A sample business plan for the manufacture of paving slabs. Business profitability: essential ingredients. What staff is required to do the job

The essence of the vile joke is that our world is a continuous show business, and we live in it (Musin Almat Zhumabekovich)

Paving slabs give a well-groomed and presentable look to a path or path near a house or office, so very often people prefer paving slabs for exterior decoration of the external territory. Among building materials, the demand for it not only does not fall, but also increases. Therefore, the competition among manufacturers is quite high. However, this does not mean that production should not be opened.
This business is very demanded and profitable, so be smart about drawing up a business plan for manufacturing paving slabs and start your own business.

Business payback

Many qualified experts note that the manufacture of paving slabs - profitable businessas the payback is over one hundred percent. Even defective products can be used, for example, in construction.

Business registration

The business registration process is quite simple, without certification. You just need to issue individual entrepreneur... If you want to produce a certified product and have confirmation of its quality, then you can issue a certificate in a special certification service. The service will check your product for different qualities, such as frost resistance, resistance, strength. You can easily get a certificate if your products pass these tests.

Production equipment

For the manufacture of paving slabs use:

  • vibration casting technology;
  • vibrocompression technology.

To make tiles using vibrocompression technology, you need to purchase specialized equipment:

  • vibrating press (twenty thousand dollars);
  • concrete mixer (six thousand dollars);
  • punch (three thousand dollars).

The production of tiles using vibrocasting technology will be much cheaper, since less expensive equipment is needed:

  • vibrating table (four thousand dollars);
  • different types of forms (depending on the form from one to eighteen thousand dollars per piece);
  • concrete mixer (six hundred dollars).


In order to understand these processes, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in more detail with the production technology of paving slabs. To begin with, consider the technology of vibrocompression The same technology is used in the manufacture of stones for walls and partitions, borders.

Vibrocompression technology

Preparation of concrete mix

A concrete mixer is used to prepare the concrete mixture. In order to understand how many concrete mixers you will need, you need to know how many layers your product will have. So, if the product has two layers, then you need two concrete mixers. Then the finished mold mix is \u200b\u200btransferred to the matrix of the vibrating press.

Forming forms

After moving the forming mass into the matrix, the punch with vibrators begins its work. The result of this work is vibration impulses, from which the mixture begins to thicken. This whole process takes five seconds. After that, the formed product goes to drying. Drying is carried out in one pallet, and for a new batch of goods, another pallet is needed.

Drying tiles

In order for the tiles to have a finished look, it is necessary to use a heat-moisture drying. For this purpose, steam can be used successfully. If the funds do not allow using the heat-moisture method for drying tiles, then it is quite possible to dry almost finished products in the room itself. To guide you on the time required for drying, let's give an example: for concrete with a density of up to two MPa, it takes from five to eight hours.

Vibratory casting technology

  1. production of concrete mix;
  2. placing concrete on a vibrating table in special forms;
  3. laying out finished forms on a pallet;
  4. holding the resulting ready-made mixture under natural conditions for two days;
  5. heating the hardened form up to two minutes to a temperature of seventy degrees, knocking out the finished product.

Room selection

Special requirements or restrictions on the location industrial premises not. An essential requirement for choosing a production facility is the size of the facility, since all equipment must be placed.

It is desirable that the room be more than seventy square meters. The voltage in the network should be three hundred and sixty volts. And it will be necessary to equip a special room to accommodate the drying chamber, set the temperature there to forty-five degrees.

Production area

In order to accommodate all the necessary specialized equipment and allocate space for storing the necessary materials and products, you will need a room of one hundred square meters. At the same time, the warehouse can be taken out separately, but it will also require one hundred square meters for its construction.

In this case, you can do without heating the workshop, since the heat will come from the very production process... The finished material is first left in the workshop, and only then transferred to the warehouse.

Staff recruitment

In order to produce 50 square meters of paving slabs per day, you just need to pick up three people.

