Ivanov - Stalin's task. Ivanov - Stalin's Task Listness and Booking

Easy scout bomber Su-2 (Ivanov, ANT-51, BB-1).

Developer: Dry OKB
Country: USSR
First flight: 1939

The construction of the third "Ivanov" OKB P.O.Sukhoy (commissioned number 452) ended in September 1938. According to the design, the machine was similar to the previous two experimental copies, but the M-62 motor was replaced with a more powerful and high-altitude M-87. The gas tank capacity was reduced from 930 to 700 liters, and the ammunition of wing machine guns increased to 850 ammunition for each. According to the pilot A.P. Chernoshsky, who committed the first flight on November 3, the new car declined to run away and became the cooler of the planning glide. Before surrendering SZ-3 (Stalin's task) on government tests, the military demanded to replace M-87 more reliable M-87A, but the latter was out of order after three flights on November 25.

On government tests in the Research Institute of the Air Force, the aircraft "Ivanov" fell accompanying letterin which it was said that he "... is an extremely valuable object for the Red Army Air Force, must finish flight tests as quickly as possible. The flight and verification order flights show that the plane, as from the point of view of reliability, in terms of the management of the management bodies can be carried out on a normal program ... "

From February 3 to April 6, 1939, a brigade was experiencing a brigade in the Military Guards of the 3rd Rank A.V. Sinelnikov, the pilot of Major B.N. Pokrovsky and the navigator of Major A.M.Trevyakov. 78 departures performed military specialists, after which the flight was made by Major P.M. Sustafanovsky. An experienced tester pilot was hardly able to avoid a serious accident when the right rack of the chassis was not fully released. Successfully landed on one wheel, Peter Mikhailovich WCC could not keep the car on the mileage, with breakdowns of the chassis racks, damage to the centening of the center and the nozzles it was necessary to send it to repair.

But the flight accident did not spoil the impression of the new Ivanov. In his recall, B.N. Pokrovsky emphasized that the plane "... Represents a sample of a well-thought-out cultural machine with high speeds, good railing, a good overview, sensitivity to management. Flights on this plane leave a pleasant impression about the car ... " The plane and other participants in the work were positive. It is not surprising that in the conclusion of the state testing act, the head of the Air Force A.I. File recommended to accept the machine to armared our aviation as a light bomber, with the possibility of use in the embodimers of the attack aircraft and near scout. Filin appealed to the addict of the aircraft industry to build by November 1, 1939, the military series of ten "Ivanovy", which would differ from the experienced mixed design (wooden fuselage and metal wings).

Events developed rapidly. Even before the end of state testing, K.E.Voroschilov and M.M. Kaganovich reported on the successes of dry Stalin. At the end of March 1939, the decision of the Defense Committee on the launch of the aircraft called BB-1 (near-bomber) was published in a series at factories No. 135 in Kharkov and Sarkombayine (this enterprise did not have at the time of the number, and later became the factory number 292) in Saratov. Timing was established very hard - Pavel Osipovich was given no more than 20 days for processing drawings under the mixed design and transfer them to the plants. It was planned that the plane would produce serial or with the M-88 engine (which were collected later to replace the capricious M-87), or with M-63 TC (with a turbocharger). In both cases, the maximum speed approached the desired to lead the aircraft industry with a mark of 500 km / h.

But then decisions taken for a long time was not destined to be incarnated. First, a lot of trouble delivered to the aircraft. Numerous breakdowns of different engines (M-87, M-87A and M-87B) in 1938-1939 on "Ivanovo" and other machines only did not accidentally lead to serious flight accidents, but long-term downtime caused. Shortly before the events described here, the director of the plant No. 29 was arrested "for the lies with the introduction of M-87 motors". P.I. Baranova S.A. Alksandrov and some other prominent specialists. The same fate has suffered the main designer of the plant A.S.Nazarov. All of them were internships in France at Gnome-Rhone factories, they managed to acquire considerable experience and their loss was very noticeable for business.

Secondly, although Sukhoi immediately ordered to send a group of designers to Kharkov led by D.A. Mouseico-Gurko, and in Saratov - with N.P. Polenov, aircraft facilities were not ready for introducing a new aircraft into a series. At the factory No. 135 (head) work on the drawings of BB-1 (the car received the factory designation of the product "N") began in June 1939. It turned out quickly that it would be necessary to fundamentally change the technological profile of the enterprise, since the design and technology of the near bomber had nothing to do with the R-10 previously produced here.

To guide the process of introducing into a series of aircraft at the head factory by decision of the Defense Committee of July 29 and the order of M.M. Kaganovich dated August 7, 1939, P.O.Suhogo appointed the chief designer of the plant number 135. Director was instructed to organize an experienced workshop where he was prescribed to move The team in the process of work on the "Ivanovo" team. In an experienced workshop, it was planned to carry out work on modification and further improvement of BB-1. The dry was prescribed to work out the installation of the M-63TK motor, to design and build an armored attack airbag-bomber (SB), in the development of BB-1. The design team at that time consisted of only 63 people. A great contribution to the deployment of BB-1 serial production was made by the nearest assistants of the main thing: his deputy D.A. Mouseico-Gurko, Head of the Brigade common species N.A. Fomin, who participated in the works on the "RD" and "Motherland", an experienced specialist in motor settings E.S.Felsner and others.

In a new place, the dry team collided with numerous difficulties. The director of the Kharkov aircraft carrion V.Nunstadt did not hold any events for creating an experienced base for KB for a very long time, and the executive office did not provide employees not a single apartment - who had moved engineers and technicians lived in a hotel in detachment from families. Naturally, in these conditions, Muscovites were in no hurry to leave the capital. They also knew that Kharkov pioneers were forced in the absence of transport to make a multi-kilometer path to the rain and frost to work and back. Pavel Osipovich feared the collapse of the design team - some experts declared him about leaving, not wanting to go to Kharkov, - and on February 11, 1940, he only appointed by the deputy addict on an experienced aircraft industry A.S. Yakovlev "... to provide a team one of the Moscow production bases, in which, in addition to the two - three experienced facilities, it would be possible to establish the manufacture of small series by the number of 10-15 aircraft per year."

A.S.Yakovlev agreed with this proposal and signed on March 16, 1940, the corresponding order. Based on KB-29 in sublipks (earlier it was engaged in the development of hermetic cabins and artillery armaments of aircraft) an experimental plant was organized, received number 289, and in May KB, KB completely moved to a new "apartment." Pavel Osipovich, who became the main designer of the experimental plant, was to equip the company in the shortest possible time, to create a bon of the team. The first task was built by October 1940 of two modified BB-1 with powerful M-90 motors. At the factory No. 135, they received the designation "MN" as the Dublisers of the "H" aircraft. The successor of the main designer of the Kharkov plant became the main designer of the Kharkov plant.

In the meantime, work continued on improving and improving experienced SZ-3. Even in early 1938, Sukhoi sent E.S.Felsner to the new chief designer of the S.K.Tumansky motor factory for the finalization of the Navy. Long attempt to improve the weekend and especially the operational characteristics of the M-87 motor did not lead to positive results. Special concern caused serious supercharger defects and the dissolution of the carburetor with the machine gun of the high-rise corrector.

In April 1939, the NIA of the Air Force was the test for testing stability, maneuverability, range and reliability of the engine of the Ivanov aircraft with M-87B. Flights, in particular, showed that at an altitude of 1500 m, the bomber performed a turn for 25-26 s, and a military turn - for 17-18 p. Possessing good static and dynamic stability, the machine needed increasing side stability. The main flight technical data of the BB-1 M-87B remained the same as the aircraft with the M-87A motor.

As soon as the dry became aware of the successful modernization of the Tuman engine, whose one-speed supercharger was replaced by a two-speed, he decided immediately - even before conducting state tests - put a new M-88 on SZ-3. The power of the power plant increased from 950 hp At an altitude of 4700 m to 1000 hp By 6000 m, and this promised a noticeable increase in maximum speed. Since when testing SZ-3 M-87A, a requirement was made to ensure navigator the possibility of more free leaving the aircraft in emergency situations, then the lower installation of MB-2 was removed, leaving a wide hatch. The installation of a new motor on BB-1 was completed on November 27, 1939, and after a short factory debugging, the car was transferred to government tests in January 1940. They were carried out by a militaler of the 3rd rank A.V. Sinelnikov, the pilot Major B.N. Pokrovsky and the navigator Captain S. Z.Akopyan.

At this time, the pilot turned out to be more restrained in the assessment of the car - the flight characteristics did not improve it. In conclusion, the act of test said:

"The BB-1 BB-1 Air Force with the M-88 Air Force, due to the scaffolding of the screw-engine group, cannot be allowed for normal operation in the system parts ... Slow work on the introduction of the aircraft ... can lead to an obsolescence of the aircraft in the process of its production and finishing "The act required urgently modify the engine in terms of operational reliability.

In the late 1930s, the Soviet air industry experienced a serious crisis. In January 1940, A.I.Shahurin changed M.M. Kaganovich in the posts of the People's Commissar. Analyzing the created position, the new leader stated that among the four aircraft of new types (I-180, TB-7, BB-22 and BB-1), which were built by the military series, only the last car successfully passed state tests, but also its production unfolded It is not impressive slowly. Until the end of 1939, not a single bb-1 bombarder did not receive our aviation. One of the first orders of Shahurin, who were given to them on January 19, demanded from the management of the plant No. 135 to build 110 bombers of dry "... so that from this time to go to the release of upgraded BB-1(This refers to the machine with M-88. - Approx. author) at a speed of at least 500 km / h. "

Order NKAP No. 56 of February 15, 1940 began in words: "Given the particular importance of replenishing the air fleet by the BB-1 aircraft design T. dry and in order to maximize the release of the release of the latter ..." The People's Commissar established the schedule for which BB-1 production unfolded now at three factories: head No. 135, as well as No. 31 in Taganrog and No. 207 in Dolgoprudnnaya. They should have been passing for the first half of the current year 110, 20 and 5 cars, respectively. All preparatory work on Sarkombayine ceased.

In our opinion, important and timely decisions of the Government and People's Commissariat of the Aviation Durability, the underscore of the "special significance" of the deployment of the BB-1 program, did not comply with the possibilities of plants allocated for its production. Recall that in 1939, four leading Soviet aircraft carriers №№ 1, 18, 21 and 22 not only provided 78% of the gross production of the aircraft industry, but also were recognized leaders in the development of serial technologies, snapshots. They had the best machines and equipment, well-trained personnel. Back in May 1938, Dry tried to convince Kaganovich that "... Equipment of the plant № 1 will be able to overave the production of the" Ivanov "aircraft". It is possible that if the release of BB-1 was launched there or on one of the three other enterprises listed above, the fate of the car would have formed differently.

Higher hopes laid down the P.O.Shuhu for two experienced works: the modification of SZ-1 under the M-63TK motor and the creation of a SB (bomber attack aircraft). The first "object" raised into the air at the end of March 1940 by the factory pilot A.I. Kalyuzhnov. However, he did not have the necessary high-cost training, therefore TsAGA pilot A.P. Cherninsky had to perform four flights to a height of 6000 m with the inclusion of a turbocharger. During the tests in the pipes of the TC, cracks arose, and the oil overheated due to the insufficient highness of the altopompa. The leadership decided to further bring the capricious M-63TC on the fighter and-153, and the modified SZ-1 was transferred to Lii. The car did not include in the plan of experienced work for 1941 and with the beginning of the war they had forgotten about it.

It was originally planned that the SB (otherwise called BB-2) will be a significant step in the development of the Ivanov aircraft, taking into account the accumulated experience. The project provided for the installation of not only M-88 motor, but also one of the experienced engines of the new M-80 series (subsequently saw the light M-81 motor, and M-82 was in the mass built). The aircraft was built on the tactical and technical requirements approved by the Macata Commission for BB-1 in March 1939, so the SB turned out to be very similar to the "older brother" BB-1, differing in the wholesale fuselage, enhanced booking, improving aerodynamics. The chassis was retracted back into the center and closed with racks, while the wheels were unfolded at 90 °.

Subsequently, dry repeatedly successfully used this chassis cleaning scheme on various types of aircraft. However, it happened to the SB: in one of the first flights on June 4, 1940 due to an error in the calculation of the current forces when the chassis release occurred in the amortist sleeve. In another departure, I could not cope with the pilot of the pilot V.T. Sakhranov - another accident on July 16 seriously detained the tests of the SB. The breakdown continued to pursue the car, and at the end of the autumn of 1940 dry received an indication of Shahurin to use the SB to test the temperature modes M-88. After the appearance of the "real" IL-2 attack aircraft and the Su-6, the car was considered unprospective. All work on the SB stopped at the end of April 1941.

Even earlier, work was interrupted on the project BB-1 for the Navy. This topic was approved in August 1939 by the People's Commissar of the National Academy of Sciences N.G. Kuznetsov and envisaged the installation of the land scout for two floors. There are no information about future events on this project, as well as about the work of dry over the "clean" attack aircraft with the M-80 motor. It is only known that the chief designer instructed the staff of the OKB to start training a draft project.

The combat and operational qualities of BB-1 serial aircraft had to be checked in the process of military testing. At the end of March 1940, a group of pilots and technicians from the 19th Aviabirds based in the Kharkov Military District arrived at the Kharkiv Aviation facility. Commandable Aviators, headed by Captain A.I. Pushkin, were acquainted directly in the workshops with a new car. According to their suggestions, some reflecting of the design were carried out, in particular, the side forces of the BB-1 cabin were restored.

In May, the first 16 modified cars were taken by the military and preparation for testing began. They were decided to hold a newly created regiment, which was obtained No. 135 at the number of the Kharkov plant. Aviators, headed by Major Neolin, had to determine some important characteristics of the BB-1 M-88, because during the state testing of the experimental machine there was a lot of breakdowns, and they remained, in fact, incomplete. In particular, it was necessary to confirm the practical ceiling of the aircraft, evaluate the cost of fuel in different modes, check the possibility of flights in complex meteo conditions and at night. It was also necessary to determine the possibility of using bombs Fab-250 with cercel holders. Stressful work continued from May 10 to June 20. She was headed from the Ministry of Activities of the Air Force - Milnisher 2nd Rank S.N. Schasovikov, pilots captain S.M. Korobov and Art. Lieutenant Yu.N. Kruglikov, and from the 135th BAP - Miliatrener of the 3rd Rank A.V. Sögin and Assistant Commander Regiment Captain A.I. Pushkin.

Military tests passed satisfactorily, although it was not without incident. So, when flying to the distance along the route: Kharkov - Belgorod - Raisin - Kharkov at a high altitude on the plane frozen control nodes and almost occurred. In addition, high-altitude flights revealed poor-quality painting of the aircraft - the paint peelled and fell off from the front edge of the wing and the stabilizer. Among the main defects of the bombarder were unreliable engine, the grinding of the sight and the lower hatch of the navigator, the lack of strength of the chassis racks and pneumatics. The load on the steering wheel was raised unevenly and turned out to be unnecessarily large (compared to an experienced aircraft), there were backlays and friction in the nodes of the height and aeron steering knots.

At the same time, the report noted that the plane is simple, the approach to various individual aggregates is convenient, repair and replacement of difficulties of difficulties does not represent. The machine fleece with a soil strip with a load of 700 kg of bombs. "The pilots who had a qualification below the average who came to the part of the Air Force Flight Schools master the aircraft easily and after 20 - 25 exported flights were independently produced on BB-1"- it was said in the report on military tests. The pilots were satisfied with a good overview of ahead from the cabin and a comfortable high control handle. Arrived in the regiment, the head of the State University of Air Force P.V. Zhagov and the inspector on the technique of piloting one of the military districts of A.V. Belyakov, after a short terrestrial inspection, safely made a familiar foot fly to BB-1.

Despite the favorable test results, on July 18, the report in the name of Stalin and Voroshilov levers expressed the view that in 1941 it is necessary to require from P.O.Shudo not only to eliminate the defects specified in the act of military testing, but also to make significant changes to the design: to establish Prepayrs and increase the transverse V wing. After held in Moscow, the joint meeting of pilots, navigations and designers, where, with a report on BB-1, Major L.M. Maximov spoke, and the discussion was attended by experienced inspectors of the Air Force, I. Selivanov and I.A. Titov, Comda P.A. Alexseev made a proposal to suspend the production of the dry aircraft to the complete elimination of the main deficiencies.

With this did not agree with the drug addict A.I.Shahurin. In his opinion, such a decision could cause ease of production. The flights of aviators of the 135th BAP showed that the plane turned out to be simple and safe. In addition, motors began to work much more reliably, allowing the machine to continuously gain a height of 7000 m (earlier the pilots accounted for two times the motor on the highest pulmonary mode - three times cool the motor on horizontal sites due to overheating of the oil.) Positions with BB-1 looked like Noticeably the best compared to other new types of machines, such as BB-22 A.S. Yakovlev. Therefore, Shahurin considered it appropriate to accept the bomber of dry to armared, fully equipped with the 135th BAP machines and finally bring the car directly in this part in the second half of 1940.

No fundamental changes in the serial design of the BB-1 at that time did not make dry. Plants built airplanes, seeking to work out technology and eliminate the shortcomings of production. The most success in the development of BB-1 was achieved in Kharkov. There, by the summer of 1940, we introduced a planet-template method, mastered the high-speed method of manufacturing stamps, began to use the newest milling machines of the Nord American type and hydropress to 500 tons. In the first five months of 1940, another three new workshops were built, by 20% WHO: The number of workers grew and the complexity of one machine decreased by 40%. Director of Yu.N.Karpov I. chief Engineer I.M.Kuzin was explained by the management of the air industry, failure to fulfill the plan with interruptions with the supply of components and primarily engines. Thus, Motor Plant No. 29 sent 132 M-87 and M-88 motor during this period instead of 185 planned, of which 116 were in good condition.

In the history of the Taganrog Plant No. 31. Dimitrov, specializing in the creation of aircraft for the Navy, 1940 remained as one of the most severe. At the same time, there were few in the construction of the machine's design: MBR-2, Code, GST, MDR-6 and BB-1. In addition, Taganrogians manufactured the parts and spare parts for the intelligence officers of the IBR-2, CSS and P-Z. The preparation of serial production of P-5 began, but then this decision was canceled. "The plant choked in a variety of technologically different types Machines, lost production rhythm, actually ceased to work serially and thus turned out to be part of the army in the case of combat contemporary aircraft, "Director I.G. Zagainov wrote in the reporting report. When the production of BB-1, the "thirty-first" lacked, first of all, milling and planing machines, and the promised drug addict in the equipment and frames was not obtained.

Plant No. 207 was known at the end of the 30s as a "airshipstroy". For some time it seemed that the airships have a great future in military aviation, but then the views changed. Simultaneously with the decision on the serial construction of BB-1, the government was followed by an indication of the government to make works on the huge airships of the B-1 series and a gondola for DP-9. In addition, the plant stopped the production of spare parts for I-15BIS. However, the low qualification of personnel, a bad organization of production, the disproportion between mechanical collecting and aggregate workshops, a large disadvantage of milling machines braked to the development of BB-1, led to a large percentage of marriage. Only after the reconstruction of the plant and the establishment of cooperation with other enterprises managed to lay two series of five cars. Until December 1940, Plant No. 207, as and No. 31, did not build a single BB-1.

In the convection of the car, the 135th BAP played a special role. After the end of the military tests, the part has become a real educational polygon. From October 1940, when the regiment was headed by Colonel B.V. Dansen, until May 1941, there was a preparation of instructors. 67 pilots and 71 navigator (they were also called by observer pilots) mastered all the features of the new car and before war managed to move the guideline of nine other parts.

In the shelf Jansen paid attention to the tactical preparation of aviators. Training bombings have shown that due to imperfection of the sights, the maximum height of the bombs should not exceed 3000 m, and the working - 1000-1200 m. Near the Earth, the attacks of enemy fighters were submitted by unlikely, as a result of which the hatches were not installed on the land. The military standards did not oppose this, given the opinion of P.O.Suh, that the hatch installation and booking of the navigator will increase the weight of the car and shifted back the center. Moreover, in September 1940, the Defense Committee considered the issue of strengthening machine-gun-gun armament of serial aircraft, then BB-1 turned out to be the only machine that "disarmed": instead of four wing machine guns left two and eliminated the hatch wketches. The war showed the fallacy of these events.

In the fall of 1940, a new M-81 engine was drawn under the leadership of A.D. Shvetsov. In the decision of SNK on October 23, it was said that his adjustment was "the most important and priority task of the plant No. 19. Director of the motor plant G.V. Kozhevnikov received an indication to urgently send three experienced M-81 engines to Kharkov with an extended shaft for installation on serial BB -one. By this time, Pavel Osipovich managed to re-equip the second experienced copy of the MN "Dubler" machine, replacing M-90 on M-81. Despite the forced landing of "Dubler" in the second test flight due to the jamming of the motor, dry believed in the prospects of work. However, at the end of November 1940, the leadership of the NCAP considered the M-81 "dead-end direction of development", its introduction and finishing stopped.

At this time, the attitude of the leadership to the car dryly changed in a negative direction. It began to speak out that BB-1 as a type will not be widely used in the future war. The military knew well about the defenselessness of the Polish light-engine bombers "Karas" before the attacks of German fighters. Later it became known that the British "Battle" (the closest to the BB-1 according to the scheme and appointment), which were considered on the eve of the war quite modern, in the May fights of 1940 in France suffered extremely heavy losses. Soviet intelligence reported that the largest Austin plants in Coventry moved to the release of four-dimensional bombers, stopping the construction of "Battlov".

Experts understood that it was impossible to attribute the success of the JU-87 picing bomber only only by German propaganda. However, they purchased in Germany and studied in detail in the Research Institute of the Air Force Not His, but the other, the two-door pyric bomber JU-88, which had a great influence on the Soviet air industry and even at the military doctrine. The leadership of the country did not have conviction that in the upcoming war would be able to immediately conquer domination in the air, and without it a single-engine double bomber was very vulnerable. According to the leadership of the State Air Force and NCAP, our country was needed in mass production not a single-engine "horizontal" bomber, but a two-door pickler. As a result, the BB-1 aircraft actually ceased to consider as a new type of serial bomber. And before the country's leadership did not complain the dry and his creation with their attention. You can give such a fact: before the war, his cars did not participate in any parade or large show of the new aircraft. Now, after the refusal of Pavel Osipovich, remake the plane into a dive bomber, interest in BB-1 seemed to be gone at all.

In addition, in the fall of 1940, the air industry failed to overcome the crisis in improving motors, especially those developed in KB S.K.Tumansky. On M-88 engines, the pistons, shaking of the VMG were constantly noted, increased oil consumption, which resulted in smoke. If at the first speed of the supercharger, there was an excessive depletion of the mixture, then the second is re-enricken. I had to temporarily suspend their serial edition. It was difficult for the promotion of a promising engine M-90, which NCAP has laid high hopes. As a result, in the position of the chief designer of the plant No. 29 of the Togansky changed E.V. Rammin. Almost arrested the director S.A. Gromova - he was saved from the ambulance only the intercession of Shahurin.

On December 9, 1940, at a joint meeting of SNK and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), the program for the production of aircraft and motors for 1941 was considered. In this extremely important document of the aircraft industry, it was prescribed to stop the construction of obsolete aircraft. For the Middle BB-1 bomber renamed by the name of the main designer in Su-2, An annual plan was established for all three plants in 1150 cars (from the total number of 6070 bombers). 600 Su-2 should have been built in 1941 in Kharkov.

Some fracture for the better in the production of dry bombers was outlined in early December, despite the fact that Plant No. 31 by the end of the year reoriented again - this time on the release of Lagg-3 fighters. Incomplete production, part of the equipment and 70 almost ready-made Su-2 were transferred from Taganrog to Dolgoprudny. The NKAP leadership had every reason to expect that Plant No. 207 would soon be able to contribute to the supply of aircraft for the Air Force.

After receiving satisfactory test results of the M-88 engine test, its serial building was resumed under the designation M-88B. In Kharkov, shortly before the new 1941, these motors were installed not only on the newly built Su-2, but also replaced substandard engines on the already released machines. In the recent days of December 1940, not only for the first time managed to fulfill the plan and pass 40 aircraft to military representatives, but also to ensure the neglected program next year.

It is appropriate to say a few words about the rooms of serial bombers. Multiple Taganrog machines had a type (code) "26" and a six-digit number, which included the factory number. So, one of the aircraft of the 211st BAP had No. 263107. In Kharkov, the Su-2 numbering continued by the order adopted for P-10. For example, Machines No. 9/2 and 1/4 were transferred in January 1941 in the 135th BAP. Since the spring of this year, the factory number of the bomber of five digits became standard. For example, aircraft №№ 19017, 54093, 17106 were in the summer of 1942 in the 209th BAP, and on SU-2 No. 05056 flew in the fall of 1941 ML crew. Lieutenant I.A. Clevtsova and Art. Lieutenant M.A. Lushina from the 135th BAP.

Finally, however specifically, serial numbers in Dolgoprudnna were assigned to confuse enemy spies. It is known that the machinery of the plant number 207 usually have five digits and one letter moving from the series to the series. The numbers "07" determined the type of machine, the letters indicated the encrypted number of the series, and the remaining numbers are the sequence number of each aircraft in the series.

Establishing mass production made it possible to calculate the cost of the aircraft. It turned out to be very high. Thus, the Kharkiv "drying" accounted for the country of 430 thousand rubles, and Dolgoprudnensky is even more expensive - 700 thousand. For comparison, we note that the Sat of Plant No. 22 cost only 265 thousand rubles, and the BB-22 factory No. 1 - 400 thousand rubles . The main reasons for high costs can be explained by the low production mechanization, even at factory No. 135 (compared with our advanced enterprises), significant volumes of mechanical processing of a large number of parts and high metallic capacity (845 kg of Dural and 440 kg of steel for each aircraft).

The widespread introduction of SU-2 in the system parts began in January 1941. Following the 135th BAP car from Kharkov entered the 211st and 227th BAP. Dolgoprudnensky in the meantime "took the patronage" over the 97th BAP, and from Taganrog passed all the cars adopted by the Machines in the 211st BAP. By the end of March, the leaders and technical compositions of four more air fars were met - the 103rd, 209th, 210th and 226th. Until the spring of 1941, serial aircraft entered the Western districts in very limited quantities, which forced the command of the Red Army Air Force to extend the timing of the reappection. So, for the 211th BAP of Major F.G. Uryakina, a plan for the development of SU-2 was approved, stretched on nine (!) Months (from January to September 1941). Naturally, the war began to squeeze all terms.

