Download presentation on dragonfly. Presentation on the topic "dragonfly squad". Dragonfly from South Asia - Riotemis multicolored

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Character traits

1.The most ancient insects; 2. An incomplete type of transformation is characteristic; 3. On the first pair of wings there is an eye - pterostigma; 4. Naiad-type larvae (have tracheal gills); 5. Live from one to three years; 6. By their behavior, they can be called predators - sentinels; 7.There is a retractable lip (mask); 8. Wintering takes place at the stage of a nymph;

9.5680 kinds

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They live on land, near water bodies. Over 5,600 species (5,680 species as of February 2008), most of which are found in the tropics and humid subtropics. In Russia, dragonflies are widespread throughout the territory (with the exception of arid regions), the fauna includes about 150 species.

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Structural features

Large wings with mesh venation in large dragonflies are always spread out to the sides, in small ones (arrows, lyutka) they can fold along the body at rest. The long legs are directed forward and set with strong bristles, with the hind legs being longer than the front ones. This helps the dragonfly catch prey by flying up to it from below. The thin rod-shaped abdomen acts as a balancer during flight.

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The color of dragonflies is dominated by blue, green, yellow tones, less often bright metallic luster is found.

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Huge eyes. One Eye consists of 28 thousand facets, each of which is served by 6 light-sensitive cells. The mouth organs of dragonflies are gnawing, the lower lip is spoon-shaped, supporting prey when eaten in the air.

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Dragonfly flat

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    Beauty is brilliant, male

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    Dragonfly from South Asia - Riotemis multicolored

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    Metal headstock

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    The significance of the representatives of this order of insects, in nature, is determined by their predatory nature of behavior, the beauty of species diversity, as well as the habitat of the larval phase of development: dragonflies maintain species balance in ecosystems not only by eating various representatives of the animal world, but also by the fact that their larvae are intermediate hosts of various diseases (up to 160 species). With their graceful shape, and many species and their color, dragonflies play an important role in the aesthetic perception of the world by man.

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    Characteristic features 1. The most ancient insects; 2. An incomplete type of transformation is characteristic; 3. On the first pair of wings there is an eye - pterostigma; 4. Naiad-type larvae (have tracheal gills); 5. Live from one to three years; 6. By their behavior, they can be called predators - sentinels; 7.There is a retractable lip (mask); 8. Wintering takes place at the stage of a nymph; 9.5680 kinds

    Habitat They live on land, near water bodies. Over 5600 species (5680 species as of February 2008), most of which are found in the tropics and humid subtropics. In Russia, dragonflies are widespread throughout the territory (with the exception of arid regions), the fauna includes about 150 species.

    Structural features Large wings with mesh venation in large dragonflies are always spread out to the sides, in small ones (arrows, lyutka) they can fold along the body at rest. The long legs are directed forward and set with strong bristles, with the hind legs being longer than the front ones. This helps the dragonfly catch prey by flying up to it from below. A thin rod-shaped abdomen acts as a balancer during flight.

    Huge eyes. One Eye consists of 28 thousand facets, each of which is served by 6 light-sensitive cells. The mouth organs of dragonflies are gnawing, the lower lip is spoon-shaped, supporting prey when eaten in the air. Huge eyes. One Eye consists of 28 thousand facets, each of which is served by 6 light-sensitive cells. The mouth organs of dragonflies are gnawing, the lower lip is spoon-shaped, supporting prey when eaten in the air.

    Significance The significance of representatives of this order of insects, in nature, is determined by their predatory nature of behavior, the beauty of species diversity, as well as the habitat of the larval phase of development: dragonflies maintain species balance in ecosystems not only by eating various representatives of the animal world, but also by the fact that their larvae are intermediate hosts of various diseases (up to 160 species). With their graceful shape, and many species and their color, dragonflies play an important role in the aesthetic perception of the world by man.

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    Ready-made biology presentations contain various information about cells and the structure of the whole organism, about DNA and about the history of human evolution. IN this section our site you can download ready presentations for a biology lesson for grades 6,7,8,9,10,11. Biology presentations will be useful for both teachers and their students.

    Characteristic features 1. The most ancient insects; 2. An incomplete type of transformation is characteristic; 3. On the first pair of wings there is an eye - pterostigma; 4. Naiad-type larvae (have tracheal gills); 5. Live from one to three years; 6. By their behavior, they can be called predators - sentinels; 7.There is a retractable lip (mask); 8. Wintering takes place at the stage of a nymph; species species

    Habitat They live on land, near water bodies. Over 5,600 species (5,680 species as of February 2008), most of which are found in the tropics and humid subtropics. In Russia, dragonflies are widespread throughout the territory (with the exception of arid regions), the fauna includes about 150 species. They live on land, near water bodies. Over 5,600 species (5,680 species as of February 2008), most of which are found in the tropics and humid subtropics. In Russia, dragonflies are widespread throughout the territory (with the exception of arid regions), the fauna includes about 150 species.

    Structural features Large wings with mesh venation in large dragonflies are always spread out to the sides, in small ones (arrows, lyutka) they can fold along the body at rest. The long legs are directed forward and set with strong bristles, with the hind legs being longer than the front ones. This helps the dragonfly catch prey by flying up to it from below. A thin rod-shaped abdomen acts as a balancer during flight. Large wings with mesh venation in large dragonflies are always spread out to the sides, in small ones (arrows, lyutka) they can fold along the body at rest. The long legs are directed forward and set with strong bristles, with the hind legs being longer than the front ones. This helps the dragonfly catch prey by flying up to it from below. The thin rod-shaped abdomen acts as a balancer during flight.

