Modern problems of science and education. Corn silk extract Rpk corn extract

    A thick, opaque liquid mass obtained by vacuum evaporation of steeping waters, which are a waste of corn-starch production. In the prom. microbiol. is used as a component of media for growing actinomycetes and fungi. (Source:… … Microbiology Dictionary

    Condensed Corn Extract - Condensed corn extract: corn extract, condensed under vacuum to a concentration of at least 48% dry matter mass fraction ... Source: STARCH AND STARCH PRODUCTS. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. GOST R 51953 2002 (approved by the Resolution ... ... Official terminology

    condensed corn extract - Corn extract, condensed under vacuum to a concentration of at least 48% of the mass fraction of dry matter. [GOST R 51953 2002] Topics starch and starch products General terms by-products of processing starch-containing raw materials ... Technical translator's guide

    Active ingredient ›› Artichoke leaf extract (Cynarae scomuli foliae extract) Latin name Extract from artichoke ATX: ›› A05AX Other drugs for the treatment of diseases of the biliary tract Pharmacological groups: Biologically ... ...

    Actinomycetes - (radiant fungi) Class Actinomycetes Family Actinomysetaceae. Genus Actinomycer Harz. It is a separate group of chlorophyll-free microorganisms similar in structure to molds and differing from them in the absence of nuclei in ... ...

    Penicillus golden - (penicillium chrysogenum, golden raceme) Penicillium Chrysogenum Thorn. Family Mucedinaceae. The class is imperfect mushrooms. Among the mushrooms widespread in nature, the most important for medicinal purposes are green racemose ... ... Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

    Active ingredient ›› Ginkgo biloba leaf extract (Ginkgo Bilobae foliorum extract) Latin name of Memoplant ATX: ›› N06BX19 Ginkgo biloba Pharmacological groups: Nootropics ›› Antiplatelet agents ›› Angioprotectors and correctors ... ... Dictionary of Medicines

    Latin name Strix ATX: ›› V06DX Combinations of food means others Pharmacological group: Regenerants and reparants Nosological classification (ICD 10) ›› H35.3 Macular and posterior pole degeneration ›› H36.0 Diabetic retinopathy (E10 ... ... Dictionary of Medicines

    Latin name Strix Kid s Pharmacological groups: Dietary supplements - vitamin-mineral complexes ›› Dietary supplements - products of plant, animal or mineral origin Nosological classification (ICD 10) ›› H53.9 Disorder ... ... Dictionary of Medicines

    Latin name Strix forte Pharmacological groups: dietary supplements - vitamin-mineral complexes ›› dietary supplements - products of plant, animal or mineral origin Nosological classification (ICD 10) ›› H25 Senile ... ... Dictionary of Medicines

    The Latin name of Gerimax ATC: ›› A11AB Multivitamins in combination with other drugs Pharmacological groups: Tonics and adaptogens ›› Macro and trace elements ›› Vitamins and vitamin-like drugs Nosological ... ... Dictionary of Medicines


P. I. Afanasyev, Yu. V. Kalinin, N.N. Selezneva, D.A. Kochelenko, V.M. Yartsev

Annotation. Thickened corn extract contains about 20% crude protein and 8-10 g of phosphorus, which makes it a promising feed additive, the use of which eliminates the need to use synthetic nitrogen-phosphorus additives for fattening cattle on pulp. Feeding it in a mixture with molasses and neutralized form helps to increase the milk production of cows and the growth rate of bulls.

Key words: corn, extract, pulp, gobies, fattening, cows, diet, nutritional value, productivity.

In the beet-growing regions of Russia, a significant part of the overhauled livestock of cattle is fed on pulp, which is characterized by a low nutritional value, as well as a low content of protein and phosphorus. This limits its use in feeding farm animals.

For balancing nitrogen and phosphorus in traditional pulp diets, either large amounts of concentrated feed are included, or synthetic nitrogen-phosphorus and phosphorus-containing preparations such as diammonium phosphate, monosodium phosphate, disodium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate, etc. are used.