Past in the spring in the 135th BAP Military Trucks Su-2 revealed 28 serious defects of the machine. The military demanded to warm the screws of the screws to work at large altitudes, eliminate the windows in the movable part of the lantern, as well as eliminate the flows of the mixture in the amoroughbakes of the chassis and gasoline from the drainage highway on the dive. The chief designer was offered to develop a system of filling gas tanks with neutral gases as possible as possible and cut the hatch in the motor hood to ensure the engine heating from the EPL-1 solder lamp.

Serious problems caused the unreliable operation of the brewing group. Most machines have been shaking M-88 and M-88B engines. If at the first speed of the supercharger, it was accompanied by intermittent exhaust, then at the second speed - a violation of uniform work. Cases of circumcision of motors in the air were noted. Special tests that have passed in the 135th BAP in March 1941 with the participation of P.O.Suhoy, showed that the shaking of motors disappeared with the appropriate adjustment of the needle of the carburetor autocorrector. It suddenly found out that these details are not interchangeable on M-88 and M-88B motors.

The castor oil discharged from the motor souflar spattered the lower transparent part of the navigator cabin and the OPB-1M sight, not allowing the bomber to go to the target. In addition, a navigator chair turned out to be very uncomfortable, preserving to quickly move from bombing to air surveillance in the upper hemisphere and shooting from a defensive machine gun. Meanwhile, one of the aircraft equipped the sight for actions from low heights of the HV-5, the second - cc-2 tunner cassettes, the third radio station of the RSR-1, but in the series this equipment and weapons did not use. An unsuccessful decision was attempted to replace the plexiglas of the cabin lantern on the celluloid, since the transparency was rapidly lost and the crew was worse.

The wheels of the first serial cars had insufficiently durable reorders that were destroyed after performing 15-20 landings. By early January 1941, in the 135th, the BAP could not rise to the sky 27 Su-2 due to wheel breakage. Also lacked in parts of spare tires. Operational tests of reinforced chassis wheels showed that they began to match the flight weight of the aircraft. By early April, the factory brigade changed several sets of amortcerence chassis, withstood three hundred landings.

The summer composition most of all in the plane liked the warm, closed cabin. "In winter, at least in T-shirt, not the fact that in the P-5, where the frost is piercing to the bones!" ML Pilatenant N.Ya.Tuzov (subsequently became General) from the 2nd separate aerial andscadrille, owned by the 7th (cartographic) General Directorate of the General Staff, made 25 combat departures on SU-2 during the war. He regretted that there was no dry car in the winter of 1941, when their division on the P-5 and P-Z aircraft conducted intensive shooting in Belarus.

"... go classes of pilots. The teacher dictates a plurality of numbers: wing span, shah, the angles of deviation of the aileron and trimmers. And then went: the degree of compression, valve gaps, the move of the piston, the order of the cylinders ... The pilots diligently recorded all this in their notebooks "- This is where the beginning of the study of the SU-2 in the spring of 1941 with a young pilot of the 227th Bad Stashine KF Belokonyu, subsequently the hero of the Soviet Union was remembered. Both in it and in the neighboring parts, the machine's development was slow pace, with a focus on theoretical classes. Because of the poor condition of the airfields and interruptions with the separation of fuel in the spring, there was practically no flights.

However, the work in the Research Institute of the Air Force did not stop either in winter or in the spring. From December 1940 to March 1941, the test pilot A.K.Dolgov conducted state tests of three Su-2. One of the cars received (No. 1/6) was significantly different from the serial (Nos. 16/2 and 20/2). The purpose of the modification was the increase in flight tactical data to 1941 requirements. For this, the oil radiator was transferred to the center, changed the profile of the hood and the shape of the suction nozzle. The MB-5's extremely bulky rear tower was replaced by TSS-1 turret with a shift lid. In general, the results of the work carried out were pleased. The speed compared to serial aircraft increased by 33-38 km / h, and the practical ceiling was 700 m. For the first time on the second border of the highness of SU-2 flew faster than 500 km / h.

The leading engineer A.V. Sinelnikov expressed the alarm - already again - about the unreliability of the engines. While on a modified plane, it worked satisfactorily, four M-88B had to change the serial machines, and three of them were out of order after three hours of work because of the loop and the loogier of the pistons. The navigator captain Gladintsev noted a number of advantages of TCC-1, but did not care and disadvantages: small angles of shelling, the difficulties of conducting a sighting fire when working in the air flow, the complexity of the transfer of a machine gun from a marching position in combat.

According to the head of the NII of the Air Force A.I. Filina, the changes made on the modified machine should be implemented in a series after eliminating the defects noted during testing. But here the production workers showed a hasty and have already begun to build Su-2 with TSS-1 turret. Meanwhile, the turret was modified, finalized, but its state tests ended yet with unsatisfactory results. General I.F.Petrov, who changed Filin in the Research Institute of the Air Force, considered unacceptably weakened DRA-2 defenses, and after its intervention at the end of May 1941, the MB-5 tower was restored. Total plants released 250 cars with TSS-1 turret.

Shortly before the start of war, dry determined his attitude to new engines. He believed that since the autumn of 1941, the SU-2 serial production could be translated into M-89 engine, which was created under the leadership of S.K.Tumansky and then E.V. Vumer. But, according to Pavel Osipovich, the engine of A.D. Svetseova M-82 was much more advantages in flight characteristics - further development of M-81. As promising motors, M-90 and AM-37 were considered - the chief designer from February 1941 began to design and build experienced Su-4 (BB-3). Unlike Su-2, they had to have not only the wooden fuselage, but also a wooden wing with metal spars. It was planned that the large-caliber tubbin machine guns will replace the wings and the top turret.

The plan of the first half of 1941 on the release of the Su-2 industry was managed by 119% (on average on bombers - by 86%), on June 1, the factories reported on 413 Su-2 adopted by the military stands. From this quantity, the location of 388 cars (382 had M-88 and 88b motors, and the rest - M-87). In the border military districts (VD), SU-2 was distributed as follows: in Western Person - 64, in Kiev, in Kiev - 91 and in Odessa, 22. 124 bombers were in Kharkov, 85 - in factory airfields and 7 - in the study Center. Several aircraft had to write off as a result of flight accidents, while others had not had time to arrive at the destination.

Shortly before the invasion of the enemy, many aircraft managed to prepare for action in complex meteors and at large altitudes. In Kharkov, Bobruisk, Kiev and Vitebsk by the beginning of June, the installation of RPK-2 radio ops at 99 serial Su-2 ended. At the same time, it was possible to eliminate the main defects of oxygen equipment. This work has unfolded after appeal to P.F. In the region of the commander of the Air Force of the Kharkov Military District, General S.K.Gorunov, who marked the facts of malfunction of KPA-3 devices and unsuccessful installation of oxygen cylinders on dozens of dry bombers.

On June 16, flights of the Air Force Su-2 Air Force, built at factory No. 207, began. The aircraft was different from previously experienced by the fact that the MB-5 turret was replaced by a modified MB-5M, which provided the navigator to the most convenience, but slightly reduced the possible corners of the machine gun shelling several Front hemisphere. Nevertheless, the head of the department of the Institute of Miliatrezher 1 -th rank P.V. Rodintsev recommended to launch MV-5M in the series. Tests successfully ended in a few days. The following conclusions were presented the most important:
- SU-2 M-88B airplane manufacturing plant No. 207 on the quality of production is no different from the serial aircraft of the plant No. 135.
"The plane eliminated most of the defects that have previously noted during the state tests of serial Su-2 production of plant No. 135.
-Leta properties and characteristics of the plant production of Plant No. 207 are practically the same as the plane aircraft No. 135.
- The lintomotor group on the plane worked fine.
- Temperature oil modes when flying on the rated power of the motor in horizontal flight and at a set of height to 8000 m are normal and not exceeded 6 ° C at the inlet and 108 ° C at the outlet ...

The test results were encouraged and they were brought to the attention of the OKB dry, as well as commanders and headquarters of the existing parts. The last peaceful days in the shelves passed differently. In the setting of strictest secrecy, SU-2 was mastered in Kotovsk, where the 211st BAP was stood. Even the aviators of the 20th air traffic, which was included in the regiment, did not know anything about the new car. Intensive academic work The 227th BAP on the airfield of Borodyanka in June there were five accidents. And the pilots of the 43rd BAP failed to perform a single flight after June 7 due to the lack of fuel.

By the beginning of the war out of 82 near-bombing airliators of the Red Army Air Force, Eight to one degree or another, SU-2 was mastered and two more did not have time to get cars from the factories, but they planned to start the process of retraining soon. Dry bombers near the border of 195 (132) were located south of 55 parallels - Simplening the Vilnius line - Vitebsk to the Black Sea. In other types of aviation (NKVF Air Force, NKVD aircraft), the Su-2 aircraft were absent.

Important events took place and away from the front line. From the first days of the war, the government adopted a number of decisions aimed at the growth of Su-2 production. According to one of the first military decrees, Voronezh Plant No. 450 from June 29, 1941 was released from previously issued programs and was fully switched to work on cooperation with the plant No. 135 - Head for the release of Su-2. Kharkov plants "Sickle and Hammer" and "Hydraist" received government assignments only by production, respectively, fuselage and chassis for dry bombers. In early July, to improve economic relations, the branch of the Voronezh Plant No. 450 was transformed into a branch of the Kharkov aircraft plant.

A very important decision of the State Defense Committee, which was adopted on July 4, demanded significantly increase the production of aircraft and motors starting from the current month. Plant No. 135 was established for the issuance in the III quarter of 1941, 368 Su-2, and the plant No. 207 - at 92 similar cars. With successful implementation of the planned tasks, in July the Red Army Air Force had to receive 155 dry bombers. Personnel workers were released from calling to the army. At the same time, the entire leading and engineering and technical composition of the factories transferred to the barrage.

No less attention was paid to the enhancement of aircraft combat performance. The first thing was attempted to increase the reliability of weapons and fire power Su-2. On the mass machines in July, the quality of electrical parts was improved in July, they returned to the quartet of the wing machine guns and restored the Lower Turater MV-2. On August 7, the Research Institute of the Air Force ended comparative tests of hatch turners MB-2 and Lou-100. In the design of the latter managed to eliminate a number of inconveniences for the navigator noted when working with MB-2. First of all, Lou-100 allowed the navigator to freely leave the plane through the lower hatch, and also provided several large corners of the shelling. However, to break the mass production for these advantages, the military found inappropriate and the Lu-100 turces were not installed on serial SU-2.

But the MB-5M turner installation (modified), successfully sustained polygon tests on July 23, 1941, replaced the old model of the upper rifle point. She allowed the navigator faster to move from firing to bombing and vice versa. Due to the inconvenience of replacement of cartridge boxes and recharging the cabin machine gun, a continuous tape of increased length was applied in a modified setup.

At the end of July, polygon tests were successfully completed and were introduced into a series of small-scale KMB-SU-2 bombs, which were replaced by KD-1. It was possible to significantly simplify and accelerate the preparation of the bomber to the flight, more fully use bomb compartments. The tests in Niphav showed that with normal loading of AO-2.5 SU-2 bombs, about 400 kg of cargo could carry, and at a maximum - 600 kg. The cassettes on SU-2 managed to introduce into a series much earlier than on IL-2 attack aircraft. The industry quickly eliminated interruptions with the supply of modern electric slots (until July 7, outdated ESBR-2 was installed on the machines along with ESBR-6). The work of the airfield staff was called to alleviate specially designed carts for cassettes.

The first air battles revealed deficiency of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe navigator. More precisely, she was not at all. Without waiting for the policy guidelines, July 10, 1941, the chief engineer of the plant No. 135 P.Chepelev turned with a letter to the addict of the aircraft industry A.I.Shahurine, the chief designer P.O.Suhomu and the deputy head of the State University of Air Force, I.L.Bibikova: "When working at the front of the Su-2, the need to install the side armor plane of the navigator is found. Plant No. 135 urgently produces the braveman's armored layout and upon receipt of armor it will be installed on all aircraft. Due to the additional armor, weight will increase by 35 kg, due to the hatch installation - another 30 kg. Based on this, I consider it expedient to reduce weight and reduce the production cycle to remove the RPK-2 radiopolucompace from the car, blindfield curtains, the metal chair of the navigator, while maintaining the installation under the camera AFA-13 only at each fifth SU-2. Total, you can achieve a reduction in weight by 42 kg. "

Chepelev did not know that immediately after the invasion of the enemy Dry gave an indication of his experienced plant to develop an enhanced booking scheme. Already on June 26, the head of the Brigade N.A. Fomin presented, and the chief designer approved the version of the armor, which was different from the serial plant, increasing the armor from the bottom, and not by the side of the aircraft. The military, examined the proposals, at first they were offered to "give a green street" with both options, and then chose the dry scheme.

Meanwhile, the 211st BAP was based from Brovary, where the 211st BAP was based on the telegram from the rank of the game, with a request to urgently send 42 set of armor to install on SU-2 in the field. The military engineer believed that it was better to put armor spots in the form of apron on a rolling ring of turret. According to the headquarters of the regiment, combat losses accounted for 2 pilot and 23 navigator. (According to other sources, in two months of war in the 211st BAP killed 4 pilots and 14 navigations, not counting aviators who did not return from combat task.)

By the beginning of August 1941, the Podolsky plant made 100 armored sets according to the scheme of the main designer, and the plant in Mariupol - 10 sets according to the Kharkiv region; Factory brigades urgently left for the front to enhance the protection of the already released aircraft. On August 9, the situation with the Book of the SU-2 crew was considered in the government. Decree No. 441, released on this day, demanded from August 15 to produce all aircraft with an anti-coronary navigator in the form of 8.5 mm cemented steel sheets. To preserve the centering and payload from the car, a radio station and a radio polyuchakum were removed. The same resolution of GKOs obliged the addict of the shipbuilding industry to immediately ensure the mass production of the SU-2 aircraft with armor plates from the Mariupol Plant. Ilyich.

Among the works carried out by the Experimental Plant No. 289, the main place was taken by the development of new aircraft engines. Even before the start of the war, a screw-engine installation under M-89 motor was designed. In July, the Su-2 M-89 aircraft was completed at the plant at factory No. 135.

The new engine was distinguished by dimensions from M-88B only the elongated gearbox, but he had a large on 150 hp. Power that promised raising speed and railing. After several test flights, during which the oil was strongly overheated, it was possible by installing two standard 9-inch oil radiats in the centerpiece to achieve normal oil temperatures on all flight modes.

From 12 to 18 August 1941, the pilot A.P.Teev held the factory tests of the new car. From Serial Su-2 Airplane No. 13016 was distinguished (in addition to the engine) light grapple Cocoma by type "Messerschmitt" without ratchet and completely removed in a marking position into the fuselage of the lower installation of Lou. Initially, the car had the top turret TCC-1, but during the testing process it was replaced by MB-5. According to the reception of the pilot, on the technique of piloting the aircraft differed little from serial, and the maximum speed had about 50 km / h more at all heights. In one of the flights of deyev, leaving the thunderstorm cloud, on the dive developed the instrument speed of 565 km / h - there were no vibrations and deformations in the design.

Of course, the engine M-89 was still "raw", untered. Due to insufficient fins, the heads of some cylinders often overheated. At the same time, its use has thrown great prospects. Immediately after the factory tests, SU-2 No. 13016 was overtaken at factory No. 289 for testing and testing on this M-89B motor machine with the immediate injection of fuel. Subsequent flights were decided to spend in Lii NCAP, but the evacuation prevented their completion.

At the end of July, under the Nachis of the enemy, the Zaporizhia Motor-Building Plant No. 29 in Molotov (Perm) had to be evacuated. In August, the Serial production of SU-2 was not heroitable because of interruptions with supplies of cassettes, emergency electrical dispensers, but most of all lacked motors. On August 25, at factory No. 135 there were 35 M-88B and 80 M-89 motors. Head of the Main Directorate of Arms Organization of the Air Force General General F.I.Zharov decided to urgently transfer all M-88B motors in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, since the provision with the release of dB-3F bombers was simply threatened, but allowed to use motor motors for the Su-2 program M-89. Indeed, while the "motor crisis" failed to overcome, several dozen modified machines were sent to the front, and others put M-88B with Carters from M-89.

Even greater perspectives, according to P.O.Suhogo, promised the installation on the SU-2 motor M-82. The aircraft managed to build by the beginning of July 1941, and the pilot N.D. Fikson began flights at the plant's airfield number 289. Already the first departures showed insufficient motors injectivity due to the meal of the dosing needle, the tight movement of chokes and the unsatisfactory operation of the carburetor in small gas mode . The Deputy Commissar of the Aviation Industry V.P. Kuznetsov, who personally controlled the testing of the test, ordered the chief designer of the plant No. 33 F.A. Corotkov, to urgently bring carburetors, and further work on the Su-2 M-82 in Lii.

Despite all the efforts of dry, Shvetsov and Korotkov, the test of the car was strongly delayed. The evacuation had to change three engines, six carburetors, four regulators P-7. Only for the selection of the most suitable carburetor, factory pilots made 80 departures. Until the end of September, the flight tests of the experienced aircraft could not be completed, in early October 1941, the Su-2 M-82 was crossed into Kazan, where sketches of the NMG were removed from it for use on TB-7 bombard.

The story about the experienced works of the plant No. 289 will be incomplete, if not to mention the development of the drawings of the wooden wing and the winter standard of the serial machine. Su-2 was also worked out in the scout and artillery adjustment version. According to the leadership of the Air Force, in the first role, the most suitable aircraft were PE-2 and PE-3, but in the second Su-2 turned out to be simply indispensable. "Having a speed range from 220 to 450 km / h, sufficient weapons, the aircraft allows executing artillery tasks," the report was noted. In August 1941, according to the instructions of the Deputy Commander of the Air Force of General I.F. Petrov, comparative tests of the Su-2 and two-seater training yak-7 showed the indisputable advantage of "dryers".

On Yak-7, it was impossible to increase the payload due to additional special equipment without significant degradation of flight data. The dimensions of the second cabin of the Yakovlevsky aircraft were insufficient, and the overview of it did not meet the requirements for the artillery aircraft. In addition, Yak-7 had a big running and mileage and needed good approaches to the airfield, and also did not have defensive weapons. All these flaws were deprived of Su-2. According to the leading engineer on the tests of the militant 2nd Range V.Ya. Magon, the car satisfied "The main and main TTT, imposed on the adjustment, without significant constructive alterations". The Air Force recommended that it is possible to accept the aircraft to armaled the adjusting links and squadrons as soon as possible.

By the end of September 1941, 10 guides for missiles PC-132 or RBS-132 (reactive armor-piercing projectile) were mounted in sublipks under the wing of the aircraft No. 070403. Polygonal tests were successful, but the mission committee of ammunition produced only standard RS-82 projectiles at the time. Dry got the task to remake the car under them. It was planned that from mid-October, all SU-2 will have attachment units, and every fourth serial plane - and beams for them.

It remains to consider how much air facilities have completed highly intense government plans for building a serial issue. Events on the inclusion in the plant No. 135 of the branches increased the number of workers in enterprises almost up to 10,000 people. Workers and employees switched to 11-hour working day without days off. This made it possible to increase the release of aircraft in July to 94 against 62 in the previous month. The quality of Kharkiv machines quite satisfied the front requirements. Nevertheless, the operational schedule approved by A.I.Shahurin, to fulfill in July failed: lacked equipment.

On August 3, GKO adopted a Resolution No. 384 "On providing the aircraft of the Southern and South-Western Fronts". From now on, the director of the Kharkov aircraft carrion IMKuzin was supposed to transfer all the bombers collected by the Military Councils of these associations. This resolution of the commander of the South-Western Front S.M. Budennaya and member of the Military Council of the Front N.S. Khrushchev was obliged "Have all the way ... in an increase in production". According to memories of veterans, the Marshal Budnoye did indeed arrived at the factory, where he met with workers who serve and were there aviators there. In August, 117 SU-2-2-2-intensive number of cars in the entire history of the bombarder were transferred to the existing parts.

In the meantime, the Red Army continued to retreat, the front approached Kharkov, and clouds thicked up over the air facility. On the night of September 4, the enemy made the first raid on the city: from under the clouds, 11 bombers dropped fragmentation and incendiary bombs, using including trophy Soviet raffs. I suffered about 30 factory workers. With repeated impact on the night of September 7, a large bugs were used the enemy. Wanting to alleviate the task of the carriages of the Luftwaffe, the Germans transferred the introduction of provocative orders to projector batteries to illuminate the air facility, but the ideas of the enemy managed to solve.

Despite the shelling and bombings, the daily release of SU-2 in early September rose to four, which corresponded to the corrected government assignment. All the bright time of the day did not leave the cabs of the pilots-Kharkiv. A.I. Kaluzhnov, G. Ya. Corobko, P.I.Theev and others. Right at the factory airfield, after walking, the car was handed over to military crews. Fighters of the plant 146th IAP played a major role in the cover of the plant and the adjacent territory. From September 11, 22 MiG-3 was duty around the clock, not allowing the enemy to interfere with the work of Kharkiv. The enemy failed to disrupt and the systematic evacuation of the enterprise. When on October 25, Soviet troops were forced to leave Kharkov, the SU-2 bombers issued in a timely manner on the rear airfields. The 146th IAP was late with relocation and 112 people led by the battalion commissar Cherenkov died and disappeared.

Not so dramatically developed events in the Moscow region Dolgoprudny. Here, with the beginning of the war, there was a small modernization of the bombers of the 4th series and prepared a new standard Su-2. At the end of June 1941, the testing of the Air Force was held in the Research Institute of Air Force No. 070Т29, which finally managed to eliminate most of the defects previously noted in the test materials. The results of the work carried out were encouraged.

But to establish rhythmic production, to create the necessary grounds of details The leadership of the Dolgoprudnensky factory in the summer of 1941 could not. Moreover, the extended parking lot was loaded only half. As a result, in July Plant No. No. 207 passed the military 12 machines, and next month - only eight Su-2, i.e. The plan was completed by only a third.

Repeatedly senior warfold of the Miliatrinener Plant of the 2nd Range A.M. Medvedkov paid attention to the guidelines for poor planning and lack of accounting, which led to frequent downtime. Thus, on August 7, about 100 people of one of the workshops were not provided with work, and the next day 52 workers were sent to field work at the airfield and 74 - to the ran away. On August 12, the head of the Main Directorate of Arms Organization of the Air Force General, General Zharov, requested Shahurina with a request to remove the director V.P. Gorin and the chief engineer of the plant P.S. Kushpel.

N.V. Klimmovitsky appointed the new director of the 207th. Head is hard and demanding, he managed to increase production and technological discipline in a short time. The plant increased the release of SU-2 and was able to build 15 Su-2 in September, among which five cars in the version of the articcrair and six-distant photo portrain with an additional gas tank. It was possible to work out the installation of reactive weapons, as well as the modified Photo Installations of Afage 1 and Nafa-19-nobody could then assume that very soon work rhythm of the team will be broken. The unexpected breakthrough of the Germans to Moscow forced the Council on Evacuation to give the order to reliance the Dolgoprudnensky plant along with other enterprises of Moscow and the Moscow region to the east. On October 8, it was decided to evacuate Plant No. 207 to Perm, where and combine it with the plant number 135.

This decision tried to challenge the leadership of the air facility. On October 10, the director N.Klimovitsky, the chief engineer of V. Tairov, who were supported by the Patorg of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) V.Gorov and Senior Voinadred A. Medvedkov, turned to Stalin and Malenkov with a request to preserve the plant as an independent production unit. They offered to evacuate the factory in Tashkent, on the base of the local repair plant, promising in this case in January. 1942 twice the program of the production of combat aircraft. But, as far as is known, no reaction to this appeal followed.

Evacuation of all industrial enterprises He held in difficult conditions. No exception and plants produced Su-2. So, the first echelon from Kharkov in Molotov arrived on October 1, and the last - only on December 4, 1941. The non-compliant loading of equipment under the fire of the enemy and the lack of vehicles during unloading detained the installation of equipment. Yes, and the leadership of the motor plant No. 19, on the area of \u200b\u200bwhich the production of SU-2 aircraft was removed, it turned out not ready for receiving a huge farm: the corps of the workshops transmitted by aircraft industry plants were calculated and exempt from the remnants of motor equipment only after the intervention of the authorized NCAP.

It should be borne in mind that the enterprise was restored, as they said, "On the basis of a merger into a single production and economic unit" - Plants №№ 135, 207, branch of the plant No. 450, the fuselage plant of the Sickle and Hammer plant, as well as the "hydraulic drive", the production part of the OKB-289 and the woodwork workshop. By the beginning of November there was a giant, numbering 1763 units of equipment, of which 1114 were metal-cutting machines (for comparison: in Kharkov, by the fall of 1941 there were about 800 metal-cutting machines). At the same time, workers had less than half of the quantity.

Having considered the state of affairs in Molotov, appreciating the "bottlenecks", the People's Commissar of A.I.Shahurin, in early November, ordered the end of 1941 to release 70 Su-2 M-82, and to reach the release of three cars in December. The Germans were then stood in a hundred kilometers from Moscow, and it was necessary to overcome the crisis associated with evacuation as soon as possible. The drug addict considered it possible to establish and launch all the equipment taken to work in Perm.

In these hardest conditions, it turned out that somewhere in the way the drawings of the VMG M-82 were missing for Su-2 and they had to rush to restore. It was also required to introduce various substitutes for scarce materials, and above all aluminum and copper. An extensive correspondence was conducted between different departments on the issue of who would make skis for dry bombers. On November 18, the Deputy Head of the State University of Air Force Ya.L.Bibikov turned to Shahurin with a proposal to produce every fifth plane in the scout and adjustment version, "due to the fact that the Red Army Air Force does not have such aircraft, and the need for the front is very large" . And suddenly…

On November 19, 1941, GKO heard in Kuibyshev director of the plant No. 135 I.M.Kuzin, who had reported on the difficulties related to the restoration of aircraft production. It became clear that by the end of the month not a single Su-2 front would not receive. According to the secretary of the Molotovsky Regional Committee of the WCP (b) N.I. Gusarova, from the workers of various evacuated enterprises, it was not possible to create a single production team. After the turbulent discussion, the GCO takes two rulings. First, it is said about the need to establish and work out a promising M-82 motor on TB-7, "103", IL-2 and DB-3F aircraft. In the document - no word about SU-2, although in September the two first serial Su-2 M-82 collected in the factory in Kharkov, and in Molotov, there was a good ground for the production of these cars. The text of the second decree was even more severe for P.O.Suhogo: Plant No. 135 should immediately deploy the production of IL-2 with the M-82 motor, and the release of Su-2 stopped.

