Does your business have a branch or a remote warehouse? What is a product sold from a remote warehouse

Each such unit needs its own database for accounting purposes, and full or partial data exchange with the central database is desirable. As practice shows, such a simple situation is often resolved by enterprises not just "unsuccessfully", but completely unacceptable. We will not consider in this article illustrative examples unsuccessful implementations, on the contrary, we will consistently consider the simplest and effective method... So, the situation: In the center of the city there is an office of an enterprise, accounting is kept in a standard 1C Trade The occupation does not matter to us, well, for example, furniture. The enterprise has a geographically remote warehouse on the outskirts. A task:

  • The warehouse needs a database for the quantitative accounting of materials and components. Data on the receipt of goods and materials is received and loaded automatically from the office database (Database).
  • The "Nomenclature" directory in the warehouse and office bases must be the same.
  • Primary documents (receipt of goods and materials, etc.) are entered in the office database. Their subsequent transfer to the warehouse DB (Database) is required. In the warehouse database on the basis of the receipt, picking documents and invoices are entered. After their creation, they are transferred to the office database.

Thus, in the office and in the warehouse there is a real picture of the movement of goods and materials. The question immediately arises. How to transfer data from database to database? It is clear that not every enterprise has its own programmer. But you don't need it here. Both of these configurations are the same. Therefore, data transfer can be carried out using standard 1C reports supplied with the program or with the ITS (Information and Technical Support) disk. Here is a small recommended description of such a system:

Key points:

  • The Warehouse database is an exact copy of the Office database, geographically located at a remote warehouse and exchanging documents for the receipt and consumption of goods and materials with the Office database, as well as the corresponding reference books.
  • Data exchange is performed using standard processing "Universal data upload" and "Universal data download" (You can find them in the Service / Additional features section).

Work algorithm:

  • In the DB Office entered (manually or automatically) documents of receipt of goods and materials (materials). In the process of entering documents, new nomenclature items are entered.
  • At the end of the working day (or, if necessary), the entered documents are uploaded to a file using the standard processing "Universal data upload" through the Service / Additional options menu. This is done simply. Processing is started, the unloading period is selected in it, and the documents that need to be unloaded are ticked off. Then the report automatically generates a file. This is convenient in that it is possible for the user to select not only the types of documents for uploading, but also individual documents of each type. The whole procedure takes 1-2 minutes.
  • The data file is sent to a remote warehouse. Upon receipt, the data is loaded into the Warehouse database using the standard processing "Universal data loading" (Menu Service / Additional options). Loading is carried out completely automatically; during loading, new nomenclature items are created (if necessary) while maintaining the "directory tree" (hierarchy).
  • If necessary, a special document "Completion" is made in the Warehouse database. The purpose of the document is to write off the components that are part of the equipment set being sold and register the receipt of this type of equipment at the warehouse. You can set the set composition in the Nomenclature Reference / References / Accessories. Picking documents are located in the Documents / Kits / Picking Document Journal menu.
  • At the time of shipment of goods and materials at a remote warehouse (DB Warehouse) on the basis of the document "Picking" (or, if there was no picking, then on the basis) the document "Implementation" is made. The buying firm is selected as the counterparty. Documents Implementation and packaging are uploaded to a file according to the algorithm described above and then sent to the Office database. Equipment prices can be omitted, since only quantitative records are kept in the Warehouse database.
  • In the Office DB, the Sales and Procurement documents received from the remote warehouse are loaded in a standard way. Then the document Completion is carried out (at the moment, the components that are part of the selected equipment are written off and the equipment itself is registered). The required retail prices are set in the Sales document and the document is also posted.

General remarks:

  • The organization of work at this stage assumes the presence of a qualified user in both information bases.
  • In case of such specific situations as equipment dismantling, return from the buyer, etc. the corresponding documents must be transferred from the Office DB to the Warehouse DB to match the quantitative accounting in both configurations. Data exchange is performed according to the algorithm described above.
  • Any documents contained in the databases can be transferred.

