What small business is popular in Europe. Idea # 7. Phytosta from plants. Find for parents from Europe

New startups, not finding a sufficient response from consumers, scattered in the dust without incurring any profit.

Suddenly, it is rather developing rather, bringing multimillion profit to the organizer. Upon learning of those projects that were successful and too bold, it remains only to regret that they did not come to our heads. And is it possible to realize these ideas to life in our country, we will see further.

This idea enriched Colombian, who founded Petbutler in his country . Company employees are engaged in harvesting excrement for dogs for a specific fee, which their customers list weekly.

Once this proposal to Matt Boswell, the founder of the company, it seemed ridiculous. However, the economic warehouse of the mind and the entrepreneurial grip helped to quickly analyze all the pros and cons of the proposal. And here is the result - now Petbutler is the largest company for the implementation of such unpleasant work as a fecal of animal feces. This work refers to the number of those that do not like, even be broken, and seek to avoid performing themselves.

The calculation was as follows: If you take a district of 30 km by a radius, then it is more than 100,000 dogs, even if 1% of the owners of these animals will pay weekly his company's services, this is a decent amount.

Now PetButler customers are more than 5,000 dog breeders, and more than a hundred franchises have already been sold in various states.

For Russia, this idea would not be bad, but there is no sufficiently strict legislation for force to clean the excrement on the lawns behind the dogs.

In our country there are conscious citizens who themselves are cleaned during walking behind dogs, but such units. If you consider breeders of different breeds of dogs, then it is likely that these services can be in demand. But it should be noted that the concentration of breeders in any region is not so large, so high-speed is hardly possible.

Babushkino jam

Entrepreneur Fraser Daerty at the age of 16 threw school and opened his Super Jam company. At the age of 14, he began selling banks with a jam of his own manufacture, which made it known now not only in Native Scotland.

The company's annual turnover currently has more than 500,000 cans, this is 1/5 of the entire jam market in England. In addition to the Geminic Business, Doherty decided to write a book, now on sale you can find two, both are devoted to his business. The Scottish entrepreneur organizes many parties for pensioners, as part of the SuperjamteaParties charitable organization, which also organized Doherty.

The company's products have their own booth at the exhibition of the National Museum of Scotland, being a recognized example of an exemplary food brand.

In the Russian version there is already a similar company that does not simply supplies high-quality jams and jams in all regions of the country, but also produces export products - these are jams under the brand name of Maheyev (Essen Production Company is located in the Republic of Tatarstan).

Cushions with grain filler

This business was opened quite spontaneously with a housewife Kim Levin, which sewed in the grain fabric, a pillow was obtained with a pleasant aroma, she warmed it in the microwave, and a pillow was obtained for relaxation. She gave their first products to children and relatives. Then they began to ask for friends and familiar to sew the same pillows, there were a lot of calls, so that Kim was thinking about the wholesale of pillows for relaxation with grain inside. The potential of ideas with relaxes-pillows was immediately appreciated, and Kim began to look for partners, walk to retailers.

The housewife perseverance was rewarded, a major network shop agreed to include its pillows into his range. As a result - a multimillion case, which was started with a cute gift from Mom to children.

Kim Levin constantly updates his blog, and she also wrote a book about how mothers can turn into a successful businesswoman and become millionaires.

In Russia, such a trend is also noticeable and on sale you can find quite a long time buckwheat pillows for sleep, with a lavender filler and others. The range is quite wide and prices available, so not only Americans can open a successful business for health.

Mobile Wedding

The idea with a mobile wedding, again is embodied in America.

Wedding Wagon - the so-called company offering a wedding service at any selected place (available options are posted on the site aforementioned company - this can be the hotel room, park, Las Vegas Square and others).

All accessories needed for the ritual of marriage and worship are located in the trunk of the van. The services of the photographer, the witness and other options are also offered by the company's service. The event, on average, will cost $ 130, and at the end of the newlywed ceremony will receive the necessary legal documents and the certificate indicating this oath.

Homemade jellyfish

This startup, which brought popularity to the author, is a bright example of the fact that education will never be superfluous, you just need to be able to use it. Alex Endon, a former student of the University of Duke, graduated from the faculty of marine biology, after which he opened Jellyfishart. Now the founder lives in San Francisco.

This startup is notable for its uniqueness - pets, which he offers - marine jellyfish. At first, Alex conducted a study of the market of domestic animals and found that his such idea visited the first and only one.

