Independent appraisal companies - partners. Objectives and situations when banks require appraisal services. How to use the opportunities provided by the "Bank of reports" for specialists

To participate in the selection, Appraiser 1 must provide a package of necessary documents in Department for work with partners (in the branch nearest to you PJSC Sberbank) to verify compliance with the Requirements for the business and business reputation of the Valuation Organization / Appraiser in private practice.

The term for consideration of documents is no more than 30 calendar days from the date of submission to the Bank.

The list of appraisal organizations that meet the Bank's Requirements is posted on the Bank's website.

The Appraisal Report generated by the Appraiser must comply with the Requirements for the Appraisal Report.

Acceptance of the appraisal report of a Valuation Organization / Appraiser in private practice not included in the List of Valuation Institutions.

The Borrower / Pledger has the right to submit an appraisal report for an Appraiser that meets the Requirements for the Business and Business Reputation of an Appraisal Organization / Appraiser in private practice not included in the List of Appraisal Organizations and the Requirements for the Appraisal Report.

Valuation report bank Is a unique platform that allows evaluators and experts to share their professional knowledge, experience and practical experience, get acquainted with the work of colleagues and discuss various practical, methodological and theoretical questions on specific practical examples.

At the moment, the Bank of reports contains more than 1900 various works appraisers and experts, the number of active users of the service exceeds 500 specialists.

The valuation report bank is new instrument in the work of an appraiser and an expert, which provides specialists with great opportunities:

and many others.

Exchange of professional knowledge, experience and practical experience with appraisers and experts from all over the country

Since the exchange of work within the framework of the affiliate program can occur incognito (participants do not see any information about the appraisers who posted their work), you can, without unnecessary fears about your reputation, upload your work for the review of experts in the field of appraisal, forensic and extrajudicial examination of the whole country. ... Members of the affiliate program, reviewing reports and opinions of other appraisers and experts, can leave feedback and comments, pointing out errors, inaccuracies or shortcomings in the work, which allows you to receive invaluable criticism and constantly improve the quality of your work.

Access to the works of appraisers and experts posted under the Bank of Reports partner program and the latest "appraisal practice"

By participating in the affiliate program, you can exchange reports and opinions with other evaluators and experts throughout our country. As our internet server grows, this can provide truly unlimited possibilities. For example, you need an example of a report made according to the standards of one of the SROOs. With the help of the "bank of reports" you will find it in a couple of seconds. Have you encountered some new object of assessment in your practice and do not know how to conduct the assessment? - A couple of clicks and you will find an example.

Quickly find the practical examples you need using the Report Bank

With the help of a convenient search system for reports by a huge number of criteria, you can quickly find a report by various criteria (for example, by the address where the object of assessment is located). Search criteria are constantly being finalized and adjusted taking into account the wishes of appraisers.

Discussion of various professional issues on the example of specific works

With the help of the Bank of Reports, you can discuss various practical, methodological and theoretical issues by example specific works with their authors and other specialists, contact and consult with appraisers and experts who have posted the evaluation reports and expert opinions that interest you, receive feedback and comments on your work from the entire professional community.

How to use the opportunities provided by the "Bank of Reports" to specialists?

To use the capabilities of the Bank of Reports, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the public offer, the user agreement of the Bank of Reports service and register on the website. To do this, you must fill out a specific form and attach documents confirming your right to exercise appraisal activities... After registration, you can upload reports to the server using a special interface. Reports can be downloaded for personal use as well as for simple and commercial publication, and placement within Affiliate program... Reports that are uploaded for personal use are given the status confidential information... They are not available to other users of the server. Only the user who downloaded them has access to these reports. By downloading the reports, you can use all the server's capabilities, except for the opportunities that are given to you by participating in the Affiliate Program.

About the Bank of Reports affiliate program

With the help of the affiliate program, you can exchange reports, practical best practices, knowledge and experience with colleagues from all over our country, as well as discuss various issues based on examples of specific works with their authors and other professionals. Participation in the Bank of Reports affiliate program will provide invaluable assistance in your professional development and growth, will expand the baggage of your professional knowledge, allow you to get acquainted and keep up with the latest assessment practice, as well as make new acquaintances with the best specialists in the field of independent assessment, forensic and pre-trial expertise from all over Russia.