    Huge eyes. One Eye consists of 28 thousand facets, each of which is served by 6 light-sensitive cells. The mouth organs of dragonflies are gnawing, the lower lip is spoon-shaped, supporting prey when eaten in the air. Huge eyes. One Eye consists of 28 thousand facets, each of which is served by 6 light-sensitive cells. The mouth organs of dragonflies are gnawing, the lower lip is spoon-shaped, supporting prey when eaten in the air.

    Significance The significance of representatives of this order of insects, in nature, is determined by their predatory nature of behavior, the beauty of species diversity, as well as the habitat of the larval phase of development: dragonflies maintain species balance in ecosystems not only by eating various representatives of the animal world, but also by the fact that their larvae are intermediate hosts of various diseases (up to 160 species). With their graceful shape, and many species and their color, dragonflies play an important role in the aesthetic perception of the world by man. The significance of the representatives of this order of insects, in nature, is determined by their predatory nature of behavior, the beauty of species diversity, as well as the habitat of the larval phase of development: dragonflies maintain species balance in ecosystems not only by eating various representatives of the animal world, but also by the fact that their larvae are intermediate hosts of various diseases (up to 160 species). With their graceful shape, and many species and their color, dragonflies play an important role in the aesthetic perception of the world by man.

    Most modern children rarely interact with nature. Therefore, our project is aimed at ensuring that our children learn to love and cherish the world... And it is necessary to start this work with the smallest inhabitants of our nature - insects. They are attractive and amazing, they are subtle due to their tiny size and they are varied. Everyone is interested in watching the flight of a bumblebee, the fluttering of a butterfly, listening to the chirping of a grasshopper. Children want to know - why is a bee circling over a flower, how an anthill works, what a ladybug eats.



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    PROJECT: "A journey into the world of insects" based on the fable by IA Krylov "Dragonfly and the Ant". Project author: Migas T.I. educator of the highest category GBDOU kindergarten No. 117 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

    Relevance: Most modern children rarely interact with nature. Therefore, our project is aimed at ensuring that our children learn to love and take care of the world around them. And it is necessary to start this work with the smallest inhabitants of our nature - insects. They are attractive and amazing, they are subtle due to their tiny size and they are varied. Everyone is interested in watching the flight of a bumblebee, the fluttering of a butterfly, listening to the chirping of a grasshopper. Children want to know why a bee is circling over a flower, how an anthill works, what a ladybug eats.

    Purpose of the project: Cognitive and research activities to study the life of insects in relation to its ecosystem, as well as nature conservation activities. Project objectives: - to develop cognitive interest in the world of insects; - to harmoniously form different types of relationships between children in nature (cognitive, humane, environmental, aesthetic); - to draw the attention of children and parents to the importance of environmental problems and the need for their feasible solution; - development of children's creativity in environmental educational activities; - develop children's interest in works of art; - to develop theatrical performances;

    Project type: cognitive, research, creative Project type: medium-term, group Project participants: children, teachers, parents of pupils, preschool education specialists Implementation date: From September 14 to October 16, 2015

    Integration educational areas: Cognitive development, Speech development, Artistic and aesthetic development, Social and communicative development, Physical development

    Working with parents - informational material for parents: "Insects"; - consultations "How to instill a love of nature", "First aid for insect bites." -organization of an exhibition of joint creative works children and parents; - replenishment of the magazine "Family Money Box"

    Excursion to the "Summer Garden" to the monument to I.A. Krylov

    Stage 1 - Preparatory Determination of goals and objectives project activities Drawing up a plan for the main stage. Development of the project Diagnostics of ecological knowledge about insects of children Selection of literary works about insects Selection of methodological literature and illustrated material on the topic. Selection of materials, toys and attributes for play activities Selection of musical compositions on the topic

    Stage 2 - Project implementation: -NOD; - Joint activities of a teacher, children; - Independent activity;

    Educational area "Cognitive development": - GCD: "We have a dragonfly and an Ant as our guests." - a selection of illustrations for the fable. - Informative conversations on the topic using a presentation about insects. - Research activities (observation of insects while walking), examining parts of the body of insects in a magnifying glass.

    Educational area "Speech development": - GCD: - reading a fable - learning a fable - a quiz on a fable, making riddles; learning counting rhymes, nursery rhymes; "Who lives in what house?" "Anthill"

    Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development": - GCD: "Portrait of a favorite hero of the fable" - drawing; - GCD: "Favorite heroes of the fable" - modeling; - GCD: "Heroes of the Fable" - application; - joint artistic activity children and teachers; "Heroes of the Fable" (creative works from various materials); - Playing sketches based on the fables of I.A.Krylov;

    Educational area "Social and communicative development": - conversations-discussions about the characters and actions of the heroes of the fable I.A. Krylov; - desktop and didactic games; -playing of plots in different types theater; - role-playing games;

    Educational area "Physical development" Morning exercises - "Insects" Invigorating exercises - "Beetles" Finger exercises - "Bee" - "Ladybugs" - "Hardworking bee" Visual gymnastics - "Ants" Breathing exercise - "Send the bee flying for nectar "

    Stage 3 - the result of the project During the work on the project, the following were created: - an exhibition of joint creative works of children and parents; -release of the magazine "Family Money Box"; - play "Dragonfly and Ant" - presentation of the project;

    Results of the project: 1. The ideas about the diversity of the insect world, about some features of the body structure in connection with their life have been formed. 2. An exhibition of handicrafts made from natural and waste materials was organized. 3. In the joint activity of teachers and children, parents - the play "Dragonfly and Ant". 4 . A quiz game "Insect World" for children was held. 5. The educational environment on the topic: "Collection of toy insects" has been supplemented. 6. The skills of ecological competent behavior in nature have been fixed.

    Thank you for your attention