Create a template for the approval process for a requirement request. Business processes Archive of design and technological documentation

Before the program starts to create purchasing documents, you need to set up procedures for their approval.

To do this, the 1C: Holding Management program uses the mechanism of universal processes.

A further description of this mechanism will be carried out using the example of the document "Request for demand". The same approach can be used to set up any other workflow processes: agreeing on budget reservations, agreeing on contracts, preparing and approving plans, and so on.

On the “Processes and approval” tab of the program, you need to create a new template of the universal process, in which you select the process mode “Approval route”, and then, in the type of the coordinated object, you need to specify “Document”, then in the coordinated object you need to specify “Application for operation” (our purchase request). After that, you need to save and close the new template.

When you try to open the newly created template, the program will offer you three modes for opening the process:

1.Process details - the process template card will re-open, similar to the one you filled out when creating a new one.

2. Process designer - a form for visual design of the process template will open.

3. Process steps - a list of process steps will open (in fact, this is the same constructor, only in a simplified form of a list, where you cannot add new steps - it is convenient to work if you accidentally deleted a step in the constructor and you need to unmark it) ...

The main work on creating / modifying a process template is performed in the process designer mode.

In this mode, you visually build a block diagram of your process from blocks of stages.

Blocks are of the following types (in the part related to the procurement management subsystem):

1. Negotiation - the list of persons / roles coordinating the document is listed (the stage will be completed when all users have completed the agreement).

2. A conditional transition is a condition that determines the further route of the process.

3. Notification - the stage at which the program automatically generates a message to the user (the message text is set in the form of a template, the notification message can be sent to several users simultaneously).

4. Approved - the stage at which the agreed document becomes approved.

5. Rejected - the document to be agreed has been rejected.

6.Service blocks:

a. Subprocess (here you can specify another process template that will be executed instead of this block).

b. Processing - in this block you can set a certain procedure (in the built-in 1C language), which can modify the object as needed at the moment when the process reaches this stage. For example, some kind of automatic comments will be added.

c. Pause - set a pause in hours in the execution of the process.

d. Waiting for an event - a certain event in the system is set: for example, it is expected until the debt limit under the contract is met. The scheduled tasks of the program check whether an event has occurred or not, and if it does, the process moves on.

I have described in detail all the possible blocks of stages in order to show that in the program you can conveniently set almost any routes for the movement (approval) of documents. I recommend using sub-process steps more often. This will significantly simplify routes by creating standard universal sets of process templates (for example, “approval in accounting,” “approval in the legal department,” and so on), from which it is then convenient to assemble the required template for any occasion.

In our example, we will use a simple template for the approval process for a purchase requisition document:

1.Add one stage "Approval",

2. At the added stage, we will indicate in the responsible the role of "Purchaser",

3. The next step is to add the "Object approved" stage.

4. Let's connect the stages with links (the button in the menu of the constructor form).

The meaning of this setting is simple - the document will be sent for approval to the user who is assigned to the role of the buyer according to the CFD (organizational unit) for which this document was issued.

Demonstration of setting up the negotiation process is given in the video lecture LINK [M.A.1].

After the configuration of the approval process template is completed, you need to link this template to the document itself. This is done in a separate processing "Authorization Matrix".

This processing makes it possible to bind the processing processes (for example, the approval process) to the configuration objects. You should select the required object (reference book or document) and indicate the required process.

In the case of simple approval by one user, you can immediately specify this user in the matrix instead of the process template. Then the system will automatically generate a task for this user to approve the object. After its completion, the object is considered approved.

At this point, the setup of the approval process for the demand request (purchase) can be considered complete.

The module "Corporate processes for 1C: Document flow CORP" provides a popular and very interesting opportunity - the use of typical business processes "1C: Document flow CORP" as nested processes (subprocesses) in the visual designer of business processes. Using the "Corporate Processes for 1C: CORP Document Flow" Module, you can draw a complex (or simple) business process and include previously created standard processes as nested processes.

This use of standard (typical) business processes allows you to expand the capabilities of the standard configuration without additional changes to each process in the "Configurator". It is enough to install the Module once and then use its powerful capabilities to create new business processes.

It is worth noting that all calls to nested processes, as well as building business processes in the visual designer in general, are performed with the mouse in user mode, without any programming or changing the metadata structure in the Configurator.

