A cool script for a woman's 45th birthday. Scenario of the anniversary of the woman. Feast and dance

Decorated Banquet hall with flowers, balloons and posters. We offer one option for your hero of the day. Poster"Happy anniversary! 45, Baba berry again"

At the entrance, in a conspicuous place is jar with sticker:
"Bank for happiness"

A jar rolled up with a tin lid, and a round fool, 10 mm in diameter, was made in it. A stack of cut pieces of paper, also print and cut out.

These papers are notes designed so that invited guests can leave congratulations and wishes to the hero of the day. Then twisting them into a tube and sticking them into the hole in the jar. But the interest is that the birthday girl could read them in a year and remember whether the wishes for the past year were fulfilled, at the same time this cheerful last year's anniversary will be remembered.

Introduction, the host reads the poems.

Forty-five is the most beautiful date!
She has countless advantages:
Life is rich in all colors,
There is both experience and health.
Femininity, and intelligence, and charm,
Pure soul and intellect,
Full recognition in the team...
And there is no limit to perfection!
Congratulations on your anniversary!
And let me wish now
Happiness to you, health and luck
And bloom, as in these forty-five!

The birthday girl accepts further toasts and congratulations from her guests, relatives and friends.

They say that at forty-five
Baba is a berry again.
You are still a flower with us,
The most color and the most juice!
Happy Anniversary!
You are at your peak today
admiring attention
And full of charm.
Glorious deeds can not be counted!
Experience already for twenty-five.
And in the family everything is gleam and smoothness.
Well done! Keep it up!
What is an anniversary?
Clink of glasses, noise of speeches...
Everything is quieter on weekdays, more modest,
But lives among people
Big soul man
All deeds are good:
It brings so much good
And care, and warmth!
And we are only on the anniversary
We say "thank you" to her.
So let's be generous
And appreciate these people.
Congratulations with all our heart!
Be forever young!
Be happy forever
Our favorite person!

When all the guests congratulated the hero of the day and gave her gifts, it's time for Entertainment.
The best contests for the anniversary evening

"Point, dot, comma" ....
Two sheets, drawing paper, felt-tip pens, scarves, for blindfolding.
For two teams, the task is given to draw a little man with closed eyes.
Saying the words:
Period, period, comma
A crooked face came out,
Handles, legs, cucumber,
It turned out to be a man.
The team that draws at least approximately the little man wins.
Losers give forfeits

Competition "Mustache and ears"

Another fun competition for the anniversary feast. This time we will transform the hero of the day himself.
It is necessary to make two posters with a photo of the hero of the day. Marker.

Participants must, blindfolded, draw mustaches or ears, or hair to the Anniversary.
The winner is the participant who coped better with the task and embellished the appearance of the hero of the day

Competition for adults "Burn the balloon"

Couples are called for this competition (it is better if there are a man and a woman in the team).
They are given an inflated balloon and, on command, standing facing each other, it is necessary to crush this balloon (i.e., the balloon should burst)
The team that pops the balloon the fastest wins.

Competition for adults "Fire, Water and Copper pipes"
This competition is mobile and it will need a little more space to run a little distance.
Those who wish are invited, divided into 2 teams.
4 chairs are placed, 2 for each team. One at the beginning of the race, the second at the end. On the near chair is a prop-lighter, water pipes and a disposable cup on the far chair-a candle, and a bottle of mineral water.

The first player takes the lighter and runs to the candle, lights it and returns to the team with it.
The next and the rest of the players must take a straw from the nearest chair and, having run to the bottle, take water into their mouths with the help of a straw and, without removing the straw from their mouth, transfer the water into a glass.
The team that will quickly transfer all the water and shed as little as possible wins.

Competition for a fun feast: "Ode to the hero of the day"

Requisites: pens pieces of paper. Prize bottle of champagne

The host announces the next competition - "Ode to the Anniversary". This is the familiar game "Burime", when ready-made rhymes are offered, and you need to compose a verse based on them. "Ode to the Anniversary" can be composed on the following rhymes: hero of the day, fire, gift, schoolboy, painter, blow, case, radar.

To inspire the poets, the presenter demonstrates the main prize of the competition - a bottle of champagne.

The winner is the participant whose verse will be the best according to the results of voting by all guests. The best verse is entered on the label of the prize bottle and the medal "Best Poet" is awarded.

Label for champagne to the winner

Winner of the contest "Ode to the hero of the day"

Further design is up to you, tie a satin ribbon through the hole in the medal and the anniversary medal is ready for gifting.
You can end the holiday with warm, beautiful poems.
Let the holiday come to an end
But wishes remain
A smile here suits you all,
You all really laughed here!
Let me tell you more
A couple of words at the end:
Work to go to "5",
And to be inspired!

A woman blooms at 45 - it's true, many ladies do not believe in it, 45th anniversary script for a woman invites you to prove to your mother, grandmother, wife that she is still as beautiful as she was at 17. There are a lot of compliments in the festive plan, make it nice for a dear person.

