Medium term planning. Goals. Implementation. Restrictions. Types of planning Medium-term plans are drawn up for a period

Medium term planning as a rule, a five-year period is carried out as the most convenient for updating the production apparatus and product range. The plans formulate the main tasks for a specified period, for example, the production strategy of the enterprise as a whole and each division (reconstruction and expansion of production capacities, development new products and expansion of the range); sales strategy (the structure of the sales network and its development, the degree of control over the market and implementation on new markets, carrying out activities to promote sales expansion); financial strategy (volumes and directions of capital investments, sources of financing, portfolio structure valuable papers); personnel policy(composition and structure of staff, their preparation and use); definition of scope and structure necessary resources and forms of material and technical supply, taking into account intra-company specialization and co-production. Medium-term plans provide for the development in a certain sequence of measures aimed at achieving the goals outlined by the long-term development program.

The medium-term plan usually contains quantitative indicators, including in relation to the allocation of resources. It provides details by product type; data on investments and sources of financing. It is developed in production departments.

Current planning is carried out by detailed development (usually for one year) of operational plans for the enterprise as a whole and its individual divisions on an international scale, in particular marketing programs, plans for scientific research, plans for production, logistics.

The main links of the current production plan are calendar plans(monthly, quarterly, semi-annual), which are a detailed specification of the goals and objectives set by the long-term and medium-term plans.

Operational plans are implemented through a system of budgets or financial plans, which are usually drawn up for a year or a shorter period for each profit center unit, and then consolidated into a single budget, or financial plan. The budget is formed on the basis of the sales forecast (mainly the availability of orders and the allocation of resources), which is necessary to achieve the planned financial indicators (for example, such as sales volume, net profit and the rate of return on invested capital). When compiling it, first of all, indicators developed in long-term or operational plans are taken into account. Through the budget, the interconnection between long-term, current and other types of planning is carried out.

Operational scheduling

The duties of the employees of the operational calendar planning service (OCP) include providing each worker with information about his workplace and tasks for the current work shift, for the next days, week, month, providing him with properly working devices, equipment, tools, materials, blanks, and also the organization of the coordinated work of the entire team, in which each worker complements the other.

OKP is a detailed continuation of the current production planning and includes: detailing the current plan of the enterprise and bringing its tasks to each workshop, department, section, team, worker.

 Plans and schedules are drawn up for a quarter, a month, a decade, a day, a shift, and sometimes for every hour; organization of delivery of materials, blanks, tools to workplaces, export of finished products, production waste, ensuring the serviceability of equipment, supply of energy, fuel, compressed air, organization of quality control; ensuring complete control over the course production process and prompt troubleshooting and troubleshooting at each workplace.

One of the most common, important and most complex functions of the OKP is the distribution of work to workplaces. It is carried out in stages: in the shops, then at the sites and, finally, in the brigades. The main task of distribution is to ensure the complete and accurate execution of tasks production program and keeping rhythmic enterprise work, its shops, sections, teams and workers.

More difficult is the distribution of work in serial, small-scale and single production due to the need to take into account the different individual productivity of the existing equipment and the labor of workers, since workers of the same profession have the same job, even having the same qualifying category, using various technical means perform for different time. This is explained by the fact that the productivity of the workplace is determined by many factors, including professional skills and individual abilities of workers, serviceability of equipment, availability of tools, etc.

The classification of plans into long-term, current and operational-calendar is, to a certain extent, conditional. Their difference lies in the timing of obtaining the final result, and the planning object, as a rule, does not change. One and the same product by elements can be included in all types of plans.

 For example, preparation for the production and sale of a new product is included in the long-term plan; product design, purchase of equipment and materials for its production - into current plans; distribution of personnel to facilities associated with the production of a new product, and payment of current costs are included in operational plans

Thus, long-term planning is divided into strategic and long-term. In strategic planning, decisions are made regarding areas of activity and the choice of new directions. In long-term planning, goals are translated into action programs and budgets. The specification of long-term plans are medium-term and operational plans

Exercise 2 . Show the difference between strategic and long-term planning

Planning is the development and establishment by the management of the enterprise of a system of quantitative and quality indicators its development, which determine the pace, proportions and trends of development this enterprise both in the current period and in the future.

