Klassny Zhurnal and the Russian Geographical Society present: Smart comics about the geography of Russia. Meet the unique geographic project - "reserve history" Cool magazine children reserve geography

Comics in the service of geography.

From September, to the beginning of the new academic year, a weekly children's publication " Cool magazine"with the support of the Russian Geographical Society, it will launch the release of a unique geographic project -" Preserved History. "The project is timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the nature reserve management in Russia.

How to involve children in the study of geography? How to draw their attention to the richness of nature and teach them to protect the environment? The editors of the popular children's weekly decided to tell a gripping story about the adventures of two schoolchildren, Mitya and Katya, and their geography teacher Anatoly Afanasyevich. Heroes will have a long journey through 10 nature reserves in Russia. The journey will begin from the Caucasian and Great Arctic reserves. The authors will keep the remaining 8 locations secret for now.

The editors decided to add mystery and magic to the story. Therefore, the little heroes, led by an experienced traveler and teacher, have an important task: they need to find an unexplored mysterious animal - an elephant. The elephant's secret will be revealed at the very end of the adventure.

The optimal form of presentation was chosen for the project - a comic strip, in which drawn characters are combined with real photographs of nature reserves, unique animals and rare plants. Real footage will add realism to the fictional story and show all the beauty of the protected nature.

“We are confident that the comic will be interesting not only for children, but also for parents. School teachers will also be able to adopt it. After all, it is so easy to involve a child in the educational process with the help of riddles and intrigue, ”says Valery Merkulova, deputy editor-in-chief of Klassny Zhurnal.

“Our project provides for interactivity, - says the head of the marketing department of the publishing house Korotun Polina, - it is important for us to keep feedback with kids. Children will track the movement of the heroes and give them advice! On the website of the "Klassny magazine" and in official group publication together with the project starts the geographical relay race. And at the end of the year, children will have a big quiz based on the comics. "


Russian geographic society - all-Russian public organization Russia, one of the oldest geographical societies in the world. It brings together experts in the field of geography and related sciences, as well as enthusiastic travelers, ecologists, public figures and everyone who seeks to learn new things about Russia, who are ready to help preserve its natural resources. Today the Russian Geographical Society has 19,276 members in Russia and abroad. Regional branches of the Society operate in each of 85 subjects Russian Federation... Since 2009, the President of the Society has been the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu. Hundreds of expeditions organized by the Society have played a large role in the development of the Arctic, Siberia and Of the Far East, Central and Central Asia, Australia, the World Ocean. The main areas of activity of the Russian Geographical Society are expeditions and research, education and enlightenment, nature conservation, book publishing and work with young people.

"Cool magazine" - a modern interactive weekly for children 7-13 years old - the publishing house "Open Systems" has been publishing since 1999. According to the results of the annual competition of the Association of Printed Products Distributors (ARPP) "Klassny Zhurnal" was recognized as the sales leader in the market print media in the category "Children's Editions" in 2015. Weekly circulation - 55,000 copies. The publication is distributed throughout Russia by subscription and retail.

Publishing house " Open Systems» is a Russian media company that produces highly professional business publications for professionals and executives from industries such as information Technology, computer systems, telecommunications, data networks, printing and medicine, as well as popular weekly publications for children. Our publications: “Open Systems. DBMS ”,“ Journal of Network Solutions / LAN ”, Computerworld Russia,“ PC World ”,“ Director of Information Services ”(CIO.RU), Windows IT Pro / RE, What Hi-Fi,“ Attending Physician ”,“ Publish. Design. Layout. Print ”,“ Cool magazine ”,“ PonyMashka ”.

From September, by the beginning of the new academic year, the weekly children's publication Klassny Zhurnal, with the support of the Russian Geographical Society, will start publishing a unique geographical project - Preserved History. The project is timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the reserve management of Russia.

How to involve children in the study of geography? How to draw their attention to the richness of nature and teach them to protect the environment? The editors of the popular children's weekly decided to tell a gripping story about the adventures of two schoolchildren, Mitya and Katya, and their geography teacher Anatoly Afanasyevich. Heroes will have a long journey through 10 nature reserves in Russia. The journey will begin from the Caucasian and Great Arctic reserves. The authors will keep the remaining 8 locations secret for now.

The editors decided to add mystery and magic to the story. Therefore, the little heroes, led by an experienced traveler and teacher, have an important task: they need to find an unexplored mysterious animal - an elephant. The elephant's secret will be revealed at the very end of the adventure.

The optimal form of presentation was chosen for the project - a comic strip, in which drawn characters are combined with real photographs of nature reserves, unique animals and rare plants. Real footage will add realism to the fictional story and show all the beauty of the protected nature.

We are sure that the comic will be interesting not only for children, but also for parents. School teachers will also be able to adopt it. After all, it is so easy to involve a child in the educational process with the help of riddles and intrigue, - says the deputy editor-in-chief of the "Klassny magazine" Valeria Merkulova.