You can use not only standard processes as nested processes, but also any other business processes previously created by your programmers. Thus, no investments in the already completed configuration will be lost, they will simply be supplemented with new capabilities provided by the "Corporate Processes for 1C: Document Flow CORP" Module.

Let's consider an example of using the standard business process "1C: Document Flow CORP" as a nested process. For example, we have a business process for paying an invoice drawn in a visual designer. In it, if the invoice amount exceeds a certain value (in our example, 10 thousand rubles), the task of registering the contract in the registry is issued. An example of such a process in the visual editor is shown in the figure below.

We can replace this simple issue of the contract registration task with a call to the standard nested “Order” business process.

Let's add a new point "Nested process" to the route of the business process (after removing the issue point of one task). At the point of the nested process, we will indicate that the nested process will be the standard process "1C: CORP Document Flow" with the name "Assignment", or rather, we will point to one of the previously prepared templates of the standard process "Assignment". We will indicate the parameters that will be passed to such a nested process from the main business process. The figure shows an example of setting up a call point of a nested process in the visual designer of business processes.

Now, if our drawn business process goes along a branch with a certain amount, the system will automatically generate a new standard “Order” business process with the passed set of parameters and the executors we need.

The list of executors can also be transferred from the main process to the nested process, or you can take the list of executors previously assigned to this typical process. This “Order” business process will be carried out as usual and issue its tasks to performers.

When you configure the call point of a nested business process, you can specify whether the main process should wait for the execution of the called process to finish. If the checkbox "Stop the current process before the end of the subprocess" is enabled, then the execution of the main process will be suspended until the end of the nested process, in our example, until the end of the execution of the "Order" business process.

With the help of the Module "Corporate processes for" 1C: Document flow CORP ", you can create complex processes that include calls to the following typical processes:
Complex process
Internal document processing
Processing an incoming document
Outbound processing

You can also add another visual process as a nested process, for this, in the setting of the Nested process point, set the Sub-process type switch to the Corporate process type value and specify one of the process types.

The module "Corporate Processes for 1C: CORP Document Flow" allows you to create complex business processes with many calls to nested processes, which, in turn, can also have calls to other nested business processes.

Another option for using the "Corporate Processes for 1C: CORP Document Flow" Module is to quickly and easily add new capabilities to standard business processes. For example, you have a standard "Assignment" process template and you need to supplement it by issuing an additional task to the required employee after the process is completed. You can change typical process "Coordination" by adding a new point to its route in the "Configurator" and write the program code in the "1C" language. But, it will be much easier and more efficient to create in the visual designer the new kind business process, by including the mouse in its route immediately after the "Start" point, call the typical nested process "Approval" and then after this call point add, also with the help of the mouse and without programming, the point for issuing the task to the executor. An example is shown in the figure below.

Now, if we launch our new business process, the standard “Approval” business process will be immediately launched and after its completion the system will create the required additional task.

CUBiK: Business Processes is a software product for 1C: Enterprise 8, which allows you to automate business processes in an enterprise.

The mechanism of business processes allows you to describe, create and manage the execution of business processes in applied solutions. The purpose of this mechanism is to automate chains of related operations aimed at achieving a common goal, usually in the context organizational structuredefining functional roles and connections.

Automation of business processes improves the quality of work organization and management efficiency.

  • Improving quality
    Business processes formulate and implement the rules for performing individual operations and their relationship, which can significantly reduce or even completely eliminate errors in the course of the business process associated with the human factor. Working with a simple to-do list allows employees to concentrate on their immediate responsibilities.
  • Improving efficiency
    Using the mechanism of business processes allows you to formalize organizational activities and assign responsibilities for managing the joint work of employees on the shoulders applied solutionsleading to more efficient use of working time.
  • Getting new opportunities
    Data on the execution of tasks and the progress of business processes can serve as a source of information to optimize the activities of the organizational structure of an enterprise, identify bottlenecks and hidden resources, and be a means of supporting process management.

As you know, 1C: Enterprise 8 has a built-in mechanism for business processes. However, its implementation requires the help of a programmer. Each new type of business process requires separate programming. In the configurator it is necessary to create a new "Business Process" object, link it to tasks and configuration objects, and program its behavior. If you need to edit it, you need to make changes to the configuration.