It is difficult to definitely answer the question why management has taken such a decision. Apparently, the main reason was associated with a decrease in the number of types of combat vehicles in production, and equipment necessary for them. There is no doubt that favorable reviews about work on the front of the regiments on the Su-2 were late. At the same time, in November, aviation commanders and pilots extremely highly appreciated the effectiveness, the vitality, the unpretentiousness of Stormzovikov Ilyushin. Many military specialists then believed that a better aircraft to support troops is difficult to imagine. Here, if only make IL-2 double, so that the arrow had a movable machine gun ...

Contrary to popular belief, initially S.V. Iilushin opposed the rework of the attack aircraft to the double, but agreed to place the arrow in the machine with the M-82 engine. Such a plane was built, and in early September 1941 he began to experience it. The concept of interaction in the battle of the two-seater leader IL-2 M-82 was developed (they were often called the then IL-4) with several single IL-2 AM-38.

In accordance with the instructions of the government, on December 20, the Perm plant received the drawings of IL-4, and the next day the preparation of new production began. The Cousin's director was allowed to complete the SU-2 only from the emerged entry. When it turned out that the restructuring of production in Perm flows unacceptably slowly, and in the coming months to collect IL-4 would not succeed, Shahurin restricted the release of the Su-2 only by machines located in the assembly shop. Many such a decision was perceived with perplexity, and the commander of the 135th BAP Major of the city of Korzynnikov even wrote a report to the head of the State University of Air Force, where the undesirableness of stopping the construction of the aircraft, which had proven himself at the front in recent months.

In the history of our aircraft, there were cases when the car was removed from production, and then restored again. But in this case, making sure that Ilyushin's attack aircraft in Perm is inappropriate, the country's leadership decided - an unprecedented step for the beginning of 1942 - Factory No. 135 disband. In January and February, at the expense of personnel and equipment of this enterprise, air facilities No. 30 and 381 were strengthened.

According to the memoirs of the oldest employee of OKB M.I.Zueva, the dislike was influenced by the dislike for Pavlu Osipovich from Stalin. After the death of V.M. Petlyakov in a disaster on January 12, 1942, Dry was called to the Kremlin and received an offer to head work on improving PE-2. Dry did not refuse, but did not agree. Stalin did not like the oscillations of Pavel Osipovich and on January 14, from his knowledge, it was appointed to the position of chief designer of the plant No. 22 A.I.Izakson.

Another 10 days came out an order: disband the air facility in Molotov. Dura was not allowed to return to the sublip, even when the fascists managed to drive away from Moscow. It turned out that the BB-1 aircraft (SU-2) saw the light with the direct participation of the leader and his serial production was also discontinued.

But the history of SU-2 use is not over. Cold and Snowy Winter 1941-1942 The activity of hostilities was low. To ensure at least one departure, it was necessary to start the motors three times a night for the night and long before the dawn began to prepare a plane to the start. In the frost and the strules of the mechanics were smelled by soldering lamps, and then oil radiators were heated with them. He experienced difficulties and crews: Snow Pokrov complicated the pilot calculation for landing, and the navigator - orientation. Mostly flights made the most prepared crews, since Su-2 was difficult to piloting in the clouds.

The navigations switched to the bombing not "on the lead", as was practiced in the summer, but with an individual aiming. Often, the aircraft went into the attack, repeatedly changing the course, and for five to seven kilometers to the goal, unexpectedly sharply unfolded, which made it difficult to opponse. In February, in the 97th BAP on several bombers, the ten guides were mounted for starting RS-82 and checked the reactive weapons in battles on the Bryansk front. After several successful departures, pilots declared thanks to the Commander of the Air Force of the 3rd Army, Lieutenant General G.P. Kravchenko. He demanded from the command of the 97th BAP and the entire flight and technical composition "To achieve maximum efforts to restore the material part". Indeed, the number of serviceable aircraft in the regiment was calculated by units. Aviamors showed the greatest activity on March 2, making 14 outlets with five aircraft. There are only four serviceable Su-2s to the beginning of March in a fighting several south of the 209th BAP.

By the spring of 1942, aviators 103, 210, 211, 226 and 227th bapp finished martialctions on SU-2. Most pilots took place at the IL-2 attack aircraft and positively perceived the transition "from plywood on the cast-iron". In some assault shelves, dry aircraft used as training sessions to work out the planting techniques on IL-2 - after all, double training attacks at that time have not yet been released. The navigators later served in educational and combat shelves of daily bomber aircraft, most often on the aircraft PE-2.

In the winter of 1942, another one was added to the shelves operating on the front - in February, the 826th BAP of Major A.M. Bocoon was prepared in Molotov. The part had 16 machines with M-88B motors and four new aircraft with M-82 engines. On the last SU-2 (head. №№ 11114, 12116, 07117 and 35117) It was decided to carry out military tests of Motors A.D. Shvetsov. Crews positively appreciated the modified version of the machine dry and M-82 motors, in particular. But during the training and when a flight to the front from February 28 to March 9, there was one catastrophe, one accident and many forced landings due to engine fault (in total, in spare shelves and training centers in 1941-1942 with SU-2 machines, they happened 6 disasters and 17 accidents - the numbers are unpleasant, but the raid on one serious flight happened by 25 - 30% more than for aircraft PE-2 or IL-2.)

By continuing the use of SU-2 in the role of neighboring bombers, the command of the Red Army Air Force in March decided to proceed to the formation of correction links, and then squadrons. Managing and repairing the Air Force received an order to collect SU-2 aircraft from forced landing places, repairing and sent to the 10th spare regiment, relocated to Kamene-Belinskaya. Educational crews were received by 23-24 hours of flight and about 100 hours of ground preparation. Special requirements were presented to the adjustment pilots: according to the instructions, each aviator had to have a raid at least one hundred hours.

However, the situation on the front did not allow to delay the reappection process, and soon the first four adjustment links with a dozen Su-2 decreased to the West Front. By the summer of 1942, he managed to prepare and send 77 crews to the current army, of which 52 flew to SU-2, and the rest - on imported scouts of Kertiss O-52. The constant shortage of good SU-2 slowed down the work of the 10th Zap. In addition, P.O.Shuha received an indication to stop all further work on improving the Su-2-adjustment. Nevertheless, in April-May, it was possible to prepare the first two staffed on the staff, the adjusting squadrons - 12 kae for the Leningrad and 13th Cae for the Kalinin fronts.

It is difficult, with large delays there were state tests of the Su-2 M-82. Much time went on the workout of the VMG. Only on April 22, 1942, the brigade of testes led by the leading engineer A.V. Sinelnikov began to prepare a report. Pilot Captain S.M. Corobov performed 35 flights by car. Most of them, he made a ski chassis. However, neither skiing, nor an enlarged take-off weight, according to the Research Institute of the Air Force, on the behavior of the aircraft in the air. Even without the use of floors, the Su-2 M-82 flew in small and medium heights much faster than with M-88B. At the same time, the range of the machine has decreased and insufficient became an anti-shipping angle at a landing - 18.5 ° with a required minimum of 26.5 °, which made it dangerous to use brakes on mileage.

By April 22, almost all pilots of the 826th BAP managed to fly through the modified machine. The highest experience was accumulated by Captain V.Gulishenko, who was added to 211 hours on the Su-2 M-88 another 11.5 hours on the Su-2 M-82, and Lieutenant V.I. Dostalev (173.5 h + 11.8 h). Both pilot, as well as the commander of the regiment Major A.M. Bokun managed to perform more than a hundred battle departures on "drying" to May 1942.

In the first days of the onset of Soviet troops on Kharkov, ground troops were supported by 374 bombers of different types, which were included in the South Air Force and South-Western Front. Of the 92 bombers suitable for action during the day, there were 42 Su-2 as part of the 13th Guards, 52nd, 135th, 288th and 826th BAP. At the beginning of the operation, the crews flew two to three times on the bombing of the enemy's troops, providing a breakthrough of tanks and cavalry. However, there was no timely removal of aviation after the upcoming parts. Every day, interaction with fighters and terrestrial troops became worse. The number of departures declined sharply, there was several reasons. So, Colonel I.P. Gorokhov, who changed V.I.Artamonov in the command of the 288th BAP, ordered the pilots not to take off without a fighter cover after the pair of Messerschmittov burned three "drying" from the airfield. The 40th JaP bombers dued at the beginning of the operation was based on a large removal and could not cover them, because there was not enough radius of fighters and-16 fighters, and the 762nd JEAP was in Aleksandrovka on Lagg-3 did not get tasks for support Su-2.

The 97th BAAP lost in May the 97th BAAP lost in May during the bombing at the airfield of Yelets almost all SU-2. The remaining machines and personnel strengthened the 209th BAP. This part, together with other heads of the front Air Force, was in incredibly difficult conditions to beat the German summer offensive that began on June 28. In the battles on the approaches to Voronezh, the strong and active fighter aviation of Luftwaffe caused heavy losses to many of our shelves, but the 209th BAP retained combat capability.

I fought side by side with SU-2 assault shelves or suffered large losses (503rd Shap), or had a lot of faulty aircraft (218th and 874th chap). But and the aircraftors of the 209th BAP accounted for not easy in the conditions of retreat. Suffice it to say that the regiment began fighting as part of the 208th night dietary supplement, then it was promptly subordinated to the 205th air trafficities, and in mid-July 1942, the 223rd Bad was introduced. By September, 20 Su-2 was preserved in the part. All crews were performed on this type from 55 to 170 combat flights; 83 people were awarded orders and medals.

An even more stressful battle turned in July - August 1942 on distant approaches to Stalingrad. Staying on features combat application SU-2 aircraft, let's say that some crews of the 826th BAP began to "climb on board" of the third person - the lower arrow. In one of the battles, the anti-aircraft shell jinned the left Aleron, and the "Messerschmitts" attacked the damaged Savelyeva car. Fighters tried to approach the bottom, but the unexpected fire of the German Grekova allowed the crew to repel the attack. The pilot managed to plant a damaged bomber in the field.

In some departures, it was necessary to organize the interaction of the Su-2 M-88, withstood two - three major repairs, with new Su-2 M-82. The difference in their maximum speeds on small and medium heights reached 100 km / h. The speed of aircraft was almost aligned after the suspension under the wings of the Molotovskiy machines of the Vapov (bulk aviation devices). In the summer of 1942, there was a wide use of the ampoule with a mixture of the COP - they effectively hit the lively strength and technique of the enemy.

Another task of the crew SU-2 was solved throughout the war. It is about resetting leaflets in Russian and german languages Over a busy opponent territory. The intensity of such work has increased in July. Up to 45,000 leaflets scattered from the aircraft over busy fascists only in one month. They were told about the huge losses of the German fascist troops on the Soviet-German front, it was reported on the most powerful raids of allied aviation for German cities, and the text of the Anglo-Soviet cooperation agreement was also provided. In the midst of the summer, German fighters "Hunters" began active flights in our neighboring rear. The best Assa Luftwaffe from the SCD JG / 3, / 52, / 53, / 77 unexpected attacks caused vast damage to our aviation. Under the conditions of the bearing, the Soviet pilots, scorched by the sun, was not easy to hide from the persecution of the Messerschmitt. In early July, several Su-2 were shot down by the enemy during take-offs and landings, and several more - destroyed on Earth. In order to somehow protect your airfields in a shortage of anti-aircraftic drugs, the regiments of the regiments were ordered to organize the duty of shooting bombarders from MB-5 turons at a time when the part did not perform combat departures.

During the summer battles on Don, the 52nd BAP became one of the best in the aviation of the Stalingrad Front. In May, the regiment received the last 22 Su-2 M-82, made in Molotov. Machines were originally intended for the female 587th BAP, which formed M.M.Raskov, but she chose more modern PE-2. Quickly having mastered the modified machines, the aviators of the 52nd were grateful to the fate that they again had to fight on the creation of P.O.Suhogo. Almost all the regiment veterans responded about Su-2 with exceptional warmth. According to them, it was unpretentious, reliable aircraft soldier. Multi-time machines were flying with sharply, and even with the cut-off parts of the stabilizers, the steering wheel, but were restored by the tech-suite and a few days later they went into battle.

In the documents, it was noted that well-trained crews found small-sized, well-disguised goals, which were, for example, pontoon processes puzzled for several dozen centimeters under water, applied sweeping strikes and left the harassment of enemy fighters. In other cases, on the contrary, single bomber climbed to an altitude of up to 8000 m. Record in the magazine of hostilities 270th Bad said that "At these heights, German fighters SU-2 aircraft were caught up and attacked only on counter and intersecting courses". This fact can be explained by the spent experienced crews, their ability to disguise with clouds, as well as a minor activity in the summer of 1942 of the Luftwaffe fighter aircraft at large altitudes - after all, the maximum speed of BF-109F and BF-L09G was still at least 100 km / h More than Su-2 M-82.

For the whole of 1942, German fighters and anti-aircrafts shot down 64 Su-2, of which eight amounted to the irrevocable loss of the 8th air army in the defensive period of the Stalingrad battle. On average, in the 270th dietary supplement, each SU-2 managed to fulfill 80 flights of flights in July - August - only 20. Of course, it would be an exaggeration to argue that dry airplanes are several times better than "pawns "Or" Bostona ". We must not forget that among the flight composition of the 52nd and other regiments on the SU-2 there was a lot of aviators who had excellent training, experience of flights from pre-war time. But also combat machines Now they have implemented everything that laid the designer in them.

By the fall of 1942, the number of airlows fought at the front of the airlocks on the Su-2 was reduced to two. In addition to the 288th BAP operating on the southern front, Stalingrad continued the fighting 52rd regiment. In the last part in early July 1942 passed the preserved cars from the 13th GW. and the 826th BAP, and in early September - and from the 135th BAP. Despite this, in the 52nd BAP there were no more than 16 Su-2 in September, of which approximately half was combed. Each aircraft was now fixed two - three crews. Not only the machines of old types with M-88B, with the factory numbers No. 22095,55092,1910, but also with M-82 motors, as Nos. 44117, 45118 and 47118 developed a 100-hour resource. Therefore, it was possible to obtain invaluable experience in the long-term operation of engines A.D. Shvetsov at the front. It is not surprising that in September, in the Upper Akhtube, the bomber pilots helped in the development of the first serial La-5 to the pilots of the 287th lieutenant colonel S.P. Danilov - as you know, M-82 was also installed on fighters.

It would seem that you could mean several bombers dry on the front of the front at the end of 1942? Meanwhile, in rainy weather, some crews managed to cause significant damage to the enemy. In the course began at the end of November, the counteroffensions of our troops near Stalingrad single Su-2 were successfully masked in the clouds and almost always flew without covering fighters. The crews - "hunters" practically without loss bombed locomotives, cars, opponent airfields. In one of the departures, the "drying" mistakenly attacked the red-star fighters, but they could not bring down the plane. Very valuable information about the German-Romanian troops, SU-2 crews brought from raids to the rear of the enemy to a depth of 200 - 250 km.

Five - seven serviceable Su-2 were in the end of autumn in the 288th BAP headed by Major I.I. Bautin. It should be borne in mind that the number of entire bombardment aviation of the 5th air army rarely exceeded fifty cars and each serviceable aircraft was on the account. According to the report of the senior engineer of the 288th BAP, the SU-2 is most often elevated due to the lack of the wheels of the wheels. The mechanics even tried, though unsuccessfully, to adapt to the tire bombarder from cars. I was looking forward to renovated cars from the workshops of Grozny ...

It is curious to note that the dry airplanes at the end of 1942 almost ceased to write off from among the existing ones. Significantly more quickly than, let's say, a year ago, a cleaning of damaged machines from forced landing places were organized, transporting them to the remarganans, as well as disassembly of emergency aircraft and motors to composite parts, sorting on suitable and unsuitable, as well as disposal. If in the first year of war through the current and recovery repair, 48 Su-2 passed, then in the second year - at least 568 dry aircraft. Separate "drying" fell into workshops and on the reminding more than 20 times!

In mid-November, 41 adjustments of this type have already operated on different fronts, of which 34 were combed. Most of the SU-2 - 13 units - were in battle under Stalingrad 34th and 45th individual CAE. The latter, headed by Captain N.N. Korolev, during January 1943 made losses of 26 departures, of which 8 were associated with the adjustment of arthogne, 14 - with visual intelligence, 2-photo exploration, and 2 departures had to be interrupted due to bad weather. Sometimes aviators managed to adjust the fire of the 1st Artyivision of the RGK General V.N. Mazura for seven goals at the same time. After the victory on the Volga, the squadron received the honorary title of the 1st Guards.

In the breakthrough, the blockade of Leningrad distinguished the personnel of the 12th separate Cae, which ensured the work of the artillery corps of the breakthrough of the VGC General Zhdanov. The command believed that artilleryrs could not so effectively suppress the long-term firepoints of the enemy without the "tip" of pilots. Latany - SU-2 Perelaints accelerates no faster than the speed of 275 km / h (in the device), but perfectly kept in the air.

Among the shortcomings in the combat organization, there were long-term preparation of data by artillery for shooting - SU-2 crews had to be above the front line for more than an hour. Often, escort fighters returned home by spending all fuel, and the adjustments had to take an unequal fight with "Messers" and "Fockers". For example, on June 23, 1943 near the city of Hill, the crew 1st Gucked was killed: the pilot of Art. Lieutenant A.L.Dmithrienko (93 combat departure) and the navigator st. Pilatenant N.I. Kukushkin (101 departure). From the archival documents, it was followed that at the beginning of the war, Dmitrienko acted uncertainly and once mistakenly even dropped the bombs into his troops. Subsequently, having mastered the Su-2 perfectly, having learned to fight him, he became one of the most trained pilots of the 97th, then the 209th BAP, and later the 45th Cae.

The Germans quickly understood how snare cars represent the threat. Just as the Soviet fighters sought to bring down the FW-189 adjustments, their German opponents hunt our artillery aircraft. According to the testimony of the pilot of the 54th Gwyap Ya.L. Mikhailik, FW-190 sought sudden attacks with a dive first of all to knock down the Su-2. Saving them from a powerful fire fighters of escorts turned out to be very difficult. For example, on June 28, 1943, the fourth of Yak-1 managed to maintain a correctioner, although the Yakovlev from the 55th Gwyap burned down from the fire of the enemy. On the eve of the fighting on the Kursk arc, the crews of the 16th and 47th kae (respectively, in the Arkhangelsk region - Kamenka and Kamenka - Saburovo), which were part of the 16th air army in the areas of Arkhangelsk. They regularly reported the command of land troops on the events held by the enemy on the front line.

Even after the output at the end of 1942, from the front of the 52nd BAP in Petrovsk-Saratov (15th ZAP) and the transfer of the remaining nine SU-2 into the composition of the correction squadrons, the aircraft for the latter were constantly lacking. But the Aviators of the 52nd BAP significantly strengthened the 14th and 15 kae 14 pilots made by this time on SU-2 from 93 to 244 (!) Combat departures. No less experience had 21 navigator and 65 technicians.

The lack of new Su-2 forced the command of the Air Force from the spring of 1943 to embark on the formation of correction squadrons on IL-2 aircraft. Despite the fact that S.V. Iilushin modified the connected equipment of the attack aircraft, he could not eliminate a number of machine defects, and first of all the rear cab chop. According to the Letsnyabov, the ils did not provide them with the necessary convenience of work, but by the summer of 1943, the adjustment squadrons sent to the front only on them. In the meantime, until the end of 1943, they were successfully fought on the Su-2 53rd and 54th Kae, headed by senior lieutenants I.I. Kaskin and A.I.Shvetov (both - veterans of the 52nd BAP). Major Shvetsov subsequently formed and headed the 187th separate correction and reconnaissance regiment, with whom he reached victory. But not a single SU-2 in the ranks of the regiment by 1944 was preserved. According to documents of the 42nd kae, on November 27, 1943, a sudden attack of the German ACA was shot down by one of the last SU-2 issued No. 263105.

Even in early March 1943, the 288th BAP was brought off from the front to Mozdok for the mercy of the combat operations at night. All cars were equipped with connected wagons of the RSB-ZBIS, RPK-10 radio phospaces, Nafa-19 night settings. However, retraining was dragged and was overshadowed by a disaster. On the night of June 3, 1943, at the training flight in the light of the searchlights, the crew of the Hero of the Soviet Union G.G. Nikolaeva (navigator - A.N.Petrov). The regiment management had to make great efforts to overcome the Svetobyuboye. After a few combat departures at the end of this year, the command of the 4th air army, which he entered the regiment, decided the 288th BAP to disband, and the personnel of the 650th night side.

The 650th BAP headed by Major, A.S. Kucenko, and the last regiment, which fought on dry aircraft (in addition, at least 12 reconnaissance and correction squadrons and 18 units were operated on the Su-2; individual machines were used by 90- I RAE, 8th orap, 205th mead, headquarters of the 6th Wa and other parts). For effective and selfless departures during the battles in the Kuban, part in August 1943 was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, after which two squadrons rearmed on Su-2, and the third continued to fight on P-10. In the battle over the Blue Linen in September - October, the crews of the Su-2 pilots N.N. Malegi and G.P. Lapaeva, who successfully used their cars at night with success. From the airfield, the Slavic regiment supported our sailors during the Kerch-Eltigen landing operation, applying a noticeable damage to the transportation of the enemy in the Crimea.

But the time of SU-2 ended. In January 1944, the 650th BAP passed several remaining machines and two months later completed re-equipment on the PE-2. It is symbolic that the regiment became part of the 188th Bad Colonel A.I. Pushkin, which made a significant contribution to the development and successful use of dry aircraft. Let's say a few words about other heroes who fought on Su-2.

Forever I remembered M.P. Odintsov eighth military departure. After hitting the enemy crossing on July 3, 1941, enemy fighters "Not left on the plane not a single location". The pilot and navigator received serious injuries. The plane was kept in the air and one was able to safely land him on his airfield. Mikhail Petrovich remembered that it took 11 bandages to bandage it. After two blows led by Lieutenant I.L. Karabutov, the squadron of the 210th BAP at the front edge of the enemy on September 29, 1941, the commander was defended here by the 96th Rifle Division assessed "above all silence" actions of our aviator on Su-2.

En sufficient skills demonstrated in many departures the navigator M.A. Lushin. So, on March 23, 1942, his crew flew to the exploration of enemy troops. In the meantime, the 135th regiment was based on the Koroche airfield, the HE-111 group was approached, covered BF-109. Noticing a lonely Soviet aircraft, the master "Messerschmitt" chased after him, but he was hit by a label label and made a forced landing in the location of the airfield battalion.

Commander 9 / JG52 Ober-Lieutenant K. Shade (K.schade), who had a considerable experience of educational and combat work, was captured. Hitlerian speakers managed to knock down 27 Soviet cars, and a lonely Soviet aircraft, which he so unsuccessfully attacked, German aviators identified as "armored IL-2". By the way, on August 27, 1942, the commander of another detachment - 8 / JG52 Ober Lieutenant O. Dekker (O.Decker) was also shot down after he was unsuccessfully persecuted Su-2. Our pilot shied away from the queues of Messer on the shaking, shooting from the machine gun, until finally, someone from the fighters who were in the trenches failed to hit the German fighter oil radiator. It was possible to capture not only the German commander, but also the newest BF-109G No. 13529, which became the valuable trophy of the Red Army Air Force.

The Soviet command of the raid five SU-2, led arts considered very effective. Lieutenant V.A. Perevertsev, at the Kursk railway station on May 1, 1942. Despite the strong anti-aircraft fire, our bombers accurately struck the goal. The enemy warehouse broke out - the fire was boiled for three days. "When acting on the Stalingrad Front from August 1, 1942 to January 5, 1943, Art. Lieutenant I.N. Martsynenko performed the most responsible tasks of command, as the detection of airfields and intelligence defense races "- noted in premium material. The pilot made 37 such departures.

On the night of July 25, 1943, Captain K.Ya.Franchuk, with the help of Sabov, was able to discover the accumulation of cars on the Taman Peninsula, and then accurately dropped bombs on them. No less successful were night towels on the berth of Novorossiysk late evening on August 15 and the court in the port of Cordon on the night of November 6, 1943. In each of the listed cases, the crews recorded numerous explosions and fires in the location of the enemy.

Busy by other works, Dry did not leave his attention to the Su-2 aircraft and after the cessation of his serial construction. On his initiative in July 1942, two cars (Nos. 25095 and 26096) have established new M-82FN motors with direct fuel injection into the cylinders. Despite the accident of the second aircraft on August 5, 1942, Pavel Osipovich achieved the continuation of the tests. After finishing the VMG, it became clear that the new engine promises huge prospects. The work was very useful for our aviation. Recall that only in the summer of 1943 success came to La-5FN with the same engine.

In December 1942, Pavel Osipovich suggested subjected to SU-2 serious alterations, setting a M-71F engine to a well-developed glider of 2200 liters. with. In the project that received the designation of the BB, reworked the structure of the fuselage, strengthened the reservation and increased the wing area by changing it in the plan. This work, as well as the Su-2 project in the embodiment of the attack aircraft, the deputy addict on the experienced aircraft industry A.S. Yakovlev was not approved.

Designed in 1935-1936 and created in experienced copies in the competition "Ivanov" in 1937, the near bomber P.O.Suhogo was built a large series from 1940 to 1942. The plants released 893 cars, of which M-87A motors were installed at about 30 (most of them were repaired with more powerful M-88B engines), 58 had M-82 motors, and the rest - M-88 and M-88B . We emphasize that Pavel Osipovich installed on experienced copies of their cars not only the above engines, but also Schvetovsky M-62, M-63, M-63TK, M-81, M-82FN, Urming M-87, M-89 - Many Of these, they did not go beyond the scope of experienced work.

Crews especially noted such advantages of the Su-2, as a spacious, comfortable, warm in any struran cabin, a good overview of the pilot and navigator for single-engine aircraft. The ability to control the car of the navigator has simplified the process of reappection of the flight composition and turned out to be an invaluable advantage in case of injury or death of the pilot. The aircraft were widely used at the front in the first year of war in the role of neighboring bombers, scouts and attack aircraft. True, for the last role of SU-2, the slightly and shelves of "drying" suffered great losses. The surviving planes were used at the front until early 1944, mainly in the role of scouts and adjustments. They were very useful in the conditions of domination in the air of Soviet aviation.

Summing up, it can be said that the Su-2 aircraft did not become the most successful dry design. It was followed by an excellent SU-6 attack aircraft, for which the Designer was awarded the Stalinist premium 1st degree, SU-9 fighters, and SU-11 fighters, and many other cars, who left much larger trail in the history of our aviation. Due to a number of reasons, the SU-2 bombard did not become a massacre. The Soviet Air Forces of the Soviet Air Force was the IL-2 attack aircraft, which was adopted in thousands of all-growing quantities. He replaced the Su-2 in many roles and was widely used in the absolute majority of operations of the Great Patriotic War.

Construction of the BB-1 serial aircraft with M-88 motor (M-88B).

