Business plan for growing vegetables all year round. Business plan for growing vegetables: turn the hobby to the source of profit. Advantages and disadvantages of growing vegetables in a greenhouse

  • Marketing plan
  • Personnel search
  • Financial plan
        • Related business ideas:

A brief business plan for growing vegetables in a closed soil (greenhouse) with an area of \u200b\u200b1000 square meters.

Marketing plan

The proposal of high-quality fresh vegetables in our country is much lower than demand for them. In Russia, in conditions of closed soil, only 25% of the total consumption of vegetables are produced, and in the winter months, it is only 15%. The same vegetables that are born from abroad cannot preserve their freshness without additives, due to which the vegetable becomes solid and stored for a long time. This is primarily refer to tomatoes, which are supplied to the counter of our stores with almost tasteless. This suggests that the sale of products grown in the greenhouse in our country will be found by 100%. Local products will have at least four advantages: freshness, taste (without additives), price (below transportation costs) and shipping speed. The planned production volume should be about 200 kg of vegetables from one square meter per year. This is a medium yield, which is shown by the greenhouse farms of Russia, without the use of artificial lighting. Major cultures: cucumbers, tomatoes and salad. Vegetable sales planned to be carried out at points catering, grocery markets, local food networks and processing production.

How much money is needed to start growing vegetables in a closed soil (greenhouse)

For the construction of the greenhouse in the property there is already a land plot, an area of \u200b\u200b3000 square meters. meter. Therefore, the cost of opening a business will be somewhat lower. To launch greenhouses for growing vegetables, it will be necessary:

  • Purchase turnkey greenhouse (1000 sq. M.) + Installation + delivery - 3,000,000 rubles. (Frame from the profile pipe, coating - from the film).
  • Buy necessary equipment and inventory (racks, gas boilers for heating, etc.) - 500,000 rubles.
  • Purchase fertilizers and planting material - 200,000 rubles.
  • Test communications (electricity, water supply) - 100 000 rubles.
  • Register a business (KFH, tax regime - Eschn) and create a reserve capital - 300,000 rubles.

TOTAL total costs The opening of the project will be: 4 100,000 rubles.

Personnel search

For servicing the greenhouses it is planned to attract 4 hired workers. Their responsibilities will include landing and care of the culture, harvesting, product packaging, the maintenance of the territory of the greenhouse in due state. Wage There will be a piece and premium and will be on average 25 thousand rubles per month (per person).

Financial plan

Permanent monthly expenses:

  • Salary + Insurance deductions - 160 thousand rubles
  • Communal expenses (electricity, water) - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Planting material, packaging - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Plant protection - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Depreciation - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Other organizational expenses - 70 thousand rubles.

TOTAL - 450 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn on growing vegetables in a closed soil (greenhouse)

Profit from the sale of vegetables depends on the sales season. Traditionally, the maximum price for vegetables is celebrated in the spring-winter period. Tomatoes and cucumbers in this period of time can be sold at a price of 80 to 120 rubles per kilogram.

With a greenhouse of 1000 square meters. m. Every month can be obtained about 16,000 kg of fresh vegetables. If you even take the minimum price of 60 rubles / kg, then provided 100% of the implementation of all products, the monthly revenue of the economy will be 1.2 million rubles. Net income in this case will be: 960,000 - 450,000 ( permanent expenses) \u003d 510 000 rubles. Naturally, we can only receive such income within 5 - 6 months. The rest of the time (summer - autumn) prices for vegetables below 2 - 3 times. Nevertheless, the project pays off, with due organization for only 8 - 12 months.

Business plan greenhouse economy The cultivation of vegetables is a comprehensive document in which all aspects of this business are prescribed in detail. From how qualitatively planning will be carried out, and how fully we will take into account all aspects of our private enterprise, its financial efficiency depends.

Of course, ideally a business plan should be professional economists. However, even if you have no profile education, you can first calculate all costs and determine how appropriate to engage in such a thing. And this article will help you.

