Beach rental for rent. Design approach to beach improvement. Necessary equipment and personnel

According to the latest estimates, this year about thirteen million Russians will go to the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory. Approximately the same number of people will go on vacation abroad. But one hundred million of our compatriots will rest at home. Is it good or bad? OK good! After all, people who prefer a beach holiday on local lakes or rivers can become your potential customers.

In the recent past, our citizens did not pay attention to the discomfort of local beaches. But now people prefer a civilized vacation on comfortable beaches. It was this reason that prompted me to write this business idea. Beach business Is a great way to earn a decent amount over the summer season. This business can be organized in any provincial city. Indeed, almost every city has rivers and lakes.

Business idea: how to open a private beach?

The first step is to choose a location for the beach. Then you need to equip it with high quality. Of course, you will need a decent amount to equip the beach, while there are no guarantees for the payback of your business, since there are risks in any activity. Even if you do free admission to the beach, you will be able to secure yourself a high potential income.

When arranging a beach, you need to be guided by the following formula - admission is free, and everything else is paid. In terms of costs, you will need to lease the land or buy it out. Of course, it is best to rent a beach, as you can only make money from this business during the summer season. In addition to cleaning the sand, you will need to clean the bottom of the reservoir from debris. So, the beach is equipped - it's time to prepare it for profit. For example, you can open small cafes, rent sun loungers, organize water attractions, a shooting range, equip a paid parking space. As you can see, this business provides huge opportunities for earning money.

Please note that you will have to clean the beach very carefully. You will regularly need to clean the sand from pebbles and cigarette butts, collect bottles, and keep the bottom of the reservoir clean. Be sure to hire someone to look after the safety of your visitors. After all, the beach is a high-risk place.

In addition to standard services, other original ideas... For example, open a storage room for things so that guests can leave all unnecessary things in drawers. Thus, theft on the beach is noticeably reduced.

Many people choose to relax at home on local beaches. Therefore, if you organize a local beach, then you can not only earn good money, but also solve the social problem of your city.

"Summer, sun, sea, beach, this evening will be ours!" - these words sound in the minds of most holidaymakers heading to the cool water and hot sands to spend their long-awaited vacation.

Some have in their pockets a chic voucher to the far abroad, which makes it possible to relax for a week or two in the all inclusive style. Others rush in trains, buses or private cars towards the coastal expanses of our homeland. Both of them are united by a feeling of lightness and a great desire to cheerfully spend the money earned during the year.

Therefore, residents of resort towns are not only happy to rent out even the smallest living space at their disposal, but also make excellent money from trade and organizing summer beach activities. The beach business is developing by leaps and bounds, bringing its owners a very good income every year.

Ninety days a year

Unfortunately, holidaymakers' earnings are seasonal. On average, only three months a year, our compatriots have the opportunity to make a profit. And only in some regions of the country the number of "profitable" days can be increased by a maximum of sixty.

A short time, but a properly organized business on the beach can bring enough income to start another business of your own. In addition, the entire working day will pass at the edge of the sea, under the warm sun rays. Such workdays promise a fun and serene pastime.

On your marks!

Summer is coming, there is a desire and opportunity to earn money. Where do you start? First you need to decide on a way to make a profit.

All existing ideas on how to successfully organize a beach business can be divided into two main categories:

  • the first does not require large capital investments: this includes food trade, renting storage cells, renting umbrellas and other inexpensive beach accessories;
  • the second needs significant investments: rental centers for equipment for recreation and water sports, attractions and other entertainment, summer cafes and restaurants, rent of the beach with its subsequent improvement.

Based on the opinion of experienced businessmen, we can say that for an organization small business it only takes a thousand US dollars. And such funds can be found quickly and without unnecessary difficulties. There would be a desire!

Simple business ideas

Making money on the beach is not that difficult. Probably everyone who at least once in his life had a rest by the water heard the cries of passing traders: "Seeds, dried fish, hot corn!" Selling such an inexpensive product can generate a decent income. To purchase it, you will need "kopecks", and the profit will exceed the expense several times.

