GMS Retail Program. Shopping warehouse. A pineapple. GNU General Public License - Free Software License. Under this license for free for use for any purpose

The free version of the debit plus can use both entrepreneurs and small businesses. The system allows you to conduct warehouse accounting, includes a system for interacting with customers. The function of the system includes a vault of an accounting balance, including fixed assets, wage. The program comes under Windows, Linux, Mac OS.

Free version of the "Debit Plus" system:

  • Suitable for both entrepreneurs and small enterprises.
  • Allows you to conduct warehouse record both with accounting and without accounting (at the request of the user).
  • Works on various OS - Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and DBMS - PostgreSQL, MySQL.
  • Fully ready for work in the conditions of the legislation of Ukraine and is promptly updated due to its changes.

The system consists of the Eclipse RCP platform, the module itself debit +, which extends to the compiled JAR and configuration.
The whole configuration is written on JavaScript, forms - in XML. You can use Eclipse to develop.
The free, actually, is only one configuration - the one, which, with Buk. Scientive and small pieces of other sites. The rest are paid.
But no one prevents it from free to refine themselves, especially since there are many documentation and examples on the site.

A pineapple. GNU General Public License - Free Software License. Under this license for free for use for any purpose.

Pineapple - freely distributed accounting automation platform. The system will help automate the purchase, sale, generation of reports. This free 1c analog has distributions for Linux and Windows.

Its technology. Program is free, but the exact license is not known.

"Own technology" - Management accounting platform for small and medium businesses. Basic system configuration that meets the requirements of most russian firms, is distributed free of charge, including for use in commercial organizations. License Agreement and Terms of Use.

Main features:

  • warehouse accounting of materials, goods, products;
  • accounting and analysis of sales of goods, products, services;
  • conducting mutual settlements with buyers or suppliers;
  • traffic accounting money At the checkout, the bank, the ability to download data from the client bank.
  • registration of all necessary primary documents, printed forms that meet legislation;

For all account cuts, you can form statements on registers, in addition, a number of built-in and additional reports are available.
Reports I. printed forms can be exported to Excel, Open Office, as well as go to e-mail. You can upload data to programs accounting (When activating the corresponding additional module).

Advantages of the program:

  • High speed thanks to client-server technology
  • The network version allows you to work a large number of users with a single database, which is unique for free programs of this class.
  • Multifferent accounting in one database and the ability to work with several bases
  • Flexible reports with custom groupings and filters
  • The ability to connect shopping equipment (RS232 or USB emulation)
  • Automatic passion when fixing old documents

Athena. The program is free, but the exact license is not known.

Development and operation of various accounts (and not only accounting), each of which is created with its own database.

This is the system "two in one". The developer uses it to build accounting projects, the user is engaged in its exploitation of developed projects.

The system can be found to the RAD - RAPID Application Development direction, the rapid development of applications, but provided that the development does not develop a newcomer. The complex, as a tool for developing various accounts, is not so simple. On the pages of this site, beginners will find a lot of information for familiarizing or developing the system.

Athena exists in two versions: in the form of single-user and network assemblies.
The project made using one assembly will work in another.
A few words about the distinction of assemblies are shown on the Download page.

Athena is distributed free of charge without any conditions and guarantees.

OpenBravo. Free ERP open source system.

Wide, Different Functionality
Rich Functional Stuffing: Through Financial Accounting, Sales and CRM, Procurement, Warehouse, Production, and Project Management
Built-in expansion environment: best development from OpenBravo, third-party modules and vertical solutions for the best implementations
Expansion of the Organization: A simple expansion of monocompany to a multicomponia structure with its business units and warehouses

Real Open Web Architecture
Easy to use Web: simple and secure access to all functionality associated with Web services, fast integration with other applications.
Simplicity of change and updates: most of the unique improvements are made without programming
Flexibility in deployment: mono or multi compareness, on wnidows or on Linux, at home or service provider - you yourself choose the ideal conditions

Low cost of ownership
High return at minimum cost
Minimum initial investments: model "Pay only for services" reduces the investment load and allows you to clearly control the value of the result obtained
Transparent pricing: simplicity and clearer, lack of hidden payments, lack of licensed overpayments
Quick start, high result: Quick start with initial functionality and inexpensive cost of functionality in the future

GROSSBEE & NBSP. GROSSBEE offers its customers unique to such systems the opportunity - get a full-featured single-user version of the GROSSBEE XXI system for free.

The GROSSBEE XXI enterprise management system refers to eRP systems class and is intended for complex automation trade I. manufacturing enterprises Various scale: from corporations to small companies. The system solves the task of accounting and planning of material and financial resources, production, analyzing the performance of the enterprise, and many others.

All system functions are implemented as a set of interrelated modules that actively interact with each other and make together a single, holistic application. Modules are replaceable, which allows you to develop individual solutions for specific enterprises.

Modules are combined into subsystems, each of which is used to solve certain tasks. For example, the material accounting subsystem "deals with" the movement of commodity and material values, a subsystem of cash accounting and non-cash money - banking and cash operations, etc.

The structure of the GROSSBEE XXI system is presented in the figure (click on the appropriate subsystem for more information):

The GROSSBEE XXI includes the following main subsystems:

  • Subsystem of material accounting
  • Treaty accounting subsystem
  • Subsystems for planning material resources
  • Production accounting subsystem
  • Production planning subsystem
  • Cash accounting subsystem
  • Money planning subsystem
  • The subsystem of accounting of debt and calculations with counterparties
  • Subsystem of fixed assets
  • Accounting subsystem
  • Personnel accounting subsystem and salary calculation
  • Subsystem of economic analysis
  • Economic Monitoring Subsystem Enterprise
  • Administrative functions

All subsystems use a common database and exchange information with each other, which allows you to create a unified information environment in the enterprise, common to all its units. In general, dividing on the modules is sufficiently conditionally. For example, the material resource planning subsystem uses both data on the balances of goods in the enterprise warehouses and the information from the subsystem of accounting and planning production, the subsystem of fixed assets receive data on the wear of equipment from the production accounting subsystem, etc.

It should be noted that the system continues to actively develop, new modules and subsystems constantly appear in it, which are easily connected to the rest within the framework of the overall architecture of the system.

Sun: Accounting. Accounting module - free!

Sun: Accounting - a program for accounting in small and medium-sized enterprises. It allows you to keep accounting for organizations both with general and simplified taxation systems.

What is included in the Accounting Module:

  • Total taxation regime and specialized tax regimes of USN, UNVD.
  • Book accounting book income and expenses.
  • Tax Declaration on USN.
  • Tax Declaration on UTII.
  • Accounting for fixed assets.
  • Accounting inventory and services.
  • Accounting for cash transactions and the formation of the cash book.
  • Accounting for current account operations.
  • Accounting trade operations in wholesale trade, retail, accounting for goods at prior prices, the calculation of the trading charge.
  • Accounting for calculations with accountable persons and the formation of advance reports.
  • Accounting for calculations with counterparties, formation of acts of reconciliation.
  • Formation of a book of sales, shopping books and invoice accounting logs.
  • Formation and unloading in in electronic format Accounting and tax reports.
  • Actual reporting forms.
  • Standard accounting reports: negotiable statement, analytical account and other (with drilling function).
  • Different methods of entering the wiring: using typical operations, conducting documents manually.
  • Client-Bank.

With other paid modules can be found in. Site.

  • Salary and frames
  • Personalized accounting
  • Trade
  • Warehouse


The system began to develop the efforts of Fabien Pinckaers in 2000. Soon the Tiny ERP began to be introduced in the public auction market.