These mineral supplements are quite expensive and their inclusion in the rations significantly increases the cost of the resulting beef. Until recently, it was believed that when fattening cattle on pulp, it was impossible to do without these additives, since without their use in animals, mineral metabolism is disturbed, accompanied by a significant waste of the fattening livestock due to mass osteomalacia.

However, it is possible to balance pulp rations by using non-traditional sources of protein and phosphorus.

So, in the production of starch from corn grain, an extract is obtained as a by-product, which in a dried form contains significant amounts of nutrients and minerals (Table 1).

These data indicate that in terms of the content of crude and digestible protein, the sweetened extract surpasses barley, which is the main component of compound feeds of many recipes, by 16.9 and 33.3%, respectively, and in terms of phosphorus - in

7.1 times. This seems to be quite relevant, since traditional pulp diets are poor in protein and phosphorus. In addition, the extract has an increased content of magnesium, zinc, cobalt and iodine.

Moreover, the protein of the thickened extract is 2-3 times cheaper than the protein of cereals. The presence in the corn extract of a high content of lactic acid, which is practically not inferior in energy value to glucose, makes it possible to largely compensate for the absence of starch and sugar, which mainly determine the overall energy supply of feed. By creating an additional source of readily available energy, lactate significantly acidifies the extract (to pH \u003d 3.8-4.0) and in this form it is poorly eaten by animals.

At the same time, there are several ways to modify the extract:

Mixing it with molasses;

Neutralization of lactic acid with alkali and base solutions;

Drying of the thickened extract until it contains 90-94% of dry matter.

At present, drying of the extract, due to extremely high energy prices, is less relevant than the first two options. Their use can significantly reduce the acidity of the extract without a significant increase in cost.

Thus, summarizing the above, we can conclude that the modification of the extract by using it in cattle rations mixed with molasses and in a neutralized state can significantly enrich them with energy, protein, phosphorus and deficient microelements without significantly increasing the price of the new product.

In the studies, ammonia water and lime "milk" were used as lactate neutralizers. When using an aqueous solution of ammonia in the neutralized extract, an increase in nitrogen content was noted, which, as is known, can be utilized by the microflora of the ruminant rumen as a plastic material for protein synthesis. The use of lime "milk" increases the level of calcium.

To study the effectiveness of using molasses, it was mixed with the extract in a ratio of 0.5: 1; 1: 1; 1.5: 1; 2: 1.

Establishment studies on gobies in the final period of fattening on beet pulp and lactating cows showed that the use of thickened corn extract in combination with molasses and an extract neutralized with ammonia water or lime "milk" in the diets significantly improves its palatability. At the same time, gobies and cows perfectly ate a mixture of molasses and extract, already starting from a ratio of 0.5: 1. Feeding the usual extract led to the fact that the consumption of the main rations - corn silage and beet pulp - was reduced by 12-14% compared to the use of its modified versions in the diets.

The use of a mixture of extract with molasses and its neutralized variants when fattening bull-calves on pulp and super-repairing heifers on silage-fed, starting from 5% by weight of the amount of dry matter of the diet with a stepwise increase to a dose of 20%, showed that the content of digestible protein in the diets increases by 9.6-38.6%, and phosphorus - by 16.1-64.7%. Modeling diets

Table 1 - Chemical composition of corn extract

1 kg of extract contains

EKE 1,121,14 sugar, g - zinc, mg 3,23,8

OE, MJ 11.211.4 BEV, g 248274 manganese, mg 52240

dry matter, g 38-42 calcium, g 0.20.5 cobalt, mg 0.20.4

crude protein, g 180 220 phosphorus, g 8.0 10.4 iodine, mg 0.20.4

digestible protein, g 148167 magnesium, g 5.25.8 carotene, mg -

fat. g 4-7 potassium 2.44.4 Vit. A, ME -

starch, g - sulfur, g 1.11.3 Vit. D, ME -

fiber, g 0.2-0.4 iron, mg 0.20.4 Vit. E, mg 6.26.8

showed that the use of the extract at a dose of 10% of dry matter in the diet allows you to completely abandon the inclusion of mineral phosphorus-containing additives in the feeding regime both when feeding animals on pulp and on silage.

