Cheap Ponte. Presentations of the poor about the life of the rich. What hide cheap Ponte? Cheap Ponte

1 Most of our citizens have repeatedly heard the word "Ponte", but what is Ponta And with what they are "eating" can answer not everyone. If you ask the question for interest, what does Ponte mean? Almost everyone will start "bleach": " Well, this is a condition of a person when he... ". It should be understood that in everyday life the term the term carries a clear negative meaning, there are no such people in Russiathat at least once would not use this jargon in its conversation. Read more than some more interesting publications on the Internet of Jargon's Internet, for example, what is the Light, how to understand the word Laikodroger, which means like, what are lags, etc.
So, Pont or ponte is?

Actually Ponte, it is the behavior of a person when he is trying stand out from the crowdMoreover, in most cases it looks more disgusting. People breastfing have boasted their real or impaired success, their wealth, this is happening in our time. Usually a person boasts his material opportunities.

Show off- This is a coolness. Ponte, it is to show people around people, which you have achieved in this life. For example, boast your credit machine. Such Ponterases never loved and do not like

Sometimes, people who do not have material values, but who still want to stand out, begin to appeal to their formation or intellect. For such citizens, the people came up with a speedless word - "clever". Over time, Ponte began to unite those who brag their material situation with those who emphasize their mind.

Citizens of any social status and prosperity are attached. In fact, according to most people, their Ponte must strengthen their social status. Some may ask: " In general, why you need to ponte?".

Causes of Ponte

The first reason. Make an indelible impression on the surrounding citizens. For this, some kind of in demand and success is created around itself, some unknown ways the subconscious approach of its rating occurs. Some people are very important to appear more "cool"What they really are. The greater external rating by the individual, the more he takes the minds of other, less successful citizens. For example, a well-known politician expressed by a well-known politician or a movie star than the same considerations that were tested by simple, not a well-known engineer.

The second reason. Repetition of their distinguishing features and reproduction of merit gives the personality of great confidence in their forces. In most cases, psychologists noted that they are attached, just those individuals who are not sure own significance. Do not treat the Ponta with great seriousness. It is worth noting another detail, with the redundancy of the Ponte, the attitude towards such a person can be negative, cause strong irritation and rejection.

Show offusually cause envy, and this feeling, as we know, may be a detonator of unpleasant events. With the word Pont, you can hear a few expressions that should be explained.

Throw Ponta - It is indicated by such facts that the interlocutor will cause respect and admiration, synonymous with expression you can call "to let dust in the eye".

Cheap Ponte - This is a mention of such events and facts that cause only irritation and bewilderment, as something insignificant, in essence it is unreasonable for nothing to boasting.

However, Ponte in some cases, the thing is very useful. After all, having learnedly serve his Ponte, you can declare yourself from the good side. True, do not forget to appear polishly correctly and very tactful.

You probably have probably noticed people who have keys from their car in hand, so they are unobtrusive demonstrate their statusIn addition, a good help will show the expensive model of your phone surrounding the expensive model. In addition, it is possible in a conversation, no dessend to mention the service that you have completely disinterestedly assumed colleague / relative / friend. Such Pontes do not particularly annoy anyone and are quite pleasing act.

However, a completely different situation, when in a conversation, a person begins to scatter with words, like: " i drank from a hundred dollar bills yesterday, "" for me $ 1,000 is not money, "I wanted my own dear phone, but no more than $ 20,000 did not find that I was a beggar to buy this model?".

Interesting moment, although the words "pant" and "Pont" have a negative meaning then such adjectives like "Ponteo" and "Ponte" express quite positive emotions.


Kolyan bought a wheelbarrow, Bakhu is the last model, Ponteo looks!

Jeans with pinrolates Ponteo look.

This pitch jacket!

IN the above Examples saying believes that these things are good, high-quality and look excellent. However, this word can be used in a negative sense.


Smartphone you have some kind of simple!

From here we can conclude that in one case these expressions can be like annoying and useless and very effective and delomet. Distinctive features of a positive Ponta can be considered its subtlety and accuracy.. Your interlocutor should not guess that in front of him "Throw Ponte." And most importantly, you must exclude even a hint of envy in his feelings. After all, if your Pontes turn out to be very powerful, and the opponent will feel uncomfortable from your "steepness", then his reaction to your boasting will be irritation or a contemptuous smile. We recommend that using sarcasm, jokes, booms, and mention the facts in the context of a funny situation.

Here is the actual answer to the question of what Ponte. It remains to add that "pontoon" for people is the same natural featureas an expression: " I am the best!"Therefore, when you tick yourself, do not forget to do it with the mind, so as not to cause envy and irritation at the interlocutor.

Here is one story: In the hungry years, one peasant demonstratively sat on a shop near the house and picked up in his teeth. Mall, meat ate. Like, rich he. Only no meat he did not eat, but only in his teeth and pissed ...

You noticed how people's needs change in modern world? Schoolchildren walk with faded iPhones, which, in essence, are needed by him only to play. Managers earning 40 thousand rubles buy a car cost of 2 million lush weddings, as in the Middle Ages, per 100-500 people. All this is done in order to "not look worse around", and cause the envy of those who will see all this.

There is such a word - we turn off. It means: to put yourself at the bottom, admiring himself, by his behavior.

Many love to turn, showing what cool things they own. Either exposing certain moments of your life at the bottom.

By definition from the ponta dictionary, this is:

  • decorations, dear baubles, objects, as a rule, tasteless, which must emphasize the wealth of their owner. Ponte Vasily was visible immediately: such motley pants and the chain do not hide.
  • the desire to paint, make a strong impression on someone, arrogance, arrogance. Ponte Vasi in front of Masha was as follows: he got a pack of money and pulled out the bill from her all the kind showing that this is an absolute garbage for him. And after he generously treated her cocktail.

Simply put, Ponte is a show or boasting. Or is a person's desire to show yourself in the best light, put yourself at the bottom. And about a person who exaggerates his merit or condition, they say that he is "pontoon."

