How to create atmospheric portrait photos. Atmospheric photo atmospheric photographs of people

Artem Kashkanov, 2012

Probably not everyone knows what "atmospheric photography" is. In general, it is difficult to give a clear definition of the concept of "atmosphericness". In general, this is a set of visual funds, immersing viewers in the atmosphere of paintings, photos, film, computer game. Sometimes images and photos made in a similar style have very little common with reality, but at the same time they do not lose their exceptional emotionality and attractiveness.

The first thing that comes to mind when viewing these photos is "Wow," or "Well, without Photoshop, it clearly did not go here!". As for the second approval, it is ready to argue anything, but for most such images, Photoshop is not needed. Maximum what will be required of software - This is a RAW converter in which there is a basic set of tools to correct the image to adjust the balance of white, levels, saturation, and other basic settings.

In obtaining "surrealistic" photos there are two main approaches:

1. Take a picture of the usual landscape and in Photoshop (or another similar to him editor) press the picture Surrealism during computer processing. Under the same category falls.

2. Make a camera see the picture What we want to get it thanks to the use of some auxiliary devices.

Both approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages. In the first approach, the biggest minus - you must masterfully own photoshop, be able to notice the disadvantages that come out when processing and competently correct them. The case is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to be content with the characteristics of the camera - photoxipra (dynamic range), a set of sensitivity settings, expirations, aperture. Whatever perfect technology, still regularly arise such frames that cannot be captured for 1 triggering of the shutter - it is necessary to include bracketing, and then reduce the resulting images into one using a special and not always free software. Often, it is long and not always creative work. As for the level of possession of photoshop, it must be exceptional. Unfortunately, most photographers do not have such knowledge of knowledge (I am not an exception!), Which would allow us to turn ordinary photos to the masterpieces of surrealism, while maintaining impeccable image quality.

The second method is convenient because you yourself with the help of control of depth of field, light filters, reflectors and other "lotions" already at the entrance to the lens form such a picture that will not need further processing (or will sufficiently be limited to basic operations - brightness, contrast , BB). The disadvantage - you need to have a whole set of additional accessories in arsenal, sometimes notable - first, and secondly - to be able to use it. This article will be discussed by this approach in relation to landscape shooting. For visual material, photographs made by me during the recent morning "expedition" with a camera in the catch of the Oka River (near the city of Pavlovo Nizhny Novgorod region).

What technique did I take with me on shooting?

  • Camera Canon EOS 5D.. Let the beginners do not confuse the class of technology, the amateur mirrors such things are also quite "on the teeth."
  • Lens Canon EF 24-105mm 1: 4l is USM. For sprinkled devices, I recommend an equivalent wide-roller, such as Canon EFS 15-85mm.
  • Polarizing filter HOYA HD CIR-PL (77 mm) - Bought recently in the SoftMarket online store for 3790 rubles, now it has risen in price, but still stands much cheaper than in stores.
  • The gradient filter - sometimes it helps himself, sometimes spoils - until I finally progressed it :)
  • Tripod - It was not useful, so stuck in the trunk.

Before going to the shooting ...

You need to do two things - to decide on the photo shoot time and its place. The most valuable time - since the sunrise until it rises high. As a rule, it is about two hours. Sunrise time in your region can be viewed on the Internet - a lot of sites contains such information, for example, this is There are similar programs for mobile phones And tablets, very comfortable!

The best weather for filming is in the morning in clear mad weather. You can predict morning weather for a number of simple accepts - abundant dew on the grass in the evening, clean horizon at sunset. If the wind rises at sunset - this is a bad sign, even if it does not inflate the clouds, it will turn away the fog - it can greatly spoil the results of the photoExporation. Welcome test check - an hour before dawn. If the sky is clean, with light pasta clouds, and the wind is not, then you can safely go. If the sky tightened the waist of the clouds or the wind rose - you can safely sleep further.

When choosing a place of shooting, it is better to give preference to the places where a thick fog is standing in the morning. Basically, these are filler meadows with small lakes and rarely growing trees. Such a landscape is often found in the floodplains of rivers. There is nothing to do in the forest (as well as on forest lakes) - all the delights of the morning nature - fog, huge drops of dew on the grass in the forest find it difficult. Maximum that you can see is a light fog, stealing from the shores of the forest lakes.

Beautiful, of course, but clear summer in the morning you can find landscapes more interesting!

