Registration for 45 years for a woman. Scenario of the anniversary of the woman. Competitions for the anniversary of a woman at home: mobile

Any Anniversary should be celebrated joyfully and solemnly. And of course, such a date as the 45th anniversary cannot do without it. Therefore, we offer you to spend it according to this interesting and very tasty scenario.

"Berry Mood" And why the topic is such, you will understand from the first words of the presenter. The holiday can be celebrated at home, but if your financial situation allows, then in a cafe or even a restaurant. We decorate the room with a favorite detail of the holiday - balloons. Napkins and tablecloths should be with the image of different berries. You can also draw posters, where in the middle there will be a photo of the Anniversary, and around her a large number of different berries.

And they say that in "45",
Berry woman again
And true words
Ours is so good
All so ripe
Juicy and ripe
Let's call her a strawberry
And let's call together!
One, two, three, Anniversary (name) - come out!
(they call the Anniversary in chorus, she enters, applause sounds)

This age suits you
Ripeness, juiciness, all over
We solemnly welcome you
We call it sweet strawberry
And on the 45th Anniversary, from the bottom of our hearts, we solemnly congratulate you!
(husband or another man of your choice, gives the Anniversary a bouquet of 45 inflorescences of her favorite flowers)

Well, now, I ask you to the table,
And I hasten to say a toast:
For you (name), my dear,
So that you always have happiness in full!
(musical break, meal)

The competition is very tasty, I announce
And I call couples of family to me!

The competition is called: "Strawberry with cream." Participation takes 4-5 couples. Each couple is given two plates, one with strawberries, the other with whipped cream. Task: a woman takes a berry with her teeth, dips it in cream and gives it to a man, he also takes it with his teeth, all this is done without the help of hands, to rhythmic music. The couple that will eat all the berries the fastest will be the winner. Prize: a jar of strawberry jam.

Presenter (toast):
Entertainment succeeded
The mood has risen
Now we will drink for the Anniversary,
Congratulate and praise her!
(musical break, meal)

And now I'm announcing a riddle contest.
And those who answer correctly, I give gifts!

The competition is called: "Berry riddles." The presenter makes riddles, the answers to which are the names of different berries. Whoever answers correctly gets gifts. For gifts, the best ones are: good teas with berry additives, kitchen towels with their image, air fresheners for cars with berry flavor, etc.


It helps for vision
And vitamins saves?
(answer: blueberries)

Her appearance for the bears is like a picture,
So juicy and ripe...?
(answer: raspberries)

We collect it red, in the cold,
And in case of a cold, do we close the jars?
(answer: cranberry)

Everyone is happy to eat it.
Green, black — …7
(answer: grapes)

She's red like a carnation
This forest...?
(answer: strawberries)

Although it is tasty, but with a little bit of bones,
And the name of such a berry is yellow - ...?
(answer: cloudberry)

This berry is the largest and very sweet in taste,
For the summer harvest, and the name of her ...?
(answer: watermelon)

This berry blooms in spring
What we all forget about the fetus!
(answer: cherry)

Presenter (toast):
Well, what a berry mood,
For our (name) great birthday,
We congratulate her on this.
And we wish you all the best!
(musical break, meal)

And now the competition for the sweet tooth!

The competition is called: "The Elusive Jelly". Everyone is welcome to participate. Each is given a table, a chair, a plate with berry jelly and toothpicks is placed on the table. At the command of the presenter, all participants, with the help of toothpicks, begin to hook the jelly and put it in their mouths. But all this is not as simple as it seems at first glance, because the jelly slides, and it is very difficult to bring it to the mouth. Whoever eats all ahead, he will be the winner. Prize: a large flip calendar with a picture of berries.

We entertain the jubilee
And we raise our glasses
For her 45
May she be even better!
(musical break, meal)

And now the competition is unusual,
A bit groovy, but where aesthetic!
We will dance with you
And the berries are delicious to eat!

The competition is called: "Dancing for the elimination." Everyone is welcome to participate. A small table is placed in the middle of the hall, on which, on different plates, all kinds of berries are laid out. As soon as good, rhythmic music starts, everyone turns their backs to the table and starts dancing. But, as soon as the music stops, the presenter shouts loudly one of the names of the lying berries and the participants must eat them. Who thinks for a long time or who does not get berries, he leaves. And so to one person, to the winner. Prize: cake.

Now everyone is dancing
With a smile and cheerful!
(good fast music is turned on, all guests dance if they wish)

Now let's all take a break
And again we will call family couples!

The competition is called: "Blind Taste". Couples take part. Everyone is blindfolded and given a plate of berries of different varieties and tastes. To each other, in turn, blindly, they begin to put one berry in their mouths, while whoever eats must guess its name. Who does not guess, he is out. And so on until one pair. Prize: 1kg. Strawberries and whipped cream.

Well, now it's a couple of congratulations,
It's time for gifts, smiles, sayings,
I ask you guests to come to the Anniversary.
And every wishes say!
(guests in turn congratulate the Anniversary)

This is a holiday, this is the Anniversary,
And the soul becomes brighter
How many relatives are here, and how many friends,
And there is nothing more expensive and shallower!

Moderator (closing speech):
They say that at 45, a woman is a berry again,
We do not say this, but confirm it, and again (name), Happy Anniversary, congratulations! Hooray!
(the holiday continues, the meal, dancing, fun)

berry extravaganza

The birthday girl is Elena.

The hall is decorated with artificial berries and flowers
Fanfare sounds. The leader comes out.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! We are pleased to welcome you to the anniversary of dear Elena, which bears such a charming name - "Berry extravaganza".
What a beautiful berry season! Around mesmerizing aromas of ripe berries. There is a desire to live and enjoy this magic. And how delightful is the woman entering this season! However, it is very easy to be convinced of this when looking at our birthday girl, for whom this time is just beginning.
Please welcome with applause - our beautiful Elena!

