutting boards using a triplet.

Cold shop characteristics: cooking features

The entire space should be divided into sections. equipped with two production tables. One of them mixes the components and refills vinaigrette and other salads. This table can be modulated sectional or conventional. On the other side, salads are portioned and decorated for subsequent sale in the trading floor. For these purposes, it is advisable to purchase a modulated sectional table with a low-temperature cabinet. Scales are installed on it, on the right are dishes with a ready-made dish, measuring equipment for portioning (salad utensils, scoops, spoons). On the left on the table are plates for appetizers, salad bowls and other utensils. It is also the place where the products are designed. Before him, the preparation of products used as decoration is carried out. It includes slicing boiled eggs, tomatoes, lemons, carbonates, herbs, etc. For this, special devices and tools are used. Prepared foods are stored in refrigerated sections.

Gastronomy and snacks

At the place of their preparation, the following is carried out: cutting, portioning and decoration of dishes from fish and meat products. Here tables for small mechanized equipment are installed. Gourmet knives are used for manual cutting of products. Weight control of portions is carried out using a bench scale.

Jellied dishes

If they are included in the range of products, then a specialized place should be organized for their manufacture. Boiled and meat products are cut on production tables equipped with:

  • scales to control the weight of portions;
  • chef's knives;
  • cutting boards;
  • trays for laying out weighed products.

Before preparing ready meals, food preparation is carried out. For this, knives are used to curly cutting and carbonation, recesses of various shapes, etc. Fish and meat portions are placed in prepared trays, forms, dishes, then decorated with products, poured using a special spoon. After that, the finished products are placed in a low-temperature cabinet. If the aspic is prepared in a tray, it is cut into portions during the release. They are subsequently transferred to special plates and other tableware. For this, special blades are used.


They are considered one of the most popular cold dishes, especially in student canteens, school canteens, lounges, buffets, etc. Sandwiches are made from bread. This uses oil and various gastronomic products, culinary products. As a rule, open sandwiches are prepared. Enterprises serving passengers of different types of transport produce closed (travel) snacks. Canapes are prepared for banquets and receptions.

The key process in making sandwiches is slicing bread and various foods into portions. They are also decorated with herbs, vegetables, olives, lemons and so on. With a small number of sandwiches for sale, slicing of food and bread is carried out by hand. In this case, cheese, gastronomic, bread knives, as well as special devices are used. When preparing a large number of sandwiches, mechanized equipment is installed on the desktop.

A manual butter divider is used to speed up the dosing of oil into portions. Special molding scrapers are also used. With their help, the oil is given a special shape (in the form of a petal, rose, etc.). For cutting and cutting products on the table, in addition to cutting tools, boards must be present. They are labeled according to the ingredient being processed. The products used for sandwiches are prepared no earlier than 30-40 minutes before the start of sale. Their storage is carried out in low-temperature cabinets. Making snack sandwiches (canapes) is considered quite laborious. They are served mainly at receptions, banquets, placing them on buffet tables. Various recesses are used to speed up the manufacturing process.


They are in great demand during the summer season. Cold soups include okroshka, botvinya, beetroot, etc. They are prepared from vegetables and other products on beet broth, bread kvass, as well as from fruits. Dishes are released chilled to 12-14 degrees. During implementation, food ice is used to maintain it, which is produced by an ice maker.

Meat and other products, vegetables, necessary for the preparation of cold soups, are cooked in a hot shop. After that they are cooled and cut into strips or small cubes. This is done manually or using special mechanized cutting equipment. The onion is chopped with a knife and rubbed with a wooden pestle with a little salt until juice appears. Before preparing the dish, fresh cucumbers are peeled and cut by hand or machine.

Sweet soups are made using fruit decoctions. Dried or fresh berries and fruits serve as the basis for such dishes. Before heat treatment, they are sorted out and washed using mesh liners or a colander. Berries are used in their entirety, pears, apples are cut in a vegetable cutter. Before that, using a special device, the seed nests are removed. Dishes are served with pasta, rice and so on. Fruit side dishes and decoctions for sweet soups are prepared in the hot workshop.

Sweet dishes

These include jelly, jelly, sambuca, mousse, etc. At the workplace for the preparation of such dishes, a bath is installed, a production table, equipped with a low-temperature cabinet, In addition, a variety of tools, molds, tableware, tools are used. A universal drive with interchangeable mechanisms is used to perform various operations. For example, it is used when whipping mousses, cream, rubbing fruits.

The products necessary for cooking are sorted out and washed under running water in a colander. Berries and fruits can be released in their natural form with cream, milk, sugar. Preparation of jellied dishes is carried out using freshly squeezed juice. To obtain it, special devices and devices are used. The syrups are boiled in a hot shop. The finished product is poured into trays, forms. Mousse syrups are whipped using universal mechanisms to a removable drive. Ready meals are sold in dessert plates or bowls.

Other products

Self-made drinks and compotes (from rose hips, cranberries, lemon, etc.) are produced in a hot workshop and then cooled. After that, they are divided into portions (poured into glasses). A special device is used to prepare drinks from fresh apples. This device removes the seed nest in one motion and divides the fruit into 6-8 slices. The preparation of soft ice cream at large catering enterprises is carried out using a freezer. Short-term storage and sale of products are carried out through a low-temperature section or a counter. Ice cream is dispensed in metal bowls with fillings or in natural form. Portioning is done with special spoons.

Features of labor

The basic requirements for the cold shop are defined in SNiP. The production mode is set depending on the specifics of the enterprise. If the duration of the shift is more than 11 hours, then a two-brigade, stepwise or combined schedule is approved. The general management of the production facility is carried out by a responsible employee or team leader. The cook of the cold shop of the 4th or 5th category acts as it. The foreman plans to implement the production program according to the menu.

Labor-intensive meals are prepared in the evening. These include, for example, jellies, jellies, compotes, jelly, and so on. During preparation, at the beginning of the shift, inventory, dishes are selected, products are distributed according to the production task. With a rational organization of work, this takes no more than 20 minutes. Specialists receive assignments in accordance with their qualifications. The foreman monitors how the safety precautions are observed in the cold shop, the technology of cooking. He is also responsible for the continuity of the production process, preventing interruptions in customer service. At enterprises with a large volume of products, a division of labor by operations is introduced. This takes into account the qualifications of specialists.

For the production of products or the implementation of a particular stage of the technological process, the following workshops are organized at the enterprise:

Blank (vegetable, meat and fish);

Pre-processing (hot, cold);

Specialized (confectionery).

Technological lines are organized in each workshop. A technological line is a production area equipped with the necessary equipment for a specific technological process.

In addition to the workshops, there are auxiliary premises in the production: washing tableware, washing and storage containers, etc.

The ratio of individual divisions of the enterprise (workshops, departments, auxiliary premises) determine the structure of production. On this enterprise a shopless structure has been established, in which, to distinguish between various technological processes by types of processed raw materials and methods of culinary processing, workshops are conditionally allocated.

