How to connect shop equipment in six steps? 1c compatible hardware

I have a wonderful client. For about 3 years now, I have been serving his small but rather active chain of stores. And throughout this time, I have been trying in vain to overcome the problems in the operation of a bundle of trade equipment and the Retail 2.0 configuration.

The problem is that all released configurations often contain mountains of errors, and hardware drivers work only with one configuration or another. The drivers of the "Atol" company enjoy special "love", which for some time have become paid. Yes Yes. Hardware manufacturers are so harsh that complete with hardware they provide drivers that still need to be purchased by purchasing the full version. And the old drivers, which were free, unfortunately often work incorrectly.

Another problem is aggravated by the fact that the cost of the work of "specialists" for installing and configuring 1C is commensurate with the cost of purchasing all software and equipment combined. On the 1C forums, on the questions asked, you are more likely to receive not an answer that will help you, but an unsubscribe in the form of the phrase “If you don’t know how, hire a specialist” or “Don't care if you don’t fumble about it. Therefore, information about the operation of configurations and equipment has to be collected bit by bit, through a long and tedious "digesting" the manual and surfing the Internet space.

Therefore, in this post I decided to describe in detail the installation and configuration of commercial equipment in the 1C Retail 2.0 configuration. In other configurations, everything will be the same, the main thing is correct programming and installation of hardware drivers.

And so, let's get started.


At the moment, the same equipment is installed in the chain of stores:

  1. Symbol LS2208 barcode scanner with USB interface.
  2. Receipt printer ATOL FPrint-5200 with USB interface.
  3. The main store also has a Posua LPOS-II-VDF-2029D customer display with USB interface.

As a rule, problems arise precisely during the selection of the operating mode of the barcode scanner and the selection of the necessary drivers.


  1. Operating system: Windows XP and Windows 7 Pro.
  2. 1C Enterprise: version
  3. Configuration Retail: version


We will assume that the 1C Enterprise platform has already been installed and the initial configuration setting has been made. Let's start with a barcode scanner.

Setting up the Symbol LS2208 barcode scanner.

The barcode scanner can work in several modes, but we are only interested in 2 of them:

  1. Mode " HID keyboard emulation"- allows the scanner to emulate a USB keyboard. After successful decoding, the barcode data is transmitted to the terminal as if it had been entered from the keyboard. Most USB drivers support HID keyboard emulation capabilities, so no special drivers are required in this case.
  2. Mode " Simple COM port emulation»- requires downloading device drivers from the support center site at. When the scanner is connected to the host system, the next available COM port is automatically selected with emulation of a unidirectional RS-232 connection. This does not support handshaking and does not need to set the baud rate.

Let's consider the modes of operation by examples. During operation HID keyboard emulation in the cashier's mode, you will have to manually open the barcode entry window (Alt + F7 or F7) and bring the goods to the scanner, after which the scanner will simply insert the received code into the active window. Likewise with all other windows. And even if you open notepad and read the code, it will be inserted into the program window. The mode is convenient in that it does not require the installation of additional drivers and additional settings, but you have to constantly press (Alt + F7 or F7). Many programmers indicate these combinations as a prefix when transferring data, but they do not always work correctly. And the programming of additional prefixes is not supported by all scanners.

During operation Simple COM port emulation in the cashier's mode, you do not have to call the barcode entry window (Alt + F7 or F7) every time, the drivers and the program will do it automatically. That is, you just bring the item to the scanner and it appears in the list. In general, everything is simple, but you need to install additional drivers.

We decided on the operating modes. Now you need to configure the barcode scanner itself. For this we will use the wonderful one. To transfer from one mode of operation to another, simply read the corresponding barcode from the instructions. On page 108 of this manual you will find a complete description of all scanner modes, and on page 109 the corresponding bar codes.

I personally advise you to choose the operating mode Simple COM port emulation, then the cashier does not have to constantly open and close the barcode entry window. Next, we scan the corresponding barcode, after which the scanner will emit a squeak that notifies us that the operating modes have been switched and the device has been rebooted.

For a scanner in COM port emulation mode, we need drivers. You can download them from the corresponding section on the manufacturer's website or follow the link.

Download and install drivers, and then restart your computer (just in case).
After rebooting, connect the barcode scanner and scan the barcode to switch the scanner to the COM port emulation mode. The scanner will emit a sound indicating that the operating mode has changed and the scanner has rebooted.

After detecting the scanner and installing the drivers, go to the computer management and check if a new device has appeared.

As we can see from the figure, the COM1 port was assigned to the barcode scanner. Remember, we still need this information.

