How to start a beach business. Business idea: how to open a paid beach. Rip off two skins

A beach business is only relevant for four months a year, but it can be so profitable that it will keep the entrepreneur alive until next season. To implement some ideas, $ 500-700 is enough. Today, ideas for such a business extend far beyond the ability to walk along the perimeter of the beach, offering questionable food. In addition, in some cases it is not at all necessary to officially register your beach business. So, what ideas will help citizens make money on their beach holidays?

Comfort enhancement services

Not everyone is ready to sunbathe on their own towel today. Many people want to rest with increased comfort. Therefore, you can offer rent:

  • trestle beds;
  • sun loungers;
  • umbrellas.

The money invested in their purchase pays off after a few days of the beginning of the season, and until its end you will only accumulate profit. But don't buy cheap goods. Today, the consumer is sophisticated in terms of comfort, so they prefer their own towel to a low-quality lounger.

Another type of comfortable service is changing cabins, showers and dry closets. The price for their use can be set at several tens of rubles, but even in this case, the daily profit is very pleasing.

Luggage storage

Everyone knows the problem when, having come to the beach, you want to go for a swim, but you don't know where to hide your valuables. The problem is eternal, but for some reason there are not always those who want to implement this idea. Nevertheless, citizens can be given the opportunity to deposit valuables for storage for the same couple of tens of rubles per hour. Over an hour to set a double tariff.

You can install a refrigerator next to the cells, where you can store food. If the beach is large, you can put such points every 100 meters. Pensioners or students with hourly wages... In addition, the surface of the lockers can be used as advertising space and generate additional income from it. This will increase the profitability of the idea.

In the storage room you can take not only small valuables, but clothes, bags and more. It all depends on what kind of equipment you can buy.

Hair dryers, creams and massages

Ideas for a comfortable stay on the beach are gradually expanding today. The offer of the service of applying sunscreens, for sunburn, for burning, has proven itself well. It is much more convenient for vacationers to give this matter into the hands of another person than to apply it themselves. Those who are embarrassed by the touch of strangers can be offered application with sprays. Insect spraying can be included in the list of services.

Where there is cream, there is massage. Therefore, to implement this idea, it is worth hiring a massage therapist who can do a small general body massage for an additional fee. You will need a separate indoor tent with a fan or air conditioner. Over time, you can negotiate with specialized companies and dress masseurs in branded clothes, use certain creams, etc.

As additional service sometimes they offer the option to blow-dry your hair and body.

Vending machines with plaster

Such trifles as plasters, napkins, bandages, hygiene products, vacationers often forget to take with them. Therefore, if necessary, they are ready to pay more for them than usual.

Photos, tattoos, braids and other trifles

As they say, a classic of the beach genre. Many vacationers still enjoy taking pictures on the beach in various roles. You can offer pictures:

  • in luxurious dresses;
  • on motorcycles;
  • near thematic paintings;
  • with animals, birds, reptiles and more.

It all depends on your imagination. It is advisable to offer photographs in processed form both on digital media and in printed form.

In addition, you can offer face painting, braiding, make-up, henna tattoos, and more.

Souvenirs and gifts

Another classic beach business option is selling souvenirs and gifts. The main requirement for them is uniqueness. If they cannot be found in the city where the vacationers came from, they will gladly buy gifts for their relatives. To implement this idea, it is necessary to establish contacts with local craftsmen in order to purchase products from them, as well as rent a point for sale on the beach. Such goods usually have a 300% mark-up.

Draft kvass and ice cream

What could be nicer on the beach than eating ice cream, drinking a glass of cold kvass! Queues at the points where they are sold do not disappear all day. To open such a point, you will need about 100 thousand rubles. with rental costs no more than 30 thousand per month.

Beach shop and equipment rental

First of all, it should sell beach accessories:

  • swimming trunks;
  • swimwear;
  • towels;
  • diving maxi;
  • tanning products and products;
  • balls;
  • circles and stuff.

Over time, the store's assortment can be expanded with special equipment for water sports, which is offered for rent.