An important factor in the successful operation of workshops is the correct organization of workplaces. At an enterprise with a shopless structure of production, universal workplaces are organized, where several heterogeneous technological operations are carried out. In each production workshop, several workplaces are organized, located along the technological process. Each workplace must be provided with a sufficient number of tools, equipment and utensils. Dishes and utensils are selected in accordance with the equipment standards.

The next factor of successful work in the shop is the correct organization of the work of the shop workers. The main requirements for the organization of labor in production include:

Correct drawing up of the production program, taking into account the specifics of the manufactured products, the production capacity of the workshop, the number and qualifications of workers;

A clear distribution of responsibilities between employees in accordance with their qualifications and production building;

Correct accounting of the movement of products and timely reporting on the work done.

The optimum temperature in the blank and cold shops is 16-18C °, and in the hot one is 23-25C °. The relative humidity in the shops is 60-70%. These microclimatic conditions in the cafe are created by means of supply and exhaust ventilation. In workshops, natural

lighting, so as not to reduce the fatigue of workers and to prevent injuries. The production premises have hot and cold water supply to washing - baths, electric boilers, cooking kettles. The sewerage system ensures the removal of wastewater during the operation of baths, digestion boilers.

The vegetable shop carries out the primary processing of vegetables and the production of vegetable semi-finished products for our own production and preparatory enterprises (branches), culinary stores and small-scale retail trade.

In modern specialized vegetable shops located at large enterprises or at vegetable bases (vegetable stores) and designed to supply both catering establishments and retail networks, an expanded range of products can be organized: production lines for packing potatoes and vegetables into packages , a line for the production of peeled sulphitated potatoes, a line for the preparation of potato and vegetable cutlets, fried crispy and garnish potatoes, a line for the preparation of salads and vinaigrettes.

The peculiarities of processing vegetables of various types dictates the need to use special equipment, which is selected depending on the capacity of the enterprise.

The purpose of the meat shop is the production of semi-finished products from beef, pork, lamb, poultry and game. At enterprises with a large production volume, supplying other public catering enterprises with semi-finished meat products, a separate room is allocated for the meat shop.

At small enterprises with a complete production cycle, meat and fish processing can be carried out in the same room, subject to the mandatory requirements of the sanitary regime.

Foodservice enterprises often receive meat frozen. Therefore, the first operation of the technological process of meat processing is defrosting, that is, thawing. For this, special chambers and defrosters are used, where the carcasses are stored in a suspended state at a positive temperature.

Thawed carcasses are transferred to the workshop along overhead tracks. In the workshop, carcasses are washed with warm water: in large enterprises - with a shower brush in a special room, in small ones - in baths with herbal brushes. Dry the carcasses using a fan or cotton cloth.

The next operation - cutting the carcass into parts - is carried out using a band or circular saw. In small enterprises, carcasses are divided into parts on a chopping table (a round deck of hard wood) with a butcher's ax and a knife - a cleaver. A large knife - a cutter is used to chop the bones of lamb, poultry, game, small bones and meat are chopped up for stews.

Then deboning, stripping and cutting of meat into portions are performed. These operations are carried out on production tables with stainless steel, duralumin or marble lids.

Deboning - trimming and removing the flesh from the bone - is done with the large and small deboning knives. Stripping the meat and cutting it into portions - using large, medium and small knives (chef's three). At the same time, large pieces are cut with a large knife, small pieces are cut with a medium one and fillets are removed, individual parts of the carcass are cleaned with a small knife and some other operations are performed. Cut pieces of meat are loosened with a PM-1 ripper or a hoe.

For the preparation of minced meat at large enterprises, meat grinders, cutters, meat mixers with an individual drive are used; on small ones - universal drives with replaceable mechanisms or use desktop meat grinders.

For the processing of poultry, game and skin at large enterprises, a special room is allocated with an opal forge; in small ones, special jobs are allocated.

In the fish shop, the primary processing of fish and the production of fish semi-finished products are carried out. Technological process fish processing includes the following operations: thawing frozen fish, soaking salted fish, cleaning from scales, gutting and washing, cutting, preparing semi-finished products and storing them.

Fish are thawed in duralumin or carbon steel (tin-plated) tubs with two compartments in running or periodically changed water. The fish are unloaded from the baths with wire ladles. Flounder, mending, sturgeon fishes are scalded to facilitate further processing. For this purpose, hot water is supplied to the baths and a grate with handles is used. Large sturgeon fish are thawed on metal racks with a bottom tray at room temperature. A mechanical fish cleaner or hand scrapers are used to remove scales from fish.

Fish are gutted with small chef's knives on special tables with a groove, backrest and sides. Here heads, tails and fins are cut off. The tails and heads are chopped off with an average chef's knife on cutting boards, the fins are cut off with scissors. After gutting, the fish is washed in a bath with two compartments and placed on baking sheets.

The preparation of semi-finished fish products is carried out on a separate table, where there should be cutting boards, a set of knives from the chef's troika, spices, and scales. At small enterprises, a meat grinder is used for preparing minced fish, at large enterprises - a universal drive with a set of mechanisms. Fish semi-finished products are stored chilled for no more than 12 hours, fish mass - 6 hours.

As noted, in small and medium-sized enterprises, meat and fish processing can be carried out in one room - meat - fish shop. The main requirement in organizing the work of such a shop is to ensure separate processing of meat and fish products and separate storage of semi-finished meat and fish products. Equipment, inventory, packaging, tools must be separate and properly labeled.

In the hot shop, the technological process of food preparation is completed. Here, a variety of products are heat-treated, semi-finished products are brought to readiness, first, second and sweet dishes are prepared, products for cold dishes are prepared, and confectionery products are baked.

The hot shop is equipped with stoves, cooking kettles with cold and hot water supply, ovens, electric pans, refrigerators, shelves, production tables, etc. At large enterprises, hot shops can have two compartments: soup - for preparing first courses and sauce - for release of second courses, side dishes, sauces.

In the soup department, the preparation of first courses begins with boiling broths. At the chef's workplace, there must be a table scale, a set of knives for the chef's troika, and cutting boards. For cutting, shredding, wiping vegetables, they use a universal drive with special mechanisms, a pulper, for sautéing vegetables - electric frying pans, for hot water supply - continuous boilers. In addition, a chilled metal rack with spices and seasonings (slide) is arranged at the workplace of the soup cook. When organizing workplaces for cooks in the hot shop of modern public catering enterprises, sectional equipment is used using a linear principle of its placement. All heating sectional equipment is installed in a line with one-way service. The depth of sectional equipment should not exceed 1 m.

Depending on the capacity of the enterprise, the size of the kitchen and its layout, various options for the arrangement of sectional equipment are used. In small kitchens, heating equipment is placed along the walls with local ventilation suction devices. Parallel to the line of heating equipment, a line of production tables is placed. In larger kitchens, several workplaces are allocated for cooks engaged in the preparation of soups, second courses, and in accordance with this, equipment is placed around the perimeter of the room, against the wall, etc. It is recommended to install certain types of heating equipment parallel to each other.

