The best presentations about space. Presentation "Mysterious Cosmos. Background for Presentation Space

Presentation "Cosmos Conquerors?" Consists of 33 slides. It is designed for children younger school age and tells about the development and study of space by man. Presentation can be used on cool clock, in the lessons of the surrounding world.



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Cosmos Conquerors.

Cosmos is an endless desert with fiery balls of giant stars and moving around them with large and small planets. Cosmos is the Universe, the whole world.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky - the founder of theoretical cosmonautics and rocket artism

Sergey Pavlovich Korolev - Chief Designer of the First Space Rocket

Before a person flew into space, animals visited there. The first in space went a dog husky. At that time, people knew very little about space, and spacecraft were not able to return from orbit. Therefore, the husky remained forever in outer space.

People remember those who first visited space. A monument to the first living creature, who conquered the cosmos, a dog likes a monument to Moscow.

3 years after the unsuccessful flight of the dog husky, two dogs and arrow are sent to space. In space, they stayed only one day and successfully landed on Earth.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin - made the first space flight

Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov - Cosmonaut, first published in open space

Alexey Leonov made his first space flight in the crew with Pavel Belyaev on the spacecraft "Voskhod-2". On March 18, 1965, Alexey Leonov was the first in the world to make an outdoor space.

About his exit to open space and cosmonautics in general, Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov wrote the book "I go out into space", which I myself illustrated

Space Ball

Valentina Nikolaevna Tereshkova - First Woman - Cosmonaut of our country V. Tereshkova

In August 1982, the country learned the name of the cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya. Cosmonaut of Russia was born on August 8, 1948 in Moscow. Daughter twice Hero Soviet Union Marshal aviation Evgenia Yakovlevich Savitsky. Svetlana Savitskaya

Elena Kondakova awarded the title Hero Russian Federation. Elena Kondakova Elena Kondakova October 4, 1994. -22 March 1995

Our Women in Space Valentina Tereshkova Svetlana Savitskaya Elena Kondakova

cosmodrome "Baikonur"

Cosmonauts report natural disasters: about fires in forests

About storms on the seas

Specify the weather forecast

Take care of your planet - because another, similar, no!

thanks for attention

A monument to the first cosmonaut Yury Gagarin was delivered.

Slide 1.

The long-awaited dance call, the lesson begins!

The subject of the lesson: '' Cosmos concept. Space exploration.''

Kazakhstan Karaganda SOSH No. 5 Zalesskaya Irina Valerievna

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The tasks of the lesson: to expand the idea of \u200b\u200bspace, cosmic bodies, the galaxy, the solar system, to understand what the planets differ from the stars, to get acquainted with the history of space development.

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Everything in the universe revolves around the Earth due to the strong earthly attraction.

Apollo is the God of the Sun. He takes the sun every day across the sky in his chariot.

The space in which all the celestial bodies are located is called space.

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- This is the whole world around the world.

Scientists believe that the universe occurred as a result of a huge outbreak called a large explosion.


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On the lunar night you can see the white strip passing through all the sky. This is a Milky Way, our galaxy, a huge cluster of the stars, - our house in space. The Milky Way is one of the millions of galaxies in the universe.


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Galaxies are large starry systems in which the stars are associated with each other gravity forces. There are galaxies that include trillions of stars. In addition to conventional galaxy stars include interstellar gas, dust, neutron stars, black holes.

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- This is a heavenly body of 5-10 km, which flies with a huge speed and can fall on the planet.


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Comets are similar to balls from dirty snow. When they are near the sun, ice melts, and the dust and gas form the tail. The core comet is only a few kilometers wide, but her tail extends to a distance of millions of kilometers.

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Self-dried celestial bodies consisting of split gases, by nature similar to the sun. About 3000 stars can be seen in the sky.

All stars have a different number of years. Some shine brighter than others. New stars are born all the time from the clouds of dust and gas, which are called nebula.

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Stars are combined into groups - constellations. All the sky is divided into 88 constellations.

Some constellations received names in honor of animals, others - in honor of the ancient heroes or gods. Since the Earth rotates, we have the opportunity to observe various constellations.

Stars - giants almost 100 times more than our sun. Stars - Dwarfs 50 times less than the sun. The hottest stars are white, temperatures from 10 thousand to 100 thousand degrees Celsius. Warm stars, for example our sun, with a temperature of 6 thousand degrees. Cold stars - reddish temperatures 2-3 thousand degrees Celsius.

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Ancient observers believed that the stars were stationary and attached to the sky. The exception was only 5 special stars. Which quickly moved among the rest. They were called the planets that translated means a "wandering star." But the planets are not stars.

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Solar system!