The construction of the aircraft is mixed: the fuselage and keel - wooden, all other units remained metal.

A distinctive feature of the design was the transition from steel welded components and parts to similar from aluminum alloys of high strength, allowing their manufacture of cold and hot stamping methods in serial production (from the AK-1 material) and casting (from the material 195T4 and AK) with minor mechanical finishing .

Welding with subsequent heat treatment was used only in the design of the chassis, crutch, motor, and in the elements of weapons.

The design provided for an aggregate assembly with the installation of controls and equipment to the final assembly, which made it possible to apply the assembly method with an output to the conveyor.

Mechanization of the manufacture of parts, the drilling holes of the conduits provided interchangeability of parts without any additional fit. The use of open profiles not only simplified the assembly of elements and entire aggregates, but also allowed the mechanization of the riveting process. Thanks to the extruded profiles, the cover of the wing and plumage began to work not only on the shift, but also on compression. The increased role of the trim made particularly carefully consider the edging of various cuts and hatches caused by the needs of assembly and operation. For this reason, a number of hatches did not do on locks, but on bolts with anchor nuts

The fuselage of the monoclicity of the bearing casing, the wholesaler, consisted of 20 spangling, interconnected by four spars and several stringers, stitched with plywood shells - shell.

The first 19 splits are the alloy-tree, the 20th mixed design. It consisted of two parts: the top, made of plywood, and the bottom duralva. After installing the stabilizer, both parts were connected to two duralum profiles, on which two arm steering brackets and two stabilizer suspension bracket were mounted. On the Spanort No. 20 Mounted tail wheel.

Four spars of the fuselage were performed in the form of brusons from the changes of the variable cross section with a decrease in the tail. At the top of the fuselage there were two plateau. The front plateau of the boxed section served to communicate upper spars and for fastening the rear taurry screen. Then there was a rear plateau, over which the rear folding fairing was placed. When using a turret, the fairing could be omitted. Dural sex pilot consisted of two horizontal and one oblique plates.

To view the bottom hemisphere in the cabin of the navigator on the sides of the fuselage, it was imposed on one window. Here were the steps on the sides of the fuselage for the support of the navigator legs. In the tail part of the fuselage, there was a hatch designed to emergency leaving the aircraft and mounting the hatch installation.

The fuselage cover was performed from a birch veneer with a thickness of 0.5 mm, spilled out on a special blank that had the shape of the fuselage. The veneer sho is made at an angle of 45 ° to the axis of the aircraft. The thickness of the fuselage plating was variable. After the stickers of the shell on the frame and eliminate the irregularities, the fuselage was covered with a harsh marquise and stained.

The pilot's cabin was closed by a convex streamlined plexiglass visor and a high sliding lantern, providing a wonderful review in all directions. The sliding part had a window shifting back on the guides on the left side. Full lamp shifting back provided the free output from the cockpit.

Behind the oblique rear section of the Lantern of the Cabin of the pilot was fixed by the shtorman turret, consisting of motionlessly fixed and folding parts. The folding visor could be rejected until the stop forward and locked up - in this position, the navigator had the opportunity to get into the cab.

Both cabins were heated. Heated air in them was provided by a special pipeline laid on the right side of the aircraft. In the pipeline, the air flowed from the fire pipe of the exhaust manifold. At the request of the crew in the cabin could be injected through the same pipelines of fresh air.

The wing was distinguished from the wing of the aircraft SZ-2 way to fasten the slope between the centerlane and the fuselage. The center of the centriplane consisted of two spars, six ribs and two longitudinal walls. In the sock for the second spar from above and below there were stringers in the form of angular profiles.

On the rear edge of the center, the landing panels (two sections) were located below, which were attached to the rear wall of the centroplane and had a constant chord. The sheathing is duralum, mugged, 0.6 mm thick. In the shields under the fuselage there were windows for reviewing down from the navigator cabin.

The frame of each wing console consisted of two spars, 17 ribs, rear walls, stringers and additional beams in the machine-gun compartment. All frame elements, with the exception of several nodes, were made of Dural.

To mount the tank on the bottom surface of the wing, a large hatch was welded, closed by a panel cover. The panel was attached to ribs and spars with screws and self-locking nuts.

The taking part of the wing, as well as the centralland, was trimmed by smoothly rigged duralumin sheets. Case thickness from 1.0 to 0.6 mm. The riveting of the sheath over the sock to the first spar and on the top surface from the first to the second spar - secret, the rest of the skin riveted with lentils with lentils.

The frame of each aileron consisted of a tubular duralumin spar, leaf stamped ribs, nasal stringer and tail profile. Aeron's sock for giving hardness was trimmed with a thin duralumin sheet. All Aileron was covered with a web. In Eileron's sock was placed a lead tube that served as weight compensation. The airons of the wing deflected 25 ° up and down. Left Aeron had a managed trimmer.

The design of the flaps, located on consoles from the aileron to the connector, similar to the center.

The longitudinal set of plumage consisted of four walls of the chamber cross section, extruded profiles and corners; Transverse - out of split sheets of ribs. Cleaning and the entire set of Stringer - Dulelya.

The rear wall of the stabilizer was mounted six cast brackets needed to suspend the height steering wheel. The stabilizer was installed motionless at an angle of -5 ° and was mounted with bolts to the corners, cut the cutout in the fuselage under the stabilizer. The connection was covered with a bosal. In addition, the two medium brackets the stabilizer was attached to the bolts to the fuselage tail spark floor.

The height wheel had a weight compensation. Its both halves were interchangeable and connected to the pipe, which passed through the tail fairing of the fuselage. The frame of the height steering wheel consisted of a spar tuber with tail ribs risen. The nose part of the steering wheel was trimmed with dural, and the entire surface was covered with a web. In the tail part of each half of the steering wheel on the shrom, the trimmer was suspended.

The keel of all-metal design consisted of two side meters of a box cross section, stringers and ribs; His cover was plywood. In the rear side member there were two brackets for the suspension of the steering wheel.

The trimmer of the steering wheel, as well as the height steering wheel, consisted of a slave-section profile, to which the cover was stuck, reinforced by several ribs, loop and ear in the trimmer control.

Airplane control double, mixed. The steering wheel, the ailerons and the flaps had a rigid control wiring, and the height steering wheel, trimmers and crutches - cable. From the second cab, you could turn off the control of the height steering.

The shields were controlled using a hydraulic cylinder through the system and rocking factor. They deflected at an angle of 55 ° when landing.

The mechanism of cleaning and release of the chassis - electrohydraulic. The main racks are like on SZ-2.

The crutch installation had an automatic stopper in a neutral position after separating the tail of the aircraft from the Earth. It was automatically retired simultaneously with the main racks. The crutch wheel could turn on Earth by 42 ° to each side.

To ensure winter operation, all serial aircraft was supplied with a ski kit, issued by plants No. 135 and 207, as well as Moscow Factory No. 2 Narkles. In flight skiing, the main racks were cleaned and sealed to the bottom of the centerpiece. These skis consisted of a cauldron (plywood, glued to ash or oak planks), three boxed spars, nine spen, two side ribs, four stringers, plywood and edging from sheet aluminum. Ski had dimensions of 2700 × 650 mm.

The crutch skiing in the flight was adjacent to the bottom surface of the fuselage. For attachment to the plug of the shock absorber on the ski there was a boar with a sleeve, in which the axis of the fork was inserted. Top of skiing, front and rear, two shock absorber-cord were attached. Costd ski consisted of two solid pine spars and two side edges. Ski poloz consisted of ash planks. All ski edged with sheet aluminum. Dimensions of tail Ski 615 × 290 mm.

When mounting the ski of the wheels, along with the axes were filmed, and the skis were fixed at the bottom of the amorus using the traverse. Instead of summer flaps, winter was installed.

The screw-breeding group consisted of a two-row star-shaped 14-cylinder engine M-88 (M-88B) with a nominal power of 950 liters. with. The engine supplied with a three-bladed screw of a 3.25 meters varying step in flight. The screw flower consisted of the front and rear parts interconnected by screws and anchor nuts. The fairings were made from the sheet Dural. The steel thermally processed ratchet was stuck to its front part to start a motor station.

The motor hood had an internal and outdoor part, as well as skirt. The outer hood was performed in the form of three removable covers inserted into the grooves of V-shaped profiles and fixed only on the motor using the front and rear nodes.

The hood skirt was divided into three sectors - two side and lower. Side sectors had six sash. They bind to hinges and stainless steel guide sheets. The sash with the full opening of the skirt retained the shape of the hood, overlapping the slots between the sash. In the right side sector, there was a cutout in two sash for the exhaust engine nozzle.

A removable panel for approaching the fuselage fuel tank was fixed on top of the hood between the spars.

The tunnel of the suction pipe of the carburetor was mounted on the bottom of the hood, and the oil radiator was installed in the skirt area with a tunnel for air intake. The regulation of the incoming air was performed using the damper.

Small arms included three machine guns, two of which were stationally placed in the removable consoles of the wing outside the zone of rotation of the screw. For the approach to machine guns in the upper surface of the wing there were hatches. The shooting control of wing machine guns was carried out using a gay located on the aircraft control knob.

The upper turret MB-5 remained as on the aircraft SZ-2 without a change, and the hatch installation from the aircraft was removed.

Bombs caliber 8 - 100 kg were suspended on cassette holders in the fuselage bomb, under the pilot's cab. Normal bombing load was 400 kg, and the maximum is 600 kg. The inner suspension did not exceed 400 kg. On the outer bombingors under the wing, you could hang bombs 100 and 250 kg.

Equipment. The external connection of the aircraft was carried out using a radio station type of RSB "Dvina", which was installed in the second cockpit before the navigator. All radio station aggregates are easily shot and mounted on the frame shelf using rubber shock absorbers like "Lord".

The radio station was equipped with a rigid single-roll T-shaped antenna stretched from the nasal rod to a keel. As a rule, radio stations on bombers were removed. They were left on airplanes who performed the tasks of intelligence and adjust the arthogne.

The AFA-13 camera was installed at the right side of the shtorman cockpit. In a marking position, it could be fixed in the side of the latch.

In 1936, a competition for the development of a new "military aircraft" was started in the USSR under the sector "Ivanov", called to change the mass Biplane P-5. The new car was supposed to perform the functions of the attack aircraft, light bombarder, high-speed scout and even escort fighter.

The competition was attended by all the leading design teams, including KB P.O. Dry, offered all-metal double lowlands with retractable chassis. Arms consisted of four 7.62 mm machine guns of the wing and one on the turret. The bombing load with a mass of up to 600 kg was placed in the fuselage bomb, only an external suspension was provided for 250-kg bombs. Initially, the requirements of the competition involved the use of the AM-34 liquid cooling motor, but during the design of the designer made a choice in favor of the 9-cylinder engine of air cooling M-62. Such motors were equipped with the first two prototypes - SZ-1, tested from August 25, 1937, and SZ-2, covered in December 1937. The third car - SZ-3 - received a 14-cylinder M-87 motor, whose installation allowed to improve Take up features. Also on this car increased fuel supply and machine guns, some other changes have made. SZ-3 became a sample for the series, but the serial machines were not all-metal, but a mixed design - a metal wing and a wooden fuselage.

Serial aircraft were designated BB-1, and from December 1940 - Su-2. The total production was 893 units. 785 of them in 1940-1942. Made Kharkov Plant No. 135, and several dozen of them were collected after evacuation in Molotov (Perm). 92 aircraft built near Moscow Plant No. 207 (3 in 1940 and 89 in 1941) and 16 - Taganrog enterprise No. 31 (16 in 1940 and 4 in 1941).

Technical characteristics of SU-2 aircraft

  • Modification: Su.-2 M.-88 B.
  • Engine: M-88B
  • power, hp: 1100
  • Wing span, M.: 14.30
  • Airplane Length, M.: 10,25
  • Airplane height, M.: 3.94
  • Wing area, square. M.: 29.0
  • Mass, kg:
  • empty aircraft: 2790
  • top: 4375.
  • Maximum speed, km / h: 455
  • Time set of height 5000 m, min: 12.6
  • Practical ceiling, M.: 8900
  • Flight range, km: 890

Main modifications Su-2

  • Su.-2 with the M-87B motor (950 hp) - the first option, which is, in fact, pre-seventive. Rifle armament - 5 7.62 mm machine guns Butter (4 in the wing, 1 on the top turret). The mass of the bomb load is 400 kg (maximum - 600 kg). Crew - 2 people. The number of it is definitely unknown, but not less than 6.
  • Su.-2 with the M-88 or M-88B motor (1100 hp) - the main modification. Rifle and bombing arms corresponds to the variant with M-87B. Since August 1941, enhanced booking was established. Made more than 800 units.
  • Su.-2 with M-82 Motor (1400 hp). Mainly similar to the variant with M-88B, but a lower hatch rifle with 1 machine gun was introduced. 58 aircraft built.

Combat use Su-2

The first part that received SU-2 bombers was the 135th bombarding airlock (BAP), formed in 1940 in Kharkov. By the time of the German attack on the Soviet Union, 8 regiments were fully or partially managed by new aircraft. The first debuted regiments of the Air Force of the Odessa Military District are the 210th and 211st BAP. Already in the evening of June 22, 8 Su-2 bombed through the river. Rod. The 97th and 43rd BAP in the Western Front (the last - not completely reaminated) entered the battle on June 24 and by July 7, 1941 lost all their aircraft and were assigned to re-equipment. At the end of June, the 103rd and 135th BAP, armed Su-2, arrived at the Western Front. They supported ground troops in the course of the acquisition of organized counterattack under Zlobin, and in the first half of July they also suffered serious losses. On the south-western front there were 2 shelf, armed Su-2 - 226th and 227th BAP, stationed near Kiev. In the early days of the war, they continued to study the crews, since the crews did not have time to fully master new aircraft, and only June 28 joined the battle. SU-2 crews together with other bombers attacked the advancing columns of the 1st tank group, trying to hold back the promotion of the enemy. Flying without a fighter cover, in conditions of good visibility on small and medium heights, the bombers carried large losses.

By August 1941, the Soviet Air Force significantly decreased due to losses incurred. But the combat capability of regiments, armed Su-2, by that time even increased - crews have gained military experience and began to act more confidently. Many crews have begun to perform departures in complex meteors and at night, learned to disguise clouds. A successful operation in the morning of August 30 conducted a 227th BAP. 14 His Su-2 strikes the airfield of the White Church, destroying the repair base and destroying 10. In August, armed Su-2 289th BAP arrived at the South-West Front. Its first task was the bombing of the crossing through the Dnieper in Kremenchug. At the same time, some shelves flying on other types of aircraft received SU-2 aircraft losses as compensation. So, on August 10, the 13th BAP, equipped with two-dimensional Sat and and and acting from the first days of war on the Western Front, received 7 Su-2.

In September 1941, the battles on the south-western front were 6 regiments, armed Su-2. On October 4, there were 474 aircraft as part of the front Air Force, of which 116 Su-2. Never, no earlier, the bombers of this type did not play such an important role, were not the most massive aircraft of the front aircraft. Su-2 tactics in the fall of 1941 was built on the actions of small groups - 6-8 aircraft under cover 2-3 fighters. Due to the low cloudiness, aircraft often bombed from extremely small heights. On November 25, 93 Su-2 remains as part of the Air Force of the South-Western Front, but the number of good machines compared to October 77 to 37 has decreased from 77 to 37.

A total of SU-2 in 1941, about 5,000 combat flights were performed. As a result of various reasons, more than 400 Su-2 had to write off, of which 222 had to fight losses.

By the spring of 1942, the majority of regiments who fought on Su-2 were re-equipped - mainly on. In February 1942, the 826th BAP was formed, which received 16 Su-2 M-88B and 4 Su-2 M-82. In this shelf, aircraft with M-82 motors were trooped. In general, the crews were not bad formed modified Su-2. But the M-82 motor was constantly led by "crude". Probably the last operation to which a significant number of regiments, armed Su-2, were attracted, became the Kharkov operation in May 1942. Aviation of the Southern and South-Western fronts participated in it. In total, five regiments with Su-2 were operating on these fronts: 13th GW., 52nd, 135th, 288th and 826th. But their composition was distant from complete: they had only about 40 bombers. Trying to compensate for the insufficient number of combat work intensity, the crews carried out two or three departures per day, providing a breakthrough of tanks and cavalry. Subsequently, 3 shelf (52nd, 135th, 826th) became part of the 270th Bad, actively participating in the defensive phase of the Stalingrad battle.

By the fall of 1942, the number of battles in the front of the regiments with Su-2 was reduced to two. In addition to the 288th BAP operating on the South Front, the 52nd BAP fought on Stalingrad, in which there were only 3-4 combott aircraft. On October 1, there were 9 Su-2 with M-82 and 4 motors with M-88B. For each aircraft, 2-3 crews were fixed. Under the conditions of rainy weather, established at the end of 1942, single SU-2 flew to "free hunting". Acting without a fighter cover, skillfully disguised in the clouds, aircraft almost without loss bombed trains, car columns, calls, airfields.

The last part of the fought on SU-2 was the 650th night bombarding regiment (NBAP), which received such aircraft in August 1943. In September-October, the regiment successfully acted in battle over the Blue Linen. Then the regiment participated in supporting the Kerch-Eltigen landing operation, and he passed several of the last SU-2 in January 1944.

The experience of combat use showed that Su-2 had a number of undoubted advantages. The crews liked the spacious, comfortable, protected from the cold cabin, good compared to other single-engine aircraft overview at the pilot and the navigator. The presence in the cabin of the second set of the aircraft controls simplified the process of retraction of the flight composition, and was also invaluable in case of injury or death of the pilot in battle. Airplanes were widely used at the front in the first year of war in the role of neighboring bombers and attack aircraft. True, for the last role SU-2, it turned out to be weakly fit, and the shelves suffered large losses. The period of large-scale use of SU-2 in the battles turned out to be relatively short - due to the evacuation of the Kharkov plant No. 135, which was almost a monopoly producer Su-2, and the subsequent cessation of the production of aircraft of this type, the shelves who fought on SU-2 were gradually rearmed by other types of aircraft or at all disbanded. However, surviving Su-2, passing repeated repairs, until early 1944 served as corrections.

Release airplanes Su-2 (1940 - 1942)

Aviazavoda 1940 1941 1942 Total
№31 12 4 16
№135 110 635 40 785
№207 3 89 92
TOTAL 125 728 40 893

BB-1 ( Su-2)

Su-2 with M-82, 1942 Motor "\u003e

In 1936, the command of the Red Army Air Force announced a competition for a new double multi-purpose single-engine aircraft under the code name of Eve. It can exactly, we can say that Stalin itself was the initiator of the competition, since the motto of Ivanov (often erroneously uttered "Ivanok") corresponded to its telegraph address.

The contest was attended by the design bureau A.N. Tupolev, N.N. Polycarpova, I.G. Neman, DP. Grigorovich. According to the results of the consideration of the sketch projects, the victory was the draft OKB Tupolev, developed by the Brigade of Pavel Osipovich dry.

In August 1937, the plane, which received the designation of the TsAGA ANT-51 was ready for testing, and the Chef Plot Tupolevsky OKB Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov, who had just returned from the flight to San Francisco through the North Pole, raised the first copy of this car in the air Another name of SZ-1 - "Stalin's task".

When putting the car, it turned out that it is possible to significantly improve its flight-tactical characteristics. First, the aircraft was equipped with an 820 liter M-62 motor. p., And in 1939, the mass production was received with a M-88 motor with a capacity of 1000 liters. C, and since 1940 Ivanov, with the M-88 engine, began to produce serially under the designation of BB-1 (near bomber). Soon he was assigned the name Su-2.

Su-2 In the museum on Poklonnaya Mount

Airplane Su-2 He was a double free-standing monooplan with a low-locked wing and retractable chassis.

The fuselage cover was performed from a birch veneer with a thickness of 0.5 mm, spilled out on a special blank that had the shape of the fuselage. The veneer sho is made at an angle of 45 ° to the axis of the aircraft. The thickness of the fuselage plating was variable. After the stickers of the shell on the frame and eliminate the irregularities, the fuselage was covered with a harsh marquise and stained. The pilot's cabin was closed by a convex streamlined plexiglass visor and a high sliding lantern, providing a wonderful review in all directions. The sliding part had a window shifting back on the guides on the left side. Full lamp shifting back provided the free output from the cockpit. Behind the oblique rear section of the Lantern of the Cabin of the pilot was fixed by the shtorman turret, consisting of motionlessly fixed and folding parts.

The folding visor could be rejected until the stop forward and locked up - in this position, the navigator had the opportunity to get into the cab. Both cabins were heated. Heated air in them was provided by a special pipeline laid on the right side of the aircraft. In the pipeline, the air flowed from the fire pipe of the exhaust manifold. At the request of the crew in the cabin could be injected through the same pipelines of fresh air. The center was covered with smooth sheets of duralumin. Upon the rear edge of the centriplane, two-half panels were located, deviating by 55 °. Under the fuselage on the panels, windows were made of plexiglass for review from the navigator cockpit. The bomb compartment was closed with two duralumin sash. On the consoles of the wing, which the same as the center, were trimmed with duralumin sheets, headlights were made at a distance of 3200 mm from the axis of the aircraft. Aileron's sock was trimmed. The ailerons deviated down and up 25 °, and the controlled trimmer was opened on the left. Wing shields are covered with thin duralumin sheets, have a hydraulic drive and deflect by 55 °.

Armament Su-2 There were five machine guns Caliber wool 7.62 mm: four of them were located in the consoles of the wing and one on the turret. 400 kg of bombs were placed in the bomb compartment. Another 500 kg could be fixed on the outer suspension in the variant of the near bomber. Part of the aircraft Su-2 There were also rocket weapons from four RS-82 reactive shells located two on the bottom of the consoles. Already after the start of the war under the wing, 10 PC-132 began to hang instead of the bombs.

Wide implementation Su-2 In January 1941 began in the construction units, after the 135th BAP, they entered the 211st and 227th BAP. By the end of March with Su-2 The leadership and technical compositions of four more airlrafts - 103rd, 209th, 210th and 226th. Until the spring of 1941, serial aircraft entered the Western districts in very limited quantities, which forced the command of the Red Army Air Force to extend the timing of the reappection. So, for the 211st BAD of Major F.G. Uryakina, a development plan was approved Su-2, stretched for nine months - from January to September 1941. Naturally, the war began to squeeze all terms.






Hensel HS-126

Dmitry Khazanov / Moscow

Photo from the archives of the OKB Dry, N. Gordyukov and the author

Books unfaithful memory reconnaissance in B. Rubna (pseudonym Victor Suvorov) received unusually wide recognition in the post-Soviet Russia and Ukraine, they came out with circulations, which could only dream of professional historians. Juggling the numbers and scraps quotes, frankly distorting facts, he tried to give a new version of the beginning of World War II: allegedly, this Stalin was going to attack Hitler, prepared in the course of "offensive campaign" to crush Germany, and The Führer did not have anything, how to inflict a proactive blow, aversion literally for two weeks. It was the unpretentiousness of the Soviet Union that became the main cause of the catastrophic lesions of the Red Army.

Much attention in their opuses paid sharp issues of development and application of technology. Moreover, the BB-1 aircraft (subsequently SU-2), which today's story is devoted, especially "lucky." What epithets do not give V. Suvorov this car: "Air jackal", "Winged Genghis Khan", "Heavenly Killer". He is trying to give the creation of P.O. Such a kind of secret wonderful weapon of Stalin, which did not work as if, just because the war began not to the "Soviet scenario". Allegedly, the aircraft on the project "Ivanov" was created exclusively for a treacherous attack on the enemy, and in the defensive war, which had to lead to the Soviet Union, was useless.

Already when describing the competition "Ivanov" in the version of Suvorov-Rubna, there are speculations, nonsense, and even fantasies: "Once, in 1936, Stalin gathered aviation designers in his neighboring dacha, treated with all Caucasian hospitality, and then Put the task: to build an airplane (of course the best in the world) called "Ivanov". VB Revun continues to develop the theme: "So, how the perfect combat aircraft was drawn to Stalin, on the development of which he distracted its best designers, as the creators of bombers and the creators of fighters. Stalin himself explained his requirement in three words - the aircraft of the pure sky. If it is not completely clear, I will explain in a nutshell - the winged jackal. "

Chief Designer P.O. Dry

Meanwhile, the documents did not manage to find the requirements of creating a "winged jackal", and it is difficult to understand what we are talking about. Our opponent for emotions is trying to hide the misunderstanding of how tasks were developed for the design of aircraft in our country. For its formulation there were competent structures in the composition of the Air Force, which, being customers, were tactical and technical requirements for the future aircraft. Of course, the approval is not true, as if Stalin correctly filled his designers, demanding to make a future machine as simple as possible and cheaper so that it could be released in the amount of 100,000 copies (where only those numbers are taken!).

Today we have to tell about the plane really outstanding for your time. The phrase: "Ivanov" is the first model of the culturally performed car of the Soviet construction, "which impartial military engineers recorded in the state testing act, as they say," expensive. " But this creation of an outstanding Soviet designer has always been in the shade of more successful machines. It seems fair to once again pay tribute to the creators of an interesting aircraft, to tell about its combat application on the fronts of the war.

Competition "Ivanov"

In the mid-1930s. It became clear that a successful P-5 plane is outdated. Created to replace it under the leadership of IG. Neman in the Kharkov Aviation Institute of the High Speed \u200b\u200bScout of the R-10 and in the Central Supplies Brigade S.A. Comeriga CP (P-9) no longer matched ever-increasing requirements. Therefore, since September 1935, Brigade No. 3 of the design department of the TsAGA space department, headed by P.O., began to develop a new MNSELE-engine aircraft. Dry.

Pavel Osipovich Dry (1895-1975) belonged to a brilliant Pleiad of the figures of Soviet science and technology. It successfully combined good education (graduated with honors from gymnasium and MWU), broad erudition, personal modesty. The early years of the creative activity of dry, including work on a record aircraft ANT-25, were associated with the name of his leader - A.N. Tupolev.

In the fall of 1935, in Brigade No. 3, the development-design developments of the future aircraft began, the weightarm of the high-speed scout with the M-34FRN motor with a capacity of 1025 hp was compiled. By the end of the year, aerodynamic and centering calculations were produced, 4 wing compartments were commissioned. It was planned that under the take-off weight of 3210 kg, the machine will develop the maximum speed of 455 km / h at an altitude of 4000 m, reaches a cruising range of 1500 km and a practical ceiling of 9800 m.

