Production of sugar from sugar beet. Business idea: Sugar production from sugar beet. Types of sugar products

Sugar - in demand product, which is used in pure form, in the confectionery industry, the production of beverages, pharmaceuticals, plastic and some other areas. Thus, an entrepreneur established effective production sugar, can count on high profitability Business.

The main advantage of the sugar business is that the products are in demand regardless of the season. Moreover, its consumption is constantly increasing, which creates prerequisites for the opening of new enterprises. On average, one resident of Russia eats 20 kg of sugar. Food industry is needed huge volumes. Thus, there are all chances to establish mutually beneficial cooperation with major consumers in almost any region of the country.

Advantages and disadvantages of this business

The main disadvantage of this business is a significant dependence on raw materials growing grounds. On the territory of the Russian Federation, most of the products are made of sugar beet, the cultivation centers are concentrated in the Central, Volga and South Districts. Thus, transport costs are significantly increasing for manufacturers from other regions.

The basic advantage lies in the product one-component - the entrepreneur is enough to find one or two responsible suppliers to ensure uninterrupted supply of the enterprise. In addition, the level of sugar consumption is high, and organizational costs are relatively small, which allows you to quickly enhance the investment.

Organization of Sahara production

To open a large-scale business, the organizational form is optimal. It is also necessary to issue permissive documentation In the SES, fire inspection and other instances. Specifications are recommended to be specified on the ground, as they can range from the region to the region.

Requirements for the final product are regulated by a number of standards, the main among which are:

  • Sugar beets. Technical conditions (P 52647-2006);
  • Sugar beets. Test methods (P 53036-2008);
  • Method of determining sucrose (12571-2013);
  • Sahara production (R 52678-2006).

Types of sugar products

Using various technologies, you can get products that differ in their properties. There are 4 types of sugar:

  • Rafine - sucrose a high degree of purification in the form of individual pieces (more often - cubic shape).
  • Sand - in the form of crystals with a size of 0.5-2.5 mm.
  • The raw is in the form of separate non-agaded crystals.
  • Powder - powdered sucrose, obtained by grinding crystals.

Sugar production equipment

Each production stage requires the use of certain aggregates. Thus, the set of raw materials preparation settings includes devices for washing, water separator, stone, sand and toppers, a hydrotransporter and beet-powered equipment.

The baseline is equipped with beet cutters, dryers for vomor, auger press, diffuser, scales, conveyor with a magnetic separator.

Cleaning the juice is performed using sumps, sulfitators, saturators, filters with the heating option, defecation aggregates.

Crystallization is carried out with the participation of evaporator installation with a hub, centrifuge, vacuum apparatus, a drying and cooling chamber, vibrositis and a vibroconveyor.

You can organize a plant from scratch and bought a finished sugar production line. In the first case, the cost of equipment directly depends on the power. For example, equipment designed for making up to 10 tons of products per day will cost about $ 20,000. The price of a complex that allows 50 tons of sugar - about $ 200,000.

When buying a valid complex, it is important to evaluate its wear. As a rule, for this are attracted specialized organizations. On average, the price of equipment running until 2000 is up to 2,000,000. More modern complexes can cost from $ 5,000,000 or more.


The CIS has developed a steady tradition of sugar made of sugar beet. But at the moment, more and more manufacturers prefer imported raw materials. Along with root corrupts from the USA, France, Germany, is widely used:

  • bread sorghum stems (mainly from the PRC);
  • starchy rice and millet (production of malt sugar);
  • palm juice (from Southeast Asia);
  • sugar cane (comes from India, Cuba, Brazil).

Sugar production technology + video how to do

Sugar from beet

The classic sugar beet manufacturer technology includes the following steps:

  • Extraction. Rights are washed, free from the peel, weighed and sent to the chips. The resulting intermediate product is loaded into the diffuser, where they are mixed with water and heated, thus obtaining diffuse juice with 15% sucrose content.
  • Cleaning diffuse juice. Lime milk add to the mass and several sequences of cleaning are carried out.
  • Fluid evaporation. Under the action of high temperature, water gradually evaporates. As a result, syrup is obtained, in which about 50% of the volume is sucrose.
  • Crystallization. Syrup is consistently fed to centrifuges, utfuel distributors and vacuum units. Passing the listed stages, the raw material turns into sugar, which is used to see the consumer.

Video how do:

Rafinated sugar

Installation of the production of PRC, capable of producing 150-200 kg of shift products, costs about ₽2,000,000, equipment from one of the Turkish companies - about ₽ 7,000,000. Along with this, a packing line will be required (₽ 600,000).

Such sugar is two types: pressed and cast. The first is made of sugar-sand by treating in a centrifuge, pressing, drying and divisions on the cubes of the established size. Cast sugar is obtained by loading sugar sand in forms and withstands to complete solidification. Then the raw materials are poured several times with clean sugar and washed to remove the molasses. Prepared layers are dried and split into cubes.

Cane sugar

In general, the process resembles the production of sugar from sugar beets by the exception that instead of extraction, pre-closed stalks of the plant are pressed on special rollers. Thus, 90% of sucrose, which is contained in reeds. After that, the juice is supplied to the Meso priority and processed in the juices.