Unfortunately, everything has its drawbacks:

  • Such activities are incredibly tiring, because not everyone can go through the whole day under the scorching sun with a heavy bag at the ready, and an employee can seriously let down and even run away with all the proceeds.
  • This type of business requires permission from the SES, work without it threatens with big troubles. However, the overwhelming majority of such traders work illegally, since the preparation of the necessary documents is so expensive that all further activities lose all meaning.

The above example describes just one of the few ways to make money on the beach without having a lot of start-up capital. In the list of low-cost methods of earning money, you can find the above-described storage room, sale of kvass and other soft drinks. You can also organize a small massage room or provide the services of a swimming coach.

Almost everyone can turn simple business ideas into reality, you just need to find the most suitable one. And most importantly, do not violate existing rules and laws.

Comfort for your money

Recently, the requirement for the level of comfort among our compatriots has increased significantly. And if ten years ago, without hesitation, everyone laid a bedding directly on the sand, laid out sandwiches and cut a watermelon, today such a vacation will attract few.

Beautification of the beach has become the number one issue in most resort towns. Vacationers need modern toilets and showers. They want to drink refreshing cocktails in small cozy bars located directly on the sand, or lie on comfortable sun loungers under the shade of umbrellas. And kids just need safe playgrounds and shallow pools with clean water. Such arrangement of beaches can bring considerable income.

This is my beach!

It is legally established that all citizens of our country have the right of unimpeded access to any water bodies and a 20-meter zone adjacent to them. That is, you cannot fence the beaches and take money for entry. But how can you rent a beach without breaking the established rules?

In order for a legal entity to use any piece of the sea, river or coastal zone for its own commercial purposes, it is necessary to conclude an appropriate contract. It spelled out all the rules for using the leased area, what the tenant has the right to do and what to do is strictly prohibited.

Similar documents are issued by Federal agency water resources. Its divisions are located in every region of the country. Only after receiving the necessary permits, you can start improving the beach and charge a fee for the provision of services.

Coastal attractions claim that land and water activities are hugely popular with vacationers. This beach business can be called one of the most profitable and fast paybacks.

Everyone who has ever been to a comfortable beach must have a ride on the water slides. This is perhaps the most striking attraction that can attract both children and adults. It is absolutely safe, does not require special skills and special physical training from the user. Therefore, in the first season of work, you can fully recoup your investment in such a business.

Fun on the beach very often includes riding on various water vehicles... It can be a catamaran, jet ski, water ski, banana. The use of such boats is associated with some risk to life, and the entrepreneur needs an experienced instructor on the staff. Also, all clients will need to be provided with personal life-saving appliances.

I walk on water

Quite new and very attractive, from the point of view of an entrepreneur, the water attraction is the zorb. It is a transparent plastic ball about two meters in diameter. A person is placed inside the container, air is pumped in and pushed into the water.

The ball moves on the surface, and at this time the client is spinning inside, turning upside down, or gently "steps on the water." The employee keeps the ball on the line all the time and can quickly return it to the shore in case of an unforeseen situation.

The purchase of a zorb will cost one and a half thousand dollars; only one worker is required to operate it. If you place such a ball in a crowded place, its cost will pay off in less than a month.

Me with the wind along the way

Windsurfing and kitesurfing can also be a great source of income. Equipment rental for these sports is very popular. Of course, it is impossible to sail, standing on a narrow board, or fly after a parachute without preliminary preparation. Therefore, at rental points you can always hire an instructor, and then master the skill in a few lessons.

I'll take a piece of the sea with me

Finally, let's discuss the topic of souvenirs. Each tourist wants to bring with him from his vacation a little reminder of the fun time spent. For this, nice inexpensive knick-knacks are bought, decorated with images of the resort. These are mainly magnets, mugs, small figurines. Such little things must be brought to all relatives, friends and colleagues without fail. Visitors buy them in huge quantities, not counting the money spent.

Small a store with a similar product, located in a place where tourists gather, can bring unexpectedly high income. Of course, competition in this type of activity is very high, but there are also a lot of buyers. The main thing is that there is a wide and attractive assortment on the counter, and the customers are served by a smiling and contact seller.

After a cold winter and May thunderstorms, summer always comes. Tourists will come to soak up the water's edge, and seasonal entrepreneurs can reap their long-awaited income.

* Calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to create an enterprise that provides services for paid recreation on the beach within the boundaries of the Levoberezhnaya recreation area of \u200b\u200bRostov-on-Don. The prerequisites for the organization of an enterprise are the growing popularity of domestic resorts against the background of a decrease in the general purchasing power of the population; seaside resorts are becoming less and less accessible for most Russians.

The land is state owned; it is supposed to be leased. The territory is arranged at the expense of its own and borrowed funds. The start of the project is September 2016, the start of operation of the beach is April 2017. It is planned to reach the planned indicators from the second year of operation.

Table 1. Integral indicators of the project

Competitiveness is ensured by the presence of a clear positioning in the activities of the enterprise and its promotion, as well as a number of services that competitors do not provide. In particular, the services of a children's animator and the performance of local music groups on the days of the highest beach traffic.


In the warm months of the year, outdoor recreation is unquestionably popular in Russia. Most of all, the population prefers to rest near water bodies - lakes, ponds, rivers. Sea beach vacations are undoubtedly more popular, however, summer vacations usually last only two to three weeks, and not every Russian has the financial ability to spend so much time at the resort.

That is why regional recreation areas are equally popular. Today they can be divided into the following types:

Undeveloped ("wild");

Equipped state (free);

Equipped private (paid).

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Historically, the first two are in greatest demand among the country's population, while equipped free recreation areas make up no more than 1% of their total area. The so-called "wild" recreation sites today are often in a deplorable state due to the large amount of waste, lack of respect for nature on the part of vacationers and lack of supervision and maintenance of order from the state. In addition, if we talk about "wild" beaches, then there are a number of risk factors associated with recreation on them:

Lack of sanitary control of water quality;

Uninspected and uncleaned from sharp stones, glass shards, pieces of metal, etc. bottom;

Lack of lifeguards and medical assistance.

Paid beaches are completely devoid of these disadvantages, because, according to the law, they must provide completely safe and high-quality conditions for recreation that meet the established requirements. Despite the reluctance of many Russians to pay for a local beach, the services of private recreation areas are becoming more popular. Indeed, in addition to ensuring comfort and safety, they also offer a wide infrastructure - food, equipped showers and toilets, sports grounds etc.

Rostov-on-Don is a regional center, the capital of the Southern Federal District, a city with a population of about 1.2 million officially registered residents. In addition, according to various estimates, the number of unregistered residents ranges from 200,000 to 300,000. The target audience of the project are men and women aged 18-50, couples with children and without.

Today, the Levoberezhnaya recreation area is almost entirely occupied by recreation centers and private beaches. This forms a tough enough competitive environmenthowever, at the same time, it instills in the population a culture of paid recreation with maximum comfort. In addition, all existing enterprises do not have the physical ability to serve the entire target audience at a time.

Recreation centers, in fact, are not direct competitors, because usually offer a wider range of services, including temporary accommodation services; the prices for their services are usually significantly higher. The main competitors are the two largest toll beachoffering recreation on the territory, including in gazebos, cafe services; free of charge: barbecues, stationary tables with benches, toilet and shower.

According to the results of 2014, the occupancy of the beaches in the summer months, even on weekdays, was 50-70%, and on weekends - up to 120% of the design. Since, according to experts' forecasts, economic growth is not expected in the next few years, it should be assumed that demand from the population will continue to grow.

The main factor for the success of the enterprise is the territorial location of the beach - in addition to a wide and convenient coastline, it must have convenient access roads for personal transport and be within reach of public transport. The site under consideration fully meets these requirements. It is also important to ensure not only the availability of infrastructure, but also its high qualitysince Russians are becoming more and more demanding of the level of service. This thesis is especially relevant in the current situation, when people who are accustomed to the resorts of Turkey and Egypt are forced to relax on the local beach.

Ready ideas for your business

For this reason, it is planned to pay special attention to the equipment of the beach. It is planned to attract a designer to develop a uniform style for all buildings, as well as to use high-quality materials and experienced workers for their construction and equipment of the territory. It is supposed to create a unified concept for the design of the territory and, as a result, a marketing campaign - the motive "Cossack Don". This will allow the company to differentiate itself from competitors that do not have a specific corporate identity.

