How to open a children's play center from scratch. How to make a business in children's playrooms? What OKWED code to indicate when registering a game room

Children's playgrounds appear in many large hypermarkets and shopping and entertainment centers, and they are in great demand. Parents are happy to leave their children there to calmly walk around the store, and children are no less happy to stay among the new bright toys in the company of a friendly teacher and other kids. Goodbye whims, fatigue and spoiled mood!

At the same time, parents are ready to pay for the opportunity to make purchases or sit in a cafe without hassle. And if you are already thinking about how to open a children's playroom, the main thing is to find a suitable shopping center, where children's leisure time has not yet been organized.

Starting a business

If the most important condition is met - you managed to find a shopping center or other busy place with a large number of people and shops, salons, entertainment venues, etc., we can assume that the foundation for a successful business has been laid. In small towns where the industry of children's entertainment is not too developed, the services of such a room will be gladly used not only by visitors of the chosen shopping center, but also by residents of nearby houses: leave the child for a couple of hours, knowing that he will have a great time, and calmly go to that the same hairdresser is a dream for many young mothers.

Licenses for this type of activity are not required; permits from the fire service and Rospotrebnadzor also do not have to be obtained. However, when preparing a room for receiving small clients, you need to make sure that it meets the sanitary standards adopted for preschool institutions.

There are also no special requirements for the education and work experience of educators. As you can see, it is not that difficult to open a playroom. However, here too there are some nuances that you need to know about in order for the enterprise to be profitable. Let's consider them in order.

How to choose and equip a room for a nursery

Place the room well inside shopping center no less important than choosing the right shopping center itself. Usually such sites open next to a cafe.

Good lighting, ventilation, no drafts are absolutely essential. There should be a toilet not far from the room.

A prerequisite is high ceilings, because you will need to place play equipment (you can order play equipment, for example). It is better to make the walls of the room transparent: it will be safer for parents if they can watch the children, and cheerful frolicking children are the best "live advertising" for this institution.

The minimum allowable area of \u200b\u200bthe room for the nursery playroom - 30 sq. meters. Most often, it is possible to agree with the owners of the center on preferential rental rates: as already mentioned, it is also beneficial for them.

Multicolored toys

Of course, there is nothing for such a room. more important than equipment and toys - little visitors should stay there with joy and delight, and for quite a long time.

So, neither a maze, nor a pool with balls, nor a swing, nor a trampoline will be superfluous - outdoor games can captivate children for a long time. Equally important is the ability to change the type of activity, to switch to quiet games, so tables with coloring pages, pencils, plasticine, board games are also needed.

You will also need comfortable lockers for baby clothes, where you can leave outerwear and shoes. If space permits, you can install chairs or a sofa for parents.

The main requirement for toys and equipment is, of course, safety. You need to purchase it only from trusted suppliers. Everything must be made of environmentally friendly materials and comply with GOST.

Playroom staff

When recruiting employees for a children's playroom, it is not at all necessary to require a teacher's diploma from them. Both a pensioner and a student can be accepted for this job if they know how to deal with children and are sufficiently responsible. But teachers will have to issue sanitary books - this is a prerequisite.

The working duties of the nursery teacher include:

  • maintain order in the room;
  • monitor the health of the gaming equipment;
  • organize the leisure of children - engage in sculpting, drawing, games with them, read books to them
  • supervise children continuously and ensure their safety.

Consumer's corner and important rules

The playroom should have a consumer corner where the following information should be placed:

  • company name and working hours;
  • organization details;
  • price-list;
  • information about employees who look after children;
  • list of services and rules for their provision.

The rules should be discussed in more detail. They need to be developed taking into account all the details and specifics of the organization and placed in a prominent place so that each of the parents can easily familiarize themselves with them.

For example, according to sanitary standards, children preschool age can stay in the playroom for no more than four hours if food and sleep are not organized there. This must be included in the rules, and parents must know, no later than which hour they need to pick up the child. To avoid disagreements, the time of arrival of the child on the site must be recorded in a special journal.

It is equally important to ensure that children who come to the playroom are healthy. So if the parents want to leave the child with obvious signs of the disease (runny nose, cough, rashes), the educator not only can, but must also refuse this: the organization is responsible for the health of the children. Insofar as medical professionals on the playground and it is not possible to examine the child, such a refusal is legitimate and does not violate the rights of the consumer.

Another important point that should be introduced into the rules: if a child breaks order or behaves aggressively, parents should immediately pick up the child at the request of the educators.

Expenses and income

How much it will cost to open a playroom and how soon it will pay off depends primarily on the size of the room. On a small area (30 square meters) a labyrinth can be installed at a cost of 200-230 thousand rubles, the capacity of such a site will be 15-20 people. Taking into account monthly expenses (rent, room maintenance, salaries for employees) of about 50-60 thousand rubles, an enterprise can pay off in about six months or a year.

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is twice as large, you can install attractions and play equipment for children of different ages. According to sanitary standards, one child must have at least 1 sq. meters of area, so that 50-60 children can simultaneously be on such a site. Of course, more educators will be needed in this case.

The cost of equipping a large playground will be from 1 to 1.2 million, however, the income in this case will also be higher, and therefore such a playroom will pay off in about the same time as a small one.

To increase attendance, you can reduce the minimum time a child is in a group to an hour or even half an hour. During hours of reduced demand (for example, in the morning), discounts can be provided, and on weekends and holidays to make the stay of children in the playroom, on the contrary, more expensive. As a rule, prices for the service range from 100 to 200 rubles per hour.

You can offer season tickets to visit the playroom (for many parents, this option will be a more convenient way out), and if the room is large enough, then hold children's parties.