Let's look at what and with Ponta. Ponte meet in our lives very often. They are very infectious. The need to turn to others is dictated by modern society, even to the one who does not initially want. For example, there will be no one of the schoolchildren in the iPhone class, then it will be considered a sucker and nishchebrud, although if it is premed, it is impossible to be confident. Interesting moment, isn't it?

Ponte as behavior manner

We earn millions on young people.

Ponte is a manner of behavior. A person can boasted anything and anywhere. Most often "Throwing Ponte" people for whom the main thing in life is material values. It is very suitable for "boasting". If a person "is pontoon", showing his intellect or level of development - the word "clever" will be appropriate.

The bowl of all the "mongrel of Ponte" is characterized by teenagers in transition. They are just looking for themselves, wish self-affirmation, seeking to show themselves in the best tones.

Walter Rothschild crew, zebras hardened. London. 1898.

Many businessmen note that they have to ride a huge SUV to look more solid and successful. If you can afford it, then this is not a problem.

Pont Price

Maybe I am old-fashioned,
But I appreciate their true soul in people,
And not Ponte and the thickness of the wallet.

For cheap Ponte sometimes it is expensive to pay.

The danger of the Ponte is that they limit our financial opportunities. People have to spend money on an external tinsel, visibility. They spend their little money on it, climbing on loans, and not paying attention to their development.

The lion's share of attention is: "What others will say." Own self-esteem begins to more and more depend on someone else's opinion. Based on this fear, the need to "not be, but seem" becomes the main goal.

They do not invest in their development in improving their lives in the long run. They are concerned only with a rapid misher. And, ultimately, it will cost it expensive.

Ponte and thinking

The highest pont is life without Ponte 🙂

Old anecdote about Ponte:

Ponte first order: buy a big expensive car and Rolex, read Paulo Coelho, despise Donzov, Love Houdoys Blonde with tits.

Ponte second order: buy a small stylish machine and clock Lonjin. Read Umberto Eco. Despise Coelho, love ironic brunette.

Ponte of the third order: ride on the subway and taxi, because it is so faster and cheaper, wearing a clock of cards, read Anna Gavald, turn off the water when cleaning your teeth. Do not despire anyone, because it destroys karma. Not to love anyone, because you have not yet met your person.

Fourth-order Ponte: Sell an apartment, car and clock Lonzin. Go to Tibet, achieve Nirvana, love everyone.

Ponte of the highest order: to return from Tibet, to no one to tell anyone, buy a big expensive car, at leisure to read Dontsov, time to look on the phone, love mom your child. Conduct that any cattle with coelo may be reached by Nirvana Buddha ...

At the heart of Ponte - the desire of a person seems not to those who he really is.

The formation of a "black" thinking is artificial. The need to appeal is imposed on our company economic systemTo sell people not very necessary products and services. And if they do not have money for it, let them take loans.

Such manipulations are supported by traps of credit slavery, which came to us from the West, they say, we live once, we must have time to take everything from life, etc.

In order not to become a victim of the system, you need to get rid of dependence on the opinions of others. And when you will do not care what others think about you - you will notice that no respect in the eyes of others does not diminish, soon on the contrary.

And if we spend money and time instead of Ponte for additional development, then after some time you will find that others have enough reason to envy you. This path changes thinking and brings it closer ... to thinking successful people. The most which many are trying to seem, but which are not.

A truly successful and self-sufficient person is never trying to increase its importance in the eyes of others - he has with great importance and so everything is in order.

He does not boast things, not a co-service personnel, does not self-affect due to those who are below it on the social staircase. Successful man It looks not down - on those over whom he rose, and up - on those who want to grow.

He is aware of the need for constant development and self-improvement.

With such a thinking All external attributes will appeal by themselves, but they will no longer have any value for you.. Values \u200b\u200byou will have others.

Successes! Now you know what and how.

Tatyana Felgengauer: Hello, this is the program "Digging Figure" My name is Tanya Felgengauer. Together with me nearby the main character of this program Tonya Samsonov. She is the author. We speak today about cheap ponts. Presentation of the poor about the life of the rich. And we have experts that will help us understand this problem. Linor Morlik - writer. Hello, Linor.

Linor Mountains: Good afternoon.

T. Felgengauer: And Nikolai Uskov - chief Editor magazine "GQ". Hello, Nikolay.

N. Uskov: Hello.

A. Samsonova: Hello, hello. Well. Immediately I tell about what rules this program will be built for both guests and for our listeners. With Tatiana and I prepared five votes. In each case, we look forward to what you call us on our phones and express your opinion. While you will vote, each of our guests will have an equal number of time in order to answer our question and justify your position. I think, right from the first vote, you should immediately start.

T. Felgengauer: Let's first, yes, will answer the question that worries everyone. Who is guilty? So, glossy magazines are to blame for the fact that poor people spend the latter money on expensive things. If you agree, then your phone is 66-00-66-4. If you do not agree, then 66-00-66-5.

A. Samsonova: So, I repeat once again. Glossy magazines are to blame for the fact that poor people spend the latter money on expensive things. Agree - 66-00-66-4. I do not agree 66-00-66-5. Well, let's start, Linor, how would you vote?

L. Morlik: It seems to me that the question is built as the question: did you stop drinking brandy in the morning? First, poor people who spend the latter money on expensive things, these are not very poor people. Poor people who can think about what to spend money is in good position. Secondly, a glossy magazine, as spoken, one journalist, to demonize Boris Abramovich. We will not demonize glossy magazines. Glossy magazines are the same product of enormous different movements within the culture of society, how, for example, our habit of buying new clothes, without causing old. It does not seem to me that the question itself is to blame, with its conspiracy. We have guilty, and now we will show you with your finger. Give us any answer to the question why people prefer to spend money on expensive things. Although it is also another question that we call dear things. And not for anything that we sitting at this table could seem more appropriate.

A. Samsonova: Well, dear for yourself. There is a level of consumption.

T. Felgengauer: There are weights of the stories when the boy student works and gets, relatively speaking, 20,000 rubles, because it works on Polish, he takes a loan, or takes money. But he will definitely buy himself an iPhone, and he will walk with this iPhone. Here we are talking about such a situation. Because the iPhone is fashionable.