Great advantages in organizing the workplaces of cooks preparing second courses are provided by the use of sectional equipment with a linear arrangement. In order for all the heating equipment to be used strictly for its intended purpose, the lines for preparing second courses are composed of the following sections: a plate with a continuous frying surface, stoves with burners, deep fryers, a special oven. The heating line is complemented by bain-marie for storing side dishes, main courses, production tables with a built-in bathtub and a refrigerated container.

The purpose of the cold shop is to prepare cold dishes and snacks from meat, fish, vegetables and other products, as well as sweet dishes and sandwiches. When placing a cold shop, it should be provided for its convenient connection with the kitchen, where the products for the cold shop are heat-treated, and with the blank shops, from where the products are delivered to the cold shop, which are then sold without heat treatment. Products of the cold shop are sold to consumers in tableware, so the washing room should be located in close proximity to the cold shop.

The main operations carried out in the workshop are cutting prepared products, portioning and arranging cold dishes and snacks. In accordance with this, cooks' jobs are organized, appropriate equipment, inventory, tools are used.

Due to the fact that the workshop prepares dishes and cold snacks not only from semi-finished products that have undergone heat treatment, but also from raw products, it is important to distinguish jobs for the manufacture of products from various types of raw materials. The products of the workshop are mostly perishable, therefore refrigeration equipment is mandatory - cabinets of sufficient capacity and refrigerating chambers with additional shelves for short-term storage of prepared products, a low-temperature counter and an ice maker.

The main equipment of the cold shop is a universal drive with a set of interchangeable mechanisms, as well as a ham and sausage cutter, butter divider, a machine for cutting vegetables, production tables with slides, refrigerated containers and a refrigerated cabinet.

For cleaning and cutting products manually, special devices and tools are used - egg cutters, apple cutters, dredges, etc.

The purpose of the confectionery shop is the production of flour confectionery and culinary products. The products of the confectionery shop are supplied for sale not only to the main enterprise, but also to the shops of culinary products, home kitchens, buffets, and preparatory enterprises.

The shop includes a kneading machine. dough-cutting, baking, cooling departments, rooms for finishing products, for preparing minced meat, washing for eggs, dishes, containers, expedition. In addition, restaurants provide a pantry and a refrigerated chamber for a daily supply of raw materials, a pantry for finished products, a refrigerated chamber for finished products, a refrigerated chamber for semi-finished products, in which puff pastry is cooled, washing equipment and sterilization of pastry bags.

The layout of the premises of the confectionery department must comply with the sequence of the operations of the technological process and exclude the possibility of counter flows of raw materials and finished products.

The technological process of preparing confectionery products consists of the following operations: sifting flour and preparing (kneading, fermenting) dough, cutting (molding) products, baking, decorating (finishing) confectionery products, preparing syrups, creams, fondants, whipped proteins.

The confectionery shop must have its own washing compartment for washing dishes and equipment. In a bathroom with two or three compartments, the dishes are washed with soda, then rinsed with a 2% solution of bleach. It is especially important to keep the piping bags and tubes clean, as even the smallest residues of cream can lead to bacterial contamination. Therefore, this inventory is autoclaved, then rinsed in a bath of clean water.

5.11. Hot shop work organization

Hot shops are organized at enterprises performing a full production cycle.The Hot Shop is the main shop of a public catering enterprise, in which the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products is carried out, broth cooking, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, second courses, and thermal processing of products for cold and sweet dishes is carried out. In addition, the workshop prepares hot drinks and bakes "flour confectionery products (pies, pies, pies, etc.) for transparent broths. From the hot workshop ready meals go directly to the dispensers for sale to the consumer.

The hot shop occupies a central place in the catering enterprise. In the case when the hot shop serves several sales areas located on different floors, it is advisable to locate it on the same floor with trading floorwith the largest number of seats. On all other floors, there should be a serving area with a plate for roasting portions and food warmers. These dispensers are supplied with finished products by means of hoists.

The hot shop should have a convenient connection with the blank shops, with storage facilities and a convenient connection with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils.

Dishes made in the hot shop are distinguished by the following main features:

The type of raw materials used - from potatoes, vegetables and mushrooms; from cereals, legumes and pasta; from eggs and cottage cheese; from fish and seafood; from meat and meat products; from poultry, game, rabbit, etc .;
- the method of culinary processing - boiled, stewed, stewed, fried, baked;
- the nature of consumption - soups, main courses, side dishes, drinks, etc .;
- appointment - for dietary, school meals, etc .;
- consistencies - liquid, semi-liquid, thick, puree, viscous, crumbly.

Hot shop dishes must meet the requirements state standards, industry standards, enterprise standards, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, technical conditions and developed according to technological instructions and charts, technical and technological maps, subject to the Sanitary Rules for public catering establishments.

The production program of the hot shop is drawn up on the basis of the range of dishes sold through the sales area, the range of culinary products sold through buffets and retail outlets (culinary stores, trays).

Hot shop microclimate. The temperature, according to the requirements of the scientific organization of labor, should not exceed 23 ° C, therefore, ventilation and exhaust ventilation should be more powerful (air speed 1-2 m / s); relative humidity 60-70%. To reduce the effect of infrared rays emitted by heated frying surfaces, the area of \u200b\u200bthe stove should be 45-50 times less than the floor area.

The operating mode of the hot shop depends on the operating mode of the enterprise (trading floor) and the forms of the finished product. Hot shop workers to successfully cope with the production program,. must begin work no later than two hours before the opening of the trading floor.

The hot shop should be equipped with modern equipment - heating, refrigeration, mechanical and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, cooking kettles, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerators, as well as production tables and shelves.

Depending on the type and power, the use of mechanical equipment in the hot shop is envisaged (universal drive P-II, a machine for making mashed potatoes).

Equipment for the hot shop is selected according to the norms of equipping with trade, technological and refrigeration equipment in accordance with the type and number of seats in the enterprise, its mode of operation, the maximum load of the sales area during peak hours, as well as the forms of service. Thus, in restaurants where first courses are prepared in small batches, less stationary cooking pots are required than in canteens with the same number of seats (Table 14).

Table 14

Selection of equipment for the hot shop of a public canteen for 100 seats

equipment identification A type unit of measurement Performance, capacity,
area in units
Number of equipment
Universal drive P-II pC. - 1
Refrigerating cabinet ShKh-0.8 m 3 0,8 1
Electric heated hob 4-burner sectional modulated with oven PESM-4Sh m 2 - 3
2-burner cooker for direct roasting PESM-2 m 2 0,24 1
Digestive cauldron KPESM-40 l 40 1
Digestive cauldron KPESM-60 l 60 1
Digestive cauldron KPI-100 l 100 3
Frying pan with indirect cut SKE-0.3 m 2 0,33 1
Two-section roasting cabinet ShZHESM-2 m 2 0,194 1
Continuous boiler KNE-100 l / h 100 1
Table dial scales VNTs-2 kg 2 2
Table dial scales VNTs-10 kg 10 1

In the hot shop, for the convenience of organizing the processes of preparing hot dishes, it is advisable to use modulated sectional equipment that can be installed in the island method, or organize several technological lines - for cooking broths and first and second courses; side dishes and sauces (Scheme 14).

