Distance Engineer. Beyond normal possibilities. Who is a railway engineer

Since the reduced length of the path distance is known taking into account the fact that the total reduced length of the neighborhood should be about 30-35 km, we determine the number of neighborhoods

Reduced circumference length

This length is the approximate length of the perch.

Since the length of the neighborhoods No. 6,7,8 and 14 do not correspond to the approximate length of the neighborhood, a decision is made to change the schedule of administrative division. Another 13 km of the track and the separate point of Britsalovichi, previously belonging to the area of \u200b\u200bnumber 5. The remaining 13 km of the route, the separate point of Elizovo and the area of \u200b\u200bnumber 6, are merged into one area. Let us attach the section No. 14 to the section No. 3. That will allow to more evenly distribute the reduced length over the linear subdivisions. And accordingly, the reorganization of the administrative division schedule will allow for more correct control of the overall track distance. The scheme for changing the schedule of administrative division is shown in Figure 2.3.

2 . 3 Track distance staff

The number of employees of the track distance is established depending on the amount of work and the possibility of ensuring the high-quality condition of the track, track devices, structures on a specific site by a team or a group of workers.

Depending on the scope of work and the degree of complexity of the maintenance of the sites, standards are established for the number of middle managers - site managers, road and bridge foremen, foremen for the operation of machines and mechanisms, as well as other workers.

Depending on the group of the track distance, the staffing of the management personnel, engineering and technical workers and employees is also established.

The staff of the management and engineering staff is shown in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 - Management staff and engineers


Course guide

Track distance chief

Chief engineer of the distance

Deputy head of distance


Production and technical staff for planning and


Senior engineer

Occupational safety engineer


Procurement technician

The staff of the personnel department is 3 people. The staff of workers for the repair and maintenance of machines, mechanisms and equipment: chief mechanic, mechanical engineer, head of remote workshops - one person per distance. Machine maintenance staff - according to the standards for each track machine. Workers for work rationing and wages: an engineer for the organization and work rationing - one per distance. The chiefs of the section and the foremen for the current maintenance are appointed depending on the number of departments.

Track distance standards:

- section chief - 3;

- road master on the current track maintenance - 14;

- bridge master - 1;

- Master in the operation and repair of machines and mechanisms - 1;

- work manager - 1;

- Master for the repair and maintenance of buildings - 1;

- master of major, medium, lifting repairs - 1;

- master of materials assembly - 1.

2.4 Drawing up a diagram organizational structure

path distances

The organizational chart shows the relationship in the management of a manufacturing enterprise from top to bottom. She also indicates a clear purpose of all departments and services and the distribution of responsibilities for their leadership.

This organizational chart allows you to quickly and conveniently set organizational tasks, as well as monitor the implementation of these orders.

The organizational chart of the track distance is shown in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4 Organizational chart of path distance

2.5 Classification of tracks according to the new track management system

The main goal of the classification of railway tracks is to achieve the highest efficiency in the use of expensive materials for the superstructure of the track, laying new ones only on the tracks of the higher classes, and old-year ones on the tracks of the lower classes.

This achieves a reliable state of the most important and critical sections of railway lines, increases the safety of train traffic, more effectively uses the material potential of the track superstructure and increases the service life of its elements.

Railway tracks are classified in accordance with Table 2.3, depending on the combination of traffic density and permissible speeds for passenger and freight trains.

Table 2.3 - Path Classes

Path group

Freight intensity,

mln tkm butto / km per year

Allowable train speeds, km / h

(numerator - passenger, denominator - cargo)

40 and lessmain and receiving and dispatch routes

Station, driveway and other ways

Main path classes

In terms of traffic density, all tracks are divided into 5 groups, designated by large letters from B to E, and by permissible speeds, into 6 categories, designated by numbers from 1 to 6. Classes, which are a combination of groups and categories of tracks, are designated by numbers from 1 to 5. Higher classes include 1 st and 2 nd, including higher speeds and load intensity.

