The external part-time worker must work how many hours. How many hours per week can you work part-time? How additional work is formalized

The low salary prompts some citizens to look for a part-time job in order to increase the quality and standard of living. The emergence of such a desire is accompanied by questions about whether it is possible to use internal part-time jobs, how many rates can be placed per person.

Having an official place of work will allow you to protect yourself and your rights and freedoms, to claim not only wages, but also vacations, sick leave.

The legal aspect of internal and external combination

The Labor Code (Art.282) defines part-time employment as performing other work in a non working time... This type of employment is distinguished by the periodic performance of other duties and the availability of remuneration. Internal and external combination of working hours is regulated.

The Labor Code says that the time of part-time work in no case can coincide with the time that it takes to perform their main duties. Part-time job is full work... That is why a citizen is endowed with the same rights and obligations as in the case of his permanent employment.

The most important criterion for registration is the time spent. Part-time full-time employment at one place of work is impossible by law, but part-time employment is real, if we mean internal part-time employment.

How many bets can I place?

The legislation does not limit the number of places where a citizen has the right to work part-time. One person can get several jobs at once, on each of which he will have up to 1/2 of the rate.

There is an important limitation. It concerns how many hours an external part-time worker can work. On the day when the employee performs his duties at the place of main employment, he can work in other jobs for a total of no more than 4 hours.

If on some day of the week a person has a day off at his main job, then he can safely work part-time all day. This right is enshrined in Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The schedule of part-time work is displayed in the employment contract, which is drawn up for each such job separately.

There is one more limitation. It concerns how much a person can work part-time in a month. This parameter should not exceed half the monthly rate at the main job.

There are some peculiarities for internal and external part-time job. Full-time part-time registration is not always possible.

Limitations of internal combination

Internal part-time job involves working at one enterprise in different positions. Registration of such relations involves the preparation of another employment contract. It displays the amount of working time, rate, rights and obligations, employee's remuneration.

Internal part-time job involves the work of the same person in different positions in different time in one organization. The duration of the working day cannot be more than 4 hours. Full-time internal part-time jobs are not possible. Its maximum value is 0.5.

Features of external combination

When it comes to external part-time jobs, it means that a person has main and additional jobs at different enterprises. The time limit in this case depends on whether a particular day is a worker at the main place of work or not.

Citizens are registered for other jobs at 0.1–0.5 rates. The employer may have a question, at what rate can an external part-time job be accepted? If the working day is a day off at the main job, then a person can work out a full-fledged rate, equal to 8 hours, on that day.

A citizen can register in several organizations at once as an external part-time worker. The number of such works is limited exclusively by the physical capabilities of the person himself. You can register at 0.1 of the rate, but not less, since this value is minimal.

Reflection of the duration of the working day in the employment contract

The number of hours that a person must work on additional work is displayed in the employment contract. You cannot work more than 20 hours a week.

Before admission, the work schedule between the employee and the employer must be agreed. Based on the results, a duty schedule or a special table can be drawn up. The latter option is relevant for shift work.

The payment procedure is established individually and is fixed in the labor dialect. Several options are possible here:

  • pay wages for the actual number of hours worked (time-based);
  • payment for the amount of work performed (piecework).

The most commonly used is time-based wages, as it simplifies the procedure for calculating and deducting the amounts due.

The Labor Code gives a citizen the right to perform another one or more paid work in his free time from his main job.

Such work is called. Its concept, conditions and procedure for registering a part-time employee are disclosed in Articles 282-288 of Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A prerequisite is registration, in which the terms of payment, working regime and responsibilities of the parties will be clearly spelled out.

The legislation does not in any way limit the number of combined jobs, but sets a limit on the amount of working time of a part-time worker.

Article 284 says that he can only work part-time and not more than four hours a day. If the employee is completely released from his main job on some days (he has a day off or), then he has the right to go to another job for a full day. At the same time, during the accounting period of working hours, a part-time worker should not accumulate more than half of the norm for main employees for the same period.

