Non-state examination of projects. MCPP holds non-state examination of projects. Non-state examination has several valuable features

State and non-state examination of project documentation is a set of activities aimed at checking the project and its compliance with construction standards, standards, rules and requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Work is assigned to an authorized state authority or a company that has accredited to check engineering surveys or project.

Examination (public or private) is the key stage of ensuring the safety of structures. The purpose of this work is to determine the compliance of documentation (project, pre-project, urban planning) technical conditions and primary data of construction. Thanks to such events, it is possible to track violation of security requirements, "weak points" in the sustainability and reliability of structures, the rationality of the use of various resources.

The article will pay attention to the non-state examination, consider the peculiarities of its holding, timing, legislative Base and lay out recommendations for choosing a qualified performer in Moscow or another city.

The peculiarity of non-state examination is that its implementation is entrusted to legal entities (companies), which have accreditation for the implementation of this kind of work. The involvement of private specialists is the initiative of the construction company, the Customer's part or the subject, which under the contract with the developer is engaged in the creation of the project.

The role of the object of non-state examination is the entire project or specific sections, as well as engineering surveys. When performing work, an agreement is drawn up, the parties of which is the applicant and the expert company. The agreement is subject to civil law.

Conducting non-state examination is allowed for all facilities of caption, including for a certain stage, recovery or overhaul. The same category includes works that are subject to state examination of the Russian Federation.

As noted above, an agreement is based on the interaction of the parties. It is in it that the cost of execution of work is determined, the amount of documentation of the documentation, which requirements of the provision should correspond and so on. In the process of conducting non-state examination, the project is verified for compliance:

  • Urban planning and technical regulations.
  • The results of engineering surveys.
  • National and private standards of the company.
  • Task for design.
  • GPZU.
  • Established standards (when designing estimates).

The legislative framework

Statistical data indicate the growth of the popularity of non-state examination. This is explained by the fact that such a check is carried out in a more compressed time frame (up to 10 working days). In addition, the cost of non-state examination is lower than the state. The result of both types of inspections is recognized at the official level and allows you to obtain a permit for the construction of an object.

In the Federal Law No. 337 on amending the GRK of the Russian Federation and a number of legislative acts of the Russian Federation registered that the project documentation for the reconstruction, overhaul or construction of the building undergoes a mandatory examination. In 2012, the amendments of the law entered into force, according to which the conclusions of state or non-state examination were recognized as equal in rights. The order and form of registration of the document establishes the FAS and Housing and Civil Code.

Taking into account the new rules construction company And the Customer has the right to personally choose where to transmit engineering surveys and the project for further inspection - to the state or non-state body. It is spelled out in part 1, article 49. If the check of the estimates is carried out simultaneously with the examination of the project and engineering surveys, the work is carried out taking into account the period established in the contract between the parties.

The main nuances of independent (private expertise) are stipulated in the relevant position, which in 2008 was approved by Putin V.V. (At that time, the chairman of the Russian government).

The implementation of non-state examination is the right of companies that have accredit for such work. The admission of organizations is engaged in the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation - it is this organization that carries out verification legal entitiesPlanning to fulfill private expertise, and issues permits of such a type of activity.

According to the results of the audit, the applicant is accredited for non-state examination with regard to engineering surveys or project (separately) or the implementation of both types of work. The company has the right to carry out only those types of expertise, on the execution of which permission was obtained.

To pass accreditation, the applicant must comply with a number of requirements:

  • To receive admission to the examination of project documentation, the applicant must confirm the presence in the staff of employees with higher profile education in the sphere in which accreditation is carried out. The work experience of workers in the field of design of facilities should be from 5 years and more, as well as from 3 years in the field of the state examination of projects, in the construction control or supervision sector.
  • To get accreditation for the examination of engineering surveys, the employees of the applicant company must have a profile higher education in the field of engineering and geodesic studies. Experience in this sector from 5 years and more or experience in conducting state specialism from 3 years.

To get accreditation, the challenger company collects the required packet of papers and transmits it to authorized body. This work is performed in person or by transferring customized letter. In the packet of papers sent to obtain accreditation, it includes:

  • Application for accreditation. It is prescribed the types of private (non-state) examination, which plans to hold the applicant, as well as the deadlines for which accreditation is issued.
  • Copy of papers confirming the fact of making an organization in a single state Register Jurlitz.
  • Constituent paper companies (copies).
  • Documents confirming the availability of specialized education or experience in employees (enough copy).