Both reports used are simple, and loading data does not require any actions from the user at all, except for selecting a file. Does it make sense to pay to write specialized porting systems that, at the slightest configuration change, will require a programmer to reconfigure? In the described algorithm, there is one key condition - the bases must be the same, so if you make changes to the configurator in the office database, then you must make them into the warehouse database. In general, and in general, this algorithm is quite simple and does not require programming skills.

Kolyasnikov Sergey Anatolievich, LLC VK "Ural-Soft"

The owners of manufacturing and trading companies do not need to be explained why a warehouse is needed and what strategic function it performs. However, many aspiring entrepreneurs looking to get maximum profit from their activities and as early as possible to recoup investments in a developing business, they neglect the need to rent a room for storing products.

This is partly due to the fact that the cost of renting non-residential premises remains at a sufficient high level, despite the fact that the economic crisis "knocked down" a large part of potential clients, who were forced to close their business.

Today we will talk with you about how to organize the work of a warehouse "from scratch", give several "reinforced concrete" arguments in favor of its necessity, and also think about how and on what you can save money by organizing its work.

Everything seems to be clear. Then go ahead!


In order to choose the right strategy for the arrangement warehouse area, you need to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat function it will perform for you, both for the owner and for your potential buyers. All warehouses can be roughly divided into three categories:

    Administrative household... Such premises, as a rule, are used for storing inventory, food for internal use, medicines, household chemicals and other products not intended for sale. It happens that the "administrative department" is formed within the utility room, let's say, in order to save money. Current legislation governing this question, does not prohibit doing this;

    Technological. These warehouses are a kind of "staging area" for products that you are going to produce yourself or bring from its manufacturer. The speed of goods shipment will largely depend on the work of such a warehouse. quite a lot have been created for these needs today softwaredesigned to create comfortable conditions for the inventory of goods and materials. As good example give! Check out the rates and;

    Utility. The name of this type of warehouse speaks for itself. Some particularly economical entrepreneurs manage to combine all three types of warehouses within one area, but this is not entirely correct. In our case, if we are talking about a "back room", it is better to organize it within the office. So it will turn out cheaper and will not interfere with work either.

As you can see, general concept "Warehouse" has a fairly broad paradigm of meanings. In many ways, it is precisely a clear understanding of what purposes the premises will be used for in the future that the future success of this enterprise depends.

Where to begin?

After you decide on the purpose of the future warehouse, it's time to start looking for a suitable area. It just so happened that most of the premises designed for these needs are located in the industrial zones of cities.

This was partly facilitated by privatization, when rather "solvent" gentlemen simply bought out entire buildings from dilapidated factories and later began to engage in leasing out areas. You need to be prepared for the fact that the location of the warehouse too far from your office can create some discomfort in interaction with future employees in this area.

    In any case, remote warehouses have one advantage - rental prices can be significantly lower (generally high) than in areas located closer to the city center.

There are two well-known ways to find the right place:

    Search for information on the Internet. Here you can count on a fairly wide range of proposals;

    Travel around the city and pay attention to the signs. As a rule, in especially "hot" places, they are hung out even with an indication of the rental price for 1 m 2;

    Find out from friends. It is quite possible that not so long ago they themselves were looking for the necessary premises;

    Find a place close to future customers (you probably already know exactly who you will sell your products to).

Regardless of where the warehouse will be located and what the owner will charge for rent, it is important to take into account his future “decoration”. On the Internet you can find a huge number of typical layouts, one of which can be applied to your area. The above image shows a typical plan designed for safe storage of products - just our case!

What's next?

After the lease is signed, you need to start arranging the premises. But before that, it is important to carefully read the contract, check with the owner who will pay for utilities... that this particular issue is becoming a stumbling block in matters of rent. You should be more careful here.

However, suppose that all the ambiguous moments of cooperation are settled, and now you need to organize the direct work of the warehouse. Depending on how the room will be adapted to this, the order of further actions will depend.

