What is the sales manager? Job responsibilities of a sales manager. What a wholesales manager should do

A sales manager is one of the most popular professions, because it is this specialist who, in fact, ensures the financial well-being of the company. The main task of such a manager is to sell the company's goods and services, expand the circle of customers and maintain partnerships with them. The sales specialist spends most of his working time in negotiations (telephone or personal).

Places of work

The position of a sales manager is in any company, firm or organization engaged in one or another type of trading activity. Sometimes employers are looking for a specialist in a specific area of \u200b\u200bwork right away, and then the following positions are found in vacancies:

  • car sales manager (auto parts);
  • window sales manager;
  • sales manager for equipment, machinery;
  • real estate sales manager;
  • furniture sales manager;
  • service sales manager, etc.

However, despite the specifics of the product being sold, the essence of the work of a specialist in the sales department is always the same - to sell the product, to keep the sales volume at high level and, if possible, also increase it.

History of the profession

Sales managers have been around for almost as long as trading itself. At all times, they were called differently: merchants, itinerant traders, barkers, shop assistants ... But the name does not change the essence of what a sales manager does - to sell goods and find new customers.

Responsibilities of a sales manager

Job responsibilities sales manager look like this:

  • Increase in sales in your sector.
  • Search and attraction of new clients (processing of incoming applications, active search for clients, negotiations, conclusion of contracts).
  • Maintaining relationships with the established clientele.
  • Reporting on work with current clients and incoming requests.
  • Consulting on assortment and technical parameters of goods (services).

This is a general list of what a sales manager does. In addition, depending on the field of activity, the functions of a sales manager may also include the following items:

  • Acceptance of goods and maintenance of their display in sales areas.
  • Conducting presentations and trainings on new products and company promotions.
  • Participation in exhibitions.

Requirements for a sales manager

Employers require the following from an applicant who wants to become a sales manager:

  • Higher education (sometimes - incomplete higher education).
  • Russian citizenship (not always, but in most cases).
  • Knowledge of PCs, office programs and 1C, the ability to work with electronic catalogs.
  • Active selling skills.

Additional requirements put forward by employers:

  • The presence of a driving license of category B (sometimes also the presence of a personal car).
  • Experience in sales.
  • Skills in processing basic commercial documents (contracts, invoices, invoices, invoices, etc.)

Some employers specifically stipulate that, in addition to the necessary skills, the sales manager must also have a pleasant appearance, but this is more the exception than the rule.

Sales Manager Resume Sample

How to become a sales manager

People with any education can master the skills of a sales manager. A sales manager needs, first of all, communication skills and understanding of sales processes. Sales principles can be understood in just a couple of days. It will take some more time to overcome the first fears (call a stranger, hold a meeting, respond to objections and other things).

The easiest way to learn the skills of a professional salesperson is to get a job and receive training on the job. This is common in the labor market.

Sales manager salary

How much a sales manager receives depends on the specifics of the company's activities, on the specifics of the manager's work, on the region of residence and, above all, on the implementation of the sales plan. The salary of a sales manager ranges from 12,000 to 250,000 rubles, and average salary sales manager is about 40,000 rubles. I would like to repeat myself and say that earnings significantly depend on sales skills and the achieved result.

A sales manager is one of the most sought-after and well-paid vacancies today. However, many do not think how hard this work can be, drawing knowledge of it from Hollywood films in which well-dressed men casually enter into multimillion-dollar contracts while sitting in a luxurious restaurant. However, not everything is so rosy. Let's take a closer look at the main functional responsibilities sales manager.

The first and most important thing is finding clients. It is carried out in different ways: by “cold calls”, when a person simply calls all the firms of the corresponding profile according to the list in the telephone directory with offers of goods; placing advertisements, traveling to potential clients, sending letters on the Internet - in general, by any means that can bring results. The problem is that 99% of this work is usually wasted. Competitor monitoring is also the responsibility of the sales manager. Only a person who knows on what conditions and at what cost other firms sell their goods, what promotions they have, can offer more profitable terms... However, it is not enough to find a client - it is necessary to keep him, so the further management of the transaction is also the responsibility of the sales manager. will not just "sell" the goods, but will also track how the client received it, was he satisfied, if there were any problems.