Planning is the central link in the economic mechanism for managing and regulating production. Planning, administrative management and control over the activities of an enterprise in foreign practice are defined by one concept « ». The relationship between planning and management can be represented as a diagram (Fig. 1).

There are several planning methods: balance sheet, settlement-analytical, economic-mathematical, graph-analytical and program-targeted (Fig. 2). balance method planning ensures the establishment of links between resource requirements and sources of their coverage, as well as between sections of the plan. For example, the balance method links the production program with the production capacity of the enterprise, the labor intensity of the production program - with the number of employees. The enterprise draws up balances of production capacity, working time, material, energy, financial, etc.

Calculation and analytical method is used to calculate the indicators of the plan, analyze their dynamics and factors that provide the required quantitative level. Within the framework of this method, the basic level of the main indicators of the plan and their changes in the planning period are determined due to the quantitative influence of the main factors, indices of changes in planned indicators are calculated compared to the baseline.

Economic and mathematical methods allow you to develop economic models of the dependence of indicators on the basis of identifying changes in their quantitative parameters compared to the main factors, prepare several options for the plan and choose the best one.

Rice. 1. Relationship between planning and management production activities enterprises

Rice. 2. Planning methods

Graph-analytical method makes it possible to present the results economic analysis graphic means. With the help of graphs, a quantitative relationship is revealed between related indicators, for example, between the rate of change in capital productivity, capital-labor ratio and labor productivity. network method is a kind of graphical analysis. With the help of network diagrams, the parallel execution of work in space and time on complex objects is simulated (for example, the reconstruction of a workshop, the development and development of new technology and etc.).

Program-target methods allow you to draw up a plan in the form of a program, that is, a set of tasks and activities united by one goal and timed to specific dates. Characteristic programs - its focus on achieving final results. The core of the program is the general goal specified in a number of sub-goals and tasks. The goals are achieved by specific executors who are endowed with the necessary resources. Based on the ranking of goals (general goal - strategic and tactical goals - work programs), a graph of the "tree of goals" type is compiled - the initial base for the formation of a system of indicators for the program and the organizational structure of its management.

In terms of timing, the following types of planning are distinguished: long-term, current and operational-production (Fig. 3). forward planning It is based on . With its help, the prospective need for new types of products, the commodity and marketing strategy of the enterprise in various markets, etc. are predicted. Long-term planning is traditionally divided into long-term (10-15 years) and medium-term (3-5 years) planning.

Long term plan has a program-target character. It formulates economic strategy activities of the enterprise for a long period, taking into account the expansion of the boundaries of existing sales markets and the development of new ones. The number of indicators in the plan is limited. The goals and objectives of the perspective long-term plan are specified in medium term. Medium-term planning objects are organizational structure, production capacity, capital investments, financial requirements, research and development, market share, etc. At present, the deadlines for the implementation (development) of plans are not binding, and a number of enterprises are developing long-term plans for a period of 5 years, medium-term plans for 2-3 years.

Rice. 3. Types of planning at the enterprise (firm)

It is developed in the context of the medium-term plan and clarifies its indicators. The structure and indicators of annual planning vary depending on the facility and are divided into factory, workshop and brigade. The main sections and indicators of the annual plan are presented in Table. 1.

Table 1 Main sections and indicators of the annual plan

Specifies the tasks of the current annual plan for shorter periods of time (month, decade, shift, hour) and for individual production units (workshop, site, team, workplace). Such a plan serves as a means of ensuring the rhythmic output of products and the uniform operation of the enterprise and brings the planned targets to the direct executors (workers). Operational production planning is divided into intershop, intrashop and dispatching. The final stage of the factory operational and production planning is shift-daily planning.

In general, long-term, current and operational production planning are interrelated and form single system. A simplified procedure for developing a comprehensive firm plan includes the following main elements (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. The procedure for developing a comprehensive plan for an enterprise (firm)

Available various signs classification of planning by types, terms, forms and other features. From the point of view of the obligation to accept and implement planned assignments it is subdivided into directive and indicative planning. Directive planning characterized by the obligatory adoption and implementation of targets set by the parent organization for its subordinate enterprises. Directive planning permeated all levels of the socialist central planning system (enterprises, industries, regions, the economy as a whole), and fettered the initiative of enterprises. In a market economy, directive planning is used at the level of enterprises in the development of their current plans.