L. Morlik: Oh "Kay. I do not see the problem. If this boy, taking a loan, buys an iPhone. It means that he has three things. Normal state of health, he does not care what he pays a doctor. Food, because apparently he is not hungry. Or at least he believes that he is not so much hungry to do not cope with him. And the roof over your head, because otherwise it would be frozen in our climate for 3 hours. that he Does, if he has a high sense of security. There are necessary needs with these money. This is his weighted choice. If he is really 20 years old, for him socialization is more important than reasonable pension savings. Attachment in an iPhone may not be stupid. Another thing is why socialization requires such an investment. This is generally another question, completely from another area.

A. Samsonova: It was Linor Mount. Now Nikolai Uskov.

N. Uskov: Well, I would say that, of course, rather, not poor, but stupid people. I agree with Linor that the poor who spend the latter, they have something to spend. The latter is spent, in general, on Caica, the Ponte, in general, people are not completely clever. I agree about the boy that this is important for him, and, probably, reasonable in its system of coordinates of spending. While mom will surely be unhappy with this fact. I myself observe among my employees or buddies who are very younger than me, for 10 years, here is the same passion. I go with the old, beaten by the iPhone, which was bought in the United States. Reflash here, etc. And they are all here with new ones. And all with these 3 people. Although the income in our 20 differ in 20, if not more. This is really some kind of need that is difficult to apply. I do not think that it is necessary to tie it with glossy magazines. Glossy magazines have the same product of this need.

A. Samsonova: You know, Nikolai, about glossy magazines say that this is a kind of fascism, because he imposes the only standard of life.

N. Uskov: Well, it is not true. There are already so many standards as part of a glossy magazine, not to mention that there is a lot of glossy magazines, very different in its content, on their niches. Because there is a mass luxury, there is not a luxury at all, but also glossy consumption. There are luxury there for very rich, etc. Very many different gradations. And within the same magazine can be a big scatter. It seems to me that the models are invented by society, certain social models. Society, marketing large companiesSuppose They how to produce these carrots, followed by mankind. You see the glossy magazine is the fact of consumer society.

A. Samsonova: Nikolai Uskov, and I click the Red Stop button to sum up the voting results. Not one of our guests is not inclined to accuse glossy magazines in the fact that they make poor people spend money on what, in general, is not intended for them, but intended for people with a higher level of wealth. And the majority of our listeners share the same position. 74% do not blame glossy magazines, 26 at the same time they believe that you are to blame for everything.

T. Felgengauer: Well, not specifically you, Nikolai, but maybe your magazine is kind of to blame. Among your readers, by the way, more people are wealthy?

N. Uskov: Well, judging by marketing research - Yes. Although, of course, students are reading. Understand here very important moment. It seems to me that the glossy magazine can be displayed, you can just look at it differently. He asks some life guidelines that make a person grow, no matter what these landmarks are expressed.

A. Samsonova: grow, or take money from the elderly parents who need a medical examination in favor of compliance.

N. Uskov: Well, if we take clinically sick and stupid people, definitely, they read glossy magazines, they watch TV, etc. But they come inadequately not because they read something. They are in principle inadequate people. Normal people, they somehow decide their social tasks in a different way. But it seems to me that ultimately a glossy magazine, creating or reproducing some models of life, ultimately explain to a person in which the meaning of life. Perhaps this is a certain substitution of the meaning of life, such, probably, also option is possible. But I do not think that a serious, smart glossy magazine will do this, because it is not read not stupid people.

A. Samsonova: Gentlemen, here you are in your answers to the questions about the questions say that there is no such problem when a person spends money not on too much, and what the essence of the poop is cheap. Those. It turns out that this phenomenon in principle does not exist? Let's, first Linor, and then Nikolai.

L. Morlik: in any order. The expression "Cheap Ponte" is estimated in all its parameters. It means that it comes from someone. As always, whatever we are talking about, any statement tells us about the speaker more than about the subject. When a person tells the phrase "cheap Ponte", firstly, it has aggression to someone who can afford to spend money on Ponte. And, secondly, it laid a certain look at how resources should be distributed. I'm trying to say that what seemed to someone cheap pontami, someone seems to be a vital necessity that for someone is an incomprehensible acquisition, for someone in its coordinate system is the only reasonable investment of money. We operate so sophisticated concept, trying to approach them from some Ostropa, like, for example, Kolya is trying to explain now that the glossy magazine is not some kind of phenomenon. In general, a rather complicated story. Just arranged with Ponta. If we ask the question if we talk about cheap Ponte, how about why people boast what you can buy for money. And the actual phrase "Cheap Ponte" means exactly that, well, because we live in a society that is most afraid of death. Because I start it from a very distant point, but I will explain very briefly. We built a world in which money can buy security. Demonstration of the presence of money is the demonstration of others that you are stronger, and you are more security, and a demonstration of yourself, which is very important that you are in safety relative. And as soon as a person begins to hurt a tooth, he immediately understands what kind of money bring security. Because the quality of his freezing will depend on how much money he can spend at the moment.

T. Felgengauer: i.e. Is it possible to say that attempt to even seem richer than you really are, is it just a desire for some security?

L. Morlik: No, because it is snubized ... attempt to be and seem - two different things. Attempt to feel rich ...

T. Felgengauer: But often people try to seem likely to be richer and successful than they are actually.

L. Mountain: First, wealth is a language, and the manifestation of wealth The material manifestation of wealth is also a language. When Colnes junior employees come with a iphone of 3 people, which clearly leaves more than one salary. Those. This requires financial efforts from them ...

N. Uskov: Well, one, I do not know what ... they eat.

L. Mountain: Iphon nibble. But, one way or another ...

A. Samsonova: does he have a feature?

N. Uskov: Apparently.

L. Morlik: He has a soft rubber ... anyway, these people use this iPhone in order to inform the fact of its presence, who they are what they are. They report many different things. They report that they are aware fashion trends. They report that they have money to buy an iPhone. They report what they follow, what an iPhone ...

T. Felgengauer: But there is no money to eat.

L. Morlik: This is their personal choice. Oh Kay.

N. Uskov: It is easier for them. For me, it is more important, for example, to eat. And they are easier and more important ...