In this case, the manager often draws up and concludes supply contracts with his own hand and is responsible for the delivery of goods. All problems related to unloading, underloading, rejects, re-grading are solved by him. The sales manager is obliged to regularly attend trainings aimed at improving qualifications and develop his ability to communicate with people and sell goods.

The instructions of a sales manager depend on the specifics of the company and are very different in different organizations. In one place he only deals with "cold calls", in another he constantly travels in search of clients. Such work is great for energetic, young people who love an active lifestyle and know how to communicate. Cons - work on interest, the payment of which depends on the implementation of the plan. If the tasks set by the management are not fulfilled, the manager often receives a bare salary, which can be one and a half to two times less than the declared salary.

In addition, in modern business, competition between firms is enormous, especially if it is small organizations... There is a real struggle for each client, so managers have a hard time. And customers, knowing their price, behave downrightly. So, quite often during the same "cold calls" a torrent of abuse can fall on workers.

Today, management sales are just a salesperson who works according to the employer's instructions. What does it usually do? Communicates with buyers - clients, concludes sales contracts, knocks out debts, runs after debtors, builds up a client base, works for interest on the transaction. He is an employee of the enterprise who brings money. Today, without a manager, nowhere, he is the most important, and at the same time the most defenseless. Who to write off unpaid debts? The manager. Is it okay that the deal was approved by a financial advisor and security service? Answer: I did not call on time, overlooked, did not report to the management.

Why does a business need sellers?

Today's business cannot be imagined without a profession called active sales manager. Names vary from organization to organization, from salesperson to sales representative... The essence is the same - sales to existing customers in the enterprise database and search for new ones.

It would seem that there is a product that takes its rightful place on the market. Why else is he needed at all? The marketers worked, conducted research on similar products, determined the price category, organized advertising company, potential buyers looked, "felt" - no sales. What's wrong with the product? Why is an analogue in demand higher in price and worse in quality? They started checking, making calls, it turns out that there are well-established supply channels, discount systems, payment deferrals, and just human relationships, when you don't want to change anything, everything suits you.

How to break this “vicious” (from the point of view of the manufacturer or new seller) circle? And here begins the painstaking work of an active sales manager to attract buyers to "his side". Not everything is so complicated, but not smooth either!

Personal qualities of a sales manager from the point of view of business leaders

  • Ability to learn. What for? Otherwise, how can you sell if you do not know the advantages of the product. The product (its quality characteristics) requires initial development.
  • Ability to speak correctly (not tongue-tied). An active sales manager must coherently (so that "bounced off the teeth") tell about the product (service) being sold.
  • External data: special representativeness is not important, you need to have the ability to win over.
  • Experience. In any area. Awareness of the need to become a professional "salesperson" must be formed.

In successful companies, business leaders conduct interviews with candidates themselves, because only an active sales manager who works with clients brings money to the company - the rest spend. As soon as top management begins to understand this postulate, the turnover of personnel at the enterprise immediately stops.

Active sales manager: responsibilities

Passive sales assume that the customer is ripe for the purchase himself and does not need to be motivated by anything. Active sales are needed in order to turn the client from the "foreign door" and bring him to his company. All actions that occur between these two events are the responsibilities of the manager.

  • Study of the sold product (service) from the point of view of its position in this segment market.
  • Study of the potential circle of buyers.
  • Working with the current customer base.
  • Establishing contacts with potential clients by any available means: cold - by phone, warm - at a meeting.
  • Conclusion of contracts of purchase and sale, developed by lawyers of the employing company.
  • Making a deal.
  • Tracking payment.
  • Debt collection from clients working with deferred payment.