The birthday girl comes out to applause. Her husband meets her and escorts her to a place of honor.

August stood serene over the world, (any month)
An angel flew over the earth at that moment.
That angel descended to earth from heaven,
And gave us you - the best gift of miracles.

Child of love, child of dreams
Fortunately, that angel brought it to us.
Elena grew up as a smart girl
And she gave her spark to everyone.

In fun and games, everything grew up,
And now she's grown up
Graduated from school, went to work
Friends on the fate of the most faithful found.

Helens of our magic hands
They did not know fatigue, laziness and boredom.
How much strength and will in fragile shoulders!
And what an impressive wingspan!

Finely honed exquisite taste
(Let Yudashkin smoke on the sidelines).
And time has no power over Lena -
Still slim, smart and beautiful.

Everything is just as fresh - just a socialite!
She smiles and faces light up.
All the words for her still will not be enough.
Let's raise our glasses to Lena!

First birthday toast

Wonderful Elena! Looking at you, you understand why, for the sake of possessing a woman with the same name, men once started a war. You deserve the very best in the world!
Today, all those who are dear and close to you have gathered for your Berry extravaganza. People who are infinitely happy that you brighten their lives with your presence. Who are happy to be with you. These are your family, friends and colleagues. And each of them will have warm, kind and sincere words to assure you of their love.
Now I give the floor to the people who gave Elena to the world, warmed her with their love and affection, were wise mentors and remain best friends - ____________ and _____________, mom and dad.

Congratulations from parents

How much tenderness, love
In your eyes, hands. Oh mom!
My steps are always towards you.
And in life there is no sacred temple.

Oh dad! With his wisdom,
Always forgiving me for everything
Strength did not spare his soul,
Protecting from all misfortunes.

I propose to raise glasses to the health of these holy people! God bless you many years!

Second toast

The happiness of a woman is in her family. We all know well how boundless are Elena's feelings for her husband (name) and children. But how did it all start?

Park, disco. Come on, youth!
Grannies clamored: "Moral failure."
That's where fate brought them together forever -
Goodbye, romance, happiness, the moon.

So before the wedding they met,
And "Bitter!" from relatives, friends it was distributed.
In warmth, understanding, consent, love
They gave birth to two wonderful children.

And _________, dear bloodlines.
How mother blew off dust particles from both!
Beauty, smart, right, as it should -
Elena's life is love and reward!

Let's give this wonderful family a round of applause and give the floor to the husband and children.

Congratulations from the family. In conclusion, a slide film about Elena's life, made by children, is shown on the projector. During the show, they comment on the frames.

Elena, here's what I wanted to tell you:
You won't find another like you!
To create such a family
You need to have great talent!

About your pies the glory goes,
Well, for borscht - everyone will fall at their feet.
But, most importantly, your big soul.
With you comfort and inside the hut.

Let's raise our glasses to our wonderful wife, mother and hostess - our incomparable Elena!

Third toast

Tell me, who of those present, except for the parents, is aware of Elena's childhood pranks? Who remembers the most important events of her life and, moreover, was present at this? Well, of course, they are her family. But how good they are with memory, we will now find out.

All relatives (adults) are welcome. A quiz is held for them on events from the life of the birthday girl (when she took her first steps, when she began to read, whether she was a pioneer (Komsomol member), when she fell in love for the first time, what she was fond of, what she dreamed about, favorite song, etc.)
After the quiz, everyone (optionally) is given a word for congratulations.
During the congratulations, the presenter prepares an entertaining moment (congratulations from the cat).

What wonderful words! And how wonderful that our extravaganza cannot have many of them!
But before you take your seats, I would like to ask you one last question. Tell me, you remembered a lot about events in Elena's life, about her hobbies. But the main hobby at the moment has not been mentioned. I hint: alive, furry and tailed. Surely! The favorite of all families is the cat Barberry, who, alas, stayed at home ...
I hear some noise. Looks like we have guests!

One of the guests in the form of a postman enters with a large box in his hands. On the box is the inscription: "To a beautiful berry." With the help of the guests' tips, the postman finds the birthday girl and calls her to him. Asks to sign, hands a postcard and a box. The host, with permission, takes a card and asks one of the guests to read it.

Congratulations from the cat

Well hello hostess!
You, I see, are a little arrogant:
Invited everyone to the party
And she forgot me.

And I sit like an orphan
Like some kind of cattle
And no one will comfort
Let the belly not scratch ...

I hope you understand?
Have you already taken a low start home?
Kohl took - cool, relax,
Sit down and stay.

Well, I'm just like that, for the sake of it,
For show-off, not for offense.
For you my best friend
I will be dumb, and blind, and deaf!

I won't tell anyone
About addictions to revelry,
About obscene rampage ...
I have feelings for you!

And you, my you zaya,
I won't change for anything!
I will forgive and understand everything
(I'll take compensation).

The main thing is to be healthy
Always ready for my "meow"
Relax and have fun -
Your favorite, Barberry!

P.S. And so that you do not relax
And out of the way, so as not to stray,
Get my message
Reminder about me!

The birthday girl opens a box in front of everyone, from which balloons filled with helium emerge. At the bottom of the box is a cup (vase, picture) with images of a beloved cat surrounded by berries.

Dear Elena, allow me to proclaim a toast on your behalf to all your large, friendly and strong family, in which even shaggy pets love and appreciate you so much!

fourth toast

What is a true friend? The one who is known in trouble? Not only. A wise man once said that true friends are best known in those moments when a person is happy. After all, not everyone can sincerely share the joy. Dear Elena, you can be congratulated! Because these are the kind of friends that surround you. And today they are here, next to you. By the way, where are they? I think I hear someone's voices.

