How to prepare a powerpoint presentation. How to make a presentation from a photo. Avoid low-quality stock images

In today's article, we will take a closer look at how to make a presentation, what problems arise during manufacturing, what you should pay attention to. Let's take a look at some of the subtleties and tricks.

In general, what is it? Personally, I would give a simple definition - this is a concise and visual presentation of information that helps the presenter to reveal in more detail the essence of his work. Now they are used not only by businessmen (as before), but also by ordinary students, schoolchildren, and in general, in many areas of our life!

As a rule, a presentation consists of several sheets on which images, diagrams, tables, and a brief description are presented.

And so, let's begin to deal with all this in detail ...

Main components

The main program for work is Microsoft PowerPoint (moreover, it is on most computers, since it comes with Word and Excel).

An example of a presentation.


The best option if you yourself are in the subject of the presentation and can write the text yourself from personal experience. It will be interesting and exciting for listeners, but this option is not suitable for everyone.

You can get by with books, especially if you have a good collection on the shelf. Text from books can be scanned and recognized, and then translated into Word format. If you do not have books, or there are few of them, you can use electronic libraries.

Besides books, good option there may be abstracts, perhaps even those that you yourself wrote and handed over earlier. You can use popular sites from the catalog. If you collect several interesting essays on the desired topic, you can get an excellent presentation.

It will not be superfluous to simply search for articles on the Internet in various forums, blogs, websites. Very often excellent materials come across.

Pictures, diagrams, charts

Of course, the most interesting option would be your personal photos, which you took in preparation for writing the presentation. But you can also get by with a Yandex search. Moreover, there is not always time and opportunities for this.

You can draw graphs and diagrams yourself if you have any patterns, or you calculated something using a formula. For example, for mathematical calculations, there is an interesting program for graphing graphs.

If you can't find suitable program, the schedule can be drawn up by hand, drawn in Excel "e, or simply on a sheet of paper, and then photographed or scanned. There are many options ...


Shooting a high-quality video is not easy, and even expensive. One camcorder is not affordable for everyone, and you still need to properly process the video. If you have such an opportunity, be sure to use it. And we will try to try to get along ...

If the video quality can be somewhat neglected, it is quite good for recording and mobile phone (cameras are installed in many "middle" price categories of mobile phones). Some things can also be removed for them to show in detail some specific thing, which is difficult to explain in the picture.

By the way, many popular things have already been shot by someone and they can be found on youtube (or on other video hosting).

And another interesting option for creating a video - it can be recorded from the monitor screen, and you can also add soundtrack, for example, your own voice telling what is happening on the monitor screen.

Perhaps, if you already have all of the above and are on your hard drive, you can start making a presentation, or rather to its design.

How to make a PowerPoint presentation

Before moving on to the technical part, I would like to dwell on the most important thing - the speech (report) plan.


No matter how beautiful your presentation is - without your speech it is just a collection of pictures and text. Therefore, before you start doing, decide on a plan for your performance!

First, who will the audience of your talk be? What are their interests, what would they like more. Sometimes success depends no longer on completeness of information, but on what you focus on!

Second, define main goal your presentation. What does it prove or disprove? Perhaps she talks about some methods or events, your personal experience and so on. You should not interfere with different directions in one report. Therefore, immediately decide on the concept of your speech, think over what you will say at the beginning, at the end - and, accordingly, what slides and with what information you will need.

Thirdly, most of the presenters cannot correctly time their report. If you are given very little time - then there is almost no point in making a huge report with video and sounds. The listeners won't even have time to watch it! It is much better to make a short speech, and place the rest of the material in another article and copy it for everyone who is interested.

Working with a slide

Usually, the first thing to do when starting work on a presentation is to add slides (that is, pages that will contain text and graphics). It's easy to do: run Power point (by the way, the example will show the 2007 version), and press "main / create slide".

By the way, you can delete the slides (click in the left column on the desired one and press the DEL key, move, swap places - with the mouse).