Scheme 14. Approximate plan of the hot shop of the restaurant for 300 seats:
1 - four-burner electric stove PESM-4Sh; 2 - electric frying pan SESM-0.5; 3 - electric roasting cabinet; 4 - FESM-20 deep fryer; 5 - two-burner electric stove for direct frying; 6 - insert for heating equipment; 7-bain-marie electric MSESM-50 for sauces; 8 - production table SP-1470; 9 - universal drive PG-0.6; 10 - ^ tol for the installation of means of small mechanization; 11 ~ cooled table SOESM-2; 12 - barbecue oven; 13 - mobile shelving unit; 14 - cooking kettle KPE-100; 15 - electric boiler KRNE-100B; 16 - cooking kettle KPESM-60; 17- mobile bathtub VPGSM for washing garnishes; 18 - refrigerating cabinet ШХ-0,4М; 19 - bain-marie counter for first courses; 20 - electric distribution rack SRTESM; 21 - distribution rack SRCM; 22 - table with a built-in washing tub SMVSM; 23 - sink

Sectional modulated equipment saves production space by 5-1%, increases the efficiency of equipment use, reduces employee fatigue, and increases their working capacity.

Sectional modulated equipment is equipped with an individual exhaust device that removes harmful gases from the workshop that are generated during frying products, which contributes to creating a favorable microclimate in the workshop and improving working conditions.

For the rational organization of the cook's workplace, "sectional modulated production tables and other non-mechanical equipment should also be used (Fig. 16).

Fig. 16. Sectional non-mechanical equipment:
a - cooling table SOESM-3; b - cooling table SOESM-2; c - a table with a sink SMISM; d - table for installing small-scale mechanization SMMSM; d - section-insert ВСМ-210; e - section-insert with a VKSM mixer tap; w - mobile bath

This equipment can be used in all finishing workshops.

Section-table with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide SOESM-3 used for the preparation of portioned first courses (in the containers of the slide a set of prepared necessary products); this table is also suitable for cold workshops.

Section-table with a refrigerated cabinet SOESM-2 serves for decorating dishes, storing semi-finished products, herbs in a refrigerated cabinet with a capacity of 0.28 m3.

Section-table with a built-in sink SMVSM is intended for finishing semi-finished products and herbs.

Section-table for the installation of small mechanization SMMSM has sockets of connected electricity.

Section-inserts to the thermal equipment VSM-210 are auxiliary elements in technological lines of sectional modulated equipment. Section length 210 and 420 mm.

Section-inserts for heating equipment with a VKSM mixer tap are installed in technological lines for filling with water of digestion boilers.

The mobile bath for washing garnishes VPGSM has a bowl mounted on a trolley.

The hot shop is divided into two specialized departments - soup and sauce. In the soup section, broths and first courses are prepared, in the sauce section - preparation of second courses, side dishes, sauces, hot drinks.

The number of chefs in each section is determined by a ratio of 1: 2, that is, there are half the number of chefs in the soup section. As a rule, there is no such division in hot workshops of low power.

Soup department. The technological process of preparing first courses consists of two stages: cooking broth and making soups. In high-capacity canteens, where the assortment of first courses is small (2-3 items), soups are prepared in large batches, so a lot of broth is required. At the workplace, broth cooks install stationary boilers in the line - electric, gas or steam. Electric boilers KPE-100, KPE-160, KPE-250 with a capacity of 100, 160, "250 liters or KE-100, KE-160 with functional containers are used more often. The UEV-40 cooking device is intended for cooking filling soups, second and third courses. , side dishes; it differs from boilers in that after cooking, the cooking container is disconnected from the steam generator and transported for distribution.Above stationary boilers, it is advisable to install local exhaust ventilation in the form of umbrellas connected to common system exhaust ventilation of the hot shop. This contributes to the creation of a normal microclimate in the workshop.

In the restaurant, broths are prepared in small quantities, and therefore boilers KE-100 or a sectional modulated boiler KPESM-60 with a capacity of 100 and 60 liters are installed to cook the broth. Hot and cold water is supplied to the cooking kettles. The number of boilers and their capacity depend on the capacity of the enterprise. For the convenience of work, near the boilers, production tables are installed in the line, designed to perform auxiliary operations.

Bone, meat and bone, chicken, fish and mushroom broths are prepared in the hot shop. The greatest duration of cooking is bone and meat-bone broth (4-6 hours). They are prepared in advance, usually on the eve of the current day (Table 15).

Table 15

Water norms and time for preparing various broths

Broth name Water rate per 1 kg of the main product, dm 3 Broth concentration Park time, h Preparation of raw materials
Bone 4 Normal concentration 5-6 Bones are cut into pieces 5-6 cm long
Also 1,25 Concentrated 4
Meat and bone 3,7 Normal concentration 5-6 Chopped bones, peeled pieces of meat weighing 1.5-2 kg are used
Also 1,15 Concentrated 4
Chicken 4,0 Normal concentration 2-4 Whole carcasses, chicken bones
Fish 1,1 Concentrated 1 Fish food waste
Mushroom 7,0 Concentrated 2-3 Dried mushrooms are soaked before cooking for 3-4 hours

After cooking the broth, the kettles are washed and used for cooking soups.

In a restaurant where broths are cooked in small quantities, 50 and 40 liter boilers are used to cook them.

In addition to stationary cooking kettles, the soup preparation workplace includes a line of heating equipment and a line non-mechanical equipment (fig. 17). The distance between the lines should be 1.5 m.

Fig. 17. Workplace of the cook in the soup section of the hot shop:
1 - cooking kettle KPESM-60; 2 - frying pan SESM-0.2; 3 - insert ВСМ-420; 4 - VSM-210 insert; 5 - four-burner stove PESM-4Sh; 6 - table with a built-in washing tub SMVSM; 7 - table dial scales VNTs-2; 8 - table for the installation of small-scale mechanization SMMSM; 9 - table with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide SOESM-3; 10 - wall-mounted tablet for a technological card

The line of heating equipment consists of electric (gas) stoves, electric frying pans. The stove is used for cooking first courses in small batches in boilers, stewing, sautéing vegetables, etc. The electric frying pan is used for sautéing vegetables. Section-inserts for heating equipment are used as additional elements in the lines of sectional modulated equipment, creating additional convenience for the work of the cook.

Non-mechanical equipment lines include modulated sectional tables and a mobile bath for rinsing side dishes to clear broths. At the workplace of the cook preparing the first courses, the following are used: a table with a built-in bathtub, a table for small mechanization, a table with a cooled slide and a cabinet for storing food supplies.