The responsibilities of each will consist of:

  • concrete preparation process,
  • press feed,
  • sending the product to dry.

After the manufacture of paving slabs, the question of its implementation becomes. Naturally, you want to have a wide base of regular customers, so you need to provide them with a wide range of paving slabs you produce. And for this, even during the development of a business plan, it is necessary to provide for the manufacture of tiles of different sizes and colors, with various shapes.

It is recommended at the start of a business to target individuals or small entrepreneurs who purchase paving slabs for their needs. Large orders should be taken later, when you consolidate your positions in the first segment.

Production costs

The cost of primary investments in the paving slab business:

  • start-up and adjustment of production - 100,000 rubles;
  • melting and heating unit - 550,000 rubles;
  • press (for example, D2430) - 468,000 rubles;
  • concrete mixer (for example, SBR-500) - 70,000 rubles;
  • press (for example, PP TR) - 210,000 rubles;
  • scales (for example, MK-15.2) - 4,100 rubles.

Total: 1,403,000.00 rubles


For production, it will be enough to hire three people and appoint them to the following positions with the following salary:

  • manager (24 thousand rubles),
  • melting and heating unit operator (24 thousand rubles)
  • worker (22 thousand rubles)

Based on this size wages, the costs of payroll will be 70,000 rubles (if employees work in one shift) and, accordingly, 140,000 rubles (if employees work in two shifts).

When calculating the cost of one square meter finished products payroll costs will amount to 33.34 rubles.

It is also necessary to include in the cost of one square meter of finished products and the size of the unified social tax, which is 26%. Thus, he gives 8.7 rubles.

You can calculate the cost of rent: if one square meter costs one hundred rubles, then renting the entire premises will cost 10,000 rubles. At the same time, the rent for calculating the cost of one square meter of finished product will be 2.40 rubles.

The costs of the necessary material and energy

To manufacture products, you will need the following material:

  • polymer;
  • construction sand;
  • coloring pigment.

Composition of a mixture of polymer and sand:

  • polymer - 24, 60%;
  • sand-75%;
  • pigments - 0.40%.

We take into account the average price of materials:

  • sand - 0.33 rubles per kilogram;
  • pigment - 50 rubles per kilogram;
  • polymer - 13.60 rubles per kilogram.

Thus, one ton of the above material will amount to 3,795 rubles.

Moreover, to calculate the cost of one square meter of finished products, the cost of raw materials will be 136.60 rubles.

The equipment uses electricity per shift:

  • press - 22 kW; melting and heating unit - 100 kW;
  • light bulbs - 12 kW;
  • concrete mixer - 1.5 kW.

Total: 135.5 kW are used per shift.

Taking into account the payment of 4.03 rubles per 1 kW / h, the cost of electricity per square meter of finished product will amount to 7.8 rubles.

Calculation of the cost of one meter of square paving slabs:

Final calculations:


This type of business belongs to one of the fastest payback businesses. Anyone can organize this business, since there are no special difficulties in the manufacture of paving slabs. An undeniable advantage is the quick return on investment of the business. The disadvantages include the seasonality of work and the monotony of the process itself.

Today paving slabs are almost the most demanded building material... With its help, a beautiful view is created on the streets, in yards, parks and squares, and it looks better than asphalt, even the highest quality.

Many businessmen who know a lot about production and sales are increasingly choosing it for their product.

There are quite enough advantages in this business, but there are also disadvantages:

  • Firstly, tiles are more and more bought for the beautiful decoration of cities and private houses. Customers often do not look at the high cost of paving stones, so the prospect in its manufacture is quite understandable. But we must remember that many want to make money, so the competition is high here.
  • Secondly, it is as easy as shelling pears to register such a business. There is no need for documents that this product has special certificates, and the owner of the future production in this case only needs. He doesn't even have to fully understand production technology and, in general, the construction industry. If a manufacturer wants to present documents on the quality of goods to his customers in the future, then a special certification service will help him with this by conducting a special study. There they will check all the properties of the products and enter them in the quality passport.
  • Thirdly, the production premises can be located anywhere, and when purchasing high-quality imported equipment and with a small occupied area, the staff can consist of only three people.