As we have already noticed, our slide turned out to be the simplest: the title and the text below it. To be able, for example, to place text in two columns (it is easy to compare objects with such an arrangement), you can change the slide layout. To do this, right-click on the slide on the left in the column and select the setting: "layout / ...". See the picture below.

I will add a couple more slides and my presentation will consist of 4 pages (slides).

All pages of our work are still white. It would be nice to give them some design (i.e. choose the right theme). To do this, open the "Design / Themes" tab.

Now our presentation is no longer so faded ...

It's time to start editing text information our presentation.

Work with text

Working with text in Power Point is simple and easy. It is enough to click on the desired block with the mouse and enter the text, or simply copy and paste it from another document.

Also, using the mouse, it can be easily moved or rotated if you hold down the left mouse button on the border of the frame surrounding the text.

By the way, in Power Point, as in regular Word, all misspelled words are underlined with a red line. Therefore, pay attention to the spelling - it is very unpleasant when you see gross mistakes in the presentation!

In my example, I will add text to all pages, it will look something like the following.

Editing and inserting graphs, charts, tables

Charts and graphs are usually used in order to clearly demonstrate the change in some indicators relative to others. For example, show the profit of this year relative to the past.

To insert a diagram, click in Power Point: "insert / diagram".

To insert tables, click on: "insert / table". Please note that you can immediately select the number of rows and columns in the generated plate.

Working with media

It is very difficult to imagine a modern presentation without pictures. Therefore, it is highly desirable to insert them, because most people will be bored if there are no interesting pictures.

For a start, don't be too small! Try not to place many pictures on one slide, it is better to make the pictures larger and add another slide. From the back rows, it is sometimes very difficult to see the small details of the images.

It is easy to add a picture: press "insert / images". Next, choose the place where your pictures are stored and add the one you need.

Inserting audio and video are very similar in nature. In general, these things are not always and everywhere should be included in the presentation. First, it is not always and not always appropriate if you have music in the middle of the silence of listeners trying to analyze your work. Secondly, the computer on which you will present your presentation may not have the necessary codecs or any other files.

To add music or movie, click: "insert / movie (sound)", then specify the location on your hard drive where the file is located.

The program will warn you that when you view this slide, it will automatically start playing the video. We agree.

Overlay effects, transitions and animations

Probably, many have seen at presentations, and even in films, that beautiful transitions are made between some frames: for example, a frame, like a page of a book, turns over to the next sheet, or smoothly dissolves. The same can be done in the Power Point program.

To do this, select the desired slide in the column on the left. Next, in the Animation section, select a Transition Style. There are dozens of different page changes to choose from! By the way, when you hover over each one, you will see how the page will be displayed during the demonstration.

Important! The transition only affects one slide that you have selected. If you selected the first slide, then the launch will start from this transition!

How to avoid mistakes

  1. Check your spelling. Gross spelling mistakes can completely ruin the overall impression of your work done. Errors in the text are underlined with a red wavy line.
  2. If you used sound or movies in your presentation, and you are going to present it not from your laptop (computer), then copy these multimedia files along with the document! It will not be superfluous to take the codecs with which they should be played. Very often it turns out that on another computer these materials are missing and you will not be able to demonstrate your work in full light.
  3. Follows from the second point. If you plan to print a report and submit it in paper form, then do not add video and music to it - it will still not be seen and heard on paper!
  4. Presentation is not only slides with pictures, your talk is very important!
  5. Do not be small - it is difficult to see small text from the back rows.
  6. Do not use faded colors: yellow, light gray, etc. It is better to replace them with black, dark blue, burgundy, etc. This will allow the audience to see your material more clearly.
  7. The last tip is probably very useful for students. Don't delay development until the last day! According to the law of meanness - on this day everything will go awry!

In this article, in principle, we have created the most regular presentation... In conclusion, I would not like to dwell on some technical points, or advice on using alternative programs. In any case, the basis is the quality of your material, the more interesting your report (add a photo, video, text to this) - the better your presentation will be. Good luck!


Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful set of presentation tools. Upon first exploring the program, it might seem like it's really easy to create a demo here. Maybe so, but most likely a rather primitive version will come out, which is suitable for the most insignificant impressions. But to create something more complex, you need to delve deeply into the functionality.

First of all, you need to create a presentation file. There are two options here.

Now that PowerPoint is working, we need to create slides - frames of our presentation. To do this, use the button "Create slide" in the tab "The main", or a hotkey combination "Ctrl" + "M".

Initially, a title slide is created, which will show the title of the presentation topic.

All further frames will be standard by default and have two areas - for the title and content.

A start. Now you just need to fill your presentation with data, change the design, and so on. The order of execution does not really matter, so further steps do not need to be performed sequentially.

Customizing appearance

As a rule, the design is set up even before the presentation is filled with data. For the most part, this is done because after customizing the appearance, the existing elements of the sites may not look very good, and you have to seriously rework finished document... Therefore, most often they do it right away. For this, the tab of the same name in the program header is used; it is the fourth one on the left.

To configure you need to go to the tab "Design".

There are three main areas here.

The last option should be described in more detail.

Button "Background format" opens an additional side menu on the right. There are three tabs here if you install any design.

These tools are quite enough to make the presentation design not only colorful, but also completely unique. If the specified standard style is not selected in the presentation by this time, then in the menu "Background format" will only "Fill".

Customize slide layout

As a rule, the format is also set up before filling the presentation with information. There is a wide range of templates for this. Most often, no additional settings layouts are not required as the developers provide a good and functional assortment.

If, nevertheless, there is a need to create a slide in the layout that is not provided for by standard templates, then you can make your own blank.

At the end of all work, press the button "Close Pattern Mode"... After that, the system will return to working with the presentation, and the template can be applied to the slide as described above.

Filling with data

Whatever is described above, the main thing in the presentation is filling it with information. Anything can be inserted into the show, as long as it is harmoniously combined with each other.

By default, each slide has its own title and a separate area is allocated for this. Here you should enter the title of the slide, the topic, which is being discussed in this case, and so on. If a series of slides says the same thing, then you can either delete the title, or just not write anything there - the empty area is not displayed when showing the presentation. In the first case, you need to click on the border of the frame and press the button "Del"... In both cases, the slide will not have a title and the system will mark it as "nameless".

Most slide layouts use "Content area"... This section can be used both for entering text and for pasting other files. In principle, any content added to the site automatically tries to occupy this particular slot, adjusting itself to size.

If we talk about the text, then it is calmly formatted standard means Microsoft Office, which are also present in other products of this suite. That is, the user can freely change the font, color, size, special effects and other aspects.

As for adding files, the list is wide. It can be:

  • Images;
  • Mathematical, physical and chemical formulas;
  • SmartArt diagrams and more

There are many different ways to add all this. In most cases, this is done through the tab "Insert".

Also, the content area itself contains 6 icons for quickly adding tables, charts, SmartArt objects, pictures from your computer, pictures from the Internet, and video files. To insert, you need to click on the corresponding icon, after which a toolbox or browser will open to select the desired object.

The inserted elements can be freely moved around the slide with the mouse, choosing the required layout manually. Also, no one forbids resizing, position priority, and so on.

Additional functions

There are also a wide variety of different options available that are optional but not required to enhance your presentation.

Setting up the transition

This point is half related to design and appearance presentation. It is not of such paramount importance as the external setting, so it does not have to be done at all. This toolkit is located in the tab "Transitions".

In the area of "Go to this slide" provides a wide selection of different animation compositions that will be used to transition from one slide to another. You can choose the one you like best or that suits the mood of the presentation, as well as use the customization function. To do this, use the button Effect Parameters, there is a set of settings for each animation.

Region Slide Show Time no longer has to do with visual style. Here you can configure the duration of viewing one slide, provided that they will change without the author's command. But it is also worth noting here an important button for the last paragraph - "Apply to all" allows you not to manually apply the transition effect between slides for each frame.