performs work in the field of information services for the organization of production, labor and management. Develops regulatory documents, technical documentation for the scope of his duties. The car is accompanied by a track measuring device (working, control). Prepares an order for checking unsatisfactory kilometers. Prepares technical documentation for the passage of the track measuring car. Supervises the aisles of track measuring cars. Prepares the database. Works with PCD. Monitors the elimination of unsatisfactory kilometers. Collects acts to eliminate repetitions of 3 and 4 degrees. Calculates the speeds for the tracks and stations. Calculates the score for the coming year. Conducts daily analysis of grade 3 and 4 faults. Participates in the implementation of new methods for studying the state of the track. Draws up work schedules, orders, applications, instructions, explanatory notes, diagrams and other technical documentation, as well as established reporting according to approved forms and on time. Calculates and generates an elevation order. Develops measures to eliminate the inconsistency of the RSP adjustment in the plan with the level and to bring the elevation in accordance with the real speeds. Provides practical assistance to PD and PDB in the preparation of technical documentation during the reporting period. Develops measures to bring the curves to the calculated parameters. Carries out an examination of technical documentation, monitors compliance with applicable rules, regulations and standards. Participates in technical training with PD, PDB, track fitters. Considers the reasons for delays in passenger and freight trains with the preparation of protocols and orders, analyzes the operation of track measuring carts. Keeps records of the issue of PU-28, PU-29 tracks to road foremen and foremen.

track attendant

Carries out work on the implementation of the daily plan for the distance of the path, with the ability to navigate in the current situation and making the right decision.

Carries out the accounting of operational and technical information: about active warnings; on the performance of work by teams for the current maintenance and repair of the track and ISSO; on the course of the autumn, spring, regular commission inspections of the railway track and structures; on the work of track machines and mechanisms, JCSS, control over their location, departure to the work site and their return; on the operation of flaw detection equipment, controls the implementation of work on the replacement of detected ODR; monitors the operation of track circuits.

Gives the necessary information to road foremen about the location of the nearest PKZ rack (within the neighborhood or neighboring neighborhoods), where the rails are located, which are suitable in their parameters for changing the SDR.

Draws up applications: for the issuance of warnings, for the provision of technological "windows" at the request of road foremen; for the allocation of locomotives for utility trains and for the operation of track equipment.

Transmits, PDS PD PDB to ISSO masters and heads of other divisions, orders of the PCh and his deputies.

Controls the movement of track survey stations, track measuring and flaw detection cars. Immediately notifies the employees involved in order to take measures to eliminate the identified malfunctions. Informs the management of the course about the progress of work on troubleshooting.

The dispatcher monitors the arrival of material assets at the distance by rail. Reports on the performance of work to the management of the distance. Transfers operational and technical information to higher organizations. Analyzes and draws up a report on the work of the distance of the path per shift and transfers it in the prescribed manner to the head of the distance and to higher authorities.

Distance Technologist

The distance technologist is in charge of the administration of invention and rationalization. Organizes work on rationalization and introduction of innovations, assists innovators in drawing up drawings and in the manufacture of prototypes. Calculates track content in plan and profile. Carries out surveys of track sections and stations. Participates in the development annual plans for rebuilding and repairing the track, checking the longitudinal profile of the track. Fills in passports for isolated joints, keeps track of failures in the operation of track circuits, and analyzes them. Fills in acts of acceptance and commissioning of kilometers (PU-48). Draws up measures for PTE, the safety of the car fleet. Draws up technological processes.

Prepares the necessary material for drawing up the technical passport of the distance. It calculates the norms of the kilometer stock, keeps records of the missed tonnage and identifies kilometers with overdue average, overhaul repairs. Monitors and reliably accounts for the reuse of track superstructure materials.

Draws up orders for tools, spare parts, materials, special. clothing, based on demand requests and calculations. Draws up technical passports for station and access roads. Takes part in commission inspections of the track, photographs of working hours with departure to the section. Participates in labor protection measures.

Work in the KASANT program, SUIK, participates in the inventory of fixed assets and prepares reporting and accounting forms. When performing work related to the reorganization of stations, he makes appropriate changes to the station diagrams.