In July 1936, the People's Commissar of the Heavy Industry G.K. Ordzhonikidze sent V.M. Molotov on approval Plan of experienced construction of aircraft for 1936-37, where, in particular, it was indicated that the "military aircraft having a small landing speed, a good overview, convenient and spacious to work as an observer Cabin, at a speed of 350-400 km / h Today there is no, despite the fact that such a scout must be most common in the Air Force. "

On the eve of the competition for the development of the Multipurpose aircraft "Ivanov". According to one of the versions, the initiator of its conduct really was I.V. Stalin. The code name assigned to this machine, according to some historians, complied with the telegraph name of the Secretary General; Others - testified to the mass of future aircraft - "They should be built as much as people in our country are named Ivanov."

In addition to the Dry Brigade, the CKB (ch. Design N.N. Polycarpov), Hai (ch. Designer I.G. Nemn), as well as DP Grigorovich, S.A. Kocherigin and St. Ilyushin. All teams developed sketching projects for Engine A.A. Mikulina M-34. It was envisaged to use machines in three appointments: an attack aircraft, a light bomber and a long-range scout. Having discussed and analyzing all the projects headed by the People's Commissar of the Aviation Industry MM Kaganovich Commission, concluded that they "in their geometric dimensions, weight and flight-tactical data differ very little from each other and technically stacked in very narrow limits."

Experimental aircraft SZ-2. Evpatoria, Spring 1938

Cabin crew of the aircraft SZ-2 (turret Su in the weather position)

Russed engine M-62

According to the People's Commissar, "Design and construction of this aircraft in a short time (8-9 months) are possible only with the collective development of the project, by creating a cross-cutting brigade from all design bureaus and scientific institutions - VIAM, CIAM, TsAGI with the involvement of specialists in individual disciplines, like that: motor facilities, materials, technological production, equipment of aircraft, etc. In this way, in this car, all the best experience accumulated by the design bureau of the Union will be focused, and its creation is provided with a mass production. "

The proposal of Kaganovich received the approval of the country's leadership, and on December 27, 1936, the Resolution of the Council of Labor and Defense was published on the construction of a high-speed long-term intelligence officer according to the Lowland scheme. The basic requirements for the aircraft were determined, which was necessary to transfer to the tests in August 1937:

- maximum speed at an altitude of 4000-5000 m - 420-430 km / h;

- landing speed - 90-95 km / h;

- Practical ceiling - 9000-10000 m;

- Normal cruising range - 2000 km, with overload - 4000 km;

- Armament - 3-5 machine guns and 200-500 kg bombs (depending on the option).

From May to August 1936 P.O. Dry was in the USA. As a result of the trip, it was possible not only to purchase several machines of different types, but also to get acquainted with the work of the largest US aircraft plants, see the advanced metal aircraft technology. Upon his returning to the USSR, important organizational changes occurred: in TsAGI, they were used as independent several KB, and an. Tupolev became the main engineer gu aviation industry. Having now to be able to pay due attention to the experienced design department, he proposed to appoint him to his head V.M. Petrakova, and dry to make it a substituent. Continuing the work on the topic "Ivanov", the last special attention was paid to the use in the design and production newest Materials and technological processes. At the initiative of Pavel Osipovich in the framework of the all-metal machine, the extruded duralum profiles are used as the main elements, and highly recently mastered by our industry, and high-strength aluminum alloys. The construction of the aircraft was developed taking into account the application during its serial production of a plaster-pattern method, which contributed to improving productivity, ensured good interchangeability of individual units and nodes. It was also possible to apply an aggregate assembly with the installation of individual controls and equipment to the final assembly. All this allowed to increase the degree of mechanization. production processes, Apply the stream assembly method, which seemed very important in large-scale production.

It should be noted and a successful solution of dry immediately build a double-controlled aircraft. It made it possible in the preparation of flights to do without special training machines, and in combat conditions, if necessary, the pillarman could always replace the pilot. Another important solution of the chief designer: instead of a liquid cooling motor M-34, apply an experimental air cooling engine M-62 design A.D. Shvetsova.

Working on the machine that had no number 51 and by tradition is sometimes called TsAGA ANT-51, but more often than SZ-1 ("Stalin's assignment", the first copy), was spore. August 25, 1937 Chef Pilot M.M. Gromov, just returned from the famous flight to San Francisco through the North Pole, raised a new aircraft into the air. According to the famous pilot, it turned out to be simple and convenient in piloting, possessed good stability and handling. With breaks caused by a small accident, breakdowns of a new motor, factory tests continued until the end of 1938, after which the M-62 engine has developed its resource.

While SZ-1 was tested, the military has developed possible versions of combat use of the machine, identifying 4 basic. From a long-range attack aircraft required to destroy reserves and centers of the enemy formations, violate transportation in his rear, to act on airfields. Similar tasks received a long-range bomber, but planned that his working height would be from 5000 m to a practical ceiling, the aircraft will be able to fly in any meteo conditions, day and night. The crew of the high-speed scout had to reconcile both visually and photographing, mostly alone. Finally, the main task of the accompaniment aircraft was the cover of dB-3 bombers and Sat for all distances. It was planned that the offensive weapons in some embodiments will be two guns of Schwak-20 and two machine guns of the cabcas (standard weapons - 4 cabasters), and the mass of the bombing load in the overload version will reach 800 kg.

In December 1937, a second prototype "Dubler" (or SZ-2) was built, with the same M-62 motor. The bomb load of the machine was limited to 200-400 kg, put the lower defensive installation of MV-2, bringing total amount machine guns up to six. Already during the plane testing, instead of the upper installation, SU mounted turret MV-3 \u200b\u200bdesigns G.M. Mozharovsky and I.V. Venevinova. Then, as a result of refinement, a turret MB-5 was created, which, according to the arms designers, became one of the most successful works carried out before the war in the USSR. In the same period, the military has changed the main purpose of the machine: turned it into the near intelligence officer (attack aircraft). As a result, the volume of wing fuel tanks was reduced.

Elements of armament of the aircraft SZ-2; Covering machine guns in the right console wing, bombs Fab-100 in bomb and AO-20 on a cc (cd-1 tunnel cassette

Handicraft mV-2

Cabin pilot

On this photo and on the right aircraft SZ-3 with engine M-87

In early 1938, SZ-2 was transferred to the Evpatoria to joint tests of the plant and the Ministry of Air Force. They were led by a militantger of the 2nd rank k.A. Calillars and pilot Mr. Yu.A. Makarov, 52 times raised the car into the air. Government tests took place in the same place from February 21 to March 26, 1938. The plane flew in two versions: Scouts (running weight of 3654 kg) and attack aircraft (3937 kg), both on wheels and skiing. We present an excerpt from the conclusions of the state test report: "The production execution of the aircraft is good. .

- The plane satisfies the basic requirements of 1937, with the exception of the maximum speed (403 km / h instead of 420-430 km / h) and the ceiling (7700 m instead of 9000 m);

- With regard to maximum speeds, firepower, review and defense capability, Ivanov has advantages over the P-10 and BSH-1 Air Force Air Force

- modification of the aircraft, by installing a more powerful motor without substantial conversion, the maximum speed can be communicated: with the M-87 motor motor to 450 km / h and with M-88 to 475-500 km / h at the estimated height;

- on the basis of the above, the car can be recommended for a serial building instead of the Valti aircraft, given the similarity technological process Production of details. "

The plane turned out to be the winner of the competition, which was formally and did not take place different reasons. Now all the attention of P.O. Dry focused on the third pilot machine of the SZ-3, on which he decided to eliminate the comments expressed during the state test.

Assignment of extreme importance

The construction of the third Ivanov was completed in September 1938. By design, the car was similar to the two previous copies, but M-62 was replaced by M-87. The gas tank capacity was reduced from 930 to 700 liters, and the stock of wing machine guns was somewhat increased. According to the pilot, A.P., Chernivsky, who first took off on a new car on November 3, already declined, the glide of planning was steeper. Before surrendering SZ-3, the military demanded to replace M-87 on a more reliable M-87A, but he failed after three flights.

In the Research Institute of the Air Force, the Ivanov plane fell with an "accompaniment" where he said that he was an extremely valuable object for the Red Army Air Force, should finish flight tests as soon as possible. " From February 3 to April 6, 1938, the state testing in Evpatoria from February 3 to April 6, 1938 A.V. Sinelnikov, pilot Mr. B.N. Pokrovsky and navigator Mr. A.M. Tretyakov. The plane also took part of Mr. P.M. Stefanov-Sky, who was hardly able to avoid a serious accident, when the right rack of the chassis was completely out on landing. The machine successfully landed on one wheel, but on the mileage nodes of the chassis racks were broken, there were smaller damage.

The happened did not spoil the impressions of Ivanov. In his revocation B.N. Pokrovsky emphasized that the plane "represents a sample of a well-thought-out cultural machine with high speeds, good railing, a good overview, sensitivity to management. Flights on this aircraft leave a pleasant impression ... "In conclusion, the act of state testing contained a recommendation to adopt a dry aircraft as a light bomber, with the possibility of use as an attack aircraft and a near intelligence officer. Head of the Research Institute of the Air Force A.I. Filin appealed to the addict of aircraft industriality (NCAP) with a request to build by November 1, 1939. The military series of ten "Ivanov", which would differ from the experimental machines mixed design: a wooden fuselage and a metallic wing.

TSC-1 turret


Now the events developed rapidly. Even before the end of the state testing K.E. Voroshilov and M.M. Kaganovich reported the leader of the successes of dry. At the end of March 1939, the decision of the Defense Committee (KO) on the launch of the aircraft under the designation of BB-1 (near-bomber) in the series at the head plant No. 135 in Kharkov, as well as on Sarkombayine in Saratov. Moreover, dry gave no more than 20 days to alteration the drawings under the mixed design and transfer them to the plants. It was planned that instead of a capricious motor M-87, the aircraft will be released or with M-88, or with M-63TC. In both cases, the maximum speed came close to the desired mark of 500 km / h. But it was not possible to implement a long time for a long time due to numerous breakdowns of different engines (M-87, M-87A and M-87B), issued by factory No. 29. Negatively, they had a negative impact on the results of the work and household inconvenience, which employees of dry in Kharkov faced. In addition, at factory No. 135 had to radically change the technological profile, since the design and technology of the near bomber had little in common with the P-10 previously produced here.

To guide the introduction of an aircraft into a series by decision of the CO dated July 29, the main designed by the main designer of the plant No. 135. The director of this company was commissioned to organize an experienced workshop where the work was carried out on modification and further development BB-1. There was also a team of "Ivanov" in the process of work on "Ivanov". Among the 63 employees of the KB, it is necessary to highlight the nearest assistants of the chief designer: D.A. Romeiko-Gurko, N.A. Fomina, E.S. Felsner and others. They were not long in Kharkov: in March 1940, an experienced plant was organized in near Moscow, and received No. 289, and in May KB KB completely moved to a new "apartment." The first task of the team was the construction of two modified BB-1 with a powerful M-90 motor, which was completed by October 1940. The main designer in Kharkov was prescribed by P.D. Grush.

In the meantime, work continued on the improvement and improving the experienced NW-3, primarily in terms of the revision of the screw-engine group (VMG). Extremely long attempts to increase the operational characteristics of the "eighty-seventh" motor did not lead to a positive result. When the dry became aware of the successful modernization of the Tuman engine by replacing the single-speed blower with a two-speed, he decided immediately - until the engine testing is to put a new M-88 on SZ-3. After all, power increased from 950 hp. At an altitude of 4700 m to 1000 hp By 6000 m, and this was a prominent increase in the maximum speed and practical ceiling. Since when testing SZ-3 with M-87A, the requirements were expressed to ensure the possibility of emergency leaving the aircraft, then the lower installation of MB-2 was removed, and in its place they made a hatch.

Installation of a new motor on BB-1 finished November 27, 1939, and after a short factory testing, the car in January 1940 was transferred to state. They were carried out by a militaler of the 3rd rank A.V. Sinelnikov, pilot Mr. B.N. Pokrovsky and navigator K, A. Hakobyan. This time the assessments of the car turned out to be more restrained, since flight characteristics, contrary to expectations, did not improve. In conclusion, the test act was said: "The BB-1-needed Air Force with the M-88 motor M-88 is not allowed for normal operation in the system parts ... Slow work on the introduction of the aircraft ... may lead to an obsolesis In the process of its production and finishing. " In the act, it was necessary to urgently finalize the NMG, increasing the operational reliability.

In that period, the Soviet air industry experienced a serious crisis. In January 1940 A.I. Shahurin changed M.M. Kaganovich in the post of addict. Analyzing the created position, the new leader stated that among the four aircraft of new types (I-180, TB-7, BB-22 and BB-1), which were decided to build a military series, only the latter successfully passed state tests, but its production unfolds It is not impressive slowly. Until the end of 1939, no serial BB-1 received our aviation. One of the first orders of Shahurin, signed by it on January 19, demanded from the management of the plant No. 135 to build by July 1940. 110 dry bombers, "so that from this time to go to the release of upgraded BB-1 (meaning the machine with M- 88. - approx. Auth.) At a speed of at least 500 km / h. "

Order NKAP No. 56 of February 15, 1940 began in words: "Given the special importance of replenishing the air fleet by airplanes of the BB-1 design t. Dry and in order to maximize the release of the latter ..." The document set the schedule for which BB-1 production was now unfolding Three factories: Head No. 135, No. 31 in Taganrog and No. 207 in Dolgoprudny. They should have been passing for the first half of the year, respectively, 110, 20 and 5 cars, and all the preparatory work on Sarkombayine ceased.

I want to express some considerations. Decisions made Governments and the NCAP, although emphasized the special importance of the BB-1 program, but did not comply with the possibilities of identified enterprises. Recall that in 1939, air facilities No. 1, 18, 21 and 22 were not only provided with 78% of the gross production of the aircraft industry, but also were recognized leaders in the development of serial technology. They had the best machines and equipment, well trained frames. Back in May 1938, Sukhoi tried to convince Kaganovich that "Equipment of the plant No. 1 will ensure the production of the Ivanov aircraft. Perhaps if it were really unfolded in Moscow or on the three other enterprises listed above, the fate of the car would have formed more happier.

On the eve of formidable tests

The team of dry began to modernize the experimental machine under the M-63TK motor and engaged in the development of the SB (storm-bomber or BB-2). At the end of March 1940, the SZ-1 aircraft with the M-63TK engine rose into the air. However, the motor equipped with a turbocharger turned out to be capricious, demanded a long-term finish, and the work associated with it on the dry machine quickly stopped. The fate of the SB, which was very similar to the BB-1, was short, but had reinforced armor, a new chassis, retained back with a turn-up to 90 °, and other smaller differences. Already in the first months of tests, in June-July 1940, the aircraft suffered 2 landing accidents. Interest in it gradually faded, while in April 1941, the work did not roll at all.

Almost simultaneously in the process of military testing, the combat and operational qualities of serial BB-1 had to test. At the end of March 1940, a group of pilots and technicians from the 19th airbricades based in the Kharkov Military District arrived at the air facility No. 135. Aviators right in the shops got acquainted with a new car, made proposals for refinement. In May, the first 16 such aircraft were taken by the military. The tests decided to spend in the newly created regiment, which was obtained No. 135 (commander - Mr. Nobolin), at the number of Kharkov plant. Aviators had to determine some important characteristics of the BB-1 with M-88, since there were many breakdowns on state testing of the experimental machine, and they remained essentially unfinished. In particular, it was required to confirm the practical ceiling of the aircraft, to evaluate the expenditures of fuel at different modes, the possibility of flights in complex meteors, at night, etc. The hard work continued from May 10 to June 20, it was headed by the Air Force Warning 2nd Watchmakers, pilots to -He see Boxes and art. L-t Yu.N. Krutikov, and from the 135th BAP - the militantger of the 3rd rank A.V. Telegin and Assistant Compolat Kn A.I. Pushkin.

BB-1 serial aircraft with M-87B

Military tests passed satisfactorily, although it was not without incident. When flights on the route Kharkov-Belgorod-raisins-Kharkov, the nodes of the control system were frozen at high altitude, and almost a catastrophe occurred. Among the main defects there were unreliability of the engine, the "grinding" of the sight and the lower hatch of the navigator, the insufficient strength of the chassis and pneumatics. The load on the steering wheel was raised unevenly and became unnecessarily large, the backlave of the height of the height and strong friction in the nodes of the Hydrohni Aileron appeared.

At the same time, the report indicated that the plane was simple, the approach to individual units is convenient, repair and replacing the engine of difficulties does not represent. The car flew normally with 700 kg of bombs. "The pilots who had qualifications below the average who came to some of the Air Force Flight Schools master the aircraft easily and after 20-25 exporting flights were independently produced on BB-1." They liked a good overview of the forward and comfortable high control handle. Arrived in the regiment Head of the GU Air Force P.V. Levers and inspector District A.V. Belyakov after a short terrestrial inspection was safely performed on BB-1 familiarization flight.

Soon the factories began to build an airplane, seeking to develop technology sooner. The highest success in the development of BB-1 was achieved by Kharkiv. There, by the summer, 1940 introduced a planet-template method, mastered the high-speed method of manufacturing stamps, began to use the latest milling machines of the Nord American type and 500 tons. However, the plant plan did not fulfill, but director Yu.N. Karpov and chief engineer I.M. The cousin considered this phenomenon temporary and explained it with interruptions with the supply of components, first of all, engines. Thus, Motor Plant No. 29 instead of 185 requested M-87 and M-88 sent only 132, of which only 116 were suitable.

In the history of the plant number 31. Dimitrov, specializing in aircraft for the Navy, 1940 remained as one of the most severe. After all, at the same time in the construction were MBR-2, Cor-1, GST, MDR-6, and now BB-1. In addition, Taganrogians made parts and spare parts for the IBR-2, CSS and P-Z. The preparation of Serial production P-5 began, from which they refused. "The plant choke into a variety of technologically different types of machines, lost production rhythm, actually stopped working serially and thus turned out to be in the side of the army in combat modern aircraft," the director I.G. Zagainov wrote in the reporting report. When deploying the production of BB-1, the company especially lacked milling and planing machines, and the promised assistance in equipment and frames from enterprises of Taganrog and Rostov did not receive timely.

Plant No. 207 became known in the late 1930s. As a "airshipstroy", which was determined by its main specialization. Simultaneously with the solution of the Serial Building of BB-1, the Government's indication was followed by a huge airships B-1, B-9 and Gondola DP-9. They stopped producing spare parts for I-15BIS. However, the low qualification of personnel, a bad organization of production processes, a large disadvantage of milling machines and other problems braked to the development of BB-1, led to a large percentage of marriage. Only after the reconstruction of the plant, the establishment of cooperation with other enterprises managed to lay two series of 5 cars. Until December 1940, Plant No. 207, as and No. 31, did not build a single BB-1.

As thought, the 135th BAP was played in bringing the car. After the end of the military testing, this part has become a real training ground. From October 1940, when the regiment was headed by P-K B.V. Jansen, until May 1941, there was a preparation of instructors. 67 pilots and 71 navigator (they often called observer pilots) mastered all the subtleties of the new car and before the war managed to retire the governing composition of 9 regiments.

In the shelf Jansen did not care and tactical training. Training bomets have shown that due to imperfection of the sights, the maximum height of the bombs should not exceed 3000 m, and the working one - 1000-1200 m. Near the Earth, the attacks of enemy fighters appeared from the bottom with unlikely, and the military agreed to accept bombers without a hatch installation. Moreover, when in September 1940, Ko considered the issue of strengthening machine-gun-walled armament of serial aircraft, then BB-1 was the only machine that "disarmed": instead of four wing machine guns left two. The war showed the fallacy of both conclusions.

Since the fall of 1940, a new M-81 engine developed under the direction of A.D. Shvetsova. In the decree of the government of October 23, it was said that it was the "most important and priority task of the plant No. 19". The director of the enterprise G. V. Kozhevnikov received an indication to urgently send three M-81 to Kharkov with an extended shaft for installation on serial BB-1. By that time, Pavel Osipovich managed to re-equip one of the experienced machines with M-90 on M-81. Despite its forced landing in the second test flight due to the jamming of the motor, dry believed in weeks. However, at the end of November 1940, the leadership of NCAP considered the M-81 engine "dead-end direction of development", its introduction and finishes.

M-88B engine

The first crews are mastered Su-2. Presumably the plane airfield number 135

SU-2 accident issued by factory number 31. Taganrog, March 1941

In the fall of 1940, the attitude of the leadership to the car was significantly changed. The opinions began to sound that BB-1 as a type of aircraft will not be widely used in the future war. The military already knew about the sad fate of the parts of the Polish single-engine "Caras", which were defenseless to German fighters. It also became known that the Battle Battle, recently considered modern, in the May battles of 1940 in France suffered extremely heavy losses. Soviet intelligence reported that the largest Austin plants in Coventry moved from the release of single-engine bombers to four-dimensional.

At the same time, it was impossible to attribute the successes of JU 87 bombers only by German propaganda. However, a larger influence on the Soviet Industry and military doctrine was provided by another Picker - Ju 88, purchased and in detail in the Research Institute of the Air Force. According to the State Air Force and NCAP, the Soviet Union also needed a non-single-engine horizontal bomber, but a two-door pickler. Dry refusal to endow the machine with the ability to piquetically perceived by the leadership negatively. As a result, BB-1 actually ceased to be considered as a new type of serial aircraft.

Alas, in the autumn of 1940. The air industry failed to significantly improve the quality of motors, especially developed in KB S.K. Tuman. M-88 engines constantly noted loogars of pistons, shaking, increased oil consumption, resulting in smoke. If the mixture was observed at the first speed of the supercharger, then the second is re-enricged. I had to even temporarily suspend the serial release of these motors. It was difficult for the promotion of a promising engine M-90, which NCAP has laid high hopes. As a result, in the position of chief designer of the plant No. 29 of the Tumansky changed E.V. Urmin.

At a joint meeting of SNK and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on December 9, 1940, the program of the production of aircraft and motors in 1941. This important document prescribed an air industry to stop building outdated type aircraft. For the near bomber renamed by the name of the main designer in SU-2, the annual issue plan was established for all three plants in 1150 cars (from the total number of 6070 bombers), and 600 Su-2 had to be built in Kharkov. Probably, the decision was taken with some fracture for the better in the works on BB-1. Nevertheless, Plant No. 31 reoriented to the release of Lagg-3 fighters. Incomplete production, part of the equipment and 70 almost ready-made Su-2 were transferred from Taganrog to factory No. 207.

In the meantime, the Tests of M-88 showed satisfactory results, and the serial construction of the motor was resumed under the designation M-88B. In Kharkov, replaced substandard engines on many already issued Su-2. In December 1940, not only for the first time managed to pass 40 cars, but also to ensure the nearest program to fulfill the program of the next year. The establishment of rhythmic production made it possible to calculate the cost of the aircraft, which produced very expensive. Thus, the Kharkiv "Drying" accounted for the country of 430 thousand rubles, and Dolgoprudnensky is even more expensive - 700 thousand (for comparison - two-door Sat Plant No. 22 cost 265 thousand rubles). The main reasons for such a high cost of dry aircraft wounded in tremendous costs of developing enterprises of new technologies, relatively low production automation, even at factory No. 135, the mechanical processing of a significant nomenclature of parts.

The widespread introduction of SU-2 in the system parts began in January 1941. Following the 135th regiment of the car from Kharkov entered the 211st and 227th BAP. Dolgoprudnensky Plant "took pativity" over the 97th BAP. The flight crews most liked the warm, closed cabin. Repellers were heard: "In winter, at least in T-shirt, you are not what the frost is piercing to the bones!" By the end of March, the leaders and technical compounds of the 103th, 210th and 226th airlines were met with SU-2. However, a small number of built-in aircraft could not satisfy the command of the Red Army Air Force. I had to lengthen the timing of the reappection. So, for the 211st regiment Mr. F.G. Rodíakina due to delays with the supply of material part I had to endure the planned deadlines of the readiness of the part to the battles from January to September 1941

From December 1940 to March 1941, the pilot test A.K. Debts conducted state test of three Su-2 with M-88B. One of the cars received was significantly different from serial. The purpose of the modification was the increase in flight tactical data to the requirements of 1941, i.e. Achievement of maximum speed of 500 km / h. For this, the oil radiator was transferred to the center, changed the shape of the hood and suction nozzle. Extreme bulky rear Tower MB-5 was replaced by TSS-1 turret with a shift lid. In general, the results of the work carried out were pleased. The speed compared to serial aircraft increased by 33-38 km / h, the ceiling - 700 m. For the first time on the second border of the highness of SU-2 flew faster than 500 km / h.

Lead Engineer A.V. Sinelnikov expressed anxious about the preserved unreliability of engines. While on a modified plane, it worked quite satisfactorily, I had to change four M-88B on the mass machines, and three of them were out of order after three hours of work because of the loot and the piston slot. The navigator K, Gladintsev noted a number of advantages of TCC-1, but did not pay attention to the shortcomings: the small angles of shelling, the difficulties of conducting a sighting fire when working in the air flow, the complexity of the transfer of the machine gun from the hiking position in combat and others.

Broken SU-2 of the 52nd BAP and an airfield thrown on the airfield Mr. Ivantsov from the 97th BAP. June 1941

Dry bombers captured by German troops

According to the head of the NII of the Air Force A.I. Filin, changes made on a modified machine should have been implemented in a series after eliminating marked defects. But here the designers showed hasty, and already in the spring began the release of Su-2 with turons without towers. In the meantime, TCC-1 was modified, but its state testing was incredible. Changing Philina General I.F. Petrov considered unacceptably weakened DRA-2 defense capability, and after its intervention at the end of May 1941, the MB-5 tower on mass machines was restored. Total built 250 bombers with TSS-1.

Shortly before the start of the war, a discussion was launched regarding new promising engines. Sukhoi believed that from the fall of 1941. Serial production can be translated under the M-89 motor, which began to create another foggy and developed urmin. But, in his opinion, the engine of Shevtsov M-82 was much more advantages in flight characteristics - modification M-81. M-90 and AM-37 were also considered as promising motors.

On June 1, the factories reported on 413 Su-2 adopted by the Marters. From this quantity, the location of 393 cars is known (only 5 had M-87 motors, and the remaining M-88 and 88B). In the border military districts (C), SU-2 was distributed as follows: in Western - 64, in Kiev - 91 and in Odessa - 22. In addition, 124 bombers were in Kharkov, 85 - at factory airfields and 7 in the training center. Several aircraft had to write off as a result of flight accidents. The rest, probably, or have not yet managed to take on the destination, or were on the trials. By the beginning of the war, the total number somewhat increased; Of the 82 near-bombar-driving airlines of the Red Army Air Force 8 to one degree or another, SU-2 was mastered and 2 more did not have time to get cars from the plants, although their re-equipment was approved. Curious item: All those who were near the border of 195 dry bombers (132 are good) were south of 55 parallels. They were not neither fleet aviation, no other power structures.