Active sales manager: job description as a document

Any employing company seeks to clearly articulate the responsibilities of its employees. An active sales manager works according to the previously worked out requirements, drawn up in the "Job Description" document. This is precisely a document, since upon hiring it is signed by the employer on the one hand, and by the employee on the other.

Violation of the requirements leads to sad consequences in the form of fines, and then to dismissal: the wording may be different, the essence is the same - non-fulfillment of official duties.

So what should an active sales manager do in a company? The employee's instruction is usually developed by the head of the sales department, corrected by the HR manager and signed by the authorized manager.

The composition of the job description for an active sales manager

Key points:

  • The categorization of the employee is determined (usually the manager is classified as a specialist).
  • Requirements for education and work experience are indicated.
  • The person who makes the appointment of the active sales manager is determined.
  • Subordination is established, both direct and in the absence of the head.
  • The range of documents that should be followed by an active sales manager in his work is determined. As a rule, these are the charter of the enterprise, the rules internal regulations, various orders and orders of the management.

What is the regulation of knowledge by profession?

An active sales manager should know:

  • Russian laws governing commercial activities.
  • Pricing procedure.
  • Marketing Basics.
  • Assortment list of products (services) of the employing enterprise.
  • Accepted company reporting forms.
  • Enterprise structure.

Direct functions of the manager

  • Search for clients (expanding the client base).
  • Conduct of negotiations.
  • Development of conditions (within a regulated framework) of the contract, execution (conclusion).
  • Acceptance of client applications, registration and further transfer to the delivery service.
  • Maintaining the client on payments, on the timing of accepting new applications, informing about marketing activities.
  • Work with the reporting adopted in the company.
  • Possibility of communication with the management of the company on issues: remuneration, identified deficiencies, making proposals for improving the work.
  • The possibility of requiring the assistance of the management in the work (according to the prescribed duties).

An active sales manager is responsible for: failure to fulfill his job duties in accordance with the instructions signed by him, for violations in working time under the Criminal Code and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, for material damage caused to the company.

How to get a job

The recruitment process is always associated with the passage of an initial interview in the personnel department, a secondary interview with the head of the sales department (or a representative of the company's management). Before talking about employment at the initial stage, the candidate must understand all the complexities of these negotiations and requirements.

What initially characterizes a person applying for the position of "active sales manager"? Resume, correctly and competently composed.

Usually, the look of an employee of the personnel department is "hooked": the presence of a higher education, passing trainings on sales, listing not only places previous worksbut also an indication of the progress achieved. A plus may be the presence of a driver's license, mention of the possibility of business trips and work outside hours (irregular working hours). For this profession (for some reason) the absence of children is welcomed.

An undesirable link can be work in procurement at a previous job.

Manager salary composition

Typically, the employee is presented with the following options:

  • Salary and percentage of sales.
  • Percentage of sales.
  • Percentage of sales, penalty for late arrival of money from the client.

The motivation of an active sales manager, based on salary and percentage of sales, is the most preferable - there is always a steady income, albeit a small one. Under this scheme, the percentage can be tied to the previous month (sales need to be increased), not all companies pay for stability (repeating the result of the previous month).

If a manager works only on a percentage of sales, he must be ready for a very active search for clients, at first - building up his client base. Then make sure that customers do not leave for others. In the case of good interest rates, earnings can be consistently high, but you need to "plow" a lot.

Usually companies do not mention fines for late arrival of money from clients (they are afraid to frighten off the employee), in this case the fine is always unexpected and extremely painful.

If a client from the category of debtors falls into defaulters (this happens when payment is deferred), and all services of the company cannot reclaim this money, then the manager can be forced to pay the debt. The transaction amounts are usually large and the salary small. The question is, how long will the manager pay off the client's debt?

Human qualities required for the profession

The applicant for this position must have different talents:

  • Ability to find a common language.
  • Ease of communication.
  • Ability to make quick decisions.
  • Learnability.
  • Perseverance.
  • Lack of shyness.
  • Work according to the rule: "Never offer what you don't know, study first."

