Photographer denis gorbunov. Denis Gorbunov: “The strongest will remain in the construction market

I met the guys from the "Stylist Factory" in the summer of 2014, when, together with my younger sister ...

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Still, I'm ripe for a review of this place.

She matured for a very long time, thought over the details so as not to slip into a banal enthusiastic squeal. She wrote and wrote ... And then she erased all this pretentious scribbling to the devil.

The review will be great, I warn you right away.

I met the guys from the "Stylist Factory" in the summer of 2014, when I came here with my younger sister as a model to practice makeup. Anna Shcherbinina, who practiced on my sister and me that day, made a very strong impression: a fragile, graceful blonde with a soft tone of voice and an insanely charming smile turned out to be not just a sweet girl, but a professional with a firm hand and great taste.

About six months later, Anya opened an appointment for eyebrow correction, and again invited her as a model.

At that time it was very important for me - once, about 7 years ago, on an expedition, a fire "puffed" into my face very strongly, and my eyebrows and eyelashes burned. The lashes of the industry are better than they were, but the eyebrows ... It was a disaster. What I just didn’t do with them - didn’t grow. It took nothing. An attempt to make a tattoo ended with a terrible allergy and a complete failure.

Several times I tried to make eyebrows from different masters - it worked, but I could not repeat the shape after them normally, although I did not buy anything for this (on the advice of the same masters).

Anya drew the shape I needed and painted with some very vigorous paint, the trace of which lasted for several days on the skin without changes, and then faded very slowly. She told me not to suffer bullshit, and just buy a good pencil and fixing gel. I did just that, and during the time that the trail of paint remained on the skin, I learned how to draw them myself with a pencil.

And a miracle happened - I can't call it otherwise. The hairs began to slowly grow back in the drawn shape. Having come for a correction a few months later (as ordered), we saw significant progress and again painted in shape.

Almost a year has passed since the first painting - the eyebrows are almost of the branch to the desired shape (in length, there are no bald spots, everything is smooth). I don't know why it didn't work out before - maybe Anya's hand is light, maybe the composition of the pencil that I use on her advice contains something, but now I have eyebrows, and this is a fact.

The next stage of our friendship with the "Stylists' Factory" was a master class by the creative director, and in fact - by the studio maestro Denis Gorbunov. On the model, Denis showed the main stages of makeup, little tricks and the most common mistakes. It seemed that well-known things sounded that you can quickly and completely independently find on the net, but they were conveyed in such a way that I, as a teacher, was ready to give a standing ovation. Looking at Denis's work and listening to the lecture, I learned a lot of value for myself. Most importantly, I saw my mistakes and understood how to correct them and not allow them anymore.

Actually, today's event prompted me to write a review: Anya invited my schoolgirls to a master class on teenage makeup.

The girls were overwhelmed with delight, and, having gathered after lessons, we went to a meeting with the beautiful. Speaking today as an observer, I once again admired Anya's beauty and professionalism. At one of the young ladies, a full version of the makeup application was demonstrated, adapted for young skin, with a detailed examination of the means used and an explanation of the basics, and then each of the girls had an express makeup done by painting over the eyebrows and lips. The girls were in a wild delight, which intensified a hundredfold when they got hold of the "big cosmetic bag".

Guys, thank you for being there. I will come to you more than once as a client, advise my students to do your makeup and hairstyle for graduation, and bring my girls to you for master classes.

Here on the next vacation I will.

Oh yes. Here you can buy cosmetics Manly pro, La Cordi, Cassdei of colors, etc. for relatively little money.

Personally, I shop here periodically.

2018 has become a year of changes for the Russian construction market. On January 1, the first package of amendments to the legislation on shared construction came into force, and on July 1, the second will come into force. Denis Gorbunov, chairman of the Committee for State Construction Supervision and State Expertise of the Leningrad Region, is sure that all changes are for the better, and that companies that are firmly on their feet have nothing to fear.

Picture:Nikita Kryuchkov

A whole package of amendments to the construction legislation came into force this year. Has the market got used to working in new conditions?

I would divide all the changes concerning Gosstroynadzor into two components. The first relates directly to the design and passing of examinations: we are talking about new requirements for the design of project documentation and the procedure for passing the examination. The second concerns changes in 214-FZ. Requirements for developers have increased significantly, and from July 1 - will increase even more.