Now you need to connect the scanner to the workplace of a certain cashier. To do this, start 1C and enter the system as an administrator. We go to the “Settings and administration” tab, then in the left menu select “Configure the connected equipment”, and then in the right field click on the link “Connected equipment”.

In the window that appears, on the left, put the switch next to the inscription "Barcode scanners" and click on the "Create" button.

Type of equipment: is already set to Barcode Scanners.
Driver handler: select "1C: Barcode Scanners".
Workplace: select the user who will work with the scanner. In my case, this is "Cashier (MAIN)".

Then click on the button "Record and close". The scanner that we just added should appear in the list of equipment. Select it in the list of equipment and click on the "Configure" button. If the drivers for the barcode scanner are not yet installed, you will see red labels in the corresponding fields. In the window that appears in the upper menu there is a button "Functions", press it and select the item "Install driver". The platform will automatically install a driver from 1C to work with barcode scanners. This driver is very convenient because when working with it, all processing works in the Retail configuration itself.
That is, there is no need to program the F7 prefix and other "inconveniences". The barcode is automatically inserted into all fields. Thus, when creating invoices, as well as in the RMK mode, there is no need to open the barcode entry window. The program will do everything automatically.

After installing the driver in the scanner settings, you must specify the COM port number to which our scanner is connected. In this case, COM1.

Leave all other settings with their default values.

This, in principle, completes the scanner setup.

If you decide to configure the scanner in the HID keyboard emulation mode, then install the driver and do additional settings You will not need 1C. Just plug in the scanner and it's ready to go. The barcode to be scanned is entered into the active window. In this case, nothing needs to be added to the connected equipment. But each time you have to open the barcode entry window manually, which is extremely inconvenient when working in the RMK mode.

Configuring the ATOL FPrint-5200 receipt printer with USB interface.

Close 1C after setting up the barcode scanner and connect the receipt printer to the computer. A new device is immediately identified. Now we need a receipt printer driver. You can download drivers from the manufacturer's website, but as I said, drivers are paid. Therefore, we take and install the free version of the drivers from the link. Restart your computer, just in case.

After rebooting, go to computer management and find our receipt printer.

The printer works in the mode of emulation of the COM port and in my case it occupies the COM3 port. We remember and move on.

After installing the trade equipment drivers, shortcuts for setting appear in the list of programs different types trade equipment, there is also a utility for the initial setup of the receipt printer, I will dwell on it in more detail a little later.

We start 1C and go to the section for configuring the connected equipment. Then we go to the section of fiscal registers and add a new device.

After adding the device, in the top menu, click on the "Configure" button and go to the printer settings.

In the window that appears, fill in all the fields.
Device model: ATOL: FPrint-5200K.
Port: COM3.
Timeout: we leave it by default.
Name: you can leave the default value unchanged.

This, in principle, completes the installation and configuration of the printer.

Note: Be careful when installing drivers. In an earlier version of the driver, the receipt printer may not work correctly. During the initial installation, I faced a problem when the printer knocks out a receipt, the total cost is reduced by the amount of the amount in percent. That is, if the product costs 17 rubles, then the total cost in the check will be the goods for 17 rubles, then the printer will issue a receipt for 17 rubles - 17% \u003d 14.11 rubles. This problem is treated by installing new drivers.

And so, the scanner and printer are configured and work correctly. Now you need to configure how the customer display works.

Connecting and configuring the Posua LPOS-II-VDF-2029D customer display with USB interface.

All devices are connected using a USB interface for one simple reason. In 2 of 3 trading halls there are small netbooks with only USB ports.

On the first page it is written that the display can:

  1. Work in the COM port emulation mode.
  2. Emulate protocols:
    • Firich
    • Partnertech CD5220
    • DSP800
    • EPSON

We are interested in the DSP800 protocol and COM port emulation, because working with COM ports for 1C is preferable.

To put the display in emulation mode, you need to download and install. After installing the program, restart the computer and connect the customer's display to the computer. We launch the installed POSua MPOS Master Full utility and switch the customer display to the COM port emulation mode.

Now you need to install. There is still here. After installing the drivers, do not forget to restart your computer.

We indicate the device model as DSP850B, so the display will work correctly with Russian fonts. When selecting other protocols, asterisks may appear on the screen instead of capital letters.

In the creeping line, you can specify the name of the store. And check the box "Use creeping line".

This completes the setup of the display itself, now we will configure the operating parameters of the 1C itself with the display.
So that our display does not stand idle without informative inscriptions and does not display its model on the screen, it is necessary to make small adjustments to its operation.