To the sounds of fanfare, friends (5 people) enter the hall, wearing attributes - caps, scarves (for men) and bibs - with images of berries.

Raspberries Who walks together in a row?

Together Ripe Berry Squad!

Raspberries One two three four five

Together To congratulate Elena!

Squad, stay where you are! One, two. Nale-e-evo!
Our squad:

Together Berry!

Raspberries Our motto:

Together The more years, the better the color!

Raspberries Get ready for the name-calling of the newborn Yagodka!

Together Always Ready!

Raspberries Raspberry I - the main sweetness.
I do not know the word old age.
I wish you flowering in joy
So that life seems to you like me!

Strawberry And I'm a strawberry. All the people know
I am the most erotic fetus in the world.
I wish without fuss and without snobbery
Healthy such eroticism.

Cherry I ripened in Uncle Vanya's garden.
Now I'm Cherry, like Armani.
And on you, Elena, there is my fragrance -
You will put checkmate and checkmate on all men!

Currant Currant berries cannot be found more useful:
Stems, leaves, berries are treated for diseases.
You are now one of us and, without being hypocritical,
We appoint the main one - you will be the Panacea!

Passion fruit (male) Do you want exotic? So take me!
What am I? Passion fruit me!
Feijoa, papaya, they all suck.
I will take you, Elena, with me!

Together And you from the generous berry soul
We welcome you to our ranks!

The birthday girl is put on the neck and head wreaths of berries. Friends become around the birthday girl and dance to incendiary music, involving all those present.
Musical pause.

For 45 years, a woman, regardless of where and how the holiday is celebrated, most often touches on the topic "Baba is a berry again." This theme is autumn, and it is traditional. However, traditionalism does not mean at all that the celebration under the motto "45 - a woman - a berry again" and in the autumn style will be stereotyped and boring. There are practically inexhaustible ways to embody the folk saying and the Indian summer as the main theme of the anniversary.

What is required for the holiday?

You always want to find a way to celebrate the anniversary of a woman at 45, the script is interesting, with humor, but at the same time does not require buffoonery and special physical activity in competitions. The traditional autumn theme is one of the best options for such a date.

For the celebration and decoration of the room you will need:

  • satin bright ribbons of different colors and widths;
  • lush paper balls of all "clean", not bleached, tones;
  • berries of viburnum, mountain ash, hawthorn and others;
  • garlands, envelopes, note-sheets, pens, images of the sun;
  • elegant basket;
  • apples;
  • autumn or any other flowers;
  • pies with surprise notes.

Two people need to lead the holiday, as a rule, this right belongs to the organizers of the anniversary.

How to decorate?

Table setting and hall decoration are performed in the theme of golden autumn. In desktop bouquets, garlands, in principle - everywhere, you need to use berries, apples, ribbons, solar symbols. Maple and other leaves can be used, but they quickly wither. If there is a desire to use them, then each sheet must be ironed. In this case, the brightness of the color will be preserved and the shape will not be lost, but the sheet itself will become fragile. The optimal place to place "leaf fall" is the wall.

In the same theme, you can decorate a room and a table if the script for a woman's 45th anniversary is embodied at home or in the country. Natural gifts, flowers, leaves, etc., combined with bright paper balls, always look rich and original. This design method is much more interesting than using balloons, which are quite boring and, in principle, do not go well with such a date.

Why do we need envelopes and pies?

Note sheets and envelopes will be needed in the middle of the evening. They, along with pens, are distributed to guests, they write down their wishes to the birthday girl. Envelopes with notes are put in a basket and presented to those who celebrate the anniversary.

Surprise cakes can be used either in the same way as Chinese fortune cookies or as win-win lottery numbers. If you want to use pastries for the lottery, you will need to distribute the pies “one by one in hand” to the guests, bypassing those present. The draw will also require thinking through and purchasing prizes.

How to start a holiday?

A scenario without a toastmaster and hired artists can be realized no less interesting than with the participation of professionals. What and how to say to the leaders depends on the specific situation. However, there are general, unshakable rules for all types of anniversaries, regardless of the date and number of guests.

The opening of the holiday begins only after the birthday girl takes her place at the table.

Highlights in the opening of the anniversary feast:

  • the opening speech of the presenters should not last more than 5 minutes;
  • the first toast ends the initial monologue;
  • the interval between three table performances should not be longer than 8-10 minutes, then the interval increases;
  • the right to say two congratulations belongs to the family and relatives of the birthday girl.

After the spouse, relatives or loved ones have made their congratulatory toasts, the first break is arranged. Guests, as a rule, communicate, eat, then begin to leave. This time can be filled with music that does not interfere with people talking. If the scenario of a home anniversary for a woman of 45 is embodied, then a television panel can be used as the background of the feast. But the sound of films or other videos must be turned off, the audio sequence of a work of art invariably distracts the attention of the guests from both the celebration and the birthday girl. Light, unobtrusive music that the birthday girl likes should sound.

What and how to say at the opening?

The scenario of the anniversary of a woman for 45 years allows both a poetic style of holding, and a prosaic one. What exactly to say to the hosts and how to do it depends on the specific situation and tastes of the birthday girl. Not everyone likes poetry in congratulatory and drinking speeches, and many, on the contrary, consider the rhymed form the only acceptable one.

A variant of the opening speech in verse (pronounced by both presenters, in turn):

"We welcome the guests who filled the feast,

Without lengthy speeches, we will get to the point.

Everyone gathered today not by chance,

Behind this radiant table.

(Name), let me address you.