For example, if we take a week for the accounting period, then the norm of working hours for an accountant working full-time in the main job will be forty hours (five-day working week, eight-hour day). For a part-time accountant, this rate will be half - that is, twenty hours. At the same time, he can work throughout the week for four hours a day, or three days for four hours and one full day on his free day (day off) at his main job or position, if this is an internal combination.

These restrictions cease to apply if the employee is not paid a salary at the main place (more than 15 days), or if he is removed from office for health reasons.

In proportion to the time worked or when the amount of work specified in the employment contract is fulfilled.

Also, the terms of payment can be reflected in the employment contract.

Certain categories of workers

For some workers, the hourly rate per week is reduced to less than 40 hours. Accordingly, for persons belonging to these categories and part-time workers, it is still divided in half.

Restrictions on the norm of working hours apply to socially weakly protected categories:

  • for workers with disabilities of the first and second groups, the working week is no more than thirty-five hours at the main job and 17.5 hours in combination;
  • for workers in the (third and fourth degree of harmfulness) working hours per week will be no more than thirty-six and eighteen hours, respectively.

For, medical professionals and pharmacists also have restrictions: they cannot work part-time more than half of the hourly norm established for a month.

The exception is those with half of their workload of less than 16 hours per week. In this case, part-time work should be no more than 16 hours per week.

Medical personnel in areas where there is a shortage of it can work part-time within the monthly norm established by them.

Cultural workers set a limit in the amount of the work norm per month.

Processing fines

One of the clauses of an employment contract with a part-time job is to establish conditions wages.

If this is not the volume of work performed and not other conditions, but the number of working hours per day, then if it is voluntarily exceeded, the work is considered and paid in accordance with the legislation.

for instance

Under the contract, KR Gurinov was hired as a programmer at Rassvet LLC. His working day is two hours during working week Monday through Friday. If necessary, Gurinov is delayed at work for an hour or two. This time will be paid as overtime. At the same time, we must not forget about the current restrictions on the hourly rate during the accounting period for this category of workers. That is, a part-time programmer cannot be forced to overtime work three hours a day all week, since this will be above his twenty hour norm (forty for main workers and twenty for part-time workers). In case such is recorded labor inspection, the manager will face a fine in the amount of five thousand rubles, and the organization - from thirty to fifty thousand.

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What is a part-time job and how many hours a week is it allowed by law? How is it formatted correctly? It is appropriate to talk about part-time jobs when a citizen performs work duties in two positions, but at different times. For example, initially a person was hired as an accountant, but at the same time, under an agreement with the employer, he additionally performs the duties of a personnel inspector. Or, for example, a citizen works as a cook in a restaurant on a schedule 2 days after 2, and on his weekends he guards the parking lot near the house. If the part-time job takes place in one organization, institution or for an entrepreneur, then it is called internal, and if for two different employers - external.

Combining several jobs can also be called a part-time job. It is clear that people find two jobs not out of pleasure, but in order to increase their income, since one salary is not enough. Their job duties in a secondary job, a person can perform either simultaneously with the primary one, if time permits, or on his days off in the main position.

A person can work part-time for no more than 4 hours a day, which is equal to 20 hours a week.

An employee may spend different amounts of time performing duties in a secondary position. For example, on Monday to spend 2 hours on it, and on Tuesday - 6, but total hours per week in this case should not be more than 20. If the schedule is shift, then a month a person can be employed part-time for no more than 1/2 of the full working time per month for this position. If a full-time person works 11 hours a day in shifts, then this is approximately 165 hours a month, and for a part-time worker, this norm should not exceed 82.5 hours.

How additional work is formalized

Chapter 44 Labor Code Russian Federation it is spelled out how to issue an employee for a part-time job, what are the procedure for calculating remuneration for this work, the norm next vacation etc. Part-time work is voluntary, no one can force a person to perform additional labor functions. In fact, many employers like to shift responsibilities to employees that are not prescribed in their job description... For example, in an organization, in order to reduce costs, the position is reduced, and the duties of the laid-off are divided among the rest of the employees, while no written contracts are concluded with them, and the salary does not increase.