We launch 1C under the Administrator and go to the “Configuration and Administration” section, then in the left menu, select the “Configuring Connected Equipment” item and on the page that appears, click on the link “Buyer's Display Work Templates”.

In the paragraph, the template of the buyer's display, select the template we created earlier.

This completes all the settings of the trading equipment and workplace the cashier is ready for full-fledged work.

P.S. In the cashier mode on a small screen (for example, a netbook), the quick items panel does not slide out in the version If someone suddenly knows how to defeat this, please write in the comments.

The growth of the business of many companies is often accompanied by an increase in the number and expansion of the equipment used. As a result, the task of organizing operational accounting of equipment becomes very urgent for such companies.

To automate equipment accounting in medium and large organizations, it is proposed applied solution Business Plus: Equipment. This software product is developed on the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform and allows you to organize accounting of production, retail, office and IT equipment.

The program provides the ability to create visual plans for the placement of equipment on the territory of the enterprise, the inventory of the equipment fleet is automated using bar coding. The life cycle of an accounting unit in the program includes commissioning, relocation, maintenance, repair and decommissioning. The calculation of the total cost of ownership (TCO - Total Cost of Ownership). Let's consider the main features of the program.

List of jobs

The system implements storage of a hierarchical list of workplaces - places of use or storage of equipment. The grouping of workplaces reflects their territorial location, for example, city / address / floor / office. A hierarchical list of equipment can be attached to each workplace, reflecting the relationship of accounting objects. The list of cashier workstation equipment may contain, for example, "Posiflex Cash Drawer", "LPOS Keyboard with Magnetic Card Reader", "15" Samsung Monitor, "Metrologic Barcode Scanner" and "FELIX Fiscal Recorder".

For each workplace, you can set an arbitrary number of parameters: inventory number, socket number, IP address, power supply voltage, etc. A responsible person is assigned to each workplace.

Equipment placement plans

The program contains tools that allow you to create in graphically floor plans and indicate the location of specific workplaces. You can create a hierarchy of plans such as building / floor / store, building / floor / office, etc. Thus, if a shop building is reflected on the plan of the plant's territory, then a quick transition to work with the plan of this shop is possible.

The floor plans are closely related to the workstation hierarchy and equipment list. When choosing a workplace, a list of installed equipment and the location of the workplace on the plan are displayed.

Equipment life cycle

To register operations with equipment, the program uses the documents "Equipment receipt", "Equipment relocation", "Transfer for repair", "Receiving from repair", etc. The program allows you to track life cycle each accounting unit. In the card of a piece of equipment, you can view the history of operations and, if necessary, open the corresponding document.

Planning and registration of the fact of equipment maintenance is carried out using the document "Maintenance". Two types of service standards have been implemented - "by period" and "by production". The "by period" standard is used, for example, for a machine that needs to be serviced periodically, every six months. For scheduling maintenance on a printer, for example after 15,000 pages have been printed on the printer, a “yield” target is applied.

The program provides the ability to store parameters of equipment models, as well as individual pieces of equipment. You can store, for example, parameters such as "warranty period of service", "serial number", "inventory number", "hard disk capacity", etc.

Implemented accounting "by copies" and "by parties". Accounting "by copies" is used for accounting of computers, office equipment, furniture, etc. For consumables, consolidated accounting "by lot" is used.

A flexible report is used to analyze equipment data. The parameters of this report, as well as the design, can be customized. There are predefined sets of settings that allow you to generate, for example, a report on balances, a report on movements for a period, a report on the total cost of ownership (TCO).

Using barcoding

In the process of hardware inventory, a reconciliation of accounting and actual data is performed. To facilitate the operation of mass conversion, the program provides for the use of bar-coding technology.

Bar coding is also convenient to use for registration of operations with individual pieces of equipment during transfer for repair and acceptance from repair, during reassessment, planning and registration of the fact of service, etc. For example, upon admission for repair of a failed cash register it is enough to scan its barcode to identify the workplace where it was installed.

Remote data collection on IT equipment

Accounting for IT equipment in the program is somewhat different from accounting for other equipment. So, the program allows you to automate the remote collection of data on IT equipment that is on the network. When registering a transaction, the responsible employee must only select the type of movement document. The documents are filled in automatically, so the probability of data errors is minimized.

Differentiation of access rights

The program implements various options for differentiating user access rights in working with data. You can delimit access to equipment lists, for example, by department. Subdivisions can independently keep records, while the data of all subdivisions is available in the parent organization.

For a situation in which different employees are responsible for accounting for different types of equipment, you can differentiate access rights to data by type of equipment. For example, one employee can deal with accounting of commercial equipment, and another one can handle accounting of computers and office equipment.