Our project provides interactivity, - says the head of the marketing department of the publishing house Korotun Polina, - n it is important for you to keep feedback from children. Children will track the movement of the heroes and give them advice! A geographic relay race will start on the Klassniy Zhurnal website and in the official group of the publication together with the project. And at the end of the year, children will have a big quiz based on the comic book.

The first issue of Zapovednaya Story is scheduled for September 2 in Klassnoy Zhurnal # 33.

Continuous secrets and riddles await you in 31 rooms Cool magazine: from the story about the new cartoon ( The Secret Life of Pets) to secret societies and detective mysteries.

Top secret!

Do you know how you keep secrets? Take the test - and you will find out about it too!

The Secret Life of Pets

Terrier Max and his owner Katie spend all their free time together and do not know the trouble at all ... Until one day Katie brings home a nasty dog \u200b\u200bnamed Duke. From that moment on, Max's life is turned upside down. And one fine day it goes completely out of control - they, along with Duke, find themselves alone in big city! Newly made friends will have to oh-oh-very try to return home safe and sound ...

After the release of The Secret Life of Pets, the cat, Chloe, became a real celebrity. In order to interview the newly-minted star, a special correspondent for the Klassny Zhurnal Zhukabra went to New York.

J .: Describe your ideal day.

X .: In the morning I eat whatever I find in the fridge. But during the day, the refrigerator spontaneously replenishes, and I continue to eat everything that is there. I end up falling into blissful sleep, and when I wake up, I see the refrigerator is full again. It all starts again ...

The full text of the interview is in the magazine.

Fireworks in Moscow September 10, 2016

On September 10, an unusual festive fireworks will take place in Moscow, timed to the City Day. Several thousand fireworks bursts paint the sky with bright colors, butterflies and emoticons.

It will be possible to see such fireworks in 12 squares of the capital, and it will certainly be shown on TV!

The world's largest flower

The largest flower in the world has blossomed in a botanical garden near Brussels, the capital of Belgium. Its height is almost two meters, and its weight is 18 kilograms. True, this big man does not smell at all of roses, but ... of rotten fish. It's good that the bloom will last only a few days!

(By the way - it was this flower that became the prototype of Amanita Nightshade Monster High - see the review of the doll!).

Secret societies

The WORLD section contains a story about secret societies.

It so happens that several people with the same views get together and understand: it is better to hide these meetings from everyone else. This is how secret societies appear - organizations whose activities are strictly classified ...

Read in this issue: Order of the Golden Dawn, Wolfenbüttel Order of Oculists, Duk-Duk, Green Lamp.

“You can't wait to create your own secret club, right? This is luck: I am well versed in such things! Listen to what to do ...

1. Come up with a goal.

Why was your secret society born? To carry sweets from the buffets? Or teasing the girls from the parallel class? Or to find and read personal diary older sister? Regardless of the choice of target - remember that this is a SECRET! No one but other members of the community should know what you are doing there.

And a few more points, which are described in more detail in the magazine: 2. Choose a title. 3. Write the charter. 4. Decide on the dress code. 5. Orchestrate the rite of passage.

Ivan Putilin

In the heading COOL RUSSIA - a story about Ivan Putilin.

The history of Russia is shrouded in many mysteries. It is not surprising that it was in our country that a person was born who could solve any of them, and make the secret clear ... We are talking about the famous detective of the 19th century, the first head of the detective police of St. Petersburg, Ivan Putilin.

Once the French ambassador, who was treated to St. Petersburg, disappeared a tea set. Tsar Nicholas I summoned Putilin and strictly ordered the loss to be found and returned. But no matter how hard the detective tried, wherever he looked, whoever he interrogated, everything was in vain. Putilin had no choice but to take by cunning. He went to the store and bought the exact same set, and so that it did not look new, he gave it to the firefighters for a couple of days. Those, drinking tea, brought the service to the desired state, and Putilin solemnly returned the "lost" to the ambassador.

However, a few days later the ambassador informed the king that he now had two whole services! One was found by the detective, and the second was found by himself - he was put in a pawnshop by the ambassador's valet, and then returned. Nicholas I in anger summoned Putilin and told him everything. To this our detective calmly replied that it seemed to the ambassador: "Let them count again tomorrow." The next day the valet was sent to recount the sets. He returned puzzled: "There is only one service in the pantry." The second one disappeared, as if he had never been there ... But you and I understand where he went!

Test: can you keep secrets?

Spy stash from old book, Master Class.

The beginning of the detective Secret fire.

A grandiose autumn festival in Artek.

Results of competitions

New comic strip from the 33rd issue of Cool Magazine: A Conservation Story

The weekly children's edition "Klassny Zhurnal", with the support of the Russian Geographical Society, is launching a unique geographical project "Preserved History", timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the nature reserve management in Russia.

Now, on the pages of the magazine, children will be able to watch the exciting adventures of two schoolchildren, Mitya and Katya, and their geography teacher Anatoly Afanasyevich. Heroes will have a long journey through 10 nature reserves in Russia. The journey will begin from the Caucasian and Great Arctic reserves. The authors will keep the remaining 8 locations secret for now.