Shine like a star today

You are light and graceful, like a bird,

And do not understand what is behind - years

lived. Almost half a century you have thrown off your shoulders today.

Friends, our first toast is for a person,

For a woman, for a mother and for love.

Love accompanies her

And protects from life's adversities.

For you (name)!

We wish you all the best!

May your dream flight never end!

In prose, you can say this:

"Good evening. Today we plunged into the world of golden autumn, and this is not accidental. We were brought here for a special occasion - a birthday. Anniversary. 45 years old, you, (name), left behind your back. What does this date mean? It means a magnificent dawn of bright colors. The triumph of golden autumn, incomparable beauty and abundance, warmth and sunlight.

On such a day, it is customary to wish all the best. But what to wish for that which is itself good? Only the increase of happiness and goodness, as much sunlight as possible in life and the complete absence of clouds overhead! For the birthday girl! (Name), happy birthday!

The opening words of the hosts at the holidays are distinguished by the absence of a traditional list of wishes. This is a necessary nuance, because after the speech of the presenters, toasts of relatives and family sound, and then other guests. As a rule, most of these greetings are filled with traditional wishes.

What's in the middle of the holiday?

For the anniversary of a woman at 45, the script, contests and table entertainment can be anything, but, as a rule, preference is given to humorous ones. The main requirement for jokes is their intelligibility to the birthday girl and guests. Everyone has a different sense of humor, so if you want to use cool scenes, contests, or something else, you need to focus on the taste and mentality of the hero of the occasion.

The time for the first competition in the scenario of the anniversary for 45 years for a woman, with humor or not, is determined by the number of guests. If there are less than twenty guests at the table, then after the first break their congratulations and toasts follow, then time is given for rest, and as soon as all the guests are ready to continue the fun, the competitive program begins.

If more than twenty people are invited, then the first competition or a skit, a drawing, some other number of the drinking program is held after the first break, and after the entertainment, a series of toasts begins.

The number of competitions and other fun included in the scenario of the woman's 45th anniversary is limited only by the time of celebration, the willingness of those present to take part in them and the number of guests. The more people are invited to the anniversary, the more eventful their program should be.

The time intervals occupied by contests and other entertainment should not exceed 20 minutes. Between them there are toasts and rest breaks.

How to entertain guests?

A fun scenario for a woman's 45th birthday implies the presence of funny contests and pranks. Pronounced toasts, as a rule, are serious, so the task of amusing those present and removing the pomposity from the celebration rests with the program.

Given the theme of the anniversary, the humorous part of the program can be like this.

Presenters: “Dear guests! We all had a good time, drank and ate. Let's congratulate our dear (name) again, but we will not do it quite normally. We argued among ourselves how to do this, and did not come to a consensus.

Dear guests, let's count on the "first-second".

The first numbers are in the team of one leader, the second - in another. If there are many guests, then a slightly different option is voiced. They ask five volunteers to come out. The result should be two teams of five people.

Presenters: “And now we will blindfold our birthday girl. And then she is a lady with a cunning, she will spy.

Further, each of the participants is invited to name the attribute of golden autumn used in the design of the hall. There are no restrictions, that is, you can name apples, and ribbons, and pumpkins, and the sun, and the names of flowers, berries, and so on. Each participant names only one thing. It cannot be repeated if enough decorative components are used in the design. If less than ten types of decor are involved, then of course, you can name the same ones.

Leaders write down what their team members say. Next, all participants are asked to name a number from four to ten. Any one number will be repeated more often. It is also recorded by the presenters. This figure will indicate the duration of the next stage.

“Very well, and now we need to make a crown for our Golden Autumn, for our birthday girl, out of what has been named. And make it out of what you yourself just named.

And so that no one cheated - we wrote it all down!

So, you have chosen the number 8 - during this time, please make a crown!

Let's start, ladies and gentlemen, if you forgot what to make, look here.

Participants make wreaths. After the allotted time, the presenters take the crowns from their teams and approach the birthday girl, who is sitting blindfolded.

“Themis was blind, she judged at random.

Tell (name), which team will be happy today?

Our dear (name), choose your crown, say "one" or "two".

The birthday girl chooses a wreath, put it on her head and untie her eyes.

Leaders (in order):

“There are two wreaths - this is bad luck.

And the losers stand, almost crying.

What to do with it?

Who is crowned with two crowns?

The one who is the husband. And who is the wife?

The second wreath is put on the head of the spouse or friend of the birthday girl.

Leaders (in order):

“We have a star couple.

But they are of no use to us.

Let them dance to us? Or will they sleep?

Or will they say a tongue twister?

And we will determine this by applause. Dear guests, who is in favor of the song being played (applause)? And who cares about dancing? Waltz or rumba? Tango or foxtrot (applause)? For tongue twisters, we clap more actively, people (applause)!”

Depending on what received a louder and longer ovation, the birthday girl and her husband perform the number impromptu.

This is where the competition ends, the presenters can mark its completion by uttering a toast to the birthday girl. Such entertainment should be complemented by any scenario for a 45-year anniversary for a woman. Cool, at home or in a restaurant - equally accessible, not requiring significant physical effort and special purchases, they involve both guests and the birthday girl herself. And the use of a mixed form of conducting - rhyme and prose - psychologically tones up and does not allow the attention of the public to dissipate.

How to end the celebration?

Every anniversary (45 years old for a woman), whether a funny script was used for it, or, conversely, a pompous one, should be completed accordingly. It often happens that the program of the evening ends. This is especially true for hired presenters who hold a paid number of competitions and leave the holiday. It does not look very pretty and leaves those present with the feeling of not quite a complete holiday.