New legislation streamlines the work of the market, construction becomes more transparent and understandable. This is done in order to squeeze out from the market outright fraudsters and simply weak players who are not able to fulfill their obligations to equity holders. Construction is a serious activity, the life and health of people, as well as well-being depend on the quality of the erected objects environment, and if we are talking about attracting funds from citizens, then a huge responsibility falls on developers. So only those companies should be engaged in construction that are firmly on their feet and have all necessary resources for the timely implementation of projects. Such problems have never been, and never will.

As for some technical aspects of bringing the documentation into the form required by law, we are always ready to help developers: we conduct training seminars and are always ready to give advice on any issue.

- Has your department adapted to work in the new conditions?

Yes. Amendments to legislation are requirements not only for developers, but also for us. Because thanks to electronic document management you can track when the document was loaded, when it was taken into work, when it was returned. Complete transparency. But I would not say that work has become more difficult, I just had to redistribute forces and responsibilities. Since now the issuance of a construction permit and commissioning of facilities is carried out only in in electronic format, we have freed our hands for a more detailed study of the documents provided by the developers.

Today one of the most big problems real estate market in the country - long-term construction and defrauded real estate investors. How is your department involved in solving this problem?

This is one of the most important tasks facing the State Construction Supervision Service. We have prepared two legislative initiatives, which are already being discussed at meetings of working groups of the regional Legislative Assembly, and then they will be sent to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

We propose to amend 214-FZ, which will facilitate the transfer of long-term construction to a new investor before the bankruptcy of a company that has not coped with its responsibilities. After all, the bankruptcy of the developer postpones the completion time of the object for years. And we never want to bankrupt anyone. In short, we want to oblige developers, within five days after a year's delay in the initial deadlines for commissioning the object, to contact their equity holders with an appeal to organize a housing cooperative and transfer the object to this cooperative. If the developer does not do this, then the regulatory authorities should have the right to liquidate this company.

In addition, we support the introduction of criminal and administrative liability for misuse by the developer money citizens. The amendments to the Criminal Code also provide for the provision that the offender should be sentenced to compulsory labor for up to 360 hours, or a year of correctional labor, or two - forced labor, or imprisonment for up to two years. In this case, criminal liability should be removed from the offender if he compensated for the damage or completed the building.

In the Leningrad region, permits for construction and commissioning are issued not only by the State Construction Supervision Service, but also by the municipal authorities. There is an opinion on the market that due to the unprofessionalism of the latter there are many violations. In your opinion, could Gosstroynadzor independently decide the fate of all facilities under construction in the region?

I would not argue that small projects run by municipalities are doing very badly, but there are certainly problems. So, sometimes it is necessary to revoke the issued building permits. I think if we expand the staff, then the State Construction Supervision will cope with the issue permits for all real estate objects in the region. A similar initiative has already been voiced in the regional government, but did not receive support.

In the meantime, Gosstroynadzor is helping the municipal authorities to the best of its ability: we conduct training seminars, control and check documentation.

The Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region is once again discussing amendments to Law No. 38 “On the establishment of cases in which a building permit is not required”. In your opinion, is it worth expanding the list of facilities whose construction does not need to be approved?

We support amendments to the 38th law, and I personally once participated in the development of this act. As the experience of the department shows, there are many situations on the market when our participation only complicates the life of the builders. For example, if the owner of an enterprise decides to build a warehouse or hangar on his land, then why does he need permission if he has a state examination? Or why should Gosstroynadzor approve the installation transformer substations? They, as a rule, are brought disassembled, assembled on site, and then Rostekhnadzor gives permission for operation. Why force a business to receive additional documents?

Let me emphasize that the list of objects that do not need permission from the State Construction Supervision Service is formed based on the experience of the department and all-Russian practice.

Not all districts of the Leningrad region are provided with infrastructure. At the same time, cases were recorded when the developer initially built an outpatient clinic or child Center, but ended up selling premises for commercial infrastructure. What measures does the State Construction Supervision Service take?

Unfortunately, there really were several such cases, but we reacted in time, held an "educational conversation" with the developers and found a way to fight: now we oblige companies to indicate the purpose of the facility in the technical plan of the premises, which does not make it possible to introduce a house with a change in the purpose of these areas.

Presidential decree on the need to build 120 million sq. m of housing per year, many players in the construction market consider impracticable. Do you agree with this?

