The accident for which the project defines the original and final events is called. Project Accident Accident for which the project is defined

Design-Basis Accident

the accident, the possibility of which is provided for by the current regulatory documentation of this nuclear installation and for which the technical project provides for the provision of radiation safety of personnel and the population.

  • Civil protection. Conceptual terminological dictionary

  • - An industrial accident for which the project is defined by the original and end states and provides for security systems that ensure restriction of the consequences of the accident with the limits ...
  • - Project accident with the most severe consequences. Source: GOST R 12.3 ...

    Dictionary of Terms Seeless Situations

  • - an accident for which providing a specified level of security is guaranteed by the draft industrial enterprise Security systems. Source: GOST R 12.3 ...

    Dictionary of Terms Seeless Situations

  • Dictionary of Terms Seeless Situations

  • - See Entry Industrial Design ...

    Dictionary of Terms Seeless Situations

  • - See Accident Radiation Design ...

    Dictionary of Terms Seeless Situations

  • - the accident for which the project is defined by the original and final states of the radiation situation and security systems are provided ...

    Terms nuclear energy

  • - Design-Basis Accident Accident, the possibility of which is provided for by the current regulatory and technical documentation of this nuclear installation and for which the technical project provides for the provision of radiation ...

    Terms of atomic energy

  • - 1. Temporary organizational structureFood for achieving a specific, clearly defined goal 2. A permanent organization developing construction, organizational, technical and technological projects ...

    Great Economic Dictionary

  • - See Designer: Terminological Dictionary on Construction by 12 ...

    Construction Dictionary

  • - line depicting the position of the brow earthwood Roads on the longitudinal profile ...

    Construction Dictionary

  • - Power provided by the project of this production, workshop, aggregate, installation ...

    Dictionary Business Termines

  • - Production capacity provided by the approved project of the enterprise commissioned, workshop, aggregate, installation. During the period of development of P.M. Determined with the regulatory deadlines for its development ...

    Great Economic Dictionary

  • - "... 1. - an accident for which the project identifies the original and final states of the radiation situation and security systems are provided ..." Source: "SP Singing-99. 2.6.1 ...

    Official terminology

"Project Accident" in books

Design democracy

From the book of the author

Project democracy The experience of the USSR shows that democracy is where to develop in its technical application. However, in the 1985-1999 revolution, we refused to develop public power and institutionalize society management. We took a step back without holding

5.3. Project group

From book Investment projects: from modeling to implementation Author Volkov Alexey Sergeevich

5.3. Project Group The project team may consist of people attracted on a temporary or permanent basis. Many participants of the project team can combine this activity with any other. The project team is a project core, it includes all the main for the project.

31. Project structure of the organization

From the book Theory Organization: Cheat Sheet Author author unknown

31. Project structure of the organization The project structure is used in cases where the decision is made to focus maximum amount Organization resources on a specific project during a specific term. Project is considered any process

Project group

From the book HR in the fight for a competitive advantage by Brokbank Wain.

Design Group Create a project team into which key stakeholders include linear managers, HR-personnel from corporate services and units, specialists, and if necessary, external consultants. Put the task before the Group: Create a model

Research project activities

Author Verasx Nikolai Evgenievich

Research project activities related research project activities Its purpose is determined: the study involves obtaining a response to the question of why there is something or another and how it is explained from the point of view of modern

Creative project activity

From the book design activities of preschoolers. Manual for teachers preschool institutions Author Verasx Nikolai Evgenievich

Creative project activities in the course of creative project activities are created a new creative product. If research project activities are usually individual, then creative project more often carried out collectively or

Regulatory project activity

From the book design activities of preschoolers. Manual for teachers of preschool institutions Author Verasx Nikolai Evgenievich

Regulatory project activities Projects for the creation of norms are extremely an important area in pedagogical activityAs they develop the positive socialization of children. These projects are always initiated by a teacher who should clearly understand

Russian project alternativeness - yesterday, today, tomorrow

From the book Ark // №1 [Almanaci directions "Alternative Development Models" (Almor) Movement "The Essence of Time"] Author Kurginyan Sergey Yervandovich

Russian project alternativeness - yesterday, today,

Project activities

From book Modern technologies Teaching history in school Author Stovenikin Mikhail Timofeevich

Project activities are currently relevant to project activities, when high school students create and protect their projects, as well as university students their coursework and thesis work. The project is a prototype, a prototype of any type of activity, object,

Project documentation

From the book How to test in Google Author Whittener James.