Melasse and Joom

By-products obtained in the process of manufacture of sugar are used as feed for livestock. As a rule, they exchange them on the barter on beets in agricultural producers. Pros (or Patoka) is also in demand by a certain category of consumers.

The source of additional income can also be the preparation of sugar-candis, which is quite large transparent crystals. This will require you to purchase special equipment.


Requirement for the room where it will be posted production equipment Similar to those that are extended for any food production. Square it is supported depending on the size of the equipment. Be sure to have communications (water supply, water disposal, electricity), sanitary node, dry and well-ventilated warehouse complex, as sugar quickly absorbs odors.

Seasonality of the production process

The main load on the production complex accounts for 3-4 months, when ripens raw materials. After this period, it is necessary to produce a technical inspection of equipment and, if necessary, repair.

The processes occurring within the framework of sugar production are considered safe, since they are not sources of dust, toxic gases, etc. It is necessary to take into account the high noise level during the installation.

Expansion of capacity

Most novice manufacturers initially focus on the production of sugar-sand. And only after reaching the payback, decide on the expansion of production. As a rule, we are talking about the manufacture of the following products.

Profitability of sugar business

With an effective organization of the production of investments pay off from 6 months. At the same time, the purchase price of equipment is of great importance. Thus, European aggregates with a capacity of up to 20 tons of sugar per day will cost at least € 90 thousand.

Also should pay attention to the implementation of the finished product. An entrepreneur needs to create a recognizable brand, develop an attractive packaging design for the consumer, to establish a stable sales market.

Sugar production from sugar beet at home

Different methods of manufacturing beet sugar houses from scratch: from the preparation of raw materials before receiving a syrup. Recipes of natural Russian products for healthy image Life is now available to everyone.

Beet sugar: from the depths of history to today's day

So it turned out historically that sugar prepared from the cane was the greatest distribution. Such a product was very expensive, because the main territories where plantations were cultivated by plantations were far beyond the limits of civilized Europe and wild Russia, and, therefore, the costs associated with transportation were played in the cost of a sweet substance. An affordable alternative was perhaps only honey. However, already in the XVI century, thanks to the scientific research of Andreas Sigismund of Marcgraf and a certain French botanist Ahard, the world became known for another way of mining sugar, from sugar beet. In terms of its properties, the sugar, obtained in this way, not only makes it possible to widely use it by the population, but also has a number of advantages over his reed fellow, namely: it has less calorie and contains the maximum number of micro and macroelements, since it does not require refining.

Industrial production

In Russia, the beet sugar received greater distribution due to the above reasons.

The factory enters the raw material - beet. It is thoroughly washed in a special washing workshop and cut into a homogeneous chips. At the next stage, this mass is supplied to the tank, where it is poured with hot water. Under the action of water, separation from the chips contained in it sugar and some other substances, which, oxidizing, give the juice with a dark brown color. To obtain maximum returns from raw materials, leaching with water spend several times. Production waste - repeatedly dyeing chips send a cattle on food.

At the next stage, the resulting juice is cleaned of impurities, first heating to 80 ° C - it allows you to get rid of protein substances, and then in sealed tanks processing with lime milk, carbon dioxide and sulfur gases. Unwanted impurities at this stage fall out of the sediment, which remains in the tanks after the subsequent evaporation of the juice. The evaporation allows you to get a sweet syrup, which then passes the filtering and concentration in special containers. At the exit, sugar sand with a molate is obtained, which is then separated from sugar crystals in centrifuges.

Beet, sugar has a darker color than cane, so it is washed at the end with water and dried.

Getting sugar from beets at home

The shop sugar can now be replaced with real Russian products: beet raffinad and sweet syrup.

Beet raffin

Rinse and clean the beets from the peel. Then cut it with thin rings and place it in a clay pot. Immerse the capacitance into the oven to steal, not allowing the burning of our billet. From time to time, look into the pot - the beet should become soft. Then pour beetral circles on the baking sheet and put in the oven again. Now the beet should succeed. For longer storage and improving the general properties of our beet, then the dried rings are better slightly to fry in a skillet. Very little bit - it will also slightly improve the smell.

For use, you can only grind these slices in the flour, so they can be used to replace store sugar in cooking.

For tea, you need these whole slices to cut a little in the flour and fry on creamy oil. Tasty and healthy.

Obtaining syrup: the first way

Clean the roots and heads and rinse the beet, without considering the skin. Washed rooted roots with dense rows to put in a saucepan with boiling water. Watch out the fire. Beet must boil in boiling water. After 1 hour, remove the roots from the pan, wait for their cooling and remove the peel.

Cut the beets on thin plates is not thicker than 1 mm. Grinding it in this way, put it under the press, to produce juice, after wrapped in a clean canvas. Press the squeezed mass again into the saucepan, fill with hot water from the calculation of half the volume of roots. This billet for the second spin. Give her to stand half an hour, and then the liquid is moving to the vessel, where the juice from the first press was collected. Folded cakes. Put again in a canvas bag and repeat the express. The collected juice heat up to 70-80 ° C, and then run through the marvel several times.

The last stage is evaporation. Juice must be removed before its complete thickening in a low enameled pelvis, or another flat question.