Basics of greenhouse business

Vegetable products market

Vegetable growing will not be called too promising from the point of view of private entrepreneurship. Wholesale and retail price of vegetables, greenery and berries are relatively low, and therefore it is necessary to grow and implement significant amounts of products to obtain substantial profits. It is almost unrealistic to implement this within the framework of the private farm.

However, even in such a situation there is an approach that allows you to seriously increase business performance. The thing is that the dynamics of the cost of this product category has a pronounced seasonal character.

In other words, "in the season", vegetables and greens are sold literally for a penny, while the rest of the year on the price tags are more attractive for the seller's figures.

The main ways to reduce seasonal dependence are only two:

  • At first, You can import products from territories with fundamentally other climatic characteristics. It is according to this scheme most sellers in the domestic market.
  • SecondlyYou can leave seasonality by going to growing products in a closed soil. In this case, we will receive commodity products at a time when its market value will be maximum, and due to this, profitability will grow.

A bright example of a second approach can serve as a business plan for growing greenery in a greenhouse: in the summer, the greenhouse is used for other purposes, and in autumn-winter period Works at full power. Thus, we do not compete with cheap products of farms, and we get the main profit outside the season.

Possible risks

As in any business, in the cultivation of vegetables, berries and greenery in a closed soil there is a certain list of risks:

  • First of all, the profitability of the business depends on the dynamics of the prices of the energy resources. As practice shows, a typical business plan for the cultivation of strawberries in a greenhouse or the breeding of other cultures does not include the active functioning of the agro-commander from November to February. This is, of course, with high costs on, which are almost impossible to be covered by selling products.

Note! Exceptions from this rule are found, but the novice entrepreneur should not risk. Especially since the pre-New Year peak of buying activity is still almost completely covered by the imported goods.

  • Also, the risks of business in the greenhouse include diseases and pests. Observation of the state of seedlings and adult plants must be necessary, otherwise you can destroy the harvest in a few days.
  • In addition, it is very important to track the dynamics of the market and react to it on time. For example, if last year your business for the cultivation of greenery in the greenhouse flourished, this does not mean that in the current season you will not be supplanted with competitors with a cheaper bridal product.

Risk accounting and forecast changes will give the opportunity to plan work on cultivation. But, strictly speaking, this concerns conducting business. And how can I go to the sale as you hand greenhouse vegetables - We will tell you in the next section.

Business plan structure

Main costs

This section is sufficient detailed instructionsallowing you to independently develop a business plan. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account many aspects, and the first is the amount of costs.

Note! All figures that are listed below are approximate. In fact, the cost of the goods and services mentioned may differ in different regions. In addition, the data have the property to be outdated, so it is worth using the most relevant data.

So, what is included in the cost structure?

  • Registration of the enterprise in permissive bodies. If you do everything yourself, then the process is long done, but only the state duty will be paid. If you contact intermediaries, then the cost of services is from 5 thousand rubles.
  • Land. If there is a plot in the property, this item can be omitted. If you plan to rent land, then rates will be about 50 thousand per 10 acres.

Note! When renting a lease, check the availability of permission to conduct agricultural activities in this area.

  • Acquisition or. The costs of this item directly depend on the design you chose. So that you can navigate in order numbers, let's just say that the design with a coating about 15 acres will cost you approximately half a million rubles.

  • Installation of greenhouse and its equipment with everything necessary - 300 thousand or more. Partially this amount can be reduced due to the independent execution of a number of works, but then you must have a sufficient margin of time.
  • Purchase of materials - seeds, seedlings, fertilizers, soils and means to combat pests. You will have to count on your own from beginning to end, since all the numbers directly depend on the work profile you chose.
  • Payment of labor of hired workers.

Remuneration - Another expense article

As a result, in the most minimal estimates for the start, we will need about 1 million rubles.

Sources of financing

The question "Where to take such money" is quite natural.

Here can be three options:

  • Bank lending. Many banks open credit lines for farms on enough favorable conditions. Naturally, the risk in this case consists in the possible delay in payments, however, it is the bank that is the most likely source of financing.
  • Target programs. Currently there is a program for supporting young farms from the ministry. agriculture RF for 2012-2014. The size of one-time assistance for this program can reach 1.5 million rubles, therefore it is worth familiar with its requirements.
  • Private investment. If you have a qualitatively prescribed business plan, then you can attract a private investor. Naturally, in this case will have to share profit.