Rules for participation in the Bank of reports affiliate program

1. Only specialists in the field of independent appraisal, forensic and extrajudicial expertise, representatives of appraisal companies and representatives of appraisal companies can participate in the Partner Program of the Bank of Reports (hereinafter referred to as the Partner Program, the Program). expert organizations, as well as people undergoing training in the relevant specialties.

2. To become a member of the Affiliate Program, it is enough to publish within the framework of it in the "Bank of Reports" one of your anonymous work (assessment report, expert opinion or expert opinion). Uploading to the server and publication of the work is carried out by a user registered on the website of the professional network "Appraisers and Experts" at his own request independently using the interface of the "Bank of Reports" service.

3. The user agrees that participation in the Affiliate Program presupposes full consent and acceptance of the terms of these rules.

4. All works and materials sent by users for publication within the framework of the Affiliate Program (using the “Publish” control link of the interface of the “Bank of Reports” service) undergo preliminary moderation (selection) by the site administrators of the professional network “Appraisers and Experts”. The administration reserves the right to refuse to publish works and materials within the framework of the Affiliate Program at its own discretion and without giving reasons.

5. All works and materials that have been moderated and published within the framework of the Affiliate Program will be available for viewing and downloading to all members of the Affiliate Program. At the same time, each work published by the user within the framework of the Affiliate Program gives him the opportunity to gain access (for viewing and downloading) to any works and materials (no more than 200 per month and no more than 2/3 of all works published within the framework of the Affiliate Program, in total for the entire time of using the service), published by other Program participants in the Bank of Reports, for one month (from the moment of making the decision to publish and notifying the user by e-mail). When a user publishes several works simultaneously within the framework of the Program, the access period (in months) will be equal to the number of published works. The rules of participation in the Affiliate Program and, accordingly, the interface of the "Bank of Reports" service do not allow a situation in which the period of user access to the Affiliate Program (in months) exceeds the number of works and materials published by him within the Program. To use all the possibilities of the Partner Program of the "Bank of Reports" service, the user must accept active participation in its development.

6. By posting his work for participation in the Affiliate Program, the user, as an author, thereby expresses his full consent to the use of his work by other participants in the Affiliate Program under the conditions determined by the Rules for participation in the Affiliate Program.

7. When anonymizing reports, only all personal data, as well as data that is not publicly available.

8. Works uploaded to the server for participation in the "Affiliate Program" must be up-to-date (the difference between the date of uploading to the server and the date of drawing up the assessment report, expert opinion or expert opinion should not be more than 6 months). "Bank of reports" is a service, the main function of which is to create a special platform for the exchange between appraisers and forensic experts with their latest practical developments and experience.

9. When placing a work for publication within the framework of the Affiliate Program, the field "Notes for participants of the" Affiliate Program "", in which the user must indicate how the work posted by him may be interesting or useful for other specialists, is mandatory.

10. Moderation of works for their publication within the framework of the Bank's Partnership Program is carried out only from the 1st to the 7th day (inclusive) of each month. Works that will be sent for moderation for publication within the framework of the Affiliate Program at any other time will be moderated from the 1st to the 7th day (inclusive) of the next month.

11. For specialists from the CIS countries, as well as users who for some reason cannot post their works within the framework of the Partner Program, paid access is possible. The cost of access to works posted within the framework of the Affiliate Program (no more than 200 per month and no more than 2/3 of all works published within the framework of the Affiliate Program, in total for the entire time of using the service) for one month, excluding personal discounts, is 750 rubles for individuals and 1125 rubles for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when paying from the 1st to the 8th day (inclusive) of each month (there is also a Loyalty Program that allows you to accumulate a discount of up to 60%), or 1,500 rubles. for individuals and 2250 rubles. for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when paying at any other time.

12. Participants of the Affiliate Program unconditionally agree not to replicate, distribute in any way or transfer to anyone the works posted by other users within the Affiliate Program, as well as any information from these works, and use them only for personal acquaintance with the purpose of exchange experience, knowledge and practical experience with specialists participating in the Partnership Program, as well as reimburse users who posted the work, all losses associated with illegal duplication, distribution and use of works and information from them for other purposes. Works posted under the Affiliate Program cannot be placed in a simple publication on the site.

