Technology project entry. Creative technology projects. Purpose of the project: to make miniatures from scrap material

How to make a creative project using technology

"Miniatures from cardboard"

Performed by Ekaterina Fedorova, 6th grade student

Leader: Stepanova L.I., technology teacher

    Determination of need ………………………………… .. ………. 3

2. Brief formulation of the problem. ………………………………………… 3

4. Research, analysis of the problem …………………………… ................ 4

5. Initial Ideas ……………………………………………… .. 4

6. List of criteria to be met by the product ……. five

7. Working out the best ideas ………………………………………… ...... 6

8. Technological map ……………………………………… ... ……… 7

9. Product evaluation ………………………………………………… .............. 9

10. Design assessment …………………………… .. …………… ......... 9

What is goodness? This is a piece of happiness
This is fresh air, a sip of wind.
You give it and it will return,
Someone stronger will just have a heart beat.
Don't buy this word and don't sell
You can give it or just give it away ...
Free of charge, without asking for money back,
This is all very simple and very clear.
Today I want to give everyone good,
How do you, people, in your heart - Has it become warm?
Let everyone feel it, smile,
And with a smile it will return to you at once!

Determining the need

We have children at school with disabilities in correction classes, I wanted to get to know them better, communicate and do something pleasant. At the technology lesson, we decided to make a gift for the children. You can buy it, but it is expensive and unoriginal. Therefore, we will make a gift with our own hands. It is interesting to see the result of your labor, to surprise your parents and to please the children. The work will not be difficult, we think that we will cope with it. Especially since it is approaching New Year, in the area for children, the administration and the Creative Centers hold festive events where we can do our bit.!

Purpose of the project: to make miniatures from scrap material.

Objectives: to choose original models of miniature household utensils.

Make products.

Design and manufacture products and donate to children with disabilities. Prepare a multimedia presentation "Do Good"

Research, problem analysis.

Initial ideas

For more than one year I have been creating miniature toys from various materials: plasticine, paper, polymer clay... What attracts me to my work is that unique jewelry projects are being created, and why shouldn't I please other children with them who cannot afford such work? On the Internet, there are many projects for creating miniatures, but the cost of projects is very high there, for example, a house with a set of furniture and household items costs 20,000 rubles! We will make from ... cardboard!

But initially there were other options for gifts:

1 Embroidery

2 Stuffed toy

3 Pillow

From a preliminary application from the Administration of Taksimo, we need to make about 200 gifts. And for such a quantity, the technique of making miniatures is most suitable, and we move to the "Mikromir" workshop.

Conclusion: We made a choice - to make cardboard miniature gifts for children with disabilities.

Questioning (47 students of grades 5-7 were interviewed)

Do good

1, Do you think there is a particle of good in every heart?

a) yes - 95%

b) no-5%

2, What is the part of it in your heart?

a) 1/2 -51%

b) 1 / 3- 13%

c) 1/4 -31%

d) 1/5 -5%

e) or ____________

3. Do you think it is possible to do good with your own hands?

a) yes -100%

b) no

4.Can I regard a DIY gift as GOOD?

a) yes -100%

b) no

5. Do you think it is pleasant to receive gifts of kindness?

a) yes 100%

b) no

6. Gifts of GOOD are help in trouble; when in the orphanage the child is told that mom has come for you; heart and hands; more than this, the answer is that this is a do-it-yourself gift and gifts for children with disabilities.

In general, the survey questions were simple, but the answers to them lead to serious reflection. There are many people around us who need our help and we are able to help them.

The results of the survey showed that modern society needs not only highly educated, active, proactive and enterprising young people, but also kind and sympathetic, able to disinterestedly come to the rescue, lend their "shoulder" in difficult times.

Scroll criteria that the product must meet:

    Title - "Do Good"

    Appointment - a gift to children with disabilities.

    Material - cardboard.

    Manufacturing method - the manufacturing method is familiar to us.