Scenario of the anniversary of 45 years for a woman - the beginning of the celebration

Fanfare _______________________
Music screensaver _________
They say that at 45 (forty-five),
Baba berry again
There is definitely no dispute about this.
Here is the answer!
And today, on a beautiful day,
In such a sunny and clear
Everyone gathered here together
Salute the jubilee!
Only she's not here
Dinner is on the table
We need to call her

And shout the song together! “On the motive of the song (Pinocchio) - Our Galya” Anton-Natalya (they speak together).

Na! Sha! Ha! La! "On the motive of Pinocchio's song"

Who invited us all today?
Who promised a lot of vodka?
Who is not a scientist, not a poet,
And conquered the white world
Who is known everywhere
Tell me what's her name?

Na! Sha! Ha! La!
Na Sha Ga La

There's a mess on her head
But not a mess, but just like that,
Don't call me a villain
And make friends laugh to tears
She's sitting right here
Tell me, what's her name?

Na! Sha! Ha! La!
Na Sha Ga La

She shines with beauty
He turned his soul to us,
In her hands is the key to happiness,
From the heart the key is so powerful
All songs about her are sung,
Tell me, what's her name?

Na! Sha! Ha! La!
Na Sha Ga La

Greetings (Galina Valerievna), applause.

Here she is, fashion model,
So fluffy like a spruce
And hair, makeup,
This is a complete shock!
Just a small nuance
Missing a couple of rhinestones
So we hand over the crown,
So that it was suitable for the throne!

To applause, the crown is awarded to the hero of the day for 45 years.

Today we are in a friendly cheerful company, in our so-called "banquet hall" we decided to congratulate the hero of the day.

Well, here you are 45,
How fast the years go by
But for a reason like this
Do not be upset!
Of course it's not 17
And far from 25
But, to be honest,
There is no reason to be discouraged!

A string of difficult years
Didn't ruin the portrait.
Let's take an honest look:
What were you before?
Walked - ribs rang,
And now - what a body!
Bones covered with flesh
Rounded features:
Lush bust, hip, what you need -
A delight for men's eyes.
There is something to take, something to look at,
There is something to cling to the bones.
And those sparkling eyes
At least someone will be driven crazy!
They say that at 45
Baba berry again
And popular rumor
From time immemorial right.

You are a woman - a flower, a source and a star,
Mysteriously tender, beautiful and proud.
You are the flame of the hearth and home,
You are the light that is beyond the earth, never goes out.

And therefore, without further ado, we want to raise the first glass for our hero of the occasion.
For you, Galina.
Musical pause. Meal. (Under the soundtrack __________________)


You cried when you were born
And everyone was laughing...
But indeed, a little girl was born today. You all know how capricious little ones are, they are afraid of a cold, and they don’t have too much mind, therefore, so that they don’t puff out their ears, they don’t bake their heads, and also so that different thoughts don’t get into their heads, we decided to give her a cap. (The presenter puts on a cap for her)

And also you all know that the little ones are so clumsy and so awkward that when they eat they get dirty themselves and dirty everything that surrounds them, so that this does not happen, we give her an apron. (The leader puts on an apron).
And I also want to add to the above that little girls get upset for any reason, they are always very loud about everything, so their eyes are always wet. So that our girl Galya does not cry, we decided to give her a pacifier and a song from Murzilok “Little.”


We've all been waiting for this day

We have come, and we are not lazy.

Congratulate the birthday girl

Leave a toast for her.

Let the bravest speak

That which lives only in the soul.

Each toast is unique

Significant, so beloved.

The guests take turns toasting the birthday girl. For the most interesting and cheerful toast, the presenter gives a gift to the person who made it. It is desirable that no more than 4-5 toasts be pronounced at a time. You can repeat a little later.

Contest 2. Best greeting card

The birthday girl has already been congratulated,

Wishing her happiness in her life.

But we need to leave a memory,

And congratulate her again with a postcard.

Which one of you is ready now

Make the best postcard without embellishment.

We will provide the tools

Let's congratulate the birthday girl together.

Two teams are selected from among the guests, who are provided with the same materials. For example, it can be sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, paints, colored cardboard, scissors, and so on. In 5 minutes, each team must create a birthday card with wishes for the birthday girl. The team with the most interesting card wins.

After the competition, a musical break is announced.

Competition 3. Karaoke

Now we all have time to rest,

They danced together, sang together.

Well, maybe all together,

Sing all these songs out loud.

The host invites the guests to split into several teams to participate in the karaoke contest. To do this, it is necessary for everyone to sing together the chosen composition in chorus, but without the proposed words, under the minus. If one of the team members forgets some words, it is necessary to insert, for example, the name of the birthday girl instead of the word. As a result, it turns out very funny, because often even in the most popular songs at least one word is forgotten.

After the competition ends, you can just sing in karaoke already with the words.

Competition 4. Clothespins

Come on, guests, have fun,

Participate in the competition as soon as possible.

It is quite simple and simple

But funny and not evil.

Props will help us all,

And the fun will multiply.

So that the guests do not get bored,

And they took part in the fun.

The host explains the essence of the competition. Three couples are called, preferably those who came together, that is, spouses. they are blindfolded, and clothespins are attached to the woman. After several clothespins are fixed on the woman's clothes, the man is informed of their number, but not the exact number. For example, you can fasten 5 clothespins, but say that there are 7 of them. After that, in a short time, about a minute, the man with his eyes closed must remove the clothespins. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Word to the birthday girl

Our holiday is coming to an end

There is a lot going on in the world.