Project documentation for each project in Google is the main project document. This is a living document, it develops with the project. Initially, this document describes the purpose of the project, the prerequisites for its creation, the estimated list of participants and architectural solutions. On the

2.5. Project procedure for setting the program development problem

From the book of programming technology author Kamaev in a

2.5. Project procedure for setting a program development task Project procedure based on ownership system approach For analysis software Systems. Initially, the system is considered - man (people), computer, program, other objects, such as

Airplanes of Russia (project activities)

From the book geometric mosaic in integrated classes. Abstract classes with children 5-9 years Author Novikova Valentina Pavlovna

Russian aircraft (project activity) goal. Develop the horizons of children, the ability to independently acquire knowledge, work with sources, convincingly justified during the presentation of the project, to work independently and in the team. Material. Big set

Project capacity Pushkin

From the book Literary newspaper 6305 (No. 4 2011) Author Literary newspaper

Project capacity Pushkin Literature Design capacity of Pushkina Estra of Marina Kudimova Man, King He is nature or not a king, distinguishes from other biological species. Too much. Including the desire for project activities. Design is inherent in

Rent of land and project documentation

From the book your business. All you need to know novice entrepreneurs Author Malitikov Pavel Nikolaevich

Rent a land and project documentation after you select a plot under the parking lot, you should get the right to lease it. This is a rather difficult question, to solve a number of approvals, documents and considerable cash. If a

55. Project documentation

From the book instrument making author babaev m a

55. Project documentation Project documentation, which is the result of the design of SAR and control, as a rule, consists of two parts. At the "Design Task" stage, issues related to the object itself are studied; Questions of basic characteristics

Test tasks for preparing for GIA on the discipline "Radiation hygiene"

Select one correct answer:

1. To basic radiation safety measures include:

1) legal, epidemiological, sanitary and hygienic

2) legal, organizational, sanitary and hygienic

3) Economic, organizational, epidemiological

4) operational, organizational, sanitary and hygienic

5) legal, organizational, epidemiological

2. Reducing radiation loads of patients with radiography is provided:

1) the health of the device

2) compliance with the device technical standards

3) the correct selection of image mode

4) primary beam filtering

5) all listed right

3. Weighing coefficients for separate species Ionizing radiations are used when calculating:

1) exposure dose

2) absorbed dose

3) equivalent dose

4) effective dose

5) radiation output

A copy of the dose card of the employee must be stored in medical organization after his dismissal during ______ years

5. The main contribution to the exposure of the population is made by the following sources:

1) Global Radioactive Drops

2) accidents at nuclear power plants

3) Natural radiation background, technologically changed

natural radiation background, X-ray and radiological

diagnosis in medicine

4) Nuclear power plants under standard work

5) everything is true

6. Patient irradiation with radiode diagnostics is regulated:

1) radiation safety standards (NRB-99/2009)

2) Basic Sanitary Ranation Safety Rules (Salary 2010)

3) SanPine 2.6.1. 1192-03 "Hygienic requirements for the device and operation of X-ray cabinets, devices and conducting radiological research"

4) the federal law "On the radiation safety of the population"

5) everything is true

Planned radiation control in enterprises,

using sources of ionizing radiation, includes:

1) determining the levels of natural radiation background

2) assessment of the duration of technological processes

3) Dose power estimation at workplaces, determining the content of radionuclides in the air working areamedical personnel control

4) determining the levels of technologically modified natural radiation background