    Appearance - beautiful, attractive

    Environmentally friendly - gifts are made of environmentally friendly material.

7 Other criteria - gifts should be beautiful, bright.

Elaboration better idea

In the process of implementing the project, we decided to make gifts for the guys in the "retro" style - objects with peeling paint, worn out, which "served" the owners for several decades ....

Technological operations


Put a template on the cardboard, outline it with a pencil.

Cut with scissors.

We glue with glue, combining the side cuts.

Grease the bottom with glue so that a little glue goes into the inside of the workpiece, put it on a cardboard to size and press firmly. It is best to use thick PVA glue or Moment-gel.

After complete drying, cut the cardboard around the bottom.

Coat a thick thread with glue and glue along the upper cut, let the glue dry and cover the product with ground paint several times.

After the primer has dried, paint the product.

Bend the details for the temples and glue them symmetrically

Give the buckets a chipped effect with black paint.

The pitchers are similarly made of cardboard.

Technological map "Making a chest of drawers"

Technological operations


Cut out the side and top parts from thick cardboard to the size of two glued matchboxes.

We glue the boxes to each other and glue them with blanks.

On the drawers we glue three rows of cardboard, which are cut to reduce.

Wait for the glue to dry completely.

Prime with several coats of dark acrylic paint.

After the primer has dried, carefully rub the edges of the product with a candle.

Economic justification.

My project was made almost from the remains of material for needlework - cardboard, empty matchboxes, for the ground were used acrylic paints, which remained after painting the pictures by numbers. We can say with confidence that we used all materials for free!

Design assessment

The problem statement is clear. The products are made with high quality. The time was used quite rationally, we managed to complete the project on time. In general, we are satisfied with the quality of design, manufacture and appearance finished product. We really liked the work, if we started to do this work anew, then, probably, everyone did just that, without changing anything.

"Casual T-shirt"

Stages of the project:

1. Search stage:

2. Technological stage:

Organization of the workplace

Product testing

Project defense

Choosing a project theme.

Justification of the need to manufacture a product

Technology lessons inspired me to create an original and unusual piece. I wanted to make some original T-shirt for the summer. this is not only a great opportunity to show your skills acquired in technology lessons, but also a good alternative to ordinary shop products that are not particularly exclusive. A T-shirt own production has a huge number of advantages: I can sew a T-shirt in a suitable color scheme for me, its size will exactly match my parameters and it will be one of a kind. Since I have an active lifestyle and do not like things that restrict movement, my choice fell on a loose-fitting T-shirt.

Formulation of requirements for a designed product

Practicality of the product

Sufficiently dense, lightweight fabric

Loose fit

Quite long

Round neckline

Neutral, dark color (preferably black)

The neck should be highlighted (color or cut)

Large and loose sleeves

Development of several product variants and selection of the best

I settled on the last option.

Development of the design and manufacturing technology of the product

1. Take your measurements

2. I will make increments

3. Using these measurements and the product variant I chose, I will draw the base on graph paper.

4. Cut and transfer the pattern to the fabric.

Selection of material and tools

Viscose fabric

Tailor's chalk

Graph paper





Sewing machine

Household overlock


Tape measure

Tailor scissors

Iron and ironing tools

Organization of the workplace

My workplace should be clean, well lit, and the light should come from the left side. I have to sit in a comfortable chair with a back. Each tool is located in its place so that time and effort is not wasted on unnecessary movements. I will put the needles, pins, scissors, thimble on the right. Threads and other accessories that you may need are on the left. The entire middle of the table is free, the product is laid out on it.
All needles and pins must be in special boxes intended for them or be stuck in special pads. After finishing sewing, the needle must immediately be injected into the pillow or into a piece of foam rubber laid on the bottom of any small box. In no case should you stick needles and pins into the side of your clothes, your pocket, and even more so, keep them in your lips. Suddenly inhaling or coughing can be very bad. Scissors also require careful handling. I will not leave them open on the table or carry them from place to place, holding them with the tip up; transfer scissors from hand to hand should be closed, handles to the taker.