We will never forget.

The birthday girl says words of gratitude or another toast for all the guests. The evening ends with a fun party with dancing and karaoke.

Anniversary scenario, our mother at 45 is like a berry again!

Scenario 45th anniversary. Option for a woman.



Friends! So that it is unusual for us to meet the birthday girl, Congratulate everyone and warmly greet, I suggest immediately without a hitch To stand in two rows near the intended path.

(Guests stand in two rows. Music sounds. The birthday girl enters the hall.)


Dear Mom! There is one path in front of you. And every guest has a blade of grass on it. You, in the role of a berry, will walk between them for the first time. And the guests at this time bow their heads Greet the berry of unearthly beauty.

(Against the background of music, the birthday girl passes between two rows of guests.)


Around, while you were walking, Flowers were fragrant. We collected them in this one for you. In bouquets.

(Guests present bouquets of flowers to the hero of the day.)


You amaze all the blades of grass with Your beauty here and there, But I think you don’t know at all What we all need from you. Before the guests sit down with you, You reveal your secret to all of them here. So that doubts are aside, Let everyone try berry jam.

(The birthday girl goes around all the guests with a vase filled with berry jam. The guests take a sample.)


What a lovely soft taste! I'm going to compare it to you. After all, the aroma and bright color Is not a sign, mom, of your age. Let behind your back, You look very young!

(Guest applause.)


To wash your youth, Now we need to set the table And invite guests to it, Then the anniversary will begin!

(Music sounds. The birthday girl invites guests to take their places at the table.)


Presenter: Dear guests! Pay attention to our birthday girl. Today she celebrates not just a birthday, but a wonderful anniversary, which differs from many others in its unusualness and originality.

After all, a woman, having so many years, Keeps a special secret in herself. It blossoms, blazes With all the colors it is, And, as they rightly say, it is full of charms and charms. And surrounded by all the mystery, So captivatingly sweet! It is no coincidence that these years are always called sweet. Dear mommy! Do not resist you, Your appearance is seductive. So inscribed by fate, This one intoxicates everyone. Be, mommy, happy On your wonderful anniversary, Gentle, affectionate, beautiful, Smart, kind, sweet to everyone! Let's all fill the glasses together, friends, We can't help but drink for a berry!


Dear guests! Today you can not be bored here, We will drink and congratulate.


For the sweetest anniversary Let's raise a toast as soon as possible.

(Guests drink.)

Presenter: Friends! Despite the fact that the birthday girl is in the spotlight today, I hope that some of us are of the same berry field as she is. Let's get to know them.

(Guests optionally choose cards with words and put on costume elements or a sign with the image of their berry.)

  1. I'm a strawberry, friends, greet me!
  2. They call me blueberry and often invite me to visit.
  3. Friends, don't you recognize me? Rosehip gave me a name.
  4. I'm called a boner, I'll come in handy for you today.
  5. Rowan has been my name since childhood, I grow up with a birthday girl in the neighborhood.

Presenter: These charming guests have appeared among us. And I think it's no accident. Perhaps they will reveal some secret to us.


Tell me, what is the name of your hero of the day?

(The reaction of the guests.)

Then you have to think a little.


I now have a delicious word in my hand, It has long been ready to sound here.

Rose hip:

Try to guess it together And we will call Berry so.

(Guests guess the name Berries. Correct answer: Strawberry.)

Stone berry:

Nice to hear the name from the guests. Long live the strawberry anniversary!



We put a medal on our chest And tell everyone in the neighborhood That there is no more valuable berry On our today's anniversary.

(They put on a medal for the birthday girl.)

Presenter: Dear guests! It seems to me that all the berries speak their own special language and understand each other perfectly. I hope they will help us solve one overwhelming problem.

Presenter: Dear Berries! You need to decipher for the birthday girl. To do this, you must unfold the wrappers of sweets called "Berry", take out twisted strips of paper from them, on which different (or different words are written) are depicted and connect their initial letters. Who is faster?

("Berries" complete the task by receiving the following pictures or words.)

  1. Sun, wind, spruce, floor lamp, watermelon. (Sveta.)
  2. Thermometer, spruce, saw, light bulb, watermelon. (Heat.)
  3. Gun, moon, sheep, woodpecker, eagle, wolf. (Fruit.)
  4. Fork, bonfire, snail, plane, shark. (Taste.)
  5. Scissors, spruce, beetle, stretcher, wasp, traffic light, thermometer, needle. (Tenderness.)


Dear Berry!


For the wishes of the forest family, For your wonderful qualities!

(Guests drink.)

(Musical pause 3-5 minutes.)

Presenter: Friends! Today, the birthday girl has reached full maturity and is, as they say, in the juice itself. Therefore, we are in a hurry to give her the following gifts, which, by the way, are prepared on the basis of berry juice.

Dear Mom!

  1. If you want to achieve health, Kissel can be useful to you in everything.

    (Hands the kissel.)

  2. So that it is not empty on your table, We are handing you jelly today.

    (Handing berry jelly.)

