Goods work services become innovations if. Formation of a production program for the release of high-tech products






In accordance with part 4 of article 4 Federal law dated July 18, 2011 N 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services separate types legal entities"(Collection of legislation Russian Federation, 2011, N 30 (part I), Art. 4571) I order:

approve the attached criteria for classifying goods, works and services as innovative products and (or) high-tech products by industries related to the established area of \u200b\u200bactivity of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.





I. Criteria for the assignment of goods, works, services

to innovative products

1. Consumer properties (including functional characteristics) goods are new and (or) exceed the consumer properties (including functional characteristics) of previously produced goods.

2. In the production of goods, the first introduced results of research, development and technological work are used.

3. The consumer properties of the goods are improved in comparison with the existing analogs or, in the absence of direct analogs, there are qualitatively new consumer (functional) characteristics, including those that increase the competitiveness of the goods, or a new way of using the goods that allows to expand the scope of its use.

4. In the production of goods, only new or modernized technological equipment, technological processes or technologies are used that were not previously used in production of this product, or new materials to improve the technical and economic, competitive, ergonomic, consumer and other indicators of the manufactured goods.

5. When performing work and providing services, the first introduced results of research, development and technological work are used, which were not previously used when performing similar works and providing similar services.

6. The performance of work and the provision of services is associated with changes in production processusing a new or modernized production equipment and / or software, new technologies.

7. The work is performed and the service is rendered in an area in which previously similar work and service have not been applied.

8. The work and service are new, previously not performed and not provided.

9. When using in the production of goods, performance of work, provision of services, the results of intellectual activity, subject to legal protection.

10. When using new scientific and technical, constructive and / or technological solutions in the production of goods, performing work, rendering services.

II. Criteria for the assignment of goods, works, services

to high-tech products

11. The goods, work, services are accordingly manufactured, performed and rendered by the enterprises of knowledge-intensive industries.

12. The goods, work and services are accordingly produced, performed and rendered using the latest designs technological equipment, technological processes and technology.

13. The goods, work, service is accordingly produced, performed and rendered with the participation of highly qualified, specially trained personnel.


An innovative product is a product, work and service if one or more of the criteria specified in clauses 1-10 are met.

A high-tech product is a product, work and service if all the criteria specified in clauses 11-13 are met.

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In the third chapter"Organization of the formation management process production program release of high-tech products ”discloses the organizational aspect of the problem under study. Are given practical advice on the organization of the process of forming a production program using the proposed method and algorithm, as well as recommendations for improvement information support formation of the production program. The results of practical approbation of the author's developments are presented on the example of the enterprise ZAO Scientific Research Institute for Measuring Technology - Radio Engineering Systems.

In custodythe main results of the dissertation research are presented, conclusions and recommendations are formulated.


1. The concept of "high-tech products" has been clarified. A classification of high-tech products has been developed.

The study showed that a unified, generally accepted definition of the concept of high-tech products has not yet been developed. Contemporary authors operate with a number of similar terms, such as "science-intensive products", "high-tech products", "innovative product", "intellectual product", "scientific and technical products", "high technologies", "innovations", etc. This does not always happen the meaning in which this or that term is used is clear, and the difference in the essence of these terms is not always obvious.

The terms "high-tech products", "high-tech industries", "high-tech complex" appeared in the domestic literature relatively recently. Most researchers identify the concept of "high-tech" using the value of the indicator of knowledge intensity, due to which the terms "high-tech" and "knowledge-intensive" are currently used mainly as synonyms. However, in our opinion, this is not entirely correct, since the fact that production is science-intensive (the share of costs for science in the total cost of production should be at least 3.5-5.0%) does not automatically mean that it is high-tech (advanced technologies should be massively used in high-tech industries).

Based on the analysis carried out, the following definition of the concept “ high-tech products»: These are products manufactured by enterprises of science-intensive industries, manufactured using the latest equipment and technologies, with the participation of highly qualified, specially trained personnel, embodying modern scientific achievements, advanced experience and having high socio-economic efficiency.

The proposed definition, in contrast to those found in literary sources, contains a formal criterion for classifying a product as high-tech, its main features and qualitative characteristics, which makes it possible to clearly identify its concept and separate it from other similar concepts.

Based on the analysis of the list of high-tech products (in accordance with the standard international trade classification SITC), as well as research materials on this topic, a classification of high-tech products has been developed (Table 1).

It should be noted that at present there are practically no attempts to classify high-tech products as a whole class in literary sources. Existing classifications affect its individual types and most often use two features: the degree of science intensity of the industry and the type of production. The developed classification, in contrast to the existing ones, firstly, refers to the entire class of high-tech products, and secondly, the list of classification features has been expanded in it.

2. The specific features of the organization of the production of high-tech products as a control object are disclosed, the main features of the high-tech market and related products are formulated from the point of view of their influence on the production management process and sales of such products.