13. The administration of the website of the professional network "Appraisers and Experts" reserves the right to make changes to the Rules for participation in the Partner Program of the Bank of Reports. The current version of the Rules is located on the main page of the "Bank of Reports" service by the link. At the same time, users retain the right to participate in the Affiliate on the terms in accordance with the Rules that were in force at the time of publication within the framework of the Affiliate program of his work.

Attention! The bank's opinion may not coincide with the conclusions of the appraisal companies (partners)!

General requirements of CB MoskommertsbankK (JSC) to independent appraisal companies for entering into partnerships

  • Are common

  • Criteria
    selection of appraisers

  • Scroll

  • Are common

In order to protect against low-quality appraisal and improve the efficiency of the lending process, the Bank selects appraisers (legal entities and individuals (individual entrepreneurs), whose activities are regulated by the Federal Law "On Appraisal Activities in the Russian Federation" N 135-FZ dated July 29, 1998), as partners when evaluating for collateral purposes. The selection of appraisers to establish partnerships is public and based on objective indicators. The selection of appraisers for long-term cooperation with the Bank is carried out on a voluntary basis and is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

Long-term partnerships actually mean that the Bank recognizes the experience and professionalism of the appraiser, his business reputation, which guarantees the quality of the appraisal services. In order to ensure the required quality of appraisal and reduce time costs, the Bank recommends its clients and borrowers to contact appraisers-partners of the Bank if it is necessary to conduct an appraisal for the purpose of collateral.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 135 FZ of July 26, 2006 "On Protection of Competition", the Bank does not restrict clients and borrowers to work with other appraisers to assess their assets. A potential borrower has the right to contact any appraiser appropriate requirements legislation Russian Federation... However, upon receipt of a report from an appraiser who is not a partner of the Bank, as a measure of protection against poor-quality appraisal, the Bank shall without fail checks:

  • the legal capacity of the appraiser (in accordance with the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - Art. 49);
  • business reputation of the appraiser ( business reputation - the opinion formed about the applicant based on reviews and recommendations, participation in national and regional ratings, results of participation in litigation);
  • compliance of the report with legislative norms and federal standards, the reliability of the information provided in the report and other factors affecting the reliability of the assessment result.

The Bank has the right, with the consent of the owner of the report, or on the basis of an assessment contract, to submit the report for examination to the authorities empowered to conduct such an examination. In case of non-compliance of the assessment report with the norms of legislation and federal standards, the Bank has the right to refuse to accept the report of this appraiser.

In the event of deterioration in the quality of the submitted reports, the Bank has the right to terminate the partnership with the appraiser at any time.

Criteria for selection of appraisers for long-term cooperation with the Bank

Criterion I. Level of partnership

An appraiser - a partner of the Bank may be:

Depending on the lending segment, the number, nature of appraisal services and other factors, the Bank chooses the preferred organizational form of the appraiser.

Criterion II. Work experience, business activity and professional quality

  • Carrying out activities in the field of appraisal by the company for at least 3 years and / or the presence of 2 appraisers on the staff of the company with at least 3 years of work experience in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which the subject of the pledge is located. For an appraiser - an individual entrepreneur, work experience is at least 3 years.
  • Level business activity should be characterized by positive dynamics of revenue growth in the last reporting period compared to the same period last year and the absence of losses for the last reporting period (year).
  • Education in the field of appraisal activities, passing refresher courses.
  • Membership in a self-regulatory organization of appraisers (SRO) included in a single state Register legal entities, confirmed by a certificate.
  • Availability of at least 20 assessment reports completed in last year.
  • Successful passing of the examination (theoretical and practical testing) of the level of knowledge and professionalism of key appraisers, organized by the Bank.
  • An indicator of the high professionalism of an appraiser is the availability of documents confirming the successful completion of training and certification according to generally recognized training and professional development programs for appraisers - RICS, CCIM, etc.
  • Experience in cooperation with credit institutions. The evidence of the appraiser's experience of working with credit institutions is their public recognition of the appraiser as a partner in the field of asset valuation for collateral purposes. Also, the fact of cooperation of the appraiser with a third-party credit institution is the list of reports executed by the appraiser for the purpose of pledge, confirmed in writing.