Indicative planning - this is the form state regulation production through the regulation of prices and tariffs, tax rates, bank interest rates for loans, the minimum level wages and other indicators. The tasks of the indicative plan are called indicators. Indicators - these are the parameters characterizing the state and directions of development of the economy, developed by the authorities government controlled. As part of the indicative plan, there may also be mandatory tasks, but their number is very limited. Therefore, in general, the plan is guiding, recommendatory in nature. In relation to enterprises (organizations), indicative planning is more often used in the development of long-term plans.

It is necessary to distinguish between long-term planning, forecasting, strategic planning, tactical planning and business planning, which are interconnected, form a single system and at the same time perform different functions and can be used independently. As noted above, advanced planning based on prediction. Forecasting is the basis, the foundation of long-term planning and, unlike it, is based on foresight, built on an economic-mathematical, probabilistic and at the same time scientifically based analysis of the prospects for the development of an enterprise in the foreseeable future.

Strategic planning sets long-term goals and develops means to achieve them, determines the main directions of development of the enterprise (organization) and, most importantly, forms the mission of the enterprise aimed at realizing its common goal. The mission details the status of the enterprise (organization) and provides directions and benchmarks for setting goals and strategies at various levels of development. tactical planning in contrast to long-term and strategic planning, it covers the short and medium term and is aimed at implementing the implementation of these plans, which are specified in the comprehensive plans for the socio-economic development of the enterprise.

Bite-mining is a kind of technical and economic planning, however, in a market economy, its functions have expanded significantly and it has become an independent type of planning. There are other classifications of forms and types of planning. So, according to the classification of R.L. Akoff, widely used in foreign science and practice, planning can be:

  • reactive - based on the analysis and extrapolation of past experience from the bottom up;
  • inactive - focuses on the current situation of the enterprise for the survival and stabilization of the business;
  • preactive (proactive) - based on forecasts taking into account future changes and carried out at enterprises from the top down by optimizing decisions;
  • interactive - is to design the future, taking into account the interaction of the past, present and future, aimed at improving the efficiency of the development of the enterprise and the quality of life of people.

It should be noted that planning at an enterprise (firm) is the most important element of the market system, its basis and regulator.

Long-term, current and operational planning

According to the timing, the following types of planning are distinguished: long-term, current and operational-production.

forward planning based on forecasting, otherwise it is called strategic planning. With its help, the prospective need for new types of products, the commodity and marketing strategy of the enterprise for various sales markets, etc. are predicted. Long-term planning is traditionally divided into long-term (10-15 years) and medium-term (5 years), or five-year planning.

Rice. 6. Relationship between medium-term and current planning

Long term plan, for 10-15 years, has a problem-target character. It formulates the economic strategy of the enterprise for a long period, taking into account the expansion of the boundaries of existing sales markets and the development of new ones. The number of indicators in the plan is limited. The goals and objectives of the perspective long-term plan are specified in medium term(five-year) plan. The objects of medium-term planning are the organizational structure, production capacities, capital investments, financial requirements, research and development, market share, etc.

Currently, the deadlines for the implementation (development) of plans are not binding and a number of enterprises are developing long-term plans for a period of 5 years, medium-term plans for 2-3 years.

Current (annual) planning developed in the context of a five-year plan and refines its indicators. The structure and indicators of annual planning vary depending on the object and are divided into factory, shop, brigade.

The relationship between medium-term and current planning is shown in fig. 6.

Operational and production planning clarifies the tasks of the current annual plan for shorter periods of time (month, decade, shift, hour) and for individual production units: shop-site-team-workplace. Such a plan serves as a means of ensuring the rhythmic output of products and the uniform operation of the enterprise and brings the planned target to the direct executors - the workers. Operational and production planning is divided into intershop, intrashop And dispatching. The final stage of the factory operational and production planning is shift-daily planning.