If the candidate meets all these requirements, he can hope for success.

And the trade is rapidly growing in popularity for such a profession as a sales manager. Despite the specifics of this work, even students can do it. The profession of a manager opens up prospects for a person wages, career growth in the company.

Having gained sufficient experience in the field of sales, the specialist has the opportunity to link his future activities with technology, marketing or leadership position... The main tasks are to find out the needs of the buyer, contact existing customers and constantly look for new ones, as well as ensure the promotion of products to the market and the process of product entry into the sphere of use. If you are interested in getting this position and successful work in this area, it is necessary to outline the responsibilities of the sales manager for the resume. First of all, you need to get acquainted in detail with the nuances of the profession.

General characteristics of the sales manager

The need for specialized education for this job is quite controversial issue... Perhaps a specialized education is a decisive factor, but, on the other hand, character traits play an equally important role. Not only good knowledge products and customer needs will help ensure career success, but also communication skills. You need to quickly navigate the situation, for example, if the product is out of stock, if possible, offer another one, conclude profitable contracts, work with documents, negotiate with suppliers, track delivery conditions, discounts, etc. Sometimes the definition of this specialty does not seem too much understandable, overly generalized and even confusing.

To present yourself as a worthy candidate for this position, you must first understand the key job functions, responsibilities of a sales manager for a resume, in order to write it correctly. We will look at all this in more detail in the following sections.

Requirements for the profession

The sales manager carries out the following activities:

  1. Looking for potential clients and conducting commercial negotiations.
  2. Accepts customer orders, draws up documentation.
  3. Identifies the requirements of customers for the goods produced by the company, negotiates orders depending on the requirements and the availability of these goods or services.
  4. Stimulates sales and work of clients with the company.
  5. Develops a sales plan for each month.
  6. Works with reporting documentation on sales and shipments to the company's clients.
  7. Participates in the preparation and implementation of sales projects.
  8. Carries out work on the client base.
  9. Monitors the shipment of goods to customers.
  10. Carries out control of payments by buyers under concluded contracts.

But, to put it simply, the general and most basic function of all representatives of the profession is the ability to effectively sell. You cannot do without knowledge of the market and the company, since the manager takes on half of the company's responsibilities.

How to become a sales star? What do you need to be able to and know?

Sales managers work in various fields: in banks, in the field of metal and telecommunications. There are several types of salesmen. Regardless of their specifics, the main objective specialist - to conclude the largest number of transactions and ensure the maximum sales.

Professional trainings that can be found on the Internet will help you acquire the skills of a sales manager. In addition, when considering the responsibilities of a sales manager for the resume you are about to write, keep in mind that selling any product requires:

  • study demand, competitors, market opportunities;
  • develop a product taking into account market requirements;
  • search for potential customers and advertise;
  • to convince the client that your products are of the highest quality;
  • enter into a contract;
  • to carry out the delivery of products or the provision of services, as well as after-sales services;
  • prepare documents and work on sales growth strategies.

Typology of sales managers and their main functions

As mentioned, there are several types of sales managers. Let's briefly describe them.

  • Contact center operators. They check the availability of goods on the basis and issue invoices.
  • Storekeepers. They give out products from the warehouse, write out invoices and receive money.
  • IT operators. They work with requests, have no connection with clients, except for e-mail.
  • Cashiers. The main task of cashiers is to receive money for goods.
  • Sales representatives. They take orders from store employees. These are the most qualified and experienced "salespeople" (they are called super managers).

When considering the responsibilities of a sales manager for a resume, be sure to list your experience and functions as some type of “salesperson” (if you have such experience).

What do job seekers need to consider? Responsibilities of a sales manager in a summary with comments

You have already decided on the choice of profession and settled on specific example? Do not forget about the main rules. The resume is the “face” of the candidate for the position. In order to correctly compose a resume for a vacancy, it is necessary to indicate the specific skills that are required for the job. There are examples of the correct formatting of this document on the Internet. Responsibilities of a sales manager for a resume sample can be viewed here.