Unlike business processes built into the 1C: Enterprise 8 system, CUBiK: Business Processesis a universal tool that allows you to create diagrams of business processes directly in the user mode, i.e. without involving a programmer.
To create a map of the route of a business process, all the design possibilities provided by the graphic scheme can be used.

KUBiK capabilities: Business processes allow:

  • Create an unlimited number of business process diagrams in 1C: Enterprise mode (user mode)
  • Configure task addressing for different types users: Initiator, specific user, user group, software-defined user
  • Link business processes to any (reference, document) application configuration object
  • Start a new business process: manually, by event (when recording a new one, when writing an object, when entering based on)
  • For each route point in the built-in language, describe the handling of events that occur during its passage. The program provides a template directory that is constantly updated
  • Use various forms to display tasks. While predefined forms are available, a form designer will be added in the next version
  • View where the business process is
  • For reconciliation schemes, the ability to use reviews
  • Block posting of documents until their approval
  • Complete business processes manually
  • Use a program to handle various kinds of events with or without notifications without using tasks. Determination of the occurrence of an event can be carried out programmatically. For example, notifying the user about the receipt of payment, notifying the user if the order amount exceeds a certain limit, notifying the registration of an invoice and / or a supplier's order, etc.
  • Analyze task execution using various reports

CUBiK: Business Processes available for the following configurations:

  • Trade Management for Ukraine, revision 2.3
  • Trade Management for Russia, revision 10.3
  • Control trade enterprise for Ukraine, revision 1.2
  • Accounting for Ukraine, version 1.2

Version 1.2
For the user
1. Added the ability to save / open a route map from an external drive.
2. Support for many nested business processes (one nested business process can launch an unlimited number of other processes).
3. Support for launching a business process on the "On execution" event.
4. Correction of found errors.
For a technician
1. Integration with the "Developer Tools" subsystem
2. Support for transferring values \u200b\u200bin the structure of parameters between route points and nested processes with the preservation of their values \u200b\u200bthroughout the life of the process.

Version 2.1
Added a powerful constructor for universal forms. Universal shapes powerful tool to create your own types of forms outside the configurator and connect them to tasks. With the advanced capabilities of the universal form using the built-in programming language, you can describe any algorithms, process events of the form and its attributes, add additional buttons.

Money back guarantee

Infostart LLC guarantees you a 100% refund if the program does not match the declared functionality from the description. The money can be returned in full if you declare it within 14 days from the date the money was received in our account.

The program is so proven in operation that we can give such a guarantee with complete confidence. We want all of our customers to be happy with their purchase.

Capabilities " Business processes"allow you to work with almost any kind of information on the portal. "Business processes" is a versatile toolwhich is used in a wide variety of elements. This is a simple, convenient mechanism for managing business processes that take place in the company and are controlled on the Portal.

Organize with the help of the module "Business Processes" management of a variety of business processes, from the simple to the most complex. As an example: the publication of some news on the portal, then more serious processes - the shipment of orders, interaction with the partner network or customers. Use ready-made business process templates or create your own.

  • integration with tasks with the ability to set a task and wait for its completion;
  • creation of simple sequential business processes - actions are performed one after another from the entry point to the exit point;
  • creation of complex branched business processes (with statuses, complex conditions, parallel execution, etc.) - the processes have no beginning and end, in the process of work there is a transition from one state to another;
  • individual setting of each action in the process;
  • use as fields for processing any field of the document, process template;
  • the ability to collapse blocks in business process templates;
  • clarification of the parameters of the document before sending it for processing (sending messages by e-mail or within a social network).

Document publishing process

Frequently used actions (invoice approval, sending a message, etc.) can be saved in a separate block "My actions" and then quickly add them from there to your business process.

You will be able to organize a variety of processes in your company using business processes. Even in the simplest process - publication of documents - various actions, conditions of execution and notifications of employees are set. Build on business processes, say account reconciliation or business trip registrationand these ongoing tasks within the company will become less of a burden.

Business process creation

The module provides very wide opportunities for information processing automation... You do not need to know programming in order to set the required order of a business process, to display its specific needs using simple graphical diagrams. Any employee of your company - a user of the Portal will be able to create new schemes and change existing ones.

how business processes are created:
  • the creation and editing of a business process is carried out in a special visual designer (which is present only in the edition Business Processes;
  • the view of the visual constructor changes depending onthe type of process being created - sequential or with a status;
  • when creating a process, set process parameters - data that can be used in any command or process action;
  • when creating a sequential process, a list of actions becomes available in the visual designer, which can be added and changed;
  • adding an action in the visual constructor is done using a well-known and understandable technology drag & drop (pull and throw) followed by setting parameters;
  • when creating a process with statuses, the necessary statuses are first created and their parameters are configured, then commands are set (they are of different types) for this status... Each individual command is a separate sequential process.