The technological process of making soups is organized as follows. On the eve, the chefs get acquainted with the menu plan, which indicates the number and range of first courses for the next day. Broths of bone and meat-bone are boiled in concentrated or normal concentration, as mentioned above, also the day before.

At the beginning of the working day, the chefs, in accordance with the assignment and technological maps, receive the required amount of net products, prepare the workplace - select dishes, implements, tools. With a clear organization of production, preparing the workplace and receiving products should take no more than 15 minutes of the cook's working time. The rest of the operations performed by the cook depend on the assortment of the first courses. First, the cooks filter the broth (for this they use a sieve, cheesecloth), put meat, poultry to cook, chop vegetables, stew beets for borscht, saute vegetables and tomato puree, sort out cereals, etc.

For cooking soups, boilers of 50, 40, 30 and 20 liters and stationary boilers are used. The sequence of cooking soups is determined taking into account the complexity of the prepared dishes and the duration of the heat treatment of products. To speed up the cooking process, use measured dishes (buckets, pots, etc.).

In restaurants where first courses are prepared in small batches, bain-marie is installed in the hot shop, which ensures that the temperature and taste of the soups are preserved. First courses should be served with a temperature of at least 75 ° C, the duration of the implementation of first courses in mass preparation is no more than 2-3 hours.

For the preparation of pureed soups, the products are wiped and chopped using a universal P-P drive with interchangeable mechanisms, a universal kitchen machine UKM with interchangeable mechanisms.

Culinary flour products (pies, cheesecakes, pies) are prepared for transparent broths. Additional jobs will be organized for their manufacture. The dough is kneaded in boilers, cut on a production table with a wooden covering, using rolling pins, manual dough dividers, cutters.

The general layout of the hot shop is shown in Fig. eighteen.

Fig. 18. Organization of workplaces in the hot shop:
a - soup department: 1 - broth preparation; 2 - making soups; 3 - portioning of meat, fish, poultry; 4 - portioning and serving of first courses; 5 - preparing side dishes for soups; b - sauce department: 6 - processes of cooking, roasting, stewing, stewing; 7 - preparation of side dishes, sauces; 8 - frying kebabs and portioning, 9 - portioning of second courses; 10 - dispensing line

Sauce department. The sauce section is intended for the preparation of second courses, side dishes and sauces. To perform various processes of thermal and mechanical processing of products, workplaces are equipped with appropriate equipment and a variety of utensils, tools, inventory.

Thermal and mechanical equipment is selected in accordance with the norms for equipping catering establishments.

The main equipment of the sauce department are cookers, ovens, electric pans, deep fryers, as well as cooking pots, a universal drive. Stationary cooking kettles are used in the sauce department in large workshops for cooking vegetable and cereal side dishes.

In hot shops of specialized enterprises and in restaurants, barbecue is installed. Enterprises use sausage cookers, egg cookers, coffee makers, etc.

Acceleration of cooking food can be achieved by using ultra-high frequency devices. In microwave devices, semi-finished products are heated throughout the entire volume of the product due to the properties of electromagnetic waves to penetrate into the product to a considerable depth.

A steamer is installed in the sauce compartment for preparing diet meals.

Equipment for the sauce department can be grouped into two or three processing lines.

The first line is designed for heat treatment and cooking of semi-finished products from meat, fish, vegetables, as well as for preparing side dishes and sauces in cookware. The line consists of modulated sectional equipment and includes a oven, stoves, electric pans, deep fryers. In restaurants, this line is also equipped with bain-marie intended for short-term storage of second courses in a hot state (fig. 19).

Fig. 19. Workplace of the cook in the sauce department:
1 - bain-marie MSESM-50 for sauces; 2 - four-burner stove PESM-4Sh; 3 - insert ВСМ-420; 4 - FESM-20 deep fryer; 5 - frying pan SESM-0.2; 6 - two-chamber roasting cabinet SHZHESM-2; 7- table with built-in washing tub SM VSM; 8 - production table SGI470; 9 - VNTs-2 dial scales; 10 - table for the installation of small-scale mechanization SMMSM; 11 - table with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide SOESM-3; 12 - wall plate for technological card

The second line is designed for auxiliary operations and includes modulated sectional tables: a table with a built-in washing bath, a table for installing small-scale mechanization equipment, a table with a refrigerated slide and a cabinet (in restaurants).

Meat, fish and vegetable semi-finished products are prepared for heat treatment on production tables. A production table with a refrigerated slide and a cabinet is used in restaurants for portioning and serving dishes.

The third line is organized in large hot shops, where stationary cooking pots are used to cook side dishes. This line includes modulated sectional boilers with functional containers, work tables for preparing products for cooking (bulkhead of cereals, pasta, etc.), a bath for washing garnishes. In restaurants, where complex side dishes are mainly prepared in small quantities, instead of stationary cooking pots, they use plated dishes. For frying potatoes (fries, pie, etc.), fryers such as FESM-20, FE-20 are used. The work of the cooks in the sauce department begins with familiarization with the production program (menu plan), a selection of technological maps, and clarification of the amount of products required for cooking. Then the cooks receive food, semi-finished products, select the dishes. In the restaurant, fried and baked dishes are prepared only by order of the visitors; labor-intensive dishes that take a long time to prepare (stews, sauces) are prepared in small batches. At other enterprises, during mass production, no matter what volume of products is being prepared, it must be borne in mind that fried second courses (cutlets, steaks, entrecotes, etc.) must be sold within 1 hour; boiled, stewed, stewed second courses - 2 hours, vegetable side dishes - 2 hours; crumbly porridge, stewed cabbage - 6 hours; hot drinks - 2 hours. In exceptional cases, in accordance with the requirements of the Sanitary Rules for the forced storage of the remaining food, it must be cooled and stored at a temperature of 2-6 ° C for no more than 18 hours. Before selling, chilled food is checked and tasted by the head of production undergoes heat treatment (boiling, roasting on the stove or in the oven). The term for the sale of food after this heat treatment should not exceed one hour. It is forbidden to mix food leftovers from the previous day or with food prepared on the same day, but at an earlier date.

It is forbidden to leave the next day in the sauce section of the hot shop:

Pancakes with meat and cottage cheese, minced meat, poultry, fish;
- sauces;
- omelets;
- mashed potatoes, boiled pasta.

In raw materials and food products used for cooking, the content of potentially hazardous substances of chemical and biological origin (toxic elements, antibiotics, pesticides, pathogenic microorganisms, etc.) should not exceed the norms established by medical and biological requirements and sanitary standards for the quality of products nutrition. This requirement is specified in GOST R 50763-95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the population. General technical conditions ".