There is a fairly large number of offers on the market where ready-made warehouses with racks, pallets, loader services, jacks, etc. are rented. If this is not your case, then equipment and furnishings will have to be rented (Internet for help), and this additional expenses... In any case, this makes it possible to organize the space exactly the way you want it. At this stage, you will need to do at least a few things:

    Agree with the workers to carry out the "rough" work (arrange racks, make partitions, clean the area, etc.);

    Find people from among the warehouse workers (preferably with good experience work), estimate what the number of personnel should be;

    If you have your own freight transport, you will need a driver and a freight forwarder;

    Get yourself. It should be inexpensive.

The diagram shows the well-functioning work of warehouse personnel

Attention to employees

Of particular importance will be the people with whom you will work. Their diligence, responsibility and elementary decency will determine how correctly the warehouse will be filled, how quickly the products will be shipped, whether or not there will be problems with damage or theft of products.

    In one of our previous articles on how the accounting department writes off spoiled or stolen goods from the balance sheet of the organization. Be sure to read it, but we hope you won't find it useful.

You can and should entrust the selection of personnel recruiting agencyif you don't feel confident in your “recruiting” abilities. Their specialists, as a rule, are well versed in the specifics of this work, I know how to identify potential thieves and idlers, so that the selected candidates will be almost ready to work with you. Here, one should not forget about labor protection. How well are you familiar with the legislation in this area? Be sure to check it out.

Among other things, it will be necessary to resolve issues with overalls, staffing table, internal regulations day, a place to relax and many others, which is somewhat different from the "office" work. Do not forget that in the conditions of the Russian climate, staff will need to be provided with free tea and cookies. If in the office it is more "whim", then in the warehouse it is already an urgent need.

About work control

"Trust but verify" - the only correct approach to work with warehouse personnel. This does not mean at all that it is necessary to come to the warehouse every day, to sit somewhere in the corner and vigilantly observe how others do their work. It is quite enough to periodically go into and observe how many products are left in the warehouse, what shipments are taking place, how soon the storekeepers "release" arriving cars, etc. The current development of programs allows you to do this not even from the workplace, but, for example, from a phone, laptop or tablet. Service "" favors this in many ways.


    Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the organization of the warehouse is a rather laborious, but quite feasible process, where a lot depends on the approach to business, on the available resources, as well as on what team you will be surrounded by. Whether to work with like-minded people or with simple "mercenaries" is up to you. We hope that the material we have proposed will help you in developing your business!

We wish you good luck and see you soon!

Once, one of my clients, tortured by another wild assortment of goods, decided to put things in order in their warehouses. Our experience and an unusual solution are in this article.

Usually, trading companies are organized according to the following scheme: there is a central office in which deals are concluded, negotiations, management and several warehouses are located. The main office is located in a prestigious area and serves as the face of the company. Warehouses are located in less prestigious areas, or even beyond the Moscow Ring Road.
With a sufficiently large turnover and large assortment goods, the question arises, how can all this be controlled?

Regular warehouse: about 12,000 items are stored, the name of which often differs by only one digit in the 60th position

The discrepancy between real balances and data from the central system is becoming the norm. Deficiencies and re-grading bloom in double color.
And after a particularly large shortage, Big Boss, banging his fist on a suitable surface, decides: "We make an inventory and deduct all the shortages from the salary." The most dull ones are fined. It rarely helps. More often than not, it's not about the employees. It is impossible to collect several hundred positions in dozens of documents without error, some of which differ only in the number in the n-th digit, without error. A computer should help a person in this.

We have applied the following scheme -
1. Upon receipt, all goods are checked for the correctness of the barcode, in case of an error, a new barcode is applied.
2. When the goods are dispensed (order is assembled), the computer, through a barcode scanner, controls the correspondence of the goods being released to the buyer's order.

At first glance, everything is simple, we connect the scanner, put computers in the warehouse and go. On the second - problems begin to appear
1. If the warehouse and office are not in the same place, you need to solve the problem of their connection.
2. Knowing our storekeepers, it becomes clear that the keyboard cannot be trusted.

In order to prevent damage to the computer, it had to be screwed to the table from below with a metal band, and the monitor was screwed to the ceiling. As a result, the storekeeper only has access to the scanner mounted in the table.