Everyone can produce tiles due to the simple process of its manufacture. One has only to know that employees will be engaged in boring and monotonous work. With all this, this business, with its correct construction, is different high profitability and quick payback, although orders may come in seasonally.

Varieties of material

There are only two types of coverage you can find on the market:

  • Vibrated tiles can be bought everywhere due to the simplicity of its manufacture. You need to choose it for laying in those places where a small load is expected on the tracks.
  • Vibro-pressed and hydropressed tiles fits where heavy traffic is expected with a large impact on it.

Paving stones also differ in the material from which they were produced:

  • Most often they make it concrete, as from the cheapest substance, and this material is the only one for the manufacture of vibrocast tiles.
  • Clay - This is another raw material for the production of vibro- and hydro-pressed paving stones. It will cost more, but the quality will be higher, comparable to roofing tiles.
  • The most expensive type of high-strength paving slabs produced from various natural stonessuch as granite.

Required premises and equipment

Special equipment for the vibrocompression process will cost about $ 30 thousand and include vibropress, concrete mixer and punch... Vibratory casting equipment is much cheaper. Vibrating table, molds and concrete mixer will cost their owner about 5 thousand dollars.

After choosing the production method, you need to find a suitable room with an area from 70 sq.m. The higher the estimated production volume, the more it should be. The room can be located anywhere, it all depends on the choice of the owner. It is worth choosing an industrial area with convenient access routes. Warehouses with production areas will be the best option... It is not only possible, but also necessary to save on the delivery of the necessary raw materials. This is feasible if the future workshop is located not far from cheap raw material bases.

The main thing is the characteristics of the room. The electric voltage in it must be at least 360 V. It is great if it will always be heated. A sewage system with cold and hot water is required.

You also need to remember about the constant temperature from 35 to 45 degrees Celsius in the chamber for drying finished products and in the warehouse. There must be a warm floor, and such conditions must be maintained all year round.

Required raw materials and their purchase

The concrete mix is \u200b\u200bthe starting material for the production of paving slabs. It consists of cement, which is its main component, crushed stone (granite screening) with a fraction of 5 to 10 mm and building sand with a grain size of up to 5 mm.

Additional components that may be present in the mixture are a plasticizer, various additives to increase its strength, resistance to cold and water resistance, and coloring pigments. With their help, tiles of small architectural forms: paving stones, artificial stone, sidewalk option.

All products should be made only from high-quality raw materials and the production technology should be followed as closely as possible.

All purchases should ideally be made from the same manufacturer, especially with a large order for all types of materials. If you replace trade mark or any component for production, then not only the color of the product can change, but even important characteristics. This is fraught with various problems with buyers and large losses.

Types of production technologies

Paving slabs are made in three ways:

  • Vibrocompression... With its help, not only paving stones are made, but also stones for walls and partitions, as well as curbs. The technology of such production consists of three stages and includes:
    • preparation of concrete in a concrete mixer;
    • forming with vibrators and a punch. The material placed on a special pallet is compacted in a few seconds due to the impact of vibration impulses. Later, the matrix and punch are removed, leaving almost finished paving stones on the pallet;
    • drying. The tray with products must dry either under the influence of ordinary water vapor, or simply indoors. Ready concrete gains the required strength within 5-8 hours.
  • Hyper pressing similar to vibrocompression, only here instead of vibration, strong pressure is used under a hydraulic press to compact the mixture. In this way, many tiles can be produced without the need for a large number of people due to full automation. The absence of a human factor reduces the cost, and also has a positive effect on product quality.
  • Vibration casting Is the third production method. During the process, you need to prepare a concrete mixture and put it in special forms on the vibrating table. These forms are laid out on pallets and left for 48 hours right in the production area. Then the finished tile is heated to 60-70 degrees for 2 minutes and gently knocked out of the molds on a vibrating table. Of course, with this method of production, especially when using cheap equipment in conjunction with manual labor, there will be much more chips and cracks than with vibrocompression. It is worth considering in advance the use of low-quality paving slabs in other sectors of construction.