Charging gadgets and downloading books

Many vacationers take various gadgets with them to the beach to read books, watch movies, play or listen to music. Usually the charge is not enough for a long time, which is worth earning. For a couple of tens of rubles, you can offer recharging of any gadget. True, for this you will have to purchase many hubs with a variety of connectors.

For a fee, you can download a book, music or films. Alternatively, you can rent real books.


And, of course, what a beach without entertainment! Attractions on water and on land always attract vacationers, but such ideas require some investment.

Most often, the following attractions are organized on the beaches:

  • Water ATVs and scooters.
  • Riding in giant balls (zorbs).
  • Ride on water slides and bananas.
  • Trampolines.
  • Jumping.
  • Trolls.

The last two are more relevant for river beaches. Jumping is organized from a bridge over the river. Trolling involves a ride on a rope from one side of the river to the other. Each of the attractions involves hiring employees. In addition, you will have to deal with such instances as:

  • tax;
  • state inspectorate for small boats.

You also need to study the rules for organizing water recreation and pass an exam in a shipping company. Equipment costs will be something like this:

  • 20 thousand rubles there is a zorb (you need 4-5 pieces);
  • 100-200 thousand rubles - trampoline;
  • 40 thousand rubles. - water scooter (you need 3-4 pieces);
  • 15-50 thousand rubles. - rent of a water slide and space for it;

If you hire employees for rides, you will have to pay at least 18 thousand rubles to everyone.

In our cities, during the warm season, you can find small cafes everywhere, especially many of them in places of recreation for citizens. Say what you like, but in the summer heat it is pleasant to drink refreshing drinks with good friends and acquaintances. Attendance in such an institution is guaranteed in good weather. Many entrepreneurs grab onto this business idea, but not all have the patience to implement it year after year.

  • Opening a summer cafe - where to start?
  • What documents are needed to open a summer cafe
  • The optimal tax regime for a summer cafe
  • Necessary equipment and personnel
  • How much can you earn at a summer cafe
  • The size of the start-up capital for opening a summer cafe

The main drawback of such an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to open your own summer cafe on the city beach is its seasonality.... Obviously, it will be able to work only a few months a year, and the influx of visitors will only be in good weather. Precipitation or strong winds will already force customers to look for a cozy lounge. But on warm days, when the institution will be able to receive guests until late in the evening, the proceeds can be 100 thousand rubles. For the sake of such income, it is worth starting such a business.

Opening a summer cafe - where to start?

We have already written that the profit of any restaurant depends on its good location. The opening of a summer seasonal cafe is no exception. The more traffic of people, the more revenue of the institution. It is customary to open summer playgrounds not only on the beaches. For this, parks, areas near entertainment centers, markets, stations. Beer is considered to be the most "popular" product in a summer establishment. It can be sold by franchise. If an entrepreneur decides to stake on this popular drink, then a summer cafe will not be allowed to open near a school or other facility related to children.

What documents are needed to open a summer cafe

The initial stage is the conclusion of a lease agreement. If the land plot belongs to a commercial structure, then the procedure is simplified. It will be more difficult for a businessman who has looked after a "tidbit" place located in state property... Permits for the construction of a temporary cafe there are issued by the local administration. There, the application and the project of the future structure are submitted, with detailed description activities and a group of goods sold. Local authorities review the documents and make a decision. An affirmative answer does not always match the desired outcome. Authorities can, for example, reduce the size of a site, or restrict activities.

To bring your idea to life as accurately as possible, you need to prepare a full package of documents. It is based on a sketch and a project. They must be coordinated with the territorial department of architecture, with the committee for the commodity market and improvement. Simultaneously with the solution of the issue in the mayor's office, permits are drawn up in the sanitary and epidemiological station, Rospotrebnadzor, fire supervision.

It is better to start paperwork in the fall. As a rule, their approval can take several months, and a businessman still needs to conclude contracts for the supply of equipment and choose suppliers of goods. You need to open an institution on time.

