Presentation of 10 skills for future in-demand professions. Presentation for the report "Labor market. The most demanded professions". management consultant) is a professional

The designer is one of the most prestigious and highly paid professions today. The concept of "design" is applicable to any kind of human activity. That is why this profession exists in such a variety of types: printing designer (creating layouts, layout), phytodesigner (landscaping houses and offices, creating winter gardens), landscape designer (landscaping), interior designer (landscaping apartments and offices, increasing functionality and quality level of interiors), web designer (creation of websites, banners), clothing designer (embodiment of current fashion trends), food designer (creation of beautiful images of dishes for various menus and cookbooks), designer of prints on clothes, etc.

Necessary qualities: an original, unconventional view of situations, objects; the presence of imaginative thinking; the ability to see the finished product as a whole; sociability; ability to listen and hear the client's request; creativity - the ability to approach any task creatively, generate ideas; perseverance sometimes has to redo the same thing several times; hard work requires constant practice, this is the only way to hone skills; patience, even in case of failure, do not give up, you need to go forward, no matter what. Responsibilities: Directly depend on in what area and in what company the designer works, but there are several main ones: analysis of client's needs; development of ideas and concepts; preparation of sketches, layouts; coordination with the client of the intermediate results of work, if necessary, changing the concept taking into account his wishes; bringing the project to life.

What attracts: The designer helps people see beauty in seemingly ordinary things, makes their life brighter, more comfortable, joyful. At the same time, he himself, realizing his abilities and talents, enjoys it. He is able to influence the desires and mood of people and form their opinion in certain issues. The ability to connect with creative people adds strength and helps expand your professional range. The more purposefulness, efficiency and patience a designer has, the more opportunities he has to become famous and popular (especially in the world of advertising, clothing design, furniture). Pros and cons: The designer can work not only in the office, but also at home, on his own computer, on which the necessary programs will be installed. Any mistake in design is not fatal, it can always be corrected. The designer has the opportunity to see the result of his work, to get aesthetic pleasure from the process. Now about the cons. Often, the creative process is strongly limited by financial, time, and ideological boundaries. It is not always possible to be guided by a flight of imagination, most often you have to do as the client or boss thinks necessary.

What you need to be prepared for: Choosing the profession of a designer, you need to be prepared for the fact that design is a complex, painstaking, everyday work. In it, no one is immune from creative crises, ideological exhaustion. Sometimes you have to do work in an emergency mode. It should also be borne in mind that the field of design is quite subjective: what one prefers may not necessarily please another. Therefore, the criteria for evaluating the work are very difficult. Where they study: Moscow State University of Arts and Industry S. G. Stroganova Moscow Polygraphic Academy Moscow state University Service Moscow International School of Design Institute of Contemporary Art Salary: A designer's salary depends primarily on where he works (field of activity, company) and what his experience is. The lower limit is from rubles, the ceiling is estimated at hundreds of thousands of rubles.

general characteristics professions Specialist in the fight against diseases common to humans and animals. Content of labor Treatment and prevention of animal diseases, as well as various medical and cosmetic procedures, including operations; veterinary and sanitary control in the production and sale of livestock products. Working conditions Work can be carried out in a specially equipped room (clinic, laboratory), at home or outdoors. In the process of work, medical instruments, drugs, and chemical reagents are usually used. Areas of application Veterinary pharmacies, clinics, consultations, laboratories. Enterprises processing livestock products. Food markets, enterprises catering... Fur farms and livestock farms... Customs. Zoo. The circus. The dominant professional orientation is nature.

Responsibilities Health protection of agricultural and game animals, the main objective which is to contribute to the growth of livestock and poultry, which means an increase in the production of meat, milk, eggs and other food products is one of the main tasks solved by the veterinary service. Veterinary science is also engaged in the study of pathogens of infectious diseases in animals, modernization of methods of mass preventive vaccinations, designed in animal husbandry, etc. The Veterinary Service monitors the sanitary quality of meat, milk, and other animal products. A veterinarian conducts a veterinary and sanitary examination, determining the good quality of products sold for sale in the public catering sector. For a veterinarian to be successful, he must be an honest, principled person with a great sense of responsibility, able to defend his opinion and bring the work started to the end. He is characterized by increased observation and attention to detail, accuracy, patience, endurance, the ability to contact people and, of course, love for animals.

Medical restrictions Allergies to animals and drugs, physical disabilities that interfere with examinations and procedures. Related professions Veterinary paramedic, animal engineer, bacteriologist, sanitary doctor, agronomist, virologist, epidemiologist, feed technologist. Qualification requirements You can get higher education at the Moscow Veterinary Academy. K.I.Skryabin, any institute of agriculture. Moscow Veterinary Academy. KI Skryabin Leading interests of biology. Love for animals is a prerequisite. Demand for labor market high.