We now turn to technical issues.

Initially, we considered several options for connecting the central system with a remote warehouse.
Direct connection - the usual network to the warehouse. Either wires or a radio channel. Wherein throughput the network must be at least 10 Mbps. Refused due to the inability to reach the warehouse network. The radio channel turned out to be very expensive and limited in range.
Terminal connection - in a nutshell, its principle of operation is as follows: the program is executed on the server, and only the image is transmitted to the client (warehouse computer). Moreover, the client may not know that it is not his computer that is working, but the server in the central office.
The benefit is in the "width" of the required communication channel. Compared to direct connection, it is much more modest - about 64Kbps per computer, which allows using the Internet connection. However, the connection must be continuous to work. The amount of data transferred is quite large. With 5 workplaces, it can be hundreds of megabytes. If we also take into account the required licenses for the terminal connection, the cost of the solution seems to be quite high. In addition, it is not entirely clear how to transfer read barcodes to the server. The terminal connection was also dropped.
Periodic data sync through the 1C URBD component. An attractive enough solution that allows you to periodically exchange data with a remote warehouse through any communication channels, even through a boy on a bicycle with a floppy disk. The only problem is that if the configuration of the central system is changed, the changes are transferred to the subordinate warehouses, which requires the suspension of their work.

Our solution it was like this: for the warehouse, a minimum configuration is written on 1C, the functions of which are receiving release documents from the central system, controlling the order assembly (goods issue), sending the order assembly confirmation to the central system. Data transmissions are made through email... This allowed us to solve several problems at once:
- The communication channel can be very narrow, down to a simple modem.
- The communication channel may be temporary.
We connected, received information, confirmed receipt, disconnected, we are working. Considering that any bond can break, this method guarantees the continuity of the warehouse. The provider fell - we call another. We cut off the telephone line - we connect the mobile phone and the connection is still there.

The next problem was in the qualifications of storekeepers. Working directly with a computer was not immediately discussed. Therefore, "keys" were printed on an ordinary printer - pieces of paper on which information was written with a barcode - personal number storekeeper and team. Computer control is reduced to presenting the required key to the barcode scanner.

As a result, the whole chain of work looks like this:
1. The manager places the customer's order in the central system. The goods are reserved for the buyer.
2. The order is transferred to a remote warehouse.
3. At the warehouse, the order is assigned a barcode and the document is printed. According to it, the storekeeper starts assembling the order.
4. After assembling the order, the storekeeper comes to the computer and is identified by his "key"
5. The storekeeper brings the printout of the collected document to the barcode scanner and the computer automatically opens the required document.

In the recently released release 7.70.905 of the standard configuration "Trade + Warehouse" (version 9.0) for "1C: Enterprise 7.7", along with other changes, the "Remote Warehouse" web application was implemented. "Remote warehouse" is designed to automate the trade of firms that have warehouses physically remote from the central office. It - ready solution to ensure joint work of a remote warehouse with a central office. In this material, the methodologists of the 1C company talk about the possibilities of the new application. This and many other interesting articles are included in the next release of the disk for Information and Technology Support of the 1C: Enterprise software system (ITS disk). Ask about the subscription from the partners of the 1C company in your region.

The new application is an example of using the "Web-extension" component, developed for the "1C: Enterprise 7.7" platform, and can be used as a template for creating on its basis other products that use communication via the global Internet.

It implements the possibilities for the registration of warehouse documents, such as inventory of goods, the act of writing off and posting surpluses, for editing and printing documents issued in the central office, as well as posting invoices directly at the time of receipt and / or shipment of goods de facto. In addition, the portal of the remote warehouse allows you to build warehouse reports: a report on the movement of goods in the warehouse and a report on the balance of goods.