Until the end of 2004, Fabien Pinckaers combined in one person and developer, and the manager, and the distributor of Tiny. In September 2004 (when he graduated from his research), other programmers were involved in the development and distribution of Tiny ERP.

By 2006, the program was successfully used in specialized bookstores, distributive companies serving companies.

At this time, the TinyForge resource opens. From this time, developers from around the world are connected to the development of modules.

Every 4-6 months there is a stable version, every month version for developers. In June 2007, in version 4.1.1, a "web client" appeared, which allows using an ordinary browser to use all the capabilities of the system.

In July 2008, Launchpad becomes a platform for organizing the work of the Openerp community, and the system itself becomes more open for translators and developers. Also in 2008, the first version of the Openerp book that replaces the system documentation is written. Since 2009, Openerp has been presented as part of Ubuntu and Debian packages.

Technical features

  • Python programming language
  • The client server interaction is implemented on the XML-RPC protocol
  • Server part, as DBMS uses PostgreSQL
  • GTK-based clients
  • AJAX-based web client
  • A web client has been developed to work with mobile devices (While access through it is only reading)
  • Modular structure


  • Accounting
  • Accounting assets
  • Budget
  • Personnel Management - HRM
  • Products (goods)
  • Production
  • Sales
  • Procurement
  • Warehouse management
  • SCRUM - project management for development
  • Order dinners in office
  • Project management

Official site program:


Typical configurations - free

Principles of work Tria.

The TRIA platform was created in the image and likeness of the software of the former USSR of the program product itself - 1C enterprise. As well as 1C, ready decision Consists of two parts - platform (application run) and databases.

Comparison with 1C or a little story

The Tria system was born not from scratch. At first, the developers were engaged in creating non-standard solutions based on 1C 7.7. As a result of consecutive research, the mechanism of economic operations was born.

The essence of this mechanism is that all the logic of the document behavior is not contained in the code in the programming language, but is set with the help of a special reference manual operations.

As a result, the following advantages were obtained:

  • The logic of the work of documents can be changed "on the fly", while the remaining users continue to work in the database.
  • Significantly simplified and accelerated the process of making changes to the configuration, and therefore, the cost of escort decreased significantly. The fact that the programmer makes 1C per day in three can be done in an hour.
  • Significantly reduced the level of requirements for the configuration / triage. People who do not know how to program, customized wiring themselves, changed the logic of the program. Fixed focus in the requirements for implementers: First of all, experts should know the subject area, understand the methodology of the work, and then be specialists in Triya.

Naturally, TRIA turned out ideologically similar to 1s. The same reference books of the hierarchical structure, documents, journals of documents, registers. So far there is no account plan and periodic details - it is planned over time. In fact, you are something similar to the "Operational Accounting" or "Trade" component in 1C.

Here, of course, I would like to draw a comparative sign, especially since 1s familiar along and across, but many will find it as an anti-advertising. Therefore, we restrict ourselves to a very short summary: in 1c, you can do almost all that the user wants. The issue of only time, money and have a good specialist. Our is more limited by functionality, but everything that can be done in TRIA is much easier and faster, which means cheaper. In this case, programming requires a significantly less training of specialists.

The main competitive advantage is a significant reduction in purchase costs, implementation, refinement and IT support for your software.

The configurations offered in Triya contain all the experience of successful business management of our customers. They receive not only a program, but also on constant recommendations and proposals to increase the profitability of their companies. We are proud of the achievements of our customers that for 4 years of use of TRIA in the Lugansk region none of the clients stopped its business, but on the contrary, despite the crisis develop successfully.

Technical characteristics TRIA

For normal operation, Tria is enough Pentium 150, 32 megabytes random access memory, 15 megabytes of disk space. The larger the database size and the amount of information entered, the greater power requires a computer (on which the database is placed).

TRIA platform is Portable Application - i.e. A program that does not require installation. You can install a program to simply copy the entire directory, wearing your accounting on the flash drive. On any computer you can write documents or receive information about the remains.

A free Firebird SQL Server is used as a data warehouse (there are versions of the server both under Windows and under free operating systems (Linux, FreeBSD)).

For single-user work, the default work is offered to work with the Embedded version of the FireBird Server, which does not require its separate installation and administration.

In more detail about the possibilities of Firebird can be read here:

  • wWW.IBPHOENIX.COM - manufacturer site
  • - the company's website that participated in the development of this server. Contains a lot useful information in Russian.
  •, - sites where you can communicate with programmers who operated this server.

The unique Internet service "Moisklad" offers to your attention a program designed for convenient and efficient maintenance of goods, income and expenses.

The program fully satisfies requests individual entrepreneurs and companies working in the field of wholesale and retail, e-commerce and simple assembly production. We offer you the opportunity to download the application for accounting for all business processes and for 14 days try its functionality. Just be sure to register on our portal to take advantage of the advantage.

The possibilities laid down in the program are diverse. With the help of it you can:

  • procurement, based on product data in retail outlets and in the warehouses obtained in real time. Information can be obtained from any PC in which Internet access is present;
  • control sales, take into account payments and the movement of the goods, being at any point of the planet;
  • Implement settlements with suppliers and buyers and be aware of someone who should.

Owners of online stores Working with the accounting program will be even more useful: thanks to integration with popular engines, it will allow processing orders from customers in real time.

The program for keeping "Entrepreneur": Convenient, quickly, efficiently

The accounting program for the entrepreneur will help increase business efficiency, improve control over it and save personal time. The cost of using the program varies depending on the number of users. So, for one entrepreneur, the use of the program is completely free. More information can be found in the Tariffs section.

With the "Entrepreneur" program, all business processes become simpler and fast. With the help of the accounting program, you can work efficiently and quickly, thus saving the user's time.

To master the accounting program, you do not need to have certain skills and knowledge. To carry out accounting of procurement and sales, movements of goods in stock, control the financial calculations and the receipt of funds in the "Entrepreneur" program will be able to do not have experience in accounting systems.

The process of trading and maintaining accounting using the program is fully automated. Processing of orders, reservation of goods, courier management and working with counterparties - All this is able to program "Entrepreneur".

Among other things, the program for taking into account turnover and cash is present ready templates. different documents With the ability to set up: accounts, commodity checks, blanks of invoices and acts of work performed. Using the application, you can print them or send by e-mail to any of the counterparties.

You can start using accounting programs from the wasclad immediately after registration: after 15 minutes after downloading, you can figure it out and start working with them. Rate their opportunities, try on them to the specifics of your business, and you will understand how convenient, easier and more efficiently lead all the processes and engage in accounting with this functional and easy-to-use program!

On this page you can download the free Warehouse program "Info-Enterprise". It differs from paid versions of several limited functionals, but it is quite suitable for novice entrepreneurs who are not yet ready to acquire the program to account. About what functions in it are disabled below.

Advantage to use free customer accounting programs In that you do not need to search for it, order, acquire. Just just download it from the site. It is easily installed, easily mastered. Will not get take advantage of training rollers! They are installed with the program.


Is not demonstration version, it is full working programm accounting of goods, but free. It does not contain any restrictions on work, including time limit, date, quantity of documents, volume of turns, printing documents, etc. Its capabilities correspond to the documentation (with the exception of the functions below).

If now consideration of the goods in other programs now, then you don't need to put everything. You can transfer directories from Excel. In addition, if you have installed shipment programs such as "1C: Trade and Warehouse" or "1C: Trade Management", you can transfer not only directories, but most of the documents entered.