Responsibilities Conducting individual consultations, group sessions. Educational work (lectures and conversations with the population). Keeping customer history (filling out cards based on the results of each meeting). Appearance The appearance of a counselor psychologist should be conducive to a confidential conversation. It is not at all necessary to be dressed expensively or somehow very thoughtful. The most important thing is that the appearance of the psychologist tunes in to work, and does not distract the client. That is, a psychologist should not wear bright suits, large jewelry, perfume with a pungent or exotic smell to work, it is also better to leave it for meetings with friends. Necessary qualities In addition to knowledge, it is important for a psychologist to be emotionally balanced, since he meets a lot of people every day (each has his own problem, his own mood), this quality will help to stay in the profession. A psychologist must be tolerant of a variety of people and problems, ready for the fact that someone or something may cause antipathy in him - this should not affect his work. You need attention to detail, the ability to track and control your own and someone else's emotional state, as well as the ability to keep a large amount of information in your head.

Necessary qualities In addition to knowledge, it is important for a psychologist to be emotionally balanced, since he meets a lot of people every day (each has his own problem, his own mood), this quality will help to stay in the profession. A psychologist must be tolerant of a variety of people and problems, ready for the fact that someone or something can cause antipathy in him - this should not affect his work. You need attention to detail, the ability to track and control your own and someone else's emotional state, as well as the ability to keep a large amount of information in your head. What to be ready for When choosing the profession of a psychologist-consultant, you need to be ready, first of all, for constant, intensive communication. To unpredictable results of activity (it can be predicted, but it is still impossible to predict until the end how the relationship between the psychologist and the client will develop). It is also important to know that work cannot always or must end in success (every psychologist has the right to make mistakes). Plus, you need to be prepared for all sorts of surprises - both positive and negative. For example, to emotional pressure, aggressive outbursts, lying (or hiding important facts), tears of clients.

How do I become an instructor? It is necessary to choose training courses for the profession (physical education does not yet give the right to be a fitness instructor) and learn the basics of the profession. After all, you need to be able not only to do the exercises yourself well, but also to calculate the load, make optimal programs for different groups of clients, to know the basics of injury safety and methods of first aid, to have an understanding of the basics of nutrition. It is better and more profitable to be a universal instructor - an instructor who knows and conducts a variety of programs. How to become a generalist? Do not stop, constantly improve your level, mastering all new directions: step aerobics, interval training, Pilates, fitness yoga and so on. The bigger, the better! True, a stack of certificates of courses passed and areas mastered is not a guarantee of success, practice is very important here. The hardest part for beginners is going out in front of the whole group and teaching. The easiest thing here is for those who came to the profession from dancing or from rhythmic gymnastics. Responsibilities One of the main responsibilities: the instructor during his lesson is responsible for everything, for everyone and everyone. He has to keep everything under control.

Why be ready for everything! Starting from the client's swoon and ending with the most fantastic claims and remarks about the appearance. High physical activity. To communicate non-stop. To work seven days a week. Besides, you will have to revise your life schedule (give up parties, night walks, discos until the morning). Necessary qualities Leadership - the ability to ignite people, to lead. Love for people, only in this way can you give them warmth, relaxation. Endurance. Natural charm. The ability to insist on your own. Composure. Sociability. Ability to speak clearly, understandably and loudly enough. Ability to clearly separate personal life and work (leave all problems outside the hall door). People feel everything very much. Mindfulness: if a person is overworked, it is important to notice it in time. Dance talent (desirable). If the instructor moves beautifully

Appearance (a very important point!) Neatness (this is even written in the instructor's contract). The highlight of the image. Each of us must have something that emphasizes our individuality. For example, unusual hairstyle, manner of dress, or something else). Modern sportswear (needs to match fitness fashion). This keeps clients in good shape, they follow us. Nice, professional sneakers. Make sure to look healthy and well rested. Where they teach Basic education: RSUFK (Russian State University of Physical Culture) and all institutes with a department of physical education ("Physical culture" - here it is keyword!) Physical education schools

Functional responsibilities The most main duty during the flight - ensuring the safety of passengers. The flight attendant must be able to evacuate all passengers from the plane in 90 seconds. That is why we need to know how many emergency evacuation doors are on the plane, how these doors open, how many automatic inflatable rafts and rafts, life jackets. In addition, during the flight, we must provide passengers with everything necessary for the flight to take place in a comfortable environment (help to place hand luggage, find a seat, give instructions before takeoff, offer drinks and food). Our task is to do our job so that next time passengers choose our airline for the flight. And of course, we must be able to provide the first medical assistance... Friends often ask me if I'm afraid of various incidents on board. I always honestly answer that I am more afraid of cars than planes. I don’t know, but we don’t think about the danger at all, we work and that's it. What to be ready for The most important thing is life on wheels. You need to spend 76 hours in the sky a month, it is no longer possible for medical reasons. The really hot days come in summer: everyone goes on vacation to the sea. In winter, the schedule is calmer - two flights a week.

