Okwad 2 retail. Retail trade codes. A set of okwed codes - retail trade in clothing, footwear, haberdashery

Adopted and put into effect by order Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology (Rosstandart) dated 01/31/2014 N 14-st. On this website, OKVED 2 is presented in the edition of 2016, current as of January 1, 2017.

Code 47 according to OKVED 2 - Retail trade, excluding trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles

This class includes:

Resale (sale without conversion) of new and used goods for personal or household use, or for use by shops, department stores, stalls, postal companies, door-to-door deliveries, traders, consumer cooperatives, etc. ... Retail trade is classified primarily by type trade enterprises (retail trade in universal stores - groupings with OKVED 47.1 according to OKVED 47.7, retail outside stores - groupings with OKVED 47.8 according to OKVED 47.9). Retail trade in one-stop shops includes: retail sales second-hand goods (OKVED grouping 47.79). For retail sales in department stores, a further distinction is made between retail sales in specialized stores (groupings with OKVED 47.2 according to OKVED 47.7) and retail sales in non-specialized stores (OKVED grouping 47.1). The above groupings are further subdivided according to the range of products sold. Sales not through stores of a universal range of goods are subdivided according to forms of trade, such as retail sales in stalls and markets (OKVED grouping 47.8) and other retail sales not through department stores, for example, mail-order sales, with through delivery of goods, through vending machines etc. (OKVED grouping 47.9). The assortment of goods in this grouping is limited to goods commonly referred to as consumer goods or retail goods. Therefore, goods not normally traded in retail, such as cereal grains, ores, industrial equipment, etc. not included in this grouping

Retail sale of items such as personal computers, office supplies, paints, or wood, although these products may not be suitable for personal or household use. The processing of goods traditionally used in trade does not affect the basic characteristics of goods and may include, for example, only sorting, separating, mixing and packaging them.

This class also includes:

Retail sale through commission sales agents and retail auction house activities

Code 47 according to OKVED 2 included in section “G. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles "of the classifier and is a class containing the following subclasses:
Code 47.1 OKVED 2 - Retail trade in non-specialized stores
Code 47.2 OKVED 2 - Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco products in specialized stores
Code 47.3 OKVED 2 - Retail trade in motor fuel in specialized stores

  • OKDP - invalidated 01.01.2017
    OK 004-93
    , products and services
  • OKPD 2
    OK 034-2014 (CPA 2008)
    All-Russian classifier of products by type economic activity
  • OKVED - invalidated 01.01.2017
    OK 029-2001 (NACE Rev. 1)
    All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities
  • OKVED 2
    OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2)
    All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities
  • OKOF - invalidated 01.01.2017
    OK 013-94
  • OKOF
    OK 013-2014 (SNA 2008)
    All-Russian Classifier of Fixed Assets
  • OKTMO - invalidated 01.01.2014
    OK 033-2005
    OK 033-2013
    All-Russian classifier of territories municipalities
    OK 019-95
    All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division
  • OKSO - invalidated 01.07.2017
    OK 009-2003
  • OKP - invalidated 01.01.2017
    OK 005-93
    All-Russian product classifier
  • OKSO
    OK 009-2016
    All-Russian classifier of specialties by education
  • OKUN - invalidated 01.01.2017
    OK 002-93
    All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population
    OK 028-2012
    All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms
  • OKUD
    OK 011-93
    All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation
  • TN VED
    TN VED
    Commodity nomenclature foreign economic activity
  • Okei
    OK 015-94 (MK 002-97)
    All-Russian classifier of units of measurement
  • OKZ - invalidated 01.07.2015
    OK 010-93
  • OKIN - invalidated 01.07.2015
    OK 018-95
  • OKIN
    OK 018-2014
    All-Russian classifier of information on population
  • OKZ
    OK 010-2014 (ISKZ-08)
    All-Russian classifier of occupations
    OK 006-2011
    All-Russian Classifier of State Power and Management Bodies
  • OCSM
    OK (MK (ISO 3166) 004-97) 025-2001
    All-Russian classifier of the countries of the world
  • OKFS
    OK 027-99
    All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership
  • OKW
    OK (MK (ISO 4217) 003-97) 014-2000
    All-Russian classifier of currencies
  • OKNPO - invalidated 01.07.2017
    OK 023-95
    All-Russian classifier of primary vocational education
  • OK OK
    OK 026-2002
    All-Russian classifier of information on all-Russian classifiers
  • KIES
    Classifier of institutional units by economic sector
    OK 031-2002
    All-Russian classifier of types of goods, packaging and packaging materials
    OK 032-2002
    All-Russian classifier of minerals and groundwater
  • OKONKH - invalidated 01.01.2003
    OK 1 75 018
    All-Union Classifier of National Economy Branches