Criterion III. Appraiser reputation

When choosing an appraiser, the presence of negative information is checked:

  • court decisionsconfirming the incompetence or low professionalism of the appraiser;
  • criminal cases initiated against the appraiser and / or the appraiser's employees related to him (their) professional activities;
  • claims and disciplinary sanctions from self-regulatory organizations and bodies in the field of regulation of valuation activities;
  • significant difference in officially paid wages employees from the market average.

When selecting an appraiser, the following are taken into account:

  • recommendations of self-regulatory organizations of appraisers;
  • the absence of the fact that the appraiser inflicted damage on the customer of appraisal services and / or third parties in the course of appraisal activities, recognized by the insurer or the court;
  • absence of facts of unjustified overstatement / understatement of the market value of the collateral;
  • the absence over the last year of negative opinions of the expert councils of the relevant SROs based on the results of the examination of reports performed by a specialist appraiser
  • no cases of non-acceptance by the Bank of appraisal reports made by a specialist appraiser due to the low quality of the report;
  • absence of other negative information about the appraiser.

Criterion IV. Professional liability insurance

  • Voluntary civil liability insurance of an appraisal company with a limit of the minimum amount of coverage (liability) for one insured event - at least 3,000,000 rubles (without deductible).
  • Compulsory insurance of civil liability of appraisers - individuals in accordance with article 24.7. Of the Law "On Appraisal Activities" for the minimum insurance amount established by law of 300,000 rubles.
  • Voluntary insurance of civil liability of an appraiser with a limit of the minimum amount of coverage (liability) for one insured event - not less than 3,000,000 rubles (without deductible).

Criterion V. Availability of a quality control system for reports

  • Availability of a documented quality control system in the form of company standards (requirements) for the quality of reports or detailed internal instructions according to the order of evaluation and the order of checking the reports.
  • Assignment of the function of monitoring reports prepared by the performers-appraisers to a dedicated specialist of the company.

Criterion VI. Material and technical base

Documentary evidence that the appraisal company / appraiser has tangible assets necessary for the implementation of appraisal services (real estate owned or leased, office equipment and other property).

Criterion VII. Availability of access to information databases, maintaining own databases

The appraiser has access to databases with market information on the value of movable, immovable property, shares, etc. viewed as an advantage in the Bank's selection of appraisers for mortgage lending purposes.

Criterion VIII. Appraisers specialization

Appraiser's specialization in different industries is seen as an advantage. When evaluating highly specialized assets (for example, sea and river vessels, aircraft), the Bank engages companies that directly specialize in this segment market.

Criterion IX. Appraiser service cost

The Bank does not influence the formation of the cost of the appraiser's services if it is not directly the customer of the appraisal. At the same time, it is not allowed to establish the dependence of the price of valuation services on the final result of the assessment.

The list of documents submitted by the appraisal company / appraiser to the CB "Moskommertsbank" (JSC) in order to establish partnerships

Document Form of submitted documents
Application formOriginal
Company charter (with additions and amendments)Notarized copies
Memorandum of Association (if any)Notarized copies
Certificate of state registration as a legal entityNotarized copies
Certificate of registration with the tax officeNotarized copies
Copies of passports of the first persons of the company (founders, head)Copies
Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of the Company (no later than 1 month from the date of issue)Original
Balance sheet as of the last reporting date (with the mark of the Tax Inspectorate) and a breakdown of the balance sheet accounts for fixed assets / leased propertyA copy certified by the head and chief accountant
Employment contracts or work books appraisersCopies with a mark personnel service that the appraiser is still working
Certificates (certificates, extracts from registers) on the membership of the organization and appraisers in the SRO (with the obligatory indication of the appraiser's registration number in the SRO register)Copies
Documents confirming the profile education of appraisersCopies
Insurance policy (contract) of civil liability of the appraisal companyCopy certified by a notary or an insurance company
Insurance policies (contracts) for civil liability of appraisersCopies certified by a notary or an insurance company
List of completed reports for the last calendar yearOriginal
Typical appraisal reports: apartment, residential building with land, non-residential building / premisesElectronic
Documents confirming accreditation in other banks and organizations (if any), letters of recommendation SRO, other banksCopies
Contracts for the use of databases with market information on the value of movable, immovable property, shares, etc. (in the presence of)Copies
Sample signatures of appraisersOriginal

The Bank has the right to request additional documents from the appraisal company to confirm its compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

General requirements for the preparation of assessment reports

The report must comply with the current legislation:

  • Federal Law “On Valuation Activity in the Russian Federation” No. 135-FZ of July 29, 1998 with additions and amendments;
  • Orders of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russia dated July 20, 2007 No. 254-256 "On Approval of Federal Valuation Standards" (FSO-1, FSO-2, FSO-З).