At the first stage of the project implementation, it is planned to create a barbecue cafe (without alcohol), as well as a sports equipment rental office. On the beach there are stationary tables (free of charge), separate gazebos (for a fee), barbecues (for a fee), awnings, showers, toilets, as well as retail outlets (soft drinks, ice cream). Guests are allowed to bring their own food and drinks. Security is ensured by security and rescue services.

Ready ideas for your business

The very territory of the beach is a coastal section, 200 meters long and 20 meters deep. The territory is covered with fine river sand, which is planned to be filled with larger open-cut sand, because it has a more attractive appearance; it is also more convenient for vacationers to sit on it. In the immediate vicinity there is an asphalt road and a public transport stop. At the moment, there are no buildings on the beach, part of the area is covered with rare deciduous trees, which create additional comfort and protection from the sun.

The transfer of the site for a long-term lease is carried out based on the results of an open auction. The application for the site is submitted to the Rostov-on-Don Property Fund in June 2016. The estimated date of the auction is September 2016. The initial bid amount depends on factors such as: geographic location object, its area and shape, availability of communications, demand, availability of infrastructure or buildings on the territory, etc. Thus, it is extremely difficult to determine the cost of renting a plot. According to the Property Fund of the Rostov Region, the cost of renting land plots, depending on their location and purpose, can range from 50 to 5,000 rubles per hundred square meters. By interpolation, you can arrive at a result for a site suitable for organizing a beach in the immediate vicinity of the city - 2000-3000 rubles per hundred square meters.


The company provides services for the accommodation of beach guests in comfortable and safe environment, including temporary secure storage of personal vehicles; on the organization of public catering. The list of services and descriptions are given in Tab. 2.

Table 2. List and description of project services

When entering the parking lot and entering the beach, the vacationer is issued a check indicating the amount paid and the date of payment, with which he has the right to enter the beach an unlimited number of times during a given day.

The gazebos are located in the farthest part of the beach from the entrance, which ensures their privacy and, therefore, the comfort of the people who rent them. The cafe is located in the immediate vicinity of the entrance; all dishes are prepared by a specialist with at least 10 years of experience. All employees of cafes and other public catering facilities have a mandatory health record. Stationary tables are located in the immediate vicinity of the cafe and can accommodate up to 90 people.

Ready ideas for your business

To provide additional competitive advantages, it is planned to attract animators to work with children, as well as to organize performances by local music groups on Friday (19.00 - 22.00) and Saturday (18.00 - 22.00).

There is no admission fee for children under 10 years old. The projected number of children is 20% of total visitors.


The project does not provide for the possibility of direct sales of services. Attraction of visitors is achieved due to the favorable location of the beach area, outdoor advertisingas well as through seasonal media advertising campaigns. It is also expected to develop its own website with detailed description territory and all services provided.

The design of the fencing of the territory from the outside is carried out in the general Cossack style, an advertising banner is placed with information about the beach, a website address and a phone number for booking gazebos.

Beach information is also disseminated through regional online holiday directories. In the first year, advertising on the radio with a drawing of season tickets for free access to the beach during the season is provided. The subscription provides for an unlimited number of visits to the beach from May to September; additional services not included in the subscription. A total of 8 season tickets will be drawn. The choice of radio is due to active target audience - youth from 18 to 30 years old.

Also, from April to September, modular advertising is placed in glossy publications of the city dedicated to shopping, recreation, entertainment, etc. The advertising budget for five years of operation of the facility is shown in Table. 3. The calculation takes into account advertising costs per month.

Competitive advantages are provided due to special attention to the cleanliness of the territory, control over the observance of order, the use of quality products for the preparation of the dishes sold, the presence of a single concept in design and promotion, as well as a wider range of services, which include entertainment activities - the work of children's animators , performance of musical groups.


Preparatory work is carried out under the direct supervision of the entrepreneur. Delivery of sand for filling the territory is carried out from a quarry located 5 km from the beach; delivery is carried out by the supplier. The required volume of sand is about 150 tons. Construction of cafe buildings, toilets, showers, and gazebos is carried out specialized organizations; contractors are selected according to the proposed price, construction time, as well as the availability of demonstration objects and their quality. Start of construction - March 2017, completion - May 2017.