The optimal tax regime for a summer cafe

In some regions of the country, you can still write an application and work for UTII (since the amount and scope of this tax is controlled by local authorities). But, as a rule, businessmen who decide to open a summer cafe choose one of two options:

  • General tax regime (a lot of paperwork and reports).
  • USN (simplified system), which gives you a choice in terms of calculating the amount of payments to the budget. This is either 6% of the difference between gross income and expenses, or 15% of revenue.

Another important point, which you should know about when going to the Federal Tax Service to register a company, is the choice of the code for all-Russian classifier... There is a code for this activity OKVED 55.30.

If you are not going to deal with the sale of alcoholic beverages, then you no need to issue additional licenses and permits (except for documents mentioned in this article).

Necessary equipment and personnel

After receiving all the permits, you can start purchasing equipment. You will not need large funds for this. According to experts who have dealt with the organization of such a business, the purchase of everything you need will need about 200 thousand rubles. This amount includes the cost of the tent, furniture, beer dispensing equipment and refrigerators. All this can be bought new or used in good condition.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of suppliers of food and drinks for the cafe. We advise you to pay attention to the option of starting a franchise business. Many beer producers willingly enter into contracts for the supply of the drink during the season, and some of them even rent equipment for free or very favorable terms... This will make it easier to open an establishment, especially if you arrange it under a franchise. For this, the owner of the cafe must limit the range of drinks to only a certain brand.

All kinds of snacks are usually offered with beer. Their origin and quality must be confirmed by appropriate documents. The manufacturer must provide certificates accompanying the list of products to be offered as snacks. This list is approved by the SES.

In addition to beer, the assortment should include non-alcoholic drinks. Many entrepreneurs, especially in a cafe on the beach, offer guests a barbecue, which is popular in the summer. Salads from fresh vegetables will come in handy with it. When purchasing them, you also need to take care of the documents of origin.

Usually 5-6 people are enough to service the summer terrace: a bartender, waiters and a cleaning lady. All of them must have health records. To control the turnover, you need to calculate daily sold goods... This is especially true for beer. Bartenders often have a habit of under-filling customers. This can affect not only the financial situation of the owner, but also the reputation of the institution.

How much can you earn at a summer cafe

A summer cafe on the beach often becomes a starting point in business for people looking to open a more serious establishment or a franchise cafe. For several seasons, you can make money for such an investment. On average, the profitability of the summer area is 90%, which allows for further plans to be implemented and expanded.

There are few beaches in Russia. Correspondents " Russian newspaper"walked along the coasts and found that they are generally in short supply. Especially comfortable. And all the more unpleasant when the road to the promised sand is blocked by a barrier. Paid beach! There are more and more of them.

Lawyers and experts say that it is illegal to charge an entrance fee to a beach by a river or sea. "Read the Water Code of the Russian Federation. There, water bodies that are in state or municipal ownership are publicly available. This means that anyone who wants to have the right to access them," explains lawyer Dmitry Zheleznov to RG. The coastal strip with a width of 20 meters is generally accessible. Fences and barriers that prevent access to the beach are illegal. By the way, rivers, lakes and seas cannot be private in Russia.

In this case, the concept of "private beach" in russian legislation is still there. But it only applies to recreation areas near artificial reservoirs - ponds or pools. For example, in Omsk, in the city center, there is a beach by the pool. An hour of stay in the fenced area will cost 300 rubles. Several beaches with a swimming pool, there are also in Moscow. And only they can charge an entrance fee.

Beach price list tricks

The law allows you to rent the beach. But here experts urge to pay attention to the details: what does such a lease agreement provide? "It is not the beach itself that is leased, but an agreement is concluded for the placement of non-stationary retail facilities.

That is, the tenant is allowed to place on the beach a certain number of NTOs selling ice cream or renting umbrellas and sun loungers, "says Sergei Menzheritskiy, head of the All-Russian environmental movement Open Coast.