Organizational and production activities

The scheme of action on the organization and implementation of the business is as follows:

  • Register the subject business activities (IP or LLC).
  • We choose the tax form (the ideal option here will be a single agricultural tax - ECHN).
  • We are registered as an employer in pension Fund and to the social insurance fund.

Note! Registration in PF and FSS is needed only if you plan to hire workers. However, the production of products in commodity volumes is almost impossible.

  • Renting Earth or obtaining permission to conduct agricultural work on the site that is in your property.
  • Buying or building a greenhouse complex.
  • Equipment systems of heating, water supply ,.
  • Purchase of sowing or planting material.
  • Growing products Collecting and selling harvest.

Ways of sales of products

Before investing in a greenhouse business, it is worth considering in advance where you will give a harvest.

There are several types of consumption points:

  • Base wholesale trade Vegetables. In principle, a good option from the point of view of the implementation time, but they are extremely low purchasing prices.

  • Wholesale buyers who are self-delivery. If you agree, you can sell vegetables and greens at quite an affordable price.
  • Points retail. Option profitable from the receipt maximum profits. However, the conclusion of contracts with retail is a huge work reservoir, which you need to either do or delegate to the competent sales marketing.
  • Companies companies. First of all, these are restaurants, canning plants, other food industry enterprises. Features of interaction are the same as with retail.

If you try, it is possible to work efficient from the point of view of finance by any of the above-mentioned schemes.

Choice of culture for growing

Discussing the work plan, do not forget and answer the question to grow in a greenhouse business?

Variants are set, but only some are preferred for the beginner:

  • The business plan for the cultivation of cucumbers in the greenhouse is the perfect option for those who are just starting work on this field. The main advantage of the choice of cucumbers as a major culture is constant demand that provides stable sales and high profitability, as well as simplicity of agrotechnology.

Note! To obtain high-quality products, intensive lighting and abundant irrigation is necessary. Consequently, it is necessary to lay the costs of lamps, electricity and water supply to the project budget.

  • Greens - another attractive object for greenhouse agribusiness. Using closed soil, can be produced in cargo quantities of cabbage (Beijing and color), dill, parsley, radishes, celery, etc. The main feature of the business plan should be a quick implementation, since the shelf life of products in this case is minimal.
  • Growing strawberries in a greenhouse - business is quite troublesome, but at the same time very profitable. Due to the high purchase price of berries in winter and spring Time You can literally in two or three years "go out in zero", after which it works with great financial efficiency. The main thing as in the case of the greens, to establish a quick realization channel.

  • An alternative to vegetable growing (or a pleasant addition) can be a business plan for the cultivation of tulips in the greenhouse. The key point of this plan is to distill large volumes of products for specific dates (first of all on February 14 and March 8). Since tulips are quite simple in care, their cultivation can be engaged in parallel with the main "vegetable" business.

In fact, the options mentioned here should not limit you. If you have experience growing other crops, or you see a good channel for product sale, it is quite possible to "run" business and tomatoes, pepper and other vegetables.


Considering the cultivation of vegetables in a greenhouse as a business, it is important to take into account the entire aspects, ranging from the features of the agrotechnology and ending with the possibility of implementation. And if you do this, then all the planned indicators will be achieved, the investment will pay off, and the lovingly equipped greenhouse will begin to bring from each square meter. Let a small but tangible profit! In the video, this article provides for you visual information on agreed issues.

In addition, the state provides support to this area for the development of agriculture. The launch of the business does not take much time because it is possible to decide the greenhouse and solve the organizational issues in a couple of months. Therefore, possessing certain knowledge and skills, it is quite possible to turn the greenhouse sphere to the source of income.

What to grow?

Before choosing the type of greenhouse, buy technical equipment and solve other issues related to business organization, you need to decide on what products you are going to specialize. Conditionally greenhouse business can be divided into three categories on the basis that you are growing:

Flowers. Color trade is the most profitable branch of the greenhouse business, since this product uses unrelentious demand. However, it will take place of starting capital, about 4 times higher than the initial investments in other industries, since the cultivation of colors requires more extensive areas than, for example, growing vegetables.