According to requirements regulatory documents, 1 vacationer must have at least 8 m 2 of usable beach area. Considering that at least 30% of the territory is allocated for infrastructure, we get 1,800 m 2 or the maximum number of tourists - 225 people, of which 20% or 45 people are children. The territory allows you to organize parking for 30 cars, the rest can be parked on the side road, or next to a forest plantation, within 50-100 m from the entrance to the beach.

SS i - the cost of the i-th service;

And i - depreciation of fixed assets and means of production used to create the i-th service (goods);

Payroll i - wage fund for employees engaged in the provision of the i-th service;

PP i - direct costs of creating the i-th service (purchase cost of products, electricity, water, etc.) used to produce the i-th service.

Data on the cost and cost of providing services are given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Cost and cost of project services

The planned sales volume is shown in Table. 5. The planned volume is understood as the maximum volume of sales per month, typical, as a rule, for the high season (July-August). In the future, to calculate the cash flow, the seasonality coefficient will be applied to it.

To determine the planned sales volume, it is necessary to take into account that volume fluctuations occur not only by months, depending on the season, but also within each week of the season: if the beach occupancy on weekends is 100%, then on weekdays it will hardly rise above 50% ... Thus, it is necessary to calculate the weighted average of the beach load for 1 day of the month. For June-August it will be 65%, for May and September - 25%. Thus, in the calculation of the seasonality coefficient, it is necessary to introduce an additional reduction coefficient.

Table 5. Planned monthly sales


Main administrative and management functions performed personally by the entrepreneur. To carry out activities, he must have knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, legislation in the field of land use, labor and administrative law, accounting and tax accounting.

The beach administrator and accountant are directly subordinate to him. All personnel serving the beach are subordinate to the administrator. The organizational chart is shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1. Organizational chart of the enterprise

The most stringent requirements apply to the qualifications of the kebab keeper and rescuers. The chef must have a proven track record in a similar position and have all the relevant knowledge and skills. Rescuers must be of a junior or adult swimming grade and must be in good physical condition and free from disabilities. The guards are in good physical shape, there are no restrictions on health and bad habits; experience as a security guard is not required. All personnel associated with the trade in food and beverages (or their preparation) have health certificates and undergo regular commissions.

The beach administrator has a 5-day working week, days off - Monday and Tuesday. Chefs and helpers work in shifts, with a 2/2 schedule. Guards and rescuers work in pairs, schedule 2/2, with the involvement of a third employee on the busiest days, or time of day.

All employees involved in the project have a seasonal nature of work, with the exception of the accountant and administrator, wage which is paid all year round.

Staffing table with a salary is given in Table. 6.

Table 6. Staffing table and payroll


The main investment costs for the project are related to the development of the territory and the construction of buildings and communications equipment. Also, significant investments are required in working capitalsince it is necessary to support the company until it breaks even in the high season of the second year of the beach operation.

Table 7. Investment costs of the project

Total funds required: 4,125,000 rubles. Of these, the entrepreneur's own funds are 2.0 million rubles. To attract the missing amount, a bank loan is used with a rate of 18% per annum and for a period of 36 months. The repayment of loan obligations begins from the third month with annuity payments.

The organizational and legal form of the enterprise is IP. The form of taxation is the simplified tax system with the object of taxation being income.

The fixed costs of the enterprise are given in Table. 8. The rent has a fixed rate and is paid monthly. A number of other payments are seasonal. At the same time, the amount of seasonal payments is divided into a full year, thus, an average payment is obtained for each month of the year.

Table 8. Fixed costs of the project

Sales volume and planned revenue are shown in Table. 9. Traffic report money given in the Appendix.

Tab. 9. Sales plan and revenue indicators


Evaluation of the project's effectiveness is carried out using standard investment analysis tools. On the basis of cash flow, indexed cash flow and integral indicators are calculated economic efficiency project (Table 10).

Table 10. Integral indicators of project efficiency

Net present value (NPV) - with a discount rate of 20% - is greater than 0, which indicates that the project is profitable and of interest to the investor. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the discount rate is quite high; this indicator is more typical for innovative projects with a high degree of risk. The profitability index (PI) is more than 1, which also indicates the profitability of the project.