Heavy summer of 1941

The treacherous invasion of Germany became a serious test for the Red Army Air Force. Particularly injured parts that were in Western cross-border districts. They did not excel the exception of the airmalls, fought on dry aircraft. Already in the afternoon of June 22, 1941, the Luftwaffe bombers were almost impunity on the rear airfields of the Western Special Military District, including the Bobruian Aerozl, where the 97th BAP M-RA was among others. Ivantsova, who had 50 Su-2 (43 serviceable).

Subsequently, it turned out: the loss of Su-2 from the raids turned out to be insignificant, but the enemy seized the bombers of this type, mostly belonging to the 389th warehouse, they were collected, but they did not have time to convey the summer composition. Covering the material part, the 97th BAP from the Minki field airfield (southeast of Bobruisk) on the third day of the war began to apply return bombing strikes on the upcoming junctions of Guderian. The most intense battle with the fighters of the enemy occurred on June 26, when 25 "dryers" from a height of just 300 m tried to bomb the tank column near the city of Slonim. Without a fighter cover, the bombers actively led the air battle and reported on the destruction of the five Messerschmit-Tov, of which 2 on the account of the pilot of Art. Politruck Sharonov and one more - the navigator of this crew L-Ta is clown. Before that, Charov had already distinguished himself: he managed to take out the territory controlled by the enemy, the wounded pilots and the navigator of another crew.

In just June 26, the 97th BAP produced 34 departures, having lost 14 Su-2 (10 shot down in battle, 2 crashed at a flight, 2 repaired). 9 Aviars died, one was injured and 14 went missing. According to German data, the opponents of the 97th BAP in the Slonim region were BF 109F from JG53. Acting couples and fours, "peak aces" covered their tanks, and although several fighters were damaged, and the M L-Ra Maltzahn Maltzahn car made a forced landing, there was no irrevocable loss. The main damage to the SU-2 groups on that day were German anti-aircraft gunners. Although in the following departures, Soviet crews raised the height of flights to 1000-1500 m, the losses continued to remain high, and by the end of June 97th BAP lost its combat capability. On July 7, the part was brought into the rear for re-formation after 146 combat departures. The headquarters of the regiment indicates, among other things, 14 died in the battles "Messerschmittov".

Also, on July 7, the remains of the 43rd BAP on the West Front of the 43rd BAP were brought to the Kharkiv area. Aviators parts did not declare a shot down numerous enemy aircraft, but the destruction of 118 (!) Tanks, 1086 cars, 22 bridges, 86 guns, other diverse equipment were noted. The regiment did not have time to finish the re-equipment before the war and began fighting, having 20 Su-2 and 30 p-z. Crews were able to perform 296 departures (170 on dry bombers) against the compounds of Gota, having lost 33 aviators, including participants in the fighting in Finland of the Order of the Odd Kabantseva, p.p. Dusova and A.N. Avdeev. The latter sent a burning plane to the big sits of enemy vehicles with infantry at the airfield.

According to the command of the South-Western Air Force command, by the beginning of the war, the crews of the 226th and 227th BAP "Milking on Su-2 were not mastered, weakly were ready for battles." During the first six days, they continued to be based on the airfields of the Borodyanka and maintaining 3 cars from 114 from enemy raids. Only on June 28, both regiments were transferred to the immediate subordination of the commander of the 62nd Aircondvisia P-Ka V.V. Smirnova and caused the first strikes around the enemy in the Ostroda area. In 86, loss departures were 4 cars. They probably died from an anti-aircraft fire, since the height of the bombing was about 600 m. Fab-50 was predominantly used, and the average loading of the machine was 235 kg of ammunition. The next day, "dryers" had to withstand the tight battle with the "messerschmitts" after the bombing of tanks and motorcycles of the brastic. So, 12 Su-2 of the 227th Bap P-Ka G.P. Turykin initially beat off the attack with dense defensive fire, but when the system of squadron violated enemy anti-aircraft, Assa from III / JG3 used the granted chance. Upon his return, the Germans reported on 7 victories, of which 3 lied onto the obur-lieutenant V. Baer (V. Bauer). The Soviet side recognized the loss of six cars. Among the crew of the commander of the squadron of Mr. Kolokolnikova did not return.

Su-2 of the 226th BAP during the attack

The crew reports about the task

Su-2 of the 211th BAP on the field airfield. Moldova, June 1941

Forever I remembered the pilot of the 226th BAP M.P. Odintsov's own eighth battle departure. After the plaque on the Hitler's crossing on July 3, 1941, enemy fighters, as noted in the report, "did not leave a single living place on the plane," they received serious injuries of the pilot and the navigator. The plane barely kept in the air, but one was able to safely land him on his airfield. Mikhail Petrovich remembered that it took 11 bandages to bandage it.

Permanent raids soviet bombarders (Sat, Su-2, DB-3, Yak-2 and others), of course, helped to stop at the turn of the river. Irpen's offensive of German troops, without allowing to capture Kiev from the go. However, the price of this temporary success turned out to be exorbitantly high. If on July 1 in both shelves armed with "drying", there were 87 cars (71 more good), then only 34 (half serviceable) remained on July 19.

It seems interesting to trace the fate of the 135th BAP, which most fully mastered the Su-2 aircraft before the war. June 28, 1941 commander of the regiment P-K B.V. Jansen, together with the commander of the 103rd Bap Snu-com P.I. Mi-Ronenko received an order to relocate from Kharkov to the Novozybkov area, where both parts were part of the Air Force of the 21st Army first, and then the central front. They were supposed to support terrestrial troops in the course of the acquisition of the prepared counterattack, called the Zhlobin operation. The regiment had a good chocarized headquarters, and squadron commander Mr. P.O. Padus, K, V.V. Lebedev, P.B. Ignatenko, P.V. Kostin, Art. Lr. D.F. Stepanov flew to 200-400 hours each, some had a combat experience. But here the actions of the pilots turned out to be poorly linked to the operations of terrestrial troops. The main causes of failures and large losses should be sought in a weak preparation for the modern war of the highest command staff, his inability to competently use aviation.

Intensive work of the 135th BAP in the first days of July 1941 led to a significant reduction in the number of serviceable machines. The tragic day in the history of the regiment was July 7, when after attacking the crossing on the Dnieper, 8 crews were immediately returned from a combat departure to cloud weather. Another problem was averaged aviators over the airfield of Novozybkov: Transport PS-84, who transported the technical composition brigade, was mistakenly shot down by "drying", as a result, 19 people were killed and 7 received severe injured. As the investigation has shown, unexpected aggressiveness showed the pilots of the neighboring 103th BAP C-B.c. Volodin and MA Yakovenko, who accepted the transport aircraft for the enemy. From the harsh punishment they were saved by merit in the location of the part and during the Finnish war.

Of course, were on SU-2 and successful departures. On June 29, the crew of the 103rd BAP (Lt. T.K. Maslov and Art. L-T G. Novikov) adopted Messerschmitt for his fighter and did not take any precautions. But the German was confused - he attacked Su-2 uncertainly, apparently, not being fully convinced that in front of him the Soviet aircraft. At first, BF 109 disappeared behind the tail of the bomber, and then unexpectedly seemed right under the sight of the navigator machine gun at a distance of 30 m. The fire Novikov turned out to be accurate. Perhaps it was the first enemy fighter, shot down by the "drying" machine guns on the West Front.

As it often happened, the most severe losses of the air strikes carried in the first days of stay at the front. Thus, the 135th BAP arrived in the Novozybkov area, having 43 Su-2, and the 103rd - 38. On July 10, 57 cars or 70% of the initial composition remain in both shelves, and almost all were seriously switched in battles. 27 pilots and navigations were killed or missing. Miraculously survived L-T.P. Carpenters from the 103rd BAP, which, when dropping the burning Su-2, the explosion threw out of the cockpit on the crown of a high tree, which saved his life.

The best crews quickly absorbed combat experience. Early in the morning on July 13, the nine of the 103rd BAP, headed by the Some Miro-Nenko, hit the German airfield of Old Bychov. A carefully planned flight route and a strict radio telecommunication in the air allowed to provide suddenness. According to Soviet data, 27 enemy fighters burned in fire. Documents JG51 - It is this compound that was based here - do not confirm such high losses. Messerschmitts were well dispersed in the edge of the forest, and the German repair shops were predominantly injured.

On July 16, the drama battle held a squadron of Mr. Padus from the 135th BAP. After hitting the enemy tanks, the bombers at an altitude of 1600 m were attacked by a pair of BF 109. Successfully interacting with other navigations, L-t M.A. Larin knocked down one fighter. Here the presenter made a mistake, increasing the speed, and the L-Ta Polyakova car, on which there was a less powerful M-87B motor, began to lag behind. Non-clouded BF 110 lit a gas tank in the left plane, the motor stopped ... Still, the pilot managed to drag through the coolant river and make a forced landing of the south of the propoisk in the location of his troops. Even after that, the "one hundred tenth" did not stop the attacks and set fire to the Su-2 already on Earth; Heavy wound received Poles, light - Lashin. From the fire of anti-aircraft guns and fighters, literally did not remain a "living place" on the car Art. L-TA N.I. Starozha. The cabin of the navigator, but Lt. Mosarov, despite 20 wounds, was divided, despite 20 wounds.

At the time, a group of pilots of both regiments behind new aircraft, engineering and technical composition led by the militants of the 3rd rank A.V. Tellagin and N.D. Romankov took heroic efforts to repair and restore faulty "dryers". By July 24, it was possible to repair 21 Su-2 replacement and 14 - field repairs.

SU-2 strikes small-caliber bombs (newsreel frame). 1941

Dried Su-2 after a forced landing

Airplane Before combat departure (under the wing is suspended Fab-250)

In the second half of July, the 209th BAP joined the battle on the Western Front, which had 28 Su-2. It was the first regiment of "wartime", prepared on dry airplanes. It was formed in the 10th Zap near Kharkov.

All summer SU-2 was a noticeable percentage among the closest front bombers. On July 25, the heroic feat made commander of the squadron of the 209th BAP KN Kh.A. Mint. Over the enemy airfield Borovskaya his bomber was lit, and the pilot sent the burning SU-2 into the thick of enemy machines. Red planes burned down on fire, because, retreating, Soviet troops left at this airfield among other techniques Seven Su-2 of the 97th BAP.

Probably, Odessa Air Force in the most organized war was met. Due to the disguise and dispersal of aircraft on the airfields, the enemy managed to destroy no more than 3% of the Air Force aircraft on the first day. Until the end of June, no dry bomber burned down on Earth. Documents recorded: On the evening of June 22, the first (perhaps, on the whole front), the combat departure made the eight of the Su-2 of the 211th BAP for attacking the enemy troops in the Lip-Kana area. Dummy. Then, for two days, repeatedly eight of these cars bombed the accumulation of the enemy in the area of \u200b\u200bthe poigning. If in the first case there was no loss, then on June 24, one bombarder was hampered by the anti-aircraft and one suffered an accident when landing. On June 23, for the first time at the Soviet-German front, the SU-2 bombers were covered with "MiGi" (belonged to the 4th EAP).

It draws attention that the Su-2 of the 210th and 211th BAPs at the beginning of the war was active significantly less intensively than Sat and PE-2, not to mention and-16 or MiG-3. Apparently, the flight composition did not have time to fully prepare for the battles. June 25 commander of the 20th air traffic, where the 211st regiment was published, General A.S. Osipenko observed the combat operation of the SU-2 six in cross: despite optimistic crew reports, all bombs fell with a large flight. The general remained unhappy and the fact that the loading of each aircraft did not exceed 240 kg. Only in mid-July 1941 the intensity of the combat work of the above regiments increased, and the accuracy of the bombing increased somewhat.

Stressful battles broke out on the southern flank after July 20, when the German-Romanian troops came to the Dnest between the towns of Yampol and Soroki. The 211st BAP received an order with two nines to destroy the enemy crossing. By that time, the regiment was relocated to the south-west front and to increase the combat load used the airfield of the firm. "We bombed a crossing with hurricane anti-aircraft fire," said Marshal I.I. Pastgo, at the time of the lieutenant. - All the sky from gaps was in shapeless ink blots. How many planes shot down to the goal - I do not know. Maybe half. When we have become unacceptable for anti-aircraft artillery, "Messerschmitts" appeared, fiercely attacked our low-spirited cars. I see one Su-2 burning, the second ... "

The magazine of hostilities and operational reports of the regiment recorded that on July 22, 8 crews were returned, and another 6 more. In addition, 1 navigator died in a returned car, and 2 aircraft landed with 40-50 samplers. But the damage of the enemy managed to apply significant. According to the command of the 48th Rifle Corps, aviator managed to achieve direct hits in the crossing and accumulation of enemy car with artillery. Successful was placed on the enemy ballet airfield (northeastern Ko-Tovsk). The Romanian soldier who came to capture said: "Never again Russian aviation conducted such an intensive bombardment *"

In the recent days of July 1941, "high mastery, courage and heroism of pilots of the 210th BAP (commander Lieutenant Colonel A. V. Kozhemyakin) were noted in the order of the Military Council of the 18th Army. In the district of Glaovanevsk, they contributed to the soldiers of the 17th Rifle Corps to get out of the strike of the superior enemy forces, managed to suppress the fire of his artillery and blow up the warehouse of ammunition.

It seemed that the enemy could not not notice the active actions of dry bombers. That's more important that the Luftwaffe command in 1941 was practically not interested in the SU-2 flight-tactical data, often did not make differences between him and P-10, counting both aircraft "mixed design, primitively equipped and small-scale." Usually in the enemy reports of the machine called Severski. Ant-51. R-10. Valti. Even SKUA, but most often V-11. The facts of extensive participation in the battles of such aircraft in the versions of attack aircraft and near bombers were noted. In the first role, they used wing machine guns and small 10-kg bombs that did not apply a significant damage to German tanks. (This data does not correspond to the Soviet estimates, since our specialists believed that in the first period of the war, the SU-2 crews did not use the light bombs of AO-8 and AO-25, the standard load consisted mainly from the Fab-100 bombs, to the detriment of no less effective Fab-50). Almost all German commanders noted that "Il-2's attack aircraft turned out to be a much more useful plane; It is not surprising that the Russians were widely used to the end of the war. " In the role of bombers, the aircraft acted a dense system "Wedge", at the heights of 1500-2500 m (according to our data, even below). They were rarely covered by fighters, which affected combat losses. According to the navigator of the Mid-Industrial Group K-on-on-Malcke (Von Reschke), who watched several rates of Soviet single-engine bombers on bridges through the Dnieper, the efficiency was low, and the bridges were not affected. In short, at the first stage of war, the dry machine did not impress the opponents.

Su-2, equipped with ten launchers for PC-132. Autumn 1941

For military requirements

From the first days of the war, the government adopted a number of decisions aimed at increasing the number of SU-2 issued, as well as other new types of aircraft. First of all, from June 29, 1941 Voronezh Factory No. 450 was released from previously issued programs and transferred to work on cooperation with the plant No. 135. Kharkov plants "Sickle and Hammer" and "Hydraulite" received tasks only on the release of fuselage and chassis for dry bombers. A few days later, to improve economic relations, the branch of the plant No. 450 was made by the branch of the Kharkov aircraft plant. According to the GKO Resolution of July 4, the plant No. 135 increased the plan III quarter of 1941 to 368 Su-2, and the plant No. 207 - to 92. Personnel workers received a delay from calling to the army.

No less attention was paid to improving the combat performance of aircraft. The first thing attempted to increase the firing power of Su-2. On mass machines, the quality of electrical bands improved, returned to the quartet of the wing machine guns and restored the Lower Turrel MB-2. A mV-5M (modified, with continuous tape of increased dimensions) began to use the upper defensive installation. She allowed the navigator to move faster from firing to bombing and vice versa.

It was possible to eliminate interruptions with the supply of modern electric slots. At the end of July, KMB-SU-2 cassettes were introduced into a series of cassettes, which allowed much to simplify and speed up the preparation of the bombard to the departure, more fully use bombotes. Polygon tests have shown that with normal loading Su-2 carried about 400 kg of bombs of AO-2.5, and in overload - up to 600 kg. Note that the cassettes on SU-2 managed to introduce significantly earlier than on Ilyushin attack aircraft.

The first air battles showed that the lack of protection of the Stormman's workplace is a serious disadvantage of Su-2. July 10, 1941 Chief Engineer of Plant No. 135 P.G. Chepelev turned with a letter to the addict A.I. Shahurina, chief designer P.O. Dry and deputy. Head of the GU Air Force Ya.L. Bibikov "When working at the front of the SU-2, a need for installation of the side armor of the navigator was found. Factory No. 135 urgently produces to work out the mock-up armor of the navigator, and upon receipt, it will be installed on all aircraft. Due to the additional armor, weight will increase by 35 kg, due to the hatch installation - another 30 kg. Based on this, I consider it expedient to reduce weight and reduce the production cycle to remove the RPK-2 radiopolucompace from the car, blindfield curtains, the metal chair of the navigator, while maintaining the installation under the camera AFA-13 only at each fifth SU-2. Total, you can achieve a reduction in weight by 42 kg. "

Chepelev did not know that immediately after the invasion of the enemy, Sukhoi gave an indication to develop an enhanced booking scheme. Already on June 26, the head of the brigade N.A. Fomin presented, and the chief designer approved the variant of the armor, somewhat different from the proposed serial plant, since the emphasis was placed on the reflection of attacks from the bottom, and not on the side. The military at first was offered to "give a green street" with both options, and then chose the dry scheme.

In the meantime, from the city of Brovary, where the 211st BAP was based on July 29, a telegram was received from the Globe's engineer to the game with a request to urgently send 42 set of armor to install on SU-2 in the field. According to the headquarters of the regiment, the fighting losses amounted to by that time 2 pilots and 23 navigations. (According to another report, in two months of war killed 4 pilots and 14 navigators, not counting aviators, which were nosed as not returned from the combat task.)

By the beginning of August, the Podolsky plant made 100 armored sets according to the scheme of the main designer, and the plant in Mariupol - 10 sets according to the Kharkiv region; Factory brigades urgently left for the front to enhance the protection of the already released aircraft. On August 9, the situation with the Book of the SU-2 crew was considered in the government. The resolution of GKO No. 441, published on that day, demanded from August 15 to build all aircraft with a bronceed navigator in the form of 8.5 mm cemented steel sheets. To preserve the centering and payload from cars, the radio stations and radio planes were removed. The HCO's empowerment was obliged to immediately provide serial production of SU-2 aircraft with armor planes from the Mariupol Plant. Ilyich.

Among the works conducted by the Experimental Plant No. 289, the main place was taken by the development of VMG under new aircraft engines. Even before the beginning of the war, it was possible to design the installation under M-89. In July, the Su-2 aircraft with M-89 was built at factory No. 135. The new engine was almost not different in dimensions from M-88B, only had an elongated shaft of the gearbox, but possessed a greater 150 hp. Power. After several test flights, it was possible with the help of two standard 9-inch oil radiators installed in the centerpiece socks, achieve normal oil temperature on all flight modes.

From 12 to 18 August, the pilot A.P. Deev spent the factory tests of the new car. According to him, on the technique of piloting the aircraft differed little from serial and developed about 50 km / h more maximum speed at all heights. In one of the flights of deyev, leaving the thunderstorm, the plane dispersed the aircraft to the dashboard 565 km / h - there were no vibrations and deformations in the design. Of course, the engine M-89 was still "raw". Due to insufficient fins, the heads of some cylinders often overheated. At the same time, work promised great prospects. Immediately after the factory testing, the car was overtaken at factory No. 289 for testing and testing M-89B motor with direct fuel injection. Subsequent flights were decided to spend in Lii, but the evacuation prevented them to complete.

In the meantime, under the Nachis enemy had to be evacuated in the city of Molotov (Perm) Zaporizhia Motor-Building Plant No. 29. In August, the SU-2 mass production was incredible because of interruptions with supplies of cassettes, emergency electrical dispensers, but most of all the motors lacking. On August 25, at factory No. 135 there were 35 M-88B and 80 M-89. Head of the GU orders of Armament Air Force General Fi. The heat has decided to urgently transfer all M-88B engines in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, since the provision of dB-CF bombers has just threatened, but allowed to use M-89 motors for the SU-2 program. Indeed, while the "motor crisis" failed to overcome, several dozen modified machines were sent to the front; On others they put M-88B with crankcases from M-89.

Even greater perspectives promised the installation on the SU-2 motor M-82. The aircraft managed to build by early July 1941, and the pilot N.D. Fikson began flights at the plant airfield number 289. Already the first departures showed insufficient motors and other "children's diseases". Deputy. People's Commissar of Aviation Industry V.P. Kuznetsov, who personally controlled the course of the test, ordered to urgently bring the carburetors, and further work on Su-2 with M-82 to conduct in Lei. Despite all the efforts of dry, Shvetsov, their colleagues testing the car strongly dragged. To evacuation I had to change 3 engines, 6 carburetors, 4 regulators of the R-7 ... until the end of September, it was not possible to remove flight characteristics, and in early October, SU-2 with M-82 crossed into Kazan, where sketches of the NMG were made from it for use on the bombarder TB-7.

The story about the experienced works of the plant number 289 will be incomplete, if not to mention the creation of a winter standard of the serial machine. It should also be said that there is a very common version of the existence and even serial release of a solid-wooden version of the Su-2 (so-called Su-4), however, documents confirming it still to detect. But it is just known that the dry team carried out SU-2 work in the scout and artillery correctioner.

Su-2 with M-82 engine on a ski chassis


Experienced Su-2 with M-82 Motor

Open Compartment for M-82 Engine

According to the State Air Force, in the first role, the most suitable aircraft were PE-2 and PE-3, but in the second Su-2 was simply indispensable. Held in August 1941 as directed by deputy. Commander of the Air Force General I.F. Petrova comparative tests of the Su-2 and two-seater training yak-7 showed an indisputable advantage of the first. According to the leading engineer on the testing of the militant 2nd Rank V.Ya. Magona, the dry machine "satisfies the main and main TTT, which is imposed on a correctioner without significant constructive alterations." The Air Force recommended that the aircraft and squadrils can be used as soon as possible. By the end of September 1941, 10 guides under the PC-132 or RBS-132 rockets (rocket-armor-piercing projectile) mounted under the wing of one aircraft. Polygon tests were successful. However, at that time, the RS-82 projectiles were considered standard in the Nomenclature of the Community of Ammunition, and dry got the task to remake the car under them. It was planned that from mid-October each fourth serial Su-2 will be equipped with launchers for Rs, and the rest of the cars will have attachment nodes for them.

It remains to consider how far the air facilities have fulfilled government plans to build a serial issue. Events on the inclusion of the plant No. 135 of branches increased the number of almost 10,000 people working. People switched to the 11-hour working day, which made it possible to bring the release of aircraft in July to 94 against 62 in the previous month. Yet operational schedule approved by A.I. Shahurine, did not fulfill in July: lacked the equipment park.

On August 3, GKO adopted a Resolution No. 384 "On providing the aircraft of the Southern and South-Western Fronts". From now on, the director of the Kharkov aircraft plant I. M. Kuzin was supposed to transfer all collected bombers to the Military Councils of these associations. This resolution of the commander of the south-west direction, see Weekly and member of the Military Council of the South-West Front N.S. Khrushchev was obliged to "provide full assistance ... in an increase in production." According to memories of veterans, Marshal really arrived at the factory, where he met with workers who were serving there with military aviators.

In September, the front approached Kharkov. The company has been subjected to bombing several times. Despite this, the daily release of Su-2 in September increased to four cars, which corresponded to the corrected government plan. All the bright time of the day did not leave the Cabin pilots-Kharkiv. A.I. Kalyuzhnov, Gi. Korosko, P.I. Deev and others who have entered the flight and passing the finished airplanes.

Not so dramatically developed events in the Moscow region Dolgoprudny. Here with the beginning of the war they conducted a small modernization of the aircraft on the cars of the 4th series and prepared a new standard Su-2. But to establish rhythmic production, create the necessary launches of the enterprise's leadership. The extended machine park turned out to be loaded only by half. As a result, in July, Plant No. 207 passed 12 cars, and next month only 8, i.e. The plan was performed by a third. As a result of the director V.P. Gorina and chief engineer PS Kushpel from posts removed. A new director appointed N.V. Klimovitsky, which immediately increased production and technological discipline. The plant has increased the release of SU-2 and managed to pass 5 cars in September 5 in the version of the articulate and 6 - a long-range approved with an additional gas tank; It was possible to work out the installation of Rs and modified photos Installations of Afa-1 and Nafa-19.

On different fronts

In war, experience came quickly. In August 1941, many prepared crews began to perform departures at night and in complex meteors, learned to disguise clouds. Only in the 210th BAP 13 Aviators were awarded orders for facilitating the reach of the 18th Army's army and successful raids on the enemy through the Dnieper. Among the awarded, and mechanics in armament were often replaced by the wounded and dead navigators.

We give some examples of effective action of SU-2 crews. On the evening, on August 11, the opera No. 85 of the 17th air traffic police reported that "the village of Visenka (the area of \u200b\u200bthe White Church, Zhashkov. Yurov), the Su-2 united part knocked down one not 113 (so often the Soviet side at the beginning of the war mistakenly called BF 109F. - Approx. Aut.), Which in the fall faced with another not 113, after which both fell and crashed. Devices from both fighters are removed by the technical composition of the 20th IAP. " From German documents it follows that from the fight with Soviet bombers in the area of \u200b\u200bVasilkova, BF 109F No. 5647 and No. 8153, belonging to the I / JG3 airgroup, were not returned; Officer E. Born (E. Born) and Feldfelf Hak (HACK) were considered missing.

On the combat actions 14 Su-2 of the 227th BAP on the airfield unit, the White Church became known from the report of the Sovinform-Bureau of September 7: "One of the divisions of the part of P-Ka Turykin under the command of K-for Dyatlova washed to an enemy airfield at the time, When it was in several rows ready for the departure "Junker-Si-88" and "Messerschmitta-109". Without allowing fascist aircraft to rise, our pilots destroyed more than 30 enemy machines at the airfield. On the way back to the division of Soviet bombers, four "Messerschmitt" was attacked. In battle, our arrows-radists shot down two enemy machines ... ".

Su-2 of the 226th BAP. Southwest Front, 1941

SU-2 crew near his car

Crews of the 135th BAP before combat departure

From the Luftwaffe-General General report, it follows that several air bombs destroyed the repair base in the White Church, together with those who were there cars. At least 10 BF 109F were destroyed at the airfield. "The weak composition of our fighters has declined even more," the Nazis noted with regret. The fact of the subsequent air combat the Germans do not recognize, as they practically did not have any good "messerschmitts" in this section of the front.