OKVED 2 47 - Retail trade, except trade ...

resale (sale without conversion) of new and used goods for personal or household use, or for use by shops, department stores, stalls, postal businesses, door-to-door deliveries, merchants, consumer cooperatives, etc. ... Retail trade is classified primarily by types of trade enterprises (retail trade in general-purpose stores - groupings from 47.1 to 47.7, retail sales outside stores - groups from 47.8 to 47.9). Retail trade in stores of a general range of goods includes: retail sales of second-hand goods (grouping 47.79). For retail sales in department stores, a further distinction is made between retail sales in specialized stores (groupings 47.2 to 47.7) and retail sales in non-specialized stores (grouping 47.1). The above groupings are further subdivided by the range of products sold. Sales other than general-purpose stores are subdivided according to forms of trade, such as retail sales in stalls and markets (grouping 47.8), and other retail sales not through department stores, such as mail order, door-to-door sales, vending machines, etc. etc. (grouping 47.9). The assortment of goods in this grouping is limited to goods usually referred to as consumer goods or retail goods. Therefore, goods not normally traded in retail, such as cereal grains, ores, industrial equipment, etc. not included in this grouping
... retail sale of goods such as personal computers, office supplies, paints or wood, although these products may not be suitable for personal or household use. Traditionally used in trade, the processing of goods does not affect the main characteristics of goods and may include, for example, only sorting, separating, mixing and packaging.
... retail sale through commission sales agents and retail auction house activities

In 2019, the last amendment was made to the OKVED code. Thanks to this edition, 1 and 1.1 will be canceled this year, and the appearance of the second edition is completely different from the previous ones, which introduces some difficulties in the preparation of documentation among entrepreneurs.

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The All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities is a part of the activities of every individual enterprise, company or organization.

This classifier allows, relatively speaking, to divide companies in accordance with the direction of their services.

Such a system helps to quickly learn about the goods or services provided by the company, as well as to determine the main and additional direction and activities.

In fact, OKVED is the main source of information about the company and its legal activities. Until 2015, the first version of the classifier operated on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In 2014, the department decided to make some amendments to this question and it was moving towards a code change in 2014, however

OKVED-2 entered into force only in 2015 and is valid until now. The code assigned to the title associated with the revision number included in it. Before that, there were codes 1 and 1.1, which are valid until this time.

However, amendments to the old versions of the 2014 classifier should entail the cancellation of their functioning and the recognition of only the new version of the code, called OKVED-2. Functioning old version will be filmed this year, 2019.

General points

There are a number of basic points related to the OKVED system that you need to know:

OKVED is a system Allows the classification of the activities of companies, organizations, individual and private enterprises
The foundation for the creation of the system was the system of the European Union (hereinafter EU) Which is called "Statistical classific ation of economic activities in the EU", which is also considered a catalog of enterprises, classifying them by their type of activity
Contains 21 sections Under the name of each letter of the alphabet, respectively. Each of the sections is responsible for a separate branch of activity. Each of them also contains a different number of sequence numbers, which are responsible for the name of the group of this branch, that is, for its branch. For example, section A is called "Agriculture and forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming" and includes groups 01, 02 and 03 with the names Crop and Livestock, Forestry and Sawmills and Fishing, respectively. You can see the full table of sections and groups with the decoding of codes and names below.
Each group from the section has more than one serial number However, only basic names are presented in the main table. Each group with its serial number has a number of sub-clauses, which include the narrowing of activities and assigning a code to each subgroup, up to six-digit

What it is

The All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (hereinafter OKVED) is nothing more than one of the documents from the set of documents all-Russian classifiers technical and economic and social information.