After finishing work, the sewing machine with an electric drive must be disconnected from the mains.

Total: 335 rubles

Product testing

The shirt turned out great. I love the way she looks, the colors I chose - black and pink go well. It's comfortable for me.

Project defense

My T-shirt came out well. I chose a black fabric and did not regret it: it is non-marking, practical. I highlighted the collar - it's pink. The colors match well. The T-shirt fits well on me, all my ideas were fully justified. It is free, lightweight, does not restrict movement, great for walking in the summer or for wearing at home.

Creative technology project

"Casual T-shirt"

Completed: student of grade 7A Pogodaeva A.D.

I believed: technology teacher Zhavoronkova O.L.

Stages of the project:

1. Search stage:

Choosing a project theme. Justification of the need to manufacture a product

Formulation of requirements for a designed product

Development of several product variants and selection of the best

2. Technological stage:

Development of the design and manufacturing technology of the product

Selection of materials and tools

Organization of the workplace

Manufacturing the product in compliance with the rules safe work

Calculation of manufacturing costs

3. Final (analytical) stage:

Final inspection of the finished product

Product testing

Analysis of what worked and what didn't

Project defense

Choosing a project theme.

The method of projects is the core of the entire program on "Technology", which allows you to qualitatively verify the level of mastering of educational material by schoolchildren, contributes to their creative development. This is a method of developmental education that allows you to individualize the educational process and gives the child the opportunity to show independence in planning, organizing and controlling their activities. Therefore, the implementation of the project method in the educational process is relevant for our school. What attracts me to this method? That allows children to master the organization practical activities along the entire project and technological chain - from idea to its implementation. The proposed descriptive part of the creative project helped the student to become the winner of the regional Olympiad.



Municipal state educational institution

"Kopanischenskaya secondary school"

Liskinsky district, Voronezh region



Zhitnykh Daria Nikolaevna


Sheresheva Alexandra Ilinichna

Digging 2014

  1. Selection and justification of the project topic __________________3
  2. Collection of information __________________________________ 4
  3. Scheme ____________________________________________4
  4. Historical background _______________________________ 4-5
  5. Choice of options ___________________________________ 6
  6. Selection of materials and tools ____________________ 6-7
  7. Product requirements _______________________________ 7
  8. Economic assessment _______________________________ 7
  9. Environmental Assessment _______________________________ 7
  10. Technological map _______________________________ 8-9
  11. Analysis of the work performed __________________________ 9
  12. Advertising brochure _________________________________ 10
  13. References __________________________________ 10
  14. Appendix ________________________________________ 11


Recently, painting with the help of colored wool has become very popular. A painting made in this technique leaves a mark on the soul for a long time. They seem to immerse you in their world, make it possible to forget about everything and find yourself in a fairy tale. And this is so lacking in our fast-paced and hectic time.

Wool paintings are a fascinating and unusual kind of creativity. Even without drawing skills, you can create warm, delicate paintings and at the same time have a pleasant time working with natural materials. Anyone who feels the need to create can do this.

The inspiration for creating future paintings is nature with its magnificent landscapes, the diversity of the animal world.

What I like most is that there are no definite rules in this technique. Every time you "paint" a new picture, new subtleties are developed in working with wool. Such pictures give a special energy, invested by the person himself. They serve as a harmonious decoration in the interior or just an original gift.

I watch with pleasure how quickly and confidently wool wins the hearts of people and space in our lives. Products handmade are finally gaining popularity not only abroad, but also in the vastness of Russia.

For some time I have been accumulating knowledge, inspiration and firm confidence that the time will come when I will also “draw with wool. And now, it has arrived. I firmly decided: stop putting it on the back burner, it's time! I went straight to a handicraft store, bought wool of various colors, as well as needles for felting. My impulse resulted in a simple and cute "Kitten".