On September 29, the crews of the 210th BAP, headed by L-Tom I.L. Carabut, twice attacked the front edge of the enemy. The commander defended here the 96th Rifle Division appreciated the action of the pilots "above all praise."

Almost after each fight, our pilots and novels reported on the "one hundred ninth". In fact, this happened quite rarely. With all the advantages of Turgul MV-5, its machine gun worst has a small efficient range and firing power. It could not be considered sufficient protection of the aircraft from attacks BF 109 and BF 110. In addition, some Su-2 had TCC-1 installations. Much less convenient for fighting fighters. There were cars and with removed MB-5 turons, because The flight composition considered them too cumbersome for a single-engine aircraft. It did not provide sufficient protection from below and install MB-2. Therefore, it is not surprising that most of the stated victories are not confirmed by German documents.

I did not find confirmation and Taran Catherine Zelenko, which in Soviet historiography it is considered to be the only woman who committed such a feat. This brave flyer distinguished himself during the fighting in Finland (flew to P-Z), for which he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. She made a great contribution to the development of SU-2, one of the first began to fly on this car at night. For the first months of the Great Domestic E.I. Zelenko performed on the aircraft of a dry 40 departure, among which the bombing of tanks and enemy cars was particularly successful, held in July in the region of propoisy. On August 8, 1941, she was appointed deputy. The commander of the 5th squadron of the 135th BAP "With the payment of high-speed surcharge to the salary." In the combat report of the regiment No. 034 of September 15, it is said that the pilots of the part were made on September 12, 8 departures on the attack of the enemy's troops and 2 for exploration. "Three Su-2 has not returned from the task. The pilot Lieutenant Stonochin died, the Svetnab Captain Gavrilov was injured. The fate of Art. Lieutenant Zelenko remained unknown. According to the untested data pilot (as in the text. - approx. Auth.) The wounded and is on cure in the Kharkov hospital. " A few days later, it became known about the error in the report. Returning to the Sturman of the crew L-T N.S. Pavlyk, who managed to escape on a parachute, told about the last minutes of his commander's life. Probably since then received the distribution version, according to which E.I. Zelenko in battle with a group of "Messerschmittov" Taranized an enemy fighter on a knockdown of Su-2. Departed to the place of falling her plane deputy. Commander Shelf Mr. A.I. Pushkin found near the village of Anastasia the burned bomber. The remains of the pilots were found and buried by local residents, and after the war were reburied in Kursk.

Zelenko was not the only woman flying on Su-2. Long before the creation of women's regiments in the 103rd BAP commanded the squadron Kn M.G. Mikhaleva. Her name was widely known after the flight in July 1940 on the Ukraine "aircraft in the female crew along the Khabarovsk-Lvov route. In early July 1941, Maria Grigorievna managed to plant a damaged plane in the field and after three days to return to the part, and at the end of the month she lost consciousness in the cockpit: it turned out that the pilot was waiting for a child, and she was sent to the hospital.

By August, in the 10th Zap, they managed to prepare for action on SU-2 and send to the front of the 97th and 43rd BAP. It was planned to reoperack the 189th and 286th BAP to reoperack on these cars, as well as withdraw from the front to replenish the 209th and 135th BAP. Another 2 shelf, whose aviators entered a lot of heroic pages to our story - the 52nd and 288th - were prepared for battles on dry bombers without sending to the rear.

By the beginning of hostilities, the 52nd BAP, which was part of the 62nd Bad, was considered the "old chockey part" and was armed with Sat and PE-2. In August, all the surviving "drying" from the 226th and 227th BAP was collected in this regiment, which were replenished with his personnel from these parts, which after large losses had to withdraw on re-formation. The development of SU-2 in the head of the Soviet Union Mr. V.I. Artamonov 288th BAP began before the war, but strongly delayed. Only at the end of July, in a Poltava airfield, commander of squadrons and links began to exported flights. Only in early September, the regiment, having 17 Su-2, entered the 66th IT Hell. Batygin, acting on the southern front. According to the testimony of the mechanic D.Ya. Khomenko, the technical composition of the 288th BAP the greatest troubles delivered castor oil, which was used in M-88B motors. First, the engine "eaten" him too much, had to constantly fill. Secondly, falling into the cylinders, Castor worsened the work of the ignition system, demanding frequent washing of candles. And, thirdly, thrown through the exhaust nozzle oil covered the fuselage, stabilizer, height steering. If the plane does not rub immediately after the landing, while the hot oil remained liquid, the Castor has hardening, and it did not even be able to rain it with gasoline. And the grovenaya, rough surface strongly worsened the aerodynamics of the machine. The command had many complaints about the leadership of the 288th BAP (poor combat work, weak training of pilots and navigations, severe flight accidents in which 4 cars lost).

In August-September, he managed to prepare the 2nd separate photo series and the 9th long-term survey squadron, which from October began to act in the interests of the VGK bet on the southern flank of the Moscow battle. Although in the second departure, the fighters were shot down one aircraft, in general, SU-2 crews worked successfully, having delivered a lot of valuable information. Until the end of 1941, 44 pilots and the navigator were ready to reconnaissance on dry airplanes.

In September, the 43rd, 52nd, 103rd, 135th and 210th bappy were fighting on the south-western front. Here the enemy conducted a major surgery for the surroundings of Soviet troops, and the situation was worse for them every day. In difficult conditions, the interaction between terrestrial troops and aviation turned out to be unsatisfactory, which affected the effectiveness of combat operations. In particular, the attempts of bombers defeat the moving groups of the enemy in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crossing of Kremenchug failed. Although the SU-2 crews reported on the destruction of 25 enemy crossings, the troops of the Clay still managed to force the full-flow river. In some cases, our losses were very significant. Thus, on September 13, German fighters considered the 19 Su-2 destroyed 14, and the Soviet side recognized the loss for all reasons for 11 cars.

The navigations refine the route (in the background - Su-2 with TSS-1 turret). On the right - this picture of the pilot N. Koroleva and the navigator S. Kartygin became the last - they did not return from the combat task

Frequent and forced overbaps of the 135th BAP allow you to better understand, in which difficult position was then the Soviet troops. If before August 18, the aviators acted in the Roslavl direction, then for several days worked in Novgorod-Seversky, Konotopsky, Romenskoye ... The names of the 135th BAP of airfields and platforms were melted: August 27 - Lyubimov, August 30 - Lebedin, August 31 - Dovefow , September 7 - Berestov ka, September 15 - Golubovka, and from September 19 - Currant in such circumstances, preparation for the departures has been held hastily, the combat operations of the crews knew badly, and tangible damage to the enemy did not cause them difficult.

On another flank of Guderian Tankers bombed, in particular, the crews of the 97th BAP, which was included in the 61st Hell of the Bryansky Front. From September 1 to September 28, they made 562 departures, mainly destroying the enemy in the Starodub area, Pochep, Glukhov. The nature of combat work has changed little relative to the beginning of the war: aviators reset bombs from heights 700-1600 m, followed by fixtures from machine guns. Unfortunately, the task was often set by streamlined wording: "Act in the area. . ", What led to low efficiency. The most stressful work was celebrated on September 2, when 47 departures were performed, while 5 crews did not return. On September 10, the enemy fighters were hampered by the Su-2 commander of the regiment M-RA E.L. Ivantsova, but a seriously wounded pilot managed to reach her airfield. If in early September, 29 bombers numbered in the shelf, then at the end - 22 (15 more good).

In early October, the command was able to recreate the South-West Front and his aviation. The tense work of the plant No. 135 was played not the last role, which was raised from September 18 to October 4 to assemble 54 Su-2. New cars allowed to replenish the fighting parts. On October 4, the front Air Force has 474 aircraft, of which 116 - Su-2. Neither before, after this, dry bombers were not the most massive machines of the front Air Force.

In the late autumn of 1941, single-engine bomber more often than other cars were found in the Belgorod region, Yelets, Lie veins. In bad weather, we usually flew out on 5-7 "dryers" under the cover of 2-3 fighters. Low clouds pressed airplanes to the ground, and the navigations often dumped the bombs did not target OPB-1, but according to the label painted on the lower glazing. However, the results of the defeat of the goals were quite satisfactory. Under these conditions, the aviators needed to show real art, and the documents say that there were many high-class masters among the crews. Thus, from the reporting of the 16th air traffic police station in November 1941, it follows that out of 10 crews that flew in any meteo conditions, 5 entered the 135th BAP. They and in the rain, and in the snow, a deadly cargo hit the head of the enemy.

With relatively low combat losses, parts are sharply lacked by spare parts and new motors. On November 25, there were 93 Su-2 as part of the Air Force of the South-Western Front, but only 37 of them were good. But even they were not always able to prepare them in time, since the same Bao could serve such a variety of cars as PE-2 and SU-2, or IL-2 and SU-2.

Until the end of 1941, it was necessary to write off more than 400 Su-2, of which 222 died from bombing on the airfields, were shot down by fighters or anti-aircraft people of the enemy. The greatest damage armed with these machines parts suffered in the first 3 months of war. Unfortunately, Su-2 turned out to be very vulnerable from the fire "Messerschmittov". Interesting statistics are shown at the end of 1941 in the summary of the 66th Aircondvisia: at 785 departures, the 288th BAP is irretrievably lost 11 Su-2, i.e. 1 Airplane for 71 departures (Sat This indicator was equal to 8 departures, and PE-2 - 32). As you can see, statistics speak in favor of "dryers". However, it should be noted that in the fall of the enemy's fighter aviation was much weaker than in the South Front than in the summer, and the crews of the 288th BAP have worked mostly in October, when 308 departures were performed on average per day 9 serviceable Su-2. At the same time, Mr. Artamonov repeatedly reported on returning to his SU-2 airfield, in which there were up to hundreds of proxins.

The deserved recognition of the aircraft and the chief designer brought the successes of Aviators of the 43rd BAP. According to official data, by March 1942, the crews made 2377 combat departures, dropping 3,79850 kg bombs, more than 2 million leaflets, destroyed 216 tanks, 112 guns, 1933 cars, 4 warehouses of ammunition, 515 carts, were out of order 10600 soldiers and officers enemy. According to the orders of the defense of Stalin No. 70 of March 7, 1942, the regiment was transformed into the 13th Guards.

Repeatedly noted in the orders of the command of the selfless and efficient actions of the 135th BAP, which, from the fall of 1941, commanded Mr. G.M. Baskets. Only from September 25 to November 1, aviators produced 630 combat departures, destroyed, on a summary of the headquarters of the 16th air traffic, 217 tanks (in the reports, German tanks did not regret!), 400 cars with infantry, another technique, there was no one's own losses. In February 1942, the regiment was presented to awarding the Order of Lenin and the name of Stalin's name, which was then especially honorable.

On February 10, 1942, the commander of the 76th air traffic police P-K.G. Ryazanov considered it fair to convert to the 52nd BAP Guards. "The regiment acquired a large combat experience, acting skillfully and confidently, but without sassay and shappleness, in which the merit, primarily his commander of Major A.I. Pushkin, "- said in the document, who also signed the Commander of the Air Force 37th Army General Major V.I. Shevchenko. But a positive decision headed the South-West Front Marshal S.K. Tymoshenko did not accept. But in the question of awarding the navigator of the 52nd BAP of Art. Sergeant A.A. Ivanova Marshal went further than the low-level commanders offered. On November 17, 1941, in his seventeenth battlely, mortally wounded Ivanov, until the last breath, continued to fight and aimedly dump bombs. The regiment and division commanders presented it to the Order of the Red Banner, but on December 6, Tymoshenko wrote a resolution: "Destinating the title of Hero of the Soviet Union." Thus, Ivanov became the first aviator awarded the Golden Star (posthumously) per feat on Su-2.

Link 52th BAP. Stalingrad Front, Winter 1942 (Film Newsreel)

Inspection of the aircraft before combat departure

Molotov City - the final destination

The heavy setting at the front forced to deploy the mass evacuation of industrial enterprises from the European part of the USSR to the East. No exception and plants produced Su-2. Rebupping occurred in the hardest conditions and very quickly. The first echelon from Kharkov in Molotov (now Perm) arrived on October 1, and the last - on December 4, 1941, the noncompliant, chaotic loading of equipment under the enemy's fire and lack of vehicles during unloading detained its installation. Yes, and the management of the motor plant No. 19, on the square of which the production of SU-2 aircraft was transferred, it turned out not ready for receiving a huge farm: the corps of the transmitted workshops were released only after the intervention of the authorized NCAP. The enterprise was restored, as they said, "on the basis of a merger in a single production and economic unit" of the factories No. 135 and 207, a branch of the plant No. 450, the fuselage shop "Sickle and Hammer", "Hydraulus", the production part of the OKB-289. Woodwork shop. By the beginning of November there was a giant, numbering 1763 units of equipment, of which 1114 were metal-cutting machines (for comparison: there were only about 800 such machines in Kharkov). At the same time, workers turned out less than half of the need.

Having considered the state of affairs in the city of Molotov and assessing "bottlenecks", A.I. Shahurin in early November ordered until the end of the year to collect 70 Su-2 with M-82, restored the production of three cars per day in December. The Germans stood then in a hundred kilometers from Moscow, and it was necessary as soon as possible to overcome the crisis of the aircraft industry associated with evacuation. The drug addict considered to install and launch all the exported equipment to work. It turned out that somewhere in the way the drawings of the Navy with the M-82 motor for SU-2 were missing, and they had to restore them. It was also required to introduce various substitutes for scarce materials, primarily aluminum and copper. November 18, deputy. Head of the GU Air Force Ya.L. Bibikov appealed to Shahurin with a proposal to produce every fifth plane in the scout and adjustment version, "due to the fact that the Red Army Air Force does not have such aircraft, and the need for the front is very large."

November 19, 1941 GKO heard the director of the plant No. 135. Kuzina who has reported on difficulties with the restoration of production. It became clear that by the end of the month not a single Su-2 front would not receive. According to the secretary of the Molotovsky Regional Committee of the WCP (b) N.I. Gusarova, from workers of various evacuated enterprises yet failed to create a single production team. After the turbulent discussion, GKO adopted 2 rulings. In the first, it is said about the need to establish and work out a promising M-82 motor on TB-7 aircraft, "103", IL-2IMB-ZF. There is not a word about SU-2 in the document, although in September the two first serial cars with M-82 were collected and there was a good ground for their production. The text of the second decree was even more severe for P.O. Dry and his colleagues: Plant No. 135 must immediately deploy the production of IL-2 with the M-82 motor, and the release of Su-2 stop.

It is difficult to definitely answer why they finished the serial construction of a good, modified, very useful aircraft apparently, the main reason was wound in the desire to reduce the number of types of combat vehicles and the equipment necessary for them. Undoubtedly, favorable reviews about fought on the Su-2 shelves were late. At the same time, in November, aviation commanders and ordinary pilots extremely highly appreciated the effectiveness, the vitality, the unpretentiousness of the stormcuts of St. Ilyushin. Many then believed that a better aircraft to support troops is difficult to imagine. It would be possible to return the arrow to IL-2 ...

On December 20, Factory No. 135 received drawings of IL-2 with M-82 (they were then called IL-4), and the next day the production was started. The Cousin's director was allowed to complete the SU-2 only from the nearest. When it turned out that the restructuring of production proceeds unacceptably slowly, in the coming months to collect IL-4 will not succeed, Shahurin restricted the release of the Su-2 only by the machines in the assembly shop. Then, making sure that Ilyushin's attack aircraft in Molotov is inappropriate, the country's leadership went to unprecedented for 1942. Step - Plant No. 135 disbanded, and workers and employees were sent to strengthen factories No. 30 and 381

According to the suggestion of the oldest employee of the OKB dry M.I. Zueyeva, the decision was influenced by the dislike of Nelyubov Stalin to Pavel Osipovich. After death in a catastrophe January 12, 1942 V.M. Rovelekova Dry was called to the Kremlin and received an offer to head the work at factory No. 22 for the improvement of PE-2. He did not refuse, but did not agree. Stalin did not like these fluctuations, and on January 14, the chief designer of the plant No. 22 was appointed A.I. Izakson, and another 10 days an orders came out about disbanding the aircraft plant in Molotov. Dura was not allowed to return to the sublip, when the fascists were driving from Moscow. It turned out that the BB-1 aircraft (SU-2) saw the light with the direct participation of the leader, and he also ceased to serial production.

A total of 893 SU-2 copies were built. Of these, at factory No. 135 - 785 cars, No. 207 - 92, No. 31- 16.

Not leaving the battle

Cold and Snowy Winter 1941-42 GG Activity was low. Long before dawn, in the frost and stubs, the mechanics of "drying" began to warm up the motors soldier lamps. Snow Pokrov complicated the pilot calculation for landing, and the navigator - orientation. Basically, the flights made the most prepared crews, because Su-2 was difficult to piloting in the clouds. Under these conditions, the navigators switched to bombing not "on the lead", but with an individual aiming. Entered the target with broken segments, with an unexpected turn for 5-7 km to the attack. Enviable skill demonstrated in many departures the navigator M.A. Lashnie from the 135th BAP. When exploration on March 23 over the enemy airfield, he managed to repel the attack of two fighters. One "messerschmitt" immediately received damage and made a forced landing, and the second continued to persecute and was shot down by Lashin already over Soviet troops. The commander of the 9th detachment JG52 Ober Lieutenant K. Shada (K. Schade), who had 27 wins on the account.

Flight composition of the 52nd BAP. In the center - Mr. A.I. Pushkin. In the background - Su-2 M-82

SU-2 catastrophe from 47th kae. The pilot sergeant M.K. Earthsky and navigator L-t I.M. Tishaev. January 1943

In February, ten guides for RS-82 were mounted on the Bombarders of the 97th BAP and checked them in battles on the Bryansk front after several successful storms twice announced thanks to the Commander of the Air Force 3rd Army General G.P. Kravchenko. He also noted that it was necessary to "achieve maximum efforts in restoring the material part", because in the shelves there remained a few good SU-2. So, on March 2, on the day of its greatest activity, the 97th BAP made 14 outlets with five aircraft. Total 4 serviceable Su-2 numbered in the battle nearby 209th BAP.

By the time the 103rd, 210th, 211st, 226th and 227th BAP ended the fighting on SU-2, reappearing, mainly on IL-2. Most pilots positively perceived the transition from plywood on the cast-iron. In some assault shelves, dry aircraft were used as training and training, because the 2-bed training versions Il-2 were not released by that time.

In February 1942, the 826th BAP M-RA was prepared in Molotov for action at the front A.M. Bokuna. The part had 16 Su-2 with M-88B motorcycles and 4 machines with M-82, on which it was decided to conduct military tests. In general, the crews have positively assessed the modified aircraft. It should be noted that during the training and after a flight to the front from February 28 to March 9, 1 catastrophe occurred in the shelf, 1 accident and many forced landings due to the fault of the VMG aircraft of various modifications. (In total in spare shelves and training centers in 1941-42 PE-2 or IL-2).

The command of the Air Force decided in March to proceed to the formation of adjusting links, and then squadrons. Su-2 collected from forced landings, repaired and sent to the 10th Zap in Kamenka-Belinskaya. There crews received about 24 hours flight and 100 hours of ground preparation. Special requirements were presented to the adjustment pilots - each should have had a total raid at least one hundred hours.

Soon the first 4 adjustment links with a dozen Su-2 decreased to the West Front. By the summer of 1942, it was possible to prepare and send 77 crews to the current army, of which 52 flew to Su-2, and the rest - on imported "Curtis" 0-52. The constant shortage of SU-2 braked the work of the Zap. In addition, P.O. Sukhoi received an instruction to stop all further work on improving the Su-2-adjustment. Nevertheless, in April-May, it was possible to prepare 2 first squadrons (CAE): 12 for the Leningrad and 13th for Kalininsky fronts.

It is difficult, with large delays, the state testing SU-2 with M-82 was held. A lot of time was taken by the closer of the VMG, only on April 22, 1942, a brigade of testes led by the leading engineer A.V. Sinelnikov completed work. By that time, Kn, see Dogs made 35 flights, most of which were performed on the ski chassis. According to the Research Institute of the Air Force, nor skiing, nor the enlarged take-off weight affected the piloting of the aircraft. Even without the use of Fasting Su-2, M-82 flew in small and medium heights much faster than with M-88B, but the range of the car has decreased and the anticipable angle has become insufficient, which made it hazardous energetic braking when driving on the ground.

In the first days of the onset of Soviet troops on Kharkov, about 40 serviceable Su-2, which were available in the 13th Guards, 52nd, 135th, 288th and 826th BAP, were flying 2-3 times a day on the bombing of troops The enemy, providing a breakthrough of tanks and cavalry. However, the timely relocation of aviation after the opposing parts could not be organized, and the number of departures declined. Every day, interaction with terrestrial troops and fighters became worse. Once a couple of Messer Schmittov burned down from the Apeksandrovka airfield 3 "Drying", after which Pcastoy I.P. Gorokhov, who changed V.I. Artamonov at the post of commander of the 288th BAP, ordered the pilots not to start without a fighter cover.

The 97th BAAP lost in May the 97th BAAP lost in May during the bombing at the airfield of Yelets almost all SU-2. The remaining machines and personnel strengthened the 209th BAP. This part, together with other heads of the front Air Force, was in incredibly difficult conditions to beat the German summer offensive that began on June 28. In the battles on the approaches to Voronezh, the Luftwaffe fighters caused a devastating damage to many of our airlines, but the 209th BAP retained greater combat capability than, let's say, in the neighborhood of the 218th, 503rd, 874th chap. At the same time it should be borne in mind that the tactics of near bombers and attack aircraft differed ..

In general, the 209th had to be very difficult in the conditions of retreat. Suffice it to say that the regiment began the fights as part of the 208th night dietary supplement, then it was promptly subordinated to the 205th air trafficities, and in mid-July, the 223rd Bad was introduced into the middle of July. By September, 20 Su-2 was preserved. All crews were performed on this type from 55 to 170 combat departures, 83 people were awarded orders and medals. Among the most effective raids of the 209th regiment, according to the Soviet command, it is possible to name the raid of the five Su-2, the driven Art. L-Tom V.A. Verkogoltsev, at Kursk railway station. Despite the strong anti-aircraft fire, the warehouse broke out, and the fire was boiled for three days.

Even more intense battles walked on Don and distant approaches to Stalingrad. When changing the structure of the Air Force and the formation of the air armies of the South-Western Front Air Force, and all day-to-day bombers entered the 270th BD. She had one regiment on the "paws" and three on the "drying": 52nd, 135th and 826th (the 13th GBPP handed over its cars and loss in the rear). By June 15, there were 40 Su-2 and 20 PE-2 in the compound.

Engine heating M-88B before departure

Forced landing Su-2 with M-82. 1943

It should be noted that in the parts of the 8th of the aircraft of the dry steel of the third crew - the lower arrow on the dry steel planes. In one of the battles after breaking the anti-aircraft shell, the left aileron jammed, and the "Messerschmitts" was pounced on the damaged machine of the senior Savelyev from the 826th. The enemy approached the bottom, but the unexpected fire of the German Grekova from the "Kinjal" installation allowed the crew to repel the attacks, and then plant a bomber in the field.

The difference in maximum speeds on small and medium heights between Su-2 with M-88, withstood 2-3 capital repairs, and new Su-2 with M-82 reached 100 km / h, which complicated their interaction. At the same time, more powerful engines of new bombers allowed us to successfully use vapa's hung under the wings (bulk aviation devices). In the summer, there was a wide use of the ampoule with a mixture of the COP - they were very effectively hit by the lively enemy strength. At that time, German fighters-hunters began to actively work in our neighboring rear. On takeoff landing and on Earth, they destroyed several SU-2. In order to somehow protect your airfields with a shortage of anti-aircraftic drugs, the regiments of the regiments were ordered to organize the navigations of the navigations from the MB-5 turmoil.

During the summer battles, the 52nd BAP became one of the best in the 8th. In May, the regiment received the 22nd Su-2 with M-82 in Molotov. Machines were originally intended for the 587th BAP, which formed M.M. Sheet, but she chose PE-2. With a flight to the front, a catastrophe occurred: on May 30, near the village of Usman (northeastern Voronezh) caught fire, and then one plane exploded. Crew killed (ml. L-T.N. Dy-Dyukin, Art. Lt. V.V. Kobtsev) and flying as a passenger Voinchnik N.A. Anokhin. The first combat loss in this regiment was fixed on June 2. When performing the task, the pilot ml died. L-t bristles. But then, quickly having mastered the modified cars, the aviators parts were grateful to fate that they had to fight again on the creation of P.O. Dry. Almost all the veterans of the regiment, with whom they managed to talk, responded about the "dryers" with exceptional warmth. According to them, it was unpretentious, reliable aircraft soldier. Multiple machines were flying with sharply, or even cut-off parts of stabilizers, rolls, but recovered by the tech supply, and a few days later they went into battle. Among those who successfully fought on Su-2 as part of the 52nd BAP, was I.N. Martynenko. "When acting on the Stalingrad Front from August 1, 1942 to January 5, 1943, Art. L-t I.N. Martynenko performed the most responsible tasks as the detection of airfields and intelligence defense ruffles, "the premium material was noted. The pilot made such departures 37.

For the entire 1942, German fighters and anti-aircraft guns shot down 64 Su-2, of which 8 of the 270th Bad in the defensive period of the Stalingrad battle. On average, in this division, each SU-2 managed to fulfill 80 flight crashes in July-August, and PE-2 - only 20 (in the 221th Bad, operating there on Boston in June-July, this indicator made 19 departures). Of course, it would be an exaggeration to argue that airplanes are dry several times better than "pawns" or "Boston". We must not forget that among the flight composition of the 52nd and other regiments on the SU-2, there were many personnel aviators who had excellent training, the experience of flights from pre-war time. But the combat cars now have implemented everything that laid the designer in them.

End of combat career

By the fall of 1942, the number of airlows fought on the SU-2 was reduced to two. In addition to the 288th BAP of the 4th BAP, in the 8th of the 8th, the 52nd was still fought, which passed the surviving machines of the 826th, and then the 135th BAP. Despite this, in September in the 52nd shelf there were no more than 16 Su-2, of which approximately half of the serviceive. Each airplane has now focused on 2-3 crews. Not only engines of old cars with factory No. 22095, 55092, 1910, but also motors M-82 aircraft No. 4,4117, 45118, 47118 developed a 100-hour resource. Consequently, it was possible to obtain invaluable experience of long-term operation of engines A.D. Shvetsova at the front. It is not surprising that in September, in the upper AHTU-BE, pilots-bomber helped pilots of the 287th mead in the development of the first serial La-5, on which M-82 motors were also stood.