The scheme for working with remote warehouses assumes that all documents related to the purchase (receipt at a remote warehouse) of goods and their subsequent sale (shipment from the warehouse) are issued by a manager located at the central office. The posting of these documents is carried out directly by the storekeeper (financially responsible person) who accepts or ships the goods from the warehouse. The storekeeper can independently change the composition of the invoice, for example, in the case when the quantity of goods written out in the invoice exceeds the current warehouse stock. He can then swipe and print this document. On the other hand, the storekeeper can carry out an inventory in the warehouse and, on its basis, through the portal of a remote warehouse, generate such documents as an act of writing off goods and posting surpluses.

The "Remote Warehouse" Web application allows close interaction between the warehouse and the central office in "On Line" mode, without wasting time on synchronizing the work of the warehouse and office. This interaction takes place within one information base, i.e. in the same information space, due to which both the "Remote warehouse" portal and the central office have the opportunity to receive operational data on the state of the warehouse.

To connect a remote warehouse to the central office, it is sufficient to have a computer installed in the warehouse, connected to the Internet, with a navigation program such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator (Communicator) installed on it.

To work with a remote warehouse at the central office, the "Web-extension" component of the "1C: Enterprise 7.7" system must be installed on the computer. (See the documentation for the "Web extension" for installation and prerequisites). Installing the Remote Store is similar to installing the Implementator Portal sample Web application included with the Web Extension.


The Remote Warehouse Web application supplied on this disk works with a typical Trade + Warehouse configuration, version 9.0, starting with release 7.70.905.

Description of the site of the remote warehouse

The user can work on the site in the following modes:

  • Magazine;
  • Inventory;
  • Write-off of goods and materials;
  • Posting of goods and materials;
  • Remains of goods;
  • Goods movements.

To protect against unauthorized access to the system, at the beginning of each session, the user's authorization on the site is checked. For authorization, the user (storekeeper) must enter his name and password. The username and password are set in the configuration in the "Users" directory. The portal operation scheme assumes that the user works with documents issued to the warehouse selected as the "main warehouse" for this user on the "Default values" tab of the "Users" catalog item form. Only a wholesale warehouse can be selected as the main warehouse.

Site modes

1. Journal

This page appears immediately after logging into the system and is intended to receive a journal of documents for the warehouse. The journal may include documents for this warehouse. You can select documents by their number, type, status (posted or not posted), counterparty, date and company.

When filtering by type of documents: "Sale", "Inventory receipt", "Return to buyer", "Return to supplier" - both documents with the transaction type "purchase and sale" and documents with the transaction type "commission" will be selected.

The choice of the counterparty by which the documents are filtered is carried out by clicking the "..." button, and the clearing of the filter by the counterparty - by the "X" button. When you select a counterparty, a special window opens, in which you can search for the required counterparty by code, by the beginning of the name and part of the name. Such a search can be performed by clicking on the "Find" label.

As a result of the search, in the lower part of the window, all elements and groups of the counterparties directory that satisfy the request will be shown. You can also select the required counterparty without resorting to searching by code or name, but using a selection from the directory, the structure of which is presented in the list at the bottom of the window.

Initially, this list contains all groups and elements of the reference book of first-level counterparties. By clicking on a group of counterparties from this list, you can go down one level in this directory, expanding this group. To select a counterparty, click on the "\u003e\u003e" button located to the right of this counterparty. The Clear Filter button clears all filters in the log.

Attention! The installation of any filter in the log does not mean that the log is automatically re-formed. In order to re-form the journal, click on the "Show Journal" banner.

The generated document journal contains the following columns: document (document type), number, date, time, counterparty, company and posted (document status). By clicking on the document number, you can view and edit this document. You can view and edit only documents of the following types: "Inventory receipt (purchase and sale)", "Inventory receipt (commission)", "Inventory sale (purchase and sale)", "Inventory sale (commission)", "Return from the buyer ( purchase and sale) "," Return from the buyer (commission) "," Return to the supplier (purchase and sale) "," Return to the supplier (commission) "," Inventory of goods and materials (in the warehouse) "," Write-off of goods and materials "and" Recording of goods and materials ". For each of these documents, you can edit the "Quantity" column in the document specification and the "Comment" field. Modified documents can be saved and printed by clicking on the "Save Changes" and "Print View" banners, respectively. The documents "Sale of goods and materials (purchase and sale)" and "Sale of goods and materials (commission)" can also be printed in the form "TORG-12", for which you should click on "TORG-12". Based on these documents, you can issue an invoice document or view this document if it has already been issued earlier. To do this, click on the inscription "Invoice". It should be noted that if the invoice has already been issued earlier on the basis of the invoice, then at each next opening of the invoice, its composition will be re-formed. Therefore, it is recommended not to view the invoice unnecessarily and to open it only when the composition of the invoice has changed and the invoice needs to be reissued. The invoice can be saved and printed.