  3. So that your activity is high, Take syrup from berry juice.

    (Handing syrup.)

  4. So that there is something to meet guests, We ask you to accept the pouring.

    (Hands a berry liqueur.)

But you don’t clean it up, but immediately spill it here!

(The birthday girl fills the glasses for the guests.)


Let the whole world celebrate with us! Let's raise our glasses to your prosperity!

(Guests drink.)


Dear guests! Today is a day filled with miracles, We are still blades of grass with you. We are all guarded by Lesovichok A decent, shaggy old man. He has more than one talent in himself, And is recognized in the forest as a musician. I'll tell you, friends, a secret to you, That if he hears music somewhere, He instantly arrives immediately there And then amuses everyone until the morning. Let him come to our birthday girl And sing his song from the heart.

(The guests are given a printed text of the chorus of the song to the motive "A peasant with an accordion" from the repertoire of N. Koroleva. A phonogram sounds. Everyone sings.)


An old man with an accordion, Show yourself a little, Come closer And make us all laugh. An old man with an accordion, You pour a little And say the words On the anniversary of his wife.

(The Old Man-Forester appears in the hall in a shaggy wig, on which he is wearing a mushroom hat. His costume is sewn from burlap and hung with real cones. A long beard adorns his face. In the hands of Lesovichok there is an accordion and a bag.)

Old man (husband of the birthday girl):

I came to the birthday girl with a bow From all the blades of grass, herbs, flowers. At this milestone, I’m ready to congratulate you on the holiday. For the sweetest on earth I brought something in a bag.

(Takes out a headdress for the birthday girl in the form of a "strawberry hat" from the bag.)

Now you from afar Recognize all for sure. And I'll sing even now, So that all of us here will be remembered.

(The Old Man-Lesovichok, imitating playing the accordion, performs the song "And I love strawberries" to the soundtrack.)

Old man:

But that's not all... It's not for nothing that I'm Lesovichok, I have a worm here. Take it as a keepsake And immediately put it on.

(Gives his birthday wife a gold chain.)


We invite the Old Man-Lesovichka to the table And immediately pour the treasured 100 grams.


Let our districts drink For a spouse!

(Guests drink.)


Meetings with relatives are now so rare, So let the children congratulate the birthday girl.

(Music sounds. Children dressed in grass flowers come out.)


Together with my mother we grew up, We learned a lot, We cut down on the nose, That it is better not to have her in the forest. And today, on our anniversary, we give a song from children.


to the melody "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

A berry was born in the forest, It grew in the forest And, blooming every day, Everything was more beautiful. (2 times.) Suddenly she met a boy, He was good-looking, Our berry fell in love, Violating her peace. (2 times.) A little time passed, When the matchmakers came And found our red berry Among the others. (2 times.) The family started roots Through the forest here and there, And now we sing here To the delight of all the guests. (2 times.) For our mother - berries Surprise is ready for a long time, Let him watch, enjoy The movie known to all. (2 times.)

(They hand over the VCR.)

Presenter: Dear guests! We continue to give gifts to our incomparable berry.

(Congratulations to guests. Presentation of gifts.)


Friends! I turn to you again, It's time to dance.

(Dance ball. Tea party.)


It's wonderful to have fun with you, But it's time to say goodbye. I’ll say goodbye to the guests: “See you again and goodbye!”

List of articles

Scenarios / scenario of the anniversary of 45 years for a woman


Any Anniversary should be celebrated joyfully and solemnly. And of course, such a date as the 45th anniversary cannot do without it. Therefore, we offer you to spend it according to this interesting and very tasty scenario.


"Berry Mood" And why the topic is such, you will understand from the first words of the presenter. The holiday can be celebrated at home, but if your financial situation allows, then in a cafe or even a restaurant. We decorate the room with a favorite detail of the holiday - balloons. Napkins and tablecloths should be with the image of different berries. You can also draw posters, where in the middle there will be a photo of the Anniversary, and around her a large number of different berries.


And they say that in "45",

Berry woman again

And true words

Ours is so good

All so ripe

Juicy and ripe

Let's call her a strawberry

And let's call together!

One, two, three, Anniversary (name) - come out!

(they call the Anniversary in chorus, she enters, applause sounds)


This age suits you

Ripeness, juiciness, all over

We solemnly welcome you

We call it sweet strawberry

And on the 45th Anniversary, from the bottom of our hearts, we solemnly congratulate you!

(husband or another man of your choice, gives the Anniversary a bouquet of 45 inflorescences of her favorite flowers)


Well, now, I ask you to the table,

And I hasten to say a toast:

For you (name), my dear,

So that you always have happiness in full!

(musical break, meal)


The competition is very tasty, I announce

And I call couples of family to me!


The competition is called: "Strawberry with cream." Participation takes 4-5 couples. Each couple is given two plates, one with strawberries, the other with whipped cream. Task: a woman takes a berry with her teeth, dips it in cream and gives it to a man, he also takes it with his teeth, all this is done without the help of hands, to rhythmic music. The couple that will eat all the berries the fastest will be the winner. Prize: a jar of strawberry jam.