In order for the business to be profitable, it is necessary, when drawing up a business plan for a children's playroom, to study the market conditions in advance: due to the high demand for these services, many shopping centers, cinemas, cafes already have playrooms.

Online publishing offers many ways to enter the entertainment industry. With the help of Alexey Zagumyonnov, an expert of the largest B2B player in the entertainment industry in Russia, manager of the Avira group of companies, the magazine "Business Smart" tells how to open a game room and achieve its payback in just 6 months.

Today, the entertainment industry is one of the most dynamic developing industries worldwide. The market is growing every year: in 2016 alone, the total production and sales of play equipment increased by 43%... The popularity is due to three reasons. Firstly, the play equipment is adjusted for each customer. In other words, if you need a maze in the form of a seven-meter boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant in the form of a perpendicularly twisted symbol of Russian cinema, you are guaranteed to get it. Proven manufacturers of gaming and entertainment equipment are ready to fulfill any whim of the client, because if the client orders a non-unique project for himself, he will go bankrupt.

The second reason for popularity, oddly enough, is national tension. People started working more and getting less money, they want entertainment, because negativity is densely embedded in the news and minds, they want quick and inexpensive entertainment for their children and, preferably, with their minimal involvement. The playroom in the restaurant is the most suitable option here.

Finally, thirdly, "Business for children" is one of the fastest paying off types of entrepreneurial activity... Thanks to this, today manufacturers offer a huge number of formats for organizing play areas, ranging from a modest "children's corner" in the nearest bank branch and ending with a full-fledged amusement park, such as "Veselkino" in the Galaktika shopping and entertainment center in Barnaul. And between the crumbs and giants, there is a countless string of intermediate options, among which there was a place for mobile trampolines, and inflatable castles on trailers, and ninja quests, and record-high slides and much more.

The combination of such factors makes the opening of an entertainment zone attractive for private entrepreneurship. The format will also depend on the amount of investment. You can open a small playroom for 30 square meters, you can - an entertainment center of 100 square meters, or you can even run your own amusement park. In terms of the ratio of costs and payback periods, an entertainment center with an area of \u200b\u200b100 square meters or more looks the most optimal. Alexey Zagumyonnov

Where to open an entertainment center

To understand whether a particular place is suitable for placing an entertainment area, you can play the game "PUSK" with yourself. The rules are simple. Put a piece of paper on the corner of the table - it will be a symbol of your business in a specific place. Make a fist, ask yourself a question, and if the answer is yes, extend one finger. The questions are simple:

  • Passability?
  • Uniqueness?
  • Neighbors?
  • Hooks?

The traffic indicator determines how many random passers-by will become customers of the institution that has opened here. You can even do without exact numbers - the main thing is to understand that every day people from all over the city come here.

The question of uniqueness concerns the site itself. How profitable does the project look in comparison with competitors? Is there something in it that children - the main contingent of the entertainment center - will not find in other venues? If uniqueness is close to one hundred percent, with competent pricing policy you don't even have to be afraid to open across the street from a competitor with the same center in terms of area.

Correctly chosen neighbors are a guarantee of regular workload of the project. Don't believe someone who says that an entertainment center should be opened next to a school or kindergarten. Children run to these institutions on schedule and without money for entertainment in their pockets. But a cafe or restaurant is an ideal partner. After all, while the children are having fun, their parents can sit quietly over a cup of coffee. Hairdresser, beauty salon or gym? Ideally! Lingerie store? Risky but attractive. But a tattoo parlor or a hookah bar will most likely annoy the parents, which means that they will not leave their children in the entertainment center next door.

"Hooks" are additional services or suggestions that could stop the child or his parents. These hooks include, for example, drawing courses, from which you cannot pick up a child without a finished drawing, or attractions for parents. Recently, classic children's play labyrinths have begun to give way in popularity to so-called mix projects - entertainment centers where a playground is adjacent to a sports track or a ninja quest for older people.

Obviously, you cannot lift a sheet of paper with one finger. Two is almost impossible, three is already possible. How many fingers you straighten, your business will be so successful. Please note that it will be possible to recoup a project in six months only if your sheet is on all four fingers. Alexey Zagumyonnov

How to fill the entertainment center

Children's entertainment center should be bright, attractive - and suitable for the most different ages, including junior preschool and adolescent. This requires the manufacturer to produce uniqueness and an individual approach to each client. When choosing equipment, this filter helps to save a lot of time: if the manufacturer offers a ready-made version, then it is better not to mess with its "uniqueness".

Play equipment is the main expense item for starting a children's entertainment center project. The minimum recommended set looks like this here:

  • game labyrinth for outdoor collective games
  • dry pool for those who like to be more relaxed
  • slides made of fiberglass (safe material, unlike conventional plastic)
  • soft modules constructors
  • frameless furniture with toys for toddlers

The rest depends on the chosen theme of the entertainment center. For example, a jungle theme is suitable for a carousel palm tree or a tropical volcano climbing wall, and for a pirate ship theme, an air cannon is suitable.

I think it would be superfluous to say that you should not trust dealers. The children's entertainment center is an object of close attention of supervisory and regulatory authorities, which means that absolutely all equipment must have appropriate certificates of quality and conformity and passports. Unlike manufacturers, resellers often neglect the accompanying documents. Alexey Zagumyonnov

How to tell about the entertainment center

Don't believe in the effectiveness of word of mouth. Do not believe in the desire of parents to travel with their child from the other end of the city to your entertainment center. Do not believe that by investing 2 million rubles in advertising on local radio and television, you will skim the cream for the rest of your life. Believe in targeted ads.