What functions are disabled in the free version

To account for goods in the program there are all functions! Only those that are not needed small or novice companies are disabled:
  • The possibility of simultaneous work to several users with general Base data over the network.
  • Differentiation of user access rights to different data and work areas.
  • Database administration tools: optimization tools, user actions logging, etc.
  • It is impossible to program in the embedded language, refine existing and develop your forms, reports, change the principles of work.
  • The free product accounting program cannot be integrated with other products for integrated automation of the enterprise.

In more detail, compare the possibilities of the free program and paid versions can be on. If some of the listed functions still need you in your work, write to us by mail. If in this desire you will not be alone, we will turn on it into one of the following versions.

She is constantly improving

Starting to work in the program now, later you will receive some new product accounting functions and more amenities. She himself notifies the release of new versions and offers them to install them. Sometimes these versions contain legislative changes, such as new invoice forms, payment orders or any other documents.

Having downloaded a free warehouse program, you can use limited technical supportconsulting on the user forum. And by moving on one of the paid versions, you can enjoy all types of support, including " Hot line"And the service" Remote Support ". Paid versions are possible in a year of use free.

  1. Accounting for basic commodity operations (arrival, consumption, refund, reservation, inventory)
  2. Accounting for sales and consumption of goods
  3. Accounting for orders from buyers and orders to suppliers
  4. Internal travel, write-off of goods
  5. Tracking residues in warehouses
  6. Accounting for cash and IBE (low-value and high-speed items)
  7. Working with Price Lists
  8. Payment tracking
  9. Calculation and monitoring of customer debts
  10. Accrual and accounting of wages to employees
  11. Print accounts, invoices, invoices, checks, price plys, etc.
  12. Print price tags, business cards
  13. Processing commercial I. logistic operations With goods
  14. Movement of goods inside the warehouse
  15. Accounting for client activity and the creation of orders to suppliers based on it
  16. Work on several warehouses and outlets (creation of several unrelated accounting groups within one warehouse accounting program)
  17. Cash control and cashless payment
  18. Creating documents by existing standards and arbitrarily
  19. Export, import and synchronization of any data processed by the warehouse accounting program and trade
  20. Flexible database structure with setting for any tasks
  21. Network and multi-user modes, flexible setting of access rights with restrictions on the fields and by recordings
  22. Customization - Setting up the menu, toolbars and other items personally under each user

Integration with shopping equipment

The functionality of the "Warehouse and Trade" program, as well as other programs, has the ability to integrate with shopping equipment.
System work with such equipment as barcode scanner plastic cards, money box , printer Chekov, data Collection Terminal et al. Allows you to speed up the work and improve the quality of customer service.
More information about the integration of the program with equipment on pages and "equipment".

Video on the integration of FR Atol and Barcher

Also using the program you can:

  • Create, modify, delete records, fields, tables
  • Import data to any database from Excel or CSV text files
  • Delete duplicate entries with the same values \u200b\u200bof the specified fields
  • Sort tables on any field, including sorting over multiple fields (up to 3) holding the SHIFT key
  • Filter the table on any field using the following statements: \u003d,\u003e,\u003e \u003d, "contains", "does not contain", "begins with", "does not begin with", "ends on", "does not end on", Like, NOT LIKE
  • Group identical data in any field when the table is sorted by this field (for marked fields in the properties of the table)
  • Check records as "Favorites", then they will be displayed in orange. Color is set in the properties of the table
  • Check records as a "dead" ("uninteresting"), then they will be displayed with gray (or other)
  • Customize the rules of colorwriter. You ourselves define what lines, which color and under what conditions to allocate.
  • Build a tree according to any fields with an arbitrary number of levels for hierarchical display of data of any table
  • Change the data in any field (except ID and calculated fields) directly in the table or in a separate form (selected in the settings), mark multiple entries, delete, print, export marked
  • Change or delete several entries at once in any database table using the group update form
  • Create new stored fields for tables of the following types: text, large text, numeric, yes / no, date and time, picture
  • Create calculated fields for tables, for example, you can create a field with formula "[Field 1] / [Field 2]"
  • Create calculated fields whose values \u200b\u200bwill be taken from other tables.
  • Create new tables with absolutely the same features for action with them, like any other table
  • Tie the drop-down listing of fields to other tables for easy selection of values \u200b\u200bof them when editing in the table or to select from other forms when editing in form
  • Set an arbitrary number of subordinate tables for any table (for which you need to specify the fields across the fields in the properties of the table)
  • Change the order of fields in any table using dragging or using the "Settings" form
  • Rename the fields of tables and the names of the tables themselves in accordance with the specifics of your business.
  • Print the current representation of any table, taking into account the visibility of fields, their widths and order
  • Export data of any table in MS Excel or text CSV file with current table presentation
  • Export the current entry in MS WORD based on the template file with bookmarks corresponding to the names of the fields
  • Work with multiple database files, create new databases, of course, can also be opened with MS Access.

Program installation

To install the program you must:

  • Download the ProductScount.msi program
  • Run the Installation Program Making Double Click on the downloaded file
  • Following the instructions of the installer program to install the program on the hard drive
  • Run the program by selecting it in the "Programs" menu by pressing the "Start" button or the shortcut on the desktop.