It is not difficult to create your own business processes - you will do it visually, using visual design tools... Simple actions such as dragging and dropping ( drag & drop) elements, you will be able to form and customize the sequence of stages of the business process - those very different actions and approvals required to perform business processes.

Creating a business process template

The order of information in the company is set using a business process template, which is constructed from a series of actions. And this action can be anything: from creating a document to sending email or updating a row in the database.

Typical business processes

Take advantage of ready-made templates of business processeswhich are part of all editions product "1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal". Now situations in your company that require approval and approval will be under control. You can easily familiarize the necessary employees with some important document, form an expert group to evaluate it, and receive a competent resume for the document.

  • Sequential Simple Approval / Voting Process
    Recommended for situations where a decision by a simple majority is required. Within its framework, you can include the necessary employees in the list of voters, set an end date for approval, determine the% of votes at which the document is considered adopted, and give the opportunity to comment on your decision to those who voted. At the end of the voting, all participants are informed decision, the percentage of voters and the percentage of votes.
  • First Vote Approval Process
    Recommended for situations where one expert opinion from a community is enough. As part of this process, a list of employees is set who have the right to make a decision in notification of the started process. The time period for making a decision is set. The process is considered complete by the first employee who responded.
  • Process with "Consensus Approval" statuses
    Recommended for situations where general agreement on a decision is required. It has only three statuses: Draft, Approved, Published. As part of the process, a list of participants is indicated. Participants can make a yes / no decision. If the decision is made by all "yes" - the document is considered accepted. If at least one employee makes a decision “no” - the document is returned for revision.
  • Process with statuses "Two-step approval"
    Recommended for document approval situations with preliminary peer review. As part of the process, at the first stage, the document is approved by an expert. If the document is not approved by him, then it is returned for revision. If approved, then the document is submitted for decision by a group of employees by a simple majority of votes. If the document is not accepted at the second stage of voting, then it is returned to the author for revision and the approval process is repeated.
  • Document Review Process
    Designed for situations when a group of employees needs to be familiarized with a document. As part of the process, a group of workers is defined to be notified. The term for review is set. The right to leave comments is given. At the end of the business process, the percentage of those who are familiar is displayed.
  • Expert Judgment Process
    Recommended for situations where the decision-maker needs to make a decision on a document. expert review according to the document. As part of the process, an expert group is appointed, each member of which can express their opinion on the document. The opinions are passed on to the decision-maker who approves or not the document.

  • Implemented taking into account the new access rights and integrated with tasks. The business process "conducts" the invoice through the stages of approval from the employee to the director, and only then the invoice goes to the accounting department for payment.
  • Business processes for CRM - for processing Leads and Deals.

Typical business processes included in editions Company and Collaboration as immutable processes. They can be configured to work with the right staff, but you cannot change the flow of the document. In editions Business Processes and Holdingpresent visual designer, which allows you to change typical business processes and create your own.

One-stop bill payment business process

The product delivery includes a typical business process for invoice payment - "One-stop bill payment business process"... Invoices are the very first and most massive process that all companies set up. A typical business process is implemented taking into account new access rights and integrated with tasks. This is a great example for companies that want to immediately start using a business process, modify it or create their own based on it. The business process "conducts" the invoice through the stages of approval from the employee to the director, and only then the invoice goes to the accounting department for payment.

One-stop bill payment business process

The business process is structured like this:
  • "Author" loads the invoice (fills in all fields).
  • The message about the new account (that it needs to be confirmed) is sent to the “Head of the unit” (via jabber and mail).
  • After approval by the “Head of the department”, the account goes to the approval of the “Marketing Director”.
  • Then the invoice must be approved " CEO"Or" Company Development Director ".
  • Then the invoice is transferred to the status "For payment".
  • The payment message is received by the “Accountant of the department”. After payment, he changes the status to "Paid".
  • The author receives a message that he needs to collect documents.
  • After the documents are collected (submitted to the accounting department), the author changes the status to "Documents collected".
  • The "unit accountant" confirms this.
  • The business process is closed.
The business process will start manually or automatically - depending on how you set it up. In this case, the launch method will not affect its execution. And the process itself can have several instances, each of which works independently of the others.