Form for submitting assessment results

  • market and liquidation value appraisal report - 2 copies;
  • assessment conclusion - 2 copies.

Determined types of value

  • market value;
  • liquidation value.

Assessed rights

  • own;
  • lease rights;
  • property rights.

When assessing property rights to objects under construction, it is necessary to pay attention to the completeness of these rights at a specific moment of assessment. For example, when evaluating investment rights to objects already built and put into operation (i.e. when the investment agreement is completed, but the owner of the object has not yet been registered), the owner of the investment rights has only the rights to use and own the property.

Presentation of assessment results

In the case of evaluating a complex of real estate objects, the final results must contain information on the value of each object, incl. when evaluating a building on a land plot (or premises in the presence of registered rights to a land plot), the cost of buildings (total and each separately) and the cost of rights to a land plot must be separately indicated.

Description of the object of assessment

An accurate description of real estate objects in accordance with property certificates or extracts from the Unified State Register (if the extract was received later than the certificate).

Inspection of the subject of pledge

A prerequisite for the assessment is the visit of the appraiser to the site and inspection of the appraisal object. During the inspection, photographs are taken and an inspection report is drawn up. As a result of the inspection, the current use of the object, its condition, as well as other characteristics that affect the value of the object of assessment are determined.


All existing encumbrances of the subject of assessment must be indicated in the report. Encumbrances can be identified:

  • for real estate objects - according to an extract from the Unified State Register, under lease agreements (information from the owner);
  • for shares in the authorized capital - according to an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • for emission valuable papers - on an extract from the register of shareholders or on a depo account;
  • property of the enterprise - from the book of pledges (if it is maintained by the enterprise).


If a redevelopment is revealed, the appraiser is obliged to reflect this fact in his report. Redevelopment can be identified in the course of the analysis of the entitlement / evidence or technical documentation... For instance:

  • in the certificate of ownership it is noted that the redevelopment was made, not coordinated in the prescribed manner;
  • there are red lines in the technical passport of the BTI, there is a stamp about the uncoordinated re-equipment of the premises;
  • the area according to the BTI documents does not correspond to the area registered in the USRP (except for cases of changes in the principle of technical accounting).

The redevelopment may not be reflected in official documents, but it was established during a visual inspection. In this case, it is necessary to describe all the changes made, display them conventions on the floor plan and attach to the report.

Inconsistency of technical and legal documentation

If the area in the BTI documents does not correspond to the area registered in the EGRP:

  • the fact of the area discrepancy is indicated in the report;
  • if the change in the area recorded by the BTI occurred on a legal basis, then the area should be used in the calculations according to the latest data of the technical inventory;
  • if the discrepancy is caused by a change in the principle of technical accounting for the areas of residential premises, for example, according to the certificate, the apartment has a total area of \u200b\u200b60.4 square meters, according to the technical passport - 59.5 square meters, the report must indicate in full: “2-room apartment with a total area of \u200b\u200b60 , 4 sq.m (area of \u200b\u200ball parts of the building, including summer premises), incl. living space - 59.5 sq.m. "

Market analysis and evaluation results

Market analysis is a mandatory part of the appraisal report in accordance with applicable law. Market analysis should be carried out according to the type of property to which the subject of assessment belongs, and describe the situation in the regional market where this object... Inconsistency of the market analysis materials with the subject of assessment and the final results of the assessment (without a reasoned explanation) may be grounds for the Bank's rejection of the assessment results.

Applying assessment approaches

According to the legislation, the appraiser is obliged to use all approaches to the assessment or reasonably refuse to use any of the approaches. In standard cases, the valuation of apartments and residential buildings is carried out using a sales comparison approach. In some cases, when evaluating residential buildings, it is advisable to use a cost approach in addition to the comparative one.