Path distance engineer

The distance engineer fills out the approved forms for drawing up the technical passport of the distance (statements, drawings, diagrams, etc.) Keeps records of defective rails, crosspieces, turnouts. Is the need for turnouts on next year, calculates the need for rails. Prepares data for compiling the inspection frequency of rails and turnouts. Report for the year to the changed elements of the turnouts. Leads books PU-2a on distance. Participates in the commission inspection of VSP elements, subgrade, ISSO, track arrangements and checks the compliance of line workers with the rules for the production of work and fencing of work. Draws up schedules for straightening tracks, applications for materials, performs verbatim and drawing works. It takes into account the VSP material received and laid on the way, keeps track of the presence of defective rails on the way during repair and track work carried out by neighborhoods, workshops and contractors. Collects and processes material and technical report data. Draws up per-kilometer rails exit schedules, accounting and reporting on removed defective rails, in accordance with established forms. Participates in the analysis of the state of the track facilities and the development of measures for the mechanization of work. Reports PO-1, PO-4. controls the quality and completeness of reporting documents when reporting road foremen. Supervises the work of technicians in the area. Fills in the electronic technical passport of the track distance Keeps records of the change of crosspieces, surfacing of rails and crosspieces, change and the presence of defective rails by kilometers. Planning to surfacing defective rails. Works with notifications on rails. Participates in technical training with PDB, track fitters. Performs work on measuring side wear, measuring butt gaps, staking out elevations and points of curves, updates inscriptions on rails.

Site technician

The site technician measures and checks the joint gaps, draws up a statement and a schedule for the accumulation and dispersion of gaps. Checks ordinates of conversion curves, turnouts. Carries out instrumental survey of repaired tracks and drainage structures with processing of field material. Measures boom deflection and calculates curves. Provides primary information for keeping a book of records of materials of the superstructure of the track, keeps records of sleepers lying on the way, participates in the preparation of statements on them. Takes into account the rails lying in the track (defective, severely defective) Keeps track of the rails at PKZ. Draws up a list of the availability and needs of track and signal signs. Draws up lists of accounting for the suitability of firecrackers, draws up statements of abysses on the main routes Submits reporting documentation to the distance. Updates the marking of the ordinates of turnouts and points of curves on the site polygon in the spring - summer period. Prepares data for wizard reporting. Participates in general comprehensive inspections of the condition of the track and artificial structures. Performs measurements of rail wear during autumn and spring inspections. Takes part in planning the work of the teams for the current maintenance of the track. Participates in the implementation of measures to comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation. It controls the constant presence of MSPP on the neighborhoods, marking of rails, staking out elevation and points of curves. Enters daily work into the workstation program - the duty officer. Works in electronic program ACS - P (replacement and presence of defective rails). Gives data for keeping a book on a continuous path. Performs a monthly control measurement of the lash movements on the continuous track, enters the data into the AC program of the continuous track. Works with magazines PU-2, PU-2A, PU-27, PU-5, fills in the sheets PU-4, prepares the PO-6 report.

Safety engineer

Carries out control over the observance of legislation, norms and rules of labor protection in the distance. Develops the "Agreement on health improvement measures for labor protection" between the head of the enterprise and the trade union organization, participates in monitoring the progress of its implementation.

Takes part in the work of the commission for checking the knowledge of executives, specialists, employees, workers. Checks and takes measures to eliminate shortcomings in the provision of workers with special clothing, special footwear, and personal protective equipment in accordance with the issuance standards.

Supervises the provision of benefits and compensations for working conditions to employees based on job specifications. Supervises the implementation of measures to prevent industrial injuries.

Participates in the development of instructions for labor protection, in the equipment of offices and corners for safety. Provides in the distance the preparation of applications for reference books, posters, photo exhibitions, magazines on labor safety.

Analyzes industrial injuries, occupational diseases and participates in the development of measures to prevent them. Supervises the established procedure for investigating and recording industrial accidents and compensation for damage related to work injury.