Obtaining syrup: second way

Prepare as in the first way, beets for cooking, now removing the thin layer of the peel. To split is necessary in the autoclave for about an hour maintaining the pressure of 1.5 atm. If there is no autoclave, you can use the boiler that should have a lattice at the bottom, however it will take more time.

Having received a soft beet, it is crushed and passed twice through the press. The withdrawal juice is then evaporated, as in the first way.

Store syrup in a cool place protected from direct sunlight hits like any conservation

In cooking for baking, the proportion of syrup to the flour is approximately 0.75-1: 1. For the preparation of jam, the ratio of the syrup to berries by weight is 2: 1.

Sugar production is one of the most profitable business species. Sugar is a product that has a high degree of cleaning. This substance has a pleasant sweet taste. The taste of sucrose is felt at a concentration of it in a liquid from 0.4%, it is considered an easy-to-see product. During the digestion, the fructose and glucose is split. These substances are the main source of energy and material for constructing fats, protein-carbohydrate molecules and glycogen.

  • Technology made of sugar
  • What equipment to choose for the production of sugar?
  • Principles of organization and maintenance of sugar business
  • Step-by-step business opening plan
  • How much can you earn at the production of sugar
  • How much money is needed for starting business
  • What kind of OKVED indicate when registering
  • What documents are needed to open the processing plant
  • What taxation system to choose to work
  • Do you need permits for opening sugar production

Technology made of sugar

Sugar beets and reeds growing in tropical areas are used as a raw material for sugar production. During production, palm trees, sorghum and corn can be used. As a rule, sugar factories have near the places of growing the above crops, they work seasonally. Modern enterprises organize the production of sugar in industrial scale. So, on large plants You can produce up to 6 million kg of product per year. Enterprises for the production of rafinada sugar can be located anywhere, and they work all year round.

Sugar production technology is quite complex, it requires the acquisition of expensive equipment and hiring a large number of highly qualified employees. The business plan of the sugar factory allows you to consider all the subtleties of this case. It is based on the basis of the settlements produced in it determines the profitability of the future enterprise and the possibility of finding investors. Risks depend on the cost of equipment for the manufacture of sugar, the size of investments in the purchase of raw materials. Accounting follows and the need to obtain various permits. To open your business in this area, it is necessary to assess the situation in the market. The relevance of the opening of the enterprise should be determined, the number of such enterprises in the district, information about future income.

Sugar beet production technology is a process passing into several stages. At the first stage, the beets are cleaned from extraneous impurities. Then the sugar chips and juice are obtained from it. The resulting juice is purified and condensed by evaporation of an extra liquid. Ready sugar is cooled and dried for further storage. Sugar production scheme includes washing and cleaning root, weighing and cutting, as well as room in the diffuser. Here is the manufacture of sugar from vegetable mass with high temperatures. The remaining beet chips can be applied in the manufacture of cattle feeds. At the last stage of the production process, sugar crystals are isolated from the juice.

After evaporation of unnecessary fluid from the juice, lime is added to it. The resulting mixture is heated and treated with carbon dioxide. When filtering, a purified intermediate product is obtained. Sometimes sugar production implies the use of ion exchange resins. The syrup contained as a result of all the processes described above contains 65% sugar. The production of crystals occurs in a special chamber at a temperature of 75 ° C. The ufel of the first crystallization contains sucrose and molasses that pass through the mixers and centrifuges. The crystals remaining in centrifuges whiten and treated with steam, getting the usual sugar-sand. The production of sugar from the cane eliminates the stages of extraction and cleaning the juice.

What equipment to choose for the production of sugar?

In order for the plant to start functioning, it must be equipped accordingly. Equipment for the production of sugar includes: Sugar-containing installation, trap for extraneous impurities, a hydrotransporter, water separator, a washing machine. The main production line consists of a conveyor with a separator, weights, vegetable cutters, diffuse installation, presses and dryers for vom.

To extract sugar in production, filters, heaters, saturators, sumps are used. Centrifuges, vacuum chambers and evaporator equipment are considered the most energy consuming. If there is a need for maximum automation production processes, It will be necessary to purchase vibrating, vibrocontainer and drying installation. Equipment can be bought as separately and entire production lines. There is an option to purchase a finished plant. A variant of self-assembly of production lines is considered to be the least costly, but it is suitable only for those who are well versed in the equipment.

Buying a whole plant has such advantages as the established sales channels and a developed infrastructure. However, equipment in this case can be worn out, which will not allow producing products in concealed scale. The construction of a new plant for the production of sugar implies considerable costs, therefore, starting this case, it should be necessary to evaluate their own capabilities. When buying used equipment, you should pay attention to its quality, because the devices may fail even for the year of operation. It is best to invite a specialist who objectively appreciate the condition of the equipment.

Sugar is a food product, obtained mainly from sugar beet and sugar cane. Produced in the form of sugar-sand and sugar rafinada. Calorie 100 g of sugar - about 400 kcal. The most important indicator Sugar quality is its chromaticity, which in units of the strainer should not exceed 1.0.
Regardless of raw materials, the feeling of sugar sweetness is determined by the surface of the surface of the crystals and, therefore, the speed of melting in the mouth. Slowing large crystals seem insufficiently sweet, while small and especially sugar powder do not have a sweet taste.