The starting capital of JellyFishart was 50 thousand dollars, and the cost of one jellyfish is 39 dollars. The company opened its online store and, besides the pets themselves, you can get a tank for jellyfish, special food for them, various accessories and the necessary elements to ensure the vital activity of pets and care for them.

Since jellyfish is a fairly exotic pet idea, it can well be implemented on the Russian market. The question in the price and availability of this offer. If you do not focus on the middle class, and to implement as an exclusive product, you can also have a major profit.

Knitted sweater

Where to take money to start your own business? It is with this problem that 95% of novice entrepreneurs are facing! In the article, we revealed the most relevant ways to obtain starting capital for the entrepreneur. We also recommend carefully examine the results of our experiment in the exchange earnings:

John Kaparar founded his jumper business after one not spent congratulations. He very much wanted to give someone from close friends to the Christmas sweater, it is disappointing and helped to appear the idea of \u200b\u200bopening a company selling knitted sweaters.

The range of SKEDOUCHE is designed in such a way that you can find a sweater as a gift for different holidays, and the dimensional line is large, you can find knitted products for children, men and women, there are sweaters and domestic pets. Starting capital, which John Kaplar invested in his idea, amounted to 40 thousand dollars.

Despite the fact that Russian girls and grandmothers did not extend to still knit, there is no such tradition to give warm knitted sweaters for the holiday, but hend-meid itself is a trend, so knitted things having their highlight are quite popular and many housewives support their budget. Such a host. Putting the production to flow, you can lose uniqueness.

Cheese sculptures

Creates edible masterpieces of Sarah Kauffman, and the beginning of this terrific business was an order for creative advertising of the crowning company Wisconsindairy.

Thecheeselady, now it is a sore alias. She opened her talent and makes sculptures from cheese for exhibitions, they can be bought as souvenirs.

Such a business for Russia will be unique, as it is also not deprived of a feeling of beauty and know how to appreciate it. Such a plan of work is exclusive, but in Russia there are connoisseurs of carved cheese.

African coffins

An enterprising artisans were found in Ghana, who invented the idea of \u200b\u200bcreative registration of coffins. An unusual approach to mourning craft allowed to receive solid money.

Here, the relationship is important - only individual orders, there is no limit on form and material, if you are ready for it to pay - artisans will prove any very bold idea.

Now a number of models Africans produce serially and supply them to Europe and America. For the end user, the burial in the boot or bottle of Coca-Cola will cost about 1000 dollars.

And in Russia you can find consumers for such an unusual product. Nothing human is alien, and therefore, in the presence of the described offer and sufficient funds from the consumer, artistic coffins will also find their buyer.

Adoption of Luca

Wonderful, and even an absurd startup, which lived for almost a whole year, was to grant the opportunity to adopt a marinated bulb. Such an idea was trying to enrove a resident of the County of Kent in the UK.

An 47-year-old woman created a site adoptapickledonion.com, where a variety of bulbs in marinade were exhibited for everyone. The future "parent" could choose the "kid", which will be presented with care and happy life. For 8 euros, the happy owner of the pickled onion received a beautiful testimony about the adoption of a smiling lover and her own photo.

Help suicides

There is such a news agency, called Lasttour, offering rather specific excursions. They are based on statistical data - places where suicides happens most.

The target audience of this company is the people who have conceived of suicide. For $ 50, accompanied by a guide, you can choose the most picturesque or interesting place to notice accounts with life. Business flourishes, although from the side this idea seems illegal.

Japanese friend

If the services of an elite escort exist for a long time, then rent a friend or relative is the idea of \u200b\u200bfresh enough. Hagemashitai has opened in Japan , where you can come to the anniversary , funeral, any other event with a rented companion - wife, husband. Professional actors will play the right role for affordable money.

As such, the maintenance service in Russia is flourishing for quite a long time. In major cities, it was always possible to invite a suitable woman as accompaniment, and you can find a man who will be an excellent companion for a solid woman. So it is not yet known where the idea of \u200b\u200ba friend came from where the Japanese came.

Cleaning offenses of a crime

In Atlanta, Murderscenemopup opened, which performs the work for which no one wants to take. And indeed, it is very difficult to make cleaning at the crime scene, where the air itself is saturated with pain, fear and the smell of death itself. The company's turnover is more than 2,000,000 dollars, since those who want to pass this honor to anyone, just not to do themselves.