From dishes in the sauce compartment are used (fig. 20):

Boilers with a capacity of 20, 30, 40, 50 liters for cooking and stewing meat and vegetables; boilers (boxes) for boiling and stewing fish in whole and in links;
- boilers for steaming dietary meals with an insert grate;
- pots with a capacity of 1,5,2,4,5,8 and 10 liters for cooking a small amount of boiled, stewed second courses, sauces
- saucepan with a capacity of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 liters for sautéing vegetables, tomato puree. Unlike boilers, saucepans have a thickened bottom;
- metal trays and large cast-iron pans for frying semi-finished products from meat, fish, vegetables, poultry;
- small and medium sized cast iron pans with a handle for frying pancakes, pancakes, making omelets;
- Frying pans with 5, 7 and 9 cells for preparing fried eggs in bulk;
- cast iron frying pans with a press for roasting tobacco-chicken, etc.

Fig. 20. Cookware used in the hot shop:
a - for cooking, stewing and stewing: 1 - boilers with a capacity of 20-50 liters; 2 ~ fish kettle and its components; 3 - kettle for steaming dietary meals with an insert grate; 4 - pots with a capacity of 2-15 liters; 5 - saucepan with a capacity of 2-10 liters; b - for frying: 1 - general purpose cast iron pans with a diameter of 140-500 mm; 2 - pans for frying eggs in cells; 3 - frying pans with a press for roasting tobacco chicken; 4 - steel pans with a handle; 5 - frying pans for frying pancakes; 6 - baking trays for portioned products

Hot shop inventory is shown in fig. 21.

Fig. 21. Hot shop inventory:
1 - sieves; A - with removable nets and a plastic shell; B - with a stainless mesh and aluminum shell; B - with a hair mesh and a wooden shell; 2 - metal roar; 3 - metal colander with a capacity of 7 liters; 4 - conical metal sieve; 5 - skimmers; 6 - net buckets; 7 - scoop; 8 - metal strainer; 9 - a device for filtering the broth; 10 - chef's shoulder blade with a spreader; 11 - chef's fork; 12 - skewers for grilling kebabs

From inventory apply:

Whisks, vests, chef's forks (large and small);
- roar;
- scoops for pancakes, cutlets, fish;
- a device for straining broth, different sieves, scoops, skimmers, skewers for grilling kebabs.

In the sauce department, workplaces are organized mainly by the type of heat treatment. For example, a workplace for frying and sautéing products and semi-finished products; the second is for cooking, stewing and stewing food; the third is for cooking side dishes and cereals.

At the workplace, chefs use kitchen stoves (PESM-4, TLM-0.51, PE-0.51Sh, PE-0.17, PESM-4ShB, APN, etc.), ovens (IZHSM- 2K), production tables and mobile shelving. In restaurants where the assortment of dishes is more varied and they prepare deep-fried dishes (chicken Kiev, fish fries, etc.), on an open fire (grilled sturgeon, grilled poultry, etc.), an electric grill is included in the heat line (GE, GEN-10), deep fryer (FESM-20, FE-20, FE-20-0.1). Prepared semi-finished products in a grid are immersed in a deep fryer with heated fat, then the finished products, together with a grid or slotted spoon, are transferred to a colander installed on a saucepan to drain excess fat. If the assortment of dishes includes kebabs, then a specialized workplace is organized, consisting of a production table and a ShR-2 kebab oven.

Workplaces for cooking, stewing, stewing and baking products are organized taking into account the performance of several operations by chefs at the same time. For this purpose, heating equipment (stoves, ovens, electric pans) is grouped with the calculation of the convenience of the transition of cooks from one operation to another. Auxiliary operations are carried out on production tables installed parallel to the heating line. Heating equipment can be installed not only in a line, but also in an island way.

Porridge and pasta for baked dishes are boiled in boilers. The mass prepared for baking is placed on baking sheets and placed in ovens, where it is brought to readiness. They extinguish food in hot-air boilers or electric pans.

At the workplace of a cook preparing garnishes from vegetables, cereals and pasta, the technological process consists of the following operations: the cereals are sorted out on the production table, washed, then boiled in stationary or over-fired boilers.

For cooking and quick removal of the finished product from stationary boilers, stainless steel mesh liners are used. Boiled pasta is thrown in a colander and washed.

The selection of floor-standing boilers of a certain capacity for cooking cereals of various consistencies is based on the volume occupied by 1 kg of cereal together with water (Table 16).

Table 16

The initial volume (in liters) of water from 1 kg of cereals when cooking cereals of various consistencies

For the preparation of sauces at the workplace, cooking pots are used when it is necessary to prepare a large amount of sauces, or pots of various capacities - when preparing a small amount of sauces. For wiping vegetables and straining broths, use sieves of various shapes or strainers.

Basic sauces (red and white) are usually. cook for the whole day, and derivative sauces for 2-3 hours of the sale of dishes in the trading floor.

Labour Organization

Since the work in the hot shop is very varied, cooks of various qualifications must work there. The following ratio of cooks in a hot shop is recommended: VI category - 15-17%, V category - 25-27%, IV category - 32-34% and III category - 24-26%.

The production team of the hot shop also includes dishwashers, kitchen auxiliary workers.

A chef of the VI category, as a rule, is a foreman or a senior chef and is responsible for organizing the technological process in the workshop, the quality and compliance with the output of dishes. He monitors compliance with the technology of cooking and culinary products, prepares portioned, specialty, banquet dishes.

The V category chef prepares and decorates dishes that require the most complex culinary processing.

The chef of the IV category prepares the first and second courses of mass demand, sauces vegetables, tomato puree. The cook of the III category prepares products (cuts vegetables, cooks cereals, pasta, fries potatoes, cutlet products, etc.).

In small hot shops, the work of the shop is headed by the production manager.

Questions to control knowledge

1. At which enterprises are hot shops organized?
2. What technological processes are carried out in the hot shop?
3. Describe the location of the hot shop in the catering establishment.
4. On what grounds are the dishes made in the hot shop distinguished?
5. What requirements should the hot shop dishes meet?
6. What is the basis for the production program of the hot shop?
7. What are the requirements for the microclimate of the hot shop?
8. What determines the operating mode of the hot shop?
9.What factors are taken into account when selecting equipment for the hot shop?
10. What is the advantage of using sectional modulated equipment?
11. Methods for arranging equipment in a hot shop.
12. What types of modulated sectional production tables and other types of non-mechanical equipment can be used in a hot shop?
13. What specialized departments stand out in the hot shop?
14. What stages does the technological process of making soups consist of?
15. Give examples of water norms and times for preparing different types of broths of different concentrations.
16. What types and types of heating equipment are used in the soup section of the hot shop? What are they made of?
17. What is the distance between the heating equipment line and the non-mechanical equipment line?
18. Describe the organization of the technological process of making soups.
19. What is the difference between the organization of workplaces for preparing soups in a restaurant and the organization of workplaces in a canteen?
20. What equipment is used for making pureed soups?
21. When preparing transparent broths, what additional jobs can be organized?
22. What is the sauce compartment for?
23. List the types and types of the main equipment of the sauce department of the hot shop.
24. What is the advantage of using microwave devices in a hot shop?
25. In which technological lines can the equipment of the sauce department be grouped?
26. How is work organized in a hot shop?