L. Mountain: For me, too, they are younger, they can, and eat less often.

A. Samsonova: You see, they inform only one really behind all this that they are stupid.

L. Morlik: No, they tell you this.

A. Samsonova: Well, Nikolai now told why.

L. Mountain: In fact, they are not talking to you.

A. Samsonova: It is important with whom they are talking.

N. Uskov: Lynor shouted very deeply, saying about death. About fear of death. It seems to me that in addition to the fear of death, culture is also peculiar and a person has a desire to somehow expand its expansion. I associate this with some sexual aggression, which is simply laid in fact in individuals and male and female, because sex is a kind of expansion. And this expansivity, it is connected, it is deeply natural, it is reproduced in primitive society, we see it even in surviving primitive societies. All these feathers, signs of differences, there are some things, often increasing body, but testifying to your social situation, the number of children. Or the number of wives, or the number of killed bison, well, it does not matter. All this, one way or another, confirms your kind of sexual function. What are you a strong male, or a strong female. That you made this expansion. What they are subject to, they want you, you are respected, etc. In more complex societies This is reproduced in the form of Tsatsok. It is obvious. And these Tsatski is really a language. This is very ancient language. This is not at all invented by glossy magazines that exist, God for 300 years. Not more. This, of course, is invented. Go to any big museum. Go to Tower, where it is stored jewelry Royal Family of Great Britain.

A. Samsonova: All this is very cool, I'm sorry, Tan, as long as, in the event that we have a very agreed society. After all, Tsatski is well read by others. But when we really have such a huge income difference, then people from the poorest segments of the population, the income of which is 30 times different from the income of richer, is simply not able to read the tongue of Tsatock these layers.

T. Felgengauer: on the contrary. Maybe this is a universal still language?

L. Mountain: humanity has never had a homogeneous society and will never be with God's help, because here we are all and a foul. When I said, Tonya, about the boy with an iPhone, about which you say that he is stupid, I was not for nothing, he is not talking to you. Everyone is talking to his surroundings. With his social stratum. As part of their social stratch, show that you can go to more high level, break out of this strata or at least to be held on the top, is very important. This is such a basic part of communication. People do it, again, it is very important to me and is very interested in the fact that we are talking to everything from the position of peacetime. And that's fine. I often think that not only the generation that did not see the war, but also our parents, the generation of not seen wars, which is well affected by us. We all speak from the perspective of people who generally imply two things. There is money, there is to spend them. And there is a choice. Yes, perfectly. While there is, let's play this game. Another thing is why from all possible games we chose this, but it requires long historical references. Simple words, because another language, we are society, afraid of death, until we found.

T. Felgengauer: Let's talk not only about Ponte Poor, but also about whether there are similar phenomena among the rich. And by the way, there were very interesting questions on our website. They came about the nouveau, people who are just rich, and they want to show it.

A. Samsonova: And the language has not yet learned conditionally.

T. Felgengauer: Let's vote for a start, and at the same time I will open this atmosphere: we ask you: Do you agree that the rich Russians always seek to demonstrate their prosperity. If you agree, then your phone is 66-00-66-4. If you do not agree, then 66-00-66-5.

A. Samsonova: So, I repeat the approval about which we ask you a question: Rich Russians always seek to demonstrate, to protrude if you want our wealth. Yes, I agree. 66-00-66-4. No, I do not agree 66-00-66-5. But how in fact, Nikolai?

N. Uskov: Well, "Nuvorishi" - the word French, as far as I understand. And somehow talk about the fact that it is Russians, this is the property of the human psyche. As it seems to me to gain some reward for your efforts, of course, requires public recognition. Well done. How to get this social recognition within the framework of your group or beyond. This is definitely demonstrate to status symbols. These are expensive cars, dear houses, we all invite friends to housewarming. For what purpose we do it. To demonstrate your own new houseAnd that everyone died from envy. This model is reproduced at the level of the cheapest. It is not necessary to invite to some kind of chic palace in the south of France.

A. Samsonova: The same well-known phenomenon, and many who led the first time abroad, were always surprised that rich Europeans, for example, can walk so that you are not distinguished from the middle layers of the population. And they somehow are not particularly trying to show all the gold that they have at home.

N. Uskov: English old money, for example. Or there are French old money. New money there behave in the same way. You look at what is happening in Nice with Nouvevor yachts. One of the creators of Microsoft Peter Alain, in general, a very educated, beautiful person. But his yacht occupies half the harbor. This is one of the biggest yachts, if not the largest yacht in the world. And here they are novel Abramovich measuring the length ...

T. Felgengauer: Yachts.

N. Uskov: When they come there two, there is no one there.

T. Felgengauer: Let Linor provide the word.

L. Morlik: This is again when we are told that in Europe wealthy Europeans are dressed so that they do not distinguish them, it does not distinguish said. Not talking, of course, sees, what a polo shirt on it, sees what the sandals falling on it. She sees what kind of bag he just bought, just because he was tired of carrying, I do not know, with me the journal of the armpit. Another thing is that there is another language. And this is true, it is connected as Kohl correctly says, with old money. These people have another language of communications. For example, posture, pronunciation, we do not have a concept - a man with Yale pronunciation, a man with Oxford pronunciation. To do this, you need a few generations ... We have no more subtle language of communications, which, for example. Tied with manner wearing things.

T. Felgengauer: We do not have as such a culture of wealth from generation to generation. There is simply several generations in a robes of rich people when a person is used to this wealth, and he treat him differently.

L. Mountain: I want to say another important thing. There is no wealth. This is also always a very conditional term. When a person living on $ 16 a month, he sees a person living on $ 1,000 per month, he says that a person emphasizes his wealth. A person living $ 1000 per month knows that 800 he has to eat the halabuda in which he lives in Moscow, and the rest of 200 he is trying to eat.

A. Samsonova: Press the red stop button. I will announce the results of the voting after a small break. I will only remind you that this is the program "Digging Figure", today we are talking on the topic "Cheap Ponte, the life of the eyes rich in the poor" Stay with us. Do not go anywhere.

