You sold your first franchise - what next? Responsibilities of an employee of the support department Job description of a specialist in providing support for

In this article, we will consider the franchisee support department (hereinafter referred to as partners) in the form in which it should be. Only a business that sells franchises to everyone will be considered, and does not choose partners carefully. Most executives claim that the main profit comes from the sales department and it is through the work of the sales department that their company exists. Perhaps I will agree with this statement, with the exception of the "main profit". On the subject: Is your business ready to start a franchise? During my work, I have repeatedly encountered the problem of accompanying partners. Every third manager will say that the support department is a documentary department that constantly answers partners' questions, and nothing more is required from them. Any business should have high-quality partner support. Facts:

  1. The support department can be profitable.

Head of Customer Support Department

Most students, having a degree in economics or law, understand that there are millions of such applicants, and good job they are unlikely to shine.
But not in our case. To become an OSTFL specialist, you just need to be a graduate of the Faculty of Law or Economics.
And since it is mainly supposed to work with various computer programs, then they try to take a young employee who is not burdened with old templates and archaic principles of work organization.

Colleague, do we know each other? In OSTFL they work with incoming documents in electronic and paper form.

Most often, employees only communicate with each other. In exceptional cases, when an error is identified or a situation requires an immediate solution, specialists seek help from their colleagues from other departments, sometimes contacting the client or other interested third parties.

Job description of a specialist in providing support for

Due to royalties payments, the monthly profit of the company grows.

  • Head of department;
  • Escort manager.


  • Purchasing manager;
  • Approval manager;
  • Marketing Manager;
  • HR manager;
  • Other.

You sold your first franchise - what next?


The specialist is appointed and dismissed by the order of the Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank.

1.7. The specialist in his activities is guided by the following documents:

  • the current legislation of the Russian Federation,
  • the charter of the Bank,
  • regulations on the Bank's System Infrastructure Support Department,
  • intrabank regulations on the main activity of the Bank.

2. Functional responsibilities 2.1. Participates in design and development computer networks in the Bank, as well as in its divisions. 2.2. Participates in the implementation of software and control over the uniform use of network, server and desktop operating systems, application software.

Introduces new information technologies using global, corporate and local networks.

Production calendar

Full, from 1 to 3 years Responsibilities: - maintenance of serviced clients - payment control Requirements: - experience in negotiation - knowledge of PC - fast learning Conditions: - schedule 5/2 from 09.00 to ... Full description PRAVOVEST, Moscow, Fili - hh: 1 an hour ago Leader of the group of customer support department (SPS ConsultantPlus) Full, from 1 to 3 years, Commercial Responsibilities: Working with corporate clients.
Building long-term relationships with Clients. Interaction with clients on the expansion of the set ... Full description, Moscow, Volgogradskiy prospect - hh: 1 hour ago Head of the group of customer support by phone (general manager / supervisor) Full, from 3 to 6 years, Commercial Our advantages: Cool projects... Our projects are pleasant to sell, they compare favorably with competitors. Stability.

Work as the head of the customer support department in Moscow

Due to monthly, quarterly and annual bonuses, they manage to increase their material well-being. Career is not the main thing. As in many other areas labor activity, there is career growth in the bank.

OSTFL employs specialists, leading specialists, chief specialists and, of course, the head of the department.

An attentive and hardworking employee can easily get promoted.

The level of salaries does not hold anyone back, because of the increasing volumes, new employees are hired, so the rotation of personnel is constant.

By the way, with each step of the career ladder, about 3 thousand rubles are added to the salary.

Work as a specialist in the department of support for transactions of physical. persons

For example, it may be said that he is obliged to:

  • prepare the text of agreements on the basis of agreements reached with the counterparty;
  • keep records of concluded contracts;
  • track the terms of the contracts, inform the manager in advance of the agreements that require a solution to the issue of renewal;
  • analyze the progress of the parties' fulfillment of obligations under contracts;
  • identify current debts of counterparties and take measures to repay them within the framework of its competence;
  • organize the exchange with counterparties of primary accounting documents confirming the fulfillment of obligations under the contract;
  • ready additional agreements on the extension of contracts and amendments to them.
  • Responsibility Describes the consequences of violation of the rules and regulations that are harmful to the employee.