Requirements Excellent health - nowhere without it, even before entering the school of flight attendants, you must pass a medical examination. And then pass it twice a year. It is necessary to be easy-going, have a pleasant appearance, correct speech, patience, be sociable and friendly. Age from years, height - no more than 180 (requirements for a relative appearance may vary depending on the company). For example, business aviation is now developing, companies involved in transportation are buying small planes, so they recruit flight attendants with a height of no more than 170 centimeters. Knowledge in English several times increases the chances of good employment. Pros Unregulated schedule and romance! We can say that you do not know where (in which city, in which country) you will find yourself tomorrow. This has its own charm! In addition, the opportunity to see the world, visit the most different parts of the planet and your country. They also say that due to the lack of air on board, the flight attendants always look younger than their age. Disadvantages Health load (vein diseases, since work is constantly on your feet, low pressure, due to early appearances for the flight). No career. After our work, it is difficult to become an office worker, as you get used to a completely different work and life schedule.

Where they teach School of flight attendants in Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo, Bykovo. Salary Average salary rubles + $ 10 flight hour. Appearance Hair should be removed, makeup is not bright, a watch is required on the hand, the length of the skirt is just below the knee, black tights should not be worn, large conspicuous jewelry should not be worn, shoes should be leather with a stable low heel, by the way, even rings on hand should be no more than two. Plus, each airline has its own shape and color.

The specifics of the profession: Problems in production arise almost daily, and their solution can require a significant amount of time and effort. Therefore, a technologist's working day often goes beyond the usual eight hours. Place of work: Food industry enterprises. Personal qualities: sociability, responsibility, attentiveness, physical endurance. Education: Higher education. Specialties: "technology of fermentation and winemaking", "technology of bread, confectionery and pasta", "technology of food", etc. Which one to choose depends on which specific area of \u200b\u200bfood production you plan to work on.

Career and salary: A recent university graduate comes to production for the position of a foreman or junior technologist. Then the following steps are sequentially passed: technologist, senior shift technologist, chief technologist. The top of the career ladder is the production manager. In a small food production, a young specialist can receive from 15 thousand rubles. A more experienced technologist has the right to count on a salary of 20 thousand rubles or more. Senior technologist - from 40 thousand rubles.

An agronomist is an agricultural specialist with a comprehensive knowledge of agronomy. He creates new varieties of field, garden, garden crops. Plans for agricultural work, taking into account the characteristics of the area. The specifics of the profession: Agronomist spends a lot of time outdoors. Place of work: Agricultural complexes, farms, research institutes, educational institutions. Personal qualities: · physical endurance · resistance to colds · ability to make quick decisions · good memory · creative thinking Education: Secondary vocational or higher education. Specialty "Agronomy

Pros of the profession: high earnings, fame. Cons of the profession: Architecture is a creative occupation. It is very difficult for a person who is not gifted to make a career. There is a danger to remain forever an eternal apprentice, toiling over drawings according to other people's ideas. If you dream of quick fame and a fast-paced career, it is better to choose another profession. The journey from an apprentice to a leading architect will take at least ten years on average. Personal qualities: Choose the profession of an architect if: you like to draw, have good spatial thinking, are familiar with computers; know how to work in a team. Higher education: Specialty "Architecture". The flagship of training in this direction is the Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy) (MARHI).

The auditor checks the accounting and tax statements of firms. Income and expenses, deals and contracts - nothing escapes his sight. Are the financial transactions carried out in accordance with the law? Who is to blame for the mistakes made? Identifying accounting errors, giving management advice on how to correct them is his main responsibility. In fact, he is an auditor, but at the same time an independent entrepreneur and an expert. Profession pros: High wage... The income of qualified specialists of audit companies ranges from $ 800 to 1500 and more. Salary usually consists of salary and bonus payments. An internal auditor in Moscow can receive from $ 1500 to Profession Cons: Choosing this profession, be prepared for constant business trips and "life on wheels". The company that ordered the check can be located anywhere, but you need to work directly on the spot. In a very short time (2-3 weeks) the auditor processes a huge amount of information and has no right to make a mistake. If the violation is missed, and then "surface" in the state tax authorities, the company will not only pay a fine, but also lose its reputation.

