Time passes, but nothing changes ... Scary! Time goes by, nothing changes

I woke up but the room is still too dark. So it is still very early now. And you know what woke me up so early, right from the fact that I'm terribly sick! This feeling pissed me off. And by the way, recently I was a doctor to make sure that the test did not cheat me. Well, as you know, he did not deceive me!
I got up slowly and went to the kitchen. There was coffee with a note
Good morning, see you tonight) kiss! (Valeria)
Unauthorizedi smiled and started drinking coffee. There are 2 months left before the wedding of Valeria and Eric. Every night I wake up with nightmares. And their main character is always Conor.
Eric and a friend will be visiting me today, and by the way, Katy and I have moved to another house. Because there are too many things there that remind of him. And now we have the following rule in our house: not to pronounce the name of the person who just stupidly threw me, and even pregnant. I am terribly angry and at the same time miss this bastard. But for Katie, he just went on a business trip. So after finishing my coffee, I was full of energy and a little sick.
So it's okay. I quickly changed into normal clothes and went to wake Katie.
“Bunny, it's time to go to the kindergarten!” I said and pulled the blanket off her. She quickly went to the van part of her teeth and went to get dressed. Already quite an adult and independent!
After preparing her breakfast and feeding her, I closed the house and took Katie to the kindergarten. By the way, another plus of the new house is that it is a 5-minute walk from Eric and Valeria's house, and the fact that it is located in a quiet part of Los Angeles.
(by the way, in the pictures, photos of the very house where they live now)
Well, I came home and, having undressed, I start cooking food. I cooked: meat with vegetables and seafood salad and cake. Because Eric's birthday is tomorrow.
As soon as I was done with that and got to the door, someone rang the bell. I opened the door and saw Tyler. To be honest, it hurt me to look at him because he and his brother are very similar and I still cannot get this scoundrel out of my head.
- Hello, I said
- I learned today that he left and immediately came to you! - Tyler said and went into the house.
- yeah
“I know that it's hard for you, so I came to cheer you up!” he said and took out a bottle of cognac from the bag. And then I remembered that I shouldn't drink it.
- ooo cool - I squeezed out
- Well, let's go to the kitchen, I added and started thinking about an excuse about drinking.
He quickly put the glasses on the table and began to pour, but when he was just about to pour me, I said:
- I can't!
- why?
- I'm just taking pills now!
He looked at me carefully and sat down.
- Well then, let's eat a bucket of ice cream! - he said and was not taken aback in such a situation
- great, I'll bring it right now!
I quickly took ice cream out of the freezer and put it on the table.
- well then let's go eat it under the film - said the guy happily
- OK
In the end, we watched a comedy that makes our stomachs ache. Because she was terribly carbon monoxide. And Tyler decided not to rid himself of such joy as drinking and took a teaspoon of ice cream with cognac and this mixture. And I just ate ice cream and thought about mine.
After Tyler left, I went for Katie and we went together to Valeria and her future hubby ........

The other day, fate showed me two situations. There were two meetings with men we knew in the past. The first meeting was in a restaurant, we have not seen each other for several years, and then we managed to dine in one place. But over these few years, probably, this man has only changed his iPhone, instead of the fifth and tenth. It is sad, scary, because there is zero development, no progress, no internal changes, realizations, insights. And I'm not talking about appearance here, although it seems that we last saw each other not a few years ago, but just yesterday. In principle, I do not change much outwardly either, but in people the look changes, some small subtle moments by which you notice how a person has developed, how much has grown. In this man, with my insane attentiveness, I did not notice anything new, fresh, bright. Everything is very dull, gray, monotonous, height is zero, although the young man is probably in the most changing age.

Frankly, I would have forgotten about this meeting, but the next day I met another old friend of mine, with whom we once conquered Moscow nightclubs. Then we were students, we lived our lives as best we could, he was absolutely unlucky, problematic, strange, although he studied at one of the leading universities in Moscow. Several years have passed since our last meeting, although even then he was noticeably changed, far from being a student, he was growing up, matured. Basically, he could stop at that level. Imagine my surprise when I saw him now. This is a very serious man, handsome, handsome, confident, who constantly improves himself, puts a lot of effort and time into himself. I want to dive into this man headlong, because he can give a lot, it is interesting with him, he reads a lot, travels, invents something, creates - GROWS.

It would seem that these are two initially very similar young people - both party-goers, attractive, wealthy, from excellent families, everything was captured from them, but if the first one got stuck in his path and it is not a fact that he will somehow progress, then the second rushes forward by leaps and bounds.

I am really scared when people do not develop, when after years you meet the same face, in the same conditions, with the same thoughts and aspirations. The more you change, the more facets you gain. Each of us is a diamond, but whether you remain a diamond or discover your potential and become a diamond is up to you. Sometimes fate itself pushes us to growth, throwing up situations that we are forced to solve, sometimes we are blind and refuse to join this game. But in any case, we can grow without being kicked by the universe. It is important to constantly study something, learn, meet new people, gain new experience, step over your fears, challenge yourself every day, work on yourself, hone your skills, transform your complexes, turn weaknesses into places of strength - all this is our power. The more effort, the more active the growth. No effort, no growth - you are standing in one place. Why is this scary? We came into this life to move forward, and not hang in one position, so make the most of your every minute. It's so interesting.

Remember, whoever you are, be better!

Yours faithfully,

Female spiritual coach and tarologist Anna Merzlyakova

For all questions write to [email protected]

This is the most terrible reasoning: if I cannot do everything, then I will not do anything.
- Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Here are a few pictures and reflections on Chaos Report 2015. Who cares, you can go and look in the original. A couple of pictures that seemed interesting to me, I dragged away under the cat.

The first picture is the most telling one and it was she who served as the reason for such a title for this note. Indeed, over the past 5 years, there have been no particularly noticeable changes (pictures are clickable):

As a third of the projects were completely successful, it remains so. Exactly half of the projects are completed without deadlines, planned scope of work or budget. And almost a fifth of all projects never reach users.
Think about it, over the past five years, thousands of conferences have been held, millions of books have been released, and all this is about how to write code, manage requirements, design an architecture, and generally manage projects. In the same period, the fourth PMBook was replaced by the fifth. And nothing has changed. Maybe we are doing the wrong thing?
Another interesting picture:

Of all successful projects in 5 years 62% are small projects! Those. if you launch a medium or larger project, the chances of meeting the deadline and money are less than 7%. One fifteenth. In this case, the chances of releasing it at least somehow are 25%. Fourth! Impressive.
Well, the last picture. What factors are most important for getting into the third of the lucky ones:

As you can see from the picture, 60% of a project's success consists of management support, emotional maturity (how well people interact with each other), user engagement, and process optimization (including breaking large projects into smaller ones).
The funniest thing is Agile is in 7th position. And the anecdote here is that it is Agile that says that you need to interact with users, release the product incrementally (in the form of small projects closed in two weeks and delivered to the user), and optimization of processes in Agile is one of the key points. But okay, let it be the seventh place.
That's how we live...