In general, long-term, current and operational production planning are interconnected and form a single system.

St. Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics

by discipline: Business - planning

on the topic: Systems of plans: short-term, medium-term and long-term and their linking


2. Methods for developing plans

3. Features of business planning

4. Targeted and integrated programs and business planning

5. Mutual linking of plans in business planning




In market conditions, each enterprise seeks to conquer its economic space. Not only to linger in it, but also to gain a prosperous development.

The competition of the enterprise in the commodity and stock markets, for the money of the buyer, makes it necessary to develop such a tool that would contribute to solving these problems. This tool is the business plan of the enterprise.

Especially business planning is necessary for small and medium-sized businesses. This increased need is explained by the fact that small enterprises have fewer financial (labor, etc.) resources that they must use more efficiently.

Business plan - a description of the main aspects that involve the implementation of a new project.

A business plan is a document common to most countries with developed market economies. For example, all over the world it is customary to issue bank loans to merchants only after a thorough analysis of their business plans. This type of economic documentation is beginning to be used more and more in Russian practice How state organizations(for example, the Ministry of Economy or the State Committee for State Property Management), and commercial banks.

In business planning, planning is the process of developing the means and methods to achieve the organization's goals.

A business plan is a business plan for the future. It reflects the goals and prospects of the enterprise. It contains an assessment, analysis and forecast of the sales market, weaknesses and strengths of production. A business plan can be drawn up both separately for investment projects and for the activities of the enterprise as a whole. It is of great value in determining production efficiency and often serves as the basis for investors' funding decisions.

Quite recently, to obtain a loan, it was enough for enterprises to submit only a couple of pages of a feasibility study, which in fact were not decisive in making decisions on granting a loan, but now more and more Russian banks require a business plan, which they rely on when considering organizations as a borrower .

The business plan is the main planning tool, because on the basis of it all other types of plans are formed. It gives an idea of ​​the state of affairs today and what the enterprise or individual project can achieve in the future.

Currently, many enterprises consider the business plan to be the main element of production management, for which they hire highly qualified specialists. After all, a well-written business plan not only reflects the economic situation at the enterprise, but also predicts development or degradation, and also helps to attract external financing.

A business plan helps:

1) getting a clear picture financial condition enterprises;

2) make important management decisions;

3) get an idea about the sales market and the marketing system;

4) anticipate and avoid difficulties in the course of activities;

5) set specific tasks;

6) expand production;

7) to attract external financing in case of a lack of own resources.

Thus, the business plan is an informative base for making managerial decisions to improve the efficiency of the enterprise and obtain maximum profit. The business plan includes a forecast of the company's revenue, the cost of manufacturing products, providing services, financial results, tax payments; allows you to determine the possibility of increasing the staff, etc.

As for investment projects, the business plan reflects information about the company, marketing strategy, sales, production and financial prospects. Business plan investment project allows management to present the picture of the financial condition of the enterprise to investors in the most profitable way possible in order to attract additional financing. All departments of the enterprise should participate in the creation of a business plan.

To achieve the greatest accuracy, each department should provide information for the area of ​​work for which it is responsible. Only then can the business plan become the main element in the adoption management decisions.

planning business balance sheet regulatory

1. The concept of planning and its types

Planning is the setting of goals for a system, a subsystem. It is the process of designing a desired future. The end result of such a process is planned decisions - the basis for subsequent purposeful activities. The relationship of planning decisions with subsequent tasks (that is, the process of transition from a solution to a specific task) is the main difficulty in the planning process. It is one thing to set a goal, for example, to achieve a leading position in the market, and another to plan and implement specific actions so as to achieve it. Like any process, planning is carried out continuously, by iterations (enumeration), bringing the planned solution closer to the real capabilities of the enterprise, that is, the planning process involves taking into account the real situation 7 .

Depending on the time period covered, tactical plans are divided into three types: long-term, medium-term, short-term.

Consider the types of planning in more detail. Short-term (current) planning is the development of plans for one year, broken down by quarters, and individual indicators by months. Sometimes detailing, that is, a breakdown by months, occurs in the process of implementing plans. Short-term planning, in turn, is divided into tactical and operational. Tasks of tactical planning:

Specification of strategic goals in relation to a shorter period of time;

Selection of the most effective means of implementing the strategy under the conditions of the planned period;

Proportional development and the most efficient use of the potential of the enterprise.