Prepares reports on labor protection in a timely manner. Prepares documents based on the results of analyzes of traumatic cases and violations of safety rules. Checks the regularity and quality of the first and second stages of control, organizes and participates in the third stage of control. Controls the correctness of execution of the section "Notes on the passage of instructions on safety measures, fire safety minimum" form t-1 of orders for employment.

Supervises compliance with legislation regarding the use of labor for women and adolescents. Prepares information about work experience in labor protection. Conducts introductory briefings to employees of the enterprise. Participates in the conduct and organization of reviews, competitions, seminars and schools on labor protection. Takes part in commission inspections of the track with departure to the section. As well as the organization and implementation of other responsibilities at a distance to ensure safe environment and labor protection.

Work as planned - economic department the distance of the path.


Carries out a comparative analysis of the production and financial activities of the path distance. Prepares the initial data for drawing up plans for the production activities of the distance. Develops measures to save costs, increase production efficiency. Determines the economic efficiency of the work performed.

Participates in and organizes the work of the economic commission, performs work with unregulated calculations. Collects scientific and technical information for the planned work of the enterprise.

Systematizes and summarizes statistical materials on distance work. Prepares explanatory notes for annual and quarterly reports. Provides information on the results of work to distance workers.

Takes part in the review of the developed plans. Gives advice on the scope of his duties. Takes part in technical studies, with a trip to the haul, for sudden checks, photographs of the use of working hours.

Studies and uses the techniques of economic work.

Develops and controls staffing tables. He makes reports on the scope of his duties. Gives provisions for finding reserves for the growth of labor productivity, and reducing production costs. Makes calculations for the products produced by the distance. Participates in work with financial auditors, the subsequent report on the elimination of comments.

Engineer for the organization and regulation of labor

develops and implements technically sound norms of labor costs based on the use of industry standards for labor for various types of work. Sets the time (production) rates for one-time and additional work associated with deviations from the technological process. He studies the degree and reasons for the discrepancy between the actual time spent and the standards, participates in the preparation of proposals that ensure the fulfillment of production standards, instructs workers in production areas on the development of technically grounded standards.

Studying the organization of work of all categories of employees of the enterprise. Develops recommendations for improving the organization of labor and production management. Organizes photo-timing observations, processing and analysis of the data obtained. Analyzes the loss of working time, determines the reserves for the growth of labor productivity. Studying and implementing the best practices in the organization and regulation of labor, timely identifies and eliminates outdated norms.

Monitors the correct application of tariff rates, official salaries, surcharges, allowances, forms and systems of remuneration, Participates in the work of the commission for assigning ranks to workers, certification of distance specialists. Develops draft regulations on bonuses for employees of the enterprise.

Timely acquaints engineering, technical and other employees of the enterprise with changes in the regulation, organization and remuneration of labor, regulations on bonuses, as well as other issues in the range of his duties. Conducts explanatory work among workers on the organization of labor and wages. Participates in technical training, in carrying out sudden checks with a trip to the track. Monitors compliance with labor laws. Participates in the development of a collective agreement and monitors its implementation. Organizes the calculation of the main production workers according to regulatory documents... Work with the R-3 program, workstation wages, summary reporting (UTO-1), workstation of a duty officer, calculation of track fitters.

HR department work.

Deputy head of distance

(by frames and social issues) leads the work on providing the enterprise with personnel of workers, specialists and managers of the required professions and specialties in accordance with the current legislation. Organizes the work of the entrusted department, ensures that they meet the established indicators.

Provides reception, placement of young professionals in accordance with the professions and specialties received in the educational institution. Together with the heads of departments and public organizations carries out their training and educational work.

Systematically studies business qualities, other individual characteristics of the enterprise's specialists in order to select personnel for filling positions included in the nomenclature of the head of the enterprise. Takes part in the work of the certification commission.

Organizes the timely registration of admission, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with Labor Code RF, regulations, instructions and orders of the head of the enterprise. Supervises the accounting of personnel, the issuance of certificates of current and past labor activities, storage and filling work books, maintaining the established personnel documentation. Prepares materials for providing employees with incentives and awards. Carries out control over the passage of medical examinations by distance workers.

