Humanities what professions. Features of professions of social and humanitarian orientation. Service workers

A person of a humanitarian nature is characterized by a command of the language of words and letters, the presence of good linguistic abilities, a philosophical view of things, a sociable and open character, a pleasant and friendly nature.

It is these people who feel best in a social environment, and humanitarian professions are most suitable for them. At present, almost half of all school graduates associate their further studies with humanitarian universities.

Humanities, unlike technical and natural sciences, are social sciences.

These primarily include psychology, history, philology, political science, jurisprudence, journalism, linguistics and others.

For a long time, the subject of research of many scientists was the society and the people in it. We learn our own history biological nature, origin, languages \u200b\u200band customs. In this case, a special place is given to psychology.

IN modern world without understanding the psychological laws, one cannot engage in many types of activities in the field of science, production, medicine, trade, art, teaching. Psychological education today is in great demand (see Cons of the profession of a psychologist). It is one of the leading humanities.

Another humanitarian science is philosophy. Specialists in this field of activity deal with ideas, but not with specific images and emotions.

They associate their activities with various areas of philosophical, culturological, political science and religious studies. Some who prefer to gain a deeper understanding of human nature, master the technique of psychological analysis.

The list of humanitarian professions can be continued further. These include the profession of a historian.

Historians delve into the past so that we can more fully and more colorfully imagine the events of the past. The general trend indicates the increased popularity of this specialty. They have high-quality knowledge of Russian history, foreign languages, the basics of international relations, political science, records management, archival affairs, historical informatics, international relations, jurisprudence.

Graduates of historical universities become scientists and teachers in higher schoolswork in state structures, business sphere, media, PR-service (See Professions related to history).

Among the prestigious humanitarian professions is. This profession promises money and power, attracting more and more young people. Real political activity includes a diverse set of actions, organizing parties, participating in election campaigns and speaking in parliament, making government decisions, rallies and diplomatic negotiations, etc.

The profession of a journalist is popular with the most creative people. This profession and the work associated with it is extremely in demand today. Numerous news agencies, editorial offices of magazines and newspapers, radio and television, publishing houses, Internet publications are in dire need of qualified personnel.

Partner response TheQuestion

First of all, this is the media sphere. Classic newspapers, magazines and even television are replacing the Internet everywhere. Already today we see an active growth in the number of bloggers (mainly those who shoot videos), copywriters, and editors. Society is on the verge of the "onset" of new media, which is why any interactive creativity in the conditional 5-10 years not only will not disappear, but will probably significantly squeeze other spheres.

Further - everything that is connected with education, or rather, with self-development. Coaches, individual mentors, online tutors - humanity is tired of fighting and wants to develop, preferably without getting up from its favorite couch. A separate area of \u200b\u200bthis industry is the holding of seminars and conferences: a modern metropolitan resident alternates evening at the theater with attending a conference on the study of SMM, therefore the profession of both the organizer and, directly, the host of such events will be quite popular.

Finally, international relationships... Today make love not war sounds differently: "love" has long and long been replaced by "negotiations", which is undoubtedly an achievement, especially in the era of the development of nuclear weapons and the growing level of danger of the beginning of the Third World War. Known in 2018 show a time of 23:58, which is comparable, perhaps, with 1953 - the year of the first nuclear weapons tests.

Professions in the field of marketing with the skills of online promotion, promotion in social networks, SEO - optimization (but here the junction of the humanitarian and technical areas), writing content and creating various promotion concepts. Video and audio content is becoming more and more popular. Teacher-trainers will be in demand. Due to the rapid changes in the working environment, employees are constantly required to retrain and master new skills. We need charismatic trainers who possess not only knowledge, but who are also oriented in a constantly changing space, technologies, and innovations that also concern the presentation of material.

Perhaps the lawyer will become a more popular profession. In the event that Russia really becomes a rule-of-law state: when for the hellish noise at night they will not beat their neighbors in the face, but exact moral damage from him. Nowadays, it is profitable to be a lawyer handling the cases of wealthy people. Unfortunately, the middle class and below live in a non-legal society.

A psychologist, perhaps. Society strives for individualization, a number of foundations have been lost, stress in big cities, a constantly changing environment, a crisis of the institution of the family; at the same time, there are fewer fears about referring to psychologists and psychotherapists. Parents are confused about parenting, so they often need outside help. But in order to make good money in this field, you need to be able to help effectively, and this is ten years of study and internship abroad, preferably.