Oddly enough, at dawn, beautiful landscapes can be found there, where in the afternoon we are used to seeing a very sad landscape. As I said, we go to the filler meadows. Naturally, there are no water on them - from the moment of the end of the spring, the High Grass was swept on them. So, consider typical plots from the category "Dawn over the meadow" and see how it is better to take pictures.

Sun in the frame

How is it usually? Here is a typical example from Yandex-photos - the truth is not dawn, but the sunset. I was looking for the dawns - a solid "Celebration of Photoshop", but I was interested in "raw frames".

"" On Yandex.Photes

Familiar situation, right? The left heaven, the sun smeared into a huge pancake, the earth is almost black. The dynamic range is catastrophically lacking. This trouble can be circumvented in two ways:

1. Tripod, bracketing, HDR - Long, mutually and good result is not guaranteed. Here is a good example, but, nevertheless, the picture looks a bit artificial. Nevertheless, time for processing was spent, in my opinion a lot.

Sergey Stepanenko "Field Light Bulbs"

2. Gradient filter. An example of use - below ...

Almost the same, but without any dancing with tambourine. EXIF-Data: Exposure 1/80 seconds, diaphragm 8, focal length 28mm, ISO100 - As you can see, nothing special, such parameters can be installed on any device, even soap! Naturally, you can continue to process the image in Photoshop, but I decided that on the achieved when shooting it is quite possible to stop.

Morning sky

Early in the morning on a sunny day in the sky is often very leaked by filament clouds forming interesting twists. Unfortunately, they are visible to the naked eye very weakly, because the fog surrounds us and practically hides the sky. To see it will help us polarizing filter . Let me remind you that the main property of the polarizer is "jamming" reflected light. The polarizer makes the fog transparent, but it makes it very interesting - the fog lying above the ground remains dense, but as it may be formed by the "window", through which the cigarette clouds are visible.

I think this example is enough to understand how to use the polarizer in the morning shooting in the fog. The polarizer is best working when the sun on the side of us.

"Other planet"

The following photos are the result of the experiment - sharing the polarization and gradient filter.

The results of the filter action were imposed on each other - the polarizer "struck" a layer of fog and allowed to see the blue sky (the truth of the clouds was not), the gradient filter did it with a darker sky and helped a little breathtaking the earth. The photo creates a mystical and, I would even say, an unearthly atmosphere is another sky, another grass, another air!

As mentioned earlier, a circular gradient filter is a thing that can how to help and harm. Here is an example when the gradient filter works "on the edge of the foul" - the top of the tree also "got under the distribution" and turned out to be darkened.

There are two more features of the sharing of two light filters. First - vignetting. At a focal length of 24 mm, black corners are visible along the edges of the frame. To get rid of them, you need to put forward the zoom at least up to 35 mm.

Second feature - do not screw hard filters to each other! Disconnect them later it will be more difficult than to connect :)

"Hedgehog in the fog"

This famous cartoon received several awards "Best Animation Film", including foreign ones. And it's not just so ...

On the morning shooting you get about the same atmosphere! For example, when I climbed on the shore of the lake, slipped and almost blunting into the water together with the camera :) It's funny, but in every joke there is some truth.

Being in a dense fog, the photographer receives a wonderful opportunity to build very harmonious and balanced compositions literally "in the same place." Fog hides the entire photousor, giving the opportunity to concentrate the attention of the viewer in the desired object or their combination.

In the fog, many principles of classical photocomposition break and the principles of completely different - those on which compositions in style are built minimalism. The main object is not required to be 100% visible. If there is no relation in the photo, it can be compensated by the wealth of associations, which photocardicated can cause the viewer.

Misty Rainbow

This time I first watched this interesting phenomenon in my life. It arose after 1.5 hours after sunrise when I was already driving home. Unfortunately, the road ran through the pure field, so it was not possible to build some more or less complete composition, however, the photo is applied.

On this optimistic note, I think the theory can be finished and proceeding with the practice. I wish you all successful experiments!

We will show and tell how, going beyond the "limits" of the classic studio portrait, you can create "atmospheric" photos. Enclosure the situation - the spirit - any place in its inseparable communication with people, relations between them and their occupation everyday labor.

Try creating "other", add them freshness and innovation. Take a look at the world again, leaving the walls of the usual studio and plunging into his wide hugs. Atmospheric photography is the style of creating portraits. His idea is to show people in their familiar surroundings. Where they live, work and play.