Fun succeeded

The mood has risen

Now we will drink for the Anniversary,

Congratulate and praise her!

(musical break, meal)


And now I'm announcing a riddle contest.

And those who answer correctly, I give gifts!


The competition is called: "Berry riddles." The presenter makes riddles, the answers to which are the names of different berries. Whoever answers correctly gets gifts. For gifts, the best ones are: good teas with berry additives, kitchen towels with their image, air fresheners for cars with berry flavor, etc.


It helps for vision

And vitamins saves?

(answer: blueberries)

Her appearance for the bears is like a picture,

So juicy and ripe...?

(answer: raspberries)

We collect it red, in the cold,

And in case of a cold, do we close the jars?

(answer: cranberry)

Everyone is happy to eat it.

Green, black - …7

(answer: grapes)

She's red like a carnation

This forest...?

(answer: strawberries)

Although it is tasty, but with a little bit of bones,

And the name of such a berry is yellow - ...?

(answer: cloudberry)

This berry is the largest and very sweet in taste,

For the summer harvest, and the name of her ...?

(answer: watermelon)

This berry blooms in spring

What we all forget about the fetus!

(answer: cherry)


Well, what a berry mood,

For our (name) great birthday,

We congratulate her on this.

And we wish you all the best!

(musical break, meal)


And now the competition for the sweet tooth!

The competition is called: "The Elusive Jelly". Everyone is welcome to participate. Each is given a table, a chair, a plate with berry jelly and toothpicks is placed on the table. At the command of the presenter, all participants, with the help of toothpicks, begin to hook the jelly and put it in their mouths. But all this is not as simple as it seems at first glance, because the jelly slides, and it is very difficult to bring it to the mouth. Whoever eats all ahead, he will be the winner. Prize: a large flip calendar with a picture of berries.


We entertain the jubilee

And we raise our glasses

May she be even better!

(musical break, meal)


And now the competition is unusual,

A bit groovy, but where aesthetic!

We will dance with you

And the berries are delicious to eat!


The competition is called: "Dancing for the elimination." Everyone is welcome to participate. A small table is placed in the middle of the hall, on which, on different plates, all kinds of berries are laid out. As soon as good, rhythmic music starts, everyone turns their backs to the table and starts dancing. But, as soon as the music stops, the presenter shouts loudly one of the names of the lying berries and the participants must eat them. Who thinks for a long time or who does not get berries, he leaves. And so to one person, to the winner. Prize: cake.


Now everyone is dancing

With a smile and cheerful!

(good fast music is turned on, all guests dance if they wish)


Now let's all take a break

And again we will call family couples!

The competition is called: "Blind Taste". Couples take part. Everyone is blindfolded and given a plate of berries of different varieties and tastes. To each other, in turn, blindly, they begin to put one berry in their mouths, while whoever eats must guess its name. Who does not guess, he is out. And so on until one pair. Prize: 1kg. Strawberries and whipped cream.


Well, now it's a couple of congratulations,

It's time for gifts, smiles, sayings,

I ask you guests to come to the Anniversary.

And every wishes say!

(guests in turn congratulate the Anniversary)


This is a holiday, this is the Anniversary,

And the soul becomes brighter

How many relatives are here, and how many friends,

And there is nothing more expensive and shallower!


presenter(closing speech):

They say that at 45, a woman is a berry again,

We do not say this, but confirm it, and again (name), Happy Anniversary, congratulations! Hooray!

(the holiday continues, the meal, dancing, fun)

And there is no limit to perfection!

Congratulations on your anniversary!

And let me wish now

Happiness to you, health and luck

And bloom, as in these forty-five!

The birthday girl accepts further toasts and congratulations from her guests, relatives and friends.

They say that at forty-five

Baba is a berry again.

You are still a flower with us,

The most color and the most juice!

Happy Anniversary!

You are at your peak today

admiring attention

And full of charm.

Experience already for twenty-five.

And in the family everything is gleam and smoothness.

Well done! Keep it up!

What is an anniversary?

Clink of glasses, noise of speeches...

Everything is quieter on weekdays, more modest,

But lives among people

Big soul man

All deeds are good:

It brings so much good

And care, and warmth!

And we are only on the anniversary

We say "thank you" to her.

So let's be generous

And appreciate these people.

Congratulations with all our heart!

Be forever young!

Be happy forever

Our favorite person!

When all the guests congratulated the hero of the day and gave her gifts, it's time for Entertainment.

Best for Anniversary Evening

"Point, dot, comma" ....


Two sheets, drawing paper, felt-tip pens, scarves, for blindfolding.

For two teams, the task is given to draw a little man with closed eyes.

Saying the words:

Period, period, comma

A crooked face came out,

Handles, legs, cucumber,

It turned out to be a man.

The team that draws at least approximately the little man wins.

The losers give forfeits.

Competition "Mustache and ears"

Another fun competition for the anniversary feast. This time we will transform the hero of the day himself.


It is necessary to make two posters with a photo of the hero of the day. Marker.

Participants must, blindfolded, draw mustaches or ears, or hair to the Anniversary.

The winner is the participant who coped better with the task and embellished the appearance of the hero of the day.