You can learn more about the product manufacturing process in the following video:

Product distribution channels

Advertising is the engine of progress! It all starts with her, especially in this type of business. You can resort to its traditional methods: advertising on television (preferably on popular channels, although this will come out a little expensive), in magazines and newspapers on construction topics, on the Internet, on billboards, in transport and other crowded places.

It is also worth contacting the managers directly. construction companies and offer them your cooperation. This will help to establish sales channels and recoup the costs of starting a business in the first half of the year. The main thing is not to sit still, actively promote and advertise your product, talking about its advantages.

Total costs

Starting a business is always fraught with a waste of money. Tile production can be done in a relatively small amount:

  • Certification of compliance with high quality standards - from 100 to 300 dollars. It is not necessary to pass it, but to maintain the prestige of your product is worth doing.
  • The rental price for industrial premises, depending on their location, condition and area, is from 500 to 1000 dollars per month.
  • The cost of the selected equipment is from 3,000 to 30,000 dollars.
  • The salary of employees per month is from 1000 to 2000 dollars.

Total starting capital will be from 4500 to 33 300 dollars.

Profit calculation

When calculating the income from the sale of tiles, it is worth considering:

  • the volume of its sales per month (in sq. m.) * cost of 1 sq. m. m .;
  • minus the cost (expenses for the production of goods);
  • minus value added tax (it is 6%).

So, the manufacture of paving slabs is a fairly profitable project. With the right consistent actions and quality technological process payback in half a year or a year will be 100-120%. Everything mainly depends on the size of production and established distribution channels.

Indeed, today this industry is not yet oversaturated, on the contrary, there is an active development due to the emergence of new technologies.

And as profitable business we will consider the most affordable investment. So, let's consider the manufacture of tiles by vibration casting.

Both methods of manufacturing street coverings have the same requirements for the room. This area is not less than 80 sq.m. and the availability of all communications. Renting will cost no more than 30 thousand rubles, and in some regions the price may be even less.

Here you should immediately give an approximate amount utilities: 3 thousand rubles for electricity and the same for cleaning the territory, maintaining the housing stock, water, and so on.


Naturally, this is the most expensive item in our plan. So, we need:

  • Vibrating table (take the VS-1500 model): 34.5 thousand rubles
  • Concrete mixers: 20 thousand rubles for 2 pieces
  • Forms for tiles: from 70 rubles for 1 piece
  • Capacity for demoulding forms: 10 thousand rubles

With the expansion of production, it is possible to take a more productive model of the vibrating table, as well as replace the concrete mixers with a forced mixer. In addition to the above, you will need:

  • Mold washing bath
  • Racks for spreading and storing tiles
  • Wardrobe, table and chairs for workers


To prepare the mixture you will need:

  • Cement: 4.5 thousand rubles per 1 ton
  • Sand: 650 rubles per 1 ton
  • Plasticizer: from 220 rubles per 1 liter

To save on materials, when ordering, pay attention to the delivery conditions, as well as discounts to wholesalers. But you should not forget about quality either; it is better to give preference to suppliers with a positive reputation.

Profit and payback of paving slab production

This point is important not only for your sidewalk tile business plan, but for any other activity as well. Therefore, we are carefully evaluating the data that will be presented now.

So, at the above prices, the cost per square meter of finished tiles is approximately 210 rubles (including electricity and labor of workers). At the same time, the average market price is equal to 350 rubles per square meter. Total from 1 sq.m. the profit will be 140 rubles. If you release 30 square meters per work shift. m tiles, the costs will pay off in a month.

Naturally, the payback is calculated taking into account the timely sale of finished products.

By the way, the costs can additionally include packaging material and packaging equipment. At the beginning of business development, reinforced film is suitable. Its price is about 45 rubles per 1 sq. M.