Studies and summarizes work with personnel, analyzes the reasons for turnover, absenteeism, and other violations of labor discipline. Draws up the established reporting on the scope of his duties.

HR Specialist

monitors the timely execution of orders, orders and instructions of the deputy head of the distance on personnel and social issues and the head of the distance. Keeps records of the personnel of the distance, its units and the established documentation for personnel. Executes acceptance, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with the labor code, orders, regulations and instructions.

When applying for a job, he acquaints with the provisions on discipline in railway transport and on working hours of work and rest, keeps records and issues service certificates. Directs for instruction on safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Forms and manages the personal files of employees, makes changes in them related to work. Participates in the development of long-term and annual plans for labor and personnel. Prepares the necessary materials for the qualification and certification commission and the presentation of workers and employees for incentives and awards.

Fills in, records and stores work books, calculates the length of service. Issues certificates about the present and past work activities of employees for submission to other institutions.

Keeps records of the provision of vacations by distance workers. Draws up the documents necessary for assigning a pension to an employee of the enterprise and their families. Keeps a strict record of work books and inserts, registers their acceptance and issuance.

For about two centuries, there has been one profession that is in demand in the field of transport - a communication engineer. From this article you will find out who it is and what it does, how to become a specialist.

The topic will be of interest not only to secondary school students and graduates, but also to those who wish to learn more about such specialists.

Who is a railway engineer?

First, you need to understand the term "communication path". This phrase implies transport, paths and roads along which vehicles move. But now, however, as in past centuries, the phrase belongs to the railway. Even Russian institutes of railway engineers are increasingly training future railway workers, as well as builders of various objects - civil and industrial.

Let's briefly list what faculties / departments in railway universities are, so that it becomes clear further in which areas graduates can work:

  • locomotives;
  • wagons;
  • power supply;
  • paths;
  • bridges and tunnels;
  • construction of buildings and structures;
  • alarm, centralization and communication;
  • organization of transportation; management of the railway;
  • safety in the technosphere;
  • special transport equipment.

To become a good specialist and love your job, you need to take the choice seriously, familiarize yourself with future profession... And now we will briefly consider each of the listed areas.

Field of activity (industry)

To work with electric locomotives, diesel locomotives and metro trains, as well as multi-unit rolling stock, you should choose a specialty related to locomotives. An engineer can be both a designer / designer of improved rolling stock, locomotives, and an employee of the depot where the described transport equipment is serviced.

Slightly different, but almost the same tasks are dealt with by engineers who design or maintain freight, passenger cars. As a rule, it is desirable for a specialist to choose a specific area: freight or passenger transportation.

You can sometimes see vacancies of a railway engineer in the field of power supply. The specialist must be well versed in electrical engineering, complex electrical circuits, and also use devices for measuring network parameters. In addition, the designer must have a good understanding of how to build electrified lines so that they are reliable, durable and safe.

The construction of railway tracks is not complete without engineering calculations, site selection, and landscape studies. The same can be said about those who build bridges and tunnels, buildings and structures. Therefore, in their work, the engineers of communication lines of all these three industries must know perfectly the mechanics, strength of materials, be able to solve complex problems. After all, it depends on them how long bridges, tracks or tunnels will stand. It is on them that the health and life of every employee, passenger, who use these facilities during their trip depend. In addition, the strength of buildings and structures is also a merit of a competent engineer.

Signaling, centralization and communication is a field on the railway that is engaged in the installation, maintenance and repair of special equipment for dispatching radio communications, traffic lights, track circuits, automatic blocking devices, and so on. The specialist must understand not only electrics, but also electronics, radio equipment.

Organization of transportation and management is mainly dispatching work, which includes, first of all, train schedules. The person must be able to draw up a rational and cost-effective schedule.

Technosphere safety or environmental safety exists in order to control emissions in environment from the side of railway enterprises, stations and stages. In addition, an engineer can work at a depot or a factory to train personnel in safety, as well as monitor the status of workplaces in production.