Development of effective system management of production and sales of high-tech products, justification of the appropriateness of the use of certain approaches and methods are impossible without taking into account the specifics of high-tech products and their market.

In studies devoted to the problems of the development of a high-tech complex in Russia, the authors give a description of such products in various aspects (including from the standpoint of production management and market promotion), determine the features of marketing and the specifics of its individual types, for example, innovative products, scientific and technical products, goods for industrial and technical purposes, technologies themselves as goods, but rarely high-tech products as a whole class. In our opinion, there is still no complete, systematic study of high-tech products as an object of market relations.

Among the features of high-tech products that must be taken into account in the management of its production and sale, it is proposed to include the following.

1. Uniqueness, high degree of differentiation. The ever-accelerating rates of development of science and technology, as well as the steady growth in demand for their achievements, lead to a rapid replacement of products, the appearance on the market

Table 1

Classification of high-tech products


Types of products

Product examples

By the degree of science intensity of the industry

"Leading" science-intensive technologies (R&D expenditures are more than 8.5% of the total cost of production)

Turbines and reactor equipment, generators for nuclear, hydro and wind power plants; telecommunication equipment; electronic devices and equipment for medicine; aviation and space technology; radioactive materials; weapons and weapon systems

Technologies " high level"(R&D expenses 3.5% -8.5%)

Machine tools and advanced metalworking equipment; cables and fiber optic; consumer electronics and office equipment; cars and bearings; railway rolling stock; ceramic products, precious non-ferrous metals

consumer (purpose)

Consumer goods

Cars; consumer electronics; medicines; telecommunication equipment; air conditioners and heaters

Industrial and technical products

Progressive optical instruments and measuring equipment; equipment for pulp and paper, food and textile industry; progressive types of abrasives

Military products

Aviation and space technology; radioactive materials; weapons and weapon systems


Turbines and reactor equipment; generators; aviation and space technology

Small batch

Aviation and space technology; supercomputer


Pharmaceutical products; equipment for medicine; different kinds equipment


Cars and bearings; consumer electronics; telecommunication equipment

By stage life cycle

Growing industries and industries

Means of communication; electrical equipment; COMPUTER; measuring equipment; optical instruments; Medical equipment

Industries targeting market expansion

Construction equipment; some production of general and special mechanical engineering; products of organic chemistry, detergents, medicines; photographic materials

Industries whose product markets are saturated

Manufacture of radio and television equipment, plastics, inorganic chemical products, dyes, fertilizers and other chemical products for agriculture.

Industries with declining production volumes

Oil refining industry, production of equipment for railways

Industries affected by market conditions, business cycles and military contracts

At different periods of time, they may include different industries and industries.

By reproductive structure

The ultimate

Products suitable for independent use


Component parts, assemblies, blocks, units, spare parts

  1. Analysis of measures aimed at increasing economic efficiency "Trade and Technical House of OAO TATNEFT"

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    Before manufacturers high-tech products the task is to obtain ... participation of the Enterprise in promoting innovative project serves ... effective use of their creative and productive capabilities in the interests of social economic ...

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The government has published a list of 90 state-owned companies that are obliged to purchase innovative and high-tech products under their contracts. The suppliers of such goods should be small and medium-sized businesses.

90 state-owned companies must make mandatory purchases of innovative and high-tech products from representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. The corresponding order of March 21, 2016 No. 475-r was issued by the Government of the Russian Federation. The number of organizations from the approved list also included 12 largest customers, which, in turn, are included in the list of specific customers, the draft procurement plans of which, prior to their approval, are subject to mandatory assessment of compliance with legislative requirements that provide for the participation of SMEs. By virtue of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities", the cost of such products must be at least 2% of the total value of all contracts concluded by the state company. The Government of the Russian Federation should determine specific customers who are obliged to purchase high-tech products, including from small and medium-sized businesses. At the same time, for small and medium-sized businesses, this norm is at least 1% of the total share of contracts. In the future, these numbers may increase even further - up to 2.5 and 5%, respectively. The criteria for classifying products as innovative or high-tech are established, according to the provisions of the law on public procurement, by a specially authorized federal body. Such a body is the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which, in turn, wrote out these criteria in the order of the same name. For example, innovative products include goods that are made using technologies used for the first time, or works that have never been available before. The criteria of "high-tech", in turn, include goods, works or services that are manufactured by enterprises of high-tech industries using technologically new or improved equipment. Moreover, these goods and services should be produced under the control of "highly qualified, specially trained personnel." Legislative initiatives in the area of \u200b\u200bpublic procurement and innovation - both jointly and separately - are now very popular for legislative creation. For example, the Ministry of Economic Development on the reduction of the period of ownership of a share or block of shares innovative projects from 5 to 1 year without VAT. Apparently, by such measures the government is trying to introduce, first on the Russian, and later, possibly on the world, market, high-tech and innovative goods / works / services of domestic production. And this is, in general, very good news for russian manufacturers... But whether we have a lot of really competitive goods in this area, and whether they are at least enough to cover the needs of the domestic market, only time will tell.