Specialists in the following three industries will have consistently high salaries and good social significance in the future paradigm of our world.

The first industry is media and entertainment. In the 21st century, the importance of various types of media resources is growing, which gradually become powerful filters that highlight important accents in the world and help navigate the agenda. Look at least at social networks... Before their appearance, naturally, no one could have thought about the emergence of such a profession as an SMM manager. Moreover, news for many people is a kind of informational drug. We are all constantly checking the news report and are eager to see a new sensation, preferably direct so that there is a wow effect. Thus, we make a test of our reality, our picture of the world. We think: "It's good that this did not happen to us." Next, entertainment. Already, there is a tendency to create various kinds of mass entertainment with a stronger immersion effect, new channels for the supply of information are being created. Get at least some VR glasses. In the future, we will be able to watch people's streams, feel the food they consume on the air. You can become one of these people and get good money (by the way).

Specific professions in this area: designer of virtual worlds, game-practitioner of quests in virtual reality, journalist with a unique author's style.

The second branch is management. Already now, supra-industry management specialists are required in every company - precisely because of the automation in this industry. Specialists who know how to implement CRM systems, understand the principles of working with people and can coordinate them in the direction necessary for the company, who not only work on the number of sales of the company alone, but also who qualitatively influence other people and thus increase the indicators - such people will always be valuable.

Specific professions in this area: manager of corporate venture funds, manager of cross-cultural communication, manager of strategic development companies.

The third branch is culture and art. Culture is one of the most ancient spheres of human activity. Especially in our time, when everyone, with a soap box in their hands and the desire to hone their photography skills, can take a decent picture. It becomes clear that with the help of the development of technologies, mankind is reaching a new level of perception of art, becoming more selective. So, an immersive theater appears without dividing into a stage and a hall for greater immersion, art objects cease to be the domain of only professionals - you can make a creation using a 3D printer, art penetrates into the scientific environment.

The labor market is changing every year, so it is difficult to predict what the most popular professions will be in 10 years. The directions that will lead in Russia by 2019 can only be assumed, because the need for professionals depends on several factors.

Top 10 most demanded professions in Russia in 2019

It is possible to accurately answer the question of what are the most demanded and highly paid professions in Russia from two positions: in terms of government orders for specialties and in research. By the number of budget (free) places in the country's universities, it is easy to guess which specialists are now more demand.

According to independent studies, the demand for workers directly depends on the rate of development of a particular industry, the level of wages, and the shortage of specialized workers.

Based on these indicators, it is possible to predict which professions will be in demand in Russia by 2019.

Engineers and technicians

The development of technology and automation of processes requires a strong engineering corps, which creates a need for qualified personnel. In-demand technical professions:

  • design engineer;
  • design engineer;
  • technologist;
  • electrical Engineer;
  • heating engineer;
  • oil and gas engineer.

Medical staff

The profession of a doctor is always in demand and prestigious. Pediatricians and therapists are leading in vacancies, but this area of \u200b\u200bmedicine is facing a severe shortage of personnel. Most requested medical professions in Russia with high competition:

  • surgeon;
  • resuscitator;
  • gynecologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • dentist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • uzist;
  • nutritionist.

Educational workers

There are few highly qualified specialists left in the field of pedagogy. Most of the teachers are still cadres of the Soviet school. For this reason, the demand for employees of various pedagogical specialties in Russia is high. Popular professions in education:

  • foreign language teacher;
  • teacher of algebra, geometry;
  • teacher of the Russian language, literature;
  • iT-teacher;
  • chemistry teacher;
  • physics teacher;
  • psychologist.

Information technology is only gaining popularity, so most russian workers IT-spheres are self-taught who do not have documentary evidence of knowledge. This is due to the fact that public education is still little adapted to the requirements of modern IT technologies.

However, the computer industry is one of the highest paid workers.

In-demand IT professions:

  • programmer;
  • web Designer;
  • system Administrator;
  • layout designer;
  • tester.

Nanotechnology and robotization engineers

These are professions of the future, so it is difficult to find professionals in these industries today. The promise of nanotechnology is incredible - it encompasses:

  • energy;
  • telecommunications;
  • medicine;
  • space;
  • ecology;
  • agriculture;
  • food industry.