So, I have determinedpurpose of the work - try your hand at "drawing with wool" and independently make a product that will really be in demand.

Thus, the tasks decided by themselves:

  1. develop a version of the future picture;
  2. organize a workplace;
  3. pick up necessary materials and tools for work;
  4. to make products using the "woolen painting" technique;
  5. evaluate the quality of the completed product.


Before starting the production of the project, I had to work with handicraft magazines, historical literature, books about felting from wool, consider several optionspaintings on the Internet. After working with these sources of information, I came up with several ideas for the implementation of my plan, which I combined into the following diagram. This scheme was a kind of algorithm for the execution of my project.



Wool - unique natural material, used by man for thousands of years for various needs. It is warm and plastic, soft and pleasant, wool not only warms, but also heals, decorates the interior. In addition, wool, like no other material, provides unlimited opportunities for the embodiment of the most daring and fantastic projects.

The history of this extraordinary type of handicraft is rooted in the distant past. Felting is the oldest textile manufacturing technique on Earth. Archaeologists date the origin of the first felted products to 8000 years. Ancient people began to roll wild and then domesticated animals from the wool they found. And only then did they learn to spin, knit and make fabrics.Felting wool can be done in several ways, significantly different in technique.
1. Dry felting (felting)- this is the compaction, knocking and entanglement of woolen fibers with the help of special needles: the wool is repeatedly pierced with a needle until a homogeneous dense material is obtained. Thus, they create toys, jewelry, decorative volumetric figures.
The needle can be applied to thefelt or felt, using woolen fibers instead of dyes.

2. Wet felting (felting)it is carried out using a soapy solution, which impregnates the wool, and with the help of mechanical action (friction) promotes the dumping of the wool into a dense homogeneous fiber. In this way, shoes, clothes are made,bags, toys, brooches, embossed and volumetric interior items, panels and simply canvases.

3. Nano-felting (nuno-felt)- this is now popular felting with wool on fabric, which allows you to get very delicate and interesting textured things as a result. Wool, shrinking during felting, shrinks, dragging the fabric along with it and squeezing it. The result is beautiful folds and flounces, picturesque wrinkles.

Wool adheres to any natural fabric, but best of all - to thin natural silk fabrics. Although experienced craftswomen use thin linen, cotton, viscose, even lace and guipure.

4. Mixed mediawidely used to create interesting textures and relief compositions. All types of felting can be found in one product, complementing each other.

5. Technique "wool painting"- this is also a mixed technique that allows you to create picturesque masterpieces using wool fibers instead of paints.

6. Felting in the washing machine.I think many people came across this method of felting when they threw a woolen thing into the machine ... I remember my surprise when I took out a “children's sweater” from the washing machine, which was very much like my sweater in color. I wondered for a long time - where did it come from? And just not finding my favorite sweater in the wardrobe, I realized the truth - having badly sorted the clothes before washing, quite by accident I discovered a new way of felting ... True, then I learned that many craftswomen are passionate about this method. Even special yarn is produced. The main condition is that the composition should contain at least 70-80% wool, and even better - all 100%.


Option 1 (Appendix No. 1). Bullfinches ... Who does not know these wonderful birds! In the old days, they noticed: "If a bullfinch has arrived, winter will come soon." These are our winter guests, arriving in dark hats and with bright breasts, as if from fabulous country... The bullfinch is believed to bring wealth and happiness. And everyone who admires this bird even for a day will be happy and successful in love and deeds all year round.

Option 2 (Appendix No. 2). The painting depicts the Russian countryside. Blessed silence. Wouldn't you want to go there? Well, at least mentally ?!

Option 3 (Appendix No. 3). A wonderful addition to the interior of any room in your home. Bright and expressive roses at any time of the year will remind you of tender summer and gentle sun, fill the house with coziness and warmth.

Option 4 (Appendix No. 4). “My affectionate and gentle animal” - this name immediately appeared in my head when I saw this picture on one of the Internet pages.