Let's say you want to start a business process associated with a document. In the action column of the required document choose « New business process", and from the list that opens - the required business process. After that, in the form that opens, fill in the fields (each type of process has its own) and press the button "Run".

It is worth taking advantage of the possibility of embedding into the business process notifications.If a notification is provided in a business process, then an employee participating in the process will receive it as soon as the course of the business process reaches an operation requiring his attention. Want to see how many tasks each employee has? Go to bookmark "Business processes" on his personal page.

Integration of CRM with business processes

Now in CRM for processing Leads and Deals you can use business processes... Business processes are connected directly from the lists of items - you can choose one of the ready-made and customized business processes. And with the help of the Business Process Designer, you can create a new business process and include in it all possible actions on the CRM element: perform an action, send letters, assign responsible persons, set a task, etc.
Business processes and Holding you can modify standard business processes and create new ones using the Business Process Designer.


An important point: in the diagram of any business process, you can include elements control over its implementation... Moreover, you can organize teamwork in some project, ordering, say, the process of agreeing on important stages in the form of voting. What is the plus - in this case, the project participants do not even need to get together physically - somewhere in the meeting room.

Tasks on business processes

It should be especially noted that "Business Processes" is a universal tool that can and should be used in a variety of elements. This simple and convenient mechanism will be useful for you to manage many business processes that take place in the company and are controlled on the Portal. Thus, the new module allows you to work with almost any kind of information on the site. As an example, set up the management of all tasks on the Portal on business processes - and the process of setting tasks and monitoring their implementation will become much more flexible. And this, in turn, will increase the efficiency of tasks in working groups.

Now you can automate the company's business processes! You will be able to manage the stages of the processes and all the actions necessary for its execution.

The Business Processes module has a fundamentally different architecture and contains extensive and significant functionality. This is one of the reasons why the Business Process Designer (a visual editor that allows you to create new business processes) is included only in the "older" edition of 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal: Business Processes and Holding. A set of typical templates of business processes is included in all editions of the Bitrix: Corporate Portal product.

Business trips and vacations

How the business process is carried out "I'm going on a business trip"?

  • The employee selects a ready-made business process in the catalog and starts it.
  • The system invites him to print a sample document, fill it out and take it to the accounting department.
  • The employee performs this and notes in the business process.
  • The accountant receives the message, pays him travel expenses or submits for approval to the manager - thereby moving the process further from himself.
  • And so on until the creation of a trip report: the system reports, reminds, offers forms, etc.

At the same time, what is important, the business process contains and accumulates all the documents that are generated in the process of its execution. Collection possible additional information - at any stage, you can request the necessary data from any of the participants in the business process, adjusting the business process along the way. Moreover, at any stage of the business process, you can replenish it with new actions: add, say, tasks or events to the calendar.

2006 year. At the forum of SQL specialists, the question of the expediency of modeling business processes in CRM systems is unexpectedly raised. The words sound: long, expensive, Siebel, not necessary, difficult.
year 2014. Increasingly, clients are asking for advice on CRM with the ability to build and run business processes. What is the reason? The first suspicion is that they have heard somewhere and are now reaching out for fashion. To the question "Why?" a balanced answer comes in: “We are tired of the chaos and confusion in the organization of work. At least often repeated actions need order. " One cannot but agree that the main purpose of regulating business processes in a company is precisely order. Admit it, it is nice to know that many processes in the organization are clear, smooth, fast, with minimal nervousness.

What are business processes and why are they in CRM?