Egorova Olga Nikolaevna

Citizenship: Russia.

Phone: +7 (XXX) XXX-XX-XX.

Purpose: Applying for the position of a sales manager.


LLC "Spectrum Plus", Moscow.

Position: Sales Manager.


· Search and attraction of clients;

· Work with the client base and keeping it up to date;

· Conducting negotiations with clients;

· Drawing up commercial offers and the conclusion of contracts;

· Invoicing;

· Search for contractors and interaction with them;

· Drawing up sales plans;

· Full document management;

· Drawing up reports on the results of work.

Wholesales manager: what is the essence of the work?

This is a person who works with ready-made clients without searching for them, dealers and distributors. To perform these functions, you need to know the market, business fundamentals and have experience in the firm.

Responsibilities of the manager wholesales for a summary are detailed in the form below.

02.2012 - 11.2013 - LLC "...", St. Petersburg

Position: wholesale manager.


  • large-scale trade for doing business;
  • necessary modification of the product;
  • registration of applications with buyers;
  • implementation overall strategy enterprise development;
  • receipt of products, verification of calculations;
  • interaction with companies involved in the transportation of goods;
  • activities for the creation and implementation of enterprise programs;
  • participation in exhibitions.

The duties of a sales manager are determined by the specifics of the activities of the company in which he works. You can be involved in different areas if you have a sufficient amount of knowledge. For example, a salesman in the field of mechanical engineering must understand the intricacies of this industry.

Car sales specialist

This work involves knowing a sufficient amount of information about cars, auto parts, equipment and technology. The responsibilities of a car sales manager for a resume can be as follows:

  1. Customer consultations by phone and in a car dealership.
  2. Negotiation.
  3. Registration of the necessary documentation and the conclusion of contracts.
  4. Organization of demonstration of machines in action, work on their preparation for issuance to the client, informing clients about various services (trade-in, special equipment).

The car dealership manager represents a specific brand of cars, he must take into account the requirements and wishes of the buyer and work in accordance with them.

Buying a car is a multi-step process that must be closely monitored by a specialist to avoid the hassle of buying a new car from a client.

There are also many industries where a manager needs special knowledge, for example, a furniture sales manager cannot do without this knowledge.

Selling furniture: useful skills

Requirements for such specialists include a developed artistic taste, responsibility and attention to detail, knowledge of furniture, paperwork (invoices, reports), computer skills.

So, let's summarize. What skills does the employee have in this area?

If you are looking to become a candidate for this position, the responsibilities of a resume furniture sales manager should include the following:

  • knowledge of cabinet furniture;
  • drafting contracts;
  • sales skills;
  • formation of a list of buyers;
  • advising buyers by phone and in the selection of products;
  • processing of primary documentation;
  • search for clients;
  • formation of a sales plan and their accounting;
  • shipment of products;
  • organization of payment under contracts.

A furniture salesperson does not necessarily (but is desirable) have a university degree. If you graduated from college or technical school, you can try yourself as a candidate for this position.

It is difficult, but very interesting work.

Personal qualities important for professional activity

The responsibilities of a resume sales manager aren't the only things to consider when presenting yourself as a candidate for the job. You need to decide if you have the personal qualities that will ensure a career in this area. It is recommended to try themselves in this position for those who are resistant to stress, sociable, have the skills of self-organization, clear diction, are able to inspire the client with their opinion (“Our product is the best”), and conduct telephone conversations.

A good “salesperson” is executive, hardworking, capable of presentation and self-presentation (he represents both the product and himself well), takes into account the needs of the client. The profession of a manager is one of the most prestigious, but it has its drawbacks - sometimes it involves business trips, irregular working hours. It must be remembered that any specialty is a state of mind.

If you like product presentation and sales, arm yourself with a well-written resume, take a few trainings, and opportunities in this area are open to you. Good luck!