Animation setting

You can add a special effect to every element, be it text, media, or whatever. It is called "Animation"... The settings for this aspect are located in the corresponding tab in the program header. You can add, for example, animation of the appearance of an object, as well as the subsequent disappearance. detailed instructions on creating and setting up animation is in a separate article.

Hyperlinks and control system

Many serious presentations also customize control systems - control keys, slide menus, and so on. For all this, the hyperlink setup is used. Not in all cases such components should be present, but in many examples it improves the perception and systematizes the presentation well, practically turning it into a separate manual or program with an interface.


Based on the foregoing, you can come to the following most optimal algorithm for creating a presentation, consisting of 7 steps:

  1. Create the required number of slides

    It is not always possible for a user to say in advance how long the presentation will have, but it is best to have an idea. This will help in the future to harmoniously distribute the entire amount of information, customize various menus, and so on.

  2. Customize visual design
  3. Distribute Slide Layout Options

    To do this, either existing templates are selected, or new ones are created, and then distributed to each slide individually, based on its purpose. In some cases, this step may even precede the visual style setting, so that the author can adjust the design parameters just for the chosen arrangement of elements.

  4. Enter all data

    The user enters all the necessary text, media or other types of data into the presentation, distributing them on the slides in the desired logical sequence. All information is edited and formatted right there.

  5. Create and configure additional items

    At this stage, the author creates control buttons, various content menus, and so on. Also, it is not uncommon for individual points (for example, creating slide control buttons) to be created during the composition stage so that you do not have to manually add buttons each time.

  6. Add secondary components and effects

    Customization of animations, transitions, musical accompaniment and so on. This is usually done at the last stage, when everything else is ready. These aspects have little effect on the finished document and you can always refuse them, therefore they are dealt with in the last place.

  7. Check and fix bugs

    All that remains is to double-check everything by running the preview and make the necessary adjustments.


In the end, I would like to discuss a couple of important points.

  • Like any other document, a presentation has its own weight. And it is the larger, the more objects are inserted inside. This is especially true for music and video files in high quality... So you should take extra care to add optimized media files, since a multi-gigabyte presentation not only presents difficulties in transporting and transferring to other devices, but in general can be extremely slow.
  • There are various requirements for presentation design and content. Before starting work, it is best to find out the regulations from the management, so as not to make mistakes and not come to the need to completely redo the finished work.
  • By standards professional presentations, it is recommended not to make large piles of text for those cases when the work is intended to accompany the speech. No one will read all of this, the announcer should pronounce all the basic information. If the presentation is intended for individual study by the recipient (for example, an instruction), then this rule does not apply.

As you can understand, the procedure for creating a presentation includes many more options and steps than you might think from the very beginning. No tutorial will teach you how to create demos better than just experience. So you have to practice, try different elements, actions, look for new solutions.

Presentations created in various applications are used to showcase data in the enterprise, during entertainment events and in educational institutions... There are many types of presentations that use both theoretical slides and videos, musical compositions and voice guidance. The most popular program for creating them is PowerPoint.

If you still do not know how to create beautiful all of its possibilities, it is worth considering in detail step by step instructionssuggested in this article. Here we will look at every moment related to the selection of material, inserting information (sound and visual) into slides, and also learn how to design a presentation in such a way that it looks unique and beautiful.

How to create a presentation: step by step instructions

It is worth explaining right away that this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. So, the first thing we need to create a presentation is PowerPoint. Typically, it is part of the Microsoft suite (Word and Excel). If they are not there, then you have to first download them to your computer from the official Microsoft website. And only after that you can delve into the essence of the question of how to create a presentation on a computer.

It takes a lot of preparation to make the material look really beautiful. First, we pay attention to drawing up a presentation plan. This will help you determine the number of slides and their design. Secondly, we select pictures and compose texts in advance, since it will be problematic to create slides for a presentation without materials suitable for the topic. After everything is ready, you can start directly creating the presentation.

