The meaning of the word sarcasm in a large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Sarcasm - the meaning of the word How to explain to a child what sarcasm is

Knowing what sarcasm is, you can jokingly hurt a person, point out mistakes or even offend him. This style of talking is aimed at making you laugh, but with a touch of black humor. You can hear sarcasm almost everywhere, from bosses to your own children.

Sarcasm - what is it?

There are many jokers in our world and they are different. If someone starts to make fun of another, then he uses a technique that since ancient times was considered accessible only to people of high ranks and ranks. To understand what sarcasm means, you need to turn to the origins of the origin of this word.

It has Greek roots and several translations: “tearing the flesh”, “tearing the meat”, “biting the lips”, probably referring to the state of a person who heard something unpleasant addressed to him, dressed in the form of a joke. Dictionaries explain the meaning of this word as an evil mockery, an offensive, insulting joke, with which they want to put someone in a negative light.

How to recognize sarcasm?

Distinguishing sarcastic statements from ironic or humorous ones is very simple. Each of them has its own semantic meaning. The least offensive are humorous jokes that can make you think and laugh at a problem or person without humiliating or insulting him. Irony is more of a "poisonous lady". She can afford not only to joke, but also not very painful to prick with this or that phrase.

Even fleeting statements with sarcasm are especially sharp, poisonous and offensive, but it is important with what message they are pronounced. At the same time, the speaker, as a rule, perfectly understands that he is offending a person, but this is what he achieves. In this case, it is worth responding correctly to the words in order not to close in yourself.

How to respond to sarcasm?

A difficult and very painful question is how to relate to this speech style from another person and how to respond to it. It has been noticed that sharp sarcasm does not sound about everyone in a row, but about those who allow such jokes in their address. Often, such a person turns into a "whipping boy", and everyone who is not lazy is joking at him with or without reason. You need to protect yourself from offensive jokes and you can do it in the following ways:

  • get rid of complexes;
  • learn to respond with sarcasm to sarcasm;
  • Attend personal development courses whenever possible.

Psychologists say that ridicule is allowed against people who are notorious, suffering from various fears or constant, often without even realizing what they are to blame for. This can continue exactly until offensive words are heard in response to the offender, and this will be done in public. As practice shows, a sharp, no less sarcastic answer sobers up a presumptuous joker.

Sarcasm and irony - the difference

In order not to be offended by any joke and not to make a tragedy out of every word, you need to understand where sarcasm and irony are, how they differ. If everything is clear about sarcasm, with which they want to openly offend a person, then irony, having a negative evaluative content, is more veiled. She may not directly, but covertly express ridicule or exposure. Sarcasm is a cruder and more offensive form of a joke. As for irony, one should try to catch its subtle meaning, which is not given to everyone.

Sarcasm - good or bad?

If we are talking about those who often use sarcastic statements, then as a rule they are smart people, but to one degree or another deprived of attention, love, care. Or, on the contrary, they are satiated with the blessings of life and consider only themselves worthy of attention. True, such minions of fate, as a rule, in their evil jokes roll down to banal rudeness, ideally not understanding what sarcasm is.

The entertaining art of sarcasm has nothing to do with it, since it presupposes mastery of the word, its skillful use. At the same time, the addressee of sarcasm is quite specific, and the thought, accompanied by a sharp and evil joke, is clear. No need to guess whether sarcasm is good or bad. Depending on whose hands this weapon is in, the result of its shot may be different. At the same time, one should not forget that the wonderful actress Faina Ranevskaya became famous not only for her acting skills, but also for her sarcastic phrases that are relevant and have long been quoted.

  • It is better to be a good person, "swearing" than a quiet, well-mannered creature.
  • Horseradish, put on the opinions of others, provides a calm and happy life.
  • Under the most beautiful tail of a peacock hides the most ordinary chicken ass. So less pathos, gentlemen.
  • Why are all women so stupid?
  • Do you know what it's like to act in films? Imagine that you are washing in a bathhouse, and a tour is being led there.
  • To gain recognition, one must, even must, die.
  • Lesbianism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism are not perversions. There are, in fact, only two perversions: field hockey and ballet on ice.
  • Everything pleasant in this world is either harmful, or immoral, or leads to obesity.
  • I hate you. Wherever I go, everyone looks around and says: “Look, this is Mulya, don’t annoy me, she’s coming.”
  • Women are smarter, of course. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?
  • Talent is self-doubt and painful dissatisfaction with yourself and your shortcomings, which I have never seen in mediocrity.
  • I am watching this film for the fourth time and I must tell you that today the actors played like never before.

How to learn sarcasm?

Be that as it may, sarcasm implies the impudent behavior of a person and him, but if you start using it incorrectly, you can run into big trouble. Those who want to make sarcastic jokes should know how to learn sarcasm and irony without embarrassing themselves. The main thing, if you want to hurt someone, you need:

If you begin to rapidly practice yourself in ironic statements, then in a month it will be possible to show off your eloquence. The main thing is not to go too far, because sarcasm, although humor, is sometimes offensive. In life, this skill is very useful, because a well-formed speech with notes of impudence helps to open many doors.