Assessment of income-generating real estate is assessed by all three approaches. If there is not enough market data for one of the approaches, then the calculations for this approach are given for reference. For example, if, when evaluating a large regional shopping complex (100 thousand sq. M.) There is no information on the sale (offer) of such complexes, the approach to comparing sales analyzes the market commercial premises of the given district and the market of similar objects on a national scale. If the object of appraisal is rented out, this fact should be reflected in the appraisal by an income approach. Incl. the equipment lease can be used as the basis for the income approach.

The cost-based approach based on the use of GDL collections cannot serve as the main approach in determining the final market value. The use of the assessment method based on collections of UPVS of buildings under 20 years old is impractical.

VAT accounting in valuation

The total market value is indicated with and excluding VAT. If the property is not subject to VAT, this fact must be indicated next to the total cost (special attention - when assessing land rights!).

When assessing with an income approach, lease payments are used in the calculations, previously cleared from VAT.

When choosing analogous objects when assessing land rights, it is necessary to pay attention to the taxation of analogous objects (ownership of land - the right to lease a land plot) and make the necessary amendments.

When a bank issues a loan to an enterprise or an individual secured by property, it must evaluate the subject of the pledge. In such cases, credit organizations often resort to the services of appraisal companies, whose task is to determine the real value of a particular object. As a result, the report on the appraisal of the value of the collateral issued by the company allows the bank to draw a conclusion about the liquidity of the object, the price and timing of its implementation, taking into account the market conditions and investment attractiveness.

Along with the assessment of collateral, it is important for enterprises to assess the business as a whole. According to experts, this is necessary so that the business itself is adequately present in the market and can declare that, even by mortgaging the property complex, the company independently and is able to pay off its debts. By the way, the Central Bank clearly regulates that credit institutions should pay attention when determining the risk group specifically to financial condition the borrower's business as a whole. Unfortunately, the majority of business itself has not yet come to the need to evaluate itself as a whole. For example, some are simply afraid that they will have to pay more property tax.

Appraisers in the bank's staff: pros and cons

Some banks do not use the services of companies specializing in the appraisal business, having their own appraisers on staff. This is how Raiffeisenbank works, for example. Others prefer to go to independent appraisers. Still others use combined forms of work. Each of these paths has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Yuri Ushakov, head of the department for lending to clients of Moskovsky Capital Bank, says that the bank does not always use the services of appraisal companies and has no permanent partners in this area. If the need arises, credit organisation resorts to the services of appraisers, especially when the client's business has a certain regional or industry specificity. Yuri Ushakov emphasizes that it is advisable to have your own appraisers in the staff in cases when the client orders the assessment of the collateral. Since in this situation it makes sense to check the results of the assessment, and it is best to do this on the bank's own resources. “Naturally, the bank's staff cannot know all the intricacies of the business of borrowers from different industries, however general rules exist, and control over appraisal companies is sometimes necessary, ”says Yuri Ushakov.

“It is also necessary to have own appraisers in the bank's staff for the reason that the services of appraisal companies are almost always paid by the borrower,” the expert adds.

Elena Khorkina, director of the retail lending department of the Moscow Credit Bank (MCB), has a slightly different point of view. She notes that if the bank independently makes an appraisal of real estate, this, of course, saves money, however, there is a need to increase the staff. Moreover, these personnel must not only possess the appropriate qualifications, but also perform the work within acceptable terms on the market - two to three days, taking into account the visit to the site, data analysis and writing the report itself. The specialist gives one more argument in favor of independent appraisers: “If the credit dossier contains a report of an independent appraiser, then it is much easier to prove that the real market value of the collateral is reflected during the Bank of Russia checks for the correctness of the created reserves and the assessment of the collateral value. Therefore, at present banks practice working with independent appraisal companies. "

The best way out is the joint selection of an appraiser

The issue of having its own appraisers in the bank's staff is directly related to the problem of trust in the “bank-borrower-appraiser” triangle. When a client seeking a loan applies for an appraisal, a certain conflict of interest may arise. For example, if an assessment is ordered by an individual or an enterprise, then by paying money he expects to get a certain result. Some bankers point out that in the case of an unscrupulous and unprofessional approach, the appraiser can give the final result that the borrower wants to see, and thus misleads the bank. Banking experts say that working with appraisal companies at the stage of debt recovery, repayment in court, bankruptcy, enforcement proceedings, one has to face a lot of problems. There are cases, although they are quite rare, when the estimate differs from the real value in the market at times.