Certificate of Rospatent

History of versions

VersionWhat's new
2.950 1. Imprinting VBScript interpreter
2.948 1. When you move the recording up or down, the subordinate records are now taken into account.
2. New internal commands GenerateBarcode and GenerateBarcodeean13
2.946 1. Two new forms - export to a folder with CSV files and import from a folder with CSV files
2.945 1. Improved performance when importing from XML and CSV
2.941 1. A new form "Setting the counter" (called from the context menu by right click on the ID field)
2.931 1. Forming SMS-mailing form
2.928 1. Finalization: Interpreter, Internal Commands
2.913 1. Models of SMS-mailing 2. Implementing an interpreter VBScript
2.897 1. Implementing for integration with printers checks
2.887 1. Import improvements
2.880 1. Integration with new check printer models - Atol 30f, PTK strokes
2. Reflecting the functionality of "Simple filters"
2.875 1. Added the ability to set wood personalization
2.872 1. New tick in the properties of the table - "Simple filters"
2.871 1. Added the ability to set business rules for subordinate tables - a different set of tables, depending on the condition
2.858 1. Refinement of exports in XML and import from XML 2. Refinement of reminders with a check mark "All reminders in one form"
2.856 1. A new property font size "Field Size" has been added to the color entry rules 2. New internal commands: AddRecordSintoschedule (Fill out a year calendar ahead), SetValueForcellRange (add to the cell group), SUM (sum)
2.845 1. Export improvements - in export forms of any type, you can select a file template from the DB Table 2. Export to RTF - You can use labels ,,
2.840 1. Added the ability to do export to XML by template
2.836 1. Import to Scheduled Scheduled
2.834 1. Import refinement, the ability to import on schedule 2. Ability to view a database list on different MS SQL Server servers
2.832 1. Configuration protection form improvements - New options 2. Implementing the Replace function in the default value and other places
2.829 1. A new tick "Do not print empty columns of tables" in the form of generating a Word document on the template 2. The ability to store template files in a separate database table - TBlTemplates
2.828 1. Refinemers with the type of communication "Many-ko-many" 2. Improving the generation of documents on templates with labels and
2.827 1. Ability to set more than one custom button for subordinate tables 2. Ability to enable the "Add" button on the toolbar of the main 3. Implementation of the VBScript interpreter
2.823 1. Processing of the form "Exports to CSV" - the ability to export the main and subordinate, as well as exports by the template
2.801 1. Reminds reminders in the case of "Show all reminders in one form" 2. Refinement of SMS-mailing - New parameter "XML request"
2.790 1. Refinement of email-mailings - the ability to insert more than one picture at HTML format, the ability to use bookmarks from subordinate tables
2.781 1. Refinement "Print checks and labels", a new item in the "Service" menu, support for new equipment and the ability to use the RTF template
2.767 1. New tick in the settings of the fields "Allow allocate the cells group", useful for tables-calendars when entering the name in the date range
2.766 1. New Internal TRANSLIT command - To write Russian Latin's text 2. The new internal setVisibletabs command - to install visible tabs on the form for editing the condition from the script 3. Refreshtable, refreshActiveTable, refreshActiveSUBTable
2.761 1. Added the ability to customize the toolbar for subordinate tables 2. In the field properties, the functionality of creating compound indices for several fields
2.752 1. Refinement of the shape "Print checks and labels", new equipment
2.751 1. Implementation of the VBScript interpreter 2. Finalization of the functional Condition to value 3. Refinement of the rules of color entry
2.743 1. Refinement "Check Print" - Added Printer Checks FPRINT-11, the ability to set a script to work POS equipment 2. Refinement of the conditions for the value - the ability to call procedures 3. New commands GetControlValue, SetControlValue 4. Refinement of the coloring rules - the ability to recognize NULL
2.733 1. Refinement of the generation of Word documents - the new endings _letters to insert each letter to a separate cell of the Word table, _days, _WorkDays 2. New types of triggers - after adding a record, after removing recording 3. Refinery on the fields - output to the panel on the right from another table with the ability to edit and so on
2.726 1. New item of the context menu on the right click on the Subband tab "Show Filter Panel" 2. Revision of exports in CSV - Possibility of selecting fields
2.725 1. A new button on the Table Export to XML toolbar "
2.723 1. Display field files in the form for editing 2. Storage of custom pictures directly in the database for editing form, colorwalk rules 3. Ability to set the command when clicking on a user picture for form
2.705 1. Refinement of the storage functional in the database, display links to the pictures. 2. New link types - "Link to File Image" and "File Link - Short Name" 3. Configurations to integrate with PSPhone IP-telephony program - Show Calling Card, PSPhone Call from Number Set 4. New Internal Commands : Settab, hidetab, topical for flexible setting for editing using conditions
2.700 1. Integration with the PSPhone IP telephony program - with an incoming call, a client card is displayed 2. New internal SETTAB command to install the current main tab or tab of editing 3. Tick "Print all entries in one file" implemented in the form "export in HTML "and other improvements
2.688 1. New opportunity Quick search for several fields
2.671 1. New tick in the properties of the table "Arbitrary Tree Setup"
2.670 1. The ability to transmit parameters to custom procedures 2. Refinement to duplicate records - the subordinate tables of the second level are taken into account
2.663 1. New link type in field properties - link to file-short name
2.657 1. New trigger type - with double click on recording 2. New ability to set hyperlinks in the form for editing and in custom forms
2.655 1. New internal GotourlandImportXML command, designed to receive various information from sites (currency courses, counterparty in Inn, etc.)
2.648 1. New setup in reports "Combine by fields"
2.642 1. Refining "Field Setup" - Panel on the left and field rules Now Personal settings
2.637 1. Refinement of the "Internet Search" form to obtain XML
2.633 1. Two new types of triggers: when opening a table and when switching to a tab 2. Improve exports by template in RTF documents
2.626 1. New version of reference
2.612 1. Refinement on the functionality of "add a lot"
2.611 1. The ability to create forms and show them, for example, when starting a program or team. List of forms in the "Database Properties" window
2.604 1. Ability to add custom buttons and pictures on editing forms. 2. Improves for generating documents on templates
2.601 1. Print all entries in one file for Excel 2. The implementation of labels or to highlight a repeating block in Word and Excel templates and in reports
2.600 1. Shape of the generation of documents by templates - instead of one two checkboxes "Print all entries in one file" and "from a new sheet each entry"
2.598 1. Ability to change the width of the drop-down list in the main or subordinate tables
2.594 1. New ability to set up the panel on the left, where you can arrange filters-lists to filter the table with one click, as well as a calendar
2.593 1. New Input Input FRUMLIST 2. New Ending tab _Noformat and _Code128 for printing barcodes in office documents
2.585 1. Refinement on the reports - you can use filters for any type of reports, the drop-down calendar is shown for the fields "Date and Time"
2.582 1. Refinemers on reports - ColorMind and other settings can be used when withdrawing to Excel in various combinations, by template and taking into account styles
2.579 1. Improve export to Excel - field-fields are saved in the file itself 2. Refinement on the reports - the ability to output a report to Excel with a template grouping
2.577 1. Import improvements - buttons for saving and downloading all form settings
2.575 1. Improvement for exports in Word and Excel in the color management plan, as well as in the reports 2. Exports to the RTF. The ability to specify the symbol # in the TBLTABLE _ # _ Field2_Field3 view, printing sequence number of recording 3. In the form of imports a new check mark "At the end to call the procedure"
2.569 1. A new feature appeared in the colorwalk rules (BMP format file) appeared to display it in the table cell
2.562 1. A new check mark in the settings "Automatically check updates when starting" and a new form of checking for the presence of a new version 2. Refinement on the reports - the ability to specify complex SQL expressions containing invested requests, as well as several instructions, not necessarily SELECT
2.545 1. A new check mark in the "Print Mesh" settings in the form "Export Table in Excel" form 2. When generating a document on the template, dedicated records of the subordinate table 3. Imprinting VBScript interpreter
2.534 1. New form "Import from Customer-Bank" 2. Import improvements, finesyn forms of import
2.532 1. Reflecting the tip settings - they can be set for fields for form 2. Refinement when reporting in Excel - When you specify multiple SQL instructions, all tables are shown in series with headers 3. Implemented by an automatic Tab sequence algorithm for form fields
2.528 1. Reflecting Tips Settings 2. New Internal Commands: InputDate, InputDateRange, SetStatustext, SetMousePointer, SetVisibleFields, SetInVisibleFields, SetfieldSvisibility 3. Importing from Excel Files 4. Imprinting VBScript Interpreter
2.519 1. Setting up tips for display for more information When you hover the mouse, you can set formulas with text addiction under the arm. Called from the "Table Properties" form
2.518 1. In the field settings, the ability to fix certain table columns is added so that they do not scroll through the horizontal scrolling 2. Imprinting VBScript interpreter
2.513 1. New preset values \u200b\u200bfor filters of the dates and time field filters: current quarter, last quarter, searched quarter, next quarter 2. Import to import from Excel files - automatic search for starting table 3. Export refinement to Excel
2.509 1. New types of command types for triggers: sending email for all, sending SMS for all, VBScript for all that will be triggered for all records that satisfy the condition prescribed in the "Condition" parameter, and not for the current record. 2. Export refinement to Excel
2.494 1. New types of bookmarks when generating documents: _letters (each letter in a separate cell of the Excel document), _lettersover #, lcase, ucase, _left #, _right #, _mid #, _mid # and # 2. Improved analyzer of custom SQL expressions and Formula 3. Refinery when working with MS SQL Server 4. Added new SMS providers
2.472 1. Implemented access rights "on roles" with the ability to create user roles
2. Added the ability to backup databases every time interval
3. Added the ability to specify the default value for the "picture" type fields - the path to the file
4. New link type "Link to File Image" in field properties, pictures will be displayed in the same way as stored fields pictures
2.467 1. New form "Send e-mail by template"
2.452 1. New check mark in the form of "performing triggers"