Ease of implementation

Before starting to work with the "Business Plus: Equipment" program, the lists of persons responsible for the equipment, workplaces and equipment models are filled in. Then the equipment comes to work places and is assigned to financially responsible persons.

To simplify implementation, the program provides for the use of such built-in technologies of Windows operating systems as Active Directory and WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation). This made it possible to automate the loading of the list of responsible persons, the initial filling of information about the IT equipment fleet, as well as the creation of a list of jobs.

Integration and accounting of fixed assets

Business Plus: Hardware can be used as a standalone product. It can also be integrated with 1C: Management manufacturing enterprise 8 "or" 1C: Trade Management 8 ".

The integration improves the usability, all operations are registered in one infobase. Another advantage of integration with "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" is the ability to configure the joint use of "Business Plus: Equipment" with the fixed assets accounting subsystem.

Today the software product "Business Plus: Equipment" is successfully used by more than ten companies in Chelyabinsk and other cities of Russia. As a result of its implementation at the enterprises, the management accounting of equipment has been delivered, material responsibility, records of repairs and maintenance, data collection about IT equipment is automated. Data on the composition and cost of the equipment fleet also became available for analysis.

Software "Business Plus: Equipment" received a certificate from "1C" company "Compatible! 1C: Enterprise ".

In "1C: Accounting 8" the ability to punch checks on the cash register connected in the fiscal registrar mode to the computer on which "1C: Accounting 8" is installed is implemented.

If you intend to use shop equipment and receive data from the used commercial equipment into the information base, then before starting work it is necessary to establish a connection between the commercial equipment and the information base.

Interaction with shop equipment is done through service processing.

Service processing represents the external processing of the 1C: Enterprise 8 system that meets a certain standard and provides a unified (independent of a specific equipment model) way of interaction between the configuration and the retail equipment.

In the course of interaction with the equipment, the service processing can either use the commercial equipment driver or interact with the equipment directly. Using service handles allows you to simplify the procedure for connecting trade equipment in the configuration. The use of servicing handles eliminates the need to make configuration changes when a device driver is updated or an attempt is made to connect devices that were not previously supported in the configuration.

When an external event occurs, the configuration passes information about it to the appropriate service processing that handles the event. With such an organization of interaction with retail equipment, there is no need to change the configuration itself to connect new models of commercial equipment. Device operation parameters (port to which the device is connected, baud rate, etc.) are also configured by service processing tools. Each service processing must have a form for setting the parameters of the operation of the models of commercial equipment supported by it (equipment models for which this processing was created).

The procedure for connecting and setting up commercial equipment

Before connecting commercial equipment in the configuration, you must physically connect the equipment and install the necessary drivers.

The configuration comes with out-of-the-box service treatments for all types of shop equipment. These service treatments are stored in the "TradeWareEpf" directory of the infobase.

The connection of commercial equipment is carried out in a special form that is called from the menu "Service" ›" Service "› "Connection and configuration of commercial equipment".

The form contains tabs corresponding to the types of commercial equipment with which interaction is possible.

Before starting to connect commercial equipment, you must:

  1. download external treatments service to the information base;
  2. upload to directory "Shop equipment" list of used trade equipment models

New features and changes

Version 1.2.4 contains functional changes to the "1C: Connected Equipment Library" subsystem.

  • Added support for drivers developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.6".
  • Added a function to control versions of drivers supplied in configuration layouts and a mechanism for updating drivers by the user.
  • The exchange with the connected equipment in the mode "1C: KKM Offline" and Web-service of the equipment has been improved in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for the connected equipment, version 1.6".
  • For the equipment Web service, the ability to send data in portions (price list) with support for a request pool has been added.
  • The mechanisms of exchange with KKM Offline ATOL and Shtrikh-M have been improved. Implemented:
    • Support for various exchange formats ATOL and Shtrikh-M;
    • Hierarchical unloading of goods;
    • Unloading tax rates of goods;
    • Unloading properties required for accounting for alcoholic beverages;
    • Loading payments by types and types of payments;
    • Loading barcode data for excise and special brands of alcoholic beverages.
    Updated the barcode printing component to version
    - Fixed memory leaks when generating barcodes.
  • Added new driver "ATOL: Customer Display 8.X", version 8.7, developed by "ATOL" company.
  • Added new driver "ATOL: Input Device Driver 8.X", version 8.7, developed by "ATOL" company.
    The driver supports the operation of two types of equipment "Barcode scanners" and "Magnetic card readers" and is developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.5".
  • The driver "Hexagon: Zebra, Proton, Toshiba-TEC, Datamax-O neil" label printers has been updated to version 2.3.2.
    - Added support for Toshiba-TEC and Datamax-O neil label printers.
  • Updated driver "1C: Barcode Scanner (Native)" to version
    Bugs fixed:
    - 50002661: Error working in Linux with keyboard devices that contain non-ASCII characters in their name.
    - 50002662: Error working in keyboard mode in Linux: when the keyboard device is configured correctly, barcodes are not read.
    - 00065592: In Chrome and Firefox WEB clients, the error of skipping characters in the barcode in keyboard mode. It appears on CipherLab scanners.
  • The layout with the driver distribution kit "Scancode: Data collection terminals" is excluded from the library. The driver is installed using the vendor's distribution kit.