The organizers need to understand that their remarks only end the scenario of the woman's anniversary (45 years), and not the celebration itself. That is, the end of the script is the end of the "official" part. When renting a restaurant or cafe hall, this moment must be taken into account and the program must be completed at least two to three hours before the end of the banquet itself.

There is no need to load the “final chord” of the celebration with content. In the same way, you should not end the holiday program if the guests are active, responsive and not at all tired. For such cases, you need to have an active, funny and incendiary competition in reserve. The scenario of the anniversary of the "Woman of 45", held in the style of Indian summer, golden autumn, of course, does not imply the inclusion of a lambada in the program, but other active entertainment will complement it quite organically.

You can arrange a game with occupying a free chair, familiar to everyone since childhood. It looks very incendiary and everyone is amused by the dance of the "Little Swans", performed by the guests at the same time. This is a win-win option to take active guests with an already completed program.

You can also arrange a dance team competition-competition. The bottom line is that the guests are divided into teams of four or five. Next, they need to perform the "Dance of the Little Swans." The winner is determined by the birthday girl.

If it is necessary to “extinguish” the activity of those present, then dances should also be used for this, but already different. For example, the game-competition "Autumn round dance". The bottom line is that all the guests begin to dance around the birthday girl, who is blindfolded. Of course, this is done with music. When the hero of the occasion claps her hands, the guests stop. The birthday girl shows somewhere. The guest she pointed to answers the question regarding the theme of the anniversary and what refers to the hero of the occasion. The birthday girl confirms or denies. If the participant answered correctly, he returns to the table, if not, he remains in the round dance.

The purpose of this competition is to calm the activity of the guests and prepare them emotionally for the final toast. Each correct answer can be presented with a small bouquet of natural gifts and flowers, similar to those used in the design.

What to say in conclusion?

The scenario of the anniversary of the woman "45 years" ends in the same way as it begins - with a toast of the presenters, dedicated to the birthday girl. Poems, and prose performances in the Caucasian genre, and simple words spoken from the heart are appropriate.

An example of a toast in verse:

“We all had a nice walk today,

Noting your, (name), anniversary.

And wished you much

All this will come true, believe me.

Now our show

Does not complete the festive banquet.

It's the last one today

You desire - many years.

We will meet at your many anniversaries.

There we will continue the feast.

Well, now let's all raise

Glasses! For (name)!

And all together (appeal to guests),


At this point, it is appropriate to launch indoor fireworks or crackers.

After the toast, you need to announce to the guests that they can continue to have fun and announce how much time remains.

What should you keep in mind while preparing?

When preparing a holiday, you need to remember the important points:

  • invite a photographer;
  • discuss the placement of decorations on the walls of the hall with the administration;
  • send out invitations to guests with the address and start time;
  • think over several competitions "in reserve";
  • arrange cards with the names of guests on the table;
  • clarify the possibility of using a wardrobe.

A wardrobe at the celebration is necessary even in the summer and in good weather. Many guests change their shoes, have something with them that they would like to leave outside the hall, for example, umbrellas.

Preparing a holiday is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. It is only necessary to pay attention to all the wishes and preferences of the birthday girl.

This is a version of a thematic script written for the woman's 45th birthday, with unusual surprises for the birthday girl and original congratulations. Author's script "Berry season" very lyrical and at the same time cheerful, it will be especially good for the company of close friends and relatives.

The script was written to order, for a specific composition of guests, but it can be easily remade for any one or simply include in your program only those moments that are most suitable and will especially please the hero of the occasion.

You can start the holiday with a solemn meeting organized in honor of the hero of the occasion.

Meeting the birthday girl

Host: Friends! So that it is unusual for us to meet the birthday girl,

Congratulations to all and affectionate greetings,

I offer right there without a hitch

Stand in two rows near the intended path.

(For a solemn meeting at the berry anniversary, the guests stand in two rows. Music sounds. The birthday girl enters the hall.)

Host: Darling (name of the hero of the day)!

There is one path in front of you.

And every guest has a blade of grass on it.

Today you are in the role of a berry with us

Pass between the guests for show.

And the guests, like blades of grass, bow their heads

Greet the berry of unearthly beauty.

(Against the background of music, the birthday girl passes between two rows of guests.)

Presenter: All around, while you were walking, the flowers were fragrant.

On this day, we have collected them in bouquets for you.

(Guests present bouquets of flowers to the hero of the day.)

Presenter: Among the flowers you are the brightest color

And this is not a sign of your age at all.

After all, such a beauty does not care about the year,

And inside and out you are always young!

(Guest applause.)

Presenter: And now, to start your berry anniversary

Invite dear guests to the table soon!

(Music sounds. The birthday girl invites guests to take their places at the table.)

Presenter: Good evening, my name is ... (Name) and the DJ... (Name) and we are starting a holiday dedicated to the bright colors in the life of our hero of the day Larisa and her entry into a wonderful flower and berry period. Fill up your glasses!

First toast

You can't get away from time!

No matter how you turn it, it still comes.

Although the soul and heart are still young,

It's coming...this berry season!

And let the berries be sweeter than honey!

And life is full of money and good luck

And there will be a lot of joy and happiness!

For this we will drink together to the bottom!

(banquet break)

Presenter: Our dear hero of the day Larisa has entered a wonderful age of prosperity, the age of juiciness, sweetness and beauty, which is why it is called berry. And so today, together with her, I invite you to visit the magical garden, the garden of life of our birthday girl. And in order for us to feel the atmosphere of the garden, I suggest that everyone today be one of its inhabitants.

And we will start by asking what flower or berry Larisa is compared to by her beloved husband Alexander, and what does he want to wish her? (husband calls a strawberry, we give the birthday girl a medallion with this berry).

Husband toast.

Acquaintance with the guests at the anniversary of the "Berry Season". Poll game.