The period for conducting the verification and transfer of the conclusion of the applicant's compliance with the current requirements are provided for in the regulations of the expert company. As a rule, the document contains a reference that the period of examination is determined individually, taking into account the terms of the agreement between the customer and the expert company.

The regulation establishes a general period that can be reduced when the contract is issued. As a rule, the term expert assessment For residential facilities is 45 days, and by non-residential - 3 months.

How not to make a mistake in choosing an expert?

The main complexity for customers is the choice of a non-state company, which would comply with the requirements and had appropriate accreditation. It is important that the organization checks the project for compliance with technical regulations, estimated standards, standards of companies and states, task for design and other applicable standards.

The result issued by an accredited non-governmental body is of the same force, and can be applied to further execute permission to build an object. At the same time, the Customer has the right to personally make a decision to contact the state body or private structure.

A qualified company offers:

  • Help in creating the results of engineering surveys and the preparation of the project to pass the private examination. Work is performed in relation to structures, for projects of which is required to conduct an expert assessment.
  • Directly expert project and estimate documentation.

At the request of the customer, the company that conducts non-state examination can verify the documents (estimates and projects). The main requirements that are presented to the Contractor should include:

  • Experience and reliability of work.
  • Individual approach to the provision of services.
  • Consultations of experts on issues of interest.
  • Audit of each of the project sections.
  • Accompanying when conducting state tenders (If there is a need for).
  • Providing a personal manager who will lead the project (some companies offer such a service).
  • High speed project examination.
  • The presence of a calculator that allows you to calculate the cost of services.

Non-state examination worse than government?

Many have developed a stereotype that the examination, which is carried out by the non-state (private) organization, worse than the audit conducted by the state body. This is an erroneous opinion. It was noted above that the results of such checks are identical. In addition, an independent examination, which is conducted by a private company, has a number of advantages:

  • The ability to independently choose the organization, which, according to the customer, corresponds to the declared criteria and performs the necessary scope of work.
  • Obtaining quality expert assessment services.
  • The lack of differences in legal strength between the conclusion issued by the state and non-state company. The results of the inspections can be applied to the same extent to carry out further work, including obtaining permission to implement construction work. In some cases, it is allowed to conduct a private authority without an examination of the state company.
  • High check speed (faster than this work is performed state bodies). The deadlines for performing checks are negotiated in the contract concluded between the parties.

The cost of verification of the draft government agencies is established taking into account the current tariffs (determined by the state). Private organizations in their activities adhere to established tariffs, but to attract customers, they often reduce rates and make cooperation more profitable. The development of this sector and the emergence of private institutions for conducting expertise allows you to speed up and simplify the process of performing work without prejudice to the security of buildings. As a result, the customer saves two main parameters - time and money.


According to the legislation of the expertise, which was carried out by a private or state body, has the same force. The resulting conclusion can be applied to perform further work, including obtaining a construction permit. But it is worth remembering that there are situations in legislation when not to do without state expertise. This is relevant even for those cases when a private institution has given a positive assessment.

Among all expert events held by our expert organization, the non-state examination of projects enjoys special demand. As your object, such a study may consider not only a complete package of project documentation, but also separate sections of a particular document.

Often, non-state examination of projects is carried out in order to competently prepare all required documents Before their transfer by the State Specialist, the timely conduct of this procedure makes it possible to find out how appropriate and objective are technological and design solutions that were adopted in the process of developing project documentation.

Non-state examination of projects also allows you to assess the importance of certain provisions of the document for the total cost of building events. In other words, this procedure makes it possible:

  • promptly make competent edits into project documentation;
  • optimize the individual stages of building events;
  • achieve high Quality Construction.

The customer is free to send project documentation both on state and non-state examination. Some exceptions, however, are available, therefore it is recommended to pre-consult with our specialist.

As part of this material, we will consider the following questions:

  1. What events involves non-state examination of projects?
  2. What documents and information The Customer will have to provide if it needed a non-state examination of projects?