In general, this point in a similar plan should go even before calculating the profit, but we did it differently. Why? It's simple. In order to provide your employees with a normal salary, as well as not stay in the red, it is worth offering piece-rate pay. In these earlier calculations, it was 45 rubles per square meter.

If a team of 2 people produces 30 square meters per shift, then its earnings are: 30 * 45 \u003d 1350 rubles. Accordingly, each worker receives 675 rubles per shift. For a month, each of the employees has average salary in the industry. Also, to save the first time, you can independently perform production operations by simply hiring a partner.

With regard to accounting, you can use the services of the relevant firms without recruiting your own staff. It will cost several times cheaper.

What else?

The last thing in the business plan is certification. It is completely optional for our products. But buyers believe that what more product passed the checks, the more reliable it is. Therefore, you can use the services of specialists. On average, this last item of expenses ranges from 3 to 10 thousand rubles.

The construction segment today is second only to the telecommunications sector in terms of the introduction of new technologies. Literally every day they talk about "new breakthroughs" and the emergence of new "unique" technologies. Such activity does not always correspond to real needs and, moreover, to real market opportunities. Practice shows that good old technologies remain not only in demand, but also give excellent chances to start your own business with small investments... The realities of small business in 2015 show rather illusory prospects construction market, but the question remains, what should the construction teams do, how to look for an alternative to earn money?

The answer can be found in related areas, in the optimization of the business itself. As one of the alternatives (in truth, the option is good for organizing a new business), you can consider organizing the production of paving slabs using the vibratory casting method.

How much does it cost to manufacture paving slabs

The level of depreciation of fixed assets is not just large, but very large, this applies to all aspects, including sidewalks. If we talk about the roadway, those very roads, then the situation is no better, this question belongs to the sphere of interests of the "big" bosses, as a result, they are at the very least being repaired. A completely different situation is developing with the sidewalks, money is not particularly allocated for them, the specifics of their repair does not allow to overclock. From practice I can say for sure that from one square meter of the road it is possible to "assign" 3-4 times more. Most sidewalk repairs in cities, small towns, private households are outsourced small business... What does this mean in practice?

When organization of a full cycle from production to laying paving slabs, the business receives significant benefits in the form of:

  • - flexible pricing policy... The final price of the finished product will not include the intermediary price (as in retail - 20-50%, the cost of foreman services - 20-30%). In fact, this means that tiles can be laid at a 50% discount without losing the average profitability.
  • - an individual approach to the client. Selection of shape, color, it is possible to take into account the individual characteristics of the site.
  • - a full range of services. If we take into account that for the mini-shop itself, the initial raw materials (screening, cement) will be purchased at wholesale prices from established suppliers, then de facto the client pays, and really gets everything at once at the optimal price.

By and large, it is such a complex option that makes it possible to talk about the paving slab business as an option for construction teams in re-profiling.

Do not forget about the profitability of the business, two main points:

  • - the production of sidewalk tiles has a profitability in the range of 40-50% at wholesale and about 80-90 for retail sales;
  • - using the same equipment (with the exception of molds) can produce very wide range products, not just tiles.
  • - the profit from pavement laying also reaches 50%.

In total, due to the full cycle, it is possible to get about 100% profitability, and due to the wide range of products, “smooth out” seasonal fluctuations in demand.

For example, for the period of the "winter season" to convert to the manufacture of concrete countertops, figures.

Technologies for the production of paving slabs

Looking at the market as a whole, there are three main technologies:

  1. Clinker tiles.
  2. Vibration casting
  3. Vibrating

Relatively clinker tiles, one thing can be said, expensive... Moreover, in all other respects, high-quality clinker products are better. Such products are made from clay, followed by firing at high temperatures. Such production is expensive in the organization, requiring special permits, high-quality raw materials. In the end, it turns out to be expensive, this technology goes into the field big business... In terms of their technology, they also have a lot of nuances, ranging from the availability of really high-quality raw materials (not all clay is suitable), to the need to maintain a constant technological cycle. Here recently a friend's "light" was turned off for a couple of hours, so then for a week the frozen clay was "picked out".