Special transport equipment - points of recovery facilities, utility trains. In this case, the engineer of communications must understand what benefit the unit of technology designed by him will bring, what functions it will perform.

How to become one?

What should I know?

It is not enough just to know physics and mathematics well, you need to be able to understand your work. For example, a railway engineer specializing in “Cars” must understand how a carriage is arranged, know where which elements are located and what they are intended for.

The manager is obliged to draw up a train schedule in such a way as to ensure smooth operation on the rail network, create economic benefits.

Thus, when entering the university, it is advisable to communicate with specialists, to ask what the job is. And also to understand for yourself very important point - medical commission, which we will talk about below.

Medical Commission

A medical examination is a mandatory event when applying for a job. Not only train drivers, railroad workers and power supply workers are required to have good health, but also engineers. Therefore, if the heart is healthy, there are no problems with blood pressure, hearing and serious deviations in vision, and coordination of movement is not limited, then they will be accepted for the position.

The railway engineer regularly visits places dangerous for life and health, often communicates with junior staff, evaluates their work, and also makes recommendations for improving the quality of work. That's why medical checkup is an integral part both upon admission to work and on a planned basis (once a year or once every two years).

Who can work?

Railway engineer is a demanded profession, but, unfortunately, there may be more specialists than vacancies.

Therefore, you have to choose related positions. For example, a future foreman or boss needs to know his job. Therefore, you should agree to go to work as a locksmith in order to gain experience. The specialist will have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe work so that he can competently manage in the future. Man with higher education applying for positions:

Therefore, a specialist always has the opportunity to get a job in any position in his profile.

What salary?

The salary of a railway engineer depends on the category, length of service, region, organization.

For example, in Moscow, a specialist of the first category can receive a salary of about 55 thousand rubles, while a similar specialist in a provincial city 500 kilometers from the capital - only 20 thousand rubles.

Is there any hazard in production?

Many graduates think that there can be harm in production. It really is:

  • electromagnetic fields;
  • emission of harmful substances from transport equipment;
  • potential danger both in the workshop and on the street;
  • being on the street while on duty;
  • shift work schedule.

Therefore, you should undergo a medical examination. In addition, the specialist is responsible for the safety of the site.

You have learned who a railway engineer is. We hope that the article will help you understand how interesting and promising this profession is.

The sacred duty of every railroad worker in extreme situations when there is a threat to the safe movement of trains is to do everything in his power

Chief engineer of the Novorossiysk distance of the track Sergei Sheludko and a combined detachment of track workers and restorers prevented the flooding and draft of the track on the 11th kilometer section - Grushevaya.

Spring this year was cold and rainy. Bad weather broke out along the entire coast. Elevated level danger was announced more often than ever. All infrastructural farms worked in an enhanced mode. The incessant downpours made even the most seasoned worry.

The water level in the mountain rivers was rapidly rising, threatening severe flooding, and underground waters did not sleep either.

The 11th kilometer section - Grushevaya of the Novorossiysk distance of the path has long been under the supervision of specialists. The finely dispersed soil (a feature of the terrain) of the earthen embankment, along which the railway line passed, caused concern. Due to the abundance of again and again incoming water, the destruction of the embankment could occur, followed by the settlement of the path.

A round-the-clock duty brigade of workers from the Novorossiysk distance was urgently created. After each passage of the rolling stock, the railroad workers took measurements and controlled the situation.

At first there was a hope to cope on our own .. But the rain sharply intensified, and during the next inspection it was decided that it was necessary to straighten the track, for which an application for an emergency “window” was issued.

According to Andrei Taran, deputy head of the track service for artificial structures, specialists from the geological engineering base of the diagnostic center immediately went to the site. The results of the inspection and the investigations carried out confirmed the disturbance in the structure of the soil, folding the embankment.

- Our geodesists, using georadars, quickly determined the level of groundwater. After that, technical solutions were immediately developed to strengthen the subgrade, says Andrey Taran.

To accomplish the assigned task, about a hundred employees of the Novorossiysk, Krasnodar, Tikhoretsk and Taganrog tracks were dispatched to the place of restoration work urgently.