Personal qualities: analytical thinking, good memory, ability to concentrate, perseverance, inclination to work with figures and documents, strong nerves, adherence to principles and decency Education: Higher economic education. Specialty "Accounting, analysis and audit". Career and salary: To work as an auditor, you need a certificate from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. It can be obtained by a person with a higher education who has graduated from auditor courses and passed the appropriate exam. Further - private practice or work in an audit firm. In the first case, you also need a license allowing this type of activity. In Russian audit firms, successful specialists are usually former accountants and economists who have worked at enterprises.

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Not only school graduates, but also fully formed personalities are interested in the question of what professions are in demand in Russia, because everyone can retrain and go to a new job. To keep abreast of the current labor market conditions, you should familiarize yourself with the rating of the most needed and highly paid professions. Of course, it is necessary to find a job at the call of the heart, it is important to find your vocation, but the prospects for further career growth will also not hurt to take into account

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ECONOMY. BANKING Banking does not stand still, new credit institutions appear every year, the old ones are expanded through the creation of branches. Managers, accountants, loan officers, financial analysts can easily find a job. True, recently there has been a glut of these vacancies on the market, but such work is paid very well: 20-25 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 30-35 thousand rubles. In banking, personnel with extensive experience are usually welcome. Proven professionals receive about 60-85 thousand rubles.

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IT SPECIALISTS It is already difficult to imagine the modern world without computers. Computerization consumes everything around. According to the most conservative forecasts, it will only grow The demand for professionals who maintain and lay local networks, develop software, test, design, produce various components, and does not think to fall. Programmers, system administrators, engineers are almost the most demanded professions in Russia. Such specialists will always be needed, and professionals in their field also receive good money. Minimum wages in Russia they start from 25 thousand rubles, an intelligent programmer gets from 40 thousand, but this is far from the limit

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Construction New buildings are being erected continuously and continuously, thus ensuring the employment of all specialists related to the construction industry. Machinists construction equipment, architects, engineers, welders - all of them will not be left without work and at the same time provide themselves with stable and high income. A driver-driver and a gas welder in Russia receive at least 25 thousand rubles, and in Moscow - 10 thousand more.

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Doctors and educators In Russia, education and medicine are spheres of activity in which application can always be found. In 2013, the demand for teachers and doctors went off scale, we can say with confidence that the trend will not change in 2014, 2015 and subsequent years. Good professionals in these areas are worth their weight in gold today - even if there is no place in the capital's university or clinic, in small towns and villages such specialists are awaited with open arms. But there is one a big problem - small wages

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Tourism and Hospitality Professional receptionists and administrators are also in demand professions. In Russia, tourism is gaining momentum every year, which means that in hotel business more and more people are required. When choosing such a profession, it should be borne in mind that one of the main requirements of the employer is fluency in a foreign language, in most cases English. The salary of a hotel worker ranges from 20 to 30 thousand rubles, at the peak of the season in resort cities you can earn 50 thousand

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The most popular high-paying professions in Russia Programming geniuses firmly occupy a leading place not only in demand, but also in terms of salaries. Of course, programmer and programmer are different, but real professionals in their field may well count on a salary of 100-150 thousand rubles. System administrators can claim 60-90 thousand rubles per month. The Internet market is expanding every year at an accelerated pace, so the need for webmasters does not decrease at all. Such specialists can apply for a salary of 50-90 thousand rubles.

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Design architects are also professions in demand in Russia. The construction boom is not observed now, but nevertheless the construction does not stand still. There is a shortage of qualified personnel in this area, so young specialists are attracted by tempting salaries - 45-80 thousand rubles. Logistics managers in the labor market are in great demand, the demand for them is only growing. Specialists can count on 50-80 thousand rubles. The logistician manages everything, deals with transportation, storage, economy ...

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Makeup stylists have been promising for several years in a row and in the future, most likely, nothing will change. Professionals in their field receive from 45 to 70 thousand rubles. Good chefs will not be left without a job either, although here employers primarily pay attention to experience. In-demand specialists receive about 80 thousand rubles.

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Biologist, ecologist. Not too much prestigious profession recently, according to forecasts, it will become very popular. The problem of ecology in the modern world comes to the fore: laboratories are opening, more and more research is being carried out, it turns out that these professions of the future have a right to exist. Chemist. Specialists in the field of chemistry will be most in demand in the energy sector. Decreasing oil reserves give rise to humanity to work on the creation and development of alternative energy sources. This is where chemists come in handy

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Nanotechnologist. It is already clear that inventions in the field of nanotechnology will cover all spheres of labor: medicine, space technology, mechanical engineering, and the food industry. People who are fond of nanoengineering or nanoelectronics have a chance to become not only in demand, but also to become famous

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Marketer. Oddly enough, but this now popular specialty has found its way into the professions of the future. Conducting surveys and market research, planning the assortment and volume of products - this will be the responsibility of a marketer in decades. Service sector. With the growth of incomes of the population, the need for quality service is increasing. Therefore, researchers note that such professions of the future as governess, chef, waiter, administrator will be in great demand.