About 1.8 million people live in the Leningrad Region, while last year more than 2.5 million square meters were commissioned in our region. m of housing. So our region is fulfilling the presidential decree on the introduction of one square meter of housing per inhabitant. If every region does this, then this figure is not far off.

Don't you think that such outstanding figures are explained by the fact that these are, in fact, the preparations of "fat times"? After all, the lion's share of the introduced square meters provide giant projects launched many years ago.

Of course, the current situation on the real estate market is not comparable to what it was in 2012-2014, however, housing construction has not stopped, and with the right distribution of efforts and prioritization, the figure of 120 million sq. m is quite realistic.

- And numerous changes to the legislation will not affect the volume of housing commissioning?

If the developer cannot work in the new legal environment, then he must leave the market. Large companies that are firmly on their feet have no problems and are not foreseen. I have no doubt about that. A slight "subsidence" in the volume of construction, possibly, will be due to amendments to 214-FZ, which will come into force on July 1 this year, but we do not expect a collapse

source: ASN-info

The apartment format, which burst into the real estate market of St. Petersburg several years ago, is developing more and more actively. He told Construction Weekly why apartments are serious and for a long time cEO PSK Real Estate LLC Sergey Mokhnar.

Picture:Nikita Kryuchkov

Sergey Vladimirovich, the apartment format is now developing more actively than any other segment of the real estate market. Supply and sales are growing from year to year. In your opinion, will this trend continue in the coming years?

Yes, the segment is growing very quickly, and I do not see any serious prerequisites for a change in the vector of development. For example, according to available statistics, the first quarter of this year has already shown 55% growth in relation to the same period in 2017. More than 900 lots were sold in St. Petersburg. No other format has seen such growth rates.

The pace of sales in the LIKE apartment complex, which we are currently building on Polytechnicheskaya Street, not far from the Ploschad Muzhestva metro station, clearly confirms this trend. The interest of buyers is very high - we can judge this both by the number of interested parties and by the growth in sales in our project.

An apartment is a kind of multi-format that, due to its flexibility, attracts very different groups of buyers, for whom it is interesting for a variety of reasons. This ensures a consistently high demand, which only increases as people become more aware of the benefits of apartments.

So, in my opinion, interest in this format is a long-term trend. And if in the near future there are no radical legislative changes, then all classes of apartments will continue to grow and significantly outstrip the market as a whole.

- What is the reason for this trend? What are the advantages of the apartment format?

Two very important categories of buyers are interested in apartment projects at once, for which they are much more attractive than housing.

Firstly, these are investors who want to invest with the aim of further making a profit by renting out apartments. The interest of this part of buyers will only grow, because, according to statistics, the growth in demand for apartments for rent since the beginning of this year amounted to about 12%.

Secondly, these are people who simply do not need a residence permit or social infrastructure for objective reasons. And they see no point in overpaying for it. For example, they may move in the foreseeable future, and they understand that it will be easier to rent an apartment “if something happens”. By the way, given the fact that a draft law is being prepared, equating apartments to housing (at least in the issue of registration), interest in the segment is only growing.

An important advantage of the format is the location in which the apart-projects are implemented. Such complexes, by virtue of their purpose, are built mainly in places with good transport accessibility. Land plots intended for housing construction in such locations are a huge rarity, they are expensive, and the complexes that are being built on them mainly belong to the high price segment, which predetermines the inaccessibility of apartments in them for most of the buyers. At the same time, apartments in a residential area, from which half an hour by minibus to the nearest metro station, will not be of interest to anyone. For example, our LIKE complex is located almost across the street from the metro station. And we are convinced that it should be so.

By the way, many people now, in principle, do not want to use a car in the city. This generation is, conventionally, a new wave. They are younger, they have a simpler view of the concept of “registration at the place of residence”, prefer car sharing to owning their own car, etc. And such people are already a significant part of buyers, which cannot be ignored when implementing projects.

According to some experts, today apartments are the most profitable segment of the real estate market for investments; at least for a short time span. What is your view on this issue?

I agree with this assessment. If we talk about the investment model, then the benefit is that you do not have to engage in subsequent renting on your own. There is a corresponding service that is ready to offer management Companyand this is a good opportunity to take off all the worries associated with finding a renter and building a relationship with him. Saving time and nerves is worth a lot.