Sugar beet
- Two-year-old plant from the Marcheov family. In the first year of its development from the originally sinking seeds, juicy sugar-rich roots are formed with a widely increasing shank, side roots and a powerful root rosette of leaves - tops, but without flowers and seeds. It is these roots after trimming the tops (along with the upper part of the root head), as well as the removal of the shank and parts of the roots and serve as raw materials for beetroot production. The average yield of root crops 25 ... 40 t / ha, on the irrigation lands of Ukraine - over 60 t / ha.
Sugar content in beets 16 ... 18% by weight of the root, sometimes under favorable conditions - 20%. The duration of the growing period ranges from 150 to 180 days. The amount of average daily temperatures for the season of vegetation - 2400 ... 2800 ° C, sufficient moisture is required.

Sugar formation in beet
It occurs by initial synthesis under the influence of the sunlight of the simplest carbohydrates (glucose and fructose) from carbon dioxide and water in containing chlorophyll leaves of plants.
Massive korneflodes spend from the second half of September. Delivered vehicles Beets before recycling is stored in Kagata (Barts). To prevent the penetration processes, the beets in kagati is sprayed with lime milk, and in hot weather it is irrigated with water.
Roots in Kagati continue to live, consuming oxygen from air and highlighting carbon dioxide, as well as water pairs.

Cane sugar- Sress, produced in India, Brazil and Cuba, is a product of the processing of juice, pressed from sugarcane stems. The content of sucrose in juice is 97 ... 98%, and in the reed stems - 12 ... 15%, the harvest of 40 ... 60 t / ha.
Pressed cane juice is subjected to chemical cleaning with a small amount of lime, phosphoric acid and sulfur gas. Filtered form enters the evaporator. After thickening, the syrup from the piping is boosted before the release of sugar crystals, which are separated on the centrifuges in the form of raw sugar.

Plants on which sugar is producedare large, equipped with high-performance manufacturing equipment. The power of individual beets for refining plants reaches 6 ... 9 thousand tons per day, and on average 2.5 thousand tons per day. Beetroot production - mass, stream. In it, the main production flow is carried out main technological processes and intermediate operations for the processing of beets with obtaining one type of mass commodity products - White Sugar Sand. Particular products are fooled and Patoka Melassa.
In order to protect sucrose from decomposition, all technological processes are conducted at a temperature not exceeding 90 ... 100 ° C (only in the first package cases up to 120 ... 125 ° C), and in an alkaline medium (except for the weakness of the diffuse juice reaction).
The duration of the production cycle from the receipt of beets to obtaining white sugar-raw sugar no more than 12 ... 16 hours, and taking into account the processing of all mock and yellow sugars in the food department - 36 ... 42 hours.

The most important stages of the production of sugar from beets are the following:
. Acceptance, storage and supply of beets to the plant;
. cleaning the roots of beets from the ground and extraneous impurities;
. grinding (cutting) beets to chips and obtaining juice from it diffusely; cleaning juice; evaporation of water from juice to obtain a syrup; Welding syrup in crystalline mass - Utfel I and subsequent
. separation of this mass by centrifuging on white crystalline sugar and a molasses; Flooring of molasses in Utfel II, additional crystallization of it and centrifugation to obtain yellow sugar and ultimate molasses - production waste when working according to a diagram with two athletes.

In the case of work according to the scheme with three uthfels of the Troops from the Town II, it is not ultimate. It is once again welded at the Town III, from which, after crystallization and centrifugation, another yellow sugar is obtained and already as a waste of production - Melassa.
Cleaning (affination) of the last yellow sugar, dissolving yellow sugars in the juice (clergy) with the return of the solution obtained at the same time - the clerks for cleaning the syrup.
In addition to these technological operations, auxiliary processes are carried out: obtaining the necessary lime and saturation (carbonate) gas for cleaning by burning sulfate sulfitational (sulfurous) gas to clean the juice and syrup.
In some factories, additional technological operations are carried out, as if the continuation of the main production processes is the drying of beet thorough and production on its basis of the feed (enrichment of the flashes by additives), obtaining microbiological acid from molasses by citric acid.
All technological operations are carried out in the three main departments of the plant: a beet-processing, which includes the flow of beets to the plant; Sufficient, including piping and obtaining lime, saturation and sulfate gases; products - a cooking crystallization and a locking.