The acquaintance takes place in the form of live communication between the host and the guests, as a result of which medallions with pictures of flowers or berries are distributed to everyone: the male half of the hall is masculine, and the female, respectively, feminine. These medallions are sold as a set, but you can make your own. Pictures can be with a variety of flowers and berries, but for a prepared anniversary scenario, it is necessary that there must be the following: a bumblebee (husband or close friend of the hero of the day), irises, chamomile, forget-me-not, lily, poppy, aster, peony, rose and peach blooming. In order to present this or that medallion, the presenter conducts a fun blitz survey.

For example, like this:

My application form says that Larisa has two sons, can I admire them? (approaches sons, asks for names). I don’t know about everyone, but they remind me of graceful iris flowers with their article and touching youthful beauty. (gives medallions with irises).

Now the question is somewhat piquant, in order for such beautiful flowers to appear in the garden, it is necessary that they fly in the garden and pollinate ... Who? (guests answer bees, bumblebees) That's right, and therefore we hand over a medallion with a bumblebee to the husband of our hero of the day (gives)

And who are Larisa's closest friends? With whom did she share secrets from her youth, and dreamed of her betrothed? Please name (gives medallions with daisies to two friends)

And who has the bluest eyes that you will never forget? (chooses, gets acquainted, hands over a medallion with a forget-me-not)

And who in the hall can be called the biggest heartthrob, who is just an opium for women's hearts? (guests call, get acquainted and present a medallion with poppies)

And we have a lady with the name Rosa, and with the surname Rozanova, then who has the reddest dress today? (introduces, hands a rose)

I'm looking for a soft blonde. Is your name Lily by any chance? But as? Today you will be a lily (gives a lily).

And now I need him, the most important champion this year, which of the men has what achievements this year: who was born, who got married or got promoted? (from the men who responded, he chooses the greatest achievement and presents a medallion with a peony).

Tell me, which of the ladies can sparkle with violet eyes, are there any? Then who has the most fragrant perfume ? (violet)

Looking for a ruddy man, in the very juice (gives a peach blossom) and so on.

(Such interactive allows the presenter and the guests to get to know each other, tunes in to the theme of the evening and cheers up, because it gives a reason for joking - it must be done dynamically and with good funny comments).

A toast to the acquaintance.

(banquet break)

Presenter: And now is the time to give the floor to the fruits of love of Larisa and Alexander - the sons Vadim and Andrey.

A toast from sons

General congratulations from the guests of "Gardener"

For this table greeting, you need to prepare cards with words for the heroes in advance.

(Before the start of the replica, you can rehearse, explaining to all participants that they should be pronounced when the congratulations are about their hero, and when exactly, it will be clear from the text and emotional accents that the host will give (you can even agree on signs). Although , if read expressively, then everyone understands when to enter).

Actors and lines:

gardener(anniversary) - “I’ll pour everyone right now!”

Peony"Everything will be in order!"

Rose- "I'm so good!"

Daisies“Waving a glass?!”

Poppy"Complete rubbish!"

Bumblebee"Well, you fucking give!"

garden, flowers(all guests) - " Happy Birthday!"


One day the gardener came into her garden,

Leaving your worries and affairs.
And suddenly she has a slight breeze
From the flower bed came: Happy Birthday!

gardener, knowing your mission
In response, she promised: I’ll pour everyone right now!

In the flowerbed peony, he is a wit by nature,
The gardener shouted: Everything will be in order!
Flowers and trees her at this moment
They said louder already: Happy birthday!
gardener, fixing your hair,
She calmly replied: I’ll pour everyone right now!

Here rose, full of rich aromas
I added my own word: I'm so good!
Peony, giving an important look to a modest figure,
Added impressively: Everything will be in order!

A garden filled with birdsong in the morning
And it hums in unison with might and main: Happy birthday!
gardener in this garden - like in paradise,
And again he answers: I’ll pour everyone right now!

Poppy grew up in a flower bed, admiring himself,
He reacted to everything: Complete crap!
A rose, the bud opened, pale,
Said the invariable: I'm so good!

Peony, temperament is close to the storm,
Proved loudly: Everything will be in order!
Flowers bloomed to everyone's surprise,
AND garden rumbled with might and main: Happy birthday!
gardener called like a friend.
Well, she promised: I’ll pour everyone right now!

White chamomile, cute girlfriends,
Whispered to each other: Shall we wave a glass?
Poppy in order to maintain your image,
Looked only contemptuously: Complete sucks!

A rose, full of wine,
She stubbornly repeated her: I'm so good!
Tulip suddenly thinking about Cupid,
Decided to repeat that Everything will be in order!

A garden filled with wonderful blossoms
And he did not get tired to congratulate: Happy birthday!
gardener gives his smile
And it chirps sweetly: I’ll pour everyone right now!

All of a sudden bumblebee flew in, in everyday care.
I just looked at the garden. Well, damn it, you give!
He undertook to pollinate everyone cheerfully and briskly
He also made sure no one was sober.

He first directed his path to daisies,
They were happy: Shall we wave a glass?
Maku habitual peace is disturbed,
And he was dissatisfied: Complete crap!

Gorgeous rose in love with a bumblebee
And whispers playfully to him: I'm so good!
Peony, even a Frenchman, but a man by nature,
With a bumblebee he drank: Everything will be in order!

Garden in admiration, the garden in tenderness
Chanting in unison now: Happy birthday!
gardener remembers his date
And the garden will answer: I’ll pour everyone right now!

They want trees, bushes and flowers,
So that life is unspeakable beauty!
Success in the family, success in work,
Health and happiness! Well, damn it, you give!