6) all right

8. Radiation control devices are divided into:

1) Individual

2) wearable

3) Portable

4) stationary

5) everything is true

Sanitary and dosimetry control in medical institutions


1) Power Measurement Doses of External Radiation

2) Individual Dosimetry Control

3) determination of concentrations of radioactive gases and aerosols in

4) control of the collection, storage and disposal of radioactive waste

5) everything is true

10. The level of radioactive contamination of surfaces is expressed in:

3) parts / cm 2 / min

4) MKP / hour

11. Weighing coefficients for tissues and organs are used by calculation:

1) exposure dose

2) absorbed dose

3) equivalent dose

4) effective dose

5) an ambient equivalent dose

12. The principle of optimization of radiation safety during radiological studies implies:

1) organization of a single radiological department for the hospital and clinic

2) Conducting x-ray studies in the direction of the attending physician

3) establishing control levels of irradiation for different species procedures and refusal of unjustified research

4) Maintaining on the possible low dose doses of patients while maintaining the quality of their surveys and treatment

5) compliance with radiation safety

Solid radioactive waste processed before burial


1) Burning

2) Fibergusts, bituminization, glassware cementing,


3) Shredding

4) Pressing

5) everything is true

14. The activity of the radioactive substance is:

1) absorbed energy calculated per unit mass

2) the amount of radiation emitted by radioactive atoms

3) the number of radioactive decays nuclei atoms per unit of time

4) the time of removal of radionuclides from the body

5) dose generated per unit time

15. Radiation control in the workplaces of personnel, adjacent premises and the territories adjacent to the X-ray office should be carried out at least 1 time in:

16. The greatest concentration of radon is marked:

1) in the surface layer of air in winter

2) in the surface layer of air in summer

3) in the air above the ocean

4) in soil air

5) in the upper layers of the atmosphere

17. Observation and control over the radiation situation outside the sanitary and protective dose are carried out:

1) Group of radiation control of the enterprise itself

2) organizations that have a license for the right to conduct such works

3) Territorial institutions of Rospotrebnadzor

4) Regional Authorities Rostechnadzor

5) public organizations

The accident for which the project identifies the source and final events is called:

2) Project

3) actual

4) technical

5) hypothetical

19. The Biological Effect of List depends on:

1) received dose

2) organism reactivity

3) time of irradiation, intervals between exposures

4) dimensions and localization of the irradiated surface

5) all listed right

20. Radioactive waste in medical facilities include:

1) radioactive aerosols, removed from exhaust cabinets and

2) liquid radioactive waste arising due to

deactivation of equipment

3) Radioactive waste allocated with the excrement of patients

4) spent tools, overalls, SIZ from open source departments

1.3 Classification radiation accidents For technical consequences

IN depending on the nature and scope of damage and destruction

accidents on radiation - dangerous facilities are divided into projects,

design with the greatest consequences (maximally design) and projects.

1.3.1 Project accidents

Under project accidentunderstand the accident for which the project defines the initial events of emergency processes characteristic of a radiation-hazardous object (type of reactor installation), end states (controlled states of elements and systems after an accident), and

security systems are also provided that, taking into account the principle of a single refusal of the system (channel system), or one additional personnel error, limiting the consequences of the accident with the limits. Maximum project accidentscharacterized by the most severe initial events that determine the emergence of the emergency process at this facility. These events lead to the most possible radiation consequences within the framework of established design limits.

Already at the stage of designing a nuclear power plant, a wide spectra of design accidents is considered, which are characterized by a sufficiently low frequency of occurrence and are overcome, taking into account the conservative approach in terms of the work of systems intended for overcoming accidents.

The main modes of normal operation (NE), violations of normal operation (NNE) and accidents that determine the radiation impact on environmentare the operating modes of the reactor compartment systems.

The NPP project discusses various modes carried out during normal operation, namely:

- power work;

- work at the minimum power level;

- hot stop;

- half-rally stop;

- cold stop;

- stop for repair;

- stop for overload;

- fuel overload.