The sun and turning around it the planet make up the solar system. It includes all planets and satellites, comets and slices of rock, cosmic dust and ice that rotate around the sun.

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Saturn Jupiter Uranus Neptune Earth Venus Mars Mercury Pluto

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The earth did not get the name of God, so its name symbolizes life. On earth is not so hot, as in Mercury or as in Venus and therefore there is life on Earth.

The Mercury Planet was named in honor of the Roman God of Trade. Mercury is located very close to the Sun, so there is no life there. Year is 88 days. Time from sunrise to sunset is 6 months.

Venus - the second from the sun planet. Named in honor of the Greek Goddess of Love. It is covered with thick layers of clouds. These clouds hide the surface of the planet, which reigns a sewing heat.

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The next planet was named after Jupiter - the chapters of all the gods. Jupiter - 5th planet in the account. This huge ball consists of liquid and gas. One turn around his axis makes in 10 hours.

The planet Mars was named after the war of war. Mars looks red, because its stones contain iron oxide. On Mars there is no life, as it is very cold on it.

Saturn's planet was named after Saturn - Jupiter's father. Saturn is surrounded by two wide rings. These rings consist of gas, ice particles and rocks.

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Pluto's planet was named after the God of the Underground World. This is the 9th planet for the Sun account.

The new planet was called in honor of Uranus - Father Saturn. Uranus 7th planet on the Sun account.

The planet Neptune was named after Neptune - the god of the sea. Neptune 8th planet in the account. Here are the strongest winds. They develop the speed of 2000km / h.

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The sun is the closest to us the star in the universe. Like all the stars, the sun is a ball of hot glowing gases. The sun is 109 times more than our planet. On the surface of the Sun, the temperature reaches 6.000 Globs S.

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The sun from the ground is very far away. It is so far that only the small part of its heat reaches the Earth. Such a distance is difficult to imagine, because There are no such sizes on our planet. But we still try to imagine. The same distance can be overcome for different time. It all depends on what speed to move: on foot, by car, by plane. "Distance to Sun" Running - Approximately 3.5 thousand years per car - 200 years by plane - 20 years at the speed of light - 8 minutes

Slide 21.

The moon is the closest neighbor of the Earth in Space. We see the moon in the sky, because it reflects the sunlight. It seems that the shape of the moon varies. This is because it rotates in orbit around the Earth, and the various parts of its surface addressed to us are illuminated by sunlight.

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Russian scientist Inventor Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky made a huge contribution in the field of technology and movement mechanics. It had the first planes of metal airships and the ideas of a possible departure of a person beyond the limits of earthly attraction.

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Soviet scientist and designer in the field of rocket lighting and cosmonautics Korolev Sergey Pavlovich - Pioneer of space of space. Under his leadership, the first space complex, rockets, an artificial satellite of the Earth, were flying spacecraft "East" and "Sunrise", on which for the first time in history, the Space Flight of the person and the yield of a person in the open outer space is.

Every year in Russia on April 12, the first flight of a person is noted in space, in addition, in schools in the lessons of the surrounding world, history and astronomy, space, cosmic bodies are studied, aircrafts, Stars, Sky and all that is connected with it.

In this section, we collected PowerPoint presentation templates about space, space flights, planets, universe, stars and celestial luminaires. You can download them to your computer and create training presentations based on them.

The background of the presentations about space, as a rule, dark blue, with the image of stars, but when creating training presentations, you need to remember two rules:

  • you can not write a dark font on a dark background, otherwise the text can not be read. On the background it is better to make a "substrate" with transparency;
  • in many school classes, there is no sufficient darkening of windows and are not so good so that the image can be clearly discerning.

Therefore, pay attention to the background of your presentation about space: it should not be too dark, and the text on it should be contrasting. Do not forget that preservation of vision of students is the task of the teacher.

Background for Presentation Space

The PowerPoint program gives teacher a lot of opportunities for an interesting, colorful and informatively saturated lesson. On the slides can be placed illustrative material, fragments of a video tutorial or film, a video of the experience that is difficult to spend in the school laboratory. It is very convenient to display graphics, schemes, tables on the slide. And for quizzes presentation PowerPoint Very convenient, especially if you use animation effects.

The only thing that creates inconvenience is the need for time spent on creating a presentation, and it takes too much a share of layout. The design and style of the layout, of course, must match the topic of the lesson or extracurricular activitiesAnd it creates additional difficulties.

But these difficulties are easy to avoid if you download a free presentation template on our site. For example, in this section You can choose a beautiful pattern for a lesson or event associated with space. Choose a layout and create!