Typically, a franchise package includes:

  • work plan;
  • instructions for opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • tax advice;
  • brand book;
  • certificates (for goods);
  • marketing;
  • contracts (labor, lease, supplies, etc.);
  • instructions (recruiting, opening, etc.);
  • room recommendations;
  • equipment list;
  • scripts for negotiations;
  • questionnaires and other documents.

A partner is, first of all, an entrepreneur who must independently study the franchise package and begin to act according to the instructions. The entrepreneur acts every second. This is its main difference from natural person... I recommend storing your franchise package in Google Docs.

Access settings are easy to edit, you can also replace or supplement the file.

Responsibilities of an employee of the escort department

Too good to be needed by someone Why is it useful for the company to leave the most valuable employee Big brother in your office: how companies spy on employees Gold at a construction site: how to select and evaluate personnel in development companies Sauna, ping-pong, hammock: what should be modern office? What are the challenges facing the HR industry now? Flexible office: modern and convenient? What factors have a major impact on staff turnover in the company? external part-time Vacation only for the weekend Between a child and the boss's chair How much does an extra day off on a business trip cost? Harmed, and now "Spy Games in the IT World" is quitting.

It's no secret that we are Oy-li we are holding a competition - "Best Business Development and Sales Article" in our groups on facebook and vkontakte. The main prize of the contests will be Ipad2 and Iphone4. We will summarize the first results at the end of the 1st quarter of 2012, i.e. in March 2012 and we will present the first prize from the company Oy-li

We ask other participants of the competition to activate! And scribble a couple of lines to us!

Sales development.

Imagine a company that is just entering the market and starting to sell a product or service. The product or service in its basic form is already there and you, as the head of the sales department, are faced with the task of organizing work in such a way that the department constantly and predictably generates profit, and with constant growth. Sales development in this sense, in my opinion, is a set of measures that allow you to increase the client base and the income received from each client (respectively, vertical and horizontal growth).

1. Separation of the sales department and the support department

At the very beginning of the department's work, we need the most active salespeople. Their main motivation is money. The more customers they find and attract, the more they earn. The customer base is a product created by managers, and this is one of the greatest values \u200b\u200bof any company.
I would like to draw your attention to the common misconception of managers who consider the accumulated customer base “theirs”. This is not true. The company pays the manager for the clients, that is, it buys the result of his work. It's like a worker at AvtoVAZ decides to take the car after being fired, because he allegedly invested his labor in it.
Therefore, it is initially important to convey this principle to the manager.
Active managers can be compared to wolves - they are constantly in search of prey, constantly assessing the situation around them and their goal is to increase their own income. As with real-life predators, managers become “satiated” as their customer base grows. This can happen for subjective reasons (the manager believes that he has enough money), and objective (the manager does not physically have enough strength or time to work with a large number of clients).

The backbone of the base has been formed, which regularly and more or less consistently make purchases. The manager is slowly looking for new clients or, even worse, go into a passive mode - the work is mostly based on existing clients and on incoming contacts. It is quite easy to notice the onset of this moment: new clients stop appearing (new contracts are not concluded or there are fewer of them compared to previous periods), outgoing phone calls are less audible, managers spend more time in the office. And even if the financial performance at the moment suits you, the passive mode of the sales department is very bad.

Why is the work of managers on incoming clients harmful for the company? The fact that the company overpays for them, i.e. incurs losses. Agree, you can attract a client by advertising (direct material costs) or reputation (positive responses, quality work etc. - indirect costs), thanks to which a potential client comes to our office. If he reacted to our advertising, he already costs the company something (Potential customer price \u003d advertising cost / number of responses) and often this is a rather high price. Further, your manager accepts an application from him and simply issues an invoice. For which he receives a commission, the same as if he himself found a client and went through the entire sales cycle. That is, we pay twice for one client. The second, not insignificant reason, is that we cannot predict the behavior of the future client in any way. He will come to our office, it is not known whether he will call. And in sales there is nothing worse than the unknown and the inability to influence the situation.
The second negative aspect of passive selling is that customer base is not static. If there is no influx of new customers, the outflow of old ones will begin and, as a result, a decrease in the company's income.