Modern research shows that in an era of abundance of information, news feeds and the ubiquitous spread of the Internet in smartphones, the target audience of any project is more important to constantly see the brand than to learn something loud about it at once.

Who to hire for the entertainment center

One of the most frequently asked questions is about the staff for the children's entertainment center. On the one hand, a novice entrepreneur must include salaries and taxes in the planned expenses. On the other hand, many positions in the children's entertainment center can be successfully combined.

Who exactly should you hire? The hall administrator responsible for the placement and sale of tickets, and the so-called "nanny" - a junior employee who is constantly among the children and supervises the safety in the play area. Everything else, including the accountant, is optional and depends only on the abilities of the owner of the entertainment center.

Some entrepreneurs do an excellent job with the role of an entire accounting department, equipment adjuster, animator. There was a case when a person receiving 300,000 rubles a month net profit In the evenings, an entrepreneur would go out to his site with a mop and a bucket in his hand - working as a cleaner helped him to relax and, of course, save on the salary of an additional employee.

The salary of an employee of a children's entertainment center is the most sensitive issue of an entrepreneur. The amount depends on the region, city, and functionality. At the same time, the same functions can be performed by specialists of different quality. For example, only teachers can teach in a children's center, and the very fact of teaching will require the owner of this institution to have a license for educational services.

Our attachments are more likely to be the cause of our everyday worries than our inherent needs. Do not look at neighbors and colleagues in the shop, but only hire the staff who will provide you quality work with kids. Alexey Zagumyonnov

Video case of opening a children's center in Barnaul

What is important to pay attention to before starting a project

It is important not to overcharge. Today, on weekdays, it is not recommended to set a price over 150 rubles for one child. On weekends, the cost of visiting the gaming complex may be 30% higher.

The main source of income of the children's entertainment center is not casual passers-by, but birthday people. "Children's corporate parties" usually ensure the workload of the gaming complex both on weekends and on weekdays, and the average market cost of such a service is about 1,500 rubles per hour.

Don't be afraid to offer your kids and their parents something that no one else has ever done. Each new children's entertainment center is an important social phenomenon in the life of any region, city, even microdistrict. Do not skip the little things, and six months for payback will become easier for you than saying: "Let's go!". Alexey Zagumyonnov

The approximate estimate of the project for the first month is as follows:


As already mentioned, the children's entertainment center is one of the fastest types of net income. However, it is important to understand that the entertainment industry is a permanent Las Vegas with its lights, glitters and daily premieres... Each season, the center needs to be updated with at least new decorations, posters or illustrations on the walls. Each month, the center will have to conduct special marketing campaigns, attracting new visitors and maintaining relationships with existing ones. Every day you will need to conquer new heights, and not every entrepreneur is ready to really work. Of course, it is more profitable for someone to open an institution that does not require effort and gives a modest profit with the hope of a payback in ten or twenty years. But if the thirst for activity in you is combined with the desire to create something new, fun and profitable, then the entertainment industry is your way.

Today, state policy supports young families in every way, calls for large families, and creates favorable conditions for children and childhood. Therefore, the number of children per family in Russia has been steadily growing lately.

Opening a playroom is a promising direction for work and making a profit, because with the right choice of location, the demand for it remains high. Children can come to the room just to play or celebrate their birthday, matinees and themed holidays. True, in the summer, attendance decreases, because at this time children often go to their grandmothers or to the sea, or they simply prefer to spend time in the fresh air.

We bring to your attention a fully developed business plan for opening a game room with calculations, a list of necessary components and documentation.

Read also business idealeisure center for mothers with children.

Business benefits include:

  • high level of demand. Modern parents need help with entertainment and childcare because they work hard and sometimes want to relax together. Playroom - a good idea for those who cannot affordnanny;
  • profitability. This business pays off well and quickly and ;
  • starting a business is not difficult. It's much easier to open a playroom than a child development center or a private kindergartenbecause it does not require licensing and does not involve checks to confirm the level of teachers.

A playroom is a room that is specially equipped so that children can play safely in it without their parents, but under the supervision of adults - the room staff.

It is best to start a game room in a well-known shopping center - the flow of visitors guarantees you the presence of customers.

Main organizational components:

  1. Adjust the operating mode of the game room to the operating mode of the entire shopping center. The cost of the visit may differ depending on the day of the week or time.
  2. Establish a time limit for one child. For example, the minimum visit time is half an hour, the maximum is 4 hours, children at least 5 years old can stay without parents.
  3. A child can only be admitted to the playroom if the parent has presented his / her passport. Keep a log of attendance with the specification of the time of reception of each little visitor.
  4. Introduce a ban on visiting sick babies so as not to create a focus of infection.
  5. Please note that the peak attendance of children in the playroom is shopping time for parents: from 4 pm to 9 pm. You need to ensure attendance before the live hours, that is, in the morning. To do this, you can reduce the price and conduct master classes and regularly notify parents about them. Discounts for regular customers are also a good idea.
  6. Enter in the list of servicesfestive events. Think over an interesting program, equip a small island-cafe, a photo zone. You can open a small outlet selling festive paraphernalia: balloons, caps, decorations for photo shoots (mustache, lips, glasses), etc.

Your target audience will be families with children between the ages of two and seven. Playrooms are an outlet for such families during shopping, because it is unrealistic to go shopping quickly with children.

Business plan for a children's playroom

The main stages of starting a game room business:

  1. Registration with government agencies.
  2. Search and repair of premises.
  3. Children's playroom design and equipment purchase.
  4. Staff recruitment
  5. Marketing campaign.

Before starting a business, a business plan is drawn up, which includes the main points.