Presenter: Inhabitants of our anniversary garden, please check: did our beautiful Gardener pour for everyone? If you can’t cope, we help, fill the glasses and drink for the wishes!

(banquet break)

Costumed congratulations for the anniversary from the Japanese

dance break

Toast from the host:

I don't know if it's true or not

But they say it's not a secret

Adam and Eve sinned in Eden

And we were deprived of paradise.

But it's Larisa's birthday

God has clearly made an exception:

Snacks - the sea and wine - the river,

Everyone rests with a light soul.

Anniversary of Larisa is a small paradise,

People - do not get lost, drink and walk!

The song "Walk the soul without knowing sleep" sounds

Presenter: Now I invite all the guests in turn to say my innermost words of congratulations to the birthday girl and give prepared gifts, and then, together with the gifted birthday girl, we will continue our berry fun.

Congratulations block (free mic)

Musical competition at the table "Berry songs"

The presenter divides the hall into two teams and takes turns asking questions about songs that talk about berries. Each team must guess and sing an excerpt from it in chorus.


1. What berry is calling for a visit? (Legkostupova "Berry-raspberry")

2. With what berry did nothing work out in the summer? (Varum "Winter Cherry")

3. What beads prophesy joy once a year? (Panorovskaya "Rowan beads")

4. What berry blooms by the stream? (Folk "Oh, viburnum blooms)

5. Which curly berry is sad? ( Folk "Oh, curly rowan")

6. The color of which berry is a cheerful hello of spring? (Herman "White color, bird cherry color")

(banquet break)

Kissing fun at the table "Kissing the Strawberry"

Presenter: For some reason, songs about berries, as a rule, are very lyrical, sad, and after them our garden somehow became half-hearted and depressed. I propose, in order to shake things up, once again arrange a general congratulation to our charming hero of the day Larisa, who today plays the role of Strawberry. We remember which berry or flower, who represents today, who forgot, take a look at your medallions. And let's go!

Let's start the kissing fun

Let's kiss the glory now

Daisies are cuties,

Already clapped glasses?

Then don't mess around

Kiss the strawberry.

Lord jasmine,

What a boring mine

Into the hands of the feet and run

Kiss the strawberry!

Oh. raspberries- raspberries,

Sit like pictures

To keep things running smoothly

Kiss Larisa sweetly!

Rose And violet,

Time is not a pity?

Anniversary is in full swing

Larisa, waiting for a kiss.

But the mysterious irises

Sitting like two marquises

Grab a glass instead

And run and smack your mom.

They say, peach And poppies

Kissing masters

Weak class show

And kiss strawberries?!

Oh, lilies– beauties

Do you like anniversary?

Then don't be shy

Kiss Larisa.

Peony and both orange

you are awesome men

make you wait

It's time to kiss strawberries.

Blackberries And forget-me-nots

You all seem to freeze

Your turn has come

Kisses are not enough for Larisa.

For sunflower smack

Like a bag of seeds

So run quickly

Kiss Larisa hot

Who else? Two grapes?

Invitations, right?

It's time for you to get away

Kissing strawberries.

Finish this thread

Will kiss bumblebee!

Oh good times

And now applause!

(kissing verses should be changed depending on what "flowers" and "berries" the guests will be named so that everyone participates in it)

the hero of the day sits in the center, and fans around her are "busy". The task of the six male participants is to stage the heard story and "redeemed" the hero of the day in their attention.


Red Berry - birthday girl,

two mosquitoes,



So, she lived in a strawberry clearing,

And by the way, maybe on a strawberry,

In general, on a beautiful meadow,

Right on the tubercle, not in the dimple,

The Red Berry has been growing for many years,

And the beauty .. which the world has not seen!

We don't know what year she was born

But our Berry was in the juice itself !!!

And traditionally on your birthday,

She received congratulations from everyone.

All her fans always gather

Berries are trying to capture the heart.

Her neighbor Oak - playfully tickles with branches,

Bumblebee - pollinates, marries, or what does he want?

The breeze blows her and gently caresses,

And Mosquitoes from envy - they bite them all.

Red Berry, does not single out anyone,

Only accepts royal courtship!

But suddenly, Gooseberries appeared in the clearing,

Known in the district insidious lover.

He pushed everyone with his thorns:

He appeared before Berry in all its glory:

So resilient, it shines like amber from the inside,

And plays with green eyes coquettishly.

Yagodka's cheeks turned red from embarrassment.

But then the former fans grew bolder:

Oak - waved branches at an opponent,

The bumblebee flew in circles and buzzed,

Wind - cheeks in full force inflates,

And mosquitoes bite him from both sides!

Gooseberries fought back weakly from everyone,

And under the pressure of passion surrendered.

He was only ready to win ladies,

Not these real cool kids!

Berry playfully watched the battle

And I felt like a prom queen!

And her retinue expelled the handsome stranger,

And the ritual in the meadow began anew:

Oak - playfully tickles with its branches,

Bumblebee - pollinates, wants something for sure !?

The breeze blows, and gently caresses,

And Mosquitoes bite everyone with envy.

The berry puffed up and waved her hand:

It's a sign of approval for a kiss!

Fans are allowed to kiss her

And hold Yagodka's hand in yours! (men kiss the hero of the day)

And now it's time to crown her! (bring the crown)

And everyone can congratulate!

The fairy tale ends with the coronation of the birthday girl, which can be continued with a thematic anniversary ceremony, for example, "Queen's retinue"

Original congratulation "Unusual bouquet"

During the dance break, you can arrange another thematic congratulation for the hero of the day. For carrying out, it is necessary to prepare a satin ribbon about five meters long. It takes place in the form of an impromptu skit, the presenter reads the text and gives hints-comments.

Congratulations are best done against the background of soft-sounding instrumental music.