2. New trigger response time - "After adding"
3. VBScript refinement
2.420 1. New tick in the field settings "Aligning headers of fields in the center"
2. Added the ability to specify the "any field" in the color management rules
3. Tree refinement - the ability to set arbitrary formulas for building levels and to filter data
4. Refinement on the export of the table in Excel
5. VBScript refinement
2.413 1. New configuration of autofableseditinform autoform, which can be set to add and change the records of the subordinate tables for editing to be made through a separate form.
2.412 1. Added new exporttabletoexcel internal commands, LoadFilters, CheckFilters
2. Implementing the export of the table in Excel - collapse colors
3. Improvement to the table - the inability to leave the table with the replenishment of the required fields, preservation of the sorting of the drop-down list
4. Reports on reports - you can specify several SQL instructions through a point with a comma and obtain, respectively, several tables in the report
5. VBScript refinement
2.397 1. Added the ability to collapse the program in the tray (in the "File" menu)
2.394 1. Added internal ENABLEFIELDS commands, Disablefields, Enabletoolbarbuttons, DisableToolbarButtons to block the fields of the current entry and buttons by condition. See screenshots in gallery №25 and №26
2.391 1. In the configuration of the demo database, a new custom button "Print Check" has been added to the Sales Table
2. New reports of reports - "Send report on email" when generating on schedule
3. Added a new internal OpenDetailsForm command to display the form for adding or editing a record in the current or other table.
2.390 1. Added the ability to print a check on the check printer through the OPOS standard. The name of the PrintCheck command, which can be set for a custom button to call the form.
2. Editing form Now you can minimize and deploy to the entire screen.
2.389 1. Added new internal commands: Gotorecord, GototableAndRecord, CopyRecord, CopyRecordandSubTable, which can be used for custom buttons, as well as in triggers, reminders, etc.
2.388 1. For user-button toolbar buttons, you have the ability to specify the VBScript command and, accordingly, code in this language. Example in Gallery Screenshot №23
2.381 1. Added the implementation of the second-level subtabilities in the form for editing (when setting upshubtables \u003d 1)
2.380 1. The finalization of the color entry rules is a new parameter "Field for Flower Empower" (which may differ from the field condition)
2. Refinery when working with barcode scanners - automatic decoding of Unicode strings for some scanners
3. New Tabsposition autofosition configuration that allows you to set an indent from above, on the left, width and height for user tabs for editing, for example, TabSposition 900,900,8000,4000
2.378 1. New tick when adding a new report "see for all"
2. Refinery when working with barcode scanner
3. Improve the image capture from the webcam
4. Changes in the form of "About the Program" - the ability to request in the BD "Simple Soft" and obtaining license information
2.376 1. A new form "Export to a text file" that allows you to make various conversions of existing text files (including HTML files) or generate new
2. For the "Date and Time" fields, the ability to specify the preset values \u200b\u200bis the day of the week (for example, "Sunday") and the month with the year ("January 2013" or 01.2013 or 2013-01)
2.372 1. Imported performance increased
2. New internal commands (MakesNapshot, Emailing, Smsing, Sendemail, Sendsms)
2.370 1. Added value "(any field)" in a table with filters to search for any field in the table using filters
2. Added new provider For SMS-mailing SMS16
2.367 1. Setting up the "Combination" field no longer depends on sorting and always acts
2. Added error handling in triggers
3. New preset values \u200b\u200bfor filters of fields "Date and Time" - "For the previous 7 days", "for the previous 5 minutes", etc.
2.366 1. New menu item "Service" -\u003e "Online Search"
2. In the field properties, you can set a link to the internal program command
3. In the form of imports added the "Add", "Delete" buttons, and you can specify an arbitrary fixed value that will be imported with the data
2.362 1. New tick "Make visible for all users" on the form of adding table and tabs
2.361 1. In the demo database in the table "Received goods" added the "Supplier" field, and the results of "total sold", showing the total number of pro this product
2. Added the ability to save triggers to a file and download
2.358 1. Added a new "Import" button on the toolbar, gives you the ability to import data only to the current table without the possibility of selecting another
2. The INPUTBOX (Prompt, Title, Default) command is implemented, which can be specified in corner brackets in triggers and expressions.
3. Reflecting on the search with the option "Display Results List"
2.356 1. Refmets for reminders - a new parameter "Message", which will appear immediately before the reminder response. Useful with email or SMS mailing
2. In the "Help" menu, a new menu item "Check availability of a new version", allowing you to easily update
3. Import improvements
2.353 1. Improvement "Conditions on meaning" - new option "Show message without ban"
2. Improve the properties of the field in the "Link to the program"
3. Improvement on SMS mailing
2.351 1. New item context menu for fields - "Assign a value for all field entries ..."
2. New context menu item for numeric fields - "Number all values \u200b\u200bin the field ..."
3. Import improvements
2.347 1. Improvements on email mailing list - Added the ability to attach multiple files
2. Improvements on SMS mailing list - Added the ability to maintain a log file
2.344 1. The structure of the DB demo is slightly changed - the trigger during production is finalized, some calculated fields are replaced with stored
2. Improve export to Word on a template - Now you can specify bookmarks directly in the text of the document in square brackets
3. In parameters, you can set a formula for folder with templates
2.342 1. Added the ability to filter the list of values \u200b\u200bfrom another table when entering the calculated field
2. Improves on triggers - now work for subtables in case of deleting the main entry along with subordinate records
3. Folding on a tree - it is correctly built and filtered in the case of fields with a check mark "Multiple Choice"
2.339 1. Improvement on SMS-mailing list - added new provider
2. Refinemers on reports - when using custom filters in SQL type, the table with filters shows possible values.
2.336 1. Added the ability to send SMS in a trigger or as a reminder.
2.334 1. For MS SQL Server, you can specify a call to the stored procedure, for example "Call DBO.sp1 (" Param1 ") as SQL instructions. But upon the subsequent creation of the ACCESS database, all logic of stored procedures will be lost.
2.332 1. A new check mark in the form of imports - "Fill the default values"
2. The structure of the DB demo is changed - in many subordinate tables added the stored article "Article" (ProductCode) instead of the calculated
2.320 1. Refinery on triggers - you can refer to the calculated fields of the stored record
2.315 1. Added the ability to trigger (and not only) to specify the link to the previous field value (which was before editing) by specifying the field in curly brackets.
2.311 1. Refinement to generate Word documents
2. Refinement on SMS mailing
2.305 1. Refinement on SMS mailing
2.301 1. Import improvements
2.300 1. Refinery when working with barcode scanner
2. New check mark " new document Word / Excel on the template "-" not print empty tables "
2.296 1. A new form "Import from the XML file" with the possibility of setting the schedule for this task.
2. Changing the report parameter form - Added the name of the target report file with the ability to save reports in a specified folder
3. When you enabled "Show Database List at Start" Added the ability to select DBMS
2.295 1. Configuring "Show Database List at Start" in the case of MS SQL Server
2.290 1. Changes in the structure of the demo database: Added a number of triggers for the "Received goods" and "Components" table, changing prices and the total cost of products
2. In the field properties added "Link to the folder"
3. Refinery when working with MS SQL Server in the case of subqueries invested in part from representations
2.288 1. In the field properties added "Link to the folder"
- Correct work with subqueries in part from
2.285 1. Added the ability to specify the rules for the colorwalk of individual cells in the table
2.280 1. Improve on the multiple selection in the subtaber on the "Add a lot" button
2. Refinery when working with MS SQL Server
2.276 1. As an access rights, in the rules of horizontal filtering, you can set the limit "Prohibition of removal"
2. When generating Word documents on the template, you can set a bookmark in the form of text in square brackets in the first table of the table (as in the Excel template) so that the table's hat is left unchanged
2.274 1. Changed the structure of the demo database
2. Refinement in the menu setting and toolbars
2.273 1. Changes in the structure of the demo database - Return to the previous version of the structure without performance
2.272 1. Improves in setting up the menu - the ability to hide or block individual items of the context menu
2. Changes in the structure of the demo bd - block "Production"
2.270 1. In the form "Setting up the fields" New Tick "Show context menu for entries"
2. In the configuration of the demo database, some reports are fixed
2.268 1. Added function block for SMS mailing
2. Refinery when working with MS SQL Server
2.266 1. Refinery when working with MS SQL Server
2.254 1. Refinery when working with MS SQL Server
2.253 1. A new report has been added to the actual demo database " Total amount goods on all warehouses "
2. Improving the logic of creating databases on MS SQL Server on the current database Access
2.248 1. Improve the logic of creating databases on MS SQL Server on the current associate database
2. Implementation of exports in XML
2.247 1. Added the ability to specify an encoding when exporting to XML and CSV
2.245 1. Added the export functionality of the entire database to the XML text format is called by the administrator from the File menu.
2.244 1. Changed the structure of the demo database - the "production" functional block is now transferred to two separate Fiztablites TBLProduction and TBlProductionProducts
2. Presentation of QDFStoresState ("Warehouse Condition") now shows the goods taking into account the received orders-reserves
2.243 1. The capabilities of the fields with reference to the file are expanded - by pressing the Trootch button, menu items are shown, incl. Item "Note a link to a file with copying to the server"
2.238 1. Improvement of access rights - for the rules of horizontal filtering in the "Value" column can be set via and or OR and other conditions
2.236 1. Improvements on subordinate tables of the second level - can now be prescribed for any subtable
2. Improve on the functionality of the multiple addition to subtables
3. Trigger modifications
4. Refinement under the conditions of value
2.227 1. Reconstruction of the form condition to a value that now allows you to set the design "if ... then ... otherwise ..."
2. The panel on the right is now personal setting

2.225 1. Reconstructed two reports of "Customer Balance" and "Supplier Balance"
2. Final filters in reports with custom filters
2.224 1. Changed the structure of the DB demo - in the table "sold goods" in the "Product Code" field The choice is carried out with the display of residues in stock
2. When sending an email on the trigger, it is now possible to simultaneously execute SQL instructions.
2.222 1. Tick "Allow input in the field of another table" now works and in the case of MS SQL Server when editing in the table
2. Export to Word and Excel in templates
2.221 1. Refinery when copying text through the clipboard - Questions instead of Russian letters no longer appear
2. Final filters in reports - shows a list of possible values \u200b\u200bin case of custom filters
2.219 1. Refinement in the MS SQL Server format creation algorithm for the current account of the associate
2.217 1. Refinery when working with drop-down lists when editing in the table
2. Refinement by conditions for the value when editing in the table
3. For the "Sold goods" table, a condition is set to the value of the "Number" field, warning in the case of an increase in the amount of more than in the warehouse
2.216 1. Refinement under the terms of the triggers
2.211 1. For user buttons on the toolbar added the ability to set the type of SQL command type
2. Added a new type of trigger "when updating the table" (option "when triggered")
3. Improvements in the ACCESS database creation algorithm for the current MS SQL Server database
2.208 1. Improves on settings for access rights (horizontal filtering rules)
2. Added the ability to set the type of communication "Many-ko-many" between representations
2.204 1. Changed QDFBUYPRICES ("Last purchase prices") for tolerance under MS SQL Server
2. Reflecting to create an Access database based on MS SQL Server database and vice versa
3. The "Proxy server" parameter has been added to the functionality of email mailings.
2.201 1. The structure of the DB demo is changed - the new table "Currency Courses" appointed subordinate for the "currency" table
2. Implementation to create an Access database based on MS SQL Server database
2.196 1. Added new Table "Commodity Groups" in the demonstration database
2. Refmets for reminders
3. Import improvements
2.195 1. Improvements when working with barcode scanner
2.190 1. Integration with barcode scanner is implemented - if there is a Barcode field in the subordinate table ("Barcode"), the cursor is positioned in it and other improvements.
2. Changed the structure of the DB demo - in the "Sales" table enabled editing in the form with a display of a subordinate table in the form for editing for convenient operation with the barcode scanner
3. Import Improvements
2.187 1. Added new property in settings for editing - showsubtables, allowing you to show subordinate tables in the form
2. A number of other improvements
2.185 1. Improvements on the "Add Many" button - Added the ability to work with barcode scanner
2. Import improvements
3. Security improvements
4. Improved toolbar
2.184 1. In the settings of the toolbar, the ability to specify many parameters when generating a document document
2. Added new type of trigger, triggered when opening and when closing editing form
3. Quick search improvements
2.183 1. Improve the conditions for meaning
2. Import improvements
2.179 1. Added the ability to monopol entrance
2.177 1. New trigger time trigger - "When opening a form"
2.175 1. Improves on the panel on the right - you can set arbitrary calculated fields
2. A number of other improvements
2.170 1. Trigger modifications - a new trigger response time "After adding, change, delete recording"
2.167 1. Improves on triggers - now work and with some multiple operations
2.164 1. Faster search refinement
2.157 1. Imprinting on triggers: In the "Confirmation" column, you can specify bookmarks in angular brackets - links to the current entry fields
2. Added a new check mark "Make all values \u200b\u200bof the ID sequential" - "Make a backup of the database"
2.153 1. Import improvements
2. Faster search refinement
2.148 1. Improved quick search - no longer replaces current filters
2. Added the section of the context menu "Paste from buffer" for pictures
3. Improvements on triggers
2.145 1. A new check mark in the quick search settings - "Search by condition" contains ""
2. A number of other corrections and improvements.
2.144 1. Added a button for multiple addition to subordinate tables when choosing from a Ctrl or SHIFT Holding Reference (when editing)
2. Refinemers to work with MS SQL Server - improved algorithm for creating a new MS SQL database according to the current ACCESS structure
2.142 1. Changed the structure of the demo database (significantly) - all references to products are now on the ProductID field, as it was earlier in demodatabase_3.mdb
2. The only database is chosen as the basis, the remaining database is abolished. Develop now only demodatabase.mdb
3. The concept of "set of products" is introduced - the specified number of certain components. When selling a set, its components are written off
4. A number of improvements and improvements in the program
2.141 1. Improvements when transferring database under MS SQL Server
2.140 1. Changed the structure of the demo database - new reference books "currency" and "units of measure", new fields in some tables.
2. Changed the document "invoice" document
3. The template of the new document "Overlay M11" is enabled.
2.137 1. Improved the logic of building default values \u200b\u200bfor the "Date and Time" fields
2. A number of other improvements
2.130 1. Improved exports to HTML and office documents
2. Added new form to configure tabs for editing
3. Improved field removal logic
2.129 1. New field type - "File" for storing relatively small files in the database table field (up to 1024 kb), field-files are displayed in the main, and in subordinate tables
2.125 1. New field type - "File" for storing relatively small files in the database table field (up to 1024 KB)
2. Added the second parameter "Parameter 2" in the tuning table of the toolbar - can be saved the name of the generated file in the field when you click on the user button
3. In the configuration of the demo base in the table "Products" adds the results showing the current amount of goods in stock
2.123 1. Improved the logic of adding fields into complex representations (such as "warehouse condition")
2.122 1. Improved operation with filters - Filters are saved when the table is opened in the selection mode
2. To quickly search, you can set a rigid search box. This is done from the right click
3. New new value for triggers "When" - "when adding, changing and removing recording"
2.120 1. Added two items in the context menu for entries: "Move Record Back" and "Move Recording Down"
2. Added the ability to rename the table name in the table properties.
2.118 1. Improvements on working with MS SQL Server
2. Performance improvements
2.117 1. A new feature of the scheduled reports - in the report settings form Added button "on schedule"
2. Performance optimization when working with complex representations
2.113 1. Improve the report "Printing price tags" - price tags go to two columns
2.109 1. Added the ability to add fields from other tables into complex views (such as "warehouse condition", etc.)
2. Safety refinement - Added password encryption for database
2.107 1. Trigger modifications
2.106 1. Demodatabase.mdb structure improvements - Added outgoing payments table and 2 reports: customer balance and supplier balance
2. Improving exports to Excel - data types are more correctly converted and formatting is applied.
3. Improvements on triggers for removal
2.105 1. Improvements on triggers - new type of operation "Sending E-Mail"
2. Improvements on mailing list - new button "Remove Dupil"
2.104 1. Improvements in the functionality of the work of triggers
2. Improvements on mailing
2.101 1. Trigger modifications - Delete triggers are finalized, events have been added for triggers: every minute, every hour, when starting the program, when leaving the program
2. Refinement on the history of changes - the removal operation is fixed in the history of the change
3. Improves on the functionality of the removal of fields from complex representations
2.100 1. Refinement on working with MS SQL Server

2.96 1. Added a quick search panel. Turns on from the menu by right click on the toolbar
2. Added drop-down calendars for the "Date and Time" fields when format without time
3. Improvements on the structure of the demo database - in the table "Products" new field "Supplier"
2.92 1. Development on the creation of the structure of the database on MS SQL on the structure of the associate database
2.87 1. Added the ability to customize the toolbar for editing form (Custom buttons)
2.85 1. Updated toolbar
2. Implementing the functionality of generation of Excel documents on templates
2.84 1. Used template for document "Commodity Overlay" Template TTN.xls
2. The improvements of the falling lists of the table (change in the size of the list with multiple choices, etc.)

4. Refinement Conditions
2.82 1. New design toolbar design
2. Added a new check mark "Apply Record Style" in the form of export table in Excel and in HTML
3. Improve the condition for the value in the properties of the field - you can specify the form "\u003d "
4. Reflecting functionality Group update - You can add a set of records from a specific index to the table and with a specified step
2.80 1. Improvement according to the forms constructor - you can set flexible arbitrary inscriptions and frames
2. Improving the addition of new entries into subordinate tables when editing in the table - you can add when not saved in the main
2.79 1. Refinement on working with MS SQL Server
2.78 1. In the field properties, the ability to add several fields from another table at once
2. Added a vertical scroll ruler in the case of using customized forms to edit
3. Slightly changed the demodatabase_3.mdb structure - the trigger is modified for the table "Orders Suppliers"
2.77 1. Trigger modifications
2. Improvement for exports to RTF format
2.76 1. The demodatabase.mdb structure is slightly changed - the trigger is modified for the "Orders Suppliers" table
2.75 1. Added two preset constants "Current Time Any Date" and "During X Minutes" for filter values \u200b\u200bor reminders of the type and time fields.
2. Trigger refinement
3. Refinement on working with MS SQL Server
2.73 1. Import improvements in case of using a check mark "Update data"
2. Implementing the exports to RFT format (support for composite bookmarks, global constants, summits in words)
2.68 1. Added a number of constants for flexible generation setup summounces in the formation of documents
2.67 1. Added the ability to set arbitrary inscriptions (labels) in the editing form constructor
2.65 1. Added Form Designer - Ability to design Custom Molds To Edit Tab Grouping
2. When generating office documents on templates added to the processing of another end of _SpellmoneyInt - amount in words without instructions 00 kopecks
2.63 1. Added support for cascade changes. For example, when changing the value of the article in the product table, the program will also offer to change this value to the associated tables.
2. Added the ability to set the subordinate tables of the second level (3 tables on the tab - the main, subordinate and subordinate subordinate). To do this, in the tuning table, in the main table field, you must specify the name of the first subordinate table, point and field name
3. The structure of the DB demo structure is slightly changed: New Values \u200b\u200bare added to the "Operation Type" field and write new values: Return of goods and a balance
2.62 1. The structure of the demo database has been changed: all communications of goods are made again on the ProductCode field (Article)
2. On the right click on any external key field of any table will always be displayed item to go to another table (if it is present among the main tabs)
2.61 1. Trigger modifications
2.60 1. The functionality to remove the fields present in complex representations is finalized.
2. Added the ability to set triggers to delete and move on posts in the table
3. The structure of the demoDatabase.mdb demo database is slightly finalized.
2.58 1. Changed the structure of the demo database: the triggers are finalized in accordance with the new link structure by the ProductID field
2. A number of other improvements and corrections
2.56 1. Changed the structure of the demo database: all connections of goods are now made by the ProductID field (product code), and not according to Productcode (Item) as before
2.53 1. Add fields from another table - In some cases, you can add fields to complex views, for example, in the "warehouse status" representation of the table "Products"
2.52 1. Changes in the structure of the demo database: to the main table "Goods" added another subordinate table "Chronology"
2. Changes in the structure of the demo database: to the "Sales" table, the custom button is added to the toolbar - "Check" with a related script printcheck.vbs for printing a check through a fiscal registrar. In the script file detailed comments.
3. Improvements on reports (graphs in reports, etc.)
2.50 1. Improving reporting performance
2. Two service buttons are added to the field properties: "Copy the settings of this field to another field" and "Copy the settings of all table fields"
3. In the form of mailings, a text box is added to specify the SMTP server port number.
2.46 1. Fixed several errors
2.40 1. In the properties of the field, the new article "Condition to" with the possibility of entering the formula with the design "If ... then ..."
2. In the field properties of the new check mark "Fill the default value only by the arrival of focus"
3. Optimized the speed of working with the database and a number of improvements to MS SQL Server
2.38 1. Changes in the structure of the demo database: finalized the report "Sales, costs and profits for the period"
2. Changes in the structure of the demo database: Updated QDFARRIVALSPRODUCTS views, QDFPRODUCTORY, QDFStoresState, QDFStoreStateWithReserve
2.34 1. Improvements when working with MS SQL Server
2. A number of other improvements and corrections
2.28 1. In the field properties, a new attribute "Condition value"
2. In the field properties in the list of link types Added "Link to Skype"
2.27 1. In the configuration of the demo database added a new report "Condition of Warehouses on the date"
2. In the report "Revolving statement (number)" Added another filter "Warehouse code"
3. Improved "Calendar" in filtering mode under the condition "from ... to"
2.25 1. In the settings of the fields, a new calendar checkbox has been added to display calendars in the preview pane on the right
2.23 1. Fixed a bug in the work of triggers
2.22 1. Improved Search: Added new options "(all fields)" and "(all fields of the main and subordinate tables)"
2. In the configuration of the demo database, a bug fixed in the report "Sales, costs and profits for the period"
2.21 1. In the presentation of the "state of the warehouse", the fields are added: Product Group, Family, Type, Unit of Measurement, Limit
2. On the main tab of the "Sales" in the subordinate table "Sold goods" for the field "Article" The formula is asked for choosing only those products that exist in
2.20 1. Added the ability to specify several SQL instructions via a comma point at the report data source. Works when using a template file with labels, etc.
2.13 1. In the configuration of the demo database, a new report "Sales, costs and profits for the period" has been added.
2.10 1. In the configuration, the demo database has been added a new functional block "Production" and the same tab
2. Another demo database has been added with a simplified structure (no documents and ProductCode fields)
2.6 1. New version of the reference system
2.5 1. Changed the structure of the demo database: Fixed a mistake of incorrect counting of goods remnants in the presence of movements
2.4 1. New report "Revolving statement in warehouses with sums"
2. New item in the default recording menu item (if the default value is defined for the field)
3. Some triggers are improved
2.1 1. Added export and generation of template documents to RTF format
2. Added the ability to search for all fields
3. In the field properties and table properties, a new check mark "Read only"
2.0 1. Added support for DBMS Microsoft SQL Server 2000-200
1.33 1. New report "Sales and payment"
2. In the form of field properties, a new check mark "Read only" (valid for all users, including administrators)
3. New autoform configuration "fieldspositions", which allows you to set the positions of fields on the format format "Field1: Left, Top Field2: Left, Top"
1.31 1. When installing the checkbox "Completed" in the customer's order, it is transferred to sales. When installing the checkbox "Followed" in the provider's order, it is transferred to the parish. Implemented on triggers that can be flexible to correct
2. A number of improvements in triggers - the ability to set the condition of the triggering, the text of the confirmation message, etc. Added triggers
3. Improves in duplication and removing records
1.29 1. Two templates template PKO.Doc template added to the distribution and the RKO.doc template, the generation of documents on which is made from the "Cassa" table
2. A number of corrections when working with replication
1.26 : New tables "Payments", "Contracts", "Works", "Dealer Contracts", etc.
2. Added the ability to create HTML format reports with pictures. New Report "Products with pictures"
3. New Troop "Combination" in field properties
4. New check mark "read only" in the properties of the table, the ability to set the style of highlighting the current entry
5. A number of other improvements and corrections (reminders, reports, speed optimization)
1.23 1. Changed the structure of the demo database
2. Improved the functionality of entering values \u200b\u200bin the calculated field from another table when editing in the table
3. A number of other improvements and corrections (reminders in one form, scroll ruler for the detailed panel on the right)
1.16 1. The structure of the demo database changed: Many submissions and reports added the Group "Group"
2. Added the ability to set the quick viewing panel to the right, the fields for which are set in the field settings.
3. A number of other improvements and corrections
1.15 1. Changed the structure of the demo database
2. A number of other improvements and corrections
1.14 1. Recycled templates of all documents
2. The structure of the Database demo is changed: fields for VAT are added to the "Sold goods sold" table. (In case of accounting without VAT, these fields can be hidden or deleted.)
3. Improvements in exports in Excel by template: the ability to set bookmarks of the form and as well
4. Additional settings In field settings
1.13 1. Added a new report "Business Courses"
2. Fixed a mistake of incorrect filling of the recipient's warehouse during internal movement
3. A number of improvements in multiplayer mode
1.12 1. A new attribute of the field "confidential" in the properties of the field for marking the secret fields (for example, a "user password", etc.)
2. Added a tick in the settings of the fields "Allow changing the positions by dragging fields" (valid for all users)
3. The row displacement is implemented when inserting tables while generating an Excel document on a template
4. Ability to copy the buffer entry and insert an entry from the clipboard
1.11 1. Added new tables: costs, IBE expenses, cash desk, salary
2. Modified report "Condition of warehouses with reserves" and other
3. Two fields are added to the "received goods" table: "Price in currency" and "currency"
4. In the "Sales" table added the field "Amount of payment"
1.9 1. Added a new report "Print price tags"
2. Added the ability to set an HTML template for the report in the report properties
1.7 1. Added new tables: "Orders to suppliers", "costs", "Cassa"
2. Added the ability to change the field type
1.5 1. New reports have been added: "Condition of warehouses with reserves" (with ordered goods), "Harrow chronology", "Consumption chronology"
2. Report "The Redemption Statement" became in two versions: only the number and sums
1.2 1. Improvements on work in multiplayer mode
2. New item context menu for "Filter by text" entries for quick filtering table by text in the cell
3. Ability to set styles for reports (in the report setting form)
4. New report "Revolving statement"