Travelers and restorers saved the railroad tracks. An important task was faced by the chief engineer of the Novorossiysk track distance, Sergei Sheludko. For several days in a row, he did not leave the place of restoration work.

According to Konstantin Petukhov, the head of the Novorossiysk track distance, the work was carried out in very difficult, almost critical conditions: cold showers with a heavy wind did not stop. The chief engineer of the distance set tasks competently and successfully solved them, working together with the team, thinking over every step in advance, anticipating possible complications, and tried to avoid them as much as possible.

- Sergey Sheludko is a competent specialist, and the situation at the 11th kilometer section - Grushevaya has confirmed this once again. I am very impressed by his dedication to the common cause. He worked without sparing himself, - says Konstantin Petukhov.

Sergei himself does not see anything special in saving the railway, he believes that the sacred duty of every railroad worker in extreme situations, when there is a threat to the safe movement of trains, is to do everything in his power and even beyond the usual possibilities.

The travelers urgently requested an emergency "window" to straighten the embankment. And we started to work. The downpour gushed incessantly, the intensity of the subsidence on the way increased.

- The supply of dump cars with rubble and their unloading was organized quite quickly. With the help of 2 bulldozers of the Crimean recovery train and an excavator of the Tuapse distance of the track, we began to work to strengthen the body of the embankment, to arrange counterbankets, '' says Sergey Sheludko.

According to his calculations, the formation of counter-banquets, which support the earthen embankment, took about 80 cars of rubble. 3200 cubic meters of construction rubble were dumped. Time played a decisive role in the success of this task. Therefore, the work had to be carried out continuously. Sergey Sheludko encouraged and captivated everyone with his personal example.

Wet to the skin the railroad workers and restorers continued to work, regardless of the elements. And after 15 hours, it was possible to open traffic along this line, and after another 4 days, the strengthening of the roadbed along the 11th kilometer section - Grushevaya was completely completed.

Perhaps in the formation of the character of Sergei Sheludko, the fact that he was going to become a military man from childhood, like his father Yuri, played a role. He dreamed of graduating from the Rostov Military Institute of the Missile Forces. But, while he was finishing school and taking final exams, this educational institution was disbanded. And then Sergey decided to enter the RSTU for the specialty “Construction of railways. Way and track facilities ".

- There is something similar in military affairs and railway labor. Obligation, diligence, dedication. These are male professions, moreover, the military department attracted me to the RGUPS, - says Sergey.

In 2009 he successfully graduated from the university. He was interested in learning everything from scratch. Therefore, he began his labor activity on the railway from the track fitter in the Belokalitvinsky distance of the track. Then he became a foreman, a road foreman, a section chief. He was appointed chief engineer of the Novorossiysk track distance in 2015.

- Do you know how much work an ordinary track fitter puts into his work? Even in normal mode. And what about force majeure. Many people worked with me during the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster. I am grateful to all of them, the fact that we saved the path is a common result. I remember the work of the track fitter of the Tuapse distance of the track, Viktor Ekholm, who drove an excavator. For a minute, he did not stop removing the softened layer of soil, formed counter-banquets, then covered them with rubble until we started the movement, ”recalls Sergey Sheludko.

Viktor Ekholm is also praised in his native Tuapse distance. His immediate supervisor, the head of the operational section No. 1, Viktor Sahakyan, speaks of him as a person who can be safely entrusted with the most difficult and responsible task, and Viktor Ekholm will fulfill it. In addition, Ekholm masterfully owns almost all types of equipment and deftly operates with an excavator and a bulldozer.

Following the results of restoration work on the 11th kilometer section - Grushevaya, the chief engineer of the Novorossiysk distance of the track, Sergei Sheludko, and the installer of the track of the Tuapse distance of the track, Viktor Ekgolm, were expressed gratitude by the leadership of the infrastructure directorate of the North Caucasus Railway.

There is no 24 feedback forum.

The main task of the track distances (hereinafter FC) is the current maintenance of the track, roadbed, artificial and other structures and track facilities in working order to ensure safe and uninterrupted train traffic

In the system of JSCo Russian Railways, the higher structural unit in relation to the track distance is the branch of the railway, the lower one is the track distance section. So, as part of the Moscow branch of the October railway, there are 7 track distances - Experimental Moscow, Vyshnevolotskaya, Bologovskaya, Rzhevskaya, Torzhokskaya, Tverskaya, Sonkovskaya. Executive, responsible for organizing the maintenance of the track at the distance - the head of the track distance.

The track distance includes several neighborhoods (usually about 10-12 pieces), which contain road foremen (PD), subordinate to the road foreman several brigades (departments), headed by a road foreman (PDB). The Senior Road Master (PDS) commands 2-4 road foremen. The head of the track has several deputies: deputy. for the current content (PChZ), deputy. by capital works (PChZkap) - in some distances there is no such position, chief engineer (PCG), deputy. on artificial structures (PCPI). PCZI supervises the pavement master (s) (PDM), tunnel master (PDT), if there is one, and the subgrade master, if one also exists. At some distances the deputy. there is no ISSO and his duties are performed by the chief engineer. There are also mechanical workshops headed by a chief mechanic (PChGmeh).

The distance control apparatus includes: technical department, HR department, accounting department, economist, labor rate engineer and labor protection engineer. On railways In Ukraine, the administrative staff also includes the chairman of the trade union organization of railway workers.

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See what "Path distance" is in other dictionaries:

    - (PCh 3 of the Oktyabrskaya railway), a structural unit of the Oktyabrskaya infrastructure directorate structural unit Directorate of Infrastructure of the Branch of OJSC Russian Railways. The distance was founded in 1850 as the 7th ... Wikipedia

    - (Latin distantia, from the part. dis, and stare to stand). 1) generally distance, interval; 2) in military affairs: the distance between two units of troops, measured from the head of one unit to the head of another; 3) engineers have a certain length of land or ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Distance (on the railway), an economic unit that is part of a road section, which is subordinate to the corresponding road service (track, signaling and communication, freight, etc.). On the train. e. transport are available D .: ways, signaling and communication, ... ...

    - (from Lat. distantia distance) 1) distance, the gap between something (keep a distance, running over short distances). 2) On the railway, an administrative unit of various branches of the railway industry. Distinguish distance: paths, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Linear administrative unit of the track service, part of the total length of the road, subdivided into separate sections (distances) in relation to the maintenance and repair of the subgrade, artificial structures, superstructure and turnouts ... ... Technical Railway Dictionary

    distance - I. DISTANCE I and, g. distance f., Distanz, pol. dystancyja, lat. distantia. 1. Distance. Sl. 18. And that place in the distance from our quarter of 40 miles and more. PBP 5 537. And which islands took the distance, with this to the VS register. 1723. ... ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

    DISTANCE SOCIAL - - the degree of understanding and closeness that characterize personal and in general social relations... People experience D. with. not only in relation to the individuals with whom they come in contact, but also in relation to classes and races. D.'s feeling with. ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    AND; g. [lat. distantia] 1. Distance, interval between l. Increase the distance between vehicles. Get to close quarters. Shoot from a long distance. Keep, keep a distance (military; when moving, be constantly at a certain ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    This is the name in the department of railways for a certain section of the track entrusted in technical or administrative terms to one person to the chief D. On railways, the line is divided into several D. in relation to the content in the order of the track, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    I Distance (from Latin distantia distance) (military), the distance in depth between servicemen, guns, vehicles, subunits or units (ships) in formation, on the march (campaign) or in battle formation, as well as between aircraft when ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Fernand Leger, L. Zhadova. Fernand Léger is an outstanding representative of French art of the 20th century. His name is on a par with the names of Picasso, Matisse, Corbusier. Léger's legacy is extremely multifaceted: it covers ...
  • Train on Track Three, D. Aminado. Don-Aminado (Aminadav Petrovich Shpolyansky (1888 1957) is a Russian poet-satirist, memoirist, lawyer. His poetry and prose in an impressionistic manner convey situations typical of his time. ...