The management companies of apartment projects offer various profitability programs, the terms of which vary. But, be that as it may, with a relatively low threshold of entry for a person into a personal investment project (on average - from 5 million rubles; but, for example, in the LIKE complex prices start from 2 million), the return on investment, with profitability in different cases from 8 to 15% per annum, is about 8-10 years. For comparison: for housing, the yield is usually 5-8% per annum, the payback period is 10-15 years; for street retail facilities and office blocks - approximately 6-12% and 10-17 years, respectively. At the same time, the entry threshold for the purchase of commercial properties starts from an average of 7-10 million rubles.

In addition, short-term investments are possible. The difference in the purchase price of a lot in an apartment project at the excavation stage and at the time of commissioning of the facility can reach 30-35%, which, with an average construction period (two to three years), gives an annual income of 12-17% per annum. When implementing housing projects, the difference in price at the initial and final stages of construction has now decreased to 10-15%. At the same time, due to the significantly higher liquidity of apartments in comparison with apartments, there can be no special problems with their sale.

Apartments can be roughly divided into those that are focused on a long-term stay, and those that are designed for rent. What format does your company prefer to work with and why?

We are currently building the LIKE apartment complex, which is designed primarily for long-term stays. That is, people buy apartments from us mainly for themselves.

We chose this format because it fits into our (as a developer's) vision of the buyer's interests: creating a comfortable living environment. It is more interesting for us to build a house in which they will live, rather than a complex of residential areas for rent with a basic level of comfort.

It is difficult to say whether we will build service apartment complexes, it all depends on the market situation, the availability of land plots suitable for the implementation of such projects, legislative changes and many other factors. In any case, the apartment format is interesting for us and we are not going to leave it.

- In conclusion, the traditional question: what are your company's plans for the near future?

We will develop as a developer. Over the 13 years of the company's work, we have gone a long way from being a simple contractor to the level of general contracting, and then went into independent development. We are most interested in this area, and we see it as a stage in the natural development of the "PSK". We have become more a large companymore experienced earned good reputation on the market. Moving on.

At the same time, we will continue to work as a general contractor, since our construction experience is in great demand.

Development allows us to realize our philosophy, our ideas and satisfy the need for self-realization. This is a chance to make the environment we live in better. After all, the developer's function allows you to work out the entire project as a whole, as they say, from A to Z.

Let me remind you that now we are at the stage of active construction is 60 thousand square meters. m of housing. Two business class facilities, LOOK residential complex near Ligovsky prospect and Diplomat residential complex in the Central District, will be commissioned in the next two months. And two more objects with a total area of \u200b\u200b58 thousand square meters. m - at the stage of putting it on sale. They are 9-storey residential complexes comfort and business class: a new residential complex in Slavyanka and new house on Bakunin Avenue.

    5 29.07.2019

    Well, thank you very much Denis, for the cool live photos, thank you very much for doing your job with heart! My husband and I (okay I) booked a photo walk / love story in Balaklava. Denis endeared himself from the very first minutes (taking into account the fact that my husband does not really like to be photographed, and is always skeptical about my ventures). Everything turned out very easily, naturally and fun) with humor and in full positive, the time flew by. The result is 2 weeks and we have something to print as a keepsake for children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren (let them enjoy it when they appear). The coolest thing is that you look at the pictures and remember the walk, feelings, emotions. That's cool. My husband still does not know, but next time we go to Crimea, he will again have to take pictures with me, and of course we will turn to Denis!)

    5 13.07.2019

    Denis, we want to say thank you very much for the work you have done, for the wonderful, incredible photos! We had no experience of photo shoots before, so we were very worried, but you immediately found an approach, managed to liberate and relax, the photos turned out to be natural with lively emotions. It is very easy and pleasant to work with you, after the first meeting you realize that a man of his own business and knows what and how to take on, is very executive, responsible, kind and correct. We are very glad that we chose you, we wish you creative success, professional growth, good clients and great mood... Maxim and Anna.

    5 19.04.2019

    We would like to express our gratitude to a professional in our field, our wedding photographer Denis! At the first meeting, we were pleasantly surprised by the responsible approach to the upcoming event and were delighted with the work done. During the photography, he amazed, saw everything, noticed every little thing and shot amazing shots even in the most unpredictable places. All photos are incredibly beautiful, bright, positive and full of life. Denis will take you not only high-quality pictures, but also give his attention, friendliness, smile and positiveness. Thank you again for the memory for many years, it is a pleasure to work with you! We are looking forward to the photobook.