Usually, the atmospheric photo is in demand in the magazine and newspaper press. Snapshots, including details of someone else's "habitat", can "tell" about it more than classic portraits.

Creating photo-story in the style of atmospheric photography is perfectly suitable for completing a commercial order (shooting a business process in the institution, in the enterprise) and for creative experiments to "open a second breath" in the shooting of portraits.

A serious advantage of the report in such a style is a relaxed state of heroes. After all, they are in their everyday environment. As a result, they will be easier to capture in natural poses. To create spectacular "atmospheric" snapshots You will need your digital mirror chamber, equipped with a standard lens, and some patience. We will show you how to make all this to shoot a report in the style of atmospheric photography.

We went to a public cafe in Bath (Society Café in Bath) to take pictures of the staff. The place is perfect for training. In it continuously "boils" life, and the surrounding situation is attractive to the details and creates a context for photo historical.

The secret of good atmospheric photography lies in the search for "Golden Mid" between the hero and the surrounding atmosphere. Remember that the semantic center of your frame is a person. The surrounding atmosphere hints, "opening", on his individuality and features of life.

Check out our leadership dedicated to the use of props, various shooting situations in which you can get great portraits. Learn how to diversify frames with the help of shooting with wide-angle lens (approx. You can learn more about the types and parameters of lenses in the second part of the series.) and the effects of black and white photography. And also, what is the camera settings to choose to create high-quality pictures in each of the shooting situations.

  • Learn more: "10 Commanded errors in portrait photos"

"Preheat", captured several spontaneous plots. Remove what heroes do every day. For example, in the photo above the Barista Ash (ASH) prepares coffee. Stay slightly "aside." The smaller you impose on your heroes, the more they are relaxed. People take a few minutes to disappear the feeling of awkwardness arising from the realization that they are photographing.

Additional accessories may emphasize the individuality of the hero and "take hands", create conditions for more comfortable posing. Example - Katie's photo (Katie) with cake. The props helps to make a photograph meaningful when the background is boring. Sale products, tools, even parts of the uniform, such as the Chef Cap, instantly awaken interest in what is happening in the image, providing its detail.

To strengthen the feeling of "documentary" photos, transform it into the black and white image at the processing stage. Black and white photography is always relevant. In addition, the discoloration "unloads", makes it more easy to perceive, a snapshot, replete with acting persons. Example - Photography above.

  • Learn more: "10 typical position errors"

When several spontaneous plots are "captured" on the memory card, ask the heroes to put it.

Place the model in the semantic center of the frame, in focus, against the background of what is happening around. Support a conversation with a hero while making pictures. This will allow to remain portrayed relaxed, and emotions are alive. If the back plan is "cluttered" by events, reduce the aperture value, for example, up to 3.5 to "blur" background stronger.

  • Learn more: «17 Tips for shooting models" in the body "»

For a look at what is happening under the "other angle" take care of the presence of a wide-angle lens in your bag with photographic equipment, for example, Sigma 10-20 mm. Turn on the frame more details of the environment. The shooting with the wide-angle lens is particularly convenient when it is required to capture one frame of several people crowding along with each other.

If you take pictures of indoors, as we, ask the model to get up near the source of natural light. We asked Barista Aistaire (Alistair) to become near the window so that the total picture was lighter. With a low level of illumination, a reflector can help, for example, "golden". Ask a friend to hold the reflector so as to send more light on the face portrayed.

Camera settings

Switch to the shooting mode with a diaphragm priority ("A")

You will have to take pictures of "from the hands" in a rapidly changing setting, so the shooting in manual mode ("M") may not be the best choice To create high-quality pictures. Switching to shooting mode with a diaphragm priority ("A"), you will manage the diaphragm value. The remaining settings "will take on" the camera.

Increase sensitivity

If you are removed inside the room, then you will have to increase sensitivity, for example, up to 1600 ISO to compensate for insufficient lighting intensity. The final images will be visible "grains". But the "fee" is justified by the freedom of movement and the ability to receive sharp pictures in any extrusion situation.