Removing sugar from beet chips
The extraction of sugar made of beet chips produce leaching with warm water and diffusion juice and based on diffusion and osmosis phenomena through the permeable walls of sugar beet cells.
Leaching occurs in diffusion batteries consisting of 12 to 16 diffusers. The diffusers, which are metal cylinders with a capacity of 5-10 m3, are equipped with devices for loading chips and unloading the spoke. The contents of diffusers are heated by circulating through the pipes inside the ferry diffuser. The temperature in the diffuser reaches 60 ° C and more. At this temperature, the cell protoplasm is coincided, which makes it easier to leaching sugar.
Leaching sugar in the diffusion battery is gradually carried out. Diffusion juice, moving from one diffuser to another, is gradually saturated with sugar, while the sugar content in the juice does not get closer to the beet sugar.
The first battery diffuser is loaded with chips and poured with warm water filling in the diffuse all the space between the chips.
If the sugar content of freshly loaded beet chips is 18% (it can be slightly larger and less), then after leaching the water of the sugar and the achievement of the diffusion equilibrium, the sugar in chips and water is distributed equally and the sugar content of chips and the resulting juice becomes the same: it is 9% ( 18: 2).
The juice obtained in the first diffuser is translated into the second, loaded with fresh chips. Upon reaching the diffusion equilibrium, the sugar in the chips and the juice in the second diffuser is distributed equally, and the juice sugar content is 13.5% ((18 + 9) / 2).
From the second diffuser, the juice is transferred to the third, also filled with fresh chips. Sakharana juice in it reaches 15.75% ((18 + 13.5) / 2), etc. In the last diffuser, the sugartyness of the juice differs little from the sucrosiness of fresh beet chips.
Since 9% of sugar remains in the chips in the first diffuser (the juice passes only 9 of 18% contained in the fresh chips), it is repeatedly poured with clean water to extract sugar.
To establish diffusion equilibrium in the first diffuser, the juice is again obtained, although smaller sugarity: (9: 2 \u003d 4.5%). This juice is then translated into the second diffuser, where the chip sugar is 13.5%. Diffusion juice here is obtained with sugar content of 9% ((13, 5 + 4.5) / 2). Transferring this juice into a third diffuser, where the chip sugarness is 15.75%, the juice is obtained with a sugar content of 12.37%, etc.
Thus, when the operation of the diffusion battery is established, on a fresh, beet chips are fed, the most concentrated juice, and the juice of weak concentration, or clean water, is supplied to a more or less reduced chips.
This method is possible to maximize sugar from beet chips and obtain diffusion juice of high concentration. Sugar losses in the crayon are only 0.2 - 0.25%.
Moving the juice from one diffuser to another is carried out due to a small pressure generated by water pumping into the first diffuser.
Recently, diffusion devices of continuous acts are used on sugar factories, replacing diffusion batteries, downloadable and unloaded periodically.
On the one hand, a beet chip is continuously supplied to the acting diffusion apparatus, which moves to the water coming from the opposite side. A continuously washing chips water leaches sugar from it and gradually turns into the diffusion juice-enriched with sugar, which is removed from the diffusion apparatus. Also continuously out of the apparatus is remorsened chips.

Cleaning diffusion juice
In addition to sugar, in diffusion juice, it is contained (about 2%) and other substances called non-Sahara (salts of phosphoric and other acids, proteins), as well as minor weighted particles that give the juice with a dark color.
The purification of diffusion juice from suspended particles and a significant part of Neshares is produced using lime, and for subsequent removal from the lime juice, carbon dioxide is used. Lime and carbon dioxide are obtained on sugar factory limestone firing (SASO3 \u003d CAO + CO2); Its consumption is 5-6% of the weight of the processed beet.
The processing of diffusion juice with lime (in the form of lime milk) is produced in cylindrical boilers with stirrers - defecators. Under the influence of unavahara lime coagulates and precipitated or decomposed, forming calcium salts remaining in solution.
Processed with lime (defecated) juice enters the saturator, where it is treated with carbon dioxide. Under the action of carbon dioxide, the lime turns into carbon dioxide Case3 calcium, which, falling into the sediment, carries with him and non-Sahara.
Cracked carbon dioxide (saturized) juice filtered on mechanical filters. At the same time, filpressive dirt containing carbon dioxide, non-Sahara and a small amount of sugar (up to 1% of the mud weight) are separated from juice.
The purified diffusion juice retains the dark color, eliminated upon subsequent treatment with sulfur gas (it is obtained by burning sulfur). The process of treatment of juice with sulfur gas is called sulfitiation.

Waving juice, boiling syrup and receiving sugar
Purified juice enters the evaporator, where most of the water is removed from it. The juice acquires the concentration of syrup (65% of dry substances, including 60% sugar and 5% non-salary remaining in diffusion juice after its purification).
The resulting syrup is bleached with sulfur gas and filtered, after which it is boosted in vacuum devices. The boilion of the syrup continues 2.5 - 3 hours at a temperature of about 75 ° C (under vacuum). In the process of boiling, the sugar crystallization occurs. In this case, a product containing 55 is 60% of sugar crystals and called the first crystallization of the first crystallization. The concentration of dry substances in the inteller reaches 92.5% (of which approximately 85% sugar).
From vacuum devices, the inlets are descended to the stirrer, and then sent to centrifuges where the uterine solution is separated from sugar crystals. Detached dairy solution is called green molasses. It contains a significant amount of sugar, and not sugar.
After removing the green molasses, the sugar remained in the centrifuge is washed with water and steam steam. As a result, sugar becomes white. When washing the sugar crystals in the centrifuge, a liquid containing dissolved sugar is formed - white patterns. It is returned to vacuum apparatuses for additional boiling to the agel of the first crystallization, which gives white sugar.
Sugar and centrifuge is sent to the drying drum. Dried sugar is already quite finished sugar from centrifuge are sent to the dryer drum. Dried sugar is already quite finished with sugar sand, containing up to 99.75% pure sugar, counting dry matter.
Green molasses are also sent to vacuum devices for uv-rings to the agel of the second crystallization. At the same time, yellow sugar is obtained mainly in the confectionery industry. Special processing yellow sugar can be turned into ordinary, white.
After the selection of the second crystallization of yellow sugar from the UTFEL, the feeding pattern is obtained, or the melassia, which is a waste of production. The yield of feed pattern is about 5% of the weight of the recycled beet.
Taking into account the losses of sugar in the production process (it is most lost in the feeding pattern - 9- 14% of the sugar contained in the beet)) the output from beets is almost 12 to 13%. At the same time, the flow rate of 1 tons of sugar exceeds 7 - 8 tons.
In the process of saccharium, a lot of steam and hot water is consumed, usually obtained in the factory boiler installation. The total consumption of conditional fuel on the beetral plants (including and consumption for limestone firing) is 11 - 12% of the weight of the processed beet.
Beetroot production is characterized by a large water consumption for technological processes. It is 20 times higher than the weight of the processed beet. Taking into account the use of circulating water, the consumption of fresh water is also very significant and reaches 8 tons per 1 tons of beets.