OKVED must be assigned to each opened company, organization or individual enterprise for the full entry of their documents into legal force.

The classifier categorizes organizations according to their activities. The activity itself according to this system is divided into:

  1. The main one.
  2. Additional.

The main activity is the occupation in which the company specializes and in which it is intended to surpass other competing companies.

An example is a car dealership. Such an institution chooses as its main activity the sale of cars.

Accordingly, ancillary activity is an occupation and provision of services in which an open institution does not specialize.

For example, a car dealership does not always provide repair, washing or car insurance. Also, the salon is not obliged to sell auto parts, car parts, components and accessories.

And because one of this, its owners can choose an additional activity. Which will mean that the salon also provides the above services, however, they are not targeted at the main audience attracted for sales.

What is its role

The role of the classifier can be reduced to several points, which were the purpose of its creation and introduction of three editions:

  1. Classification of organizations, private and individual enterprises and firms of any organizational and legal form according to their type of activity.
  2. Assigning a separate code to each activity.
  3. Regulation of this activity.
  4. Observing companies.
  5. Going international.
  6. Informing higher authorities.

Normative base

It is necessary to closely monitor the compliance of the company's documentation with the current legislation.

Getting a code according to the classifier is not the most basic one to make entries into legal rights and open an organization, company or individual enterprise.

It is important to remember a few points:

Licensing There are types of activities that require licenses. In this case, even with the receipt of the classifier code and the correct execution of all documentation, the company's actions will be considered illegal. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the list of activities requiring a license and obtain them before opening an enterprise. Obtaining a code does not mean obtaining permission for an activity, but only fixing its presence
Organizational and legal form of a legal entity This definition means the name under which your company will be officially registered, since this stage is one of the most important at the time the organization enters its legal rights. The fact is that each company should be harmoniously compared with the type of its activity and official status. For example, a company of auditors will not closed society shareholders

OKVED code in retail

From the current year, versions 1 and 1.1 lose their legal force and are no longer valid in the Russian Federation. Accordingly, each company must change the code of its activities.

This does not require any special efforts, it is enough just to contact the appropriate organization and re-execute the document regarding the opening of the company and assigning it an activity code in a particular industry.

If this is not done, the company will be listed as a completely different group with a different focus, which will lead law enforcement agencies to think about illegal activities during the inspection.

Video: OKVED how much and which to choose

For example, former code retail trade - 52. And also has a number of sub-items. However, according to the second edition, in honor of which the serial number was assigned to the current classifier, this industry has code 47 and the corresponding subclauses up to 47.99.5.

OKVED of this industry allows you to regulate the activities official organizations of different scales: specialized and non-specialized stores, kiosks, stalls, stalls, as well as home sales, handing over goods personally, express delivery, delivery by mail services and so on.

Main activities

The main activities that appear in the classifier are reduced to the title of the sections, namely:

  1. Agriculture and forestry.
  2. Minerals.
  3. Processing facilities.
  4. Electrical energy, gas, steam.
  5. Water supply, environmental cleaning.
  6. Construction.
  7. Trade.
  8. Transportation and savings.
  9. Hotels and restaurants.
  10. Publishing, cinema, Internet communications, telecommunications.
  11. Finance.
  12. The property.
  13. Science and technology.
  14. Military activity.
  15. Education.
  16. The medicine.
  17. Culture.
  18. Sport.
  19. Social organizations.
  20. Farms.
  21. Extraterritorial companies.