1. Principles of organization of production.

2. Forms and methods of organizing production.

3. Organization of workplaces.

4. Basic requirements for creating optimal working conditions.

The production process is the basis of a complex and varied production process, as a result of which the raw materials are converted into finished products.

The production process is the result of the interaction of objects of labor, means of labor and living labor.

There are primary and secondary processes in EPP. The main - production processes, as a result of which the objects of labor change qualitatively (kneading dough, frying, cooking). Supporting processes contribute to the implementation of basic processes, while creating the necessary conditions (transportation, equipment repair, production of all types of energy, product quality control).

The production process is constantly being improved in accordance with the principles of its rational organization

1) proportionality;

2) continuity;

3) rhythm;

4) straightness.

Proportionality production processes consists in observing the ratio in the productivity of individual workplaces, sections, workshops and all subdivisions of the production unit for the production of products per unit of time. When production proportionality is achieved, bottlenecks are eliminated. The challenge of maintaining proportionality is constant and encompasses both primary and secondary processes.

Continuity production processes involves the elimination of all interruptions in the work of personnel, equipment and the promotion of objects of labor in production processes. This is achieved through the use of automatic and semi-automatic types of equipment, as well as means of small mechanization (carts, mobile shelves).

Rhythm production processes means the implementation at each workplace at equal intervals of time, the same established amount of work, this ensures a uniform release of products.

Direct flow ensured by observing the shortest path of passage of objects of labor through all operations of the production process without return and counter movements.

Public catering needs improvement forms of organization of production, such as concentration of production, specialization, cooperation and combination.

Production concentration provides for the concentration of the means of production and labor on large p / p (billet) for the centralized production of p / p of a high degree of readiness, culinary and confectionery products with subsequent release to other p / p. Taking into account world experience, centralized production is the basis of social nutrition (workers, children, schoolchildren, students, elderly people) and allows you to get biologically complete food, the safest products, and a wide range.

Under specialization production is understood as the concentration of p / p activities on the release and sale of a certain range of products or on the implementation of certain stages of the technological process.

There are 2 types of specialization - subject and technological (stage).

Subject specialization of enterprises is developing in the following directions:

Organization of food for individual components of consumers, depending on their work and study;

Organization of food for consumers in need of dietary and medical nutrition;

Production of dishes of national cuisine and cuisine of foreign countries;

Production of culinary products from one type of raw material (vegetarian canteens, dairy cafes, fish enterprises);

Production of a narrow range of dishes in dumplings, shashlik, cheburek, etc.

The essence of technological specialization lies in dividing the production process into 2 stages: mechanical processing of raw materials and preparation of semi-finished products for semi-finished and industrial semi-finished products and production of finished products for pre-production production orders. Technological specialization is closely related to the concentration of production.

Cooperation - This is a form of production ties between enterprises that jointly manufacture certain products. Cooperation can be intra-industry (between procurement and pre-procurement p / p). An example is a food mill.

Interindustry cooperation is cooperation between enterprises of various industries (POP and a meat processing plant, a dairy plant, a poultry farm and other industrial p / n, supplying p / f); the creation of complex firms.

A specific feature of the organization of the main production at POP is the predominance of serial and single types of production. With a serial type, the technological process is carried out flow method (on a large p / p), in small-scale production is used batch method organization of production.

A workplace is a part of the production area where an employee performs individual operations using the appropriate equipment, dishes, inventory, tools.

Workplaces in the workshop are located along the technological process.

Workplaces can be specialized and versatile. Specialized workplaces organized at large p / p, when an employee performs one or several homogeneous operations during the day.

In medium and small p / p is dominated by universal jobs, where several non-uniform operations are performed.

The organization of workplaces takes into account the anthropometric data of the structure of the human body, therefore, sectional modulated equipment is used. The distance from the floor to the top shelf of the table, on which the supply of dishes is usually placed, should not exceed 1750 mm. The optimum distance from the floor to the middle shelf is 1500mm. This area is the most convenient for the chef. It is very convenient when the table has drawers for inventory and tools. There should be shelves for dishes at the bottom of the table, cutting boards... The height of the table should be such that the distance between the worker's elbow and the table surface does not exceed 200-250mm. The instantaneous viewing angle of the object is 18 °. In this sector of the review, they post what the chef should see instantly. The effective viewing angle should not exceed 30 °. The average viewing angle for a person is 120 °, therefore the length of the production table should not exceed 1.5 m.

A sufficient area in the workplace area excludes the possibility of industrial injuries, provides an approach to the equipment during its operation and repair. It is recommended to observe the distances (permissible) when placing the equipment.

Manufacturing facilities should be located on ground floors and oriented to the north and northwest.

The area of \u200b\u200bproduction facilities must ensure safe working conditions and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. The area consists of the usable area occupied by various technological equipment, as well as the area for passageways.

The area of \u200b\u200bindustrial premises is calculated by the formula:

where F total is the total area of \u200b\u200bthe shop, m 2;

F floor - useful area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop occupied by the equipment, m 2;

η is the area utilization factor, taking into account the passageways between the equipment; for the hot shop - 0.3; for cold and billet shops - 0.35.

The height of industrial premises must be at least 3.3 m. The walls to a height of 1.8 m from the floor are faced with ceramic tiles, the rest is covered with light glue paint. In modern premises, the walls are tiled with light-colored ceramic tiles to the full height, which improves the conditions for sanitation.

The floors must be waterproof, have a slight slope to the ladder, they must be covered with metal tiles or other artificial material.

IN industrial premises an optimal microclimate must be created, its factors include temperature, humidity and air speed. The optimum temperature in the billet and cold shops should be in the range of 16-18 ° C, in the hot and confectionery shops - 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C. Relative air humidity 60-70%.

These microclimatic conditions are created by means of a supply and exhaust ventilation device. The hood must be larger than the air flow. In the hot shop, in addition to general ventilation, local ventilation is used (over stoves, pans, deep fryers ...).

The workshops must have natural light. The illumination factor (the ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bwindows to the area of \u200b\u200bthe floor) should be at least 1: 6, and the distance of the workplace from the windows should not be more than 8m. For artificial lighting, LL and LN are used, which are selected according to the norm - 20 watts per 1m 2 (floor) of the workshop area.

Production facilities should have a hot and cold water supply to washing baths, boilers, cooking boilers.

The sewerage system ensures the removal of wastewater during the operation of baths, digestion boilers.

The permissible noise level in industrial premises is 60-75 dB. Reducing the noise level in industrial premises can be achieved by using sound-absorbing materials.

Lecture number 3 operational planning of production and technological documentation.

1. Operational production planning.

2. Types of menus.

3. Technological documentation.

The essence of operational planning lies in drawing up the production program of the enterprise; this is done by production managers, heads of production departments, foremen, and accounting workers.

Operational production planning procurement enterprise they are organized according to the following scheme: p / p-i, with which the contract is concluded, make daily orders for p / f, culinary and flour confectionery products and transfer them to the blank p / p to the dispatch service; here orders are summarized by product type and transferred to the shops in the form of a daily production plan. Applications are accepted the day before their execution.