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Most young people strive to get higher education in order to occupy leadership positions in the future, sit in a warm office, and work with documents. But someone has to work physically too. Lately locksmiths, turners, blacksmiths and other workers are the most demanded professions in Russia. There is always a demand for them, because the needs of enterprises for qualified personnel are only growing every year. Man working profession can count on a salary of 20-30 thousand rubles, in Moscow you can earn a lot more Working professions

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15. Production, technologies16. Restaurants, food 17. Retail and wholesale 18. Secretariat, office work, AXO19. Mass media, publishing, printing 20. Insurance 21. Service industry 22. Telecommunications and communications 23. Transport, auto business 24. Tourism, hospitality, services 25. Finance, accounting, banking 26. Fitness and sports 27. Show business 28. Jurisprudence

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Modern business has high demands and therefore, for a successful career development, you will almost certainly need knowledge foreign language and confident computer skills at the user level.

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IT specialists

Computers have firmly conquered our business sphere, and therefore everyone who knows how to program has a real chance of finding a stable high-paying job.

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Office workers

Such professions as secretary, client manager, clerks are in great demand.

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Accounting and jurisprudence

The professions of an accountant and a lawyer are in great demand. The only problem is that employer expectations often do not coincide with the requests of applicants for the position.

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Very good prospects for those who have a specialty related to construction. New housing is being built very actively now, and the construction of sports facilities in Sochi promises stable work and great experience for everyone who will start working in this industry.

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The streamlined word "manager" hides a ton of vacancies. All these specialties require secondary vocational, and better higher education.

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The medicine

The profession of a doctor is always in demand, but it is difficult to find a good salary. The most profitable medical specialty is the dentist. Pharmacists are constantly in demand.

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Banking sector

Banking specialists are in demand: credit experts, financial analysts and other specialties related to finance.

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Specialty " Hotel service and tourism ”can be called one of the most promising and therefore in demand today.

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10 most demanded professions of the future

At first glance, everything in the labor market is changing rapidly and unpredictably, but meanwhile the labor market is a predictable area.

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1. Engineering specialties

According to the forecasts of specialists, engineering specialties related to industrial production will take the leading positions. A combination of technical and economic or legal education, knowledge of English or any other European language will be especially appreciated.

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2. IT and computer hardware developers

A programmer is a specialist who creates and debugs software and keeps it running. A web designer is one of the highest paid “computer” professions. Many companies are ready to pay a lot of money if only Internet users pay attention to them.

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3. Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is technologies based on working with molecules and atoms, these are technologies that use the most hidden and valuable properties substances. Nanotechnology is a huge field that can be divided into three parts: the production of microcircuits, robots in nanoscale, and engineering at the atomic level. Nanotechnology will cover all areas: mechanical engineering, space technology, food processing, medicine, etc.

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4. Specialties at the intersection of electronics and biotechnology

Biotechnology - technologies that use biological systems and their elements. Biotechnology is widely used in agriculture, where genetically modified products are obtained using genetic engineering and microbiological methods. Biotechnology is used in molecular medicine, biopharmaceutical production and other industries.

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5. Marketing and sales

A marketer is, first of all, a company strategist. The marketer's job is to manage a system focused on the production of various goods and meeting the interests of producers and consumers. He conducts market research, plans the assortment and volumes of products, determines prices, stimulates sales.

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6. Specialties related to the service

The demand for service professions will grow annually, while the growth rate of the demand for service professions will outstrip the growth rate of demand for other in-demand professions.

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7. Logistics

"Logistics is the theory and practice of material and information flows management in the process of commodity circulation." The profession of a logistician is suitable for those who are burdened with rigid frameworks in their work, do not like templates and set restrictions. A logistician will need an analytical mind and systems thinking, intuition, the ability to quickly find a way out of difficult situations, communication skills with people, and communication skills.

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8. Ecology

The growth of harmful emissions into the atmosphere puts environmental problems in one of the first places in the future global world. The specialty of an ecologist will require knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology, skills in computer modeling of processes occurring in nature. The environmentalist profession will become one of the most important and demanded professions.

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9. Medical specialtiesrelated to the search for life extension means.