CRM systems in russian practice commonly regarded as programs for automating sales and customer interaction. However, today vendors that have been in the market for a long time have functionally expanded their programs and turned them into a tool for complex business automation. Now CRM as a technology for increasing the efficiency and organization of business work is used by everyone: salespeople, marketers, accountants, logisticians, top management. Accordingly, CRM must be able to meet the new user request - to resolve issues of intra-company communications and management. Simply put, be able to build and automate business processes.
In fact, a business process is a universal scheme of interaction, an algorithm that employees go through from time to time to achieve a result. This scheme (action map) should take into account a number of factors:
  • plan time
  • ensure the setting of objectives
  • track key points of the process
  • inform employees
  • build reports
Business processes are characterized three required elements:
  1. strong ties (transitions, conditions, multiple choice, etc.)
  2. actions during the process (including notifications, attachments, calls, etc.)
  3. logical conclusion (goal achieved).
At the same time, it is important to understand that not all users of a business process know what follows what - everyone should be responsible for their own stage and complete the task on time. For the process owner, the important thing is the result achieved on time and the analysis of problems that arise in the course of work. Keeping a log (protocol) of the process helps to record all the subtleties and either correct the process itself, or make adjustments to the work of the "weak" link. In general, mistakes or delays in the course of a business process should in no way be the reason for punishing employees. Moreover, it is better to correct the process several times based on the experience of previous launches, so that in the future it runs smoothly and in the optimal time frame.

The use of business processes turns the usual CRM into a technology for transforming the chaotic organization of interaction chains within the company into ordered and coordinated processes. Spending time on creating and debugging the process inside CRM (another corporate information system), you will receive tremendous savings in time and nerves in the future - the relay race will be simple and reliable. In addition, the smart process will prevent you from forgetting to take actions that may be missed (for example, to issue an invoice on time, make a call, or notify stakeholders about an event). In general, CRM with built-in business processes is a new level system that connects a company in single network connections and interactions. Such a structure reduces the human factor and creates an order that will necessarily affect the result of the activity.

Who needs business processes?

It may seem that building and even more automation of business processes is the concern of large, bureaucratized companies with a huge staff. This is not true. Everything is a process: document approval, ordering from a supplier of products, shipment to branches, customer service, execution of a customer order. These actions are mandatory and take place in the company at regular intervals. To be honest, unpleasant mistakes, hitching and delays often occur, which negatively affect not only relations within the company, but can also become fatal in relations with clients.

Remember the fairy tales where a magic ball helps a bewildered hero find the right path? This is a great illustration of how business process automation helps a business. Fulfilling his duties, everyone receives their own stage, acts according to instructions and reminders, passes the stage on ... The tangle of the process unravels until it leads to the desired result. Thus, a business process designer is needed for all companies that want to:

  • create a unified IT infrastructure
  • put things in order in constant tasks
  • remember all the details of actions: from the most important to the smallest
  • minimize the impact on the processes of the human factor
  • include clients in your business processes
  • share responsibility honestly and reasonably
  • save time and money on company management
By the way, about responsibility. Business processes in CRM regulate the relationship between the established responsible, who, in the event of an unfavorable outcome, will no longer be able to shift the blame on a neighbor on the table, since they will have both a documented reminder and a logged stage transition.

What should we build the process

Building a business process is not only a necessary task, but also an interesting one. I would recommend creating processes in two stages: on paper and in a program. Before entering the business process into the program, describe the process on paper as accurately as possible, paying attention to all the details: notifications, time, responsible ... After that, try to eliminate unnecessary things, optimize the way to achieve the goal and only after that enter the process into CRM using the built-in tools and notation.

You can build processes using familiar flowcharts, simple data organization, lists, and a special BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) notation. BPMN notation combined procedure notation (those same functional block diagrams that everyone saw at least at school) and event tree notation, laying in its foundation a chain of processes composed of these very procedures and events. It is a simple and straightforward notation that steps through a process and builds a visual map of the process. In my opinion, BPMN notation in its classical sense is needed only for very large companies, the rest will be quite adapted, simplified BPMN with the tracks of those responsible, and the vast majority will do without using the notation at all.

The main advantage of using non-BPMN builders in CRM is a clear and simple interface that can be mastered in an hour of training. Moreover, the process can be built from blocks, or by filling out the forms for each stage of the process, when the graphic map is drawn automatically. Subjectively, it is more convenient to fill out the card (fields) - it is easier to take into account all the nuances and provide for the smallest conditions and connections based on the form fields thought out by the developer.
After creating a business process, be sure to run it and testpaying attention to the following points:

  • are the deadlines for completing tasks correctly indicated?
  • do notifications, reminders pass
  • whether automatic goals and objectives are set
  • are the responsible persons indicated correctly?
  • does file attachment work, generating documentation (if necessary)
  • are there any unmotivated interrupts
  • how access rights to the process are allocated
  • whether the actions of the process are logged.
Thus, in order for the process to work as it should, all the details should be worked out in advance and then you will get a modern organized work of departments and employees.