What are innovative products, what are the criteria for classifying works, goods, services as innovative? Are there differences in the definition of what belongs to innovative products under 44-FZ and 223-FZ? You will find the answers to these questions by reading the material to the end.

Innovative products under 44-FZ

The definition of "product innovation" is not contained in regulations RF. In the law "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy" dated 23.08.1996 No. 127-FZ there is the concept of "innovation", which means a new or substantially improved product (product, service) introduced into use or new process, a new way of selling, as well as a new method of organizing jobs.

Based on it, innovative products should have the following quality: be new, i.e. just put into use or be significantly improved in comparison with previous samples.

Innovative products in accordance with 44-FZ, along with high-tech products, are a priority in public procurement. This principle is established by Art. 10 44-FZ. Information about its purchase is highlighted in a separate column in the procurement plan. It is acquired through a competition with limited participation or a two-stage competition.

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The list of innovative products in accordance with 44-FZ is contained in Appendix No. 2 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 99 dated February 4, 2015. Additional conditions for the procurement participants are also fixed there. It should be noted that in this list not only types of innovative products are listed, but also technically complex products and works, goods and services of a specialized nature.

An example of the latter are services for the improvement of children and the organization of their rest. The list also includes:

  • works on design, construction and decommissioning of nuclear power facilities;
  • work on handling nuclear materials, radioactive waste;
  • repair works of weapons and military equipmentpart of the nuclear weapons complex, etc.

Before posting a report in the EIS, calculate the annual volume of purchases of innovative products, including among small and medium-sized businesses. Observe the deadlines, otherwise pay a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles.
Read who is required to draw up a report on the procurement of innovations, how to fill out and publish a document in the EIS.

Purchase of innovative products under 223-FZ

All customers can purchase innovative high-tech products within the framework of Federal Law No. 223. In addition, by the order of the Government of March 21, 2016 No. 475-r, a list of legal entities that are required to purchase innovative products was approved.

It currently includes 90 legal entities, including:

  • PJSC Gazprom;
  • PJSC Aeroflot - Russian Airlines;
  • JSC Russian railways" other.

Clause 2, h. 8.2, Art. 3 223-FZ refers to the specified persons of the Federal Corporation for the Development of SMEs.

The volume of innovative products that the above legal entities are required to purchase is set in the regulation approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2015 No. 1442. The annual volume of purchases by customers of innovative products should be determined as the value of contracts for innovative purchases for the previous year, increased by 10%. At the same time, it cannot be less than 10% of the total value of all contracts drawn up based on the results of purchases for the reporting year.

The procurement plan for innovative products in accordance with 223-FZ was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2012 No. 932. The procurement plan for innovative products of the above persons should contain a section on the procurement of works, goods, services from SMEs, in accordance with approved list... The procurement plan for innovative products of high-tech products of customers included in the list approved by order No. 475-r must include a list of innovative products according to 223-FZ, which will be purchased from SMEs (part 3.3 of article 4 of 223-FZ).

Other customers place a plan for innovative products in the EIS for a period of 5-7 years. In the event that the legal entity does not plan to conduct such purchases, it can publish a zero procurement plan for innovative products.

The procurement plan for innovative products includes:

  • the cost of contracts drawn up based on the results of the purchase of products included in the plan for innovative products under 223-FZ for the previous year;
  • the annual volume of purchases of innovative products, which is planned to be purchased in accordance with the draft plan for the purchase of innovative products;
  • the annual volume of purchases of innovative high-tech products, which is planned to be purchased only from SMEs, etc.

Annual report on the procurement of innovative products approved by Resolution No. 1442. The report on procurement of innovative products consists of 3 parts:

  • information about the customer,
  • information on purchases of innovative products;
  • information about these purchases made only from SMEs.

This is how a brief procedure for purchasing innovative high-tech products under 223-FZ looks like.

Innovative and high-tech products criteria for 223-FZ

The criteria for classifying high-tech products as innovative products are established federal authorities state authorities that carry out legal regulation in a certain field of activity. Therefore, there is no register for innovative products.

As an example, let us examine the criteria for attribution to innovative products, approved. by order of the Ministry of Transport dated 25.08.2015 No. 261. It contains the following criteria innovative products:

  • conformity of products priority areas development of science and technology in the Russian Federation (see Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 07.07.2011 No. 899);
  • scientific and technical novelty;
  • introduction of work, goods, services in industry;
  • positive economic effect from their implementation;
  • science intensity of products.

A product is classified as innovative if it meets all of the above criteria.

Attached files

  • Purchase plan for innovative products - sample.docx
  • Annual report on the procurement of innovative products.docx