However, tenants are often tricky. They set a fee for services, but you cannot refuse them. For example, in Volgograd they charge 25-30 rubles per person for entering the beach, but the visitor gets a sunbed free of charge. In fact, he pays for the rent of a sunbed, but he cannot refuse it. A similar situation in Khabarovsk, beach tourist complex "Zaimka Plyusnina" is paid. The entrance ticket costs 200 rubles. But the use of sun loungers and umbrellas, shower and changing rooms, swimming pool, beach volleyball and beach tennis courts are already included in the price. The same scheme works in Vladivostok.

Upon entering the Riviera Laguna beach, the visitor will pay 50 rubles. The price includes a free toilet, playgrounds, shower, wooden deck chair.

Rip off two skins

In some regions, tenants manage to make a profit at a double rate.

They also set an entrance fee, and additionally take money for services. For several years now, in Rostov and its environs, there are half a dozen popular beaches that are not worth visiting without money: Carrera, Stereoplyazh, Blue Lakes, a beach on the Salt Lake near Bataysk. Some of them position themselves as beach clubs, which host concerts and festivals in summer.

Entrance fees range from 50-60 rubles to 300 rubles. And this does not include service fees. For example, entry by car costs from 100 to 300 rubles.

And since some of the paid beaches can be reached by public transport it is difficult, there is no choice to pay or not pay for parking. Beach visitors will also have to pay for using the toilet.

The hotel is expensive

The situation is not easy at sea resorts. For example, officially there are no paid beaches in Crimea. But not in fact.

There are especially many of them on the southern coast of Crimea - in the vicinity of Yalta. And the prices bite. For example, the entrance to the beach of the Respect Hall hotel costs 1000 rubles. In most resorts to access the beach, you need to pay to enter the territory. For example, the entrance to the territory of the "Dnepr" sanatorium costs 60 rubles, the "Aivazovskoye" sanatorium - 300 rubles.

In "Aivazovsky" you will have to pay another 350 rubles for a sun lounger with an umbrella. The record for the cost was set by the Mriya sanatorium complex in Opolznevoe, where you have to pay about 4 thousand rubles to get to the equipped beach.

Sergei Menzheritsky explains that the beaches of the sanatoriums cannot be paid either. All the same rules apply, a site for a sanatorium is issued only up to the coastal strip of 20 meters.

But in fact, very many sanatoriums close access to the beaches adjacent to their territory and make them free only for their vacationers.

In addition, beach tenants go for such a trick: they force them with sun loungers so tightly that you want it or not, but you still have to pay for the rent of this "piece of wood" or a piece of plastic.

But, fortunately for vacationers, this is not the case everywhere. There are also beaches free of commerce on the sea coast. In the village of Chernomorskoye on the west coast, for example, and in Feodosia on the east coast, there are also no paid beaches - only free ones.

Managed to return to the people

Residents of many regions still manage to defend free admission to the beach. In 2015, Lipetsk's fenced beach and a paid beach near the Riviera entertainment complex in Kazan were outlawed.

Now an active fight against the invaders of the coastline is being conducted in Dagestan. The region has an acute problem of access for vacationers to the Caspian Sea. The entrances to almost all beaches, especially in the immediate vicinity of Makhachkala, are blocked by barriers, and access for a "wild" tourist is strictly prohibited.

The Prosecutor's Office of Makhachkala appealed to residents and guests of the capital of the republic and asked to report all the facts of illegal installation of barriers, fences and collection of fees for passage and travel to the coast.

And in Sverdlovsk region residents of the village of Sanatorny came out with their own initiative against the paid beach. They wrote a collective complaint about charging fees for access to Lake Baltym. Now this fact is being checked by the prosecutor's office, the Rospotrebnadzor department in the Sverdlovsk region and the regional ministry of natural resources and ecology.

Suffice it to recall the recent scandal in Khimki near Moscow. 10 million rubles were invested in the improvement of one of the beaches from the budget. And after the completion of the work, access to the beach became paid - 700 rubles. The fight for this beach continues ...