Version 1.2.3

ATTENTION! This release can be used with 1C: Enterprise version and higher, with disabled compatibility mode.

New features and changes

Fixing release

  • A new driver "Dreamkas: Fiscal registrars VikiPrint", version 4.02, developed by "CrystalService" has been added.
  • Updated driver "ATOL: Driver of fiscal registrars 8.X", version 8.7 developed by "ATOL" company.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.5".
  • The driver "Crystal Service: Pirit fiscal registrars" has been updated to version 4.02.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.5".
  • The driver "1C: Fiscal Registrar Emulator" has been updated to version 1.0.13.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.5".
  • Updated driver "1C: Customer Display" to version
    - Added support for WEB client Internet Explorer 8.0, 9.0 (x86), 10 (x86), 11 (x86).
    Bugs fixed:
    - 000557621: Error opening COM port when working in the WEB client Internet Explorer.
    - 00060158: Error of incomplete clearing of the display when displaying three or more lines.
  • Updated driver "1C: Receipt printer" to version
    - Added support for Linux. Linux supports COM port and Virtual COM (ttyS, ttyACM, ttyUSB) devices.
    Bugs fixed:
    - 00046295: Alignment error: the barcode is always aligned to the center and the text to the left.
    - 00059407: Error applying settings incorrectly during "Test" operation.

Fixing release

  • Bugs fixed:
    - 00057346 - Error unloading TSD data for zero quantity for the drivers "Scancode: Data collection terminals" and "Scancity: Data collection terminals".
    - 00053178 - Error loading sales reports for "1C: KKM Offline" when working in the Google Chrome WEB client.
  • Updated driver "1C: Receipt printer" to version
    - Added support for Internet Explorer versions 8-11, Mozilla Firefox versions 31-39 and Google Chrome 37 and higher, running under Windows.
  • Updated driver "1C: Customer Display" to version
    - Added support for Mozilla Firefox 31-39 and Google Chrome 37 and higher browsers running under Windows.
  • Updated driver "Scancity: TSC Label Printers" to version
    - Fixed a bug where the download link for the main driver was not provided.

New features and changes

Version 1.2.3 contains functional changes to the "1C: Connected Equipment Library" subsystem.

  • Added support for drivers developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.5".
  • The built-in forms for the TAXI interface have been revised in accordance with the 1C internal standards.

Bugs fixed:

  • 00011627: Fixed incorrect call of the integration component for SBERBANK acquiring.
    In the form for setting up a hardware instance, you can select the version of the library to use.

The composition of the supplied drivers has been changed:

  • A new driver "ATOL: Electronic scales 8.X", version 8.7, developed by "ATOL" has been added.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.4".
  • A new universal driver "1C: Buyer's display (NativeApi)" version 1.0.1, developed by "1C", has been added.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.5" and supports customer displays connected to COM ports (VirtualCOM) operating under the following protocols: Epson, Firich / CD5220, DSP800.
    Supports work in thin and thick clients in operating environments Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Linux Ubuntu 12, Linux Fedora 17.
  • The driver "Shtrikh-M: Driver of fiscal registers (Universal)" has been updated to version 4.12.
    The driver was developed by the Shtrikh-M company in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.5".
  • Updated driver "Hexagon: Proton Barcode Scanners" to version 1.1:
    Bugs fixed:
    - Fixed connection error - an incorrect identifier of the connected device was returned.
  • Updated driver "1C: Barcode Scanner (NativeApi)" to version
    - Added driver support for the "Magnetic Card Readers" hardware type;