Russian market players: CRM overview

If we talk about the segment of small and medium-sized businesses, then you should choose universal CRM with a built-in ability to create business processes. In addition to my favorite systems, I included new players in the review. As for foreign sufficiently strong solutions Bizagi and Bonita Open Solution, I do not consider them, since these are process modeling systems without Russian localization, which, moreover, are not part of CRM. My goal is to consider complex automation a business in need of business process modeling.

Terrasoft CRM (for review purposes - cloudy bpm "online sales) - perhaps the most famous CRM with embedded business processes. Includes the ability to build processes in BPMN notation, as well as a number of ready-made templates of business processes based on "ready-made practices", according to the developer himself. Knowing the specifics of the business that implements automation, I can safely say that ready-made packages with built-in business processes is nothing more than a beautiful marketing ploy, since no process can be sharpened in advance for a specific company. As a rule, you need to either create custom-made business processes or train employees to create business processes on their own.
bpm "online sales allows you to create processes using a wizard and a process designer (available only in a paid version). Processes in the wizard are easy to create, even without knowledge of business design - the system itself divides the process along the paths of responsible persons and departments. This is not the most convenient BPMN designer, but the process map is simple and clear, the process of launching, tracking and logging the stages of the process is obvious. You enter the stages, responsible and transitions, and the system renders the map itself. Alas, I could not test the paid version of the process designer in bpm "online sales, but knowing the designer from desktop Terrasoft, which is no longer available, I can assume that this is a powerful and interesting tool.
Among the shortcomings, I note the absence of the possibility of assigning several responsible for the stage without creating groups of employees, the "stretching" of the diagram on the monitor and the roughness of the graphical implementation of the process map.

RegionSoft CRM built a business process editor into my CRM system in the latest version 5.0. The developer abandoned the use of formal notations and implemented his own logic with a human-readable interface. The constructor of business processes is simple and convenient - the user enters the parameters of each stage in special forms, including notifications and child processes with infinite nesting, and at the output receives a graphical implementation of the process.
Each participant in the process is assigned a task at its stage, the business process can be suspended until the task is completed. As the process is created, a notification about the correctness of the process construction is displayed below - the user will not be able to launch an incorrectly created process. In the notifications that come to the user, a process card opens, in which you can easily mark the necessary links, attach files and related documents. A separate advantage is hints and explanations in the windows, which make it clear what a particular mechanism is doing.
Of the shortcomings, I can point out not the most elegant graphical implementation, which in a busy process can seem a little confusing. It is worth admitting that by abandoning the use of BPMN notation, RegionSoft did not lose by creating a constructor that is understandable and well suited to CRM. However, if we talk about integration with the same Visio or Business Studio, then rejection of BPMN is critical.

Microsoft Dynamics CRMincludes business processes without a graphics card, which is initially inconvenient, especially after testing several systems with visualization. However, for the very essence of the business process, this is not critical. It was not possible to find a module for setting up processes right away, after walking through the menu, I had to turn to the manual. MS Dynamics CRM provides three ways to customize business processes: through the menu in the system, based on the CRM SDK for advanced and by purchasing ready-made processes from a third-party developer. Let's consider the first way as not costly and does not require special skills.
Adding steps, conditions and records is familiar to users of corporate Microsoft systems: conditions are set by drop-down lists and logical expressions familiar to many advanced users. This is a convenient implementation that almost everyone encounters in various information and analytical systems. Unfortunately, the interface does not display areas of responsibility, the general view of the process is not obvious, it remains to be hoped, but the accuracy of the settings and the internal logic of the created algorithm. In general, setting up a business process is convenient, but it is worth remembering the inconvenience of perceiving an already built process.

Bitrix-24 (1C). Contrary to my principle not to consider 1C products, I could not get around Bitrix, because the range of systems with business process designers is limited and includes a number of new players, in addition to the already familiar participants in previous reviews. Strictly speaking, Bitrix-24 is not a CRM at all, but a social network for a company (a corporate portal), into which the CRM module is built, which will be discussed.
It is difficult to find a module with setting up business processes. For those who are interested: CRM → more → settings → business processes. When creating a process, you must select a category for which the business process is configured, if necessary, you can write custom parameters and variables, and commands can be written using PHP code, which is interesting in itself, but requires certain skills.
The business process in Bitrix is \u200b\u200bbuilt using a convenient visual constructor, in which the user selects the necessary blocks and functions from the columns on the right. This is not a classic BPMN notation, but certain rules are followed. From a user point of view, the editor interface is not the most intuitive, you have to edit each block separately, opening its "card". In my subjective opinion, creating a process in Bitrix is \u200b\u200bthe most time consuming.