After all, it is in the summer that there is an opportunity to open a new direction of high-margin (but seasonal) business. The most popular types of recreation among Russians this season are beach vacations, forest walks and tourism, including domestic tourism. Not everyone has the opportunity to go on vacation abroad or to the south of Russia. These people, as a rule, choose to rest on the beaches. For those who want to relax in comfort, well-organized paid beaches will be a good option. They will become a gold mine for the owners of such a business. But it should be remembered that people will be willing to pay only at a certain level of the beach. Good sand, warm water with shallow pools and a wide range of additional services.


You can make such a beach on your own, but it will be expensive. It is better to rent a good beach, no more than 20 kilometers from the city. As a rule, there are several dozen such beaches near cities, which are in the "wild" form. Renting a beach with a length of no more than 700-800 meters and an area of \u200b\u200babout 3.5-4 square kilometers will cost you 250-600 thousand rubles per season. The lease will need to be concluded with the local municipality. The season runs from the 20th of May to the last week of August.

In this case, the most costly will be cleaning the beach and installing temporary barriers, tables with umbrellas, sun loungers and changing rooms. This will require another 500-900 thousand rubles, depending on the beach area. Another 300 thousand rubles will cost you the installation of shower cabins.

Next, you will need to install equipment for a small bar with soft drinks (note, you need a license for strong alcohol, without a license you can trade maximum beer and cider) and for retail outlets (two are enough for the beach). It will cost you 150-250 thousand rubles. Or you can conclude sublease agreements with other entrepreneurs, who, accordingly, will be engaged in the sale of drinks or food. In this case, you will get rid of a lot of trouble, but the income from trading will shrink to 350-400 thousand rubles a month. Whereas when organizing an independent business, income can reach 1.5-2 million rubles per month.

Your main income will be not only paid entrance, which costs 400-600 rubles per person (unlimited), but also others paid services - rent of water scooters, boards, catamarans. It will be necessary to allocate about 800 thousand - 1.5 million rubles for the purchase of this equipment or rent. The monthly turnover can be 3-4 million rubles only from the lease and about 2.5-3 million rubles from the entrance "tickets".

How much it costs: the initial investment will be approximately 2.5-3 million rubles, including rent.

Potential profit: net profit can exceed 1 - 1.5 million rubles per month, that is, it is possible to recoup the initial investment within one season. On next year investments will be less (600-800 thousand rubles).

According to the latest estimates, this year about thirteen million Russians will go to the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory. Approximately the same number of people will go on vacation abroad. But one hundred million of our compatriots will rest at home. Is it good or bad? OK good! After all, people who prefer a beach holiday on local lakes or rivers can become your potential customers.

In the recent past, our citizens did not pay attention to the discomfort of local beaches. But now people prefer a civilized vacation on comfortable beaches. It was this reason that prompted me to write this business idea. Beach business Is a great way for summer season earn a decent amount. This business can be organized in any provincial city. Indeed, almost every city has rivers and lakes.

Business idea: how to open a private beach?

The first step is to choose a location for the beach. Then you need to equip it with high quality. Of course, you will need a decent amount to equip the beach, while there are no guarantees for the payback of your business, since there are risks in any activity. Even if you do free admission to the beach, you will be able to secure yourself a high potential income.

When arranging a beach, you need to be guided by the following formula - admission is free, and everything else is paid. In terms of costs, you will need to lease the land or buy it out. Of course, it is best to rent a beach, as you can make money on this business only in the summer season. In addition to cleaning the sand, you will need to clean the bottom of the reservoir from debris. So, the beach is equipped - it's time to prepare it for profit. For example, you can open small cafes, rent sun loungers, organize water attractions, a shooting range, and equip a paid parking space. As you can see, this business provides huge opportunities for earning money.

Please note that you will have to clean the beach very carefully. You will regularly need to clean the sand from pebbles and cigarette butts, collect bottles, and keep the bottom of the reservoir clean. Be sure to hire someone to look after the safety of your visitors. After all, the beach is a high-risk place.

In addition to standard services, other original ideas... For example, open a storage room for things so that guests can leave all unnecessary things in drawers. Thus, theft on the beach is noticeably reduced.

Many people choose to relax at home on local beaches. Therefore, if you organize a local beach, then you can not only earn good money, but also solve the social problem of your city.