Using waste
The most valuable waste of beetroot production is a forage pattern, almost half consisting of sugar and also containing other nutrients. As a result, the molasses are used as a concentrated feed for livestock (direct feeding or as part of animal feed). In addition, the feeding pattern is processed on alcohol, yeast, lemon and milk acid and other products.
Special processing from feeding molasses can be removed by sugar contained in it and thereby increase the total yield from beets and reduce its cost. For this purpose, some sugar factories are built, in which exhausting feeding molasses are made.
Another departure is a peel - deprived of sugar beet chips. Related from diffusers with water is transported to repository (peelings). She is nutritious, and animals willingly eat it, it is used in animal husbandry for fattening livestock. In some sugar factories, there are also their own scotching points.
Fresh roma contains up to 94% water. To increase the transportability, as well as the feed value of the thoroughly, it is partially dehydrated and thereby increase the content of dry substances in it to 15 - 18%. For long-term storage, it is dried to a moisture content of 10 - 12%, applying flue gases for drying.

Seasonality of the work of beetral plants
The beetroot plants are distinguished by a pronounced seasonality of work. Sugar beet matures, as a rule, in the second decade of September. At this time, the coppe and removal of it on plants and processing. At the factories create a margin of beets stacked in the boot, which is processed at the end of its coppes and exports. With long-term storage of beets, its sugar content is significantly reduced. Therefore, the factories are striving to rework the annual stock of raw materials in the minimum term - 3-4 months. The elongation of the storage period of beet reduces the yield of sugar from the unit of raw materials and reduces the profitability of the beetroot plant.

Production of Rafinal Sahara
About 20 ... 25% of the developed sugar-sand is subjected to refining in order to obtain a cleaner food product in solid (lump-record) or crumbling crystalline (refining sugar-sand) form.
For industrial processing (on refining), sugar sand with humidity is allowed with no more than 0.15%, sugars content of at least 99.75% and color up to 1.8 units of the strainer.
The essence of the sugar refining process is that the sand sugar is dissolved, the resulting syrup is cleaned and boil on the crystal.
After casting the refinery in shape and its cooling, sugar is obtained with high hardness sugar. Large slices of cast sugar are broken into smaller or cut into pieces of correct shape.

Another method of producing sacchard sugar-impressing of the hydrated sand sugar obtained from the refinery in the forms is used. So the extruded sugar with less hardness than cast is obtained.
Liquid raffin is used in the bakery industry and the production of ice cream.
The color of the raffinade should be pure white, without spots, a bluish shade is allowed, obtained by adding ultramarine.
The yield of finished sugar rafinad is about 98.5% by weight taken into the production of sugar-sand. Sakharo-refinery in Odessa, Sumy and Cherkasy work all year round.

In Ukraine, the main production of sugar is concentrated in Vinnitsa, Khmelnitsky, Kiev, Cherkasy regions. In each of them - 30-40 sugar factories, most of them produce sugar seasonally. The yield of white sugar in relation to the mass of sugar contained in beets is called the factory coefficient. According to the sugar industry, it is 78-80%.
On average, the annual yield of sugar is 12 ... 13% by weight of beet, therefore, on 1 part of the produced sugar, 7 ... 8 parts of beets are consumed.
The complexity for the processing of sugar beet - 15 ... 16 man-days per 100 tons of beets.
The total consumption of a normal pair (with an average heat generation of 2700 kJ / kg) on \u200b\u200bthe plant is 50 ... 60% by weight of beet.
The total turnover of water is 1800 ... 2000% by the mass of recycled beet, it can be reduced to 150 ... 300%.

Summary of sugar lines

View of the resource


Raw 20 tn

For raw materials 50 tons

For raw materials 100 tn

Raw 200 tons


Real productivity

Depends on the season and the initial content of sugar in beet

The need for a pare


Water consumption per day Washing tubers

can be recycling

Water consumption day production

Depends on the degree of pollution of tubers

Consumption of lime milk per day

Flow temperature of lime milk

Concentration of lime milk

One of the most promising areas in the business today is the production of food, or rather, the production of essential products included in the main grocery basket. Among others, this includes the production of sugar.