The recommended period for the implementation of non-state expert activities is equal to sixty working days. At the request of the applicant, this value can be shifted to a smaller or most side, if there is an opportunity

Non-state examination of projects. Content

Specialists engaged in this procedure work in several priority areas. According to the results of the events, they should:

  • evaluate the activities of the design organizations and specialists in terms of compliance with construction standards and regulations, legislative acts and other requirements, the implementation of which is the mandatory aspect of construction;
  • evaluate the work carried out by the design companies and specialists, for compliance with the provisions of prisoners, agreements;
  • evaluate technological and constructive solutions adopted by a specialist in the process of developing project documentation, for expediency and validity.

In other words, non-state examination of projects is such a procedure that allows you to compare already designated design solutions with a list of those activities, without the implementation of which will be impossible to high-quality construction work on the construction of a new real estate object.

Many consumers final goal This study is seen to exclude any problems in the delivery or construction of the reception commission at the final stage of construction in fact, the non-state examination of projects first is focused on ensuring such a level of quality of the built structure so that the tenants in its territory could live in comfort to decades and security. In general, this option with a version of the consumer does not conflict, so stop at this moment there is no need.

After the non-state examination of projects has been completed, the specialist must prepare:

  • expert conclusion;
  • recommendations regarding applied to the considered project documentation.

An expert opinion is a document that includes the final verdict of an expert on the conformity of project documentation (and its individual provisions) of current regulations and regulations, legislative acts. Expert conclusions describe all activities carried out by a specialist, their results are recorded, the processing process of information received is recorded. Each conclusion denoted by the expert in the final report is necessarily confirmed by reference to the corresponding regulatory act.

An expert opinion is an official document, on the provisions of which one can be based on the adoption of certain solutions in construction. It is also suitable for permission controversial situations different character as in pretty orderand as part of the trial

Non-state examination of projects. What needs to be provided?

If or technical customer He came to the conclusion that the planned or implemented construction requires non-state examination of projects, it will have to provide the following documents:

  1. Application for expert activities.
  2. Data that allows you to identify performers involved in the preparation and development of project documentation.
  3. Documents concerning the construction facility, which took the non-state examination of projects.
  4. The document certifies the identity of the applicant.
  5. Project documentation, the consideration of which is meant within the framework of the procedure ordered.
  6. Design assignment.
  7. Task for engineering and expressive events.
  8. Results of engineering and expressive events.
  9. Documents confirming the admission of a specialist engaged in the development of project documentation to implement this kind of activity.

For most documents, the original is not required. In particular, all tasks (for designing, on conducting engineering and expressive measures) can be provided in the form of a copy. Learn more about what kind of documentation should be presented in the original form, the client will be able to learn as part of a free prior consultation with our specialist.

In those situations where non-state examination of projects is initiated by a person who is not technical customer or developerThe conclusion of the contract will be impossible without providing additional information in particular, the applicant will have to provide a document that confirms its right to act on behalf of the marked persons.

What advantages has non-state examination of projects?

First, the timing. State bodies do not have direct interest in fulfilling their work in the shortest possible time. In addition, their interaction with citizens is often very complicated by numerous bureaucratic mechanisms, a variety of fiber.

Specialists of our expert organization are exempt from such problems, so they always perform their work on time. The deadlines for which the non-state examination of projects will be conducted personally are negotiated with the customer at the conclusion of the contract.

As noted at the very beginning of the article, the recommended period for the implementation of non-state expert activities is equal to sixty working days, which will be required by a specialist for examination, directly depends on the complexity of the object under consideration and can significantly differ from one case to another.

In cases where the customer is fundamentally urgency, the period of examination can be reduced relative to the recommended value, provided that the complexity and volume of the upcoming work allows such an option.

Secondly, . The fact is that the price to which the customer will cost the non-state examination of projects, can be established and outside the provisions of the Resolution No. 145, which are based on government experts. In our expert organization, the cost of the service is formed by:

  • volumes of upcoming work;
  • the complexity of the necessary events;
  • specifications of a particular object.

For this reason, we can always call an honest and fair price, reach a compromise with our client.

Thirdly, quality. This clause does not mean that state experts are carried out poorly, but the next fact is indisputable: state organizations It does not have direct interest in establishing a very high bar if a private organization plans to gain a foothold on the market, it is obliged to do everything and always to do in its best way, since only in this way it is possible to withstand the highly abstant last years Competition.