If you follow the law, then in the situation described, the employer must offer employees part-time jobs. It is forbidden to involve minors and people employed in positions that cause increased harm to health in such work. If a citizen works in a chemical industry or in a workshop with increased harmfulness, then it is impossible to attract him to a similar position with a health hazard.

In case of a mutual positive decision, a separate employment contract is concluded between the parties. Within the limits of one firm, institution or individual entrepreneur, it is easier to issue it, since the citizen has already provided everything required documents for the device for the main position. The employer has a copy of the passport, work record book, copies of diplomas, etc. Additionally, documents on education or confirming certain skills may be requested. For example, an administrator wants to earn money as a courier and deliver correspondence by car, for this he needs to provide a driver's license.

When registering a part-time job in another organization, a citizen must provide copies of his passport and education documents at the place of additional work, fill out an employer's application form, and bring a photo. But what about the work book? She remains at the place of her main employment. To record a part-time job from an additional place of work, an external part-time worker takes an order and a certificate. They are the basis for recording in work book about part-time. All submitted documents are stored in personal file employee.

Remuneration and vacation of a part-time worker

The salary of an employee who combines 2 positions is calculated, charged and paid separately from the main one. It is prescribed in the employment contract. It can depend on the amount of time actually worked or on the amount of work performed. For example, a citizen spent 160 hours a month on secondary work in accordance with the time sheet, which means that he will receive remuneration for this time. Or, if the employee was given several tasks, at the end of the month the payment is calculated based on how many of them he completed. At the discretion of the management, a part-time employee may be given a bonus. If the northern coefficient is applied in the region where the person works, then it is also taken into account when paying for additional work.

Citizens performing work duties in two positions are entitled to annual paid leave at two places of work. A part-time vacation is 28 days a year, not 2 weeks, as many think. For internal part-time workers, it is provided at the same time as for the main activity. External part-time workers have a rest according to a schedule approved by another enterprise, an individual entrepreneur or an institution.

The employer has the right to terminate the employment contract for secondary work if the main employee is hired for this position. In this case, it is necessary to notify the employee about this no later than 14 days before the termination of the contract.

The need to generate additional income forces working citizens to look for additional jobs. In this regard, a quite reasonable question arises, how many jobs can one employee officially get?

With additional employment, it is primarily the official status of the employee that should be taken into account, since only in this case he will have the right to all social benefits, benefits and benefits (if such are provided for by law for a specific category of working citizens).

Another restriction concerns the norm established for the main place of work. Additional work responsibilities should not take more than half of this monthly rate.

There are two types of additional labor activity (according to Article 60.1 of the TC), each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. implies work with one employer. The initiator in this case is more often the employee himself, who submits an application with a request to take him to an empty place as a part-time job. For internal part-time employees, the rate cannot exceed half the salary! Accordingly, additional work activity cannot exceed four hours daily.
  2. implies work for at least two employers (the law does not prohibit combination of jobs and in more jobs). Employment is usually done at half the rate. The employee is also the initiator. He looks for a vacant place, and then writes an application to a new employer with a request to take him to work.

For persons employed external part-time, you can set both half rate and a lower rate.

The number of additional jobs depends on the capabilities and desires of the employee, but at each of these jobs, the maximum employment on weekdays cannot exceed four hours. On weekends and holidays the full rate is charged, since during these periods the employee is not engaged in the main work activity.

Payment order

Depending on employment, additional labor duties a person can receive 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, or half the rate.

The sizes are fixed in the contract, while the employer takes into account the time limits (no more than four hours daily and no more than 20 hours every week). Two payment procedures can be established:

  • for the hours actually worked;
  • for the amount of products or goods produced (the so-called).

The first option is more often chosen, as it is more convenient and understandable for both stakeholders. The basis for calculating the salary is, in which the actual hours worked are displayed.

The funds are credited by multiplying the hours worked by the rate established according to the contract. Then all the allowances are added to the result. For example, a supplement (allowance) is due for work at night. Night hours are multiplied by the specified copayment coefficient.

And work on holidays and weekends must be paid in double volume, that is, the rate is doubled, and then the hours of work on weekends or holidays are multiplied by it.