The complete calculation of financial indicators is given in the Appendix.


For a detailed analysis of all risks and opportunities of the enterprise, a SWOT analysis was used (Table 11).

Table 11. SWOT analysis of the project

In general, the degree of project risk can be characterized as low.


On the eve of the opening summer seasonOn May 31, the city administration, together with Rospotrebnadzor and the small craft inspectorate, inspected the city's beaches. And, judging by the results, all the beaches will not officially open until June 8th.

On the central beach, a commission led by deputy Mayor Valery LISITSKY I immediately drew attention to the pit in the place where the storm drain was laid.

Previously, storm water poured directly onto the beach, so it was decided to run pipes to the sea. Now, at the junction of these pipes, due to the fact that they are of different diameters, during heavy downpours, pebbles are washed out by a stream of water and a pit is formed, - explained deputy Head of the City Administration Alexander PAVLOV.

The storm drain, apparently, requires serious repair, and better, replacement. But it is clear that such major changes need capital investments... So it just remains to fill this hole from time to time.

At first glance, the beach looks ready to welcome guests: the changing cabins have been re-painted in yellow, all signs have been replaced after the winter nord-ost, a brand new electronic display is hanging, showing the temperature of the air and water, the gangway has been painted into the water. Nevertheless, the necessary water samples have not yet been taken on the city beach and the bottom has not been cleaned. Why until now these procedures have not been carried out, the head of the city department for the development of the sanatorium and resort sphere and tourism Sergey MUT explained to the "HP" correspondent.

In order for the beach to officially open, it needs to obtain two mandatory permits: from Rospotrebnadzor and the State Inspection for Small Vessels, - says Sergey Vyacheslavovich. - On the beach, water samples must be taken for analysis, the bottom must be cleaned to a depth of two meters, on the shore, special stands with life-saving equipment must be installed. But there were difficulties with the paperwork for renting this beach, so all preparations for the opening are delayed.

The commission walked along the beach and indicated to the tenant what needs to be done. Workers have already begun to clear the granite steps of the main entrance, and have closed the vandal-smashed door in the beach administration building. It remains to wash the windows, pull the awning and install the horizontal bar.

In its turn beach administrator Tatiana GORPENKO complained about the noisy companies, with the arrival of warmth, took a fancy to the beach, and the graffiti artists, who no longer have a council. Indeed, on the beach itself and in its area there are several multi-colored drawings made with persistent paint, and it is not so easy to wash it. How nice it would be if the night police patrol began to look here more often!

And yet, the townspeople will be grateful if under the awning for people with disabilities health, a wooden flooring will be laid on a sharp pebble, - a resident of Novorossiysk turned to the correspondent of "NR" Elena YURCHENKO.

Specialists of the city department for the development of the sanatorium and resort sector and tourism reported that water samples had already been taken on the remaining beaches, the bottom was cleaned, the necessary rescue equipment was installed. The only thing left to do is to draw up and sign the last documents for permission to open the swimming season.

The inspectors also visited the Sudzhuk Spit. Here people are already swimming and sunbathing with might and main, and they are not at all embarrassed that the tenant of the beach is all required documents must get from day to day. The correspondent of "NR" noted that the spit is quite clean, there are a sufficient number of cabanas for changing clothes, shady awnings, areas for children and people with disabilities are equipped. AND head of the Southern District Viktor Aleulov promised that in about a week the patching of the road on the spit would begin.

There are plenty of opportunities to have fun on the beach: a sandpit has been installed for kids, a whole complex with sports equipment has been equipped, and a sandy volleyball court has been made. And then tenant of the beach Samvel AZATYAN said that an open-air disco will work on the spit, and in two weeks the dolphin attraction will open for the first spectators, about which "HP" has already written. By the way, the frame structures for the attraction have already been brought, and the workers have begun assembling, the grand opening of the attraction with real dolphins is scheduled for June 15.