Normal operation of the power unit is carried out in a specific project operational limits and conditions. Under operating limitsunderstand the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters and characteristics of the state of systems and nuclear power plants as a whole specified by the project for normal operation.

The project discusses the modes of violation of normal operation, i.e., all the states of equipment and power unit systems with deviations from

accepted in the project technology production technology when working on power, during the start, stop and fuel overloads, not leading to exceeding

the reactor installation (RU) of the VVER-1000 type should not exceed the following installed limits of safe operation:

1. The operational limit (i.e., boundary values \u200b\u200bfor normal operation) Damage to Twell due to the formation of microcracks with defects such as the shells of the shells should not exceed 0.2% of FEEL and 0.02% of TVEL with direct contact of the nuclear fuel with the coolant.

2. The limit of safe operation in terms of quality and the magnitude of the defects of the fuelists is 1% of the FVEL with defects such as gas looting and0.1% of the TVEL, for which the direct contact of the coolant and nuclear fuel takes place;

3. Maximum design limit of Twell damage to the absence of the following limit parameters:

- twell Shell Temperature - 1200o C,

- local depth of oxidation of fuel shells - 18% of the initial wall thickness,

The proportion of the reacted zirconium is 1% of its mass in the shells of Twell.

4. To preserve the integrity of the pressure boundaries of the first contour p

the absolute pressure in the equipment and pipelines of the first contour should not exceed the working more than 15%, taking into account the dynamics of transient processes and the response time of the safety reinforcement.

5. To preserve the integrity of the reinforcement boundaries of the second circuit p

5 kgf / cm 2 (0.49 MPa).

7. The temperature of the medium in the arrow concrete rooms should not exceed

150o C;

8. At the border of the SZZ and abroad, the dose obtained by children in the first2 weeks after the accident should not exceed 10 msv onto the whole body, 100 MGR on the thyroid gland and 300 mG on the skin (in accordance with NRBU-97 - the level of unconditional justification of the administration of countermeasure "restriction of children's stay outdoors").

IN the project is carried out by an analysis of the safety of NPP in accidents, that is, with disorders of the NPP, in which the yield of radioactive products and / or ionizing radiations per borders provided for by the project for normal operation, in quantities exceeding the established secure operation limits.

For project accidents, initial events, end states and

security systems are provided, providing, taking into account the principle of a single refusal of security systems or one, independent of the original event, personnel errors, restriction of their consequences established for such accidents.

The list of NNE and design accidents of the reactor compartment systems for which security analysis is performed are specified in the security analysis report (OAB) of the power unit.

All design modes of the reactor installation are combined by groups of characteristic impact on the change in parameters.

Source events when operating a power unit at power:

- an increase in the heat sink through the second circuit;

- reduction of heat sink through the second outline;

- reducing the flow of coolant through the reactor;

- an increase in the mass of the coolant of the first circuit;

- disorders of normal operation with the failure of the reactor emergency protection;

- changes in reactivity and distribution of energy releases.

Source events when finding the reactor installation and in the stopped power unit:

- reducing the reserves of the reactor core of the active zone;

- reduction of the mass of the coolant of the first contour;

- reducing the heat sink from the active zone of the reactor due to the deterioration of the circulation of the coolant of the first circuit;

in providing systems;

- reducing the heat sink from the active zone of the reactor due to failures

in equipment;

- increased pressure ("recession") of the first circuit.

Source events when handling fresh and spent fuel and source events when handling radioactive waste.