One more the technology of manufacturing paving slabs is vibropressing... The method is undeniably good and has its advantages:

  • - firstly, the possibilities for widespread use automatic processes... If you have money and desire, all about 90% of all processes are done by machines.
  • - secondly, higher wear-resistant performance.

The truth is, there is a downside:

  • -expensive equipment. Such a workshop cannot be called small, for its organization it will take quite a lot of money, as a result, it is necessary to immediately aim at large sales volumes.
  • - the cost of such products is higher than that of tiles made by vibrocasting.
  • - higher stability shows itself effectively only in cases of intense loads. For example, if you use tiles as paving stones on a road with heavy traffic (car) or a very large flow of people.

Vibration casting - in this version of the production of paving slabs, we are talking about traditional casting using a vibration table, this option is suitable for home business... The technology itself simply does not require any additional and even more special equipment, except for the table itself. In fact, the procedure is a chain:

Concrete is prepared in concrete mixers (cement-sand mixture), consisting of:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • granite crushed stone of fraction 5-10 mm;
  • plasticizer C-3;
  • air-entraining additive SNV;
  • pigment.

Ready-made concrete is laid out according to forms on a vibrating table;

The mixture in the forms is given the necessary density on the vibrating table;

Forms with a solution are removed on racks, covered with PVC foil and kept for 24 hours;

Heating forms with a solidified mixture in a bath with warm water;

Deforming of products is in progress;

The tiles are stacked on pallets where they are kept for a certain period of time until they are fully ready.


  • - low cost of the finished product;
  • - small initial investment;
  • - maximum business flexibility. Products can be made in small batches of any shape and color.


  • - high level manual labor;
  • - rigid binding of the volume of products to the area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop.

What equipment is needed, room

The total area for a small workshop should be about 60 square meters, plus rooms for the final drying of paving slabs. The main condition is:

  • - availability of electricity and water.
  • - heating. To obtain a strong product, it is imperative to observe the drying conditions, in cold periods it is necessary to "raise" the temperature, and to reduce it in hot periods. Drying too quickly leads to a loss of quality.

Among the equipment it is necessary to highlight

Concrete mixer - about 20,000 rubles.

Forms for pouring tiles. It should be emphasized that there are four variations of shapes on the market today:

Metal forms. The most expensive, of the pros, the possibility of long-term use, of the minuses, cost.

Rubber, can be used up to 500 cycles.

Plastic - 250 cycles

Polyurethane - up to 100 production cycles.

What forms to buy is a rhetorical question, practice shows that when choosing forms it is necessary to be guided by one principle - rationality. Expensive, more durable rubber or metal molds will work with popular molds. But when making non-standard or one-time orders, it is worth buying cheap and short-lived plastic or polyurethane.

Vibrating table. Its cost largely depends on the size, quality, and the supplier. By and large, you can make it yourself.

Stripping table. Just an irreplaceable thing and helper, especially in conditions of seasonal intensity.

Bath for washing forms. All forms after tile production must be thoroughly cleaned, a "dirty" form is almost 100% waste.

Rokla is hydraulic. Also, at first glance, a rather unnecessary thing, but when working with the working volumes of a tile, its transportation and transportation without a rocket is tedious, laborious process stacking on pallets.

and activities

It is very difficult to calculate the real cost, not having specifics about the region, the availability of a raw material base, it can even be said not realistically. On average in the market, the level of production profitability is about 30-45%, while significantly fluctuating depending on the distance resource base, here the matter is in the presence of cement plants, granite and sand quarries. The closer, the cheaper the feedstock, the higher the level of profitability. One of the most significant factors for a small mini paving slab workshop is its low dependence on fixed costs, which allows you to very quickly "freeze" production, just as quickly to start it, while not using significant financial resources.