    - Added "COM port timeout" parameter. Defines the timeout when reading the COM port;
    - Supported "Suffix" parameter for devices emulating keyboard for Linux OS;
    - Supported "Suffix" parameter for devices working via COM-port for Linux OS.
  • Updated driver "1C: Barcode Scanner (COM)" to version
    - Added the "COM port encoding" parameter. Determines in what encoding to interpret the character stream when reading the COM port;
    - Added "COM port timeout" parameter. Defines the timeout when reading the COM port.
    Bugs fixed:
    - 30026916: For Linux OS, the sequence of barcode symbols from the COM port comes in fragments of different lengths depending on the driver settings.
  • The layout with the "Shtrikh-M: Data Collection Terminals" driver distribution kit is excluded from the library. The driver is installed using the vendor's distribution kit.
  • The layout with the driver distribution kit "SCALE: Scale with label printing CL5000J" is excluded from the library. The driver is installed using the vendor's distribution kit.
  • The layout with the driver distribution kit "Sberbank: Acquiring terminals" is excluded from the library. The driver is installed using the vendor's distribution kit.

Version 1.2.2

ATTENTION! This release can be used with 1C: Enterprise version and higher, with disabled compatibility mode.

New features and changes

Fixing release

  • Updated driver "1C: Receipt printer" to version
    Bugs fixed:
    - DSS-00-00048242: The text description of the last encountered error is not returned.
    - SPPR-00-00049454: Open command cash drawer does not work out in a regular way.
    - Added the option to automatically open the cash drawer after printing a document. The default is True.

New features and changes

Version 1.2.2 contains functional changes to the "1C: Connected Equipment Library" subsystem.

  • Added new asynchronous methods for working with equipment. Synchronous methods have been retained for compatibility.
    Operation in asynchronous mode is supported for all types of equipment. To operate the equipment in asynchronous mode, it is necessary to change the configuration code in terms of working with the methods of each type of equipment. The technique of reworking the configuration into asynchronous methods is described in the document "Application of BPO functionality in configurations.htm", sections: "Technique of reworking the configuration into asynchronous methods".
  • Added a mechanism for printing cash receipts using a program-defined template. The method of using the template printing mechanism is described in the document "Application of BPO functionality in configurations.htm", sections: "Fiscal registrars" and "Receipt printers".
  • Updated barcode printing component to version
    - The format of the returned image is set to PNG with a depth of 32 bits. This fixed the error when an incorrect barcode image was returned to the platform.
    - Fixed a bug with incorrectly returned barcode images in the client-server mode when generating a large number of barcodes in parallel.

The composition of the supplied drivers has been changed:

  • Added new driver "CAS: Driver for scales with label printing", version 1.0.1, developed by "KAScentr" company in NativeApi technology.
    The driver is developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.4" and supports the following models of scales with label printing: CAS CL5000J, CAS CL5000, CAS CL3000, CAS LP-1.6, CL-5000D.
  • Added new driver "Crystal Service: VikiVision Customer Display" version 1.0.3. The driver provides connection to VikiVision customer displays.
  • Added new driver "Scancity: TSC Label Printers", version 1.0.0, developed by "Scancity".
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.4".
  • Added new driver "Scancode: Driver for TSD CipherLAB 8x00 (NativeApi)", version 1.0.1, developed by "Scancode" in NativeApi technology. The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.4".
  • Updated driver "Hexagon: Zebra and Proton Label Printers" to version 1.9.9.
    - Added support for Zebra label printers.
  • The driver "1C: Receipt printer" has been updated to version
    - The driver is prepared for FireFox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome in asynchronous mode.

Those "Procedure for implementing BPO.htm".

Version 1.2.1

ATTENTION! This release can be used with 1C: Enterprise version and higher, with disabled compatibility mode.

Version 1.2.1 contains functional changes to the "1C: Connected Equipment Library" subsystem.

  • Added support for a new type of equipment "Receipt printer".
  • Added support for the new hardware type "Label Printer".
    Drivers developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.4" are supported.
  • Added the ability to exchange with "1C: Mobile Cashier" using the universal driver 1C: KKM-Offline in the file exchange mode.
  • Added new protocol for data exchange with equipment "Equipment Web Service".
    This interaction protocol is implemented on the side of the library using the "EquipmentService" WEB service.
    Interaction is carried out in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.4".

The composition of the supplied drivers has been changed:

  • Added new driver "1C: Receipt printer" version, developed in The driver is developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.4". The driver provides connection of POS receipt printers using the ESC \\ POS protocol.
  • Added a new universal driver "1C: KKM-Offline" for working with KKM-offline.
    The driver supports uploading settings and a price list with details by characteristics and packaging of goods, uploading a list of sales reports with details by type of payment and type of payment.
  • Added new driver "Hexagon: Proton Label Printer", version 1.7.6, developed by "Hexagon" company.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.4".
  • The "Scancode: Data Collection Terminals" driver has been updated to version 6.0.7.
    - Fixed a bug with calling a procedure as a function (It appears when working with 1C: Enterprise and higher).