But it is also clear that in a decade it will still be very expensive technologies. Medicine successfully uses achievements in the field of electronics, biotechnology, which are still being created, researched, and in 10 years, for sure, will enter into practice, will become a habitual thing in medicine.

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10. Chemistry

Specialists in the field of chemistry will be especially in demand in the energy sector. By 2016, development and research in the field of alternative, environmentally friendly sources of energy will reach their peak - and chemists will not be able to do it at all.

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The most demanded in the labor market of the Irkutsk region in 2006-2008.

specialists with primary vocational education; specialists with secondary specialized education. The most unpopular in the next two years will be those with higher education; The regional market is oversaturated with programmers, economists, accountants and lawyers. The demand of regional organizations in the labor force will be at least 8 thousand people annually.

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Basically required:

highly skilled workers with related specialties and a wide range of professional skills. Builders, carpenters, bricklayers, painters,

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workers of other construction, repair and construction specialties, electric welders, drivers and machinists of mobile equipment, operators, machine operators and plant operators, educators, middle and junior medical personnel.

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Where will there be more work?

in the Arctic; in the Far East; in the Ural region; in the Central Federal District; In the south of Siberia.

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State order for "specialists" for Siberia

The forecast of the balance of the needs of the SFD economy in personnel shows that at present in the system of higher professional education there is a large surplus of specialists in the areas of economics, management and the humanities. At the same time, there is a huge shortage of specialists in the field of automation, computer science, computing technology, aviation and rocket-space, in health care. The system of higher education does not cover the needs of the Siberian economy in personnel, especially in construction, transport, mechanical engineering and metalworking. The system of primary vocational education is now a task of tasks.

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The most demanded, or who needs the labor market of Priangarye


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Class hour on the topic:

"Most popular

professions today "

MKOU "Secondary school with. Bijan "

Parygina I.A.

from. Bijan, 2017

Profession (lat.professio; from profiteor

"I declare my business") -

type of work of a person,

possessing a set of theoretical knowledge and skills,

acquired through special training


2. Match your desires with


Take a career guidance test,

find out which professions are right for you,

according to psychologists. Try

the desired profession in practice:

dreaming of a career in theater

stage or movie screen, for starters

test your talents in amateur


1. Don't ignore your own desires. If, for example, your family of medical professionals wants to see you continue the dynasty, but your dreams have nothing to do with the plans of your relatives, then the profession of a doctor is not your choice.

3. Find out where and how you can

get the chosen profession ;

what universities, colleges,

schools for training such specialists

available nearby;

is there a possibility

study far from home.

employment - only the most

demanded specialties

guarantee you a steady income.

Agree that even an upscale

an astrophysicist is unlikely to find

a job in the Russian province.

Choose a specialty

demanded in modern realities.

4. Don't be influenced by friends, family and fashion. For example, the fashionable, previously demanded profession of a lawyer is still popular, but the market is already oversaturated with such specialists. As a result, it is not easy for people with specialized legal education to find work in their specialty.

6.Relate the prestige of the profession

with their own ambitions ... If you

love doing hairstyles, but

work as a hairdresser

consider unworthy for yourself, then let

it will be just a pleasant hobby,

not your main business in life.

what is the chosen profession

will allow you to make a career,

earn a living. Find out what

in demand on the market at the current

moment which specialists

"In price", what are the forecasts for

this account is done by analysts

7. When choosing a profession, do not focus on its profitability. The highest paying job often does not imply advanced training of specialists and self-development. They become professionals over time, and with the growth of skill, the chances of good earnings increase.

9. Find an opportunity in person

talk to representatives

profession that attracts you.

Many "pitfalls"

emerge only years later: only

a practitioner will tell you with what

difficulties, unpleasant moments

you will have to face choosing

a certain field of study.

10. If you have followed the above rules, but this did not stop you, feel free to choose the profession of your dreams!

Happy is only the one who does what he loves!

The most prestigious professions


  • IT specialist;
  • engineer;
  • business consultant;
  • oil and gas industry specialist;
  • programmer;
  • logistician;
  • dentist.

IT specialist - a broad concept that combines

representatives of many professions working in

the field of information technology.

These are all kinds of programmers, developers,

network and database administrators, moderators, specialists

in robotics, information security,

web designers and even 3D animators.

At the same time, with the penetration of information

technologies in ever new areas of activity,

new professions are emerging for IT specialists.

Engineer (fr. ingénieur ← from lat. ingenium -

ability, ingenuity) -specialist,

carrying out engineering activities.

Engineers are usually involved in all processes

life cycle technical devicesbeing

the subject of engineering, including applied

research, planning, design,

design, development of manufacturing technology

(structures), preparation of technical documentation,

production, adjustment, testing, operation, technical

maintenance, repair and disposal of the device and management


Business consultant (management consultant,

management consultant) is a professional

to improve business efficiency .