A. Samsonova: Good evening, we again in the studio. This is the program "Lukvykh Digit", in which today, together with our guests and my colleague Tanya Felgengauer. By the way, the name is Tonya Samsonov, discussing the topic, "Cheap Ponte. Presentation of the poor about the life of the rich. " And our guests today is Linor Morlik, writer. Hello again, Linor.

L. Morlik: Good afternoon.

A. Samsonova: and Nikolai Uskov, chief editor of the magazine "GQ". Hello, Nikolay.

N. Uskov: Hello.

A. Samsonova: I promised before leaving for news and a little break to announce the voting results. Here they are. We asked the question: Rich Russians always seek to emphasize, demonstrate their wealth. With this agree 61% voted now live. At the same time, 39% say that not to all rich Russians it is in some extent. What we would like to do now. It seems to me that not all those present here in the studio have come across cheap ponts. With this phenomenon. And when we discuss it, we are very leaving in theory, for reasons deep. But there is also specific examplesAnd they sometimes shock, and they are so red-headed that they do not need no explanation. We have a phone direct ether 363-36-59. If you know something more about cheap ponts, if you can bring specific examples, then please. By the way, we talked before the ether with Alexey Mitrofanov ...

T. Felgengauer: Yes, and he told us beautiful stories from his youth, when he really loved to finish in front of the girls, sitting on a service car from her parents, as far as I understand, where there was a special phone, a dedicated line. And called Tassa tape, there was a duty of a person who could not not take the phone when he was called from this issue. And now, young Mitrofanov said: Well, how did our hockey play? And repeatedly, he was happily said: we won 6: 4. And Lesha Mitrofanov joyfully put the phone, said everything is in order, we won. Such here were Ponte on girls, as Mitrofanov is recognized, it made an indelible impression. As far as it was cheap Ponte, I really do not know, but definitely Ponte.

A. Samsonova: Let's compare with what our listeners will tell us. 363-36-59 I once again remind the phone direct ether. This is a Moscow number, and Alo, hello, you are on the radio station "Echo of Moscow". Hello, what's your name?

Listener: Hello. Sergey.

A. Samsonova: Sergey, your example of Ponte.

Sergey: Properly said before you leading you, that a student who has no money at all, they try to show some material wealth, buy phones, something else.

A. Samsonova: Sergey, we need specific stories, specific examples. About the phone is understandable. Add something else to our piggy bank.

Sergey: a, well, please, well. Machines are the brightest indicator. When the salary, let's say, 15-20-25 thousand, well, even if they are 35, then they climb loans, and buy dear cars that they are in principle for anything. Well, it concerns young, and middle-aged people.

A. Samsonova: There is such a phenomenon, I agree. Linor, you wanted to add something.

T. Felgengauer: By the way, it seems to me that this is a separate car, a very important topic. Desire to buy a good car, Linor, you wanted to somehow comment on it.

L. Morlik: I know one case is really a tragic of how a man for the sake of Ponte spent a monstrous amount of money on the thing that was deeply unpleasant. This is when my friend is a familiar couple when I went fashion in Russia to acquire expensive pets. This is still in the 90s natural years, somehow on the wave of a very new wealth. They bought a cat for topics for $ 25,000. Cat. And this cat was disgusting, terrible. These are the cats of the Asher breed, now they cost $ 35,000. Well, time has changed. And cats, probably, was dressed. I do not know how to explain it. Well, in general, yes, these people bought a cat simply because it was clear that well, they would not be ashamed to say who he lives.

A. Samsonova: Poor Cat.

L. Morlik: And they did not want a cat, they did not love. There was, fortunately, a huge house, the cat was engaged in other people hired for this. But this is yes, it was an impressive Pont.

A. Samsonova: cars, cats, phone numbers. Anything else? 363-36-59. Alo, hello, you live in the Echo of Moscow. What is your name?

Listener: Good evening. My name is Alexey. I call from Moscow.

A. Samsonova: Alexey, and you turned off the radio?

Alexey: Yes, I went away.

A. Samsonova: Excellent. Turn it off at all. And then we somehow bouffals on the air. And tell your story about Ponte.

Alexey: Well, look, just a story is very household and at the same time so bright. I `m teaching. Teaching at home. Well, doing rehearse. And here two guys I had a student, who each of them came to me on my car. There is nothing terrible in this, but not in Moscow. Because people, I just know, very apparently tormented, were late, they called me with my expensive, they explained that they were in traffic jams. I think they would be quickly faster, could do the same on the subway. But for some reason no, only by car.

A. Samsonova: A cool example, in my opinion, is very adequate for many of us.

N. Uskov: Oh, no, listen, they stood in traffic jams because they ragged, sorry, used another word. And you need to go before easy.

T. Felgengauer: Listen, the car is actually such a status thing.

N. Uskov: Well, she is a status, it is comfortable, you see. You go to the subway, I, for example, do not want to ride on the Moscow metro. There is a bad air conditioner, a bunch of people ...

T. Felgengauer: I drive, I understand that it is often the only way to get quickly to the right place and not be late.

N. Uskov: Quickly. But if you go on time, you will come by car.

A. Samsonova: And if you have a tight schedule, you can't get anywhere.

N. Uskov: It is poorly compiled. Well, you see, the car is just convenience. This is Praivasi. I do not care what I have a car, it is important for me that this is a car that is air conditioner, what is the music, and no one touches me, I can sit there, smoke, do myself ...

T. Felgengauer: Some of its own space.

N. Uskov: No one pushes me, does not rest in the back in the back, as in this the subway happens. Does not give up legs.

A. Samsonova: How do you know from?

N. Uskov: Well, because I traveled on the subway naturally, like all the people who were born here.

A. Samsonova: Okay, let's go to another question, which we also wanted to ask our listeners. And then give you the time so that you can also speak.

T. Felgengauer: Well, in fact, we have already partially touched upon this question about how anyone is pontoon in which countries. Let's vote what you think. Ponte is an exceptional feature of Russians. If you agree with this, then 66-00-66-4. If you do not agree with this, then 66-00-66-5.

A. Samsonova: So, Ponte is an exceptional feature of Russians. Yes, I agree 66-00-66-4. No, I do not agree, not only the Russians suffer from this 66-00-66-5. Linor?