Greens (onions, parsley, dill, salad, celery, basil, etc.). This direction is the perfect option for beginners. The greens is unpretentious and with minimal amenities it grows well in almost any climatic conditions. To establish sales products, it is enough to find retail buyers here.

Vegetables. The most common and in demand for greenhouse cultures are tomatoes and cucumbers - the perfect option in the event that the entrepreneur decides to increase the payback of his business and will bet on wholesale. If you have an agreement with buyers from the restaurant sphere or at least with the owners of the cafe, that is, it makes sense to grow less common and more so-precious vegetable crops. Of course, their cost will be higher than the cost of the same cucumbers, however, the profits will bring more significant.

Exotic cultures. This direction, although promisingly profitable, but is categorically not recommended for beginners, because it requires serious knowledge and expensive technical equipment. In addition, due to the powness of cultures, atypical for the Russian climate, an entrepreneur is likely to risk losing invested funds.

Taking the final decision on the crop sitting, should be held marketing research regional market to assess the feasibility, see which cultures are most in demand and build price policies. In addition, consider the climatic features of your location, as well as the remoteness of the place of cultivation from potential buyers, because than heavier products and how it is more demanding to storage conditions, the more difficult it will arrange delivery.

Technical equipment

The most important element of the technical equipment of your site is, of course, a greenhouse (or greenhouse). The choice of type here depends primarily on what kind of business format you will prefer - seasonal or year-round. Seasonal cultivation is more economical, and greenhouses suitable for this format can be divided into two types:

Film. The most economical option that Russian daches usually build "for summer". The film is extremely low cost, and it is easy to replace it in case of damage. The main minuses are the fragility of polyethylene and a small bandwidth - That is, the plants in the greenhouse will not receive lightly for photosynthesis, so it will be necessary to periodically open the door of the greenhouse (when it allows the weather).

Glass. For a long time, small farmers were most popular, since it was allowed to provide higher productivity than polyethylene counterparts. Glass greenhouses can be operated from early spring to late autumn (and with a certain technical equipment - and in winter), they better hold the required temperature and passes up to 90% of solar color. However, the glass is also painful and does not always withstand too low temperatures, and the replacement of cracked fragments will cost much more expensive.

As for year-round cultivation, only the use of polycarbonate greenhouses is acceptable. Entering into a wide use of relatively recently, this material, the heat capacity of which is several times higher than the heat capacity of glass and polyethylene, immediately became popular both in summer residents and farmers. Polycarbonate is 8 times lighter than glass and 250 times more stronger, which increases the service life of the greenhouse at times. In addition, greenhouses from polycarbonate do not need the obligatory erection of the foundation, unlike glass analogs (however, if you want to increase the performance of your business, it still does not stand). Construction polycarbonate greenhouse An industrial type is 6 meters wide, 6 meters long and 3.3 meters in height will cost approximately 140,000 rubles. Each increase in length of 2 meters will cost about 30,000 rubles.

In addition to greenhouses, you will also need:

Watering system. The price depends on the complexity, the easiest option is drip (with a hose of 20 meters long will cost approximately 1,000 rubles).

Heating equipment and lighting systems. The practice has shown that the most convenient option for heating is air heating - that is, the supply of warm air with the help of a heat generator through the holes of the pipe-duct, which is installed around the perimeter of the greenhouse. It should be borne in mind that the costs of the costs associated with the lighting and heating of greenhouses will have to 90% of the flow.

Agricultural inventory.

How to grow?

The most common method of growing greenhouse products is a hydroponics system. It is characterized by high performance - one cultivation cycle takes 2-3 weeks, and the yield is 2-3 tons of products from one hectare. These indicators are 5-10 times higher than the numbers that can be achieved when used. traditional fashion Growing, that is, fertilizers - at the same time, the hydroponics is less costly and can be used both in small farms and in industrial greenhouses. However, it is worth remembering that vegetables grown using hydroponics are significantly losing in taste, which reduces the demand for products.