Take taking pictures with a big diaphragm value

It is quite natural in the portrait photo, if you seek a shallow depth of a sharply depicted space ( approx. Translator - You can learn more about the depth of a sharply depicted space in the third part of the series). However, when you shoot "atmospheric" photos, try to avoid strong "blur" of the back plan. If you are shooting with the lens, component of your camera, install a sufficiently large value of the diaphragm, for example, equal to 8. Then most of the environment will remain in the "clarity" and will saturate your photo historical details.

Stocks gradually leave too icing. Premium Stocks, like Stocksy, Offset., replete images about which we say " atmospheric". Moreover, one of the trends of 2016 Shatterstok calls precisely atmospheric photos.

In atmospheric scenes, the light is dim, foggy, dramatic and even gloomy. There is a "cloud of a heaven of the sky" - and it really likes premium buyers who are ready to post for such scenes decent amounts (from 200 dollars and higher).

In this article, you are offered 10 advice on the creation of atmospheric images (as well as pictures that you want to consider because of their atmospheric).

1. Remove with insufficient lighting day

Light is always a key parameter of a good photo. And now B.dear stock Photos The light can be described by the phrase: "The less - the better."

Let the absence of the sun outside the window be saddened. Get out and remove - you still have a spectacular photo that will have a high commercial potential. And it is not a fact that with the sun potential will be higher. In general, Pieters and Britons are incredibly lucky: with their misty weather - they and all cards in hand.

If you are committed to the sunlight, and for you the transition to the fogs is a strong way out of the comfort zone, then the first step to new photos in your portfolio can be that: the shooting in the early morning, when the sun is already light, but the sun is behind the horizon. Then you can intercept the first rays of the sun. Which is delicate and selectively highlight the scene. And thus one click of the shutter to complete two hares: you and the sun will be in the frame, and atmosphericness.

In the same way, you can sit late in the evening when the sun is almost gone. Just remember that in the evening you catch up with the sun, and not it - you can quickly miss a beautiful moment.

2. Fog

For the atmospheric from atmospheric images, fog is best suited. A couple of years ago it was impossible and threatened that the foggy photos would be in demand. But times are changing, the fog becomes a trend and a fashion peak. Therefore, it is important to take advantage of the moment. And happily escape to the street with a fotik, when foggy and damp - this is recently the most favorable conditions for the stock photographer!

But instead of relying on the will of the case, your chances of walking atmospheric photos will increase if you spend additional work. As it is trite, it sounds, but to choose the right time for shooting helps view the meteorological engineering and simple weather observation in the terrain where you live. Nebulae often accumulate in the same places, at the same time - templates of such weather behavior are easy to track.

Investigate the "habitat" fog, dedicate this time. Because the fog usually does not last for a long time - and it is very important without losing time to catch it "with political" at the best. Fog's favorite places are: valleys among mountains and hills, forest, in reservoirs, meadows.

3. TUCHES, Curly Purpose Clouds

Silent clouds add the atmosphere to pictures, and even how! They seem to emphasize the power of the elements and helplessness ambient - This drama will force even the most fearless heart.

The dark sky creates a stunning back plan for objects in the landscape image. It makes a frame more "fleshy" and filled. Yes even in classic stock Pictures "Lonely draff in the field on the sky" won those images where the clouds in the sky.

Try to remove a lonely tree, traveler or any architectural structure against the dark sky. And you can capture the beauty of clouds, removing them without any objects in the foreground - the interesting frame will also get.

4. Welcome to the forest

The deaf forest is great for atmospheric photos. Trees can be used to create volume and depths in the frame. You can find unusual objects: curves trees on the background of straight lines, pivans, fallen trees, etc.

The forest (like any other shooting object) takes a completely different appearance if you change the angle of shooting. For example, you can shoot close to the trees from the bottom up - and it will give a feeling of height.

Do not forget about the exposure when the sky falls into the frame. Heaven, even behind clouds, is a much more contrasting object than trees. Because of what trees may be underspident. If you need silhouettes of trees, then exhibit across the sky, if you need details in the trees - you will have to sacrifice items in the sky.

5. Lonely trees - the nightmare of the stock inspector

Once lonely trees were so crowded asking them even mentioned the stock inspector in his life position. But it's beautiful! And lonely trees with triumph return to atmospheric pictures!

Remove with a low point so that on the horizon it looms only a lonely tree and nothing more. And if there is a fog in the scene, then it will further contribute to the hiding annoying objects from the field of view. Bonus: Low point of shooting will also help add more details on the foreground.