Step one: analyze, plan

Since the presentation implies the direct participation of people in the demonstration and perception of information, the plan should include several rather important points:

  1. Determination of the purpose of the presentation: proof of facts, familiarization with methods, events, etc. The choice of text for slides, subject matter of images, video and audio files will depend on the chosen direction.
  2. Before creating a presentation with music or other soundtrack, you need to clarify for which audience the material is intended. Select only those posts that will be of interest to a particular group.
  3. Calculate the time it will take to show all slides. It makes no sense to waste time deciding how to create a beautiful presentation if the audience does not have time to view it in full.

All these points must be written in a notebook (paper or electronic), setting out in detail all your desires and possibilities regarding the filling and design of the presentation. This will help in the subsequent stages of its creation not to forget something important.

Step two: select materials

The first thing you need to fill the slides is the texts. You can take them as "out of your head", setting out own experience, and from various sources: books, abstracts, scientific or research works, discussions in blogs and forums. Since it is not possible to create a beautiful presentation without pictures, you should be especially careful when choosing them. For this you can use any search engine or personal photos. The same applies to video and audio files.

Graphs, charts and tables for presentations can be created using special programs, then converting the image to jpg, png or gif format. You can also draw graphs by hand using plain paper and felt-tip pens. Then this image needs to be scanned or photographed. PowerPoint also contains many templates that you can adapt to your specific theme.

Step three: create slides

So, let's go directly to the question: how to create a presentation. Create a PowerPoint document on your computer (desktop) and open it. At this stage, we have to create the required number of slides. Open the tab called "Home" and find the button "Create Slide" in its upper left part. To begin with, we make the title of the presentation, for which we select the appropriate slide from the proposed list. Next, add the most appropriate in shape and position of images and texts slides.

Since creating a beautiful presentation is our main task, we proceed to the design of the still white slides by opening the "Design" section on the top panel of the program window. You will have to choose a color scheme from over 40 options! To the right of the theme catalog there is a button "Colors". It is intended to be changed In the section "Background styles" you can change the color of the bottom of the slides.

If during the creation of your presentation you find that one of them is incorrect, you can change it. This is done as follows: go to the "Home" section, select the desired slide (click on it) and click the "Layout" footnote located to the right of the slide creation button. A set of standard slides opens in front of us, from which we choose the option that suits us.

Step four: insert the text

Adding text should not cause any difficulty, even for beginners to master the Power Point program. It is enough to manually enter the previously prepared fragments, or copy them from the Word document. The location of headings and phrases, as well as their design (font), can be changed in the same way as in ordinary text documents.

Next, we need a little fancy, because at this stage it is worth learning how to create a beautiful presentation in which the headings will be decorated in an unusual way. To do this, you need to select the title field and enter a title for the slide. Let's take the phrase "create beautiful headlines" as an example. Next, go to the formatting section on the main page of the program, and then to "Convert to SmartArt". Choose an original design for the title, select a more suitable color scheme (in the drop-down menu) and save it.

Step five: place pictures, videos and graphics

So, we have learned the basic rules of how to create it remains to consider aspects such as inserting pictures and graphs. They help to fully reveal many topics. You can insert them in several ways:

  1. Go to the "Insert" tab, select the "Diagrams" section. In the window that opens, select the elements that are suitable in appearance and save the result. If necessary, enter indicators that will display the value of each sector.
  2. You can arrange tables on a slide in the same way as charts. To do this, just find the "Insert table" section and select the required number of columns and rows in it.
  3. Right on the selected slide, click on the icon of a table, diagram, video or picture, after which a window will open in which you can navigate to the folder in which the images for the presentation are saved.

So how to create correct presentation - this is the most important task, remember this advice: never place more than two images on one slide! Otherwise, the audience will not be able or will not have time to consider them.

Step six: editing images, graphs and charts

Visual effects can help give each slide an even more unique look. They can be applied to all elements. To edit a picture, select it, go to the "Insert" section, on the right side of the panel, look for the "Working with pictures / format" subsection. We go there and edit the drawing: we change the shape, position, color and structure of its borders. Also in this section you can perform image correction: change brightness, apply various artistic effects.