In order to avoid these problems, the company should introduce support department.

Obviously, it is more profitable for an organization to attract a client and develop it in the future than to look for new ones. This means, at a minimum, to maintain the desired relationship, and at the maximum, to extract more and more profit from these relationships. If at the initial stage of the company's development, the priority is the sales department, then as the company grows, the support department takes the leading place.

The characteristics of a sales manager's job are specific, measurable achievements - the number of customers, profit, gross income, and so on;
Maintenance manager - customer retention (the ratio of customers at the beginning of the previous period to the beginning of the current one is greater than or equal to one), an increase in profitability, the formation of loyalty (assessed by test calls, meetings with a client, questionnaires and other forms of feedback).

For professional work with clients, necessary qualities are the desire to work with people (and the desire to work is even more important than skill, since the skill appears quickly enough), positive self-esteem (helps to control non-standard situations), flexibility in decision-making, emotionality (the ability to establish contact), good memory.

From the first days of the sales department, I recommend implementing CRM - a customer relationship management system. For what? Firstly, it simplifies the planning and control of managers' work, secondly, the client base becomes more independent from the manager (what I talked about at the beginning of the article), and thirdly, more manageable: you can transfer the client from manager to manager, or to the support department, and any new employee becomes available to the entire history of relationships with the client, all contact persons and other necessary information.
There are many solutions on the market - you choose. I advise you to approach your choice carefully, take your time and familiarize yourself with at least 3-4 proposals.

2. Training of sales managers

To develop sales in a company, managers need to be trained. The idea is simple and straightforward, but many leaders ignore it or view it as a waste of money. Of course, this is not the case. A trained employee works more efficiently, better quality, he becomes self-confident, which attracts customers and, as a result, brings more profit per unit of time in comparison with the “self-taught” one. Professional training of managers is a serious competitive advantage of the company.

What types of training can you use?

1. Specialized trainings. The most effective, but also the most expensive way. In order not to waste money, you should first “sell” the idea of \u200b\u200bthe training to the manager. He must understand why he is going there, want to do it himself, and secondly, any training works only when the knowledge gained is consolidated in practice. Those. perfect optionIt is during one to two weeks after the training that post-trainings take place, at which the studied is repeated. A logical step after post-training is regular practice.

2. Practical training in the office. Role play is very effective when one manager acts as a seller and the other as a buyer. The rest of the participants observe and at the end of the game give feedback... It's even better when these actions are recorded on a camera. Then the errors are visible at a glance.

3. Mentoring or coaching. A more experienced manager (at the initial stage - a leader) works in tandem with a newcomer. First, he does all the stages of the sale himself, starting with a cold call and ending with the signing of a contract, then, under the supervision of a coach, a novice manager does everything. An experienced manager should be financially interested in the results of his ward. In addition, the position of a mentor in a company should be honorable; this work is not entrusted to everyone, i.e. there will be intangible motivation.

For those managers who fear that the manager will leave after the training or courses and the money for his training will be wasted, I can offer to sign an agreement with the employee that the company pays for the courses, and the manager undertakes to work for 3-6-9 months. If he decides to leave earlier, he will compensate the cost in proportion to the remaining time. In my opinion, this is true.

Of course, all of the above applies to the professional training of managers working with clients. The difference is that for them the emphasis should be on technical knowledge, understanding of marketing processes: about the market situation, about the actions of competitors, the fundamentals of psychology are extremely important: what is thinking, motivation, perception, etc.

3. "Sale" of the company within the company

All of you have probably heard the term "company mission". One of its meanings is the benefit that we bring to the client. For this, any company should work. Money is just an assessment of the quality of our work. Sales development is such a formulation of work in which, figuratively speaking, the client perceives your company as his department, and the manager as his employee.
Based on this assumption, the development of sales in the company can be considered the integration of you and your client. You cannot exist without him, but he also cannot exist without you.
So, your manager found a potential client and even signed a contract with him. The relationship started, the contract was preceded by a certain job. You have information about who works in the company, who is responsible for what, what goals and objectives the company has. And, most importantly, you know how you can be useful to the client. While the client sees you as a supplier - one of many, who can be changed if something happens.