Each in yourself the habit of making a few frames as it approaches the lonely tree. And you can get completely different frames (still!) The following two pictures were made as much as as the trees approached. The first photo includes the road leading to the tree:

In the second frame, the tree is a dominant object:

6. Add people to frame

When you turn on people in a landscape frame, you better emphasize the scale of the scene, and ... the atmosphere.

You can use the model body language to emphasize the frame mood. People with lowered heads, people thoughtfully looking into the distance, people relying on a lonely tree are all different moods and different stories. Silhouettes also work well in atmospheric images, because the scene is attached to the scene.

In order to remove the silhouette at atmospheric weather, you need to shoot against the weak light source, which is still present in the frame (although it is often often lacking to get a silhouette). Since naturalness in fashion, then people in the frame should not pose (at least not too clearly). If they run, jump, you can use the serial shooting to select the most successful frame. If you already need to ask someone to put someone in the frame, then ask the posture to express some story, I carried a certain message to the viewer.

7. Add the entry point to the foreground

In the foreground entry points of the big scene also create an atmosphere and mood. The entry point can be dry plants, spheres network, hints, etc.

If you focus on close item, a small flu will be created, that is, the background objects will be beautifully blurred, adding an additional effect of mystical in your pictures.

8. Look for interesting structures

To do nice frame requires work. At least you need to be able to stay in the usual place and look carefully around yourself. A lot of people missed sight of this, if we are talking about the usual locations (let's say, not far from the house). For example: electric poles were beautifully lined up in a line along the field, abandoned buildings, the remains of old fences.

All these objects add a strong point of interest in your picture. They also help tell more interesting story About the landscape shot. It is the usual objects competently included in the frame give a configured result.

9. Toniruite

As a result, we get a picture in monochrome style (see the trends of 2015). Recall that monochromicity is not PB and its tinting. In the image, there may be different colors - it is important that they are harmonized with each other.

In post-converting also make sure that the key objects of the composition (for example, in the foreground) are "highlighted" to create the effect of depth (the further in the forest, thethicker partisans darker)

Pay attention to the exposure and on those part of the frame that you want to fill in detail - exhibit on them. And do not forget to emphasize the atmosphere using post-processing: color correction, tone correction and texturing - your basic tools.

What kind of scene you are photographed if you add atmospheric light and mood there, it will become much more interesting. This is exactly what will allow your images to stand out.

Each photo is important idea. The picture atmosphere is primarily the emotions of the model, but the surrounding environment is also important. It is she fills the picture with meaning.

If you do not prepare for the shooting and do not think all the details, then the photo session may be terrible, as it is very difficult to improvise without the possibility of changing anything. You must always think over the shooting plan in advance, describe everything on items and draw the light schemes and building a frame on paper.

It is equally important to find a common language with the model. Each person has its own vision of the picture and does not always coincide with yours. You need to learn how to configure models on your principle and the pace of work, but also you yourself should be flexible and adjust to the models. Try to work only with those models that you are interested. If a person has a pleasant facial expression, an interesting type, style of clothing and behavior, then this can be used in your creative projects.

If it comes to commercial shooting, you will have to look for the best and most interesting to their features of appearance, plastics movements, figures in your models. Most portraits are shooting at sunset or at dawn. This time is called a golden hour. Shadows are soft and pleasant. Dynamic range of pictures is as wide as possible. Colors are pleasant and warm.

Often photographers say models what position to occupy. Newcomers have to work, but if the model is experienced, then she needs to set the mood and direction of movements. Then it remains only to catch moments. You can simply communicate and do shots at certain points. They can get very alive and bright.

Also important photo processing is also important. When processing snapshots, it is necessary to carefully work out the color and lighting. Everything should be harmoniously combined. All pictures should be combined. Even if the part crept, knocking out of the general picture, will have to remove it or repaint it.

There are many sites and articles on the Internet that will provide you with comprehensive information about the selection of colors. One of best services The selection of color is The construction of the frame plays an equally important role than the idea, processing and preparation. Using natural or architectural lines, you can achieve depth, make the viewer follow the view from one object to another.

Several main colors can be distinguished in the photo. It is they who will solve the overall range of photograph. You can find a number of complimentary colors and make it all in these colors.

In order to understand how to use certain principles for creating pictures, work with perspective and color, you need to analyze the work of professional photographers and try to imitate them or simply use the rules in your work and, of course, be attentive to detail.