Another novelty appeared on the Sudzhuk Spit, - he happily pointed to a small pier in the sea dmitry VAKULENKO, leading specialist of the city department for the development of the sanatorium and resort sector and tourism... - This building is left of the "filmmakers" who shot the film "Marathon" here in winter. They assembled a small platform, apparently, to install a video camera over the sea. An enterprising tenant made handrails for safety, repaired the flooring. Already now this bridge attracts those who like to dive and sit with a fishing rod.

The correspondent of "HP" did not forget to ask the experts why in all resort cities (Novorossiysk is no exception) the beaches receive permission to open not on June 1, but only closer to June 10.

There is no mystery here. The fact is that at the request of the State Inspection for Small Vessels, the entire staff of beach workers must be staffed. And over the years it has already happened that students go to work as rescuers. Just at the beginning of June, they take their final exams and are exempt from studies. Therefore, large beaches, like Aleksino or the Sudzhuk Spit, open a little later, because according to the norms they need a large number of lifeguards on the beach, - said Dmitry Vakulenko.

The participants in the audit stressed that this year all the beaches will open no later than in previous years. There are no comments to the rest of the beaches - Aleksino, Shirokaya Balka, Yuzhnaya Ozereyka and Dyurso - no. But experts upset the readers of "HP" - the recreation area "Neptune" this year will not receive the long-awaited status of the beach, is still not installed and, therefore, not launched sewage treatment plant... But the folk beaches "Volochaevsky" and "Barbarina" are expected to change this year. Although swimming is still prohibited on "Barbarina", this territory will receive the status of a recreation area, and cleaning here is assigned to the administration of the Eastern District.

The population of the industrial area has been trying to defend Volochaevsky beach for themselves for several years, which was surrounded by a fence, and a castle was hung at the entrance. Now there is an entrepreneur who is ready to develop this beach. If it is possible to supply electricity, then there will be shadow tents, a shop and cleaning of the territory will be organized.

In order to find out what was the sanitary and epidemiological situation on the beaches of the city, the correspondent of "NR" turned to the head of the Novorossiysk department of Rospotrebnadzor Dina KARDAILOVA. The conversation took place on May 31. According to the specialist, this year our beaches are well prepared for the opening of the swimming season. From day to day, they must receive the necessary documents and permits for opening, problems can arise except at the beach.

The unfavorable situation on the beach has developed due to the stormwater, which is located on its territory. Even after a little rain, a large puddle forms in this place. And it's not a secret for anyone that not only rainwater gets into the city stormwater pipes, private sector homeowners like to cut their sewers into them, ”Dina Kardailova told the HP correspondent.

Last year, the storm drain was repaired, but it did not last long, - continues Dina Nikolaevna. - So until the problem with the storm storm is solved on the Central Beach, we will not sign the permission to open the beach. There are no comments on the rest of the beaches: water samples are good, the bottom is cleaned, garbage collection is organized. All have applied for a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. I think that Aleksino prepared the best for the opening of the swimming season. And the opening permission has already received the beaches at sanatoriums and children's camps.

Dina Kardailova assured that the water quality on the beaches is under strict control. At the request of beach tenants, during the entire swimming season, until the end of September, seawater samples are taken for analysis every ten days. In addition, Rospotrebadzor monitors water quality independently: from certain monitoring points, water is supplied for research. For example, last year no non-standard seawater samples were recorded in Novorossiysk.

And the quality of the water depends on many factors: the number of tourists, the temperature of the water, the discharge of storm water and, of course, from storms, which often raise all the mud from the bottom.


In our cities, during the warm season, you can find small cafes everywhere, especially many of them in places of recreation for citizens. Say what you like, but in the summer heat it is pleasant to drink refreshing drinks with good acquaintances and friends. Attendance in such an institution is guaranteed in good weather. Many entrepreneurs grab onto this business idea, but not all have the patience to implement it year after year.

  • Opening a summer cafe - where to start?
  • What documents are needed to open a summer cafe
  • The optimal tax regime for a summer cafe
  • Necessary equipment and staff
  • How much can you earn at a summer cafe
  • The size of the start-up capital for opening a summer cafe

The main drawback of such an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to open your own summer cafe on the city beach is its seasonality.... Obviously, it will be able to work only a few months a year, and the influx of visitors will only be in good weather. Precipitation or strong winds will already force clients to look for a cozy lounge. But on warm days, when the institution will be able to receive guests until late at night, the proceeds can be 100 thousand rubles. For the sake of such income, it is worth starting such a business.