    5 20.03.2019

    We ordered a LoveStory photo session from Denis. When we met a photographer, we got a full connection. It was a pleasure to work, without stress, although for the first time in our life we \u200b\u200bwere at a photo session) during the shooting Denis was very sensitive to the lighting, changed lenses) The work was done efficiently and quickly, in a week we received a full processed package of photos! The pictures turned out great, we were absolutely delighted! We even ordered a photo book from him) The photographer is a professional in his field) I liked everything very much! The photo session confirmed the skill and professionalism of the photographer!) The price corresponds to the quality) And we also ordered a wedding photo session from Denis. We advise everyone!

    5 10.09.2018

    In search of MY photographer, I was, no more, no less, five years. Until one day I met Denis. He hooked his special look at the most ordinary things. And now, I am already flying to our shooting, I know that everything will go well, well, I really feel that way) and neither I nor my fifth point were mistaken. It was more than just a photo session, it was a mini adventure with a beautiful ending in the form of ready-made photographs. Well, a little more about the photographer himself: Denis is a person with amazing energy, it is easy and very pleasant to work with him. And the result of this work brings extremely positive emotions and delight. Thank you!

    5 03.09.2018

    They chose a photographer for a long time, and they doubted. . in the end did not regret it at all. To begin with, on the appointed date, the whole family fell ill. Runny nose, headache, fever, full set, but thanks to Denis's mood and support, we decided to take a photo session. Denis created a fairy tale for us, his sense of humor helped us forget about everything. Thank you for capturing our mood, that did not allow us to relax while walking in the park, and the embankment, for those emotions that you somehow amazingly caught and captured in these pictures! The photos exceeded our expectations, really! Thanks! You are truly a master of your craft! I wish you success and growth, and I really hope that we will have more reasons to shoot with you! We look forward to seeing you!)

    5 21.08.2018

    Great! It's great to live, not pose in the frame! It's great not to think about which side to turn! It's great to walk in the old park and get out to the sea! It's great that wonderful impressions of your vacation are so successfully captured by the lens of your camera, Denis! Thank you! In a couple of years we are going to Crimea again and we definitely cannot do without a photo session)

    5 15.08.2018

    Denis, thanks for the great photos and the excursion at the same time). It was really interesting, since I'm passing, and here are new places for me). As a result, a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive and good emotions captured on film. There is no regret about choosing you as a photographer, you know how to work, create a relaxed atmosphere. In general, a strike. Good luck in the future!

    5 09.06.2018

    So I finally got my hands on to thank Denis for our wedding photo session! Thank you very much for your work and amazing photos! We enjoyed the shooting and the result! We wish you success in your work and inspiration!

    5 21.05.2018

    Thank you very much, Denis for the photo) I hid from cameras for two years, and you lifted your spirits with extraordinary ease and captured the sea of \u200b\u200bmy smiles! Special thanks for thoroughly preparing for filming ... and taking the necessary props with you. Until next time.

    5 06.04.2018

    Denis! Thank you for the wonderful photos from your daughter's birthday, decorated in a photo book. Such beauty, such personnel! Professionally catching the mood and emotions of such an active child is the highest class! After all, my daughter was not always in the mood. And the results exceeded all my expectations. I would like to look at the photobook over and over again. Thank you for your approach to business

    5 03.02.2018

    Thank you, Denis! Rescued! The photos came out much brighter than the atmosphere at the event. There was very little light in the room, while you extended the quality of photos by 5+

    Baptism is a magical ceremony, and when your child is baptized, it becomes even more magical! I was looking for a photographer for a very long time, because it is very difficult to work with a child. He will not pose for the camera, and the baby is also mischievous! Denis, thank you very much for the work done, for the gorgeous photos and the mega cool ALBUM! You are smart, photo on high level, leaf through the album and again plunge into that beautiful day from our life.

    5 16.07.2015

    Denis, I want to thank you for a great job. Working with children is much more difficult than working with a beautiful bride) I would never have thought that my daughter would pose like that and behave so freely next to an unfamiliar adult. The impressions are only positive, and the emotions are indescribable. The photos taken by you somehow capture moments from our life in a special way and stay with us forever.

    5 06.12.2015

    My husband and I ordered a photo shoot for a wedding, we are very happy!) We got not only great photos, but also a nice photo book. The photo session itself was fun, and interesting, Denis not only photographed us, but also told in the future what poses we would do best. highly good man, photographer, and bright shots) Thanks!)