Sahara Production: Review of the Sugar Market of the country, Prospects for beginners

For the period 2016-2017. Sugar production across the country has increased markedly. Among the determining factors that influenced the success of sugar business in Russia can be allocated:

  1. An increase in the seed area of \u200b\u200bplant crops (sugar beets, sugar cane);
  2. Investment of the state and private companies;
  3. Modernization of the industry (buying new equipment, reducing the amount of necessary raw materials and fuel).

According to the total, the gross products of sugar in Russia increased by 35%. And this is despite the fact that for the period 2016-2017 weather conditions were far from ideal. This was especially felt when collecting sugar beets in the southern parts of Russia, where precipitation often fell out in the fall.

Sugar export leaves much to be desired. The overwhelming part of the products come true both within the country and in the general markets of border states. Among the strongest competitors can be traced Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Brazil. Other EU countries do not remain far away.

Sugar business is a profitable business in Russia. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is a high competition. About 33. large manufacturers Sugar is now registered in Russia (and this is excluding private enterprises). Therefore, a novice will have to try hard to ensure that its products are successfully sold in the domestic market.

It should be borne in mind that the consumption of sugar is unlikely to increase in the near future. With the present financial situation Not everyone can afford to purchase sugars in the GOB: only for general needs. Gradually decreases Sahara sales and in summer seasonsbecause The familiar "rituals" of the workpiece of jam and the compote is already going into the past.

Technology made of sugar

Getting sugar from beet is a multistage process that takes place in several stages:

  1. Cleaning raw materials from impurities. Sugar beets on the conveyor falls into the beetshot, where it is cleaned and separated from heavy and lung impurities;
  2. Cutting beets in chips. A special apparatus is used for this with the maximum depotable blades. The fine chips obtained when processing beets is easier to further process;
  3. Selection of chips juice. The diffusion apparatus highlights the juists of a dark color juxta, which contains 13% sugar. The resulting liquid mixture must pass several stages of cleaning;
  4. Cleaning juice. Here the main method is precipitation of non -hares with the help of lime and carbon dioxide. In special installations, juice with precipitated substances is filtered, and at the output we obtain light yellow juice with the percentage of sugar 13%. Further it is covered with the addition of SO2;
  5. Condence of juice. To isolate sugar in the form of crystals, 13% of its content is not enough. The concentration is raised by coencing the juice to the syrup on the evaporation unit (60-75% sugar);
  6. Getting crystallized sugar. In vacuum installations, syrup is processed, and as a result, yellow crystallized sugar with a ottekt (liquid) is formed in a ratio of 1: 1. Such a mixture is called the ATFEL.
  7. Further treatment of the agel and receiving white sugar. Utfel re-enters the centrifuge, after which the sugar is formed higher quality.

At the exit in the production of sugar from sugar beet, we actually get sugar, as well as processing products: molasses, mag and filtration sediment.

Melasse contains 50% sugar, but not subjected to further processing in the centrifuge. This resource can be used in the production of alcohol, citric acid, animal feed. Fertilizers are made from the filtration precipitate. Well used as a source for the production of feed. All this can be used as an additional source of income.

The schematic diagram of the production of sugar sugar cane does not differ from the one that is used on beetroot industries. However, the process itself is easier, and raw sugar is obtained at the exit: a product that is not suitable for use. Sugar-raw can be processed to refined sugar either on the factory itself or in separate industries.

Sahara manufacturing stages:

  1. Cleaning the cane from impurities;
  2. Grinding and cutting reed;
  3. Selection of juice;
  4. Cleaning juice;
  5. Condensation of juice;
  6. Crystallization of sugar.

There are some features in the equipment at the grinding stage of the cane. Here, except for the blade for cutting, crusher and milling devices are used. Crushers are thoroughly crushed the cut stems of the cane, and in mills from the resulting mass, the primary non-filtered juice is isolated.

Obtained at exit the mass representing the fiber is called Bagasy. In it 0.7-0.8% sugar and it is used to obtain paper and building materials, as well as fuel in CHP. The melasse and filtration sediment are also formed during production.

Sugar-raw is formed when the inadequate of the first filtering and the agel of the second filtering is welded. At the same time, the magnitude of the obtained crystals is the main indicator of the quality of such sugar.

Sugar production Rafinada

Rafine sugar is extruded sugar, packaged in the form of cubes. Production of such a product is very profitable, but the equipment requires large financial investments.

The equipment is installed standard. This includes pressing devices, packs, devices for drying, packaging sugar in boxes. Do not forget about the equipment for filtering about the processing of sugar.

Rafinal manufacturing steps:

  1. Mixing sand sugar or raw sugar with water (you can add glycerin for stickiness). Here we prepare the ground for further filtering;
  2. Processing the resulting solution. This includes the stages of the release of juice containing sugar, the formation of the syrup and further - the input (the scheme is similar to the manufacture of sugar from beet or cane, however, the processing is carried out more thoroughly);
  3. Farming of wet sugar in shape, his press. Used for this special rotating forms, as well as pressing rollers;
  4. Drying the resulting sugar and its packaging.

Sugar-raffin is pure sucrose with a fraction of impurities not more than 0.1% by modern requirements. Therefore, processing of raw materials requires care and scrupulsiness. The use of high-quality equipment is one of the reasons for the high cost of this type of business.