Sarcasm and sense of humor

Practically in any speech there should be a piece of humor. Sarcasm is humor, only with the addition of mockery. In other words, these are two styles of speech, the existence of which is impossible without each other. Shy people cannot use them in their speech and this is where the misunderstanding of sarcasm comes from. By developing one ability in himself, a person automatically learns the second. The main plus is that having learned to joke boldly, people can also have a status in society.

Today, many people show a frivolous attitude towards life. They talk disrespectfully even about serious matters. Sarcasm is especially annoying. What is sarcasm and why is such a state of mind popular in society, let's figure it out!

Sarcastic remarks

Sarcastic humor dehumanizes others. To understand what sarcasm is, let's look at the origin of the word. Translated from Greek, the verb "sarcasm" literally means "to tear meat like dogs." Imagine a dog tearing meat from bone with its teeth. In a similar way, joking works. Barbs are to the butt of jokes what meat is to a dog.

Showing sarcasm in a relationship

This topic is very relevant in the children's, adolescent environment and between loved ones, as well as at work among employees. In the question of what is sarcasm in a relationship, there is a note of misunderstanding, which we will now dispel. If we talk about the sarcastic attitude towards children, then it is clear that often the child does not distinguish what is being said seriously and does not perceive the joke. And, seeing around laughing faces, he feels offended. Even worse, he learns not to trust his feelings.

What about sarcasm in adult relationships? How unpleasant it is to hear when a loved one humiliates or ridicules, in the presence of others, his loved one. Everyone around perceives this as a joke, and the victim as criticism of her. This humiliating state must be stopped. Be sure to talk about your feelings with the offender. If this is not done, the behavior of the partner will not change.

Sarcasm - emotional abuse

Unlike bruises, which are visible on the body after physical abuse, sarcasm causes invisible changes in the mind and personality of a person. This can permanently change his attitude towards other people. What does sarcasm mean and why does it hurt so much?

According to one dictionary, sarcasm is the highest degree of sarcastic irony, based on veiled criticism and the comedic nature of a joke. It is considered a non-violent attack, but it is the basis for a quarrel.

Draw conclusions, be sincere with other people. State your opinion directly, without resorting to sarcasm.

Dictionary of Efremova


  1. m.
    1. Evil, caustic mockery, caustic irony.
    2. A caustic, caustic-mocking remark, expression.

Culturology. Dictionary-reference


(Greek sarkasmos) - caustic mockery. Sarcasm contains a merciless, destructive assessment of a person or phenomenon, in contrast to irony, where a negative assessment is implied.

Ozhegov's dictionary

SARK A ZM, A, m.(book).

1. A caustic mockery, an evil irony. In the voice sounds with.

2. A caustic, derisive remark.

Dictionary of linguistic terms


(other Greek σαρκάσμος

The most harsh, harsh expression of irony; caustic mockery; e.g. "there are horns and legs"; is activated in journalistic, artistic, colloquial styles.

Culture of speech communication: Ethics. Pragmatics. Psychology


caustic mockery in the eyes or behind the eyes (both are bad). Often reveals an unkind character. Sexopsychologists see in this the sublimation of the sadistic inclinations of the individual.

Many of Chatsky's statements in A. Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" are sarcastic.

encyclopedic Dictionary


(Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazo, lit. - tear meat), caustic mockery, the highest degree of irony, based not only on the increased contrast of the implied and expressed, but also on the immediate intentional exposure of the implied: "The wolf took pity on the mare, left the tail and mane".

Dictionary Ushakov


Sarka zm, sarcasm, husband.(from Greek sarkasmos - torment) ( books.).

1. only units A caustic mockery, caustic irony. His speech was full of sarcasm.

2. A caustic remark. Throw in sarcasm.

Terminological dictionary-thesaurus on literary criticism


(from Greek sarcasmos - mockery

Rb: Aesthetic Categories in Literature

Genus: irony (1)


Half my lord, half merchant

Half wise, half ignorant,

Semi-scoundrel, but there is hope

What will finally be complete.

A. Pushkin. Epigram on gr. Vorontsova

* "If the essence of irony is in allegory, in a subtle hint, in sarcasm, the main thing is the extreme degree of emotional attitude, the high pathos of denial, turning into indignation" (AS Suleimanov).

"Gogol's irony sometimes becomes even sharper and turns into sarcasm - indignant and accusatory ridicule" (EG Rudneva). *

The word "sarcasm" came into Russian speech from the Greek language "sarkasmos", which literally translates as "tear [meat]" and its meaning is this: caustic, vicious, bitter and sometimes revealing taunt or mockery.
  • "Don't ask what you have to do for your country, the day will come and you will be reminded of it"
  • "The phrase" I won't put my mind to it" often means that I would like to apply, but there is nothing."
  • "Our diseases are the same as they were hundreds of thousands of years ago, but modern doctors have chosen more expensive names for them."