  1. Summary. Description of the room and its services. Where is it located, who is the target audience, analysis of the point's traffic, price list and description of all services, analysis of competitors.
  2. Financial plan. Calculation of all costs (both start-up and fixed) and potential income, taking into account prices and expected traffic.
  3. Production plan. It includes the cost of renting, repairing, purchasing toys and all the necessary equipment.
  4. Marketing plan with a full description of the advertising campaign and promotion strategy.
  5. Risk analysis. You need to have a “plan B” in case something goes wrong: for example, new competitors appear, or the traffic will be significantly less than you planned.

Now let's look at the details.

Registration and licensing

For simplicity and the possibility of obtaining some tax benefits, it is recommended to register your business as ... The issue of licensing for a children's playroom is irrelevant - you can do without it. Activities related to the organization of entertainment and recreation are regulated by the OKVED code 92.7.

As for taxation, it is better to choose UTII - this is the most profitable mode for the game room. It does not correlate with your potential and available income. According to the UTII rules, the tax is a fixed amount that must be paid once a quarter. The amount of this amount depends on the region. You can also choose 6% of total revenue or 15% of revenue.

Search and repair of premises


  • It must be ventilated.
  • The location is close to the entrance to your floor. If the playroom is located somewhere deep in a long corridor, many will not reach you (although such rooms are usually cheaper).
  • Choose a spacious and bright room.
  • The room should be close to the toilets.

Playroom design for children

You need to design a children's playroom based on the preferences of your future little visitors. And always with bright cheerful colors! Never use black or dirty muted tones in your design. You can decorate the walls with drawings of your favorite cartoon characters.

The playroom for children must be zoned. It is convenient and reasonable. Because in one zone, children will play with toys, in another, a trampoline and a sports town can be placed, and in the third, an area for tea drinking. For instance. You can come up with your own version. Make sure the tea area has everything necessary equipment and appliances.

Another important point in the design of a children's playroom - it should be soft so that it doesn't hurt children to fall in the excitement of the game. Agree with your about the design of the playing space made of soft padded material.

Equipment for a children's playroom with prices

The main requirement for equipment for a children's playroom is high quality... All equipment should be as safe as possible. Therefore, buy only certified products to avoid injury and allergic reactions.

NameamountPrice for 1 pieceCost, rub
Multicolored soft labyrinth 1 93 000 93 000
Bright inflatable trampolines 3 32 000 96 000
Adult tea tables 2 5 000 10 000
Children's tables for tea parties 2 3 700 7 400
Chairs for adults 10 2 000 20 000
Chairs for children 8 700 5 600
Sofa1 17 000 17 000
Various toys50 700 35 000
Painting kits and boards 9 1 000 9 000
Lockers20 2 500 50 000
Business boards3 9 300 27 900
Children's big house 1 25 000 25 000
Reception desk 1 16 000 16 000
Administrator chair 2 000 1 2 000
A computer30 000 1 30 000
Total 444 900

Staff recruitment

Two employees-administrators will be quite enough for you, who can go to work one by one, depending on the shift.

Their responsibilities:

  • babysitting;
  • receiving money and issuing checks;
  • ensuring the safety of children;
  • keeping the playroom clean;
  • control of the operation of all equipment;

Some playrooms also hire a nanny to take care of the children. In this case, the administrator only accepts money and monitors the time the children are in the room. The payment for a playroom with a nanny will be higher.

The duties of a nanny are not too difficult, but they require a decent and educated performer. Keep this in mind when interviewing. If the employees have a medical or pedagogical education, great! It is also important to be sociable and easy to communicate with children and parents - reviews about your playroom and your potential profit depend on this.

Employees of your game room must have a medical record and constantly update its data (undergo periodic medical commissions). Be very careful when recruiting - the safety of your little clients depends on it.

Calculation of the salary of the employees of the game room.

You can get by with a smaller amount. For example, if the duties of the administrator are performed by the owner of the business, then the room can work with 2 administrators who work in shifts.

Financial plan

Below is an approximate list of startup costs (in rubles)

Registration costs 11 000
Room renovation 57 000
Game design37 000
Banner on the facade of the shopping center 50 000
Sign above the entrance 31 000
Promotional materials 30 000
Rent of premises 42 000
Equipment purchase 444 900
Total 702 900

Thus, the starting costs are 779 thousand 900 rubles.

Now let's look at running costs.

Monthly expenses (in rubles)

Data for drawing up a sales plan:

  1. Average number of visits on weekdays: from 15 to 45 people per hour;
  2. Attendance on weekends and holidays: from 20 to 60 man-hours;
  3. The cost of one visit on weekdays is 150 rubles, on weekends - 200 rubles.

Starting from the third month of operation of the playroom, it is possible to organize children's events and parties.

The profitability of a children's playroom

After calculating all expenses and incomes, the main financial indicators are determined, including the break-even point, payback period and profitability, that is, the ratio of profit to assets. The average profitability of such a business is about 20%.

The payback of the children's playroom can be achieved by the third month of work, 100% return on investment funds - after a year of work. Peak income will be on public holidays and weekends.

Advertising and marketing

Literate marketing activities - the key to the success of any business. Advertising for children's play equipment in the shopping center space has some features, for example:

  • We need a large banner on the front of the shopping center and a navigation advertisement inside. Use bright atmospheric photos with an invitation to visit your playroom (do not forget to indicate its location).
  • The advertising sign will still need to be hoisted over the entrance to your establishment.
  • Loyalty program. You can attract regular customers to your gaming room if they are interested in you, if you will be grateful to them for choosing you. What is needed for the loyalty program: bonus cards, holding draws, gifts and discounts for those who brought their friends. Take the time to send news and promotions.
  1. The Internet. Launch into workown site game room. And be active in your groups (pages) on social networks;
  2. Leaflets. Make bright and recognizable leaflets in the future, in which indicate the entertainment of the children's room, the cost of your services, the opening hours, the layout and the upcoming interesting promotions and events. You can distribute leaflets at the entrance to the shopping center, in the parking lot, at the nearest public transport stops;
  3. Educational institutions (kindergartens and schools) and leisure (sports clubs, art houses, children's development centers). Try to negotiate with the heads of these establishments to allow them to place your posters and announcements in them. By the way, you can even exchange promotional items.
  4. "Word of mouth". The most profitable advertising is free and effective. If they began to recommend you to friends, it is a success. Make people known about you - for example, organize a cool opening party.