Therefore, non-state examination of projects is carried out by our experts on the highest level Quality: We are always welcome with a constant customer and are focused on long-term and productive cooperation, and not to receive short-term profits.

Certificate of accreditation for the right to carry out non-state examination of project documentation and expertise of engineering surveys No. dated 05/16/2017

Design and estimate documentation - a set of documents disclosing the essence of the project and containing the rationale for its feasibility and realizability; Documentation containing text and graphic materials and defining architectural, functional technological, constructive and engineering solutions to ensure construction, reconstruction and / or technical re-equipment of objects capital construction and engineering communications.

Non-state examination of design and estimate documentation is a set of measures to assess the compliance of project documentation. Requirements technical regulations (construction standards and rules, state standards, urban standards, etc.), including sanitary and epidemiological, environmental requirements, requirements fire safety, as well as the results of engineering surveys, and an assessment of the compliance of the results of engineering research requirements of technical regulations.

Also examination of the project is an important stage to ensure the safety of the future of the object. Examination allows for project documentation operational safety, constructive reliability and stability of the created buildings and structures, high quality architectural and design solutions, rational use of building materials, material, financial and energy resources.

The preparation of project documentation should be paid careful attention, and the development of project documentation should be implemented strictly with the requirements of regulatory documentation, because mistakes made and not identified at the project stage can lead to a minimum of financial costs and as a maximum of human victims. Statistics show that more than a quarter of the accidents occurring in modern construction occurs precisely because of the incorrect settlements of the designers. The accident can occur both after completing construction and after a certain period of time. In any case, such an object becomes potentially dangerous. To prevent this and serves as an examination of the project.

Composition and content of project documentation

The city-planning code of the Russian Federation establishes the obligation to develop project and estimate documentation for the planned construction, reconstruction, overhaul (If the repair and bearing elements, as well as the surround characteristics and safety of the building) of the objects of commercial and industrial real estate, are changed, within the boundaries of the land plot, on which property rights of the investor or developer are properly executed.

The design of design and estimate documentation includes a text part and graphic part. Completeness and content of project documentation is established Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87. "On the composition of the sections of the project documentation and the requirements for their content".

Project documentation contains all the information necessary for the construction of a future facility (main mechanisms and tools, construction Materials, the number of necessary workers, etc.), and also displays the future architectural and technical appearance of the building on paper. The reliability and strength of the future construction facility, the term of its normal operation, the proper functioning and operation of building structures, engineering systems and communications depend on the level of project documentation.

Text design materials should contain information about the construction object, a list of accepted engineering and technical solutions, an explanatory note, references to regulatory and technical documents regulating the preparation of project documentation, as well as project settlements that substantiate decisions made. The graphic part contains drawings, which displays adopted design and technical solutions in the form of schemes, plans and other documents in graphical form.

Graphic material (drawings) reflects architectural and planning, structurally layton and technological solutions. The calculated explanatory note contains information substantiating technical opportunity Construction, reliability and safety of work in specific conditions. The estimated-economic part determines the cost of construction, justifies the expediency of the costs of financial, logistical and labor resources.

Examination of project documentation is necessary:

  • to determine the compliance of project documentation technical task, Russian legislation, technical regulations, construction standards and rules, state standards, etc.;
  • to optimize the future building production and planning of competent resources;
  • to verify the need and appropriateness of additional design workwho were not taken into account in the initial version of the project.

Based on the Town Planning Code Russian Federation Project documentation of capital construction facilities and the results of engineering surveys committed to prepare such project documentation are subject to mandatory examination. Examination of project documentation and (or) examination of engineering research results are carried out in the form of state expertise or non-state examination. Changes and amendments made in Town Planning Code Earlier Federal Law of 28.11.2011 №337-FZ. "On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation" Amended on April 1, 2012. The amendments actually established legal and legal "equality" between the expert conclusions of the state and non-state examination of project documentation, therefore the developer or technical customer on his choice is entitled to send project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys for state expertise or Non-state examination.

A positive opinion on the results of the implementation of the non-state examination of project documentation is necessary to obtain permission to build a capital construction facility in local governments.