The procedure for the initial implementation of BPO and updates from BPO 1.0.x, BPO 1.1.x versions to BPO 1.2 version is described in the documentthose "Procedure for implementing BPO.htm".

To use the capabilities provided by the library of connected equipment in configuration, you must follow the instructions in the document"Application of BPO functionality in configurations.htm".

Version 1.1.7

ATTENTION! This release can be used with 1C: Enterprise version and higher, with disabled compatibility mode.

New features and changes

Version 1.1.7 contains functional changes to the "1C: Connected Equipment Library" subsystem.

  • Added common asynchronous methods for connecting and disconnecting equipment. Synchronous methods have been retained for compatibility.
  • Supported operation in asynchronous mode of the following types of equipment: barcode scanner, magnetic card reader, KKM-offline, scales with label printing.
    To operate barcode scanners and magnetic card readers in asynchronous mode, it is necessary to change the configuration code in terms of connecting and disconnecting equipment.
    To support work with KKM-offline and scales with label printing in asynchronous mode, it is necessary to replace with asynchronous methods of working with these types of equipment in the configuration code. For these types of equipment to work in the web client, you also need to install an extension for working with files in a browser.
    The method of processing a configuration into asynchronous methods is described in the document "Application of BPO functionality in configurations.htm", sections: "Methods for processing a configuration into asynchronous methods", "Barcode scanner", "Magnetic card reader", "KKM-offline", "Scales with printing labels ".
  • Errors registered:
    - 30013422: Upload and download to KKM offline does not work in the web client (Google Chrome)
  • Driver "1C: Barcode Scanner (NativeApi)" version is prepared for Google Chrome to work in asynchronous mode.
    Errors reported:
    - 10142713: The test window is displayed minimized in the web client (Google Chrome).
    - 10142681: Error localizing the driver settings form interface in the web client (Google Chrome).

The composition of the supplied drivers has been changed:

  • A new driver "Crystal Service: Pirit fiscal registrars", version 2.01, developed by "Crystal Service" has been added.
  • Updated driver "INPAS-UNIPOS: Acquiring System Driver" to version
    - Fixed error setting the value of the "Currency code" parameter. Previously, it was not possible to set a currency code other than the default (810).
  • Added support by the current ATOL driver for the following buyer's display models:
    OMRON DP75-21, NCR 597X, Barcode-miniPOSII PRO, Posiflex PD-201 / PD-309 / PD-320.
  • Updated driver "1C-Rarus: Driver of fiscal registrars MEBIUS" to version
    - Fixed a bug in the "Open Cash Drawer" method. The cash drawer was not previously opened.
    - Fixed a bug with the "Connect" method. Earlier, when executing the method on some FD models with an open change to check tape an error message was printed.

Version 1.1.6

ATTENTION! This release can be used with 1C: Enterprise version and higher, with disabled compatibility mode.

New features and changes

Version 1.1.6 contains functional changes to the "1C: Connected Equipment Library" subsystem.

  • A new driver "GAZPROMBANK: Acquiring System Driver", version 1.0, developed by "Gazcardservice" has been added.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2" ..
  • Added new driver "USC-EFTPOS: Acquiring System Driver", version 1.0.2, developed by "Shtrikh-M" company.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2".
  • Added new driver "INPAS-UNIPOS: Acquiring System Driver", version, developed by "1C-Rarus" company.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2".
  • Added a new driver "1C-Rarus: Driver of fiscal recorders MEBIUS", version, developed by "1C-Rarus".
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2".
  • A new driver "Shtrikh-M: Fiscal registrar driver (Universal)", version 4.11, developed by "Shtrikh-M" has been added.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2".
  • The layout with the distribution kit of the Shtrikh-M fiscal recorder drivers version 4.X is excluded from the library. Installation is performed using the vendor's distribution kit.
  • The layout with the general distribution of ATOL drivers version 6.X is excluded from the library. Installation is performed using the vendor's distribution kit.
  • Updated driver "1C: Barcode Scanner (COM)" to version
    Fixed driver errors:

  • Updated driver "1C: Barcode Scanner (NativeApi)" to version
    Added new features:
    - Support for USB scanners operating in keyboard emulation mode under Linux OS.
    Fixed driver errors:
    - 10131526: Application hangs / multiple repetitions of a character entered from the keyboard in case of simultaneous operation of the 1C: Barcode Scanner (COM) and 1C: Barcode Scanner (NativeApi) components via the Keyboard port.
    - 30009911: An error occurred when some CipherLab scanners were running in virtual COM port mode.
    - 30008098: Invalid definition in the "Test" window of the COM port from which the barcode was read under Linux.
    - 30008099: Platform crash after closing the "Test" window when running under Linux.
    - 30009836: Displaying the driver setting form in Russian, regardless of the specified regional setting of the infobase.