The main tasks of operational planning are:

1) detailing and distribution of the production program by months, decades, days in such a way that all departments are fully loaded;

2) specifying and bringing the task to shops, sections, spans, lines, teams and jobs, indicating the deadlines for completing tasks;

3) development of calendar and planning standards and norms;

4) planning the timely technical preparation of the enterprise;

5) providing jobs with raw materials, materials and parts;

6) coordination and interconnection of the activities of all parts of the production process;

7) operational regulation of the production process in order to prevent possible interruptions and ensure smooth work.

Medium-term planning specifies the guidelines for long-term plans. Plans are calculated for a shorter period. Until recently, the medium-term planning limit was five years. However, due to the increase in the rate of development external environment the limit of medium-term planning was reduced, and five-year planning moved into the category of long-term planning. Medium-term plans most often cover a five-year period, as the most convenient for updating the production apparatus and the range of products and services. They formulate the main tasks for a specified period, for example, the production strategy of the enterprise as a whole and each division (reconstruction of the building, development of new products and expansion of the range); service sales strategy (attracting new customers, i.e. entering new markets, improving service and other activities that help increase sales); financial strategy (volumes and directions of investments, sources of financing, structure of the securities portfolio); personnel policy (composition and structure of staff, their preparation and use); determination of the volume and structure of the necessary resources and forms of material and technical supply. Medium-term plans provide for the development in a certain sequence of measures aimed at achieving the goals outlined by the long-term development program.

Long-term planning usually covers long periods of time - up to 10 and sometimes more years. Process long term planning includes the following stages: economic forecasting, strategic planning, development of a long-term plan. Therefore, in long-term planning, the normative-target approach should be used as widely as possible, which is based on the definition of development needs and goals, as well as in combination with a descriptive approach based on studying existing trends and extending them to the future. A feature of long-term planning is its variability. Plans may vary depending on the degree of security accepted certain types resources, full or partial satisfaction of demand for certain goods, etc. When planning, a comparative analysis of the capabilities of the enterprise with the achievements of competitors is carried out, they study the state of the market, the features of the industry within which the enterprise will operate.

Planning is of particular importance for large corporations uniting technologically similar enterprises and organizations. The concentration of capital and the diversification of production allow them to increase the efficiency of their activities, to function stably in a competitive market environment. Strategic planning covers the main areas of the corporation's activities, in particular, the formation of global development goals and the determination of their possible changes, the optimal distribution and efficient use of all types of resources, internal coordination in the strategies of the organizations included in the corporation, adaptation to the elements of the external environment, the search for organizational strategies.

1)B depending on what horizon (period) of time cover the plans of the enterprise, distinguish between the following types of planning.

Long term planning covers a period of 10 to 25 years and has a problem-target character. It formulates the economic strategy of the enterprise (it is essentially an object of planning) for a long period, taking into account the expansion of the boundaries of existing sales markets and the development of new ones. As a rule, the number of indicators in the plan is limited, and they themselves have several options. The goals and objectives of the long-term plan are specified in the medium-term plan.

medium-term plans are drawn up for two or three years. The objects of medium-term planning are 1) organizational structure, 2) production capacities, 3) capital investments, 4) financial needs, 5) R&D - research and development, etc.

Short term plans are drawn up for a year (rarely - for two years) and include specific ways to use resources in the enterprise. These plans are detailed by quarters, months, decades.

These three types of planning must be consistent with each other and not contradict each other.

2) By type of activity, production, marketing planning, investment planning, financial planning, social planning are distinguished ...

Depending on the content (indicators, objects) and (on) values (roles for the activities of the organization) planning in the process of planning activities distinguish three kinds planning: 1) strategic, 2) tactical and 3) operational.

strategic planning (orientation of the enterprise in accordance with future changes in the environment) is a set of procedures and decisions, with the help of which an enterprise strategy is developed that ensures the achievement of the goals of its functioning. A strategy is understood as a plan for the most efficient allocation of resources to achieve goals.