L. Mountain: I have a solution. I hope my mother does not hear it. But I have a solution to the whole story with the machine, time and subway. The driver with whom I work, when I have a very tight schedule, and you need to have a lot, it's a motorcyclist. In Moscow, there is a service of motorcycles that work in time. And, for example, last summer, when I really had a very tight schedule, I just took the driver until September, warm months, a motorcyclist boy, with whom we perfectly managed to have time. At 6 pm, the ring joined in 40 minutes, it turns out perfectly.

T. Felgengauer: It's all right. For this, for this last summer I bought myself a scooter.

L. Morlik: I can't drive myself either a car nor a motorcycle, but solves this problem perfectly.

A. Samsonova: Friends, enough to appeal, let's return to the answer to the question. So, after all, only Russians ...

T. Felgengauer: examples of Ponte. Here I and Linar showed how it was done.

L. Mountain: And the main thing is the whole problem with time.

A. Samsonova: Nikolai, only Russians or not?

N. Uskov: We in principle answered this question, of course, no.

A. Samsonova: What is the Italians? What about the French? How are the British?

N. Uskov: Listen, well, in Milan, for sure, after all, I would not believe that the girls were not in Milan?

A. Samsonova: And what? Pink semi-block ...

N. Uskov: what pink. Well, listen, well, italian cars ... yes which pink, these all checkered costumes, handkerchiefs ...

L. Morlik: They are all salmon.

N. Uskov: crocodile boots. Man just went to work. It seems that he gathered to marry at least. And it looks like, in general, the whole crowd of Milan.

A. Samsonova: Well, it does not cause some disgust, or some smile, as if you saw women who come out of our products, but at the same time all the gold jewelry that they have at home are. Somehow, all the same these Italian men, they look more pleasant.

L. Mountain: Maybe they cause, we are not they, we do not know.

N. Uskov: I do not know, I have a smile, for example. I have a woman who dress up, the truth is a smaller smile, because in principle I am glad when people dress up. So, they have a good mood, it means they want to attract attention, then they have something to say and show. I am very calm towards this. And to Italian men, and to Russian women in principle. Much worse when they dressed badly. There are dishonests such Lahudras, pick up in the nose. This is much worse. So let it be better to walk on the hairpins and in the leopards.

T. Felgengauer: No, let's do without leopards, please.

N. Uskov: Well, in Zebra, good. If you do not want a leopard, then let the zebra be.

L. Morlik: If you can, just do not combine them at the same time. Already something one. Or zebra or leopard. This will already be enough.

T. Felgengauer: Well, Linor, you wanted to talk about animals, we started talking about them.

L. Morlik: Finally, we came to the topic of interest.

A. Samsonova: I press the Red Stop button, and yet voting results. 41% believe that the exceptional property is to pontech, this is the exclusive property of Russians. BC Russians, no one is pontoon.

T. Felgengauer: These patriots called us now. They also important to all of us.

A. Samsonova: 59% believe that this is a global phenomenon inherent to man in general, and not only the property of Russians. What comments will be Linor?

L. Morlik: I want to say that if anyone is interested, as actually the answer to this question is, even now during the crisis, all expensive brands. Dear is a conditional concept. Well, relatively speaking, the luxury segment of the market. Make a bet on the so-called magnificent four. I'm afraid to make a mistake, I will try to call correctly. Russia, China, Korea and someone fourth. I have the impression that Japan, but I'm not sure ....

N. Uskov: No, not Japan. There everything fell scary.

L. Morlik: India?

N. Uskov: India. Only in the first place is China, on the second India ...

L. Morlik: despite the fact that the Arab countries are generally a separate topic, otherwise they are arranged.

A. Samsonova: What unites these 4 countries?

L. Morlik: a sharp change of social status in the last 20 years, everything. There were people who first communicate with money. There were people who have no status language except the language of things. Everything happened to us. Normal process. Varka Broth is also a normal process. Foam, which pops up, tasteless and unpleasant, I do not try to say that the normal process in all its stages is visual. But there is no pathology. Pathology, when it does not develop, or does not evolve to normalization.

A. Samsonova: We have such a level of abstraction, we rose so much in our analyst over the society, which we will disperse here that for us, of course, everything is normal.

L. Mountain: Everything, except for death, is normal.

T. Felgengauer: You said about evolution as a prerequisite condition for this very normality. You see some signs of evolution in russian society?

L. Mountain: I yes. For example, I see the smaller children of the generation of Russian nouveroi, which are arranged otherwise, absolutely deprived of the need to express exclusively at the expense of things. Acquire a new communication language. Where to fear less, which is interesting, stay without money. And generally arranged much more healthy way. For which thanks to their parents who, for example, invested among other things in their education.

N. Uskov: I completely agree with this.

L. Mountain: This is normal.

N. Uskov: My friend is quite wealthy, a friend is persecuted on expensive things, the son believes that jeans should not cost $ 25. At the same time, he can afford any jeans, including those that cost 2,000. But this is its principled position. And it is impossible to change it. She can't even change his father who says - a, take money. Not.

A. Samsonova: This is the question of whether these people, they ceased to appeal, or they just moved to another language from one language. Or from the language of things switched ...

N. Uskov: The fact is that first, if we take the older generation, i.e. Those who were sometime were nouveau. They are accustomed to money now, and now the coolest behavior in their environment is just not to detect this wealth. There is such a B. english language The term discrete lackers. Such a hidden, implicit luxury.

A. Samsonova: for example?

N. Uskov: Well, a person is dressed simple, but expensive. For example. Or rides just on a very good car. Not on Bentley, for example.

L. Morlik: Pink.

N. Uskov: Yes. With some initials.

L. Morlik: Just on Bentley. On black.

N. Uskov: Just on Bentley, he drives only to Monte Carlo casino. And here he rides on the top five BMW. Or on the sixth Audi. As an ordinary state official.

A. Samsonova: like a sucker.

N. Uskov: as an ordinary hired manager to which the company gave the car. And this is a special chic in a large state environment now ... you look at the oligarchs, they rarely who use expensive cars. They have, of course, they have a huge park. But the usual car is the five BMW, or eight Audi.