Competition for adults "Burn the balloon"

Couples are called for this competition (it is better if there are a man and a woman in the team).

They are given an inflated balloon and, on command, standing facing each other, it is necessary to crush this balloon (i.e., the balloon should burst)

The team that pops the balloon the fastest wins.

Competition for adults "Fire, Water and Copper pipes"

This competition is mobile and it will need a little more space to run a little distance.

Those who wish are invited, divided into 2 teams.

4 chairs are placed, 2 for each team. One at the beginning of the race, the second at the end. On the nearest chair is a props-lighter, water pipes and a disposable cup on the far chair-a candle, and a bottle of mineral water.

The first player takes the lighter and runs to the candle, lights it and returns to the team with it.

The next and the rest of the players must take a straw from the nearest chair and, having run to the bottle, take water into their mouths with the help of a straw and, without removing the straw from their mouth, transfer the water into a glass.

The team that will quickly transfer all the water and shed as little as possible wins.

Competition for a fun feast: "Ode to the hero of the day"

Requisites: pens pieces of paper. Prize bottle of champagne

The host announces the next competition - "Ode to the Anniversary". This is the familiar game "Burime", when ready-made rhymes are offered, and you need to compose a verse based on them. "Ode to the Anniversary" can be composed on the following rhymes: hero of the day, fire, gift, schoolboy, painter, blow, case, radar.

To inspire the poets, the presenter demonstrates the prize of the competition - a bottle of champagne.

The winner is the participant whose verse will be the best according to the results of voting by all guests. The best verse is entered on the label of the prize bottle and the medal "Best Poet" is awarded.

Label for champagne to the winner

Winner of the contest "Ode to the hero of the day"

How to glue a medal? Very simple!

Let's print the above picture on thick paper ( you can download by clicking on the picture)

Next, you need to bend the sheet along 2 lines of the edge of the future anniversary medal. This is necessary in order not to bend the gluing petals individually. After we have made two longitudinal bends, we can start cutting. The hole for the tape is best cut with pedicure scissors. It should turn out like this:

Gently glue the petals to the inside of the medal, it should look something like this:

We spread glue on the remaining petals and the gluing surface along the circumference of the medal, applying the other part to the petals, without pressing hard so as not to wrinkle the medal. Here, the preparation of our anniversary medal is ready:

Further design is up to you, tie a satin ribbon through the hole in the medal and the anniversary medal is ready for gifting.

You can end the holiday with warm, beautiful poems.

Let the holiday come to an end

But wishes remain

A smile here suits you all,

You all really laughed here!

Let me tell you more

A couple of words at the end:

Work to go to "5",

And to be inspired!

Anniversary. the woman is 45 years old.


Whole script anniversary subordinate to the phrase: 45 - woman berry again, and the decoration of the room, and entertainment, and the words of the script.

The room, of course, can be decorated traditionally, but additions are important: posters with berries, in which the birthday girl’s face is inscribed or her cartoons in the form of raspberries, the presence of berries and bouquets with sprigs, for example, raspberries (can be artificial) are required on the tables.


Dear guests, imagine that you are in a beautiful, fragrant garden, there are many beautiful flowers around, their pleasant aroma spreads in the shade of trees, birds sing around. And in this court, an unusually sweet and beautiful berry has just ripened. She is so beautiful that everyone is ready to admire her for hours. Let's greet our dear and beloved birthday girl (name), who until recently was a tender bud, then it blossomed and a beautiful flower appeared, and now we are present at the magical transformation of a flower into a wonderful and sweet berry.

To the soundtrack of birds singing and the noise of foliage, the hero of this celebration appears in the hall with a dish on which a variety of berries lie. Depending on the season, the berries can be either fresh or frozen, or grapes, which, in my opinion, can now be bought all year round.

Before the guests sit down with you

You reveal your secret to them all.

To remove all doubts

Let everyone try the berry product.

The birthday girl treats all guests with berries.

What a lovely soft taste!

I'm going to compare it to you.

After all, the aroma and bright color

Here's a sign, 45 of your years

Let behind your back,

You look very young! We all confirm this with our applause.

Around as you walked

The flowers were fragrant.

We are on this day for you

They were collected in bouquets. (A bouquet of flowers is presented.)

To wash your youth

After all, the table is already set,

You invite guests

Then the anniversary begins!

The guests are seated.

Leading: We all gathered today to wholeheartedly congratulate our sweet, kind, wonderful (name). Your glorious birthday has arrived. You turned a little - you don’t need to be sad in the “Indian Age”, because 45 is a wonderful age, it’s time for flight, happiness and love, and you were called a “berry” for a reason, let the crazy nightingales sing in your soul.

We wanted to give you the whole world, the radiance of the stars and the outer face of the earth, so that, as before, you would sing with us, and all your desires would come true!

To start the celebration, as expected,

It is proposed to fill all the glasses.

Dear guests! Look at our birthday girl. Today she celebrates not just a birthday, but a wonderful anniversary, which differs from many others in its unusualness and originality. And, for sure, she has her own special secret. After all, if you don’t give her so many years, she blossoms and becomes prettier by leaps and bounds. Today she is so captivatingly sweet, and it’s not for nothing that these years are always called sweet. Do you know the names of the berries well?