Risk factors

Opening a children's playroom is a relatively safe business, but the risk factors involved should not be underestimated. What you should pay attention to:

  1. Remember to take responsibility for every child who comes into your playroom.
  2. The competition in this niche is growing. Think in advance about your business development strategy, be able to overcome difficulties and solve problems creatively. Then your business will always be profitable.

Franchise of a children's playroom

Such a business can be launched on the termsfranchises... Because it will give you, firstly, to open your own business in the shortest possible time, with a minimum of effort and even in the absence of work experience. On the terms of a franchise, you will not only receive a business ready for profitability, but also a full set of opportunities and tools for its normal development.

Secondly, the franchisee will receive a fully calculated business plan from the main company and marketing strategy... The company will also provide all the necessary assistance in the selection of each wood and their training, tell you how and where to purchase equipment and components at a discounted price.

What you should pay attention to: the size of the lump-sum contribution and royalties. The lump-sum fee is the cost of the franchise itself, that is, the contractual relationship or consent, on the basis of which you can open your business from the parent company. Royalties are monthly payments for using a franchise. Evaluate these indicators and choose the best deals.

The popularity of children's playrooms at the moment is quite high, and with the right placement, such a business can bring you a good income. When visiting large shopping centers, parents often leave their children in such play areas, which gives them the opportunity to safely go shopping and make the necessary purchases. At the same time, the child is having fun, because such rooms are equipped with everything necessary for the game.

One of the reasons for the high popularity of children's play areas is the total shortage of preschool institutions in our country. Therefore, opening such a business will be really the right decision. You just need to correctly determine the location of the playroom, which should be located in crowded places.

Why it is beneficial: the main advantages of children's playrooms

If you want to really start profitable business, then you should evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen direction. The advantages of opening a children's playroom are:

  1. High demand. When a parent has no one to leave a child with, he will be happy with almost any option. In this case, the children's room will be cheaper than a private nanny, providing the child with a fun pastime and safety.
  2. Relatively small investment.
  3. Fast payback.
  4. The ability to combine several lines of business. By opening a children's playroom, you can provide additional services for organizing parties and celebrations.
  5. Ease of implementation of the idea. In practice, opening a children's playroom is much easier than opening a play center or a private kindergarten. In this case, you do not need to obtain special licenses, and employees do not need to take advanced training courses.
  6. Possibility of further business expansion.

Short review

First of all, you should understand what a modern playroom for children is. This is a room with special equipment, where a parent can leave their child for a while. The kid is provided with various entertainment options, in addition, all the time he is in the playroom, he is under the supervision of an experienced employee.

The income from such a business depends on the cost of an hour of stay in the room and the number of visitors. Average prices for such services are in the range of 100-200 rubles per hour. The cost in this case depends on the area in which the institution is located - the closer to the center, the more expensive. The size of the settlement, where the children's playroom is located, also plays an important role.

With a shortage of clients, this business suggests the following opportunities to increase profits:

  1. Investing in an active advertising campaign.
  2. Provision of additional services. For example, you can lease premises for organizing children's birthdays and matinees.

About business profitability

When planning to create a children's playroom, you probably thought about the size of the profit that such an institution can bring. Specific figures depend on a number of factors, and therefore, before starting a business, it is necessary to conduct a thorough market analysis.

If we talk about the estimated profit, then it can be calculated as follows:

  1. The cost of an hour's stay. In our calculations, we will start from the size of the settlement. For example, in a small town, the cost of such a service is likely to be at the level of 100-120 rubles. For a metropolis, you can raise prices up to 200 rubles.
  2. Number of visits. This parameter is influenced by the size of the settlement and the peculiarity of the location of the children's playroom. In a small town, you can count on 10 visits per day, while in the capital, this figure can increase 6-7 times.
  3. Daily and monthly income. Given the above data, it is easy to calculate the estimated profit. For a small town, daily earnings will be 1000 rubles, and monthly - about 30,000. A capital institution will bring a profit of 12,000 and 360,000, respectively.

As you can see, the spread of profitability is quite large. Seasonality also greatly influences the attendance of children's playrooms. But in general the business is quite stable. The larger the city, the better. The average payback of a business is from two months to a year.

Business plan: step-by-step instructions for opening a children's playroom

If you really want to lead successful business, then you cannot do without business planning. You will need to analyze the market for such services in your region, determine possible risks and come up with measures to eliminate them. It is also useful to calculate the profitability of the business.

Consider where to start doing business. First of all, you should define the following:

  1. What children's entertainment is currently available in your area.
  2. Average price level for such services.
  3. If there are children's playrooms in the city, then you need to find out about the location of each of them. It will also be useful to visit establishments as a client, having found out the working hours, the price level, having determined target audience, attendance on weekdays and weekends, as well as holidays.
  4. If a this area business is not developed in your area, then you should determine the level of demand for these services. To do this, you can advertise on the Internet or conduct a social survey.