Cleaning companies in our country are removed not only at the crime scene, but also on the site of the last holiday, and sometimes it is not known that worse. For this reason, a narrow specialization of a separate newly educated company will not be able to compete with universal cleaners, for which it does not matter where to clean, especially if the question is resolved in their favor.


Very relevant idea for citizens living in the tense rhythm. In San Diego, a club organizing a leisure man is open, relieving stress in the best way. You can beat the dishes in Sarah'ssmashSHSHack, break the televisions, throw chairs, beat the bottles, throw darts in the photo of the boss. You can bring a flash drive with music, for the accompaniment of which you will go dry. For the pleasure of splitting 15 plates will have to pay 45 dollars, and for three vases, only 15.

Surely, more practical Russians will prefer to beat the dishes for more affordable funds, and this is the game in the snowball in winter, or a cute home party with a portrait of the head on the darts wheel will completely replace the anti-stress room. Although, depending on what form to teach this idea. Tim Building, as a direction, in Russia already works and is quite efficient.

Business in foreign countries has several other specifics due to the difference in culture and legislation. For this reason, a part simply will not come down, not finding a response in consumers of a wide Russian soul, and a part, and a large, has long been developed in the country, and these foreign ideas have Russian roots.

People wishing to find new business ideas that do not require large financial investments, to create their own profitable enterprise in 2017, it is not necessary to invent something innovative.

It is enough to examine the existing destinations in business, choose a matter of shower and you can proceed to organizational issues.

Business ideas from Europe and America

Mastyny \u200b\u200bbusinessmen argue that current business ideas are on the surface. Many well-known entrepreneurs became owners of a profitable and promising business (including), dealing with a solving problems of a private nature.

For example, YouTube was invented by two friends who tried to exchange video files. As a result, the video hosting brought more than $ 1.5 billion with its creators.

It should be noted that many new business ideas who arrived in Russia came from America or Europe. It is due to this by the fact that in European countries and America, entrepreneurial activities there are enough long period and is saturated with various innovative projects, many of which can be used to meet the needs of Russians.

The age of information technology pushed the classical directions of home business and entrepreneurship to the second plan, to which the opening of outlets, car services, sewing workshops belong.

It is impossible to say that such projects will not profit. But in modern conditions in 2016, services and devices, while saving time and money of man are much more in demand.

And in this case, it is worth interpreting experience in America and Europe, which bet on IT technology and waste recycling.

Business built on human laziness

The modern consumer does not want to spend time and effort on tedious shopping, offices, salons in search of the necessary goods or services.

First, it was noticed by the owners of pizzerias and sushi studios, whose customers can make an order by phone or on the Internet.

Now, other businessmen, including entrepreneurs who own laundries, are trying to follow their paths, including those who own laundries, whose orders have been seriously declined due to human laziness.

Laundry delivery

The Washio mobile app, developed in America, was released specifically for laundry customers. Filling the online application, the customer indicates the address, weight and volume of linen in need of washing.

The courier takes dirty things, and after processing that takes no more than 24 hours, delivers back pure underwear. The cost of the service is 4-5 dollars per 1 kg of linen.

As a result, the client laundry base expanded noticeably, and Washio operates in the largest cities of the United States. This is a rather promising idea for business in Russia for 2016, not requiring large financial investments.

Important: The advantage of the idea is the possibility of transformation of the idea almost under all areas of activity.

Quick search for goods with the "Smart Shopping" app

Many successful companies sell products not only by opening real outlets, but also via the Internet. have long been an integral part of e-commerce attracting:

  • consumers - the convenience and simplicity of shopping, respectively, it turns out high,
  • businessmen - the ability to get additional profits.

But leading world brands do not like running on the spot. Manufacturers are constantly in search of creative ideas that can attract the buyer's attention to products and open new ways to be useful people. Recently, Australian developers presented a new application for the booodl smartphone.

In 2016, a novelty instantly gained enormous popularity not only among residents of Australia, but also around the world, in particular Europe and America.

Lazy shopping lovers can now simply open BoOODL, enter the name of the desired product, and the application shows the nearest trading points where this product can be purchased.

The application also notifies people about approaching the outlet where you can buy certain products or things. To do this, before going out of the house, make a shopping list in Boooodl.

The developers of the Navigator receive profits from contributions that the shop owners pay.

The main thing is to market and launch promotional videos on social networks - it will be the cheapest application promotion option, because with their help the application can find potential consumers worldwide.