Person providing consultancy services to others

firms, enterprises, organizations for a wide

circle of questions.

Oil and gas industry specialist

What is the oil and gas business? What kind of profession and its description -

all this information will be best compiled by considering

the main functions of employees involved in the field of gas and oil


If we talk about the most general competencies inherent in almost all

oil and gas specialists, the following points should be highlighted here:

  • ensuring efficient and reliable operation of all available equipment;
  • control over automated and technological processes;
  • carrying out the necessary calculations and drawing up technological plans;
  • drilling, preparation, production, transportation and

storage of products;

  • carrying out diagnostic and maintenance work;
  • repair of equipment;
  • research work.

Programmer - a specialist engaged in direct

development software for various

kind of computing and operating systems.

Logist is a specialist who organizes and coordinates

delivery of goods from production to points of sale

Dentist - this a doctor who treats injuries and diseases

teeth, jaws and maxillofacial area in general.

According to analysts, currently in demand

profession engineer will keep high positions

This situation is explained by a long-term "hole"

in training specialists of this qualification,

when studying to be an engineer was simply not fashionable.

By 2020

the most demanded will remain

computer scientists of various specialties ,

  • A gerontologist is a well-rounded specialist. It provides

helping the elderly. Everything related to aging problems (behavior,

health, thoughts) - is the object of study of a doctor - gerontologist .;

  • nurse - this specialist hired for

individual conditions, which provides care for the elderly,

sick and elderly people, as well as for people with disabilities


  • alternative energy specialist -

The person who develops, implements and maintains

alternative to traditional hydrocarbon energy (oil, gas, coal)

systems. Simply put, it is a specialist in solar, wind or bioenergy .;

such unusual professions will complete the list :

  • Breeder - a person who has developed, identified and improved

plant variety, animal breed or microorganism strain;

  • Urbanist - this urban planner,

able to make the urban environment comfortable for living;

  • religious Conflict Specialist - This new type

the social worker will help many representatives

different cultures and religions of the population of multinational countries

find common points of contact.

Popular and always necessary specialties

There are professions that are in demand regardless of

historical period, fashion and other factors. These are the activities

which help to implement the social function of the state.

These positions include:

  • doctors and medical professionals;
  • pharmacists;
  • teachers and educators;
  • firefighters;
  • police officers;
  • workers employed in the field of housing and communal services.

Class: 11

Lesson type: lesson in the application of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The organizational form of the lesson: the teacher's story with elements of conversation and the solution of situational problems.

Teaching methods: story; conversation; method of critical thinking; solving situational tasks; demonstration of posters or slides, demonstration of videos.

Didactic teaching aids: technology textbook, excerpts from normative documents, extracts from printed sources, statistical data, educational computer presentations, videos.

After studying the material on this topic, students should

  • definitions of the terms “labor market”, “labor market conditions”, “demand on the labor market”, “supply on the labor market”, “unemployment”;
  • ways of studying the labor market and professions;
  • ways of obtaining information about the labor market;
  • features of the regional labor market;
  • functions of Employment Centers and Vocational Counseling Centers;
  • the most demanded professions in the regional labor market.
  • explain the reasons for the demand for certain professions in the regional labor market in certain periods;
  • find and analyze information about vacancies in the regional labor market.

Teacher goals:

  1. Update and summarize the existing knowledge of students on the topic of this lesson.
  2. Lead students to the definition of the concepts of "labor market", "labor market conditions", "demand in the labor market", "supply in the labor market", "unemployment".
  3. To acquaint students with ways of studying the labor market and professions.
  4. Teach students to analyze information about vacancies in the regional labor market.
  5. To acquaint students with the functions of the Employment Centers and Centers for Professional Advice.
  6. To organize research activities of students to study the regional labor market.
  7. Discuss with students the reasons for choosing a profession.
  8. Create conditions for students to define their value orientations in choosing a future profession.

Basic concepts;

  • labor market;
  • labor market conditions;
  • labor market demand;
  • labor market supply;
  • unemployment;
  • regional labor market;
  • Employment center;
  • Center for professional consulting assistance.

1. The labor market and its main components.

An important feature of this lesson is that the students certainly have some (perhaps even quite extensive) understanding of the topic of study. This is information obtained at the everyday level, and knowledge acquired in the lessons of social studies, economics, economic geography. That is, the content of the lesson provides many opportunities for updating the knowledge available to high school students. Therefore, it is appropriate to resort to the method of critical thinking.

One of the options for the active involvement of students in the work can be a proposal to answer the questions given in the textbook at the beginning of paragraph 4 “Preparation for professional activity” (p. 180).

