Day of office-work service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. How is International Secretary Day? Secretary's day when celebrated

You are in documents like a fish in the sea
After all, office work is your strong point!
They just puzzled you - and then soon,
Everything is ready just in time!
We congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish your career to go up,
And in personal life, unearthly joy
Having taken good luck, I came to you!

Official birthday greetings to the clerk

We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday
And wish you success in business:
Compile all reports on time,
Send business letters,
Let the papers be all right
Let the bosses every day and hour.
He sees that everything is always smooth with you,
And always appreciates you with dignity!
Dear clerk!
May work always please
Everything you want in life
And there will never be problems!

Official holiday greetings to the clerk

Lives fly by in a fast run:
Hour and day, followed by a month, a year ...
Congratulations to your colleague
Every secretary is now carrying.
Who is the clerk for us?
Both the assistant and the employee, and sometimes,
How to write and design a teacher:
Explain, prompt every time.
You are already irreplaceable for us!
So we wish you only the best.
Be forever so beautiful and loved
And let youth not pass away!

Serious congratulations to the clerk

Honor and respect, gentlemen,
Keepers of foundations, "literalists",
Without you, the system will collapse without difficulty -
You take all troubles away from her.
Let both hands and eyes be accurate
Let your hearts beat all tirelessly,
Thanks for the order, gentlemen,
We are all incredibly proud of you.

Holiday January 20 - Day of office work

The work of a clerical service may seem boring and uninteresting to someone. Only not to the employees of the unit. On January 20, they enthusiastically celebrate their professional .
The clerical departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia began their activities at the beginning of the 19th century. It was then that the first chancellery was established, with a staff of 45 people. At the same time, the first rules of office work and provisions on the distribution job duties... In Russia, the Day of All Clerks is celebrated on January 20.

Earth office

The official date for Office Work Day was set in 2003. At first glance, such work may seem routine and boring, but without skillful implementation of document flow control, the normal functioning of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system is simply impossible.

Working with papers requires accuracy and attention. The subdivision carries out reception, registration, preparation of documentation for governing bodies, transfers the corresponding correspondence to the services, to monitor the observance of secrecy in the processing of classified information.
The profession of a clerk requires the ability to timely and accurately perform the assigned task, responsibly treats the orders and orders of the authorities, and communicate correctly with people. The main rule of work is the strictest discipline.
Clerks always have a lot of work, sometimes they have to stay up at work until late at night. Such a regime is within the power of only those who really love their job and are ready to give it completely. Often, department employees work directly with citizens, providing advice on many issues, even those that are not within their competence. A noticeable increase in civic engagement suggests that trust in law enforcement agencies is growing rapidly.
The office work departments work hard every day. Their activities sometimes remain completely invisible, but they ensure the full and correct fulfillment of the duties of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Russian Federation to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens of the state.

Until recently, there was no professional day for secretaries. However, given the importance of this profession, in 2005 this situation was corrected. Finally, the Day of the Secretary was established. 2018 will be another confirmation of the importance of the office workers.

How the secretary profession came about

The name of the profession comes from the word "secret". In ancient times, all the secrets were in charge of special trusted persons, who were called secretaries. In the beginning, only males owned the secrets. They served the royal people and high-ranking representatives of society. Such persons, as a rule, possessed huge influence... The importance of their position is indicated by their official titles: General or Secretary of State.

With the invention of the first typewriter, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity began to take on the post of secretary. Women were better at typing. Secretaries-assistants were especially popular. At the beginning of the last century, there were practically only women in this service.

It is difficult to determine when exactly this profession appeared in the world. As for our country, the period of the reign of the first emperor of Russia can be considered the time when the post of secretary was created. It was then that the decree of Peter the Great appeared on the reduction of paperwork.

It should be noted that even before that, there was a position in the Russian state that implied documentary records. The hints of secretarial affairs appeared at the end of the fifteenth century.

At the time of Peter the Great, the rank of secretary was established. A whole range of requirements were imposed on them. Since 1840 on all large enterprises there were already secretaries in Russia. After a while, other enterprises also acquired them.

The first secretarial courses appeared in 1868 in Kharkov. It should be noted that in this regard, Russia was a pioneer. In other states, similar courses appeared later.

In addition, specialized magazines for secretaries appeared. In 1884 there were already 8 of them. Along with this, with the development of industry, numerous advanced training courses for secretaries have emerged.

The dawn of secretarial affairs took place in the twenties of the last century. True, it should be noted that this period did not last long. Soon the secretaries were equated with typists and messengers. After several decades, this profession has ceased to be prestigious altogether. At the end of the twentieth century, they again remembered the importance of secretarial affairs. True, new trends came mostly from the West.

What date is the holiday?

Representatives of this profession from many cities of the Russian Federation took the initiative to create a professional secretary day. The country's leadership reacted with understanding to such an initiative, and the Day of the Secretary was established. The date of its celebration was appointed - the third Friday of September. This year - it will be - 09/21/18

Today, such a position exists not only in large enterprises. Most organizations and companies now have secretaries. Very often the image of the company depends on them, and even successful promotion on the market. Experienced secretaries are the right hand for the management of any enterprise or organization. The information that is taken into account by the heads of companies and firms depends on them. Secretaries are obliged:

  • meet guests:
  • work with documentation;
  • negotiate by phone;
  • provide comfortable conditions when meeting visitors (serving drinks, etc.).