Advertising and marketing of finished products

Very often, a small business (especially if the business belongs to the category of home business) does not attach much importance to advertising and the beautiful presentation of its goods, this is perhaps one of the most common mistakes, as a result of low implementation volumes at the beginning of the project. Subsequently, "popular rumor" with "word of mouth" do their job, but this happens later. And I would advise you to take product advertising seriously and suggest the following options:

  • - the first. Preparing bright advertising booklets. Moreover, the brochures should contain high-quality photos, a large selection of various shapes (you can take it from sites selling ready-made forms for paving slabs) and flowers. The fact is that even a small order can always save money and buy cheap forms made of plastic or polyurethane. Plus the cost of a few thousand brochures is not that expensive. When distributing brochures, the main thing is to choose the right place and contingent.
  • - the second. Advertising in newspapers is a must, the more you will have the opportunity to lay tiles. For a small workshop you can rent a large banner on the paving slabs, again, the main thing is to choose the right place for placement.

Alternative and related activities

Small production of paving slabs has another significant advantage, it is the ability to expand the range of products and services offered, in particular:

  • - tile laying services.
  • - production of fences, curbs, gutters.
  • - using practically the same set of equipment, you can make concrete garden figures or kitchen countertops, window sills, and even fountains.
  • - minor modernization and it is possible to organize the production of cinder blocks, and if there is money, then foam concrete (you need to buy a high-speed concrete mixer).

The list can be continued, today a huge number of concrete products are presented on the market, most of which can be produced at home, including paving slabs, paving stones.

Video example of the production of paving slabs with your own hands

DIY paving slabs

We organize a small mini workshop with our own hands for the production of paving slabs

You can talk a lot about the imperfection of the world, in which economic crises occur at least once every ten years, or you can independently determine the direction of activity that will bring stable income regardless of the global financial situation... These types of activities include those in which people will always be interested. Including all types of activities related to decorating the interior space of an apartment or country house, finishing of the territory of the personal plot. For example, the production of paving slabs. The main component of future success in such a situation is a high-quality and original drawing up of a business plan, on the basis of which successful and fruitful activities will be carried out in the future.

Competition in this market is quite high, but the demand for this finishing material is quite high. It is formed due to the constantly increasing indicators of private suburban construction, the performance of landscaping works in urban and rural settlements, the uncomplicated asphalt on the sidewalks of which was often laid during the Moscow Olympics-80.

This type of business is recognized as one of the least costly. To start own production, you will need from 100,000 US dollars.

Registration, taxes, certification

In any situation, you have to start with registration. For a small production, at the first stages of activity, it is enough to register in a role. The production of paving slabs is convenient as a startup with the minimum number of permits required for such work and a simple taxation scheme. Registration of the manufacturer as an individual entrepreneur gives the opportunity to choose at 6%

Not provided for paving slabs mandatory certification... However, given the significant role that potential buyers pay to its presence, the certificate can be ordered additionally. In such situation ready samples the certification service will thoroughly check the level of moisture resistance, frost resistance, readiness to withstand mechanical stress and negative influence environment, including retaining color under constant exposure to direct sunlight. Due to the simplicity of manufacturing industrial batches of beautiful and original paving slabs, such confirmation high Quality will become an additional argument for a potential buyer to choose exactly our version of offers.

What is included in a paving slab business plan?

An important basis for future success is a detailed assessment of the production options for this practical finishing material with options for selecting batch buyers.

Experienced manufacturers recommend paying attention to the private sector in the first stages. It requires a small number of units of paving slabs in ordered batches. At the same time, the demand of the private sector for this material is high. Garden paths can be repaired literally every year.

In addition, paving slabs are often in demand by representatives of local city organizations. When choosing a material that is reliable in operation, it is the paving slabs that are ready to become both a decoration of the territory of any settlement and the basis for increasing the comfort of everyone who lives in it.