Everyone takes turns calling the berries, who hesitated - gives his forfeit. (You need to collect as many forfeits as possible in order to play them later)

Let's all raise our glasses together friends!

We can’t help but drink for a berry!

Here, some guests are just burning with impatience to congratulate our birthday girl.

Congratulations and wishes from the closest relatives of the hero of the occasion. After congratulations and presentation of gifts,

Accept you in the color of years

Our warmest regards!

And without hiding our feelings,

We will raise our bowls for you!

Alcohol break.

Moderator: Dear guests!

You can't be bored here today

We will drink and congratulate!

I propose to congratulate the hero of the day friends and colleagues! The birthday girl's friends come out and take turns singing and dancing for her a song-alteration to the motive of the sailor "Oh, apple"

Oh, berry, yes, early ripening!

And we can sing and dance!

Oh, berry, ripe delicious!

No need to sit with a sad mine!

Oh, berry, yes it splashes with juice!

Dance all who can move!

Oh, berry, yes the house is full of guests!

We have fun and celebrate the anniversary!

Oh, berry, but a little bit bitten!

A friend's life is not boring at all!

Oh, berry, yes sweet and sour!

We wish you good health!

Oh, berry, falls to the ground!

Let the children make you happy!

Oh, berry, yes it pours!

Our tongue is tangled up!

Oh, a berry, next to a pear!

Thanks to everyone for listening to us!

To the friendly applause, friends give gifts.

Presenter: Gifts, cards and congratulations -

It evokes a wonderful feeling.

To extend this joy to us

Glasses to be poured

So, who else is sitting modestly and has not yet had time to express their wishes to our beautiful birthday girl!

Alcoholic pause to the quiet song "Berry-Raspberry"

Throat, I hope, got wet all? So let's sing a cheerful song, congratulatory for the hero of the day! Under your plates there are cards with the words we will sing everything to the melody of the song "robin"

The lead singers can be one or more people who have rehearsed a little in advance.

We hurried to the party,

And everyone found words for you

Words of love, words of recognition!

I beg you, on a memorial day

Drink champagne!

Everyone came to you with joy

For this anniversary!

Let them go no one knows where

Your lucky star is burning.

Believe that we will get it to you!

Chorus: - 2 times

Leading: According to legend, the Indian age lasts like 40 years. You do not believe that saying - there is another legend:

There will be a woman 45 - there will be a berry again. After winter comes spring!

You do not count your years, and like the golden sun, be always young!

Raise all your glasses, we will all drink and (name) congratulate!

Let the whole world celebrate with us!

Let's raise our glasses to your dawn!

Alcoholic break to the music.

After another glass just class

We want to dance

But during the dance we will play

Perform all sorts of contests.

To begin with, everyone dances around the birthday girl to a beautiful melody. Then any music plays, everyone dances, but as soon as the host gives the task, everyone completes it. The tasks are as follows: take each other by the little fingers for the little finger; hand - knee; hand - ear; everyone embraced by the shoulders, then by the waist, etc. At the same time, one should not forget about the dance.

The second competition for men. Several men come out into the circle, they are blindfolded so that they do not guess with whom they will dance, talking is forbidden. One woman approaches each man and they dance. After the dance, the couples disperse, and only then the bandages are removed. The prize is given to the one who first finds his dance partner.

Then an Arab sheikh appears to any quiet Arabic music

Sheikh: Oh my God!!! Wah-wah, where did I go! It's a miracle! How many of the most beautiful of the beautiful flowers are here!

As if, suddenly he sees a birthday girl, to whom he addresses:

Sheikh: No matter how beautiful a flower blooming in the desert, it is more beautiful than it. Oh Beautiful!

No matter how bright the sun shines, it cannot block the light coming from you. Oh Brightest!

As desirable as a sip of water in the desert is, it is no more desirable to you. Oh desired!

No matter how majestic an oil rig on the shelf of the Red Sea, it is no more majestic than you. Oh majestic!

No matter how much I love the women of my harem, they are not more loved than you. O Beloved!

Become an ornament of my harem, even for one minute. O Most Magnificent!

The sheikh invites the hero of the day to a dance, after which he accompanies her with all honors to her place.

Host: So that the feelings of the birthday girl are always overwhelmed,

I want us to raise our glasses now.

And let the wine sparkle in glasses

Happy anniversary (name) it will congratulate!

Playing "Fanta" and others and contests.

After all the entertainment, dancing, and to the thunderous applause of the cake brought in, the holiday can be completed with a cheerful clapper.

Who came to the anniversary - clap your hands!

Who found new friends - clap too!

Who gave gifts - clap your hands!

Who forgot them in the car - clap too!

Who drunk well - clap your hands,

Who else is hungry - clap too!

Plenty of those who danced - clap your hands !!

Who fell asleep from boredom - clap too!

Who hasn't said everything yet - clap your hands!

Who showed character - clap too!

Who will remember the anniversary - clap your hands!

Who wants to go home soon - clap too.