The success of your business in the future will depend on how carefully you work out this stage. Remember that the level of demand for a particular service largely depends not only on the locality, but also on the specific region. If a preliminary analysis reveals a low demand for children's playrooms in the city, then it is better to focus on a different line of business or consider opening an institution elsewhere.

Registration features

For legal business, you need to go through the registration procedure. In this case, you should heed the following advice:

  1. When registering, you can choose one of two forms: individual entrepreneur or LLC. Better to give preference to the first option. This will allow you to receive tax breaks. If you subsequently expand your activities, then switching to an LLC will not be difficult.
  2. When registering the type of activity code, select OKVED 92.72 "other activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment." This code is most appropriate for the children's playroom business.
  3. Be sure to register with the Pension Fund.
  4. After you find a rental space, you will have to obtain permits for organizing a children's playroom from the sanitary epidemiological station and the fire department.
  5. Each employee of the institution must have a medical record.
  6. To organize a children's playroom, you will use various equipment and toys. Each type of product must have a corresponding certificate confirming its safety and compliance with GOST.

Choosing a room for a children's playroom

As mentioned above, the success of such a business depends as much as possible on the right choice of premises. When deciding on this issue, pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Location. In this case, the rule applies: the closer to the center, the better. However, in some cases, it is more profitable to place a children's playroom in a residential area (for example, if a large shopping and entertainment center is located on its territory).
  2. Where to place. The best places for the location of such an institution are restaurants, cafes, hotels, shopping centers, airports, cinemas, recreation parks. The location of a children's playroom near adult establishments: beauty salons, bowling clubs, fitness centers, etc. can be no less advantageous. Choose places with high traffic and you will not lose.
  3. Location in the building. If we are talking about a large shopping center, then the children's playroom is best placed on the ground floor, not far from the entrance. It is desirable that there is a toilet not far from the establishment.
  4. Square. Calculated depending on the number of prospective visitors. Each child must have at least 2 m2. Thus, a room with an area of \u200b\u200b20 m2 will be enough to comfortably accommodate 10 children.
  5. Other requirements. The room must be well ventilated and well lit. Both interior and exterior design should be bright and catchy. It is advisable to provide two zones in the room, the first of which will be designed for active games, and the second for relaxation. If you plan to hold parties and holidays in the institution, then you need to allocate a separate room for this.

When opening a children's room, it is very important to comply with all the requirements and standards of the SES, fire inspection, etc.

Choosing equipment

Before you start buying equipment and toys, you should decide on the average age of your playroom visitors. If the work of the institution is designed mainly for the younger age group, then the emphasis should be on soft objects with large details. For older children, places should be allocated for drawing, board games. Here chairs and tables, shelves and cabinets are placed where materials will be stored.

One of the essential attributes of a children's playroom is a multi-level labyrinth. There are ropes, ladders, slides and pools filled with colorful balls. This kind of entertainment will surely interest children of all ages. A trampoline is also a good investment. Please note that your clients are not only adults, but also children who should want to return to the playroom again. Only with this approach can you build a truly profitable business.

Play equipment is not all that should be in such a room. You will also need to purchase hangers, lockers, armchairs, sofas, and a table for employees.

It is highly undesirable to purchase cheap equipment for a children's room. Consider the increased wear that each product will be subject to, and therefore the most reliable products should be preferred.

The best option would be to buy the equipment from the manufacturer. This way you can save money and get a reliable business partner. It is very important that the purchased equipment is safe and has the appropriate certificates.

The standard business plan for opening a children's playroom assumes about 200,000 rubles in start-up investments. This amount will include the following:

  1. 10 lockers will cost you about 30,000 rubles.
  2. 2 tables and 2 chairs for visitors - 16,000.
  3. Inflatable trampoline - 30,000.
  4. Labyrinth - 90,000.
  5. Toys and board games - about 30,000.
  6. Lockers and shelves for storing game materials - 5000.
  7. Staff table and chairs - 10,000.

We hire employees

The staff of the children's playroom should be chosen as responsibly as possible. It is advisable to give preference to those candidates who have a medical or pedagogical education. Naturally, higher education will be a priority, but more often applicants with secondary specialized education come across.

A good solution would be to hire students from pedagogical universities. They can work multiple shifts during the school year and full-time during the summer.

The prospective employee should be able to provide you with the following documents:

  1. A medical book with a recently passed medical examination.
  2. A document confirming the availability of education.
  3. Employment history.
  4. Certificate of no criminal record. Considering that you are hiring a person to work with children, it will be helpful to provide this document in order to avoid further problems.
  5. Characteristic with previous place work. Its provision is desirable, but not required. An outwardly friendly and tidy person with good stress resistance is quite suitable for such work.

If you plan to open small business, then at the start two employees working on a 2 to 2 schedule are enough for you. The rate plus bonus is set as payment, because in this case your personnel will be more interested in work.


Before starting a children's playroom business, you need to calculate the level of upfront investment.
Much depends on the scale of the proposed activity. Consider the approximate costs:

  1. Check in. To register an individual entrepreneur and obtain all permits, you will need about 6,000 rubles.
  2. Indoor renovation. It all depends on her technical condition... But in any case, you will have to spend money on cosmetic repairs, because the children's playroom should have a presentable appearance.
  3. Equipment purchase. The minimum set for organizing such a room will cost you 200,000 rubles.
  4. You will have to spend 25-30 thousand on an advertising campaign.
  5. Renting a room will cost about 10,000 rubles.

Thus, the total amount of starting expenses will be about 250,000 rubles. Now let's take a look at the monthly costs. They include:

  1. Rent - 10,000.
  2. Salary for employees - 30,000.
  3. Depreciation of equipment - 10,000.
  4. Advertising - 7000.
  5. Payment of taxes - 8000.
  6. Also, about 5,000 rubles will go to other expenses.