To prevent emergency situations, that is, the states of the NPP,




exploring the accident

their intelligence in the accident,

envisageda complex of technical and organizational measures,



(Design, construction, manufacture

equipment, installation,



events implemented



- application of technical solutions that have passed the development in similar conditions and accounting for the accumulated experience of operation;

- use of the principle of conservatism when evaluating the technical solutions that affect safety;

- wide use of the principle of reservation of elements, equipment, reinforcement and t. d to possibly ensure reliable and safe operation at the failure of individual elements of systems;

- application for basic technological systems equipment,

devices, reinforcements, materials manufactured

according to




characterized high levels reliability and quality of manufacture;

Using a special regulatory framework in the process

design and manufacture of equipment, systems and their elements, which

places the highest requirements for




The use of periodic and continuous monitoring systems

equipment and technological systems and special diagnostic systems

most responsible equipment;

- wide system introduction automatic control All

and control;

- accounting for extreme external influences (including: earthquake to MRS, inclusive, and an external shock wave) in order to ensure safety under these impacts;

- application of necessary technical solutions to ensure

low level of radioactive impact on the environmental reliability environment of the localization system;

- using the system of radiation control of technological environments, premises of the NPP and the surrounding area for reliable control technological process in terms of potential environmental impact;

- creating reliable power supply and removal systems

heat with necessary reservation and increased reliability of reserve

- application of high-quality materials in accordance with the requirements Technical Conditions, Guests, special requirements in atomic technology;

- careful input control with the necessary documentation;

- compliance with all the necessary instructions for construction and installation,

but also control the quality of work;

- perform the necessary tests and special Program commissioning works with verification of characteristics of equipment and systems important for safety, strict adherence to the program commissioning and commissioning of the block commissioning;

- organization effective system Documenting the results of work and control.

The main activities at the stage of equipment manufacturing


- manufacturing equipment of basic security systems in accordance with special production conditions for atomic technology;

- perform the necessary checks and control equipment on Manufacturer plants.

The main events at the operation stage are:

- development of the necessary operational documentation on reasonable operational regulations and instructions;

- maintaining in a good condition of systems important for safety through preventive measures and replacing the released from the equipment;

- selection of qualified personnel and further increase in its qualifications (periodic knowledge checks, counter-emergency training, advanced training courses, etc.), the formation of a security culture.

The main activities ensuring the safety of nuclear power plants in the conditions of project accidents, and not the interdersion of these accidents into projects


- special security systems intended for





equipment and pipelines containing radioactive substances;

Special control and security systems,

intended for control and control technological systems

security, security


working. Environmentaries this




power supply- autonomy

diesel generator





consumers to DC sources;

- the use of the conservative principle of constructing the above systems, taking into account the unit failure and independence of various channels;

- application of signaling systems, warning and emergency

protection (these systems inform the operator to deviate parameters from

normal values, provide emergency stop of the reactor in case of unacceptable deviations of parameters);

- the presence of two independent effects of reactivity (mechanical system SUZ and boron absorbers, SIS, intended for entering a liquid absorber);

- introduction of various automatic locking systems that impede

an unwanted development of emergency regimes, and the introduction of an automatic prohibition of the operator in the initial period of the alarms, avoiding its erroneous actions. In this case, the process of overcoming accidents is carried out automatically;

- application special System Monitoring the readiness of security systems (Sat) with the issuance of a generalized signal of the readiness of each Sat channel for the HOSE.

Project accident

  • Project accident - The accident for which the project identifies the source events and end states and provides for security systems that provide the principle of a single refusal of security systems or one, independent of the initial event error, limiting its consequences established for such accidents.

  • Project accident - An accident caused by the initial events not taken into account for project accidents or accompanied by additional security systems compared to project accidents over a single failure, the implementation of erroneous decision-making.

  • Heavy projected accident - Project accident with fuel injuries above the maximum design limit at which the maximum permissible emergency emission of radioactive substances into the environment can be achieved.

  • Fig. 1. Scheme of Spot PG and SPO

  • 1 - Emergency removal tanks; 2 - steam pipelines; 3 - condensate pipelines; 4 - Valves Spot GG; 5 - heat exchangers-capacitors SPOT-CE; 6 - steam generators; 7 - shut-off fittings

  • 1 - reactor; 2 - melt localization device; 3 - fuel pool; 4 - mine audit of intricate devices; 5 - Avenker tanks; 6 - water supply pipe to the surface of the melt; 7 - Water supply pipe in Heat Exchanger ULR