To date, the manufacture of curly sugar is one of the new trends in the "sweet" business. Sugar rafin has a standard rectangular shape, however, from such pieces you can make a wide variety of figured sugar.

Figured sugar is manufactured most often under the order. On the market you can find simple forms of sugar, for example, card suit, hearts, asterisks, skulls.

Figured sugar is also used as decoration to other confectionery products. Naturally, such products under the order may differ both in shape and size.

Technology production of dairy sugar

Milk sugar is a yellow or white powder that is formed from serum. This product has extensive use, because It is used in the food industry, technical purposes and in pharmacology.

It is best to use funeral serum in production, because It is the most rich in the content of lactose (at least 5%).

Stages of the manufacture of milk sugar:

  1. Separation of swivel serum with separation of dairy fat and casein dust. Held in special installations-separators;
  2. Thermal denaturation of serum proteins and their filtering. It is carried out in special baths under the temperature of 90-95 degrees. In the acidified environment. Because of the destructive factors, the serum protein is collapsed and settled, after which it can be easily separated from the solution. After filtering, the "serum" solution should be deckled with the addition of sodium hydroxide.
  3. Condence of serum. The evaporation process is carried out at a temperature not higher than 55 degrees in the presence of defoamers (Afromine, oleic acid). At the end of the thickening, the flowing syrup is heated to 70-75 degrees.;
  4. Crystallization of dairy sugar. The procedure can last from 15 to 35 hours with a constant stirring of syrup. The main danger at this stage is the formation of processes, or druz;
  5. Department of crystals from melassa and their cleaning. Moreover, cleaning is carried out as needed. The obtained crystals are in the following are grinding in special equipment, forming powder.

The production also uses cottage cheese, but here there are features. First, the acidification of the serum solution during its denaturation is not made. And secondly, the yield of dairy sugar itself is slightly less due to lactose saving in the production process.

How to organize a sugar production plant

Search for premises

The premises for production should be quite large, because The manufacture of sugar requires a lot of overall equipment. Separately, it is worth paying attention to the warehouse, because Sugar has the property to absorb odors. Accordingly, the warehouse should be good ventilation and dryness.

The easiest way to buy a ready-made room. When signing the contract, it is worth considering the "age" of both the equipment and the site itself. Also not excluded the option to choose the room yourself and buy necessary equipmentBut at this stage you can make a bunch of errors. This is especially true of novice businessmen.

The main blocks of the Sugar Plant include:

  • manufacturing facility;
  • warehouse for raw materials and products;
  • personal hygiene rooms;
  • household room for personnel.

And naturally, the room should be equipped in accordance with all the requirements of the law of the Russian Federation. This is important, because Beginners can get on a large fine.

Personnel search

When opening your sugar business, it is worth thinking immediately about the working team. It must include people with the following specialties:

  1. Company director;
  2. Actually, workers are at least 10 persons;
  3. Purchasing and sales manager;
  4. Mechanic;
  5. Guards;
  6. Cleaners;
  7. Accountants.


Put your production for state accounting - the first step during business registration. There are two options for events: either you recommend yourself as an IP, or as ohth. How to document business activities You can find out by clicking on the relevant links. The last option is convenient from a practical point of view, because Roads are open here to cooperate with large firms. I do not have such a possibility.

To register, you need the following documentation:

List of exemplary, so specify the need for a question in a particular document.

Financial side of business

Sugar production requires considerable investments at the start. Therefore, an analysis of the economic situation for the period of opening a sugar plant is one of the main tasks of a businessman.

Purchase of finished premises with all equipment costs about 30 million rubles. excluding wages Employees, deliveries of raw materials and advertising (what will leave another 1-5 million rubles). There is also an option for renting the premises and establishing your own production line. Here, the starting capital must be at least 5 million rubles. Provided good profits and large amounts of products.

40 thousand rubles. - This is the cost of 1 ton of sugar. Taking into account the fact that the minimum acceptable amount of products is 30 tons per month, during this period you will have 1.2 million rubles. At the initial stages, income may be limited to 200 thousand rubles per month, so the payback period will be stretched for 1-2 years of continuous operation.

Search for Delivery Channels for Production

The main resource for production is sugar beet or sugar cane. Suppliers can be both domestic entrepreneurs and foreign competitors (France, Germany, USA). Now the use of alternative types of raw materials is practiced, among which they allocate:

  1. Japanese starch rice;
  2. Palm juice from Asia;
  3. Stems of bread sorghum from China.

Marketing and sales issues of finished products

Sugar business is a branch with high levels Competition in the market. Naturally, for the owner, the issue of marketing remains open. What should be done when opening a new company?

  1. To establish the sales paths of products. It may be the urchopitis, grocery storesProduction confectionery. Do not forget about additional sources of earnings in the form of waste (molasses, fetration, filtration sediment);
  2. Create your own website. So it will be easier for you to "pianaz" your products and provide information about it;
  3. Come up with an original emblem, develop your brand. Do not forget about your own design of packages for sugar.

One of the most important steps to achieve success in the selected business is, which will allow themselves to imagine the whole "picture" of future activities and avoid many mistakes inherent in novice entrepreneurs.