Tip! You can think about the launch of such an application for snack bars, cafes and restaurants, or recreation sites.

Projects with minimal investments

Digitized libraries, portable devices for injection, lie detector, mobile toys, training programs and many other developments designed to make a person's life more comfortable, will make it difficult to earn a good approach in a competent approach, practically without investing their own funds.

This is only a small list of ideas from the world of business, which can be borrowed to create your own profitable business. The advantage of such projects is the following factors:

  • minimum financial investments at the opening stage;
  • no need for renting premises;
  • lack of advertising spending and so on.

Tip! Important components of successful business are desire, patience and hard work, as well as a competent and clear plan for the development of the enterprise, taking into account all the nuances of business and pitfalls.

Business on waste

Considering the newest business ideas that do not require large investments, it is worth paying attention to the emergence of a set of creative methods for recycling waste.

Such projects allow a novice to organize a profitable enterprise with minimal costs, since the consumable material will be done almost free.

Bricks from garbage

One of the creative ideas today is the production of bricks from industrial waste. The advantage of the enterprise is that the products, unlike clay bricks, do not need additional firing.

In the process of manufacturing ECO Blac, a boiler was used (70% of the total mass), which is mixed with clay, lime and sodium hydroxide.

The advantage of the business in this area is the fact that the utilization of the boilerish ash energy enterprises are ready to pay money. Therefore, a businessman can earn not only in production, but also on the removal and disposal of waste.

The production technology is to form bricks at ambient temperature by alkaline activation. That is, to create an ECO Blac, it will not be necessary to purchase expensive firing furnaces, special presses.

This means that the costs associated with the acquisition of equipment are minimal. The manufacture of bricks from the boiler glass is an innovative idea that is capable of solving for Russians the problem of budget construction.

Obtaining profits from overdue products

Overdue goods are a bich of shopping owners selling food products. Koken Met Aanbiangen, operating in the Netherlands, solved this problem by creating an application, literally stuffed with recipes for dishes prepared from products whose shelf life on the outcome.

It should be noted that at this point in Copenhagen there was already a business in this area - a high kitchen from "delay". That is, the Netherlands developers simply took advantage of the finished idea, slightly changing its direction.

The relay from Koken was intercepted by many European countries, also a little converted it to their needs. For example, a supermarket on Sainsbury's waste has opened in London.

The concept consists in obtaining the necessary electricity during the processing of overdue foods. In addition to itself, the supermarket provides the energy of more than 3,000 houses.

The advantage of such a project for Russians:

  • environmental purity;
  • minimum investments on the purchase of raw materials and equipment;
  • savings on recycling fees;
  • high profitability.

Waste and overdue products can bring big profits, with minimal costs at the start. It is important to compile competent, taking into account the pros and cons for each particular region.

Important: Do not look for a unique way of instant enrichment. Any business requires tremendous efforts by the entrepreneur.

How to open a business | Business ideas

The main features of the person's successful businessman also added wisdom. Work experience makes it possible to understand the essence of the laws of development and prosperity of certain segments of the market. However, this moment occurs when competition in the main business spheres is so high that you have to borrow ideas in other countries.

The desire for European standards and the American text of life, the collapse of the Russian market by Chinese products pushing out ideas for the implementation of new business areas in their own country. Innovative goods and services allow you to occupy still free niches in which the units are working today.

Options for ideas from America

  • Sale of unique covers For stylish and ordinary car models. This device protects against ultraviolet rays, atmospheric precipitation and mechanical damage. To buy such a case, a number of motorists will cost cheaper than repairing the hood or change the headlights. Russian entrepreneurs can be tastefully purchased such covers in the United States and resell them in their homeland.
  • Construction of unique garages It is unlikely to be enjoying so popular as in America. This niche in the Russian market is occupied, and the buildings are distinguished by a great variety. Enough and companies engaged in individual design and design.
  • Grocery van moving in the city, very popular in the United States. A variety of evacuations and a passing performance of artists to clarify the expectations of buyers attracts Americans. In Washington, such vans are very popular. Can anyone organize a similar "nutritional and entertainment" business in Russia - the question is controversial. Hard sanitary and hygienic rules and huge public catering competition made the demand for such services minimal.
  • Idea "Taxi for animals" Suitable for secured residents of large cities, more precisely, for Moscow and St. Petersburg. The task is accompanied by animals in the specified place, in particular, in the veterinary clinic.
  • Personal consultationsPopular in the USA is unlikely to be in demand from Russians. Our people are more confident in themselves and usually do not need any advice. The exception is lawyers, but this niche is busy so tight that there is nothing to do in inexperienced novice here.