It should be noted that there are similar professional days in many countries. For example, in America, office workers have seven days. This is usually the last week of April. The actual day dedicated to secretaries is celebrated on the last Wednesday of April. This day in 1952 acquired the status international holiday.

The essence of the secretary's work today

The work of the secretary is quite important in our time. A lot of papers and documents pass through it. Often the work is connected with a computer. Many problems have to be solved during the day. Very often this work is invisible, but very necessary.

The secretary's professionalism lies in patience and the ability to find a common language with any visitor. A secretary is the face of any company. Much depends on his behavior and the first impression, and the result of negotiations and, ultimately, the success of the entire team of an organization or enterprise. He must always be patient and able to welcome any visitor.

Today for successful work secretary little usual erudition. The secretary must be fluent in computer skills, office work, and sometimes know foreign languages... He is also required to be sociable and possess psychological skills.

In addition, the secretary must understand the details and specifics of the enterprise, know the fundamental points of production and activities of his organization.

The duties of the secretary also include the provision of stationery and other materials for meetings, negotiations and various meetings. Often the activities of the entire office depend on him.

The secretary must keep a record of all phones and other contact details of managers, employees of other enterprises and organizations.

To maintain the image of the organization, the secretary must have a culture of communication, have a competent speech, be tactful and delicate.

Every year the requirements for the office manager are steadily growing. Today, a professional secretary often has higher education.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

The advantages of the secretary's activities include:

  • the widest circle of contacts;
  • the ability to organize people;
  • lack of physical labor;
  • the ability to combine execution official duties with studies.

The disadvantages of the secretary include:

  • irregularity of the working day;
  • the need to be always in shape and look great, regardless of mood or other circumstances;
  • inability to get sick often and be late.


On the day of the secretary, congratulations are heard from the heads of enterprises and organizations to their assistants. Special merit can be awarded with prizes, valuable gifts and other incentives. Most executives value their secretaries and therefore create the most favorable conditions for office staff to relax. Often, corporate parties and banquets are organized in their honor.

When is this holiday held? International Secretary Day, or as it is also called, Day of Professional Administrators, is celebrated annually on Wednesday, the last full week of April. In 2020, the holiday date falls on April 25.

History and traditions of the International Day of the Secretary

We will tell you about its history and traditions. International Secretary Day was first celebrated in the United States in 1952.

The initiator of its establishment was the publicist Harry Clemfuss, who did a lot to popularize the work office workers and changes in their status in the eyes of the public.

He worked for the Dictaphone Corporation and considered secretaries to be recognized and respected.

His idea was supported by the National Association of Secretaries, now known as the International Association of Administrative Professionals.

International Secretary Day is part of the traditional US Administrative Professionals Week.

How is Secretary Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? Usually on this day, office workers congratulate their fellow secretaries and give them gifts. Leaders try to load their subordinates as little as possible on this day, and in a number of companies there is a tradition to arrange buffets in honor of them.

The holiday is also celebrated by administrators, assistant directors, assistants, office managers, stenographers.

On International Secretary Day, these staff members are allowed various liberties. For example, in Germany, a secretary can cut his boss's tie. And in England only on this day the boss can invite his secretary to a festive dinner.

In Russia, this holiday appeared not so long ago, but has already become popular. The Secretary's Day has been celebrated in our country since 2005 on the third Friday of September on the initiative of representatives of this profession from large cities of Russia, as well as the editorial board of the Sekret @ r magazine.

According to opinion polls, this profession is one of the five most demanded in the world.

Modern administrative workers are highly qualified specialists, on whom the manager's work schedule, document flow in the organization, the protocol of receptions and business meetings depend.

The responsibilities of secretaries also include working with courier service, they are responsible for the timely delivery of documents to their destination and much more.

A secretary is an employee, without whom no boss can imagine its activities. Handling large volumes of paperwork, scheduling business meetings, and many other important responsibilities fall on the shoulders of one person.


Secretary's Day is not an official holiday, which was created in 2005, thanks to an active group of secretaries from large cities of the Russian Federation. In addition, the magazine "[email protected]" rendered support to them with all its staff.

Interesting to know:

  1. AT Ancient Rome “Secretaries” were those confidants who kept secrets.
  2. Women secretaries appeared with the discovery of the typewriter in the 1880s, and even before the end of the First World War, men in this profession were extremely rare.
  3. Despite the fact that it is difficult to define the basis of the profession, it is believed that in Russia it is February 27, 1720. But, meanwhile, back in the 15th century there were people whose duties were to monitor documents and keep records.
  4. We owe the education of the profession of personal secretary to Peter I, who elevated it to a separate rank in 1840, and secretaries began to work with the heads of the largest factories of that time.

In 1868, professional classes for secretaries were opened, which took place in Kharkov, and since 1884, 8 various publications were published devoted to secretarial affairs... Courses were popular where specialists shared their experience and improved their qualifications.

The position of secretary began to gain popularity in the 19th century, but this did not last long, and in 1925 secretaries were equated with messengers. The profession received a new round of popularity in the 70s of the 20th century. Today in the Russian Federation the secretary is a promising and popular profession, which numbers about a million representatives.


This profession was included in the top five popular professions around the world. Each state has its own Secretary Day, but there is also an international holiday.

Since your professional holiday secretaries spend at the workplace, then on this day the bosses try not to overload them with work. Also, the secretaries are given various prizes and mementos, and in some companies the end of the working day is a festive banquet or buffet dedicated to all the secretaries of the company.