The painting, which was simple to make, caught my attention. And since I am a beginner in this type of needlework, this product suited me perfectly as a first trial work.


Nowadays, paintings can be made from almost any material. To carry out this work, a frame with glass from an old picture and wool for felting in different colors was chosen. I found the frame at home, and bought the wool in the store.

During work, I needed:

  • frame with glass;
  • wool of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • cotton fabric;
  • sketch of the painting.


I decided that my product must meet the following requirements:

  • The product must be environmentally friendly;
  • The picture should be aesthetic, match the interior of the room;
  • The product must have a low cost price;
  • The picture must be of high quality.


I started calculating the cost price before manufacturing the product to make sure that the project was economically feasible.


The term "environmental friendliness of the product" includes, first of all, such a concept as the use of natural and high-quality materials to ensure the safety of others. This is very important, since the use of substandard materials can cause various allergic reactions in a person and even cause various diseases.

My product is made from environmentally friendly materials. Wool, which is the main material in this craft, is natural fibers of animal origin, which do not cause absolutely any harm to human health.

Therefore, my product can be called environmentally friendly in all respects and can be recommended for use with full confidence.


Work sequence

Graphic image

Materials and tools

Drawing selection

Drawing options

Making a substrate for a painting

Painting cardboard, fabric, scissors

Background Preparation - Wool Laying

Fabric, wool

Laying out the picture

Backing, wool, tweezers

Covering the drawing with glass

Trimming excess wool

The basis of the picture with a picture, glass, scissors

I put a picture in a frame

Finished painting, frame

After completing each type of work, I carried outself-control and observed the PTB.


The product I made belongs to the products of average complexity. In my opinion, the picture turned out to be quite high quality, aesthetic, and most importantly inexpensive.

In the process of work, I got acquainted with the history of this type of needlework, I learned that felting from wool is an ancient technique widespread in different countries... I got acquainted with many works on the social network.

“Woolen painting” is quite an interesting activity, I was so carried away by it that this work gave me great pleasure and joy. Of course, there are minor flaws, but they do not spoil general view... My mother, teacher and girlfriends liked my picture. And she brought me a lot of positive emotions.

So, in the end, I was satisfied with my work.

Firm "Prestige" is a godsend for true lovers of simplicity and elegance. Wool products are cheap, but beautiful and solid purchases for your home. Hand-made crafts are highly valued in our time: after all, they make our home different from others, fill it with comfort and warmth.

Buy products from Prestige!


1. Felt. Filznadel. Wallow. Russian doll house., M., 2008

2. Semyonova N.A. I Will Decorate My House Myself: A Teacher's Guide. - M .: Education, 2006

3. Magazines for needlework.

4. Internet pages.

5. 3. Krasnikova G., Bublik V., Mamonova M.: Everything about felt and felting. Publisher: Press Distributor Agency "2008.

6. Ksenia Shinkovskaya.Vessitsy made of felt., Publisher: AST-PRESS., 2008

Appendix # 1

Appendix # 2

Appendix No. 3

Appendix No. 4

Prepared by Svetlana Anatolyevna Mikhailova, teacher of technology, Pushkin Secondary School named after A.S. Pushkin

Slide 2

Project components

  • A project is a student's independent creative completed work performed under the guidance of a teacher. It consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the project is an explanatory note, and the practical part is a specific model, product layout, video film, etc.
  • Slide 3

    1. Title page.
    2. Table of contents.
    3. Introduction.
    4. Chapters of the main part.
    5. Conclusion.
    6. List of used literature.
    7. Applications.

    Slide 4

    Title page

    It is the first page of an explanatory note and is filled in according to certain rules.

    The upper field contains the full name of the educational institution. On average, the name of the project is given without the word "subject" and quotes. It should be as short and precise as possible - consistent with the main content of the project.