Process strategic planning includes definition of the mission of the enterprise, formulation of the goals and objectives of the functioning of the enterprise, assessment and analysis of the external and internal environment (opportunities and potential of the enterprise), development and analysis of strategic alternatives (how the enterprise will achieve its goals), choice the best option strategic plan.

In conditions of uncertainty of the external and internal environment, strategic planning in time is mainly medium or short-term.

tactical planning is a process policy development in a specific area) creating prerequisites for the implementation of new opportunities, i.e. strategic plans. The tactical plans reflect measures to expand production and to improve the technical and economic level, update and improve the quality of products, and make the fullest use of the achievements scientific and technological progress. Based on these plans, links are established between structural divisions enterprises, the development of estimates by type of activity and control over their use. As a result of tactical planning, a plan for the socio-economic development of the enterprise is drawn up, which is comprehensive program its production, economic and social activities for the relevant period.

Tactical planning covers the medium and short term.

Operational planning is the process of implementing tactical planning. It is the final step in planning. economic activity. Its task is to specify the indicators of the tactical plan in order to organize the daily work of the enterprise and its divisions..

In the process of operational planning, the time for performing individual operations, the manufacture of individual units of products is determined, the terms for transferring products, semi-finished products from one workshop to another or to the buyer are established; operational preparation of production is carried out (delivery of raw materials, tools to the workplace, etc.); systematic control, accounting, analysis and regulation of the production process is carried out. Operational planning allows you to reduce interruptions in production, ensure uniform loading of equipment and space, respond in a timely manner to deviations in technological process and ensure the efficient operation of departments. Operational planning links all elements of the enterprise into a single production organism - from the technical preparation of production to the marketing of products.

Strategic planning- vision of the enterprise in the future, its place and role in the economy and socio-economic structure of the country, as well as the main ways and means to achieve this new state.

We are talking about the forms and methods of implementation of the adopted strategic decisions on the basis of their linking with each other, appropriate resource provision and the choice of optimal methods for their implementation, designed for a long period of time. It follows from the above that strategic planning - an organizational system of methods for implementing strategic decisions in an enterprise. It is characterized, firstly, by the fact that, in terms of its duration, it is of a “foreseeable” nature, and secondly, the subject of its planning is the main basic processes of the development of an enterprise aimed at increasing its socio-economic potential. The foreseeable nature of strategic planning is determined both by the development of the external environment and the onset of some internal events that significantly change the strategic environment for the functioning of the enterprise.

Strategic planning is a product of the market economy system. Why? This is due to many circumstances. Let's name the main ones:

Competition inherent in the market system of management, which necessitates the development of an appropriate direction for the development of the enterprise's economy. This is achieved by adopting strategic guidelines for the development of the enterprise, and strategic planning itself is aimed at linking resources with strategic guidelines and determining ways to implement them. The latter allows the enterprise not only to avoid risks or, at least, to mitigate their negative consequences, but also to ensure further growth;

Dynamic development of scientific and technological progress, leading to fundamental transformations of production and enhancing its impact on the competitiveness of the enterprise. It requires to anticipate its results and to carry out measures in advance to use them or reorient the activities of the enterprise.

If the strategy of an enterprise is a certain vision by an economic entity of the place and role of an enterprise in the market of goods sold by it, then strategic planning is a specific indication of how to achieve this state. Strategic planning is based, on the one hand, on the goals and objectives set during the development of the strategy, and on the other hand, on the basis of making forecasts in various areas of social development (economics, science, engineering and technology, etc.).

Thus, we can say that strategic planning is a means of implementing an enterprise strategy, it is aimed at finding the necessary resources and ways to achieve the goals arising from the adopted development strategy. In essence, this is the linking of goals and resources to achieve them.

Since the development strategy is determined by each enterprise, the adopted strategic plan in the course of planning gives the enterprise certainty and at the same time individuality. At the same time, certainty cannot be unchanged, since it follows from a strategic setting. It can be adjusted in connection with changes in the economic environment.