When studying the effect of feeding the extract to bull calves and heifers both against the background of bagasse and against the background of corn silage, as the main feed for rations, it was found that the average daily gain increases depending on the dose by 8.4-12.6%, however, a linear proportional relationship is observed before the dose 15% of the dry matter of rations. An increase in the dose of the extract above this value was accompanied by a significant overconsumption of protein to obtain 1 kg of weight gain in experimental bulls and heifers.

Feeding the extract to fresh cows in doses of 0.5; 1.0; 1.5 and 2.0 kg per head per day showed that the use of its combination with molasses and the neutralized version, the average daily milk yield, depending on the dose, increases by 7.6-10.4%.

It should be noted that the extract neutralized with ammonia water and lime "milk" can be stored for no more than 2 days, after which the denaturation of proteins begins, accompanied by the appearance of a pronounced putrid odor. Attempts to use

the use of such an extract was accompanied by disorders of the digestive system in experimental animals.

At the same time, a mixture of the extract with molasses can be stored without deterioration in quality characteristics for at least six months.

Thus, corn extract is of considerable interest as a protein supplement, the use of which, with appropriate refinement, contributes to a significant increase in the milk productivity of cows, as well as the growth rate of bulls and heifers for fattening.

Afanasyev PI, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Technology, Department of Breeding and Private Animal Science, Belgorod State Agricultural Academy, tel. 8-920-586-36-43.

Kalinin Yu.V., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences of FGBOU VPO "Belgorod State Agricultural Academy".

Selezneva N.N., post-graduate student of the Belgorod State Agricultural Academy, E-tsh1 [email protected], 8-950-716-99-15.

Kochelenko DA, post-graduate student of the Belgorod State Agricultural Academy.

VM Yartsev, post-graduate student of the Belgorod State Agricultural Academy.

Corn silk extract is a unique product. The plant has long been used in folk medicine, because the herb has a number of useful properties. The extract is presented in the form of a powder mixture, which can be dissolved in water, glycerin or infusion.

Extract description

The products contain tannins, vitamins, minerals, hormones, proteins, carbohydrates, acids, essential oils, glycosides, tannins, saponins and other elements.

Pharmacological properties

The tool allows you to restrain the growth of cancer cells, normalizes metabolism in the body, and maintains the immune system in proper condition. The tool has an antioxidant effect, lowers blood sugar, improves the functioning of the liver and pancreas. The extract has a choleretic effect, it reduces appetite and is often used for effective weight loss. The products soothe the nervous system, have an antispasmodic, hemostatic effect.

Decoctions of the extract increase mood, improve sleep, brain activity, and remove irritability. Corn stigmas improve the secretion of bile, lower its viscosity, lower the degree of bilirubin, accelerate blood clotting, increase the prothrombin index.

Indications for use

The tool is often used to dissolve stones in the kidneys, bladder, ureters. They safely and harmlessly remove stones from the urinary tract. The tool is used to treat chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia. It is shown in edematous syndrome, nephrourolithiasis, with bleeding, which are associated with a reduced prothrombin index.

The extract from corn silk can treat obesity, diabetes, muscle weakness, uterine bleeding.


The tool is contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to the presented drug. It is forbidden to use the product for people with thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, varicose veins, high blood clotting. The remedy is not prescribed for people with poor appetite, it is not recommended to take the remedy during menstruation.

The product is contraindicated for people with a lack of potassium and magnesium.

Method of administration and dosage

Approximate dosage is 5%. Before use, the powder should be diluted with water, infusion, decoction or other liquid.

Interaction with other medicinal products

The extract can be combined with other herbal remedies, the main thing is to always adhere to the doctor's recommendations.

Side effects

Overdose of corn silk extract can cause nausea, headache and even cystitis! Therefore, before using the product, it is recommended to consult a doctor, and always adhere to the dosages in order to avoid a lot of unpleasant consequences.

You can buy the product in our online store at a reasonable cost.

corn extract

thick opaque liquid mass obtained by vacuum evaporation of steeping waters, which are a waste of corn-starch production. In the prom. microbiol. used as a component wednesday for growing actinomycetes, fungi.

(Source: "Microbiology: Dictionary of Terms", Firsov N.N., M: Bustard, 2006)

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