At enterprises with a full production cycle, For example, in restaurants where the assortment of dishes is very large, the menu mainly includes ordered a la carte dishes, so it is difficult to plan in advance the number of dishes released, but taking into account the past experience, you can plan the release of p / f and the number of products per day.

In POP with a certain contingent of consumers (canteens at industrial p / n, educational institutions, childcare facilities, rest homes, etc.), it is possible to more clearly plan the work of production for each day.

Operational planning of production work includes the following elements:

Drawing up a planned menu for a week, a decade (cyclical menu), on its basis the development of a menu plan that reflects the daily production program of a p / p; preparation and approval of the menu;

Calculation of the need for products for the preparation of meals provided for by the menu plan and drawing up requirements for raw materials;

Registration of a bill of lading for the release of products from storage facilities for production and receipt of raw materials;

Distribution of raw materials between workshops and definition of tasks for cooks in accordance with the menu plan.

The menu plan is drawn up by the head of production on the eve of the planned day (no later than 15:00) and approved by the director of the p / p. It contains the names, recipe numbers and the number of dishes, indicating the timing of their preparation in separate batches, taking into account consumer demand.

The main factors that must be taken into account when compiling a menu include: the approximate range of products recommended for EPP, depending on its type and type of ration provided, the availability of raw materials and its seasonality.

An approximate assortment of dishes (assortment minimum) is a certain number of names of cold, hot dishes, drinks typical for various POPs (restaurants, canteens, cafes, etc.).

When approving the menu plan, the director and production manager are responsible for ensuring that the dishes indicated in the menu are on sale throughout the day of trade.

Menu- is a document intended to inform consumers about the range of culinary and confectionery products, drinks and other goods, their quantitative characteristics (food yields and prices). Menu d.b. signed by the director, production manager and calculator.

Free choice menu is compiled in publicly available EPP and presents a list of dishes written in a specific order, indicating the output of dishes, side dishes, main product and price.

When drawing up the menu, they adhere to certain rules for the arrangement of snacks and dishes.

Cold meals and snacks→ fish gastronomy → cold fish dishes → salads and vinaigrettes → cold meat dishes → cold poultry dishes → dairy products.

Hot snack→ fish, meat → poultry and game (julienne) → vegetable → mushroom → egg.

Soups→ transparent, puree, dressing, dairy, cold, sweet.

Second courses→ fish (boiled, stewed, fried, baked) → meat (boiled, fried, steamed) → dishes from poultry and game → dishes from cutlet mass → dishes from vegetables, cereals, legumes, pasta and flour products → dishes from eggs and cottage cheese.

Sweet dishes→ hot → cold.

Hot drinks.

Homemade cold drinks.

Flour culinary and confectionery products. Bread (rye, wheat).

In a cafe, the menu is recommended to start with hot (at least 10 items) and cold drinks, flour confectionery. In specialized p / p - from their characteristic dishes: in teahouses - from tea, in kebabs - from barbecue, etc.

Set lunch menu (breakfast, dinner) is a set of dishes at a certain cost, when combined, a set of B, F, U, min. necessary for the body is provided. in-in and vitamins. In such a menu, the price is indicated not only for each dish, but also the total cost. As a rule, in the dining room there are two options for set lunches, breakfasts, dinners, different in composition, but the same in cost.

When organizing meals by subscription, which are sold for a week, decade, month, the menu includes dishes, the total cost of which corresponds to the cost of the subscription.

Daily diet menu used in rest homes, sanatoriums, boarding schools, children's camps, military units. It is also compiled for the participants of congresses, conferences who eat in restaurants 2-3 times a day. The daily diet menu is compiled simultaneously for breakfast, lunch, dinner, taking into account the physiological needs of a person. It can be free choice or pre-assembled. In rest homes and sanatoriums, consumers can order meals the next day in accordance with the proposed menu.

The dietary food menu is compiled in dietary canteens taking into account 5-6 basic diets (1, 2, 5, 7/10, 9). For each diet, a specific set of dishes is prepared. A dietitian or dietitian participates in the preparation of the menu.

Menu baby food is compiled on the basis of the physiological nutritional standards of children and adolescents, with a different yield of portions for different age groups (7-10 years old, 11-13 years old, 14-17 years old). In school canteens, a variety of dishes is achieved by drawing up a cyclical menu for 2 weeks.

Banquet menu is compiled taking into account the nature of the banquet and the time of its holding.

The banquet menu includes several cold dishes and snacks, which can be ordered at the rate of ½ or 1/3 portions. The menu includes 1 hot starter, second hot dishes of 1-2 names, dessert dishes, hot drinks, flour confectionery.

Themed events menu make up when meeting the New Year, celebrations on the days of traditional holidays.

The main regulatory and technological documentation used at POP includes Collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products.

The collections contain recipes, cooking technology, as well as consumption rates of raw materials, the output of semi-finished products and finished products, recommendations on the interchangeability of products. In each Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products, the introduction indicates the conditions for all types of raw materials and products. When using raw materials of a different condition for cooking than those provided for in the recipes, the input rate of raw materials is recalculated based on the specified recipes for the net weight, the value of which remains constant, and the percentage of waste set in the collection ... When using raw materials of other conditions or substandard raw materials, the rate of output of dishes should not be violated.

In order to fully meet the demand of consumers, catering enterprises can develop new recipes for dishes and culinary products. They must have a novelty of cooking technology, high taste, originality of design, and a good taste combination of products. For all dishes with a new recipe and specialties, technological documentation is developed and approved by the head of the p / p: STP, TU, technical, technological and technological maps, OST, TI.

Technological maps, compiled for each dish, culinary and confectionery products made on a p / p, are provided at the workplaces of cooks and confectioners.

Technological maps are drawn up in the prescribed form on a thick cardboard, signed by the director, the head of production and a calculator and stored in the card file of the head of production.

Technical and technological maps (TTK) develop new and branded dishes and culinary products - those that are developed and sold only in this p / p. The period of validity of the TTK is determined by the p / p itself. Each TTK receives a serial number and is stored in a filing cabinet.

The main regulationsregulating the production of p / f and culinary products are OST, which are developed and approved by the Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry, Food Industry, Fisheries, which produce products for public catering.

TU - This is the main regulatory document that determines the production of p / f only on EPP. TUs are developed by the Public Catering Research Institute.

Technological instructions (TI) are introduced simultaneously with technical specifications and determine the range of produced p / f; quality requirements and consumption rates of raw materials; the procedure for conducting technological processes; requirements for packaging and labeling; conditions, terms of storage and transportation.

STP develop for culinary products with unconventional methods of cold and heat treatment, for basic processes.

STP projects are coordinated with the territorial sanitary epidemiological service. The STP is approved by the head of the p / p for a period determined by him.

The technological process outlined in the STP must ensure the safety requirements and quality indicators established by state acts. STP cannot violate GOSTs.