Nanotechnologists investigate materials at both the atomic and molecular levels. Today, scientists are especially in demand who are engaged in the following areas:

  • microelectronics;
  • solar energy conversion;
  • creation of light-emitting devices.

As for robotization, this specialty involves the design and subsequent operation of manipulators and intelligent robots. Such systems are needed in industry and high-tech technologies, where human work is impossible. Robotics are programmers, cybernetics, engineers all rolled into one.

Marketers and PR-managers

Marketing is a widespread and demanded type of activity. Professionals study markets, predict customer requests, analyze competitors' work, and business development on the Internet. Marketing is directly related to advertising and PR, because any, even the smallest company needs to promote its own goods or services. There are many popular and highly paid professions this area:

  • manager contextual advertising;
  • e-mail - marketer;
  • coach-trainer;
  • copywriter;
  • logistics manager (transport management);
  • art Director;
  • creator (creative director);
  • product manager (market analysis).

Service workers

The list here is huge. The service worker is a popular creative profession for girls and guys who are just starting their professional path. The high demand for specialists in different directions is explained by the rapid development russian business... Service professions popular among the population:

  • visagiste;
  • stylist;
  • the hairdresser;
  • waiter;
  • tourism manager;
  • masseur;
  • realtor.

Construction and design specialists

A study of labor market trends showed that due to large-scale construction projects initiated by the state, there is a shortage of construction and design workers. The greatest demand is noted for the profession:

  • architect;
  • interior designer;
  • geotechnician;
  • hydraulic engineer;
  • designer;
  • mason;
  • installer;
  • a carpenter;
  • welder;
  • painter-plasterer.

This is the modern name for a recruiter. Eichar manager is a profession of the last millennium, but it cannot be called new. Today, the personnel management employee bears responsibility not only for personnel selection. Modern reality imposes on him other responsibilities, including:

  • training of company employees;
  • formation personnel reserve;
  • certification of workers;
  • forward planning staffing needs;
  • labor market monitoring;
  • organization of corporate events.

Working professions

The Russian economy is accelerating, so the demand for blue-collar jobs is growing. No industry can do without the following professions:

  • loader;
  • auxiliary worker;
  • plumber;
  • electrician;
  • driver;
  • room cleaner;
  • cook.


For a person who has a humanitarian character, it is characteristic of the language of emotions, words and letters, as well as the presence of good linguistic abilities, a sociable and friendly character, a pleasant and romantic nature.

Such people feel good in society and social environment, and humanitarian professions are created especially for them. Nowadays, most school graduates associate their future life with humanitarian professions. Because this is their element, love and the meaning of life.

The humanities professions and sciences, unlike others: natural or technical, can be classified as social sciences.

From the article, you will understand what are some of the demanded professions that can be attributed to the economic and humanitarian profile. After all, we are at work for half of our lives and it is important that the work is not only monetary, but also that it brings joy, is in demand now and in the future.

Most would like to know what areas are currently in demand and money.

We will talk about five professions that can be distinguished from thousands of existing professions.

Profession - Tourism Manager

A win-win option is to work in tourism. People travel more often and more and travel agents help us with this. They also select the route of the tour, issue visas, book tickets and check into a hotel. Now travel agencies exist everywhere and there will be even more of them in the future. The travel business needs ticket booking operators, managers and travel agents.

Profession - etiquette specialist

Business people have not adorned themselves for a long time with gold chains and crimson jackets, but they know perfectly well that the success of their business depends on how they behave, what they say, how they look. And they need counselors who can teach it. Now, not only from such people, but also from the service personnel, they require knowledge of etiquette, therefore, a specialist in professional etiquette is simply necessary for such people.

Profession - brand manager

Nobody pondered why we argue with my husband to the last and try to defend the merits of the Bosch stove, we buy not just hair dye, but only a certain brand. Our such harmless madness is the result of the labors of brand managers.

These people develop the habit of buyers for some trade mark... Various enterprises and firms need such specialists.

The list of humanitarian professions goes on and on.

Profession - politician

Among the prestigious highly paid humanitarian professions is the profession of a politician. Yes! This profession can provide a lot of money, power and attracts more and more young people. Modern political activity is based on a diverse set of actions, the organization of parties, constant participation in election campaign and charismatic speech in the audience, the ability to capture the attention of the public, requires decision-making, honoring in meetings and in negotiations with representatives of other countries, etc.

Try to find yourself and make the right choice! And we will be happy for you and will always help!