A. Samsonova: Nikolai Uskov, Linor Mountain.

L. Mountain: old money. Moreover, the word "old" also does not necessarily mean 4 generations and 5th centuries. It can designate many different things. But people who are accustomed to money know that wealth is a feeling that there is enough money. This feeling is produced by everyone in their social strategy. You can be a rich person, if you have a feeling that you have enough money, and get a very modest salary for Moscow standards. Another thing is that this desire to pontech, it is just due to the loss of the feeling that there is enough money. Sufficiently implies - it was enough yesterday, enough today, and it will be enough tomorrow. And then you can not think about them. Wealth is a situation, a person does not think about how much his jeans cost. He buys them, because it was close, quickly, convenient, they were clean. But for this you need to feel that the level of prosperity that you have, let it not be a cosmic, not going anywhere. You have stable financial situationthat suits you. And here it turns out that you do not know how much your jeans cost. And this does not mean that you are rich in the standards of a person whose yacht occupies half the bay. But this means that you do not care more show yourself and other your well-being through the acquisition of status things.

T. Felgengauer: Such an inner rather feeling.

L. Morlik: Well, yes, it's like a wound healing. It cannot be accelerated, it takes time. This time goes if we take care of anything, in addition to the high cost of marks on the sausage in the supermarket "Crossroads", then maybe it will last peace. If it lasts, then we will change, it seems to me that this is a relationship to money.

T. Felgengauer: Let's not know, about age, it seems to me somehow we have already talked more or less, or leave this name ...

A. Samsonova: I think we will turn to the final voting that we planned today.

T. Felgengauer: The last question we want to ask our guests to vote, and our listeners and audience sounds like this: our society is arranged so that people are forced to ponate. If you agree with this statement, then you dial 66-00-66-4. If you do not agree with this, then 66-00-66-5.

A. Samsonova: So, the question sounds as follows. Our society is arranged so that people are forced to ponate. If you agree with this, 66-00-66-4. If you do not agree, 66-00-66-5. Voting is coming. And you there is timeFor which you must express your position, Nikolay.

N. Uskov: In the culturologists there is such a concept - the culture of shame and culture of conscience. The culture of shame is when, respectively, a person focuses on the opinion of other people about himself. And thus forms its own assessment. And the culture of conscience, this is when a person does not need the opinion of others and forms it independently. The way there is a dialogue with God, suppose, or with some alterago. It is believed that culture of conscience is a more developed type of culture when a person has a fairly clear, clear criteria for their own assessment that is immanent to him. They are present in it, thanks to parents, read books, viewed movies, etc. We are in many ways still the culture of shame. We focus on the opinion of others. For us, this is still very important. We are not self-sufficient. In this sense, we, of course, such a virgin, native nation. We did not have the opportunity to go through the way without shock. We very often started the way to re-in one century. And lost the links of generations, communication times. Therefore, it is, in general, some misfortune, and some of Russia. And, probably, you just need to try, including similar transmissions to orient people to some kind of developing new internal principles of self-esteem. Then there will be less ponts, less cheap ponts. And they will not disappear at all, they will certainly always be. Then they will be less, they will be high quality, they will not annoy to such an extent. Maybe they will not provoke social tensions. And they certainly provoke. But this is the phase that apparently will come in a massive sense in Russia very soon, as it seems to me.

A. Samsonova: Linor?

L. Mountain: It seems to me that our society is arranged so that the life is not embodied here and now. This is due to again with how our story was arranged, with how we see our future, but, in general, there is no such feeling that there is some kind of yesterday, in which you can draw for power, or some tomorrow which should be repaid. Our culture, it is here now in Russia, encourages the feeling that you live on the whole coil. This is also connected with the youth of those who now have money. Not so many are obliged to take care of children yet. Or there about some, well, in general, simple words We can afford to consider money as a toy that we are free to dispose of, more or less. And in this sense, of course, a person who whose prosperity is more or less known, and spending is much lower than wealth, here in this society looks strange or suspicious often. I do not want to generalize. I heard a striking completely conversation about a man, about whom they said that he was clearly a lot, and he spends not enough. Or casino, or cocaine. It was not a condemnation, it was a complete misunderstanding, but where the money goes. Well, put them on? Well, not in our same banks? Well, in general, some complex soup are immediately implied.

A. Samsonova: He falls immediately.

L. Morlik: It falls out of the usual image. This is by no means a generalization. There are people who organize their lives in general on other principles. But they are encouraged not Ponte. Encouraged a slight attitude towards money. This is a feeling of me, like a person who lives here for many years, is. It is very interesting. Should the attitude towards be different? I'm anxious man, I'm generally inclined to be afraid of the future, and somehow pull the supplies. Not that it is very very, but at least to blame himself for not doing this. People with a smaller level of anxiety, probably, do not see the problems here. I do not know.

T. Felgengauer: Well, look, on the other hand, we talked about the most unfortunate boy who talks to her iPhone bought on credit, or somehow, and you mentioned that in order to somehow establish It is some kind of society micro, or climb to his top, he is forced to speak this language, i.e. He has to take loans, do not think about what and how.

A. Samsonova: In order for him to be considered a man.

T. Felgengauer: It is possible to say, in this case, here are the most Ponte this is such a part of the social elevator mechanism. If you want to go upstairs, you will be ponted.

L. Morlik: In that society, to which this boy belongs. If he entered the subculture of Emeu, then in order to climb up, he would have to seriously cut a vein in a hot tub. If he belonged to the subculture of bikers, no one would be interested in his iPhone, but the quality of his car, his gloves would be important. This is a social elevator in certain social layers.

T. Felgengauer: To go from one layer to another Ponte is not needed?

L. Mountain: Layer what?

T. Felgengauer: Well, if I have a kind of scheme, I wanted to develop. Here I am now a student, and students surround me. And I want to be among them not in the last place. But then…

A. Samsonova: When applying for a job, I need to come with a good phone.

N. UPFOV: When a device, you need to come to work, for example, with good clock. I had a case, for example, my buddy came with a very expensive clock that he took just at his buddy banker. Watch worth 100,000 dollars. And naturally, he was given a salary 2 times more than he cost.