To edit the diagrams, select the desired image, go to the "Insert" tab, find the item "Working with diagrams / designer / layout / format" and proceed to changing the required characteristics. The same applies to charts.

Step seven: insert audio files

So, the presentation is almost ready. It's time to find out where to create a sound presentation. Many people do not know that such functions are available in Power Point. In order to place audio or video on one of the slides, go to the already familiar "Insert" section and look for the "Multimedia" block on the top panel. Choose what to download and from where: from a file, a clip organizer or directly from the Internet. The program also provides for real-time audio recording. Don't like speaking in front of an audience? Then you should plug in a microphone and record comments for each slide.

After downloading the files, the program will ask your consent to automatically play sound recordings and videos after starting to view the slide as they were installed. Alternatively, you can configure click-to-play playback.

Step eight: animations and transitions

For a more effective effect, you can make transitions and animation. The first allows you to flip through slides more smoothly and beautifully. In the menu, which is located in the tab of the same name, you can choose one of 35 transition options between slides. It can be funneling, opening, fading, crushing and more. Please note that you need to set a transition effect for each slide. It is better if it is the same for all elements of the presentation, since the variegated design can distract the attention of the audience from the main topic.

Animation is used to decorate titles and texts on slides after transition. All effects can be found in the Animation section. There you can also adjust the parameters of the effects and even independently determine the paths for moving titles across the slide. With animation, as well as with transitions, you need to be careful. Tumbling, flashing and popping out from all sides letters, which then fold into headings, will not add solidity to your presentation.

Display settings

The last and most important step in creating a beautiful and high-quality presentation is setting the display time for each slide, as well as the time interval when the videos will be played. The settings can be set in the Slide Show section of the Settings menu. At the same time, it is important to try to read aloud the speech with which you are going to describe what is happening on the screen. In order not to be mistaken with the time frame, turn on the "Time Settings", and speak the text slowly. The program will automatically note the time spent on annotating one slide, and you will only have to save the result.

The most common mistakes when creating presentations

So, we have learned all the details on how to create a presentation. The instructions above can help schoolchildren and students as well as adult users. powerPoint programs... In conclusion, I would like to give some tips on how to avoid the most common mistakes. Firstly, despite the colorfulness and attractive design of the slides, they still remain noticeable. Always check the texts for typos and spelling. Secondly, a beautiful presentation is not just pictures surrounded by animated captions and frames. The speaker's speech plays a more important role than the digitized material, so don't be lazy to rehearse your presentation. Thirdly, do not postpone the creation of the presentation until "later", since in this case you will not have time for a meaningful approach to business, and the material itself may not only be uninteresting, but also unattractively designed.

A computer presentation is a multimedia demonstration that is controlled by a user. At any company for the presentation of goods, or the work of the company, etc. a high-quality and attractive presentation is required from the photographs collected during the period of work. At home, it is very pleasant to show your friends, relatives, and even just look at the presentation albums of photos created on a computer.

To create a presentation from a photo, you can find and install a proven one for work, or you can use the resource of your computer.

Computer presentation from a photo - independently, step by step

Today we will analyze an easy way to independently compose a presentation from a photo using the built-in Microsoft PowerPoint program. Everything is simple and does not take a lot of time, but the result will be liked by both relatives, friends and colleagues at work. Today it is one of the better ways make a gift in the form of a presentation from a photo. Let's start.

Important! Remember to save your presentation periodically.

As Napoleon said, "The simplest solutions are the best." Therefore, create a variety of presentations in any of the above options, because nothing is easier.

Video - How to make a photo slideshow with music in PowerPoint?

PowerPoint is a program included in the package microsoft programs Office Suite, and which is used to make presentations. Audiences are shown slides that include text and images to better grab their attention and / or motivation. However, many do not have the skills to do good presentation... If you think your presentation is missing something (or something extra), then read our tips to help you improve it.