It would seem that several dry bombers dry on the front of the front at the end of 1942 could mean? Meanwhile, in rainy weather, some crews managed to cause significant damage to the enemy. During the Soviet counterattack near Stalingrad, single Su-2 was successfully masked in the clouds and almost always flew without cover. Crew-hunters practically without loss bombed compositions, cars, wagons, opponent airfields. In one of the departures, the "drying" mistakenly attacked the red-star fighters, but they could not knock her down. Very valuable information about the German-Romanian troops, SU-2 crews brought from raids to the enemy rear to a depth of 200-250 km.

In mid-November, there were 41 correctioner for this type on different fronts, of which 34 combat. Most (dozen) was in battle under Stalingrad 34th and 45th individual Cae. The latter, recruited from aviator 135th BAP and headed by Kn N.N. Queen, in January 1943 committed 26 departures without losses, of which 8 were associated with the adjustment of Artogne, 14 - visual exploration, 2-photo exploration, 2 had to be interrupted due to bad weather. Sometimes aviators managed to adjust the fire of the 1st Artyivision of the VGC reserve for seven goals at the same time. After the victory on the Volga, the squadron received the honorary title of the 1st Guards.

In the breakthrough, the blockade of Leningrad distinguished the 12th Cae, which ensured the work of the artillery corps of the VGC General Zhdanov reserve. The command believed that artilleryrs could not so effectively suppress the long-term firepoints of the enemy without the "tip" of pilots. Latany-overlaith Su-2 did not develop speeds of more than 275 km / h (in the device), but perfectly kept in the air.

Among the disadvantages in organizing hostilities, the long-term preparation of data artillery for shooting - SU-2 crews had to be over the front line for more than an hour. Often, escort fighters returned home by spending fuel, and adjustments led unequal air battles. In one of them, on June 23, 1943, near the city of Hill, the crew 1st gv.kae (the former 45th): the pilot of Art. L-T A.P. Dmitrienko (93 combat departures) and navigator art. L-t N.I. Cukushkin (101 departure). It must be said that at the beginning of the war, Dmitrienko acted uncertainly, and once mistakenly threw a bomb on his troops. But, well, having mastered the Su-2, he became one of the most trained pilots of the 97th and 209th BAP, and then the 45th Cae.

The Germans quickly understood how sniffing machines picked up their defense. According to the testimony of the pilot of the 54th GIAM Ya.L. Mikhailik, FW 190 sought sudden attacks with dive first of all set fire to Su-2. Eliminate them from a powerful fire turned out to be very difficult. For example, on June 28, 1943, the fourth of Yak-1 managed to keep the correctioner, although the fighter of the 55th GIAM was killed. The crews of the 16th and 47th kae (respectively, in the areas of Arkhangelsk-Kamenka and Kamenka-Saburovo), which were part of the 16th of the 16th, who reported on the preparation of the enemy on the eve of battle on the Kursk arc on the 16th work.

Treasure simulators MV-5 and checking the turret before departure

Crew of the 210th BAP (G.V. Sivkov and P.I. Countrymen) receives congratulations after the first combat departure. The crew of the 43rd BAP poses photoorropene

At the end of 1942, the 52nd BAP was brought from the front to Petrovsk Saratov (15th Zap). His personnel and the match was handed over to correction squadrons. Experienced crews have significantly strengthened the 14th and 15th kae. So, arriving there 14 pilots made on SU-2 from 93 to 244 (!) Combat departures. But those of the 52nd shelf 9 "dryers" were difficult to call a significant replenishment, because 2 machines needed overhaul, and 3 - in the change of the resource of motors.

The absence of new Su-2 forced the command of the Air Force from spring 1943 to proceed to the formation of CAE on IL-2. Despite the fact that S.V. Ilyushin for the new goal modified the connector equipment of the attack aircraft, he could not eliminate the range of machine defects, first of all, the rear cab was close. According to the Lertnabov, "Ils" did not provide them required conditions Work.

Until the end of 1943, they were successfully fought on the Su-2 53rd and 54th Cae, headed by Art. Lies I.I. Kasatkin and A.I. Shvetsov (both - veterans of the 52nd BAP). The airplanes of dry and as part of the 42nd kae. As follows from the documents of this unit, on November 27, 1943, the German AU shot down the "drying" No. 263105. This car became one of the last SU-2 lost in battle. Subsequently, on the basis of the 42nd Kae, I became Mr. A.I. Schvetsov formed and headed the 187th separate correction and reconnaissance regiment, with whom she came to victory. But not a single SU-2 in the ranks by 1944 was not preserved.

Back in early March 1943, the 288th BAP was removed from the front to Mozdok for the dowellement and mastering of hostilities at night. All cars were equipped with connected wagons of the RSB-ZBIS, RPK-10 radio phospaces, Nafa-19 night settings. However, the retraining of aviators has dragged and was overshadowed by a disaster. On the night of June 3, 1943, during training flight in the light of the spotlights, the crew of the hero of the Soviet Union G.G. Nikolaev (navigator A.N. Petrov). The regiment management had to make great efforts to overcome the Svetobyuboye. After several departures at the end of the summer, the command of the 4th Wa, where he entered the regiment, decided the 288th BAP to disband, and the personnel to transfer to the 650th night panel.

Headed by Mr. A.S. Kutsenko 650th BAP became the thirteenth and last regiment, in which the dry airplanes used. (In addition, at least 12 reconnaissance and adjustment squadrons and 18 units acted on SU-2. Separate cars also used the 90th Rae, 8th ORAP, 205th Id, headquarters 6th WA, other parts and divisions), the crews of the regiment effectively and selflessly acted during the fighting in Kuban. For example, on the night of July 25, 1943, K, K.Ya. Franchuk, with the help of Sabov, was able to detect the accumulation of cars on the Taman Peninsula, and then accurately dropped bombs on them. No less successful raids were on the night of August 16. In the same month, the 650th BAP was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. It is known that later two of his squadrons from three fought on Su-2. In the battle over the "Blue Lini" in September-October, the crews of N.N. Malegi and G.P. Lepaeva, successfully used terrible cars at night. From the airfield, the Slavic regiment supported our sailors during the Kerchin-Eltigen-raised landing operation, making some damage to the transportation of the enemy in the Crimea. But the time of SU-2 ended. In January 1944, the 650th BAP passed several remaining machines and after 2 months completed re-equipment on PE-2. It is symbolic that the regiment became part of the 188th Bad P-Ka A.I. Pushkin, which made a significant contribution to the development and successful use of dry aircraft.

Summing up, we can say that by virtue of a number of reasons for the near bomber P.O. Dry did not become a mass airplane. The Soviet Air Forces of the Soviet Air Force was the real "Ivanov", which was adopted in all increasing quantities, replaced SU-2 in many roles and was used in the absolute majority of operations of the Great Patriotic War.

Dmitry Khazanov

One hundred thousand "Chingishanes"

True and fiction about the bombard SU-2

AT by the Soviet Aviation Border Designer, twice the hero of the Socialist Labor P.Suhomu July 22, 2000 would be 105 years old. Friends and like-minded people Pavel Osipovich celebrated this year and sad date: 25 years, as an outstanding person is not with us. Few people know that the Ivanov designed and built as a result of the Competition in the mid-1930s under his leadership of the near bomber BB-1 (then called Su-2) played an important role in the life of the most dry, as well as in the formation of the KB team and the development of the entire domestic air industry. The phrase "Ivanov" is the first model of the culturally performed machine of the Soviet construction ", which was recorded in the state testing of the bombarder of dry, impartial military engineers, as they say," expensive ".

Meanwhile, the plane is not too lucky. The car was built a large series of three aircraft facilities from 1939 to 1942, but remained at that time "in the shade" of more successful structures. Indeed, in the pre-war years the plane. BB-1 did not participate in various showing aircraft and air parades, its silhouette and flight-tactical data knew poorly in the troops. Little is known about this car and aviation lovers of our country, since it has not yet been notable for noticeable publications devoted to the history of its creation and combat use.

But recently, SU-2 has become the subject of the most bizarrees and speculation. An intelligence officer of V. Reunun (Viktor Suvorov) was particularly a big role. In an effort to bring any, including very dubious arguments in favor of your theory about the preparation of the USSR to attack Germany, he devoted the Su-2 almost two chapters in the sensational book "Day-M" ("About Ivanova" and "Winged Genghis Khan") . In them, Suvorov Rezun is trying to give the creation of P.O.Shoy for some secret museum of Stalin, which did not work as if, just because Hitler was ahead of the Soviet leader and the first hit. Allegedly, the bomber for the project "Ivanov" was created exclusively for a treacherous attack on the enemy, and in the defensive war, which had to lead to the Soviet Union since June 22, 1941, he turned out to be no one.

Which only the nicknames do neither gives the dragon in their books a single-engine neighboring bomber: "Air jackal", "Winged Genghis Khan", "Heavenly Killer". The reader must certainly have the feeling that he opens up some terrible secrets of the Soviet aircraft industry, as well as the strategy and tactics of the Red Army Air Force. How appropriate for Su-2 is true? We turn to the original source and analyze some paragraphs of the Book of the Tub.

"It was a lot of Stalin pseudonyms. Some cut off, forgotten and erased, others remained. The pseudonym "Ivanov" remained until the very end and was used in situations of extraordinary. I tell all this here: Once, in 1936, Stalin collected aviation designers in his neighboring dacha, treated with all Caucasian hospitality, and then set the task: to build an aircraft (of course, the best in the world) called "Ivanov" ".

The above phrases are built on speculation. The pseudonym "Ivanov" Stalin enjoyed along with others. According to the documents of the TGK rate, the interviewed name "Ivanov" he signed the documents about the year: from May 1943 to May 1944. 0 Collection of aircraft designers in the near dacha story silent. Moreover, the competition itself to create an airplane "Ivanov" in the form, as he originally thought, did not take place.

"So, how I was drawn to Stalin the perfect combat aircraft, on the development of which he distracts its best designers, as the creators of bombers and the creators of the fighters? Stalin himself explained his demand in three words - the plane of the net sky. If it is not completely clear, I will explain in a nutshell - the winged jackal. "

Here, behind emotions, the Rezun is trying to hide the misunderstanding of how tasks for the design of aircraft were developed. Never Stalin did not express the requirements for designers: "Create a clean sky plane." In any case, finding such documents failed. And what it means, it is difficult to understand, and the epithet "Winged Shakal" Little RRO "is clear the essence of the case. To formulate a task to develop combat vehicles, competent structures were existed as part of the Air Force, which, being customers, were tactical and technical requirements for the future aircraft.

"In the course of the work on the project" Ivanov ", someone is invisible, but the powerful hand guided those who shied out of the General course. At first glance, the intervention at the highest level in the work of the designers is just a whim of a capricious barina. For example, some inventors wanted to put on prototypes of two firepoints: one - to protect the rear upper hemisphere, the other to protect the rear lower hemisphere. Such designers were corrected - we will bypass one point, there is no need to protect the rear lower semifice. Some assumed to cover the crew and the most important knots with armor plates from all sides. They were also corrected: it is necessary to cover only from the bottom and from the sides. Paul dry his "Ivanov" in the first version made all-metal. "Simply," said something terrible voice. - Simply! Let the wings remain metal, and the case can be made and plywood. Will the speed fall? Nothing. Let it fall ".

It is necessary to disagree again with the author of the "Day-M": "big policy" does not always determine those or other technical solutions. All three options "Ivanov", created as the "Stalinist task", or C3-1, C3-2 and SZ-Z, had two movable defensive plants to protect the rear hemisphere - lower and top. During the tests of the last car, it turned out that the navigator is difficult to leave the plane with a parachute in emergency cases, so the lower installation of MB-2 was removed, leaving a wide hatch in the floor of the fuselage. In this form, the plane and launched into mass production. It should be noted that the replacement of the metal fuselage for plywood was a forced measure. Our country experienced a shortage of aluminum, so there was not only SU-2 mixed design, and most of the then Soviet combat aircraft. By the way, the wooden fuselage increased the weight of serial BB-1, but did not affect the speed characteristics.

"Some designers offered the crew of three: pilot, navigator and arrow. They won again: two of the enemy's saillets are a sudden blow to destroy on Earth, so there will be nothing to do the arrow in the air. And the navigator work is a bit. Because we will act with dense groups, like the detachable wasps: look at the lead, follow him, act like him. So the work of the navigator and the arrow can be combined; Due to this, add a bomb load. All defensive capabilities are reduced, all offensive rises. "

However, the projects of Soviet multipurpose single-engine aircraft from the very beginning envisaged the crew of two people. The so many aviators were located in the cabins built by the R-5, R-2 and P-10 - it was them that they were called to replace the aircraft "Ivanov". In all cars, an arrow navigator was located for the pilot, otherwise called the observer pilot (summer). Neither bomb nor rifle armament during the evolution of BB-1 (SU-2) was not added. So, if the defensive capabilities of the aircraft decreased by the removal of armor and the lower hatch installation on the pre-war serial samples, then the offensive were not increased.

"Ivanov's airplanes were built, Ivanov, Ivanov," Ivanov "dry ... Cald designer jealously defeated all the secrets from rivals, but the Kald Soviet designer loomed all the same" winged jackal ": a light bombard of type, sizes and flight characteristics, more like a fighter.

Each Sovvtsky Kostructor, regardless of its competitors, chose all the turder scheme: the low-end monoplane, the engine one is a radial double-row with air-cooled. Each Soviet designer offered his version of Ivanov, but each of the fellows is surprisingly similar to his unfamiliar fellow people in spirit and intent. And this is not a miracle: Just all the designers set one task: to create a car for a certain type of work, for the very work that Japanese aircraft in the sky of Pearl Harbor will hold. And since the work is to be the same, then the tool for its execution each constructor creates approximately the same. "

In fact, the "Ivanov" of different constructors just differed noticeably. So, N.N. Polycarpov defended in Tom Chiole the option of high population, believing that Parasol would provide a great overview for the crew, which is very important for a multipurpose aircraft. "Ivanov" D. Gry-, Gorovich was highlighted in an unusual way to fasten the engine to the motor. When the constructors represented their sketching projects, then all of them were performed under the M-34 Liquid Cooling Motors (AM-34), and not under a two-row "star", according to Rezun. It is hardly possible to say that the Soviet "Ivanov" planned to use for the same work as the Japanese "Nakadzima" of B5-N, since we have not mentioned anywhere to combat maritime objectives, and Nakajima received a task to develop a deck torpedo to Bases on aircraft carriers.

"The Japanese aircraft in-5N was created for a situation where no one in the sky prevents bombing. B-5N is terrible with weak and defenseless, terrible with an extravasive attack. It is terrible as a flock of ferocious bloodthirsty hyenas, which do not differ in a special force or speed, but have powerful fangs and suddenly attack the one who is weaker, against the one who does not attack and not ready to reflect it. And what have our native Soviet "Ivanov"? And despite the fact that he is almost an accurate copy of the Japanese Aggressor "Nakadzima" B5-N. "

The statement of the "almost accurate copy" of the Japanese in the Soviet Union is more than doubtful. With the exception of a very remote external similarity in these aircraft, there is little in common. With the same success, you can call La-5 "almost accurate copy" FW-190 or vice versa. Let's start with the fact that B5-N is not primarily a bomber, but a torpedo room. It was created for action on the water area of \u200b\u200bthe seas and oceans, which determined the requirements for designers. In some cases, for example, when attacking American aircraft carriers "Lexington" and Yorktown during the battles in the coral Sea in May 1942, the Japanese pilots skillfully overcome the powerful air defense of the allies, so this aircraft cannot be considered suitable only to attack defenseless purposes.

"The groups of dozens of JU 87 have applied sudden strikes on the" sleeping "airfields and purified the sky ..." Ivanov "was created later ~ I87. Therefore, the characteristics of "Ivanov" were higher, and constructively two planes were very different. But in spirit and plan, according to the methods of application and according to the role of JU 87 and Ivanov, twins. And the aircraft "Nakadzima" B5-N "Ivanov" - a native brother not only on the intent and in spirit, but also by the main characteristics ".

"Groups of dozens of JU 87", attacking Soviet cross-border airfields, were no more than a common stamp. According to the reports of the German "air fleets of invasion", these types of cars did not participate in the sudden attack of the areas of the basing of our aviation on June 22, 1941. In addition, "Junkers-87" cannot be considered by the twins "in spirit, plan, ways to use and assigned roles" With our SU-2, since the latter were not intended for blows from a dive, and JU 87 The absolute majority of attacks were performed, rapidly decline in the goal. Consequently, when constructing machines, completely different streams of strength were laid. In tactical and technical requirements for the Soviet "Ivanov" and the Japanese torpedo to the fleet, there are practically no shared points. If from our designers it was required to reach a speed of 420 - 430 km / h, the practical ceiling in 9000 - 10,000 m, normal range in 2000 km, with a bombing load of 200 - 500 kg and armed with three - five machine guns, then before specialists from Nakadzima "It was a task: the wing of the wing of the aircraft should not exceed 16 m, and in the folded position - 7.5 m to fit the dimensions of aircraft carriers, the arms should consist of an 800-kg of aviation torpedo or a similar reserve of bombs on an external suspension; With this load, the cruising normal duration of the flight was set at 4 o'clock, and as small arms, the Japanese sailors considered sufficient to install only one movable machine gun from the arrow. And what's the common here?

"To the maximum extent, the Stalinist requirements performed the aircraft designer Pavel Osipovich Dry. He became the winner of the competition. In August 1938, "Ivanov" dry under the brand name BB-1 (the first-bomber first) was allowed into a series at once on two factories. Then he began to produce on the third: the giant fourth plant was built, and in addition, the plants who made other types of aircraft were ready to switch to the production of Ivanov. In September 1939 The dry group in the sign of the promotion was highlighted into an independent design bureau. In 1940, after the introduction of the new Ivanov indexation system in honor of its creator, the SU-2 name was called. It was the first serial plane of one of the greatest aviation designers of the twentieth century. Until June 22, the Su-2 aircraft were fully equipped with 13 aviation regiments, each by 64 aircraft ".

It would seem that there are well-known facts from the biography of the chief designer and its KB. But the decision of the Defense Committee on the launch of the P.O.Suhogo-1 bomber series under the designation of the BB-1 was made at the end of March 1939, in August of the same year, the main designer was appointed by the main designer, and in May 1940 provided an experienced base in Moscow region Sublip. By June 1941, our aircraft industry passed the warfolds only 413 Su-2 (from the calculations of the resuna, it is about twice as much more), and by the beginning of the war it was completely equipped with these aircraft only one 135th BAP and seven other airlocks received several "dryers".

"Stalin's idea: Create an aircraft that can be produced in quantities superior to all combat airways of all types in all countries of the world combined. The main series "Ivanov" was planned in the amount of 100 - 150 thousand aircraft. So we came to the main thing. Stalin plans to release the plane of the biggest in the history of mankind of the series. This is not a plane for defensive war. This is an aircraft aggressor ".

It would be more "convincing" this paragraph would look if the neighboring bombers (which are "aggressors" by definition, in contrast, say, from civilian aircraft) Stalin conceived to build, say, a million. But in the archives there is nothing even remotely similar to the numbers given by Suvorov. On December 7, 1940, when BB-1 managed to master in production as a whole, a joint resolution of the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the WCP (b) "0 of the production of aircraft, aircraft, and aviation screws in 1941". According to this extremely important document for the entire 1941 year, it was planned to release three plants of only 1150 nephery dry bombers. Already during the war, plans were adjusted several times, but the "Giant Fourth Airplane" (which?!) Connect to the Su-2 program was never collected.

The concentrate repeatedly writes: It does not matter what actually happened, but it is important that it was conceived, that is, no matter what Soviet leaders said or signed, but what they thought about. But, unfortunately, we (in contrast to the band) we do not have the ability to read the thoughts of the late Soviet leaders. And in general, such a lesson relates rather to mysticism (or to quantity), and not to history.

"The question of covering fighters arises. Bomber in battle, especially the near bomber acting over the battlefield and in the nearest enemy rear, should be covered with fighters. If, together with the Su-2, an appropriate number of cover fighters was ordered, the SU-2 could be used in any situations, for example, for applying confrudars by the aggressor who had attacked the Soviet Union. But, fighters in such quantities were not ordered, therefore there was only one possibility to use SU-2 in the war - to attack the first on the enemy and natralize the VGO aircraft. There is no other use of defenseless Su-2. That is why the decision on the release of at least one hundred thousand light bombers Su-2 was equivalent to the decision to start the war with a sudden strike on opponent airfields ".

In fact, in the "aircraft production program ..." It was said that the release plan for new types of fighters in 1941 is 8,510 cars, while all types of bombers are 6070 pieces. With the beginning of hostilities, the figures were adjusted in favor of fighters. The fact that in the initial period of the war there was nothing to cover the shock aircraft, explained by the sudden attack of the enemy primarily on the airfields, where the fighter aviation was based, and a bad organization of combat departures from the command staff. The question of why Su-2 could only be used for a sudden attack on the opponent's airfields, and the Polish RZL 23, Battles, Japanese Ki-32, or, Let Italian VA-65 proved to be quite suitable for the airfields of the opponent A wide variety of tasks remained open.

"SU-2, like" Ivanov "other designers, was a multi-purpose: light bomber, tactical scout, attack aircraft. The design was extremely simple and rational. SU-2 was suitable for mass production more than any other saup in the world ... Su-2 control was double - both for the pilot, and for the arrow navigator sitting behind him. Therefore, it was not necessary to produce an academic version of the aircraft: ka "the battle SU-2 was available to the pilot qualification: the Gremadan pilot and a girl from the aerokluba. Fallenchikov did not need neither the ownership of the highest pilot, nor the ability to fly at night, nor the ability to navigate the terrain and in space. They had to have easy work: fly away at sunrise, set up to a powerful group, fly in a straight line and go to the goal ".

Reports of factories and system parts show that Su-2 was neither simple in production, nor too easy in mastering. Thus, the cost of one built in Kharkov the car after the deposit technological process was managed, accounted for 430 thousand rubles, that is, Su-2 cost 1.6 times more expensive than the all-metal twin-engine Sat!

As for the "possession of the highest pilot", then for the crew of the bombard, it sounds pretty stupid. The aircraft is not designed for this and is not intended. And that Su-2 was relatively easy to manage, then any aircraft designer seeks to this. However, a number of operations, such as landing, were necessary to work carefully with flights to avoid incidents. The fact that most crews still managed to teach SU-2 piloting well, largely determined the relatively low level of losses among these machines and their long front life.

"In the autumn of 1940, our 211st nearby bombarding aviation regiment was formed in Bessarabia under Kotovsky, armed by SU-2 aircraft ... the plane made a strong impression. The bomber, and the view, like the fighter - a small, compact, beautiful "(here the Rezun leads an excerpt from the memories of Marshal Aviations" and I.I.Steglo, published in the book L.M. Kuzmin: "General Designer Pavel Dry"). In This passage should pay attention to the time and place of the formation of the regiment: it's next to Ryudia, it's against Romania. This is our "winged jackal" is preparing to cling to the throat of Toyu, who is weaker ".

In the first months of war, the Red Army Air Force really carried out a lot of raids against strategic objects in Romania. They were attracted to the bombers of the Sat, DB-ZF, PE-2 and even those who were part of the "link of Vakhmistrov" and-16 with bombs suspended under the wing of TB-3 ("Aviasteraster" wrote about it in No. 4/1998). However, SU-2 bombers, including from the 211th BAP, did not participate in these raids. Apparently, the main reason was that the crews of the part did not have time to master the "drying", because the program of studying the car in the regiment was calculated until September 1941.

"In 1941, the Red Army applied formidable and completely universal weapons: terrestrial movable reactive installations of BM-8 and BM-13, which entered the story as" Stalinist authorities ", or" Katyusha ". They shot M-8 shells (caliber 82-mm) or M-13 (caliber 132-mm). The volley of several installations is an avalanche of fire with a grinding, a root and rumble. Many German soldiers, officers and generals show that it was a terrible weapon. M-8 and M-13 reactive shells were also used on many types of Soviet aircraft, mainly on IL-2 and IL-10. But few people remember that the reactive shells were originally developed for the Ivanov aircraft, whose groups were supposed to become "flying batteries." Jet shells were formidable weapons, especially if it was used suddenly dozens of aircraft with extremely low heights. ".

As you know, reactive weapons on our aircraft were applied for the first time during battles over the Khalkhingol River in August 1939. Then a number of fighters were equipped with RS-82 projectiles, and some Sat were adapted to install under the wings of more powerful RS-132. After successful tests, it was planned to arm this weapon, a certain part of our aircraft, but really before war, the reactive shells were installed only on I-15BIS, I-153 and I-16, which were intended for use in the role of attack aircraft. Then the main "consumer" rockets are IL-2. The type of aircraft that was installed (or planned to establish) "ERES", SU-2 was not included until the fall of 1941, not to mention the fact that they did not specifically developed any weapons, not counting the cassettes for small bombs. Even after successful tests, only single specimens of this aircraft received a reactive weapon, although the plants produced the plants.

"The idea of \u200b\u200bthe winged Genghis Khan did not die. Soviet designers did not want to refuse it. In 1943, Designer Dmitry Tomashevich issued a long time ago initiated, but because of the Hermann attack and evacuation, the Pegasus confirmation was completed ... Simplicity and low cost - on Saiya last limit. The plane could build any furniture factory. And the flow. At the same time, the "Pegasus" of Nesdve 23-mm automatic guns, a large-caliber machine gun and a bomb of 500 kg. The pilot was covered with armor that defended him from bullets of large-caliber machine guns and even from 20-mm shells. Armor was covered by gas tanks and other vital nodes. Gas benzobaki if necessary, discharged. Fire power and overs protection from the fire from the ground did this truly cheaper and simple of all the aircraft with a formidable opponent ".

The plane is dry, at least in the form, as it was launched into the series, was the near bomber. This was determined by reservation, offensive and defensive weapons, solving the issues of survivability, etc. The circumstances were forced to apply SU-2 in the first period of war to put the German troops, but to compare SU-2 with "special" attack aircraft such as IL-2, Su-6 or "Pegasus", in principle illegally.

Summing up, it is necessary to conclude that real facts from the Su-2 history do not correspond to the legend that suvorov-dragon came up with this aircraft. The dipped daisy bomber was a completely typical product of his era, the embodiment of the concepts of combat use of aviation all over the world. Among the aircraft of this class can be remembered, in addition to the already named, German "Heinkel", NE-170, Japanese Qi-15, Qi-30 and Qi-51 or American "Valley" V-11 and Certis "Shraik". Even the Swedes in the beginning of the 40s consisted of a similar machine - single-engine double light bombarder monoplane Sauav 17. May be neutral Sweden, which has not fought with anyone for now half years old, also preparing a sudden massive aggression against his neighbors. ?