You can learn more interesting methods of earnings from the following video:

Ideas options from China

  • Work on request - Resale products with low cost, if you purchase purchases via the Internet. The cost of products in China is 50-60% lower than analogs in our markets. Plus business at the Pubdeka is that in China you can find any product in demand in Russia - starting with ballpoint pens and ending with medical and manufacturing equipment.
    Now in Russia, a small business is actively developing, which requires new types of equipment for its own manufacture of building goods, clothing, items. China is the most mobile country to implement any new products.
  • Opening the salon for the sale of running Chinese products with the placement of the store website on the Internet. You need to organize courier service and postal delivery. Many Russian citizens are shy to walk on cheap Chinese eaters. Sale of trifles via the Internet Can bring good income to the master of the store. Procurement can also be done through the network. Large investments in this business will not need.
  • Organization of sales of piece goods. The essence of the idea is to purchase wholesale parties of goods and packaging them into a separate container. The price will depend solely on product recognition. If you manage to create a brand, then the initial cost may increase 2-5 times.
  • Sale of gadgets It is already actively implemented in Russia, but the market niche is still not tightly filled, there is always a place to innovate in it. New phones and software versions appear daily by replacing each other. The autorentors are popular. Their independent purchase in China will be twice as cheaper by local wholesalers offered. With phones percentage from sales will be less, but they are often changed.
    Good demand for seasonal new products - sunglasses, sports and leisure instruments, as well as various electronic trinkets. All these devices are good for an inexpensive gift to friends and acquaintances. Options here are a lot. The main thing is not to overdo it with the purchase of large lots of goods, since the demand for this product is spontaneous.

Options of ideas from Europe

  • Production of rubber paving slabs Recalls considerable prospects. The ability to find customers. A high level of competition in this segment is not yet available. The level of profitability of the business is approximately 40%. Rubber tile has a lot of advantages over analogues:
    • large service life - up to 20 years;
    • high resistance to burnout, cracking;
    • lack of slip;
    • low cost (rubber crumb for the foundation can be obtained by their old, out of consumption of automotive tires).

    Required for launching equipment equipment: forms, volcanic press, dryer and dyes.

  • Calorie Country Restaurant. This idea, opposite each meal, in the number of kcal menu can be complemented and developed further. For example, a person who has broken a record in calories, you can give a bottle of champagne or a glass of wine.
  • Snow advertisingFounded by the use in England, it is unlikely to be relevant in Russia, where posters and posters are filled at every corner. Trying if winter in the next year will delight Russians with snow. Guards of the order can ban this business yet "on the root."
  • Unlimited Taxi Trips for a monthly fee. The high cost of gasoline and the irrepressible desires of Russians will ruin the risking in a similar business of the merchant in the first month. Attachments are unlikely to pay off. Increasing taxi rental fees will scare rare customers. Minus services and in what it acts only in the city feature and is provided exclusively by prepayment.
  • Glass-shaped pizza. The National Italian Dish had to taste the Russians. And if you cook with one of your favorite dishes in edible cups, filling them with a variety of stuffing, it can be very comfortable and popular.
  • Processing of fruits and vegetables, lost external attractiveness. In Russia, a huge number of supermarkets appeared, where buyers themselves choose the products like. Preference is given to vegetables and fruits of the right shape, without cracks and specks. All other are sent to the lower boxes, where they continue to do it. If you make a profitable contract with the directors of hypermarkets, you can open a profitable business for the processing of fruits and vegetables on juices, dried fruits, soups and salads. You can organize sales with permission of the administration in the procurement places of raw materials.