    Slide 5

    If it is necessary to concretize the title of the work, then you can give a subtitle, which should be as short as possible and not turn into a new title.
    Then the surname, name, school number and class of the designer (in the nominative case) are indicated. Then the last name and initials of the project manager.
    The lower field indicates the place and year of work (without the word "year").

    Slide 6

    The text should be written or printed, observing the following margins:

    Left - not less than 30 mm
    Right - not less than 10 mm
    Top - not less than 15 mm
    Bottom - not less than 20 mm

    Slide 7

    It contains all the titles of the explanatory note and indicates the pages on which they are located. It is impossible to shorten them or give them in a different formulation, sequence and subordination.

    All headings are capitalized and without a period at the end. The last word of each heading is connected by a dot with the corresponding page number in the right column of the table of contents.

    Slide 8


    It substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, the goal and content of the tasks set, formulates the planned result and the main problems considered in the project,

    Slide 9

    interdisciplinary connections are indicated, it is reported to whom the project is intended and what is its novelty.

    The introduction also describes the main sources of information (official, scientific, literary, bibliographic).

    Slide 10

    It is desirable to list the equipment and materials used during the project.

    Relevance is a mandatory requirement for any project work... Its justification includes an assessment of the significance of the project and the expected results, reveals the possibilities of their use in practice.

    Slide 11

    From the formulation of the project goal, it is necessary to move on to specifying the specific tasks to be solved in accordance with it. This is usually done in the form of an enumeration (examine ..., describe ..., install ..., identify ... etc.).

    Slide 12

    Main part

    In the first chapter of the project (the beginning of the study), the proposed methodology and technique for its implementation is considered, short review literature and other materials on the topic (historical information, state of the art, market analysis, reflection star, etc.).

    Slide 13

    • In the next chapter (search), it is necessary to develop a bank of ideas and proposals to solve the problem considered in the project. It is important to give an objective assessment of each of the proposed options, and you can use a number of specific criteria.
  • Slide 14

    Technological part of the project

    • It is necessary to develop a sequence for the execution of the object. It can include a list of steps, technological map, which describes the algorithm of operations, indicating the tools, materials and processing methods.
  • Slide 15

    Design options 1st option

  • Slide 16

    2nd option

  • Slide 18

    Particular attention should be paid to the environmental assessment of the project: justification that:

    a) the manufacture and operation of the designed product will not entail changes in environment, violations in human activity.

    Slide 19

    b) possibly using production waste;

    c) makes it possible to reuse product parts at the end of their service life.

    Slide 20

    Slide 21


    It sequentially sets out the results obtained, determines their relationship with the general goal and specific tasks formulated in the introduction, gives students self-assessment of the work they have done. In some cases, it becomes necessary to indicate ways to continue the study of the topic, as well as specific tasks to be solved.

    Slide 22

    After the conclusion, it is customary to place a bibliographic list of used literature.

    Each source included in it should be reflected in the explanatory note. All borrowings must necessarily have subscripts where the materials are taken from. You should not include in the bibliography works that have not actually been used.

    Slide 23

    Auxiliary or additional materials that clutter up the main part of the work are placed in the annexes. In terms of content and form, applications are very diverse. They can be text, tables, graphs, maps, pictures.

    Slide 24

    Each appendix must begin with a new sheet (page) with the word "Attachment" indicated in the upper right corner and have a thematic heading. If there is more than one application in the work, they are numbered with Arabic numerals (without the number sign), for example: "Appendix 1",
    "Appendix 2", etc.

    Slide 25

    The numbering of the pages on which the appendices are given should be continuous and continue the general numbering of the main text. Its connection with applications is carried out through links that are used with the word "look" (see), enclosed together with the cipher in parentheses.

    Slide 26

    An explanatory note is made in handwritten, typewritten way or with the help of a computer on one side of a sheet of white paper, preferably A4 (210 x 297), with two to one and a half line spacing with no more than 40 lines per page. Each line should contain no more than 60-65 characters including spaces between words. The minimum font height is 1.8 mm (12 pt).