In addition to editing, saving and printing, you can also post documents of some types, namely: "Inventory receipt (purchase and sale)", "Sale (sale and purchase)", "Inventory receipt (commission)", "Sale (commission)". Documents of the types "Inventory of goods and materials", "Write-off of goods and materials", "Posting of goods and materials" and "Invoice" are not allowed. The latest documents can only be posted by the administrator or manager of the trading system.

2. Inventory

This page is intended for the formation and saving of new inventory statements. To form a new inventory, select the company and date and click on "Create a new inventory". As a result of this operation, in accordance with the estimated warehouse balances, the composition of the new inventory will be automatically filled in.

After that, the composition of the inventory can be edited. In the composition, you can change the number of goods actually present in the warehouse, you can add new products to the composition. To add new items to the inventory, use the "Add item" link.

It opens a window for selecting goods, similar to the window for selecting a business partner for a filter in the document journal (see above).

Using the "\u003e\u003e" buttons located to the right of the items, you can select new items for the inventory. The field next to the "\u003e\u003e" button is used to set the quantity of the item during selection. If this quantity is specified, then each time you press "\u003e\u003e", an additional specified quantity of goods is selected. If the quantity is not specified, then the first pressing "\u003e\u003e" selects one item. The generated inventory has the ability to set a comment, it can be recorded and printed.

3. Write-off of goods and materials and capitalization of goods and materials

These two pages are used to generate new documents "Write-off of goods and materials" and "Capitalization of goods and materials". It is possible to generate new write-off and posting documents both without reason and on the basis of a previously drawn up inventory of goods. In the first case, you should click on "Create an act without reason", and in the second - first click on the "Show list of inventories" button, and then in the list of inventories that appears, select the one on the basis of which you need to write new document... The selection of the required inventory is made by clicking on the number of this inventory. The composition of the documents "Write-off of goods and materials" and "Posting of goods and materials, formed on the basis of the inventory, is filled in automatically, based on the specification of the inventory itself.

After that, the "quantity" column can be changed in the document specification, new commodity items can be added to the document specification (see the selection of goods in the inventory above), the document can be saved and printed.

4. Remains of goods

This page is intended to obtain information about the calculated (based on the issued documents) balances of goods in the warehouse. The balances can be viewed on a specific date set on the page. Turning on the "Only in stock" checkbox means that only those products will be shown with a balance greater than zero. It is also possible to filter products by group (or element) and property. Setting a filter by a group of goods or a property of goods is carried out in the same way as setting a journal filter by a business partner. As a result of clicking on the "Show stocks" button, a table will be generated containing information about the stock of goods in the warehouse.

This table includes the following columns: "Description" (item or group of items) and "Remaining" (remaining items in stock in default units).

5. Goods movements

This page is used to obtain information about the movements of goods in a given warehouse, i.e. on the amount of goods received and shipped for a particular period and on the balance of goods at the beginning and end of the period. In the settings, you can set the interval (the boundaries of the reporting period), you can set the filter by products and their categories. Also, by setting the "With detail by documents" switch, it is possible to enable detailing of goods movements by documents.

By clicking on "Show Movement", a table is formed with the columns: "Description" (group of goods, goods or document), "Balance at the beginning" (balance of goods at the beginning of the reporting period), "Income" (arrival of goods for the period), "Consumption "(consumption of goods for the period)," Balance at the end "(balance of goods at the end of the reporting period).