Table with decoding

The table shows the section, group code, related to retail and subgroups by main activity in 2019.

The main areas in demand were derived against the background of statistical data on the sectors of employment of companies in the Russian Federation for 2019.

The complete list of subgroups with codes contains one hundred items. Also, the table of OKVED retail trade 2019 with decoding is provided by the official website.

Section G Wholesale and retail trade
The code Name
47 Retail trade in goods other than vehicles Category B
47.1 Retail trade in stores, without specialization in this type of activity
47.11 Food, drinks, cigarettes, low alcohol drinks (beer)
47.11.1 Frozen products
47.11.2 Fresh food, drinks, cigarettes
47.11.3 A large number of food, drinks and others food products in stores whose activities in this industry are additional
47.19 Other trade in shops without specialization (example: shops household appliances or building materials or timber, where you can buy food, mineral water, etc.)
47.19.1 Availability of grocery products in stores whose activities in this industry are additional
47.19.2 Department Stores
47.2 Trade in food products, cigarettes in specialized stores
47.21 Fruits and vegetables
47.22 Meat and offal
47.23 Fish, crayfish, seafood, canned food
47.24 Bread and everything flour products... Includes cakes and pastries to order
47.25 Drinks containing alcohol and drinks that do not contain alcohol
47.26 Cigarettes
47.29 Eggs, dairy products, oils, cereals, sugar
47.3 Non-food products, fuels, lubricants and motorcycle fluids, finishing materials
47.4 Computers, phones, laptops, personal equipment
47.5 Household chemicals, clothing, textiles
47.53 Carpets
47.59 Furniture
47.6 Books, newspapers, music, sports equipment, boats, bicycles, tents, toys for children, jewelry
47.7 Other clothing outside stores
47.72 Footwear
47.74 Medical supplies
47.78 Cosmetic and perfumery products, cameras, glasses, souvenirs, gas, weapons
47.79 Books. Second-use goods
47.8 Trade in tents, kiosks and other flowers, low-alcohol drinks
47.9 Via the Internet, at home, using mail services
47.99 Direct transfer of goods or transfer by agents

It should be noted that OKVED for retail trade in non-specialized stores in 2019, that is, OKVED for an additional type of activity uses the most in great demand among stores focused on construction Materials, household chemicals and other items not related to food.

Decoding of the OKVED code 47obtained by a hierarchical classification method with a sequential coding method:

47 - Class "Retail trade, except for trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles"

This class includes:

Resale (sale without conversion) of new and used goods for personal or household use, or for use by shops, department stores, stalls, postal companies, door-to-door deliveries, traders, consumer cooperatives, etc. ... Retail trade is classified primarily by types of trade enterprises (retail trade in general-purpose stores - groupings with OKVED 47.1 according to OKVED 47.7, retail trade outside stores - groups with OKVED 47.8 according to OKVED 47.9). Retail trade in stores of a universal assortment of goods includes: retail sales of second-hand goods (OKVED grouping 47.79). For retail sales in department stores, a further distinction is made between retail sales in specialized stores (groupings with OKVED 47.2 according to OKVED 47.7) and retail sales in non-specialized stores (OKVED grouping 47.1). The above groupings are further subdivided according to the range of products sold. Sales not through stores of a universal range of goods are subdivided according to forms of trade, such as retail sales in stalls and in markets (OKVED grouping 47.8) and other retail sales not through department stores, for example, mail order, through delivery of goods, through vending machines, etc. .d. (OKVED grouping 47.9). The assortment of goods in this grouping is limited to goods commonly referred to as consumer goods or retail goods. Therefore, goods not normally traded in retail, such as cereal grains, ores, industrial equipment, etc. not included in this grouping

Retail sale of items such as personal computers, office supplies, paints, or wood, although these products may not be suitable for personal or household use. The processing of goods traditionally used in trade does not affect the basic characteristics of goods and may include, for example, only sorting, separating, mixing and packaging them.