ELMA (ECM, CRM +) has become a completely new product for me, which I have never encountered before. However, in this review, this system takes its rightful place. Despite the serious overload and the combination of WEB and desktop interfaces, it uses the BPMN notation in its purest form and is interesting for this. Business processes are created in a separate desktop designer with functional windows. In addition to the standard BPMN notation, ELMA supports the creation of scripts and custom scripts for business processes in C #, which, given the right skills, is a good advantage. It also supports importing processes from Business Studio in XPDL format.
Processes are executed already in the WEB-interface, there is a separate matrix of responsibility, process logs, process metrics, you can create process instances. In general, to me personally, the interface of both the system and the designer seemed redundant. I am sure that only a few will use all the opportunities and then in large companies... In general, we can safely say that this is a system that exists for the sake of and for business processes. ELMA is supplied with various platforms and programs, when choosing, it is worthwhile to understand that the price will consist of CRM and a platform for developing business processes.

In all of these systems, there is the possibility of additional integration of CRM with the site, which, combined with business processes, reports and internal CRM logic, opens up the opportunity to create many interesting features related to customer service on the site or in the online store.
Speaking of all systems, I want to point out one common drawback. I suppose that all developers look at Habr and will see a remark that, for all its necrtism, is a huge inconvenience: it is impossible to select several responsible persons by holding down Ctrl, everywhere you have to do one at a time or first create groups of employees.

In the table, I grouped some basic information about the listed vendor and, of course, indicated the prices, because in today's situation this is an important criterion, especially if the manufacturer links the price list to the exchange rate.

Decision Terrasoft CRM RegionSoft CRM Microsoft Dynamics CRM ELMA Bitrix 24
Editorial staff
Bpm "online sales enterprise
Online Professional
System class
Corporate portal with built-in CRM
Business process interface
Logic + graphics
Logic + graphics
Logic + graphics
Logic + graphics
Without notation
Without notation
Without notation
Deployment scheme
Cloud, some on-site versions
Cloud, on-site
Cloud + desktop
Cloud, on-site
Integration with the site
Base purchase cost 15 licenses
400 € - users / year in the cloud
550 € - user when on-site

At prices as of 5.12.14:
cloud: 389 040 RUR in year
on-site: 534 930 RUR / at a time

144 900 RUR / at a time 421 560 RURin year
281 875 RUR / at a time \u003d
CRM: 130,000 RUB + BPM: 106 875 RUR + MS SQL Server at least 45,000 rubles.
Cloud -
from 59 880 rub. / year

Box -
129 500 RUR / at a time

Summing up a short overview of solutions, I want to say that when choosing a CRM with built-in business processes, you must be guided by three important principles.
  1. It is important to understand how large are the business processes in the organization... So, if we are talking about a plant with production cycles, approval and numerous distributors, then it is worth choosing a system with BPMN notation (I would prefer Terrasoft in a “full” configuration or ELMA). If your company is more interested in CRM and business processes are not overloaded, then I would prefer fast, versatile, functional RegionSoft CRM or bpm "online sales. Do not underestimate or overestimate your company in terms of the complexity of processes - only a real picture will make right choice.
  2. Should be aware implementation cost level... Thus, a platform for building serious business processes can be supplied separately and cost almost 100% of the cost of licenses. Or, for example, implementing a cloud project in a period of 2-3 years can be much more expensive than delivering a desktop once and for all.
  3. Need to be prepared incur additional costs for employee training... Moreover, training your specialists is much more effective than buying ready-made models - processes can change and grow, and an employee within the staff will always be ready to promptly make changes.
Each company is looking for its own path to success. In the 21st century, on this road, it is important to be able to competently automate your business so that software becomes a reliable chain mail, and not a hated burden. Test, try on, do not hesitate to contact vendors and view their presentations - make an informed decision. And then any business process will work clearly, smoothly, without interruptions, and your business will develop intensively, bringing more pleasure than hassle.
  • business automation
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