You will also need to accurately assess what equipment will be required from the first stages of activity. This will help you immediately determine the cost parameters that will be spent on its purchase. Also, the business plan includes information on the amount of materials that will be required for fast and high-quality execution of batches of any scale.

Premises for production

The ideal situation would be for a novice entrepreneur to have his own premises for organizing production. It can be quite compact.

All equipment can be easily accommodated in an area of \u200b\u200b50 square meters. Of these, it is enough to allocate no more than 35 square meters for production. The remaining 15 square meters will be used for storing manufactured products.

You can rent the required area. It is important that it meets the requirements fire safety and had a permanent connection to the power supply source. You will also need to install a drying chamber indoors.

Paving slab manufacturing technologies

Today there are two basic technologies for making this convenient and practical material.

In the case when it is planned to immediately start with the production of large enough batches, it is recommended to use vibrocompression technologies... This technology includes several basic stages of activity.

  • Preparation of concrete using a concrete mixer, from which, after preparation of the mixture, the mass is placed into a vibrating press, into its matrix.
  • The second stage is the work of vibrators and a punch, which make the material dense and send the material prepared for drying to the mold tray, which is sent to drying.
  • At the third stage, future reliable and durable tiles are dried using a thermal-moisture method, in the role of which ordinary hot water steam can be used. To minimize the cost of performing a full range of works, pallets with products can be dried without the use of specialized steam installations - just indoors.

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Using vibration casting technology work is carried out in a slightly different way.

  1. The concrete mix is \u200b\u200bbeing prepared.
  2. The finished mixture is placed in molds located on a vibrating table.
  3. The forms are laid out on pallets.
  4. The forms are left in natural conditions for two days.
  5. Heating forms up to 50-60 degrees Celsius and knocking out finished paving slabs from them.

This technology makes it possible to create models of almost unique shape, which are especially convenient for decorating adjoining territories.

Equipment for the manufacture of paving slabs

At the first stages of the work, you will need to purchase or rent:

  • a vibrating press, the cost of which upon purchase is about USD 20,000;
  • from 5 to 6 thousand US dollars upon purchase will be spent on the purchase of a concrete mixer;
  • the purchase of a punch will cost the owner of the new production 3 thousand.

The use of such technical options will make it possible to produce tiles by vibrocompression.

An alternative set of equipment will be the technique used for the production of paving slabs with your own hands using vibration casting technology. This kit includes:

  • vibrating table, the minimum cost of which is 4 thousand US dollars;
  • forms for the manufacture of paving slabs - from 1-8 US dollars per 1 form;
  • a concrete mixer will cost the new entrepreneur $ 600.

Convenient view additional equipment will become a bath used for washing forms. Its cost is on average 1-1.5 thousand US dollars.

To minimize costs at the initial stages of activity, it is recommended to purchase used equipment.

What kind of staff is required to do the job?

For a small production, all work of which is located on an area of \u200b\u200b50 square meters, it is enough to include 3 employees in the staff of the enterprise. One of them can additionally combine the functionality of a storekeeper and a driver. A convenient option that allows you to save money is inviting representatives of outsourcing companies to prepare tax, pension and accounting reports.

Cost of production of paving slabs

In the production of paving slabs, flat-cement concrete and a plasticizer are used. The cost of 1 cubic meter of raw material made is 3,000 rubles. Up to 16 square meters of finished tiles can be made from it. The average cost of making one square meter of tiles is 150-170 rubles. It is necessary to add 50-70 rubles to it, which will be spent on electricity, wages for workers, rent of premises and other production needs. The selling price of the tiles is much higher - at least 230-300 rubles.

The profitability of paving slab production

If the new manufacturer quickly finds potential buyers, the profitability of the production of paving slabs due to the use of inexpensive materials reaches 150%. This suggests that even with the purchase of a complete set of equipment, the purchase will be justified.

The manufacture of paving slabs is today recognized as one of the most successful options for starting your own successful business... The production of paving slabs as a business will require financial costs at the initial stage, but will bring a high return on investment in the future.

Video: production of paving slabs

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