(Greek. Kosmos - Stroy, order, world, universe) Initially in the ancient Greeks (starting from Pythagora 6 in BC. er) - the Universe as a slim organized system as opposed to chaos disorderly journey of matter. From the Greeks, the term "K." Moved B. modern science As the synonym for the Universe K. includes interplanetary, interstellar, intergalactic space with all objects in it. From the concept of "K." (outer space) sometimes exclude Earth with its atmosphere. In this sense, the term "K." (The term "Middle K.") is also used) received widespread after launch (1957) in the USSR of the first artificial space object - an artificial satellite of the Earth and began studying the near-earth and interplanetary medium with the help of various kinds of space aircraft.

What is she - life in orbit? The rise in orbit at astronauts is usually scheduled for 7 am. The working day lasts about 10 hours on weekdays and 5 hours on Saturdays.

Food: Tubes with food for ISS workers have long passed into the past. Now they feed in advance submiliated (dehydrated food), which choose themselves from the special menu.

Hygiene: if the astronauts could only enjoy using wet napkinsNow now at the station there is a bath, though her form resembles a barrel. In the toilets instead of water use vacuum.

Equipment: Spacks are used when removing the station to orbit. During docking, dusting, landing. And the rest of the time they wear more comfortable clothes that are sewn from cotton. In the clothes of astronauts do not use buttons, because they can break away and fly at the station. Footwear Cosmonauts use only in sports

The first cosmonaut spoke about this beauty

It all started with him ... Sergey Pavlovich Korolev (Soviet scientist, designer and organizer of the production of rocket and space technology and rocket weapons of the USSR, the founder of practical cosmonautics. The largest figure of XX in the field of space rocket lighting and shipbuilding. S. P. Korolev is the creator of the Soviet rocket - Kosmatic technique that has provided a strategic parity and the USSR with an advanced rocket-space power. is a key figure in mastering a person space a. Thanks to his ideas, for the first time in the world, the artificial satellite of the Earth and the first cosmonaut of our planet Yuri Gagarin A was launched.

And how not to believe in miracles! Now we know it firmly. Heaven will be conquered for us! And above the sky only stars! We keep a course on space, in a dream. May the sky be and kind, and read, let the new heroes pick up height. Let the cosmos be closer to us.

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Look at these babies - they look at the night sky with interest! There are so many beautiful stars! People from the most long-old time loved to look at the stars, and they were very interesting - what are they really!

And once they decided to fly into space! To the stars! For flight to space, people built a space rocket. A cosmonaut was planted in the rocket - it was he who had to control the rocket and fly to the stars.

But the fact is that in space is very and very cold. If you go into space without a special costume - you can instantly frozen and turn into a layering. In addition, there is very little air in space and an ordinary person in it will not be able to breathe. That is why the astronaut, which flew into space, dressed here such a jade. The jade is very warm and protects astronaut from cold even in space. In addition, a person can breathe in a scaffle - he supplies a man with air.

The very first cosmonaut flew into space was Yuri Gagarin.

When the astronaut sat in the rocket, the countdown went: "Five, four, three, two, one, start!". The rocket broke away from the ground, fire broke out of her tail - her engine worked so much. And the rocket flew high into the sky.

She climbed higher and higher! Look! She is already above the clouds!

And now the rocket was in the open space! That's what cosmonauts saw in space!

It is our planet Earth - we live on it. As you can see - she is round - looks like a big ball. Our planet is very and very big. Therefore, we do not notice that it looks like a ball. But if you rise above the ground, we will see it from the cosmos, as in this picture.

Look, blue stains on our planet are water - the sea and oceans. Green specks are green forests and meadows. Brown spots are mountains. True, she is very beautiful, our planet? And this small ball in the corner is our moon!


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The moon from space is also visible as a ball. The moon is much smaller than our planet Earth.

Here's what the moon looks like if you take care of it closer.

But such astronauts saw our sun. Huge glowing fireball. But the cosmonauts could not care about the sun - because the sun is very, very hot. If you get closer to it too close - you can breathe at all.

Other stars that we see from the ground is also the sun. They are just so far from us that they seem just small dots.

And the cosmonauts saw the planets in the space that rotated around the sun.

Look, in this picture depicts all planets that rotate around the sun. Pay attention to what a huge our sunshine! It is most of all the other planets combined! And our planet Earth is that it is the third from the Sun - very small compared to other planets.

In this picture you can see what different planets are planets and what our sun turns out. From Earth Sun seems to us not so much, because it is very far from us. In fact, this is what it is huge!

All planets solar system Rotate around the Sun in their orbit. On those planets, which are very close to the Sun - very hot - hot than on a hot skillet! We could not stay there and seconds! And on the farthest planets - which are far from the sun - on the contrary it is very cold, because the sun's rays do badly there.

That's how much interesting astronauts can see in space! Now you know about all and you!