Examples of sarcasm

- "Our sergeant connected time with space. He ordered to dig from the fence to sunset" ( simple military philosophy)

- "Yes, you just don't understand," Varvara was angry, here's the article. "Among icebergs and hummocks." Mitrich sneered and said - icebergs - of course I can understand. There is no life from them for ten years. " ("The Golden Calf" Ilf and Petrov)

- “As I remember now, one artist took the floor from us at the meeting, who talked about nothing for about an hour. When he finally stopped, out of respect they patted him a little and immediately heard Arnold say with inimitable intonation about the speaker: “For what I love him, so it's for brevity!" ("Almost seriously" Yuri Nikulin)

- “On vacation in the sanatorium, Ranevskaya talked at a table with some boring person who expressed dissatisfaction with all the dishes. And his compote was without sugar and cutlets were undersalted, and the soup was cold (Maybe it was.) During breakfast, he sentenced with a squeamish look: "Well, what are these chicken eggs? Just one laugh. I remember in my childhood my beloved mother had eggs! "- And you didn’t accidentally confuse her with your daddy? Ranevskaya asked thoughtfully". (talk about Ranevskaya)


sarcasm, m. (from the Greek sarkasmos - torment) (book).

    only ed. A caustic mockery, caustic irony. His speech was full of sarcasm.

    A caustic remark. Throw in sarcasm.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


A, m. (book_).

    A caustic, derisive remark.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Evil, caustic mockery, caustic irony.

    A caustic, caustic-mocking remark, expression.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


SARKASM (Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazo, literally - tearing meat) caustic mockery, the highest degree of irony, based not only on the increased contrast of the implied and expressed, but also on the immediate intentional exposure of the implied: "The wolf took pity on the mare, left the tail and mane" .


(Greek sarkasmós, from sarkázo, literally ≈ I tear meat), a kind of comic, a judgment containing annihilating mockery. The highest degree of irony, opening a negative assessment of the phenomenon immediately after the positive "beginning" (which irony in other cases preserves and develops, hiding criticism in the subtext, in the implied). By tendentiousness, S. is always merciless, satirical, while irony, when used in the interests of humor, acquires soft, peaceful tones. Unlike direct denunciation, S. is carried out as a process of rethinking the subject:

Molchalin! Who else will settle everything so peacefully!

There the pug will stroke in time,

Here, at the right time, he will insert a card ...

(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”).



Sarcasm- one of the types of satirical exposure, caustic mockery, the highest degree of irony, based not only on the increased contrast of the implied and expressed, but also on the immediate intentional exposure of the implied.

Examples of the use of the word sarcasm in the literature.

He couldn't guess Albedo's thoughts quite possibly sarcasm the hybrid was a kind of prelude to failure.

No pleading and threats Catherine, sarcasm Anjou will not force him to change the royal decision Anjou must go to Poland.

Yes, here is Comrade Borshchev, ”he said with a light sarcasm, - invites me, together with him, to step back from active work, to go into internal emigration.

Looking at his frantic movements, Verka is not without sarcasm I thought that such an intense load could adversely affect the physical condition of the newlywed, who still had a stormy wedding night ahead.

Probably - with underline sarcasm remarked Monsieur de Vilmorin, - do you also qualify the murder of Maby as senseless and absurd?

Senator Gamaley, - said Aboyantsev, not without sarcasm, looking askance at his toga, - recently your rhetoric has become, I would say, more and more pathetic and axiomatic.

bitterness and sarcasm This Hamlet reflected the climate of post-war disillusionment, wrote Gielgud, whose feelings in the 1930s coincided with those of Hamlet.

But she guessed his mood and not without sarcasm answered: - And you, Dasaev, it turns out, a snob.

Rachel seated in the auditorium her friends and friends, whose task it was to embarrass sarcasms a debutante, who was known to be embarrassing by nature, to bring her to such a state that she suffered a complete fiasco and the director did not sign an engagement with her.

If Monsieur Desmond really is Monsieur Desmond, - these words were uttered with an annihilating sarcasm- then your friend left a letter for you.

What is there to be surprised about, - Zubtsov remarked with a frank sarcasm- The Aksenovs were not interrogated, they found out the facts of the counter-revolutionary activities of the murdered and robbed Bodylin.

Yeah, it's been a restless day, - Keillor agreed with his characteristic sarcasm.

She shook her head in disbelief, and Kerwin guessed that she could hardly appreciate sarcasm- especially, most likely, in an unfamiliar language.

The Finnish writer Martti Phannes Larni belongs precisely to that galaxy of progressive writers of the West who equally easily wield all types of this ancient weapon - from good-natured humor and subtle irony to murderous sarcasm and sizzling satire.

And if ever these people - Zambuko and Ben-Omar - cursed themselves for having succumbed to the bait, it was at this very moment when the indomitable Maluin showered them with his sarcasms, forgetting that he himself showed in the pursuit of treasure the same greed as the Maltese and the Egyptian.