On the other hand, if banks prefer to work with their appraisers and do not trust the experts on the part of the borrower, then the borrower also has every reason not to trust the bank's appraiser. Independent appraisers are also, at times, rather skeptical about the so-called "independent" appraisal of specialists working in the bank's staff.

It is not easy to solve this problem unequivocally, says Yuri Ushakov (Moskovsky Capital Bank). “On the one hand, bank appraisers naturally take the side of the bank. On the other hand, if a third-party appraisal company is hired by a borrowing client, then present the collateral in a more favorable light in its interests. Therefore, the assessment can always be mute subjective in the interests of one side or another, ”the specialist notes. According to Elena Khorkina (MKB), this problem is more a matter of organizing internal control in the bank: “The human factor is always present at work, therefore there is a risk that the market value of an object may be underestimated or overestimated taking into account subjective factors”.

Some companies offer banks such a service as revaluation. An additional burden of revaluation costs falls on the shoulders of the bank's clients - borrowers. Therefore, it is logical to assume that the client, in order to avoid overestimations, will nevertheless go to the appraiser who meets all the criteria not only for him, but also for the credit institution. According to experts, the best way out of a problem situation is to jointly choose an appraiser who will not depend on both parties.

Accreditation and competitive selection

The question of the way of interaction with the appraiser is very important for the bank. A credit institution can go through the accreditation of an appraisal company with a bank or conduct a competitive selection. This will, to some extent, avoid unreliable estimates from unscrupulous appraisers.

Experts believe that accreditation is one of the most objective approaches for the selection of qualified, experienced representatives of the assessment community. Here you need to proceed from the one who takes more risks. As a rule, the biggest risks are borne by the bank. The evaluator is just making an estimate. And the worst thing that could threaten him, bankers say, is a valuation trial. True, it is quite problematic to obtain penalties against the appraisal company for overstating the appraisal in court. Since the bank's risks are objective, they need to be protected somehow. And although each borrower has the right to choose the appraisal organization that he likes, the approach to the reports of non-accredited appraisers in banks is much more strict.

Elena Khorkina from the Credit Bank of Moscow said that their credit institution chose the path of accrediting appraisal companies: “The bank has partnerships with several appraisers. The main criteria for us are experience, professionalism, reputation in the market. "

Yuri Ushakov (Moscow Capital Bank) believes that each of these types of cooperation has its advantages. The competitive basis implies competition, and therefore more flexible pricing policy, and, presumably, more high quality services. Accreditation of the appraisal company gives the advantage of having a permanent partner who knows the needs of the bank and other clients. “Difficulties can arise only with narrow-profile borrowers, when an accredited company does not work in the desired region or does not have experience in assessing this particular business,” the expert says.

Clean up the order among appraisers

Experts suggest various ways to reduce the number of low-quality appraisers in the market. For example, this can be done by stricter requirements for the activities of appraisers, the formation of a "black" list of appraisal companies that sign inaccurate reports, and the introduction of uniform appraisal standards.

One of the ways to solve the problem of unfair valuation may be the consolidation of companies operating in the market. Perhaps it should happen with the help of such a forced measure as reducing the number of appraisers, since at the moment, according to Yuri Ushakov (Moscow Capital Bank), their number greatly exceeds the quality of the appraisal companies' work. At the same time, the expert makes a reservation that recently, measures have been taken to improve the quality of valuation services by, for example, licensing such activities.

The formation of a real assessment community is also an important step. Thus, on August 1, 2006, Federal Law No. 157-FZ of July 27, 2006 "On Amendments to the federal law "On appraisal activities in the Russian Federation" ", which is designed to put things in order among appraisers.

“Until now, the notion of“ evaluative community ”in Russia has been metaphysical in nature - either it was or not. There were appraisers and appraisal companies, including those united in associations, and there were those that "walked by themselves." With the entry into force of the new law, the concept of an appraisal community has acquired a completely definite meaning, - said Viktor Pleskachevsky, chairman of the property committee of the State Duma, commenting on the new law on appraisal activities. - Self-regulatory organizations have become an independent institution for regulating relations in the “consumer-appraiser-society” coordinate system. Thus, appraisers have new, so to speak, "authorities" - structures responsible for the development of appraisal services and their quality, but created not "from above" by a government decree or decree, but "from below" - by the decision of the professional community. "