L. Morlik: Well, these are certain sectors.

N. Uskov: Because the employer, having seen this watch, realized that he could not offer him the money he originally wanted to offer him.

T. Felgengauer: Excellent, man further develops, he wants to make a career. At some other point, he from the manager of the average of some link wants to get into the tops. He needs to learn to speak in a new language, forget all those old Ponte and learn new.

N. Uskov: Of course.

L. Morlik: Well, yes. But this happens in any circle of any society. You choose now a non-environment that, by the way, is very small. It is mostly Western, mostly blah, blah, blah, in which yes, status symbols are elements not the main principles, but elements of the social elevator. In theory, this man in these beautiful watches, and, do not know his work, he would not receive this work.

N. Uskov: No, well, definitely.

L. Morlik: The clock is one of the ways to lead a conversation.

N. Uskov: increase its salary, in principle.

L. Morlik: But, for example, I, as a person who has hired a technological profile for many years in the previous life, is a programmer, systemist, everything else. A person may not be soiled a couple of weeks. It says nothing about his professional knowledge, and most importantly, nothing speaks of how much I will cost me. It is possible that the most expensive specialist I can find in the segment at all. There are others, for example, signs of status completely.

A. Samsonova: i.e. Ponte never exist for themselves. They always exist for you to custody in one or another social group.

L. Morlik: Of course, the programmer has its own Ponte. They are simply not money, but they are also monstrously resource-intensive and laborious. It is otherwise arranged. Exactly, as I do not know anyone else. But this is not connected with money. There are environments in which money can help in social lifting. There are in which there is no, it seems to me.

A. Samsonova: Well, in this case, summing up what you said, it seems to me that we come to the conclusion that not people are to blame that they are cheaply pontoon, but the society and the environment in which they exist, forcing it do.

L. Morlik: Why is it to blame?

A. Samsonova: Well, good.

L. Mountain: No, really, why this game is worse ... You know, once ...

T. Felgengauer: Well, I will explain why you are as described by questions. Because everyone, you yourself started with the fact that cheap Ponte is aggressively painted.

L. Morlik: This is a derogatory ...

T. Felgengauer: This is an estimated, and that is why the will of the unilies arise this word "to blame".

L. Mountain: Let's just get rid of the words "cheap Ponte". And we will not need the word "to blame".

T. Felgengauer: Ponte from this will not go anywhere.

A. Samsonova: So, we sum up the voting to the curtain of the program. And I asked the question: the society is guilty ... again guilty. Our society is arranged so that people are forced to ponate. Yes or no? Yes. The society is such and we are forced to appeal - 38% of the radio listeners "Echo of Moscow" are considered. At the same time, 62% believe that it is not a society and not from society here to dance.

N. Uskov: And the neighbors are not to blame.

L. Morlik: Leading "Echo of Moscow".

T. Felgengauer: Well, that, on these shuffling numbers, we end up the program "Lugvyvnaya Digit", which Tatya Felgengauer, Tonya Samsonova, held for you today. I thank our today's arrangements Linor Morlik and Nikolai Uskov.

N. Uskov: Thank you.

T. Felgengauer: Total Good.

A huge SUV, selfie from the beach, a luxurious wedding and a new iPhone earned by her body. Modern nishchebrudes are easy to recognize Pontuch. Previously, everyone wanted to live well, and now everyone is pontoon that they live well.

"In her head, there were always some unconfixed (pumped her mother, former party boss in her head, about how she should live in the future. Singing solid Dolce Vita with flights on private aircraft from Paris to Milan, with princes on white limousines and other attributes of low-budget Hollywood fairy-tale films. " Spiriness.

Surely you have a lot of such friends, modern Nishchebrudes, applying for the luxurious life of the star from Hollywood?

TV, magazines and the Internet have permensed the modern generation. They can not live like in Hollywood, but imitate the luxurious life of Celebrity. Modern youth is now the main Ponte. People trechant feeling their own importance (ChSV) buying and making what they do not afford or to the detriment of themselves.

Expensive car. Office Plankton loves to cost wealthy people and businessmen. Nishchebrudes buy a huge SUV, a representative class or sports car. They charge the car loan that they need for Ponte and the increase in the CSV.

New iPhone. No matter how much you earn and where to spend money first. Any modern fashionable chick buys an iPhone. It will eat "Dashirak", postpone the latest money, take a loan. And maybe it will compromise with morality. Among the immigrants from the eastern countries there is such a fashionable fun. They go to the bathhouse by the company, but before that they buy an iPhone and take the wishes girl to the bath. So, another chick appears a new iPhone, which she "worked."

Dear weddings. This is sinned by the narrow-minded people from the plebeian layers. They need to show that they are not worse than others. Take loans, learn from parents or spend the last savings on a luxurious wedding. After that, Nishchebrudes live the injignment and cannot buy anything for a long time. But they showed others! Let them envy!

Dear phones. Who has the most powerful phones? Theoretically, businessmen. But in reality, students are buying such phones. Shkolota raises the parents from their parents only to boast of friends. Why do you need such an expensive phone? Exclusively for games and Ponte.

Selfie from the beach. If you did not fly to Egypt or Europe on vacation, then you are Loch. Where is the photo from foreign resorts? Did not posted B. social networks Photos from the rest? You are Nishchebrud and loser. Many girls ride almost round year on different beaches. Whether they spent the last money or became the contents of rich papikas - this is another question.

The trouble of modern Nishchebrudes

Nishchebrudes are always unhappy, because they have to imitate a luxurious life. They constantly think they look from the side. What will affect others? Nishchebrudes take loans, live injuries, and some sell themselves and their body. Nishchebrudes spend all the resources on Ponte, and not to improve life and achieve happiness.

People may not be apartments, but they buy cars, phone numbers, trips, things dear brands. Why these rotten Ponte? A self-sufficient person does not need all this. He does not try to increase its importance by buying things and demonstrating a luxurious lifestyle.

When a person is in Lada with himself, he does not need to prove anything. He is confident. He has other values, goals and dreams.