When choosing a profession, there are two main criteria to consider: personal qualities and the so-called aptitude. Simply put, a person must not only want to work in a certain area, but also have a certain potential for self-realization in it.

"Technicians" and "humanities" - the most elementary division of people according to the criterion of professional suitability. The corresponding abilities can be pronounced, but it also happens that a person has approximately the same inclination to both technical and humanitarian sciences. In any case, within each of these two groups of professions there are many subgroups, and therefore the choice is wide enough.

Even the ancient Romans noticed that mala herba cito crescit ("weed grows quickly"), and in order to get a good harvest, you need to work hard, and with knowledge of the matter. Today, food security for seven billion people is ensured by agronomists, gardeners, farmers, machine operators and even foresters - all those who work the land or are professionally engaged in crop production.

The list of professions related to security can be both technical and social and humanitarian, or it can be at the junction of these two spheres. In addition, in this area there is a division into security and information security. Security in the field of IT and engineering protection is especially relevant at the enterprise level, and fire and military security are already, as a rule, issues of public service.

Representatives of military professions do not "work", but carry civil service... In addition, to become a military man, a corresponding education usually needs to be obtained from school age... The military professional sphere provides the country with people who can and are able to make responsible decisions, conduct a competent strategy, and also contribute to its technical development. In a word, they are entrusted with the mission of protecting the state in peace and wartime.

A large group of professions directly related to information technology... IT (in the English version of IT - information technology) is a set of methods and means for collecting, processing, storing and transmitting text, video or audio data. The use and development of this harmonious system is ensured by IT specialists, in other words, IT specialists: web developers, software testers, programmers, content managers, system administrators and dozens of other professionals dealing with computer equipment, software and their use.

Professions related to the sky, of course, poetically can be called the most sublime, and they are suitable for one hundred percent romantics. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the specialties of an air traffic controller, stewardess or pilot will require quite earthly and absolute dedication - it is not for nothing that cosmonauts and test pilots are awarded the title of Hero of Russia for their work.

In the 21st century, beauty and fashion have become powerful industries, which means that they need professionals to work in them, and the most diverse: makeup artists, hairdressers, stylists, fashion designers. It is not easy to break through and make a name for yourself in this area, but it is extremely interesting to work.

Under light industry understand the totality of industries that produce a huge range of consumer goods - from toys and souvenirs to household items, without which it is impossible to do in everyday life. All this is developed and manufactured by representatives different professions: clothing designers, fashion designers, tailors, seamstresses, shoemakers, weavers, furniture makers.

Modern linguists are no longer pure humanitarians comparing the vocabulary of Byron's and Pushkin's poems or collecting dialect expressions on expeditions to cities and villages in order to compile a dictionary of the dialects of disappearing peoples. Today the list of professions associated with theoretical study and the practical application of different languages, includes not only a translator and linguist, but also specialists in information intelligent systems engaged in the development of speech recognition programs, automatic text processing and other software.

So that every customer can always find on the shelves of the supermarket, in the collection of the boutique and in the salon household appliances exactly the product that he needs, the system of procurement, transportation, storage should be clearly established. All this is done by sales managers, buyers, merchandisers, supervisors, brokers, brokers, logisticians, storekeepers, freight forwarders and other representatives of the trade-related professions.

Physicians, nurses, geneticists, virologists and other medical researchers have chosen the medical profession at one time. The level of responsibility in this area is really off scale, and the knowledge necessary for work is sometimes at the junction of such sciences as chemistry, physics, biology and even engineering. The list of medical specializations is not long. Today, medical institutions constantly require anesthesiologists, pediatric and adult resuscitators, narcologists and psychiatrists, as well as emergency doctors and workers in the field of medical and laboratory diagnostics.

On the seas, on the waves - here today, there tomorrow. If you are ready to live in such a rhythm, then the professions of sea captain, sailor, navigator, minder or diver are just for you. Working in the navy cannot be called easy, but maritime specialties have long and probably forever received the status of the most romantic.

In universities, everyone studies a variety of academic disciplines; for many graduates of higher educational institutions, science is becoming a profession. Historians and philosophers, ethnographers and anthropologists, archaeologists and paleontologists, ecologists and sociologists, art historians and culturologists, nuclear physicists and biochemists, meteorologists and cartographers, geologists and gemologists - all of them work in different branches of fundamental or applied science.