Greenhouse requires land areas. If the land already has owned, then no additional difficulties are foreseen, but if there is no - then it is necessary to purchase it or rent it. In some regions, municipalities in support of agricultural entrepreneurship provide subsidies for these purposes. If we talk about specific rental prices, the range is very wide and depends on the specific region - from 10,000 rubles for "weaving" to 90,000 per hectare. As for the size, to launch a small-scale business can be enough and a small area in 3-4 "hundreds".

Documents and certificates

If the land on which you are going to build greenhouses are already in your property, and you are not going to hire assistant workers and implement grown products through stores and supply it in the institution total nutrition, then the only document you need is evidence that you are the owner of the Earth. In other cases, you should register as a subject of entrepreneurial activity, and here two options are possible: traditional individual entrepreneurship (IP) and peasant farm economy (KFH). When registering the IP, a statement is provided. installed sample, Passport and Inn applicant and receipt of payment of state duty of 800 rubles. When registering, KFH needs a statement, an agreement on the creation of KFH, the passport of the head of the CFC and the documents confirming the relationship or the property of the head and other members of the economy and the receipt of payment of state duty at 800 rubles. The main difference between IP and KFH is that, with the last version, the entity entrepreneurial activity is entitled to count on some benefits from the state.

In addition to the certificate of registration as a subject of entrepreneurial activity, an entrepreneur who decided to stop at the cultivation of vegetables, it is also worth getting an ecological certificate of conformity to its products. Obtaining this certificate will cost in the amount of 55,000 rubles and will take enough long timeHowever, it will significantly increase the competitiveness of products - now consumers are extremely picky about what is eaten, and they are following those or other products there are no foreign substances stimulating growth that increases the taste or increasing shelf life. To get into the trend "environmentally friendly products", you must pass several stages of environmental certification:

Collect package necessary documents (certificate of registration of an entrepreneur, a statement in free form, that certified products, the certificate of compliance of the GOST R (if any), full package technical documentation) And provide them with the registration center. This list may vary depending on which type of product is undergoing a certification procedure:

Wait until the Certification Center decides on the application (for this, it is necessary to carry out a thorough analysis of the documentation provided).

In the case of prior consent, the registration center specialists conduct an audit manufacturing process, Sampling samples are selected and laboratory tests are carried out, on the basis of which the decision is made to issue an environmental certificate of conformity or refusal to provide such.


The average profitability of the greenhouse business can reach from 15% to 25%. However, this indicator is extremely averaged, since it depends on the set of many factors, in particular - from climatic conditions region, from the length of the off-season period and, of course, from the type of product grown. Thus, the cultivation of greenery turns out to profitably grow vegetable times in four. The payback period of the initial investments is on average 1-2 years.

With the mass appearance of supermarkets, the only argument in favor of private plant producers with beds is their extractiveness. It is this factor that determines when choosing a market and shop. The greenery, which was raised on the beds, does not cause fear from the buyer, but the same dill in the supermarket is less than the aromaten and fresh. For the village is one of the most favorable directions.

The beds with greens do not take the main part of the household plot, the growing of dill, parsley, green onions is not laborious. The plus can be considered a low share and volume of goods, that is, it is not necessary to have its own car for transporting it to the place of sale. Business is seasonal, but during the year you can collect not one harvest.

Let's start with registration

Growing greens for sale, even at home, requires registration. The most suitable option is to choose OKVED code - A.01.12.2. This code is responsible for entrepreneurship in the field of agricultural production.

Taxation system - ECHN. According to a single agricultural tax, 6% of net profit is paid.

For admission to the work of employees, you need to register in the FIU (Pension Fund) and FSS (Social Insurance Fund) as an employer. For each workflow paid insurance premiums.

Preparation of greenhouses and soil

The main factor in business is the arrangement of the greenhouse. What is the equipment for greenhouses, read in. To obtain 10 tons of parsley for 6 months, a greenhouse is needed with a total area of \u200b\u200b1500 m2 or (15 acres). Metal design with polycarbonate coating and lateral ventilation system. The area of \u200b\u200bthe discovered film is less than 25% of the total greenhouse area on Earth. You can choose or order a turnkey installation.