Also, a positive conclusion of an independent expert on individual sections of project documentation can be used to submit to the judicial authority as defending and evidence of its position. Experts conducted by expertise are not interested parties, they are not dependent in their project research, therefore, an independent examination of project documentation is a fair nature. Experts in accordance with Article 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are warned by a receipt that the cottage in the expert conclusion of obviously false information is prosecuted by law.

The Center for Construction Expertise of PGS offers you the following services:

  1. Free consultation before the examination of the project documentation;
  2. Independent examination of the project without issuing a conclusion in the form of research, analysis and oral recommendations;
  3. Non-state examination of project documentation and engineering results with the issuance of an expert;
  4. Forensic examination of project documentation and engineering results. In this case, the examination is appointed by the court definition, and the conclusion of a readiness expert is transmitted directly to the court, where you can get acquainted with it. Before holding a forensic examination, you can contact our expert institution and receive an information letter for the court on the possibility of examination, indicating the cost and timing of the examination.

What do you get as a result of the examination of project documentation?

  1. Consultation of a qualified expert before examination and further actions after it;
  2. Conclusion According to the results of the examination.

What is the difference between state expertise from non-state?

In accordance with russian legislation An expert organization conducting an independent expertise of project documentation is a full participant in the relations carried out in the legal field. Experts have the right to give testimony and explain the conclusions of their conclusion in court as a witness expert.

Compared with the state construction expertise, the advantage of non-state in the fact that the period of examination is less, and the cost is lower. However, in accordance with the new requirements of the Town Planning Code, the period of the project's examination is limited by two months. Our experts have tremendous experience in conducting such expertise and evaluating project documentation, we are always happy to assist you in solving issues related to the construction expertise.

The result of the examination of the project documentation is the conclusion of compliance (positive conclusion) or inconsistency (negative conclusion) of project documentation with the requirements of technical regulations and the results of engineering surveys, requirements for the content of project documentation sections provided for in accordance with Part 13 of Article 48 of this Code, as well as on The results of engineering research requirements of technical regulations (in case the results of engineering surveys were aimed at examination simultaneously with project documentation). If the results of engineering surveys were aimed at expertise to the direction of project documentation for examination, the result of the examination is the conclusion of compliance (positive conclusion) or inconsistency (negative conclusion) of engineering research results of technical regulations.

For the examination of the project documentation, our experts will be needed:

  • project documentation for the object in full;
  • task for designing an object;
  • report on the results of engineering surveys on the construction site;
  • tasks for conducting and performing engineering surveys;
  • the document that allows the applicant an examination to act on behalf of the investor, developer, technical customer.

How much is the non-state examination of project documentation?

IN state institutions The cost of the examination is determined by the Unified method of determining the cost of expert assessment of the project (see: Part VIII Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2007 N 145 "On the procedure for organizing and conducting a state examination of project documentation and engineering research results").

When calculating the value in our company, we act on the same method as in government agencies, and the final cost is multiplied by the ratio of 0.6-0.7, depending on the complexity of the project. This reduction allows the Customer to significantly save its funds allocated for examination.

Contact us, send requests for expertise, our experts in a short time are ready to consider your application and fulfill the cost of work, thereby making our financial relationships transparent.

Interregional Project Examination Center (MCPE LLC LLC) invites to cooperate on non-state examination of project documentation and engineering surveys.

The purpose of the examination:
Assessment of the compliance of project documentation and engineering results of the requirements of technical regulations and regulatory documents.

MTSEP LLC has the staff of highly qualified professionals in this field and all the necessary conditions To solve professional tasks in the examination of project documentation and (or) engineering surveys. Guarantees a professional approach to business, competence, responsibility for the whole life cycle Buildings and structures.

What is non-state project expertise

Examination of project documentation and engineering survey results is a prerequisite for all objects designed by state order, that is, at the expense of the municipal, regional and federal budgets.

Investment projects are examined at the request of the customer, on a fee basis. Until recently, there were two expertise - state and non-state, while private investors and developers were resorted to the services of non-state-based services, and conscientiously related to projects and having a serious reputation in the market. Smaller companies, as a rule, did not spend funds for examinations.

The use of not confirmed by the expertise of the design and results of engineering surveys has led to serious problems in the construction industry: the soil collars, the cracks of building structures, household collaps and other. In this connection already on state level It became more common to raise the question of the need to recognize the results of non-state examination, along with state and oblige to conduct an examination of each project.