Another possible option is updating personal experience students. The question is posed before them:

- Where would you advise your acquaintance to turn if he lost his job during this period of time, given the level of his qualifications and the nature of his claims?

Summarizing the students' answers, the teacher concludes that when choosing a profession, along with other factors, it is imperative to take into account the needs of the labor market, its state, both current and predicted. Naturally, in order to be able to analyze information about the state of the labor market, one must first of all know the definition of this concept and its main components. The teacher invites students to define the concepts of “labor market”, “labor market conditions”, “demand in the labor market”, “supply in the labor market”, “unemployment”.

Summing up the results of the discussion on the definition of each concept, the teacher can present these definitions, prepared in advance on a paper (poster) or electronic medium (a slide of an educational computer presentation).

The labor market is the sphere of formation of supply and demand for labor force... Through the labor market, labor is sold for a specified period.

The main components of the labor market:
- labor demand and labor supply;
- the cost of labor;
- the price of labor;
- competition between employers and employees, employers and employees.

The subjects of the labor market are:
- employers and their representatives (unions);
- workers and their representatives (trade unions);
- the state and its bodies: the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, departments, committees and departments for labor and employment, etc.

The demand in the labor market is determined by the need of employers in hiring people to produce goods and services in accordance with the demand in the economy.

The labor supply is built by workers on the basis of comparing the attractiveness of the income they receive for an hour of labor and the satisfaction received for an hour of leisure. Leisure only brings satisfaction when there is something to consume. The demand for leisure determines the supply of labor. The higher the real wages, the higher the losses associated with refusal to work.

Labor market conditions - the current economic situation on the labor market, characterized by the ratio of demand and supply of labor, the level of labor prices, the professional and qualification structure of the labor force, etc. economic performance... It is determined by a set of conditions (technical, economic, social, legal), under the influence of which the demand for labor force and its supply, as well as its price, are formed.

Unemployment is a socio-economic situation in which part of the active, able-bodied population cannot find a job that these people are able to perform. Unemployment is due to the excess of the number of people wishing to find work over the number of available jobs that correspond to the profile and qualifications of applicants for these jobs.

2. Obtaining and analyzing information about the labor market.

The central place at this stage of the lesson should be given to the organization of independent work of students. One of the options in this case may be the organization research work in groups. Each group of students receives information sources:
- with published advertisements of vacancies;
- with statistics data Federal Service on labor and employment of the Russian Federation;
- with statistics from the regional Center for Employment of the Population;
- with different forecasts of the state of the labor market for the next period.

The peculiarity of the content of the studied material is that the situation on the labor market is constantly changing and the information offered in the textbook should be supplemented, and in some moments even critically rethought. The teacher must draw the attention of the students to this.

Summing up the research of individual groups of students, it is advisable to refer to the scheme “Market of professions” given in the textbook on p. 182. Questions may be as follows:
- Do the conclusions obtained as a result of your micro-research coincide with the content of this scheme? Why?
- What professions would you like to transfer from one part of the scheme to another? Give reasons for your actions.
- What professions do you consider necessary to add as examples to all parts of the scheme? Give your arguments.
- Can the “alignment of forces” change in the future? With what it can be connected?

3. Problems of employment.

Analysis of the information offered to students at the previous stage of the lesson also allows them to independently try to formulate typical problems of employment. After that, you can refer to the text of the textbook (p. 181) and suggest the following questions:
- Which of the problems listed in the textbook are especially relevant for young people looking for work for the first time?
- What do you consider necessary to add to the above problems, guided by your own experience or the experience of your relatives and friends?
- Where can you get help in solving employment problems?

4. Centers for professional counseling assistance.

If students, answering the last question, do not name Vocational Counseling Aid Centers as possible intermediaries in solving employment problems, the teacher informs them about the availability of such a service and introduces its functions. You can again refer to the text of the textbook (p. 184), and if there is time to acquaint schoolchildren with the documents regulating the activities of Employment Centers and Vocational Counseling Centers (see. Additional material for the teacher). It is very important to give students information about regional Centers employment, their district offices, show on the slides (if possible), the structure of the website of the Employment Service, provide information on the location of the nearest offices of Employment Centers and Vocational Counseling Centers. It is even better if the teacher has videos about the activities of the Employment Service.

For fastening material students can be encouraged to draw up a plan of action for a young person looking for a job for the first time.


To successfully study the next topic of the section, it is advisable to give students ahead of time homework:

- Collect as much information as possible about the vocational education institution where you would like to pursue a profession after graduation. Use various sources (mass media, websites of educational institutions, brochures, reference books, polls, etc.).