Version 1.1.5

ATTENTION! This release can be used with 1C: Enterprise version and higher, with disabled compatibility mode.

New features and changes

Version 1.1.5 contains functional changes to the "1C: Connected Equipment Library" subsystem.

  • A new driver "ATOL: Fiscal Registrar Driver 8.X", version 8.2, developed by "ATOL" has been added.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2".

Version 1.1.4

ATTENTION! This release can be used with 1C: Enterprise version and higher, with disabled compatibility mode.

New features and changes

Version 1.1.4 contains functional changes to the "1C: Connected Equipment Library" subsystem.

  • Added new driver "Hexagon: Proton Barcode Scanners", version 1.0, developed by "HEXAGON".
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2". The driver supports the work of barcode scanners of the Proton model line.

Version 1.1.3

ATTENTION! This release can be used with 1C: Enterprise version and higher, with disabled compatibility mode.

New features and changes

Fixing release 1.1.3

  • Bugs fixed:
    - 00027876: Error of access rights to workplaces when updating external components at system startup.
    - 00028754: Events from input device drivers named "Barcode" and "TracksData" are not processed.

Version 1.1.2

ATTENTION! This release can be used with 1C: Enterprise version and higher.

New features and changes

Version 1.1.2 contains functional changes to the "1C: Connected Equipment Library" subsystem.

  • A new driver "ATOL: Driver of terminals for data collection under the control of MobileLogistics", version 8.2, developed by "ATOL" has been added. The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2".
  • The driver "1C-Rarus: Felix fiscal registrar driver" has been updated to version 1.2. Added support for Felix 80K fiscal registrars. The driver was developed by 1C-Rarus in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2".

Version 1.1.1

ATTENTION! This release can be used with 1C: Enterprise version and higher.

New features and changes

Version 1.1.1 contains functional changes to the "1C: Connected Equipment Library" subsystem.

  • Added the ability to connect new drivers developed according to the "1C: Compatible" standard. The opportunity is given:
    • Loading into the infobase of the driver file supplied as an archive of the external component, prepared in accordance with the requirements set forth in the document "Technology for creating external components";
    • Loading the driver distribution file into the infobase;
    • Opportunity using the driver preinstalled on local computers.

    Drivers must be developed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the documents "Technology for creating external components" and "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2":

  • Added the ability to work the library in the mode of abandoning modality. Added non-modal methods for working with equipment. Modal methods have been retained for compatibility and can be removed if necessary ( see document for details "Procedure for implementing BPO.htm").
  • Screen forms have been adapted for the Taxi interface.
  • The library is supported in Linux OS.

The composition of the supplied drivers has been changed:

  • Added a new driver version "1C: Barcode Scanner" version 8.1.0, developed in technologies NativeApi. (for more details, see the document "Technology for creating external components".) The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2".
  • Added a new driver "CAS: Driver for electronic scales of simple weighing", version 1.0.4, developed by "KAScentr" in NativeApi technology. The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2" and supports the following models of electronic scales: CAS AD, CAS AD-H, CAS ED, CAS ED-H, CAS MWP, CAS MWP-H, CAS SW , CAS DB-H, CAS DB-II, CAS PDS, CAS AP-M, CAS AP-EX, CAS ER Junior.
  • Added new driver "HEXAGON: Driver for data collection terminal", version 1.1. The driver was developed by the "HEXAGON" company in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2". The driver supports the following data collection terminals with loaded software Goods 5: Proton PMC-2100, Proton PMC-1100, Proton PMC-1200, Proton PMC-8100.
  • Drivers "INPAS: Acquiring Terminals" and "SoftCase: Acquiring Terminals" have been removed from support. Layouts with drivers are not supplied as part of the library, driver handlers are left for ensuring the operability of the acquiring systems previously installed at the workplace.

The procedure for the initial implementation of BPO and updates from BPO 1.0.x versions to BPO 1.1 version is described in the documentthose "Procedure for implementing BPO.htm".

To use the capabilities provided by the library of connected equipment in configuration, you must follow the instructions in the document"Application of BPO functionality in configurations.htm".

Complete configuration distribution

The distribution kit of the library is available for download for registered ITS users.