Important note. Sales development implies reaching the level of partnership between your companies. This means that sometimes you do something for the client that does not directly benefit. For example, you recommend him to potential clients, consult him, act as an expert, and so on.

During the work, the client communicates not only with the manager, but also with many other people: office manager, accountant, engineers, drivers, and so on ... Sales, in a global sense, are done not only by the manager, but also by all these people. Therefore, the whole company should work for the development of sales.
The manager did everything perfectly, but the accountant made a mistake in the documents, and after the client called to fix it, they did not answer politely enough. The courier did not deliver the letter on time, and the office manager does not pick up the phone. What is the problem? Employees do not see their role as a result of the company's work. They receive a salary and do not feel that they owe anything to their clients.
Domestic sales are an important stage in the development of sales. You need to convey the meaning of the work, the mission of the company to each employee. For what and for whom we work. What do we want to achieve, what steps will be taken.
The introduction of business process standards plays an important role in the relationship with the client. This process is dynamic - standards can be supplemented and changed over time, but it is important that they are convenient and the result of their use is real help to the client.
By the way, if the accounting department does not respond politely enough to the client, it is quite possible to exclude it from communication with the client. For example, by placing a “barrier” from the escort manager. But with a late courier you need to say goodbye.

And, to finish my article on the development of sales, I would like to the Law of communicating wallets:
Think not about your wallet, but about the Consumer's wallet. And then the grateful Consumer will fill your wallet too.

In this article, we will consider the franchisee support department (hereinafter referred to as partners) in the form in which it should be. Only a business that sells to everyone in a row will be considered, and does not choose partners carefully.

During my work, I have repeatedly encountered the problem of accompanying partners. Every third manager will say that the support department is a documentary department that constantly answers partners' questions, and nothing more is required from them.

Any business should have high-quality partner support.


  1. The support department can be profitable. Due to royalties payments, the monthly profit of the company grows.
  2. The support department directly affects the number of sales. If partners earn, then their number increases. And vice versa, if they do not earn, then the probability good sales deductibles are close to zero.
  3. Further development of the company depends on the support department. Competent management of the entire network for the effective functioning of partners.


The team is built for a certain type, but at least there should be two specialists in the support department:

  • Head of department;
  • Escort manager.


  • Purchasing manager;
  • Approval manager;
  • Marketing Manager;
  • -manager;
  • Other.

The main thing is that talented minds work in the department who can solve the problem in a short time, without losing quality. And remember: each employee has their own area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility.

Support department employees must be competent in their direction.

The team must also have the ability to multitask. This property, combined with competencies, gives an explosive growth!

Interaction of a partner with a management company (MC)

When acquiring a new partner, it is important to familiarize him with the available information on starting his own business. Typically, a franchise package includes:

  • work plan;
  • instructions for opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • tax advice;
  • brand book;
  • certificates (for goods);
  • contracts (labor, lease, supplies, etc.);
  • instructions (recruiting, opening, etc.);
  • room recommendations;
  • equipment list;
  • scripts for negotiations;
  • questionnaires and other documents.

A partner is, first of all, an entrepreneur who must independently study the franchise package and begin to act according to the instructions.

The entrepreneur acts every second. This is his main difference from an individual.

It will also be great if you record video instructions, breaking them into short videos, 4-5 minutes each. The video must be filmed with professional equipment. For clarity, you can make a video with infographics.

Subject of video instructions. Example:

  • Greeting;
  • Staff recruitment;
  • How to purchase a product;
  • The difference between goods A and B;
  • Step-by-step opening of a point of sale.

Based on my favorite Pareto rule, I can say with confidence that you, as a Criminal Code, provide partners with 80% of the information. The partner is left with 20% of the actions - the application of theory in practice. Naturally, under the strict control of the escort manager.

An example from my practice. The partner asked to advertise in his city at the expense of the Criminal Code. Based on the fact that he already paid a lump-sum fee and we have to advertise his business. We have tried as politely as possible to convey information that there is a concept of "marketing deductions" that we do not have, and the investment in the budget remains with the partner.