Strategic planning is entirely the prerogative of the top management of the enterprise. The duration of the planning period, which covers strategic planning, is usually 10-15 years. The choice of such a duration is determined by a number of reasons, and above all by the fact that during this period there usually occur: 1) a change in the fixed assets of an enterprise, 2) fundamental changes in science and technology (new technologies appear), 3) a change in the tastes (consumers) of the population towards new types of products and services, etc.

Based on strategic planning, long-term (medium-term) planning for a period of 3-5 years. In it, the settings (i.e. goals and objectives) made in strategic planning how to get their economic justification and clarification, taking into account the trends in the development of the economic situation for the next 3-5 years.

Based on these plans, short term planning. Its concrete expression is development plans from 1 to 3 years. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that the indicators of the next year are adjusted quarterly, and the second and third years - every six months or annually. This is done in order to so that the planned indicators more fully reflect the ongoing changes in the environment(economics, politics, technology, competition, etc.) and as a result, the effectiveness of the plans drawn up would increase.

Due to the dynamism of the processes taking place in the activities of the enterprise and the country, it is necessary to carry out ongoing planning. Its result is short-term plans (usually for a year) taking into account current trends in supply and demand. In them, indicators are set for the year, broken down by quarters. These plans are rolling, i.e. for the first 3 months, the indicators are set rigid, unchanged, and in the next 9 months they are adjusted as the situation changes. Compared to short-term plans, they are more detailed, especially in terms of the movement of production and inventories, pricing, production costs, etc. In fact, they link the tasks of various enterprise services.

But closer coordination of various enterprise services takes place (is implemented) in scheduling which is usually valid for 10 days. These are, in essence, programs for the movement of the product and all (details and) factors of production, indicating specific dates and services responsible for a particular type of activity (time of shipment, etc.).

Depending on the field of activity, they distinguish between production planning, financial planning, (investment) social development planning


Planning is one of the most important tools of self-discipline, which allows you to achieve your goals, no matter what activity you are engaged in. Naturally, our life is full of accidents, it is impossible to plan everything completely. But it is not necessary to strive for this, it is enough to set a goal and develop a strategy for achieving it.

Goals can be very diverse, such as reaching a certain level of income by some time, buying an apartment, a car, getting an education, almost anything. The planning process is basically the same and consists of several simple steps. The easiest way to consider it is on the example of financial planning.

First of all, you need to set a big goal, which will take about 5-10 years to achieve, for example, a certain level of income, or a certain amount on deposit. Then we build with setting intermediate goals, which are stages to achieve the main long-term goal. Usually, a medium-term plan is built for 2-3 years, that is, the path to a big goal can be conditionally divided into three to five segments, each of which will need to get a certain result.

After this stage is completed, you can begin to draw up a short-term action plan for the coming year. Too much short-term plans do not need to be detailed, it is enough to set small intermediate goals, for example, monthly, upon reaching which you move on to the next ones. It is pointless to over-detail short-term plans, as they are the most affected by random events and should remain as flexible as possible.

Therefore, the main efforts should be made to create the most detailed medium term financial plan. It is very important, because thanks to such a plan it will be much easier to create and adjust plans for the near future, while remaining within the framework of the task.

An important component of making plans is the ability to predict their feasibility well. This will allow you to set achievable goals for yourself that can actually be achieved.

When drawing up medium-term and long-term plans, you need to write them down as detailed as possible on paper, or create a file on a computer and then print it out. Even better would be to write down intermediate goals on separate sheets of large format paper and post them in prominent places until they are completed.

It can also help in the implementation of plans to create your own calendar of events with reminders of them, many calendar programs have such functionality. There are even programs specially designed for such planning, which can and should also be used.

Many people neglect planning, believing that the whole world around is a complete chaos and it is pointless to plan anything, but this is far from the case. Even if your plans are not destined to come true, planning will still become a very useful skill that will allow you to learn how to set feasible tasks for yourself, as well as develop adequate ways to solve them. In addition, good planning skills are absolutely necessary for those who are going to do business or investment activities. Without the ability to create at least an adequate and realistic medium term financial plan impossible to develop quality business plan or investment strategy.

How often do you use planning tools?

Andrey Malakhov, professional investor, financial consultant