This point is of most interest to aspiring entrepreneurs. Knowing about the estimated income from a business, you can determine for yourself the feasibility of opening it. To do the calculations, let's set the cost of visiting 100 rubles on weekdays and 150 on weekends. If every weekday your children's playroom will be visited by 20 children, then the daily income will be 2,000 rubles, and the monthly income will be 44,000.

On weekends, the number of visitors will be about 50 people. Thus, you can earn 7,500 rubles per day, and 60,000 per month. The total monthly income will be 104,000. Subtract monthly costs and get 34,000 rubles of net profit. With such income, the business pays off 10-16 months after opening.

Risk factors

Certain risks are present in any business. Starting out entrepreneurial activity, you should consider these factors and come up with ways to overcome them in advance. When opening a children's playroom, the following pitfalls are possible:

  1. Competition. At the moment, children's playrooms are in high demand, and therefore this business attracts many entrepreneurs. Consider a strategy ahead of time to help you stay in an increasingly competitive market.
  2. Responsibility. Remember that the responsibility for each child who visits your nursery lies not only with the staff of the institution, but also with you personally. Therefore, you need to carefully select personnel, monitoring their work at all stages.

Business Opportunities and Prospects

The main service of the children's playroom is temporary babysitting. However, this business is good because, if you wish, you can significantly expand the scope of activities, we will offer our customers additional services. We are talking about holding parties, organizing thematic parties, etc. Many parents rent children's playrooms for birthdays.

Over time, on the basis of a small play corner, you can open a development club where kids can learn foreign languages or get some useful skills. You can also open a whole network of children's playrooms, which will offer bonuses to regular customers.

At the moment, children's entertainment is one of the most profitable business areas. With the right approach, such an establishment pays off relatively quickly and brings a stable income. This requires a thorough analysis of the market, a well-designed business plan for a children's playroom and a competent advertising campaign.

Dear friends, the following is an example of a business plan for organizing a children's playroom (DIK) in a shopping center. Calculations were prepared in Excel format and made by specialists with economic education and extensive experience in this field. If you are preparing your business plan on this topic, then it can be easily adapted to your project in any city in Russia.

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have:

  • by email,
  • below after the article in the comments
  • in our VKontakte group.


The objective of the project is to create a children's playroom in the city of Yekaterinburg.

The objective of the business project is to arrange a children's playroom in the city's new shopping and entertainment center "Mega-Mall" in the absence of entertainment places for young and middle-aged children and children's leisure centers in the access zone.

Initiator of the project

The organizer of the project is individual entrepreneurwho has gained the necessary experience as an operator-educator in an entertainment center.

Investment costs

In order to open a DIC, it is necessary to make minor cosmetic repairs to the rented premises, purchase and install play equipment. Investments for the project implementation will amount to 773 thousand rubles.

Financing a business plan

Provided financial security implementation of the business plan at the expense of two sources: the personal savings of the project initiator will amount to 30% of the total investment.

70% of the investment amount is issued in the form of a loan at VTB Bank at a rate of 20% per annum. The loan amount will be 540 thousand rubles, the loan will be repaid by annuity payments within 5 years in equal installments.

Payback indicators of the project

To ensure the implementation of the payback of the project for organizing the work of the children's room, the following financial model was built, which is designed for the next 5 years. Based on the planned financial flows, good data were calculated for the implementation of the business plan:

  • the term for building a model is 10 years;
  • inflation - 10%;
  • simple payback period - 1.3 years;
  • discounted payback period - 1.3 years;
  • NPV - 18,290 thousand rubles;

The business plan has significant potential for its payback, therefore it will be attractive to attract depositors and banks involved in lending.

Suppliers and contractors

A construction team of 2 people with the necessary work experience and good recommendations will be hired to carry out the cosmetic repairs of the premises.

A company with all the necessary licenses and safety certificates for the materials used has been selected as the company from which the play equipment will be purchased.


The main service of the children's playroom is communication with children in a playful way, while their parents are engaged in shopping or other activities. There is also a service for organizing children's party with the participation of life-size puppets.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists you will save time and increase the quality finished document 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investments 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment costs

The business plan provides for a lease for up to 5 years with the possibility of extending the contract for premises in a new shopping and entertainment center and organizing a children's playroom in it. It will be located in an area of \u200b\u200bthe city where there are no other play and entertainment centers for children nearby.

The main costs for opening a room will be the cost of redecorating the walls, ceiling and floor, and the purchase of playground rides and furniture. For interior decoration DIK will be applied construction Materials, resistant to physical impact and having safety certificates. It is planned to put a special soft coating on the floor, which prevents slipping and protects from impacts when falling.

The maximum number of children who can simultaneously use the services of the playroom is 25 people.

Investment costs can be seen in the table:

Events / products Cost, rub.) Qty Amount, (rub.)
Room redecoration 120 000
Purchase and installation of a set of a game maze " Undersea world»And furniture 460 000 1 460 000
IP registration 13 000
Obtaining permission from Ropotrebnadzor 25 000 1 25 000
Obtaining permission from the State Fire Inspection 20 000 1 20 000
Advertising 30 000
Rent of premises for 5 months 100 000
Buying consumables 5 000
TOTAL: 773 000

Sources of financing

The investment will be financed from the individual entrepreneur's own funds (30%) and a bank loan (70%).

Work plan


In order to start the activities of the DIC, a convenient place was chosen on the territory of the newly opened shopping and entertainment center "City Mall", leased out. The rental price is 20 thousand rubles. monthly. A diagram of the premises and arrangement of furniture and attractions is attached:

A maximum of 25 children up to 12 years old can play in the children's playroom.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe DIK is 214 m2.