The editors decided to add mystery and magic to the story as well. Therefore, the little heroes, led by an experienced traveler and teacher, will have an important task: they need to find an unexplored mysterious animal - an elephant. The elephant's secret will be revealed at the very end of the adventure.

“We are confident that the comic will be interesting not only for children, but also for parents. School teachers will also be able to adopt it. After all, it is so easy to involve a child in the educational process with the help of riddles and intrigue, ”says Valeria Merkulova, deputy editor-in-chief of Klassniy Zhurnal.

“Our project provides for interactivity, - says the head of the marketing department of the publishing house Korotun Polina, - it is important for us to keep feedback with children. Children will track the movement of the heroes and give them advice! A geographic relay race will start on the Klassniy Zhurnal website and in the official group of the publication together with the project. And at the end of the year, the children will have a big quiz based on the comics. "

The first issue of "Zapovednaya istorii" can be seen already in the 33rd issue of "Klassniy Zhurnal", which is scheduled for release on September 2.

The Wildlife Story will alternate with one of three permanent comics. One week it will be released instead of Red and Rover, the second - in place of Dragon, and the third - in place of Garfield.

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Name of the project:

Series of publications "Preserve history" (to the 100th anniversary of the preserve management in Russia)

Description of the project:

The series of publications "Preserve history" about the journey of schoolchildren through the reserves of Russia is implemented in the genre of comics on the pages of the weekly children's publication "Klassny Zhurnal". A special modern visual and playful presentation of the material made it possible to bring scientific knowledge of geography to the children's audience in an accessible, fascinating form; gave the opportunity to talk about the serious problems of preserving the country's natural wealth, the need to respect environment, environmental problems of the planet and the contribution of the younger generation to the future of humanity. All materials for publications were prepared in close contact with the staff of the lighted reserves. The end of the project was the final quiz based on the materials of the comic. Five winners of the quiz received prizes from Klassny Magazine.

Geography of the project:

All regions of the Russian Federation

Goals and objectives:

The main goal of the project is to attract the attention of a wide audience to the significant date - the 100th anniversary of the reserve management of Russia and to familiarize readers with the reserve management of Russia and the activities of the Russian Geographical Society, which laid the foundations of the national reserve management. Popularization of scientific knowledge in geography, introduces the audience of schoolchildren primary grades to the tasks of society to preserve the country's natural resources, encourages to expand horizons and deepen knowledge in the field of geography. Promotes replenishment of the circle of those interested in their country at the expense of the younger generation, which is most open to learning new things.

Implementation results:

Using a stable audience of Klassniy Zhurnal readers of 165,000 people weekly (including not only regular subscribers, but also retail buyers, as well as the involved family: parents and the older generation, attracted participants: friends of regular readers, library users, visitors to exhibitions, etc. .), the trusting relationship between the magazine and the audience, the project, with the help of a fascinating form of presentation of educational material, provided:

Creature positive image Russia for children and families;

Formation of an active ecological position among the young generation;

Fostering pride in your country, love for your native land;

Awakening interest in professions related to geography;

Promotion of domestic tourism.

As a result of the implementation of the project, an educational, environmental, social (orientation in the profession) effect was obtained.

A unique thematic project will be published: "Preserve history".

It is timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the reserve management of Russia and will be an excellent gift for the children for the new academic year.

How to involve children in the study of geography? How to draw their attention to the richness of nature and teach them to protect the environment?

The editors of one of the most famous children's magazines in the country took on this ambitious and interesting mission and decided to tell the children an exciting story about the adventures of two schoolchildren, Mitya and Katya, and their geography teacher Anatoly Afanasyevich.

This wonderful project was gladly supported by the Russian Geographical Society.

The heroes will have a long journey through 10 nature reserves in Russia. It will start from the Caucasus and the Great Arctic, and the authors keep the remaining 8 places a secret for the time being.

History will not be complete without magic. Therefore, the little heroes, led by an experienced traveler and teacher, will have an important task: to find an unexplored mysterious animal - an elephant.

The elephant's secret will be revealed at the very end of the adventure.

For the project, the optimal and favorite form of presentation was chosen - a comic strip. In it, drawn characters are combined with photographs of reserves, unique animals and rare plants.

Real footage will add realism to the fictional story and show all the beauty of the protected nature.

“We are confident that the comic will be interesting not only for children, but also for parents.

School teachers will also be able to adopt it, because it is so easy to involve a child in the educational process with the help of riddles and intrigue! " - says the deputy editor-in-chief of "Klassnyi zhurnal" Valery Merkulova.

“Our project is interactive. It is important for us to keep feedback from children. They will follow the movement of the heroes and give them advice. Together with the project, a geographic relay race will also start on the Klassniy Zhurnal website and in the official group of the publication in social networks. And at the end of the year, the children will have a big quiz based on the comics, ”says the head of the marketing department of the publishing house Polina Korotun.

The first issue of Zapovednaya Story is scheduled for September 2 in Klassnoy Zhurnal # 33.