The introduced into force from 1.04.2012 No. 337-FZ "On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and the individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation, in fact, in the rights of state and non-state expert organizations, which specialize in conducting project documentation expertise.

Examination of projects will unite united in the SRO

With the advent of non-state expert Organizations There was a healthy competition. Thanks to this, customers have gained more opportunities for choosing this type of service.

In 2017, on behalf of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, D.N. Kozakov, the professional community represented by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communist Party and the National Association of Expursors and Designers, together with Rostechnadzor, began work on the preparation of the project Federal Lawintroducing changes to the regulation of the service market for non-state examination.

The draft law provides that specialized legal entities engaged in self-regulatory organizations will be engaged in non-state expertise.
Thus, non-state examination will conduct legal companiesincluded in the composition, and the activities of the corresponding SRO are monitored by the National Buress and Rostechnadzor. The results of the examination are recognized at all levels, and experts will be added to the National Register of Specialists.

Tasks of non-state examination

The city-planning code of the Russian Federation establishes that non-state examination of projects and engineering results allows us to estimate the degree of compliance of the project:
state, internal and internal corporate standards;
previously established regulatory requirements for the development of a project that do not contradict current legislation;
existing town-planning documentation that regulates relations in territorial planning, urban planning zoning, design, construction and reconstruction of capital facilities;
urban planning plans of land plots isolated under;
fire, sanitary, industrial and operational safety standards;
Technical task;
estimated standards.

LLC MTSEP provides services

professional experts on the non-state expert assessment of project documentation and the results of engineering surveys at favorable rates.
The exception is the examination of projects, according to the specified objects of Article 6, paragraph 5.1 of the Town Planning Code:
construction objects that are financed from federal budget;
car roads general purpose, whose overhaul is paid or planned for payment from the budget of the Russian Federation
objects of cultural heritage and local importance and the results of engineering surveys made for such objects;
Objects, construction or reconstruction of which are planned to be carried out on environmental territories;
Objects related to disposal and disposal of waste I-V classes Danger.

The project documentation includes various documents relating to plans for buildings and engineering survey results. All of them are used when the project documentation is being examined. The check is carried out in order to determine the compliance of the documents collected with the norms existing in the legislation. Examination of project documentation of construction can be both private and state. The examination of project documentation allows you to identify possible deviations from the accepted construction norms.

Who can make an examination?

The passage of the project documentation examination is possible only with the participation of legal entities that were accredited to conduct similar activities. However, for those types of documentation that are no exception, test is available only in state form. The conclusion of the examination of project documentation contains information that allows for sustainability, safety and reliability of objects.

What makes it possible to identify project expertise?

This study makes it possible to respond to several important issues:

  • How rationally, building materials were used.
  • How correctly questions of architectural nature were delivered.
  • How effectively water and other natural resources were spent.

Benefits of non-state project expertise

Currently, many people enjoy such a service as an examination of project documentation. Terms of implementation of the study are not very high, which allows you to quickly get results. Project documentation expertise objects may be different. Therefore, it is quite simple to order a check of a specific object.

Non-state examination has several valuable features:

  • Short time. It is carried out much faster than the state examination, which can engage in several months.
  • Available cost.
  • Equity of state and non-state examination from the point of view of the law. Therefore, after a qualitative check, the re-examination of the project documentation will not be required.

A request for the implementation of expertise can be filed both in government agencies and in a private company that has passed accreditation. It is possible, its holding simultaneously with other studies, such as checking estimates. However, in this case, the duration of the examination can be significantly increased.

Some buildings do not need to check the project documentation. They must have such features as:

  • Have less than three floors and are away from residential complexes.
  • Multi-storey buildings consisting of a variety of apartments divided into residential sections. Used in the industrial industry.
  • Located far from residential complexes, have no more than two floors, apply in industry. Area no more than 1550 sq.m.

Order Examination of project documentation in Moscow

Contact our company if you need to conduct a qualitative examination of project documentation. Thanks to many years of experience in researching various levels of complexity, our employees are able to verify the documentation for optimal terms. The cost of examination is low, which makes it available to many people. Since our employees can check the most different objects, their services can take advantage of a wide range of persons.