With the development of the segment of non-state education, the level of demand for representatives of teaching professions has grown sharply. In addition, the practice of private tutoring has recently become very common. Babysitting and employment in preschool institutions also requires teacher education from the candidate. Modern educational, entertainment and sports studios for children and adults offer dance, language and creative classes. In all these areas, the profession of a teacher is in demand.

Everyone loves to eat tasty food, but if at home we often get by with amateur express-scrambled eggs, "built" in a hurry and as God will put it in our hearts, then in industrial scale the preparation and production of food is done by professionals: technologists catering, chefs, bakers, restaurateurs, and even tasters and sommeliers, who test the taste of food on themselves and make up wine lists.

Civil servants are employees of executive, legislative, regional and municipal authorities, police officers, prosecutors, courts, the Ministry of Emergencies and even the military. That is, these are not only officials in the usual sense for the majority, but in general all professionals working in state civil or security agencies. Therefore, by and large, civil servants can be called politicians and diplomats.

Professions associated with working with people either carry a certain social benefit, or are at the junction of two (or more) spheres of activity, pursuing slightly different goals. So, if we compare, for example, the profession of a teacher and a personnel manager, then the former works exclusively with people and for the sake of people (in general), and the latter pursues corporate interests. Therefore, working with people is very general concept, which, however, in all cases requires the employee to display highly moral human qualities.

It is not for nothing that wild and domestic animals are called our smaller brothers: just like people, they need a qualified health care, professional care, proper upbringing and reliable protection. All this for the inhabitants wildlife and pets are trained by veterinarians, paramedics, dog handlers, groomers, zoologists, trainers, gamekeepers - in a word, specialists whose work involves direct or indirect contact with animals.

Travel agency workers, tour guides, flight attendants, pilots and others are outstanding representatives of professions directly related to travel. However, there is a list of professions that are associated with flights and travel only indirectly, and therefore they are of a business trip nature. Geologists, archaeologists and other researchers simply cannot imagine their life without travel, although the essence of the subject of their activity is not at all about changing the location.

Representatives of several dozen specialties work in the field of media and publishing. All of them provide publication of books, newspapers, magazines. In recent decades, many traditional professions for this area, for example, journalist, editor or illustrator, have adapted to the peculiarities of electronic media and virtual information platforms, without changing their essence. Like hundreds of years ago, correspondents, columnists, reporters, proofreaders, layout designers and other pros do everything to ensure that the reader receives information. high Quality - and it doesn't matter in what format it will be presented.

It is unlikely that the ancient Greeks, leaving their everyday peaceful pursuits or military service for the time of participation in the Olympic Games, could have assumed that in two thousand years sports would become a profession. But today it is so, and in this industry, no matter how strange it may sound, football players, tennis players, hockey players, athletes, figure skaters, gymnasts work, and bookmakers accept bets on the outcome of competitions. Well, those who have not reached the professional level are introduced to sports by fitness trainers.

Scroll creative professions wide enough. The list includes art, theater, pop, dance and other areas related to art. If you feel that you are creative and talented, and creativity and art are the areas where you can express yourself, then you should definitely read this section.

The field of engineering and technology is suitable for people with a pronounced aptitude for the exact sciences: mathematics, chemistry, physics, computer science. The respective professions are characterized by high dynamism: this is due to the constantly continuing industrial and technical development. Graphs, lists, drawings and calculations are the toolbox for the technical profession. To enjoy such work, you need not only to be able to do all this, but also to sincerely love the exact sciences.

Transport plays a vital role in the national economy of the country. It, in turn, is greatly influenced by technical progress. It's not just the scale that grows transportation, but also the level of comfort, technical equipment of route lines, etc. People who manage and maintain transport are always in demand, but the choice of a transport profession is associated with a significant level of responsibility. The dynamism of this area also requires constant professional development from employees.

Economics, like technology and technology, loves precision and certainty. However, accuracy alone is not enough in her world: among other things, economic professions have their own specifics, which consists in the constant need for forecasting, positioning and analysis. Entrepreneurship as a profession combines all of the above, because market processes are subject to the laws of various economic sciences, and for successful business it is necessary to take into account absolutely all factors in this field of activity.

List legal professions traditionally associated with justice, but in the conditions of an emerging (developing) rule of law, this does not end with this. Both state and commercial organizations, and the scale can be very different - from the enterprise to the global arena. Activities non-profit organizations is also subject to legal regulations, because good lawyers do not remain without work.