This class also includes:

Retail sale through commission sales agents and retail auction house activities

OKVED code 47 included in section “G. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles "of the classifier and is a class containing the following subclasses:
OKVED code 47.1 - Retail trade in non-specialized stores
OKVED code 47.2 - Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco products in specialized stores

This section includes:

Physical and / or chemical treatment of materials, substances or components with the aim of converting them into new products, although this cannot be used as a single universal criterion for determining production (see below "waste treatment")

Materials, substances or converted components are raw materials, i.e. products agriculture, forestry, fishing, rocks and minerals and products of other manufacturing industries. Significant periodic changes, updates or transformations of products are considered to be manufacturing.

Manufactured products can be ready for consumption or can be semi-finished for further processing. For example, an aluminum purification product is used as a raw material for the primary production of aluminum products, such as aluminum wire, which in turn will be used in the required structures; production of machinery and equipment for which these spare parts and accessories are intended. The production of non-specialized components and parts of machinery and equipment, such as engines, pistons, electric motors, valves, gears, bearings, is classified under the appropriate grouping of Section C Manufacturing, regardless of which machinery and equipment may include these items. However, the production of specialized components and accessories through casting / molding or stamping plastic materials includes grouping 22.2. The assembly of component parts and parts is also classified as production. This section includes the assembly of integral structures from constituent components, produced independently or purchased. Waste processing, i.e. Waste processing for the production of secondary raw materials was included in group 38.3 (recycling activities). While physical and chemical processing can occur, this is not considered part of the manufacturing process. The primary purpose of these activities is the main processing or recycling of waste, which is classified in section E (water supply; sewerage, waste collection and disposal, pollution control activities). However, the production of new finished products (as opposed to products made from recycled materials) applies to the entire production as a whole, even if waste is used in these processes. For example, the production of silver from scrap film is considered a manufacturing process. Special maintenance and repair of industrial, commercial and similar machinery and equipment in general are listed in Chapter 33 (repair and installation of machinery and equipment). However, the repair of computers and household devices is listed in grouping 95 (repair of computers, personal and household items), at the same time, car repairs are described in grouping 45 (wholesale and retail trade and repair vehicles and motorcycles). Installation of machinery and equipment as a highly specialized activity is classified in class 33.20

NOTE The boundaries of manufacturing with other sections of this classifier may not have a clear unambiguous specification. Typically, manufacturing involves recycling materials to make new products. This is usually perfect new products... However, defining what constitutes a new product can be somewhat subjective.

Recycling implies the following activities involved in production and defined in this classifier:

Processing of fresh fish (removing oysters from shells, filleting fish) not on board a fishing vessel, see 10.20;

Milk pasteurization and bottling, see 10.51;

Leather dressing, see 15.11;

Sawing and planing of wood; wood impregnation, see 16.10

Printing and related activities, see 18.1;

Retreading tires, see 22.11;

Manufacture of ready-to-use concrete mixtures, see 23.63;

Electroplating, metallization and heat treatment of metal, see 25.61

Mechanical equipment for repairs or bulkheads (e.g. car engines), see 29.10

There are also activities included in the processing process, which are reflected in other sections of the classifier, i.e. they are not classified as manufacturing.

These include:


Modification of agricultural products classified in section A;

Preparation of food for immediate consumption on premises, classified in division 56 (activities of establishments catering and bars);

Beneficiation of ores and other minerals classified in section B (MINING OF MINERAL RESOURCES);

Construction and assembly work performed on construction sitesclassified in section F (CONSTRUCTION);

The activities of breaking up large batches of goods into small groups and the secondary marketing of smaller batches, including packaging, repackaging or bottling products such as alcoholic beverages or chemicals;

Sorting solid waste;

Mixing paints according to the customer's order;

Metal cutting by customer order;

Explanations for various goodsclassified in section G (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE; REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES)