Business ideas in the electric power industry. Energy business - Gitelman L.D. How to get thermal energy from the Sun

Now we offer you some interesting business ideas that allow you to get energy "out of nothing".

We rotate - we charge

What to do if discharged cellular telephone, and there is no outlet nearby? The problem can be solved by using an innovative battery. In appearance, it does not differ from the usual one, except for the through hole made in it. Specially developed technology allows you to charge the battery by rotating it on your finger. For the successful sending of SMS, twenty to thirty turns of the battery are enough, for a two-minute conversation on the phone - about a hundred. The developers hope that such batteries will be in demand among hikers, fishermen, hunters and just fans of the unusual.

Bottled oil

The specialists of the American company Envion have invented a method of processing plastic bottles into petroleum products. At the same time, the developers note that their method of extracting hydrocarbon raw materials is environmentally friendly, since it is based on the use of thermal cracking in a vacuum and does not involve the use of chemical catalysts. At the same time, the cost of a ton of the finished product is only $ 17. From 10 thousand tons of plastic, 50 thousand barrels of oil are obtained.

Dance - into electricity

The owners of one of the nightclubs located in London solved the problem of electricity supply to the establishment in a very original way, equipping the dance floor with special panels that convert the energy from pressing human legs during dance movements into electricity. All visitors at the entrance sign a special agreement to participate in the electricity generation process. Thus, it is possible to cover up to 60% of all electricity required by the club and significantly save on utility bills.

A matter of time

In the next 100-150 years, hydrocarbon fuels will remain out of competition due to their prevalence and relatively low cost. However, modern technologies and developments make alternative energy sources increasingly cheaper and more accessible. In addition, do not forget that oil, coal and natural gas will sooner or later run out. Therefore, the business potential in the field of alternative energy is enormous.

As interest in alternative energy sources grows, so does their share in global electricity consumption. And what is the main criterion, so to speak, the main incentive for a person to develop renewable energy, except for the desire to make the world more environmentally friendly? Probably, like in any other activity, this is an opportunity to make money. Let's try to look at alternative energy sources from a business perspective.

General principle of making a profit

By alternative sources, we will mean mostly solar and wind energy, as the most popular today. It is clear that there are many types of renewable sources, and each has its own characteristics. No matter what kind of energy is used, the principle is always the same. The state undertakes to buy energy generated from a renewable source at a tariff with the use of increasing coefficients. This is today the main incentive in any country in the world for the development of alternative energy sources. Otherwise, companies supplying energy from renewable sources simply would not be able to withstand the competition. Raising coefficients in different countries differ and also diversify in terms of energy types and time. For example, in Belarus for solar power plants the coefficient is 3 for 10 years. Those. the state will buy solar energy for 10 years at three times more than the current tariff.

So the company builds a renewable energy power plant, connects it to the grid and sells the energy. The second option for involvement in alternative energy is the sale of equipment (solar panels, wind generators, inverters, etc.), as well as the installation and assembly of independent systems.

Documentation required for the construction of a solar power plant

All the necessary documentation can be conditionally divided into several points:

  1. Project documentation. It includes a large amount of work: selection of a site for a project, calculation of station capacity, selection of equipment, etc. Even before the project, you will have to contact the power supply organization to obtain those. conditions, as well as to local authorities for land allocation.
  2. Confirmation certificate, where it is confirmed that email. the station is indeed a renewable energy source.
  3. Business plan. Everything is the same as in any field of activity. The payback period of the project, profitability, number of personnel, etc. are determined.
  4. The contract with the power supply organization. After going through the torments of hell, in the final part, an agreement is concluded with the energy supplying organization, where the parties already agree on how they will interact, the tariff is determined at which the energy system will sell electricity.

This we do not yet cover construction, examination and commissioning, but only outlined the main points. Those. the package of documents is very decent, and all this takes a lot of time.

Theoretically physical. a person can also easily install solar panels not only for their own needs, but also for sale to the network. In the case of using solar panels for yourself, the task is greatly simplified, in another version you will have to collect all the same documents as for legal entities. persons.

According to the Tax Code (Art.96) jur. individuals and individual entrepreneurs are exempt from VAT on the import of renewable energy sources.

What is the payback period for solar and wind power plants?

The payback period of a solar power plant depends on many factors: capacity, location, tariff, operating costs, etc. As a result, it can vary from several years to 12-13 years. The situation is similar with wind turbines.

Solar power plant operation

The service life of the panels is 25-30 years. As for the service personnel, its number is minimal; two electricians and one engineer and technical staff are enough. The solar power plant does not require any special work. As part of the current operation, it is necessary to wipe dust, mow the grass, remove snow, and carry out temperature control of the panels. If it is necessary to make repairs, then it can be done in the evening or at night, when the power plant does not generate electricity. As a rule, the panels are easy to install, so replacing them is not difficult. Wind farms are more difficult to repair. To do this, it is often necessary to attract special equipment and carry out work in calm weather.

Potential risks

  • Great dependence on weather conditions. The risk of not reaching the planned capacity.
  • Possibility of error at the design stage. Today, there are not many specialists with real experience in the design and construction of renewable power plants. In the case of renewable sources, it is important to correctly identify the site and further operation.
  • Changes in legislation towards decreasing multiplying factors. This factor is a risk for those who are still planning to build renewable plants. For those who sell equipment for such systems, this possibility does not bode well either.
  • As for the sale of alternative sources, European manufacturers are forced to compete with cheaper Chinese counterparts. As a result, some of them had to leave the market. In Belarus and other CIS countries, this market is practically undeveloped. Individuals are not actually interested in buying the same solar panels. Below are a few companies from Belarus that sell alternative energy sources.

Where can you buy solar panels in Belarus and other renewable energy sources

  • Taikun (Mogilev) - construction of power plants for renewable energy sources, as well as the sale of wind generators, solar modules.
  • EcoSnabGroup (Minsk) - supply solar photovoltaic cells, collectors, energy saving systems, gas saving systems.
  • Glavenergo (Minsk) - they offer the construction of solar and wind power plants in installments.
  • EcoEnergy (Minsk). - sells solar panels, collectors and other elements of an autonomous network. Recently, this direction has been closed and the leftovers from the warehouse are sold
  • WESWEN (Gomel and Mogilev) - sale of solar collectors, panels, controllers, wind generators, inverters, heat pumps
  • SunnyTech (Borisov) - construction of solar power plants in the Republic of Belarus.

Discussion: 4 comments left.

    I have developed many mobile ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES - these are: -
    - autonomous hydroelectric power plants using water hammer energy;
    - wind turbines whose rotors are disk-type airships;
    If the USSR were alive, I had no problems with their manufacture and their serial production, as well as self-takeoff sails for towing watercraft on water; hydro-jet propulsion ejector type and many other progressive ones from the total number I have developed so far and \u003d 9902 intellectrazrabotkami and many dozen patents (USSR; RUSSIA; LITHUANIA)!

  1. Windmills and suns are not alternative sources in the classical definition. The very first power plants were thermal, then hydro. And this is like a Peltier element on a kerosene lamp. I even saw a rarity alive, an "accordion" of Soviet-made thermocouples, an "alternative source". The only alternative source, stably working, in terms of reliability comparable to a TPP is the NPP and its clones (possible). So far there is only chatter on torii, about thermonuclear to Mr. Velikhov.
    I do not know the real climatic conditions in Belarus, the number of sunny days, the gradient of wind loads on wind turbines, etc. But I do know about my home in Vladivostok. An ordinary five-story "Khrushchev" building with 60 apartments. Single-phase connection for each apartment, at the rate of 10 kW / hour maximum consumption. The norms are outdated, but somehow still missing. In reality, there are fewer peaks in the morning and evening. No weather factor (heaters). For simplicity, we take 500 kW / h and estimate the number of solar panels and wind generators. Backup batteries, inverters and switchgear equipment. Collected, handed over. It's not even a typhoon, but a cyclone with a wind of 20 - 40 meters / sec. The monthly rate of snow and rain. And even at the same time. It's better not to think about what will happen to the equipment. The panels will still thaw if. And the "turntables" will fly far away and by themselves. Even if we have it once or twice a year, on Sakhalin it is an ordinary phenomenon, almost every month. In Belarus, the climate in any case is not so “crazy”, but in any case, all this dubious pleasure will fly out for a penny. Difficult, unreliable, expensive to maintain, depends on climatic conditions, etc. Dignity - does not smoke, coal-gas is not needed. The people themselves will buy it and burn fires in the yard.
    The entire infrastructure of human civilization is tied to electric motors. They consume two thirds of the generated electricity worldwide.

Renewable energy sources are becoming more and more popular all over the world. They have a clear superiority over non-renewable energy, since this material energy is worth nothing and does not harm the environment.

Renewable energy sources, extracted from wind, sun or water, and give a certain independence from the supply of conventional energy materials - coal, gas, oil.

More and more companies see a fairly profitable niche in the creation of renewable, environmentally friendly energy sources.

Going forward, acquiring target customers and supplying them with energy will be very profitable. A new business idea to create a wind farm may be promising and cost effective in the long term, but its drawbacks are the need to obtain a number of permits and the high start-up costs of building a wind farm.

How to start?

Before starting the formal application procedure for a permit to build a wind farm, you need to purchase or lease the land on which the wind turbines will eventually be built. They should be located away from residential buildings in order to protect the population in the event of an accident.

Wind turbines will perform better at altitudes where the wind force is higher than in low-lying areas, and it is easier to obtain “green” electricity in open areas.

Renewable energy sources are a promising business

Required documentation

You cannot freely build a wind farm on your own site. You should always think about the safety of your neighbors. An entrepreneur who wants to create a wind farm must first get permission to build it.

To do this, you need to contact the municipal service in charge of the land plot where the wind farm will be built, and obtain a building permit. In addition to the permit, the municipality issues, at the request of the zonal investor, design estimates with a justification of technical capacity. Based on these documents, a project for connecting the power supply to the power plant is drawn up.

Also, the geologist should check the soil and assess whether it is suitable for creating a reliable foundation for wind generators. After building the foundation, the building inspector must supervise the construction of the windmills and the power plant building. Later, the entrepreneur needs to submit a request for a wind power permit to the Energy Regulatory Authority.

In addition, the owner of the wind farm will have to contact the regional environmental protection department for a decision that will indicate what impact on environment will provide the construction of a wind farm. You also need to submit a request and obtain permission to connect to the mains.

The next step is to conclude an agreement with a company for the sale of electricity from renewable sources. The procedure for obtaining all the necessary permits and licenses can take several years, so an entrepreneur wishing to open his own wind farm must be patient and aware that this is a long-term project.

Creation of a wind farm - work for the future

Approximate costs of building a wind farm

As mentioned above, those wishing to build a wind power plant have to reckon with a long waiting period in order to start a business, mainly by acquiring the necessary documentation, and have a large start-up capital for the purposes of such a project. As a rule, it will not be easy to master this non-standard business idea without subsidies or credit funds.

It is estimated that the average cost of building a 1 MW wind farm on land is 60-70 million rubles. The most expensive in the project are turbines, costing up to 900 thousand euros per 1 MW. More expensive turbines are reliable, they do not require expensive maintenance, which makes the operation of a wind farm much cheaper.

The initial costs will include the purchase of land on which the windmills will be built, the construction of the base and the entire infrastructure of the wind farm. In addition, it will be necessary to prepare all the necessary examinations and conduct administrative approvals.

The cost of settling all the formalities for the construction of a wind farm will amount to several hundred thousand rubles.

After the construction of the wind park is completed, you will also need to pay for connecting it to the power grid. The further the distance to the wind farm, the higher the cash costs will be.

According to experts, the profitability of the wind farm is achieved in 10 years from the beginning of its use, although this largely depends on the price of electricity.

Electric batteries

If you want to install photovoltaic cells to produce energy from renewable sources on your own real estate, for example on the roof of a wooden house, you must have enough space for solar panels to be installed. They can be placed on the roof of a building or directly on the ground. For installations of solar cells, which will accumulate amperage up to 10 kW, you need a roof on the south side, with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 70 square meters, and for installation of elements up to 40 kW, a roof on the south side, with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 300 square meters.

If the roof is too small, PV panels can be installed on the ground. The installation of 10 kW will require about 200 square meters of space, and the installation of 40 kW will require an area of \u200b\u200babout 1000 square meters, preferably with a southward slope and not shaded.

Installation of solar battery cells capable of storing 40 kW of energy will require investments of about 5,000,000 rubles. Batteries of this size can produce over 38 thousand kWh of electricity annually. Assuming the estimated price for 1 kW of 3 rubles, the use of a renewable energy source will generate electricity in the amount of about 100,000 rubles.

The cost of building an electric battery generating 10 kW is about 1,300,000 rubles.

The cost of electricity includes insurance - about 3000 rubles per year, as well as the necessary maintenance and measurements of electrical installations, entailing costs in the amount of about 10,000 rubles per year.


Source: B.E. Ratnikov,

In a broad sense, the energy business is any commercial (entrepreneurial) activity in the sectors of the fuel and energy complex, including the use of energy resources. Its end results are a variety of energy products and services - goods intended for sale in the respective markets. Its products should be considered electrical and thermal energy produced in power plants and various heat sources.

Energy services are divided into two types: energy supply services and services. The first cover the activities of suppliers for the transmission of energy through the main and distribution electric and heating networks, as well as for the sale (trade) of energy carriers. Second (services) include a wide variety of ancillary services in the areas of generation, transmission, marketing and energy utilization. This includes, in particular, repair services, energy rationalization (energy efficiency) services, engineering (technical solutions and modernization projects), billing (measurements and calculations).

Depending on the adopted energy market models, there may be differences and forms of organizationenergy business . So, individual business functions can be concentrated in independent energy companies: generating, grid (trunk and distribution), sales, service. In energo holdingah, they will be carried out by subsidiaries coordinated corporate center (by the management company). In vertically integrated organizations, specialized business functions are performed by production structures with varying degrees of economic independence and responsibility.

It should also be noted that the business under consideration is based not only on the private ownership of energy assets. Indeed, in a market economy, federal and regional bodies can act as a subject that makes a profit from economic activity. executive power, as well as local governments. Provided there is effective public scrutiny, they make decisions based on generally accepted commercial criteria and even enter into competition with private businesses. At the same time, they can lease their property to private operating companies, which take over the management of the relevant assets and ensure highly economical and reliable operation of power facilities. Finally, to one degree or another, they can take part in the share capital of energy companies, up to the ownership of a controlling stake.

It is especially necessary to say about industrial energy as an area of \u200b\u200benergy business. At this point, attention should be paid to the trend of commercialization of the energy sector of enterprises and the separation of internal energy supply into a separate business function, starting from the provision of economic independence to the units of the energy sector (on the principle of self-sufficiency) and ending with the creation of separate energy supply companies in the structure of large industrial corporations. Another important factor is the construction of their own energy sources and the entry of energy-intensive enterprises to the markets as sellers of energy carriers (primarily electric and thermal energy). All this allows us to consider industrial energy as an important part of modern business structures in the areas of electricity and heat supply.

Investor attractiveness

It is known that power facilities are initially particularly capital-intensive, maintenance-intensive, and investments in the power industry have relatively long payback periods. Moreover, in this industry there will always be a very unfavorable ratio for investors between the sale price of electricity and the cost of fixed capital. The situation is aggravated when these factors are projected onto the Russian reality: high physical wear and tear of fixed capital and low technical and economic level of the production apparatus, moreover, in anticipation of the expected high rates of economic growth. Therefore, there is a very serious problem of attracting investments for the domestic energy business, the mechanisms for solving which are only at the stage of formation.

The attractiveness of a business in the field of electricity and heat energy is determined by the assessments of the owners (investors) of the potential opportunities for realizing their interests (mainly financial goals). It is expressed, in particular, in such indicators as:

  • inflow (outflow) of investments into the industry;
  • the frequency of change of ownership in core businesses (generation, transmission, sales);
  • share of private business in electricity turnover.

Choosing the type of business carried out on the basis of economic assessments and subjective preferences. Among the latter, one considers one's financial and organizational capabilities, experience, education, ambitions, attitude to risk in business and other individual characteristics.

Attractiveness ratings are differentiated by type of business and are formed taking into account the following main factors:

  • requirements for products (services) - functional purpose and quality characteristics;
  • expected return on invested capital;
  • the nature of the demand for products (services);
  • type of activity (monopoly, competitive);
  • conditions for entering the market;
  • risks.

Let us consider the above factors in relation to the main types of industrial energy business.

Products (services). Electrical energy and heat energy are consumer products with standard quality parameters (frequency and voltage, pressure and temperature). Therefore, the markets in which these energy carriers circulate are distinguished by colossal capacity, powerful financial flows and a practical absence of product innovations, which increases their structural stability. All these features taken together undoubtedly contribute to the comparative attractiveness of the energy business as a whole. Here, changes in the range of products, which are very disturbing for business, are impossible, motivated in other industries by non-price competition, often quite tough ( cellular, computers, etc.). There will always be demand for this product.

However, it should be borne in mind that although there is indeed no alternative to electricity as an energy carrier in the overwhelming majority of cases, this does not mean that it will be bought at any given price. After all, if the price exceeds a certain acceptable level, then some will consume it, but will stop paying; it should be borne in mind that energy companies, in essence, credit their customers, since production and consumption coincide in time, but do not coincide with the established payment terms. Another part of consumers will react in a more civilized and adequate manner - they will switch to self-sufficiency in energy and power. Note that these are, as a rule, the most profitable clients for the power industry - large energy-intensive industrial enterprises... In this regard, the energy business cannot but take into account the low in the foreseeable future the solvent level of the majority of the population of the regions of Russia and the threat of losing significant financial revenues from industry as a result of the neglect of price competition on the part of powerful consumers. These are realities that, of course, reduce the potential efficiency of the energy business in our country.

There is one more thing. Even if a certain part of commodity producers accepts high prices, this will naturally provoke dangerous inflationary processes, which, as a result of trade turnover, will ultimately hit the very source - the irresponsible energy business. What will happen next is quite clear without comment.

Profitability. The amount of profit received per unit of invested capital depends on many factors: the cost of the object's fixed assets; selling prices (tariffs) for energy carriers; fuel prices; power and technical economic efficiency power plants. In connection with the prevailing relationship between energy tariffs and the capital intensity of power facilities in general, the return on investment in electricity and heat power engineering is below the average industrial level. But it differs significantly within the energy industry, in particular, depending on the types of power plants with which power plants, boiler houses and other energy enterprises are equipped. For example, today the profitability may be relatively higher for gas turbine and combined cycle plants of small capacity than for large power plants, and the profitability of heat sources is greater than that of power generating facilities. Private capital, which is quite natural, rushes to those energy sectors where financial efficiency is currently at the maximum level. However, this does not always correspond to the long-term public interest.

Demand. The dynamics of demand for energy has a large impact on the efficiency of the business in question. As you know, energy enterprises are distinguished by a high level of capital intensity and a significant share of fixed costs in the cost price. For such industries, any change in sales proceeds always generates a stronger change in profit (the action of "operating leverage"). Moreover, the higher the proportion of fixed costs, the greater this effect.

An important conclusion follows from this: under conditions of steadily growing demand, the efficiency, and hence the attractiveness of the energy business of almost all types, sharply increase, and with a falling demand, it also decreases rapidly. Moreover, in the latter case, the business expects losses if they cannot be compensated for by prices or diversification of activities. In this regard, we note that the expected dynamics of demand for heat and electricity in Russia creates favorable business opportunities.

If demand begins to grow at a consistently high rate, then the efficiency of this business will be maximized. Otherwise, even bankruptcy of energy companies (especially those with a large share of borrowed resources in their invested capital) is not ruled out.

Kind of activity. In competitive types of business (for example, generation), prices are not regulated by the state, but are formed under the influence of supply and demand. Free prices attract business and motivate technological investments, since all the profits earned remain with the owner and are not subject to any restrictions. However, it should be remembered that the owner assumes the entire investment risk (of course, in conditions of real competition between producers). It is clear that the weaker the competition, the more attractive the market entry becomes.

In monopoly activities (power transmission), prices are regulated, and therefore certain restrictions on profits are imposed, for example, for an electricity distribution company. In this case, it becomes possible to shift (at least partially) the investment risk onto the consumer, since the established tariff should guarantee the return on investment. Tariffs in such a market are usually more predictable than in a competitive market, and it is always possible to justify a more acceptable price to the regulator.

Market entry. A person (legal or natural) who has passed the qualification selection and entered into ownership of the power facility receives a license to participate in the work of the energy market. Further, the business entity gets access to the network infrastructure and enters into contractual relations with other market participants. However, it should be emphasized that under certain conditions the owner may experience serious difficulties in entering the market. Thus, the reason for this may be the oligopolistic structure of the wholesale market, formed as a result of the merger of companies, as a reaction to the aggravation competitive struggle... At the same time, a few large suppliers are not interested in the entry of new companies into the market and will try to block it, for example, through coordinated price manipulation. It follows from the above that the absence of discriminatory barriers at all stages of entering the market is an important additional incentive for energy business entities.

Risks. When assessing the attractiveness of the energy business, it is recommended to pay attention to the following types of risks:

  • investment;
  • price;
  • financial;
  • technical;
  • adjusting.

Risk analysis is designed to answer two questions: a) how significant is this risk? b) how can you neutralize it?

Investment risk - this is the risk of losing profit when selling investment project... It can be significantly reduced if we switch to the construction of combined energy supply units of small capacity using advanced gas turbine technologies. In the case of large objects, state guarantees of the profitability of the project (provided, in particular, to the winners of investment tenders) are required.

Price risk. It is caused, firstly, by irregular daily fluctuations in electricity prices on the organized (exchange) wholesale market. As a result, it is extremely difficult to organize the production planning process in the company, even in the short term. The solution to the problem is to develop a powerful (over-the-counter) market for bilateral long-term contracts and insurance of price risks in organized (exchange) markets for financial contracts; secondly, the uncertainty of the future dynamics of natural gas prices. So far, we can confidently assert that prices will rise. However, much depends on the policy of reforming the gas industry.

Financial riskassociated with non-payments by consumers, as well as violations of financial obligations by various participants in the energy markets. The risk of non-payments is borne by the power supply companies, which prompts them to pay special attention to the fight against commercial losses (theft) of energy. In particular, it is recommended to identify “risk” groups among consumers and to establish more stringent conditions when concluding an energy supply contract. It is advisable to introduce special insurance financial risks energy sales organizations.

Technical risk - this is the threat of equipment failures, a decrease in the technical reliability of electricity and heat supply and interruptions in the supply of energy to consumers. Technological processes at energy enterprises are highly complex, which requires highly qualified and, therefore, very expensive operating, repair and management personnel. In addition, power companies operate in a complex system of multi-channel external relations with designers, builders, installers, suppliers of fuel, equipment, repair and other services. A large number of different contracts and strict requirements for the quality of the listed services objectively make the energy business more risk-taking than any other. Fundamental neutralization of this risk requires the company to have an appropriate technical policy and highly qualified technical management. At the same time, it is advisable to introduce differentiated payments for reliability in the retail and wholesale markets, i.e. Consider reliability as a special kind of targeted energy service. Reliability can also be viewed as an insurance object.

Regulatory riskgenerated by unexpected and unfavorable business actions by energy regulators. Moreover, it can take place both in the competitive and in the monopoly sector. It manifests itself in many aspects: pricing, environmental regulation, tax regulation, standards for the reliability of energy supply, rules for working in the markets.

Note that this is the type of risk that a business entity cannot practically influence. Therefore, owners, as a rule, react to it especially painfully, and its impact on the attractiveness of the energy business is significant. Therefore, it is imperative that all decisions of the regulators be extremely transparent and predictable. If the actions of the regulator, taken in line with the public interest, cause economic damage to private business, then it must be compensated without fail in one form or another.

Thus, as a general conclusion, it should be concluded that the energy business, which is very prestigious in any country, is at the same time characterized by high complexity, social responsibility and riskiness in many aspects. Moreover, in connection with the management of the considered risks, the participation of the state is of decisive importance: this is, firstly, the legal support for the actions of business entities to neutralize risks; secondly, a system of financial guarantees for investors working in high-risk conditions and companies specially participating in national energy programs; thirdly, an effective business regulation mechanism that minimizes external risks for owners of power facilities.

In the era of the dominance of hydrocarbons, when humanity cannot live even a minute without any energy, gas, oil and coal will always have a “good” final price for the consumer, tariffs for which are constantly growing, since the demand for them is stable, and the price is controlled natural monopoly of the state. Regardless of the exchange value for these energy sources. Therefore, in this niche, there is a stable demand for alternative energy sources. Which you can satisfy with your own benefit.

Known and affordable alternative (renewable) energy sources have been familiar to us for a long time - these are wind, water and solar energy. Since ancient times, the energy of wind and water helped mankind - they turned mills, inflated the blacksmith's bellows, made large ships move under sail. And if the energy of these environments is used only locally, where it is found in the required quantities, then the sun is available to us almost everywhere. And new inexpensive but highly efficient technologies for collecting and converting solar radiation into electricity or heat make solar energy available to the general population.

Currently, the transition to the use of solar panels has become a demanded service, both for individuals and large organizations. In many countries where the sun shines all year round, solar energy has become a part of consumer life. There are entire cities with full-fledged energy based on sunlight. Also, in many countries, this procedure is stimulated by the state. In Spain, since 2007, all new homes are equipped with solar panels for water heating. This approach provides up to 70% of the hot water demand. And new non-residential buildings must have solar equipment to generate electricity from solar radiation. In Germany, all active users of solar panels receive subsidies from the state.

In Russia, there is a definition of renewable energy sources (RES) in art. 3 35-FZ "On the electric power industry"... But, in fact, the private use of RES is not regulated in any way. Although the state is concerned about this problem. So for April 2017, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation is preparing a proposal to support private micro-generation of energy. If the proposal is accepted, the use of RES in private households will receive government support and necessary subsidies, for example, in the form of preferential taxation and legal registration of similar installations for alternative energy.

The popularity of solar microgeneration is due not only to the availability of solar radiation, but also to other indisputable advantages:

  • Solar energy is the cleanest and safest energy available.
  • Modern equipment is available for domestic use, can be easily installed in existing engineering networks,
  • The equipment has a simple design, but at the same time is almost completely automated, in comparison with equipment operating on other energy sources,
  • The service life of such equipment has one of the maximum life cycles, while does not require regular expensive maintenance,
  • The cost of the initial kit is in the region of 28-35 thousand rubles. What is comparable to the cost of the usual large household appliances,
  • The equipment can be easily placed in any architectural solution buildings without "damage" to the technical properties of the building. There are also original solutions that allow you to equip a solar station with various equipment - from buses to small vessels, for example, yachts, boats, motor ships.

Also, the key advantage that can be highlighted for Russia is the ability of modern equipment to work quite effectively with sunlight, even in the middle lane. That is, this is the most important characteristic that makes the equipment useful to the majority of the inhabitants of Russia, and not only to those living in the southern regions of the country.

Types of solar energy

Solar energy itself "hints" us at two main types that we can get - heat and electricity. In view of what energy you are going to get from the Sun, the equipment used also differs.

Attention! A moment of boring. Various sources of business ideas and startups describe solutions, terms and concepts that can be confusing. For example, one site suggests using a solar collector to generate electricity. And spend the received electricity on water heating. And they call it a solar hot water installation. In terms of functionality, a highly inefficient way of using solar energy is described, especially if you collect radiation and generate electricity using a collector. And below in the article we will explain why.

How to get electricity from solar energy

To obtain electricity from sunlight, use classic solar panels (electric solar plants) on photovoltaic cells that convert solar energy into direct current. Since solar activity is unstable in time of day, and direct current is unsuitable for most public power grids, the solar mini-power plant is equipped with a battery pack ( charge controller + rechargeable batteries) and a DC-to-AC converter ( inverter). During solar activity, electricity is generated in excess by solar panels. And this extra energy is stored in the batteries. And in the evening and at night, when the peak of consumption occurs, the accumulated charge from the batteries is consumed by consumers.

The applicability of such installations is extensive and suitable even for very temperate climates, characterized by low solar activity (up to 100 W s square meter). The scope is also wide. Electric solar plants can be used to supply power to summer cottages, cottages, private farms and other structures where electricity is required.

In places where, due to the weak activity of the Sun, solar plants are able to replace only a part of the main electric current, combined stations are used, which can be fed from external power grids. But even such a replacement can significantly save on electricity. And if the electricity consumption at the facility is minimal, then even weak solar energy can completely replace all electricity supplies from power plants. And to make the power supply facility independent and more economical.

The solar cell generates electric current

There are many different proposals on the market in the form of ready-made kits or individual elements for self-assembly of a solar power plant. The cost of such kits varies depending on the region, power, conditions of use, and more. If you plan to implement this business idea and start installing solar power plants, then by finding wholesale suppliers, you will also receive all the necessary theoretical calculation, from the calculation methodology and selection of equipment, to the specifics of its operation in your region.

How to get thermal energy from the Sun

In addition to electricity, useful heat can be obtained from solar radiation. This requires equipment other than solar panels. As you remember, we mentioned solar collectors above in the text. So, the device for collecting the thermal energy of the Sun is called - solar collector... Unlike solar panels, a solar collector does not generate electricity, but heats the heat carrier material (water, air, oil, antifreeze, etc.) due to visible sunlight and near infrared radiation. Thermal solar plants are used directly for direct hot water supply (hot water preparation) or space heating (heating of the heat carrier in the heating system). That is, as you understood, it is very difficult to get clean electricity from the collector, and even more so to spend it on heating water. But there is nothing easier than getting hot water in the collector. However, the authors of other business ideas do not understand this and try to tell you about what they themselves do not know. Beware of counterfeits. ... Without registration and SMS.

Solar collectors are of two types - flat and vacuum... The principle of operation in both cases is the same - inside the collector, the heat carrier is heated for its subsequent delivery to the consumer.

Flat solar collector - simplified as an absorber (storage) of solar energy, which it transfers to the coolant (heating the coolant). The advantages of such a solar power plant are low cost and ease of operation (it can operate without maintenance for up to 10 years), extremely high efficiency in warm climates. Disadvantages - does not work even at moderately low temperatures; for good efficiency, extremely large areas are required for placing panels.

Vacuum solar collector - a kind of vacuum thermos, it is the vacuum that allows you to accumulate, store and transfer heat in the collector. The efficiency of this principle of action reaches up to 95%.

Advantages of a thermal solar plant of a vacuum type:

  • Effective even at low temperatures (manufacturers guarantee performance up to -30 degrees Celsius).
  • Heats the coolant to higher temperatures than flat collectors - therefore, it is suitable for central regions of Russia with a cold climate.
  • Lightness, convenience and simplicity in the installation of the solar plant.

Disadvantages of vacuum solar collectors - he cannot clean himself of snow, frost and ice. Which greatly affects the efficiency of the installation. The collector requires constant monitoring and has a higher equipment cost compared to flat collectors.

The solar collector heats up water or heating medium

A wide variety of collectors of both types are currently on the market. There are also combined heat-and-electric solar installations, they are equipped with photocells to generate electricity. The resulting electricity is small and is usually spent on the operation of the set.

As in the case of solar panels, representatives of manufacturing companies and wholesalers are ready to conduct training in the calculation, installation and maintenance of solar thermal equipment. It is somewhat more complex and differs in some detail from equipment for solar electricity.

The essence of starting a business selling and installing solar panels

The most important and first step in implementing this business idea is finding partners. You should find wholesale suppliers or manufacturers of solar panels, collectors and accessories. Your entire business depends on it. Whatever theory you have, the theory is empty without a material base.

After choosing partners, you need to undergo training in the calculation and installation of the presented installations. For a more optimal business, you can choose several manufacturers (for example, China and Europe) with similar installation principles, but different cost / quality of equipment, for example, cheap Chinese and expensive European equipment. So you meet the demand from different consumers. And you will be able to serve not only simple requests, but also rather complex objects.

After studying the nuances and theory, you can start actively promoting your services among the population. Your clients are the owners of farms, organizers of private farms, the food industry, owners of summer cottages and houses. That is, wherever electricity, heat and hot water are needed. Your assistants in promoting services are the sun, environmental friendliness and independence from the cost of classic energy sources.

A few numbers for a solar powered business

The initial wholesale cost of a solar power plant starts from 20 thousand rubles (electricity) and 80 thousand rubles (thermal energy). The cost of the same installation for the consumer adds up to 20 ... 50% of the wholesale cost. Direct installation of installations costs the consumer 5 ... 10% of the equipment cost.

The average estimated number of orders for your region is up to 5 pieces per month. Your approximate profit with 5 orders per month and the minimum complete set of installations is 55 thousand rubles per order. For the calculation, we take a cheap installation for electricity worth 20 thousand rubles, the cost of this solar installation for the end customer is 30 thousand (+ 50%). Installation of equipment + 5%. It turns out 5 * 30,000 + 5% \u003d 157,500 rubles. Costs - 5 * 20 \u003d 100,000 rubles. Total, your net profit per month 57,500 rubles... In the calculation, we did not take into account the delivery of equipment for the customer, its subsequent maintenance and modernization.

In the future, your number of orders will increase, as word of mouth will help you find larger orders and regular customers.

Also, an interesting advantage of this business is that you do not need to allocate seed money for the purchase of equipment. Installation is carried out with a traditional tool that is found in any garage. A solar plant is usually assembled for the end user. That is, the advance payment for the first order will be spent on the purchase of solar equipment. This way your investment is minimal.

The main disadvantage of this business is that the population is extremely distrustful of this kind of energy and therefore you will have to tell the client all the information from scratch - from economic efficiency to the technical reliability of installations. However, with the right advertising and approach, your event will pay off in 6-8 months.

Additionally, you can open your own online store selling solar equipment to individuals.