In order for the store to work efficiently and was profitable, all workflows must be automated and controlled by the head. But how to keep accounting competently and avoid the costs of funds and theft? We will figure it out in our article.

What is the accounting of goods in retail

Retail accounting - This is taking into account the movement (admission, storage, sales) of goods in the store.

Goals accounting in the store:

  • control the safety of the goods;
  • control the implementation of the goods;
  • have accurate data on the remains, about turnover of a product;
  • have accurate data on the financial result of the store's trade.

The accounting of goods also includes:

  • management of reserves of goods on the shelves and store store;
  • verification of the designation of the accompanying goods of documents;
  • staff activities;
  • the correctness of the inventory;
  • write off / posting losses and surplus;
  • control over pricing.

To prevent this, connect the program to Retail. It allows you to automate the work of both a single store and the network of stores. Quickly and easily register sales and does not require internet connection.

Keeping accounting for goods in retail

Conditionally, it can be divided into account of the receipt of goods, accounting for sales and accounting for storage of goods.

When the goods go to the store, a materially responsible person comes on the basis of accompanying documents. These are commercial overhead , outlashnetorg-12, certificates, specifications, etc.

At the same time, the correctness of their filling and compliance of the actual availability of goods by documentary data at the time of the receipt of TMTS, as well as the quality of the goods and its security for the health of customers are checked.

In case of increasing actual and documentary data in the required number of copies, an act on the discrepancy in the form of TORG-2, which indicates all discrepancies detected.

After accepting, the documents certified by the signature of the receiving person and the seal of the Organization, surrender to the accounting department for accounting. After acceptance, the goods are deposited: to the store store and in the shopping chairs.

Technologically, this process is divided into:

  • Acceptance of goods for storage;
  • Accommodation of goods;
  • Ensuring optimal storage mode;
  • Control and care of the stored goods;
  • Sending goods for sale, replenishment of goods.

The storage of goods must be organized according to all standards and rules that relate to this product. Must be optimal:

  • method of laying goods;
  • temperature regime;
  • air humidity condition;
  • commercial neighborhood (in order to avoid the influence of one product on the other - mixing or transferring odors, moisture, etc.).

Commodity losses that occasionally appear during storage - battle, scrap, drying, damage, etc. - They are written off according to the norms of natural loss - in case the losses are not caused by improper storage and the lack of control over the goods.

Accounting for sales in the retail store is carried out through a check of the check by the buyer for the purchased goods.

Disadvantages of consideration of goods in the shop produced by manually

The main reason for all errors when taking into account the goods in the store - the human factor. The inconsistency of personnel actions among themselves due to the lack of or late receipt of information on the goods, errors in the punching of the check, when the goods are gaining and completing the documents, thefts are those problems that become a serious obstacle to the development of the store and receive their profits.

Automating the accounting of goods in the store, the entrepreneur will be able to eliminate these problems, since it is the accounting automation that makes it possible to control the movement of goods and a real-time sales process.

Accounting automation in the store

Advantages of the automation of goods accounting:

  • helps keep records of the movement of goods;
  • fixes the process of selling goods in the cash zone;
  • controls the balances of the goods;
  • helps to carry out an inventory;
  • allows you to calculate the turnover of goods - based on sales analysis shows the demand of products;
  • helps to control reconciliation with suppliers;
  • allows you to control the activities of the store staff, fixing all the operations produced by them;
  • shows the financial result of trading activities, profitability of the enterprise.

Programs for taking goods / sales in the outlet

The program for automated taking into account the goods in the store should:

  • answer the tasks of the store;
  • cost according to the functionality that it provides;
  • do not require a lot of time to install and train personnel;
  • be easy to use;
  • have a clear and logical interface.

Online service created for those who need a convenient and efficient program for managing trade and warehouse. In addition, specifically for sales of sales in the store has developed a program for automating the workplace of the cashier business. Retail.