Text with comments by presenter

in the center of the bouquet Rose stood (Beauty Rose stand in the center)

Her fragrance forget-me-not inhaled (Forget-me-not stand next to me and inhale)

Here Poppy cuddled up to them playfully (Mack is more playful, more playful)

TO Rose extended his thorns ... (Pull out the thorns, stretch out)

But joined the bouquet Lily.

Pushed back Rose, making an effort (Lily push back - push back closer to Mack)

And nimble Aster jealous of maku,

Infiltrated the company on a grand scale (Astra quicker, take your place in the sun)

forget-me-not also shoots eyes

After all Poppy pays no attention to her (Forget-me-not, shoot, don't forget)

Which lady to choose Poppy did not know,

There was clearly a scandal brewing in the bouquet!

Fortunately, the bouquet was decorated with buds

Peach blooming with a friend peony(Show everyone your pretty buds)

The ladies in the bouquet immediately started

And from poppy all abruptly turned away (Girls, wake up as you should)

The bouquet is in love hops:

It's time to show up ...Bumblebee! (Bumblebee, there's no way without you, your way out!)

Bumblebee put in the center irises

Two handsome sons of Larisa! (Irises, all hope is on you, you are the heart of the composition)

And to make the bouquet even more beautiful,

Bumblebee brought from the hall Daisies! (Get up, beauties, next to the Irises)

Then he buzzed something to everyone (Everyone - buzz all the colors)

And then the work went more fun:

Irises girlfriends immediately hugged

White Daisies- chuckles! (Hug something hugged, and laugh)

Rose finally embraced our Poppy,

Peony forget-me-not, don't be a fool (hug, create a common composition)

Aster Peony I took it by the stem.. (Take it, take it, don't be shy)

Lily Peach gently hugged .

This is what we needed bumblebee

He successfully completed his mission!

He rather tied a bouquet with a ribbon, (Tie a beautiful bow)

And dragged his wife across the hall! (Directly carry it to the feet of the hero of the day)

While the “bouquet” is leading to the hero of the day, Baskov’s song “All Flowers” ​​sounds

Berry flower dances

For this dance entertainment, the DJ cuts songs about flowers and berries in advance. For example, of these: Queen "Yellow Tulips", Kuharskaya "Red Currant", Friske "Malinki", etc. and all those who have the colors in their clothes, which are sung about in these songs, solo in the center, the rest - clap and also dance.

Dances, games, competitions.


As people say: "45" - a woman is a berry again, and the theme of the holiday will be devoted to the berries, the name of which will be called "Berry Boom". Home conditions allow us to spend the holiday outside the box, but at the same time not to lose home warmth, which will greatly strengthen the berry pie that has just come out of the oven in this regard. In addition, there should be berry-related treats on the table - fruit drinks from drinks, and salads can be decorated with cranberries, by the way, meat with sweet and sour sauce with cranberries will also be very appropriate for the table.


As they say "45" - a woman is a berry again,
So let's call this berry,
We will celebrate her anniversary!
(guests at the table applaud and the Anniversary enters)

That's how the berry came
"45" can not be given to her,
"30" and even then with a stretch,
She has an indulgence from life,
Youth is always with her,
Let's drink to that!
(everyone drinks)

I don't let you relax right away.
I’ll quickly hold my competition for you,
I will test you for knowledge
And give the winner a worthy prize!

The competition is called: "Berries". Everyone at the table takes part. The presenter silently distributes papers and pens to everyone, and then announces that in 15 seconds everyone must write the names of different berries to the maximum on the sheet. Then we count, and for those who wrote the largest number of prizes - a jar of raspberry jam.

Now let's get back to the meal.
Let's have a festive toast,
Who is the most courageous - to the microphone, please,
I convey the main word!
(one of the guests says a toast, then a meal)

The toast was said, and now,
Let's open the door soon
Artists arrived at our house,
To sing a song together about
That (name of the hero of the day) forty-five,
And she is a berry again!

(a congratulatory song-alteration sounds on the motive of the Russian-folk "Kalinka-Malinka". One of the guests performs, but this moment needs to be discussed in advance, besides, paraphernalia in the form of balalaikas will not hurt (you can cut it out of cardboard and color it))

Forty-fifth Birthday and we are on our own!

We sing, we wish
For you to be happy!
Ai lyuli lyuli, ai lyuli lyuli,
To be happy for up to a hundred years!

We sing, we wish
So that you, our berry, are sweet to everyone,
Ay lyuli-lyuli, ah lyuli-lyuli,
So that as today, so always!

Oh hero of the day, you are our beauty today,
Until what until what until what until what good!
Like a raspberry-kalinka soul you have,
Forty-fifth Birthday of all blessings without end!
2 times

(everyone applauds)

Have fun from the heart
And now we will continue again
Let's drink together
For the incomparable, berry number - "45"!

And now the competition is on.
Who will play the role of a raspberry?!

The competition is called: "Malinki". Two couples take part in the competition. Men sit on chairs, the main role is given to women. The presenter brings into the room pre-inflated small red balloons and three green balloons. Also, a pair of scissors and double-sided tape, all this is divided equally. Further, at the command of the leading participant, they should cut off the adhesive tape as soon as possible, stick it with one side to the ball and then to the head of their partner in the competition, thereby transforming his head into a “raspberry”. As soon as the presenter says “stop”, the competition stops and the “raspberry” with the largest number of balls wins. Prize - at the discretion, something from the berry "theme".

And men today have been in the role of berries,
Although the 45th birthday was not celebrated!
Now it's time to give gifts
And then our berry hostess will be able to treat us with a delicious berry pie!
(congratulations pass, then a tea party with a berry pie)

The script worked! Great!
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