Green and vegetables: video

The most popular methods of growing vegetables and greenery in greenhouses:

  1. Natural soil.This option is budget. Special containers are filled with land with fertilizers (for example, peat). Seeds are planted into the ground. You can also buy prepared land with fertilizers. The main minute - the period of growing greenery increases by 2 times compared with the following method.
  2. Vegetables and greens on hydroponics.Hydroponic - growing without soil. The system consists of water trays. When using a hydroponic method, the plant is powered not in the soil, but in water with different additives. Gravel, crushed stone, crumbs, vermiculitis and other materials are used. The main advantage is the rapid growth of greenery, the intensive development of foliage (and not the root system). But there is a minus - the device is expensive.

Most entrepreneurs grow vegetables and greens on hydroponics. With this way, familiarize yourself with more detail. We picked up interesting magazine About hydroponics:

Vegetable growing technology:

For the implementation of the business plan, we suggest you download methods and technologies to grow different greenery:

Organizational and financial plan

Business plan for growing greenery and vegetables requires a competent approach. It describes in it organizational moments, the number of personnel, sales of sales and other issues.

Head of the enterprise - individual entrepreneur. He independently leads to accounting and reporting. 1 assistant required. So where to start?

  1. We buy ready-made greenhouse For year-round breeding of greenery. Cost of greenhouse from cellular polycarbonate size of 3x6 m - 30 thousand rubles. Two greenhouses - 60,000 rubles.
  2. Additional initial expenses (Prices in rubles):
  • seeds - 5,000;
  • garden inventory + fertilizer - 4 000;
  • the heating system is 12,000. It is possible to launch pipes with hot water on the ground. If you put the greenhouses nearby, the pipes will heat both rooms;
  • propylene tubes - 50 meters of 240 rubles. per meter \u003d 12,000.

To save heat for greenhouses, a shared entrance is made.

  1. Tools for greenhouse:
  • stone coal - the cheapest fuel. For the year of heating, KAMAZ coal is needed - 10 thousand rubles;
  • water for watering - a well is done. Services are expensive - 2-3 thousand rubles. Therefore, it is better to do the work itself;
  • costs for electricity. Use fluorescent lamps. They consume less electricity. Equipment of daylight lamps - 15,000.
  • mineral I. organic fertilizers. At first, you can not buy the organic. Agree with fellow villagers: You will clean the territory, and they will give you a valuable product to you. The cost of mineral fertilizers is 3,000.
  1. Salary of Personnel (one assistant) - 120,000 rubles. in year.
  2. Rent a land plot - 100,000 rubles annually. This article costs do not take into account. This business The plan is suitable for land owners.

Total - 240 thousand rubles.

Ways of selling goods

Think out in advance where you will give a crop. The business plan for growing vegetables and greens implies such consumption points:

  • Wholesale vegetable bases. The main plus is the speed of implementation. But the purchase prices are low, therefore the profit is insignificant.
  • Wholesale warehouseswhich are carried out by pickup. They are delivering products to shop. Procurement top prices compared to bases.
  • Retail points. This is the most acceptable option from the position of obtaining maximum profits. But to conclude contracts with stores you need to hire a separate person and salesman.
  • Companies companies (Restaurants, cafes, canning plants and other enterprises). Features of interaction practically do not differ with retail.

Calculate revenue

Wholesale price of green onions - 100 rubles / kg.

For example, you received and implemented 5 tons of greenery. Income - 500,000 rubles. We subtract constant and variable costs of growing greenery and vegetables in the greenhouse. Net profit 500 – 240 = 260 thousand rubles.

According to statistics, profitability of business for growing vegetables and greenery in greenhouses - more 40% , payback - 5 months.

What other business is suitable for the village?

Cucumbers for sale

One of the most favorable directions for the village. Build greenhouses need to be built in winter so that in March you can sell products. At the beginning of the spring cucumbers are the most expensive. Technology, financial questions And the ways to implement the goods are described in.

Strawberry early spring

How to organize profitable business on strawberry? How much money is needed? When will the investment accumulate? These and other important questions.

We grow roses