Working on the text

    Decide what you want to tell your audience. First you need to decide what your presentation will be. Determine the main theme that will be supported by additional facts. This could be the topic of your essay if you are making a presentation at school, or a description of the services your company offers if you are showing slides in a business office.

    The presentation should convey the most basic information. After you define the topic of your presentation, highlight its most important facts. You will only need to provide the information you need. This way, your presentation can become shorter and more connected.

    Make a plan. Now that you have determined what information you want to include in your presentation, start to outline it. Break your speech down into main points and write them down on paper. Also write down the likely outline of the slide show.

    Presentation format

    1. Optimize your text. When you use slides in PowerPoint, they should support your speech and enhance your presentation, not just stand on their own. You don't have to read from the slides. The slides should not repeat what you say. Ideally, your presentation contains as little text as possible. Reading will distract your audience, even unconsciously, from what you are telling them. Keep this in mind and keep your text to a minimum. Make it easy to read, such as a bulleted list.

      Use handouts. If you are short on time for a presentation, or feel that you cannot provide the audience with all the information, then prepare handouts. Print the material on a page or two and distribute it to each member of the audience or leave it at the entrance for people to take with them. In the printouts, you can provide additional information or indicate the key points of your presentation.

      Use informative graphs. Graphs and charts will make your PowerPoint presentation attractive and help you better communicate your message to your audience. But keep in mind that schedules should not unnecessarily distract people from your presentation.

      Remove unnecessary sounds and effects. Don't include unnecessary visuals and sound effects, for example, animation of graphs, funny sounds, colorful pictures for the background. They will distract viewers and interfere with the perception of information.

    How to make a good presentation

      Practice. You should spend some time practicing your presentation. Check that your speech fits well with the slides. And if the slides change automatically, then train the correct tempo of speech so as not to be late or run ahead of the slides.

      Make your presentation like you're not using PowerPoint. Don't rely too much on the help of the slides. They are only needed to illustrate your speech. Make your presentation as if you were without PowerPoint and draw your audience to you instead of the screen. Talk with interest and enthusiasm. Then your audience will be absolutely delighted and will remember your presentation for years to come.

      Be specific. Don't beat around the bush and give unnecessary information. Tell only what is necessary. Don't take more time from the audience than you need to. Remember - a presentation should never be more than 20 minutes long. If you are a teacher, then make a presentation along with some educational activity. When a presentation is over 20 minutes long, most people start to get tired and lose interest in it. You don't want that to happen.

    1. Inspire. Find ways to inspire your audience. Give them an emotional connection to your material. So they will remember him better and for a long time. Tell with enthusiasm and make the viewer feel it.

      • It won't be enough for you to show that your information is important to someone. You must make it relevant to your audience. Make her understand this. For example, don't give a history lecture expecting students to listen to it with enthusiasm. Show them how what you are telling them is directly related to current events and affects their lives. Look for parallels and direct connections to grab the attention of your audience.
    • Learn from others how they make PowerPoint presentations to see which methods are effective and which are not. Steve Jobs was well known as a great presenter.
    • Remember the 10/20/30 rule - no more than 10 slides, no more than 20 minutes, no less than 30 font size.
    • Each new Microsoft Office Suite contains a large number of new features, vibrant graphics and animations. Avoid this trap, and don't use all of them to show your PowerPoint skill level. Focus more on the content and let PowerPoint help you, not you.
    • If you are using images from Flickr Creative Commons, please include the name of the author of the photo at the end of the presentation.
    • Do not use other people's images unless you are sure you have permission to do so.


    • Never read slides word for word.
    • Sometimes problems can happen with the projector you are using. Be patient and calm. It happens. When the problem is fixed, then pick up where you left off. Smile or tell a short joke. If the repair took a lot for a long timethen start over from the beginning.
    • Even if you skip a slide, don't waste time looking for it. Go ahead and at the end of your presentation tell the audience that you have an important addition to say, then return to the slide you missed. Always be the master of the situation.
    • Practice. Before giving your presentation to your audience, speak it out loud. Train until you feel confident.