Rates for educators and health workers

For medical workers, the norm is set at half the working time assigned at the main place of work (according to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor No. 41). For example, a nurse working 30 hours may not work more than 16 hours a week. That is, the rate will be one and a half. At the same time, processing is allowed for doctors and other medical staff in settlements where there is a shortage of medical workers.

According to the mentioned Resolution, they can also count on half of the bet. And according to Article 333 of the Labor Code, their full weekly employment cannot exceed 36 hours.

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Internal part-time job - how many rates are possible establish and pay an employee who performs additional labor functions without actually changing the place of work? The peculiarities of remuneration of this category of workers cause difficulties even for experienced specialists. personnel services... The main questions concerning this will be discussed in the material presented below.

Remuneration for the labor of citizens working on the basis of internal combination

Internal part-time employment implies the performance of additional labor functions for the same employer in his free time from the main job (Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, wages must correspond general rulesapplicable to this category of workers.

The legal relationship between the part-time employee and the management is formalized through the conclusion labor agreement according to the general rules regulated by chapters 10-11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics provided for in Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The procedure for determining the amount of monetary remuneration for the specified category of employees is fixed in Art. 285 TC.

Payroll can be calculated in one of the following ways:

  1. In proportion to the length of time actually worked by the part-time worker.
  2. Depending on the output.
  3. On other conditions - according to the agreement of the parties, enshrined in the part-time employment contract.

Thus, it is possible for the participants to establish labor relations any options for determining the amount of earnings that do not contradict the legislation and correspond to the remuneration system in force at the enterprise.

Is a bonus paid under an employment contract for an internal part-time job?

The guaranteed cash remuneration to the employee is fixed in the terms of the employment contract, taking into account the wage system used by the employer (part 1 of article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The establishment of allowances, additional payments, bonuses and other payments of a compensatory and incentive nature is carried out in accordance with the systems of additional payments and bonuses on the basis of the following documents:

Don't know your rights?

  • regulatory legal acts (for example, the law of the Russian Federation "On state guarantees ..." dated 02.19.1993 No. 4520-1, regional coefficients are regulated for citizens living and working in the Far North and equivalent localities);
  • collective agreements and contracts;
  • internal regulations of the employer.

Thus, if at least one of these acts labor law bonuses will be provided for the part-time job function, he has the right to receive this payment for general grounds with the rest of the workers.

Determination of the amount of the bonus for an employee working on an internal part-time job can be done in the following ways:

  1. Using the payroll option by labor contractif the bonus is calculated based on the amount of the main monetary remuneration (for example, as a percentage taking into account the actual hours worked).
  2. In accordance with the terms of the bonus system applicable to this employee.

To determine the maximum amount of payments to an internal part-time worker, the number of rates that can be set for this category of persons will have legal significance.

How many rates are provided for internal part-time employment under the RF Labor Code?

The tariff rate is included in the tariff system for differentiating the earnings of certain categories of employees (Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The size of the standard bet depends on the following parameters:

  • fulfillment of the established norm of labor duties;
  • compliance of the employee's qualifications with the established requirements;
  • compliance with the established norm of working hours.

Definition maximum number rates for an internal part-time worker depends on the allowable duration of the work performed by this employee. Part 1 of Art. 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation established a limitation on the standard working time of part-time workers - no more than 4 hours a day. In practice, normal working hours (40 hours per week for men, 8 hours per day) correspond to the full wage rate. Consequently, in proportion to a part-time job, the maximum value for additional work cannot exceed 0.5 of the tariff rate.

An exception to this rule is established in Part 1 of Art. 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: an increase in the duration of the working day of a part-time worker is allowed, subject to his release from the performance of the main labor function. Thus, under standard working conditions, internal part-time payment can provide for the establishment of only 1.5 tariff rates (full rate at the main place of work and 0.5 part-time rate).

Let's summarize. The working conditions for internal part-time jobs imply not only compliance with the wage system established at the enterprise, but also the right to receive incentive and compensation payments, including bonuses. At the same time, the maximum duration of the norm of working time for a part-time worker does not allow him to be assigned a total of more than 1.5 tariff rates.