Opening a summer cafe - where to start?

We have already written that the profit of any restaurant depends on its good location. The opening of a summer seasonal cafe is no exception. The more traffic of people, the more revenue of the institution. It is customary to open summer playgrounds not only on the beaches. For this, parks, areas near entertainment centers, markets, stations. Beer is considered to be the most "popular" product in the summer establishment. It can be sold by franchise. If an entrepreneur decides to stake on this popular drink, then a summer cafe will not be allowed to open near a school or other facility related to children.

What documents are needed to open a summer cafe

The initial stage is the conclusion of a lease agreement. If the land plot belongs to a commercial structure, then the procedure is simplified. It will be more difficult for a businessman who has looked after a "tasty" place that is in state ownership. Permits for the construction of a temporary cafe there are issued by the local administration. An application and a project of the future structure are submitted there, with a detailed description of the types of activities and a group of goods sold. Local authorities review the documents and make a decision. An affirmative answer does not always match the desired outcome. Authorities can, for example, reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe site, or restrict activities.

To bring your idea to life as accurately as possible, you need to prepare a complete package of documents. It is based on a sketch and a project. They must be coordinated with the territorial department of architecture, with the committee for the commodity market and improvement. Simultaneously with the solution of the issue in the mayor's office, permits are drawn up in the sanitary and epidemiological station, Rospotrebnadzor, and fire supervision.

It is better to start paperwork in the fall. As a rule, their approval can take several months, and a businessman still needs to conclude contracts for the supply of equipment and select suppliers of goods. You need to open an institution on time.

The optimal tax regime for a summer cafe

In some regions of the country, you can still write an application and work for UTII (since the amount and scope of this tax is controlled by local authorities). But, as a rule, businessmen who decide to open a summer cafe choose one of two options:

  • General tax regime (a lot of paperwork and reports).
  • USN (simplified system), which gives you a choice in terms of calculating the amount of payments to the budget. This is either 6% of the difference between gross income and expenses, or 15% of revenue.

Another important point, which you should know about when going to the Federal Tax Service to register a company, is the choice of a code according to the all-Russian classifier. There is a code for this activity OKVED 55.30.

If you are not going to engage in the sale of alcoholic beverages, then you no need to issue additional licenses and permits (except for documents mentioned in this article).

Necessary equipment and personnel

After obtaining all permits, you can start purchasing equipment. You will not need large funds for this. According to experts who have dealt with the organization of such a business, the purchase of everything you need will need about 200 thousand rubles. This amount includes the cost of the tent, furniture, beer dispensing equipment and refrigerators. All this can be bought new or used in good condition.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of suppliers of food and drinks for the cafe. We advise you to pay attention to the option of starting a franchise business. Many beer producers willingly enter into contracts for the supply of the drink during the season, and some of them even rent out equipment for free or on very favorable terms. This will make it easier to open an establishment, especially if you arrange it under a franchise. For this, the owner of the cafe must limit the range of drinks to only a certain brand.

All kinds of snacks are usually offered with beer. Their origin and quality must be confirmed by appropriate documents. The manufacturer must provide certificates attached to the list of products to be offered as snacks. This list is approved by the SES.

In addition to beer, the assortment should include non-alcoholic drinks. Many entrepreneurs, especially in a cafe on the beach, offer guests a barbecue, which is popular in the summer. Salads from fresh vegetables will come in handy with it. When purchasing them, you also need to take care of the documents of origin.

Usually 5-6 people are enough to service the summer terrace: a bartender, waiters and a cleaning lady. All of them must have health records. To control the turnover, you need to calculate daily sold goods... This is especially true for beer. Bartenders often have a habit of under-filling customers. This can affect not only the financial situation of the owner, but also the reputation of the institution.

How much can you earn at a summer cafe

A summer cafe on the beach often becomes a starting point in business for people looking to open a more serious establishment or a franchise cafe. For several seasons, you can make money for such an investment. On average, the profitability of the summer playground is 90%, which makes it possible to implement further plans and expand.