In one half, it is planned to install a labyrinth with 5 slides and a ball pool, in the second half:

  • trampoline with a soft area around,
  • 5 tables and 20 chairs for classes and board games, as well as meals when celebrating children's parties,
  • wardrobes for employees, children and storage of consumables,
  • 5 bags-chairs of different colors,
  • table and chair for the teacher.

The possibility of purchasing other attractions and sports equipment will be considered upon actual confirmation of the success of the project.

Working hours

The operating hours of the DIK will coincide with the operating hours of the shopping and entertainment center - daily from 10-00 to 21-00, on weekends and holidays - from 9-00 to 23-00.

Marketing plan


In general throughout the city, children's playrooms are available in all major shopping and entertainment centers, as well as in family cafes and restaurants. The price of services varies from free (family cafe) to 120 rubles. per hour during peak hours.

Market analysis

The study of all the available offers of this type of service allows us to assume with confidence that in Yekaterinburg the market for services for organizing children's leisure is not fully developed. More than 70% of children under the age of 12 do not attend entertainment and entertainment centers... A good advertising campaign will attract not only visitors to the mall, but also residents of nearby neighborhoods.


The children's playroom is planned to be located in a new building of a shopping and entertainment center located in a new residential area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Yekaterinburg. The residents of the nearby houses are middle class. There are no such game rooms in the very center and in the surrounding areas. Therefore, the success of this type of business is beyond doubt. The occupancy rate of the shopping center will only grow, and this type of service will be in demand.

Range of services and prices

2 types of services will be offered:

  1. Activities with children according to their interests: visiting the labyrinth, other attractions, playing with balls, drawing, modeling from plasticine, etc.
  2. Organization of children's parties, including with the involvement of life size puppets. Actors can be called from another company as needed, including the cost of their services in the order amount.

Prices for children in the playroom will vary depending on the time and days of the week: from 80 to 120 rubles per hour. Frequent visitors will be offered a discount program: for the second visit to the room for more than 2 hours - 5%, for the third and subsequent - 10%.

The cost of children's parties will be 8 thousand rubles. This includes: game program for 3 hours, one actor in a suit of his choice, drinks, board games. Extension of the program - 2.5 thousand rubles per hour.

The diagram of the distribution of revenue between types of services is as follows:

Volume of sales

Since the attendance of the shopping and entertainment center is good, from the first day, especially if you open a room in front of new year holidays, the children's playroom will start generating income. Correct advertising activities will also contribute to this.

The dependence of the volume of revenue on seasonality is presented in the following graph:

SWOT analysis

Advertising strategy

To attract customers, a light sign will be installed, as well as information stands and acrylites on all floors and the most visited points of the shopping and entertainment center. The distribution of leaflets near the shopping and entertainment center will also be launched, a DIK website will be created, registration will be carried out on sites where entertainment services are mentioned. Advertising on television and radio will be launched.

The sales level reaching 100% is shown in the following graph:

Organizational plan

Business registration

This business project is planned for implementation under the jurisdiction of the individual entrepreneur. The mechanism of bank lending is used as security for financing. This makes it possible to use a simplified taxation system - 6% of the amount of income.

Personnel and staff structure

The staffing table of employees is composed of 5 staff units. It is planned to pay the salary for working out the full rate of hours, as well as from 1 to 2% of the proceeds monthly.

The award is established in order to motivate employees to increase the number of children in the play area.

The manager of the children's playroom performs the following duties: buys everything necessary for classes with children, draws up reports, organizes normal work hours, organizes repairs if necessary, manages staff, collects proceeds, for a period of temporary disability or next vacation the teacher finds him a replacement.

The teacher (2 people) accepts children, helps to use the equipment correctly, makes calculations, deals with children, organizes their leisure time.

The teacher's assistant (2 people) helps the teacher to look after the children, organizes their leisure time, cleans the premises, during the period of illness or vacation, the teacher can take his place.

Below is the structure of the company's personnel:

Financial plan


To calculate the payback period, a period of 5 years is taken. It is planned that inflation will not exceed 10% per year, and the discount rate is calculated within 11%

In connection with the choice of the simplified taxation system and the form of doing business, taxation indicators are as follows: - 18,290 thousand rubles;

Breakeven point

Based on the economic model, a break-even point was calculated for the first year of the project. It is 224.0 thousand rubles.

Project sustainability analysis

For stability analysis of this project to the influence of negative factors, the following calculations were made, showing the change in the profitability of a business plan depending on the change following indicators: service prices, required costs and level wages... The results are in the table:

Risk analysis

The project provides for protection from the influence of negative factors to which this plan may be subjected. The risks are large-scale and specific. Large-scale risks include the following:

  • Social - a decline in fertility can lead to a decrease in the number of children in children's playrooms.
  • Technological - it is possible that more interesting and science-intensive attractions may appear that may interest some of the older children.
  • Economic - a decrease in the income of the population can lead to a decrease in the number of children visiting the playroom, and, accordingly, to a decrease in the cost of services.

The plan to counter negative factors is as follows:

Negative factor Negative impact Prevention options
Material losses due to fire or flooding Fire alarm, employee training, insurance
Material losses in case of theft or damage Renovation or purchase of new furniture or attractions Insurance, contacting the police
Decreased attendance Decline in profits Cost reduction, advertising
Delay in payments and loans Increase in costs by the amount of interest Internet bank connection to eliminate payment delays
The emergence of competitors Decrease in profit and volume of services Creation and development of unique offers


The viability of this project is ensured by careful forecasts and calculations. The short payback period of the business plan ensures its successful implementation.