Options for ideas from Japan

The original methods of attachment of funds the country of the rising sun offers a lot, but not all of them apply and are appropriate in Russian conditions:

  • Ceremony for a divorce for a symbolic fee. There is nothing like that in Russia. Is it worth organizing a similar business? You can try the idea as other services of banquet halls and restaurants. Perhaps decent people want to disperse beautifully, to find out all the painful problems in a circle of loved ones. Maybe such an event will serve both spouses a good lesson for the future. And friends and acquaintances will not be soil for gossip.
  • Production of coolers. Their applied to the skin in the heat reduces the body temperature, and the stuffing is easier to transfer. Taking into account the hot summer in Russia, such an idea is worth trying to implement. The price of the canister will be equal to about 60 dollars. Such a cost may not be on the pocket of the average mass of the population, but the clients, resting in hot countries and in their own dacha, will necessarily have.
  • Production 3-D masks - Production is expensive, but when finding a sales channel is a very profitable and cost-effective. The mask made of high quality material is dressed on the face and at the same time absolutely invisible. Partially business is implemented in the Russian Federation, but the quality of the product leaves much to be desired.
  • In Japan practiced hotels designed for unmarried girls. In a limited and relaxed atmosphere, they prepare themselves to life in marriage. Such an idea for Russia is inappropriate and somewhat dyed. However, you can use the idea of \u200b\u200borganizing a version for couples who want to marry in the near future. Most likely, such a service will be in great demand if the price of the room for lovers will be below the daily rental of apartments in Russian cities.
  • Store one book. This practice of selling one printed publication for a certain period of time in Russia is not yet. Often buyers attend bookstores just nothing to do, not even hoping to see the long-awaited book. The new Japanese trend is not to overload the reader with a big sentence, but to introduce it with a certain edition or the theme. Perhaps this method of sale will be able to interest certain circles of book products consumers. The most important thing is timely, targeted advertising. You can work on request.

The opening of the business is an important and responsible step requiring decisiveness and desire. Very often, people from creating business stops the fact of lack of start-up capital, ideas or skills.

Choose a business idea

The choice of the right idea is your main task at the initial stage. In previous articles, we have already discussed, today we will talk about new and promising business ideas from Europe, which really implement in our country.

It is worth noting that part of the ideas of small businesses from Europe have already been successfully implemented by domestic entrepreneurs, which have increased significantly due to the right choice.

We will not argue how to open a business in Europe, and let's talk about what projects need to be implemented in our country and how to realize them.

The fact is that in Europe, a small business existed continuously, with each year progressed. In connection with the growth of the needs of the population, new ideas appeared, which are successful and now and bring considerable profit to their owners.

If you are looking for a sphere or a specific idea, I recommend first look at cost-effective and new and types of earnings from Europe.

Unlimited taxi

Abroad This service is quite popular and convenient, so and in demand. The essence is as follows. You have the opportunity to use a taxi service within a month, a personal driver, an individual route and all this in a convenient time for the client. The cost of this service in different countries will be varied. But approximately 45 - 60 euros per month you can use unlimited taxi.

The meaning is that the company develops the route in such a way as to take on board several passengers immediately, which follow in one direction. For example, if you need every day at the same time ride a job and home. Having gained the desired number of customers, and correctly developing a daily route, the company receives its profits. And the client is convenient, because you do not have to wait for a taxi, saving, moving on public transport, and digging gets its benefit.

Eat and drink how much you want

A new type of business in Europe is all inclusive. Restaurants and cafes offer their customers to pay a certain amount only during the time in the cafe. You can order practically any food and drinks in a reasonable amount. Thus, the visitor has the opportunity to save, and it is pleasant to spend time, it attracts many people.

Eco tourism

Green tourism is not a new type of business in Europe, but nevertheless for our country this idea is a novelty.

People who live in big cities, dream of vacation in nature, in silence and climb away from a noisy megalopolis. Therefore, if you live outside the city, you can safely count on profits from this area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

Sale of liquid repulsive water

Ultra Ever Dry is a product created by overseas scientists. Special fluid allows you to protect the surface from contamination by repulcing water molecules. This product is widespread abroad. It can be used both in domestic purposes and in production.

SPA Salon in the maternity hospital

Go Home Gorgeous offers spa services directly in the maternity hospital. Thanks to these procedures, pregnant women feel much better, their stay in the hospital is now much more comfortable. You can take this foreign business idea for weapons and try to organize something like this in our country.

Virtual Makeup

If you work in the trading sector or plan there to organize your business, then the idea is a virtual makeup for you is relevant. The point is to enable the client independently on a specific example of choosing individual cosmetics. Thus, a special device is installed, which helps to choose the makeup suitable for you and only after that, you can purchase your favorite cosmetics.

In fact, in Europe, every day business develops, new ideas that require implementation appear. You can find an option suitable specifically to you, bring to life the most crazy idea. It all depends on the desire.

In the CIS countries, there are also many new and unrealized projects. Recommended, read about profitable.

I wish you creative success.