    Slide 27

    All illustrations in the project must be numbered. Their numbering is usually continuous, i.e. through all the work. If the illustration in the project is the only one, then it is not numbered. In the text in the illustration, links are made containing their serial numbers (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.).

    Each illustration must be provided with a caption that must correspond to its content and the main text.

  • Slide 28


    • L.N. Morozova, N.G. Kravchenko, O.V. Pavlova, Technology, grades 5-11, project activities students, Volgograd, publishing house "Teacher", 2008
  • View all slides

    Contents 1. Selection and justification of the project 2. Formulation of the problem 3. Development of the project idea 4. Information about the product 5. Drawing of the product 6. Drawing of the product 7. Alternative options 8. Material and technical support of the project 9. Manufacturing technology of the product 10. Economic justification 11 Analysis of the results obtained.

    1. Choosing and justifying the project There is no wall clock in my room, and the clock is a very important element. It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without a clock, you constantly have to keep track of the time, and it is very convenient when the clock is on the wall. In technology lessons, I learned how to make typical connections, with the help of them I decided to make a wall clock in a wooden frame myself. My dad and I often go fishing, so I decided to make a comic fishing clock, which, better than any words, will tell about the interests and hobbies of its owner. 2. Statement of the problem To make it easier to keep track of the time, I decided to make a wall clock for my room ..

    3. Development of the project idea project "Fisherman's clock" the need for product design requirements for the device equipment, tools, fixtures necessary materials product drawing calculation of the cost of the product project protection, testing, evaluation project manufacturing

    8. Material and technical support of the project Materials: Wooden beams 20x30 mm 4 bars 250 mm long 1 bar 15 mm long Plywood, 3 mm thick Nails 15 mm Nails 25 mm Sanding paper PVA glue Colored varnish for wood Clockwork Decorative elements Equipment: Workbench Tools: Ruler Pencil Square hacksaw File Brush Hammer Screwdriver Pliers

    9. Manufacturing technology of the product p / p The content of the operation Equipment, tools and fixtures 1 Marking a wooden beam and plywood according to the given dimensions of the drawing Ruler, pencil, square 2 Sawing of a wooden bar and plywood according to the given dimensions of the drawing Hacksaw, workbench 3 Preparing the wooden parts of the product for gluing File 4 Gluing the frame parts Brush, PVA glue 5 Applying colored varnish on the frame and plywood base Brush, colored varnish for wood 6 Fastening the frame to the plywood base Hammer 7 Installing the clock mechanism Screwdriver, pliers, clock mechanism 8 Decorating the clock Brush, PVA glue

    10. Economic justification Material costs: 1. Wooden beams with dimensions 1200x20x30 - 40 rubles; 2.Plywood, 1000x1000x3 mm - 60 rubles, ¼ part used - 15 rubles; 3.Nails 1pc - 10 kopecks, used 20 pcs. - 2 rubles; 4. Sanding paper - 100x150mm - 5 rubles; 5. PVA glue 20gr. - 10 rubles, used 4g. - 2 rubles; 6. Varnish color for wood 150g. - 50 rubles, used 30g. - 10 rubles; 7.Clock mechanism - 20 rubles; Total for materials: \u003d 94 rubles Labor costs: 1 hour of work of a 7th grade student - 25 rubles; Production time of the product is 6 hours; Total: 6 x 25 rubles \u003d 150 rubles Cost of the product: Material costs + labor costs \u003d \u003d 244 rubles. In the store, a wall clock in a wooden frame costs 600 rubles. A handmade product costs 244 rubles. The savings amounted to: 600 - 244 \u003d 356 rubles (60% of the cost of the watch). Conclusion: making watches with your own hands is profitable.

    11. Analysis of the results obtained As a result of the work, I made a clock that will hang on the wall in my room and show the time. Besides, the clock will perfectly decorate my room. I believe that I have managed to make an inexpensive, beautiful and practical product.