Working with partners is the hardest job.

I will give a similar example with the banking system. Clients chose a bank, paid for opening a current account, connecting a client-bank, certifying a card with sample signatures and a seal imprint. Also, the client makes monthly subscription fee for maintaining a current account.

Clients take all these payments for granted and no one says that he has no money, or that he had no account movement this month, etc.

So what's the difficulty in paying monthly royalties? After all, royalties are paid for the right to use the brand, for consultations, support, marketing campaigns.

Communicate accurate royalty information to your partner.

Another important document is the regulation.

Practical examples.

Internal regulations. Working in travel company, which had more than 90 partners, I developed an internal regulation, one of the points of which read: all answers to partner questions will be processed within three hours from the moment the question was sent. The escort manager was very unloaded, and given that all the questions were received at email, the manager began to do his job with a response rate to received letters in 100% of cases. It is convenient for us and for partners. Win-win situation.

The cases with the "broken phone" were also resolved. All questions and answers can be easily tracked through the manager's mail.

Regulations for partners. Working in a company where there was a product franchise, we, as a management company, unilaterally changed the supplier of the product, because the prices of the new supplier were “tastier”. Therefore, it was also beneficial for everyone: for partners, for the supplier, for us - purely morally :)

Communication with partners

You need to be on your guard with partners. Any words can be interpreted by them in a convenient form. Often - in the opposite direction from what was said. Therefore, I try to organize my work with partners in writing, in order to avoid misunderstandings.

When communicating with partners, as a department manager, I often use the "stick" method. The carrot method is more suitable for an escort manager who communicates with partners every day.

Being gentle with people is not my job. My job is to make them better.

Why "whip"? Because the responsibilities of the head of the department include tasks such as solving conflict situations, handling claims, compliance with the standards of the Criminal Code, collection of royalties. Sometimes partners are wrong, and you need to be able to competently convey information to them. Of course, in cases where the Criminal Code is to blame, you need to communicate softly and kindly. But the outcome should be the same: a solution to the issue in a short time.

Partners are the face of your company in different cities. They must provide the appropriate service, the design must be in the same style as that of the UK. For this, the sequence of actions should be clearly and understandably scheduled, promotional materials and various instructions should be provided. Render good serviceso that the partner does not have a thought about changing the name of the company and working under his own brand. Make your partner loyal to you. Then there will be no problem with paying royalties.

Processes inside the Criminal Code

To build a high-quality support department, you need at least 3 months of active work.

Example. The support department employees are doing something, doing something, writing something, but the work is not visible. There is no result of their actions, but the work is ongoing. In one company where I worked for just over a month, the director told me, they say, Ruslan, your work is automated (I worked 10-12 hours a day), and we can put a cheaper specialist in your place. I thought this was a weird solution. there is still a lot of work to be done to fully optimize this department. But the management did not see the "boiling" life of the department and all the pitfalls. After I left, they wrote to me and called me for about a week with questions about how to do something. As a result, when communicating with partners, the head of the company “threw off” all the negativity on shortcomings on me and thus took an advantageous position in front of partners.

If you decide to change the team, do it smoothly, with the transfer of cases with loading into nuances, so that this does not affect partners and the new head of the department.

Don't make harsh decisions. Turn off emotions. The support department is a difficult part of the company, here you need clarity, rigidity, intelligibility and consistency. If you show emotions, then only positive ones - this is, as a rule, the task of the escort manager when communicating with partners. But the head of the department should not bend in his decisions.

Many company leaders will not like this approach to work. They want their partners to be dealt with as gently as customers.

The difference between customers and partners

The leaders of the company want warm relations with partners through positive and well-coordinated work. This is 80% of business success! 20% is tightening the nuts in working with partners through, unfortunately, rigidity.

Customers are the end users of the goods and services provided by partners. Partners represent the management company in their city. Partners are not customers.

Let's take a closer look at this using the banking system as an example, where additional offices will act as partners.

Let's say a bank has 20 additional offices. All offices should have a single standard of service, design, branded clothing, advertisements, badges, working hours, signage, tariffs, etc. - everything should be done in the same style. And none of the offices makes their own rules in the work of the bank.