It just so happened that anniversaries should be celebrated cheerfully, beautifully and solemnly. We offer you a script for the 45th anniversary of a woman with competitions, dances, congratulations and guests from Italy. The scenario of the anniversary of 45 years for a woman will help you not only organize a celebration, but also present memorable gifts and diplomas.

Scenario of the anniversary of 45 years for a woman

Before inviting the hero of the day herself to the hall where the anniversary will be celebrated, the guests line up opposite each other and hold flowers in their hands. Flowers lift up and make a kind of flower arch, through which the hero of the day will pass. When the hero of the day walks under this arch, the leader reads the following verses loudly and with expression:

We celebrate your anniversary
And congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
You are 45 today!
But no reason to despair
Let the years fly like an arrow
Always be yourself!

When the hero of the day passes through the flower arch, she approaches the host, and the guests line up behind the hero of the day. The host offers to clap the main hero of the occasion. Everyone is clapping and shouting congratulations.

What is for the woman of the year
It's not a problem at all
and even 45 years
will not make you discouraged!
And so today
We wish you health
Let happiness sparkle in your eyes
Let luck knock on the house.
Don't look at the years
Be beautiful always!

And in honor of your 45th anniversary, you are also awarded this loud, unceasing applause only for you. Dear guests, congratulate your hero of the day, wish her everything you want and ask you to the solemn table.
Guests take turns approaching and congratulating the birthday girl and giving them gifts. Then they disperse and take their places at the table.


So that solemn day has come when exactly 45 years ago our beautiful birthday girl was born. And I want to say these words in honor of her anniversary:

45 - maybe a lot.
It's just too early to sum up.
45 - a great start
In a life full of happiness and worries.
45 - although a lot has been passed,
There is still much more to be done.
45 is a great start.
The main thing - the soul does not grow old!

Let's raise our glasses and drink to our birthday girl.

Everyone stands up and raises their glasses to the birthday girl.

Leading: Today, the people closest to you have come to congratulate you, and among them there are so close that if it were not for them, you would not be in this world. These are your parents. And I give the floor to the parents of the hero of the day.

Parents stand up and say their words of congratulations to their daughter.

Leading: Well, after such words, you should not sit for a long time, but you need to drink for the parents of the birthday girl.
Today, friends and people close to you have gathered at our table. And each of these friends can tell a different story about you and how you met. But it will take a long time. So we'll just raise our glasses to your friends. But before I do that, I want to read these words:

For example, an ant
Could be among the guests.
This good worker
I'll tell you, not a miser at all.
For such a celebration
He has a lot of gifts.
But today he's gone
But next door neighbor

And I want you to have a drink with your brotherhood neighbor.


So we sat, and it's time to stretch our bones a little, it's time to dance. A competition for the most beautiful dance among the guests is announced.

After several dances, the host announces a competition.


Dear guests, here we have warmed up a bit and now let's go straight into battle, or rather, let's play. Our competition is called fishing. For this I need only men. Men stand in one line, and women look at their backs. And so, you go fishing, throw a fishing rod into the river and wait for the fish (the participants must do everything that the leader says, just as if imagining all this). And here our fish is biting, but it is so big that the water begins to rise quickly, throw out the fishing rods faster and roll up your pants (the participants, as it were, throw the fishing rods and begin to quickly roll up their pants above the knees). And now our contest is over. And who won? Whoever has the hairiest legs wins!
I ask everyone to the table.
Today we drank for the hero of the day, and for her parents, and for the guests. Now let's have a drink...
And then two people enter the room. One disguised Italian, and the second translator. They need in advance, when there were dances, to give sheets with the text and change clothes. And so they entered, and the leader looks at them with an uncomprehending look. And they start:

Italian - Brilliant, blooming, puffed winter, hero of the day.
Translator - Dear hero of the day!
I. - And sieve for free, drunken dormoedo tuto.
P. - Dear guests!
I. - Roll with figato quickly from here.
P. - Greetings to all who are here.
I. - Hard labor dollar is not received.
P. - Representatives of the working class and commercial structures.
I. - Learned, read, counted, paper-marato and musical, and then expelled.
P. - Workers in the media, education, and culture.
I. - Bandito, shot, caught, planted.
P. - Employees of the police, the police, the security department.
I. - Their other gentlemen are lodyrento.
P. - And other other workers.
I. - Slurry on anything.
P. - I arrived on a special flight.
I. Italy stubbornly shines in the eyes.
P. - From sunny Italy.
I. - Congratulations to the hero of the day Nadezhda.
P. - Congratulate the hero of the day Nadezhda.
I. - Toshito pocherto boltata from Italiano in Chehanto different nonsense.
P. - I brought greetings and congratulations from Italian and Czech friends.
I. - En is all unnecessary borochlyanto.
P. - And small modest gifts.
I. - Italian belly grown first, zhironakoplento, ek requetiro.
P. - First of all, our spaghetti straws
I. - He puts a lot of relish, sousento, as a reward.
P. - To straws for color sauce
I. - It stinks from a mile away, Chipollin's head from the mafia structure.
P. - For a smell specially from the Sicilian mafia - onions.
I. - Spilled, what is drained and underfilled.
P. - The famous Amaretto liqueur
I. - Pomerento wished forgiveness.
P. - In conclusion, I would like to wish.
I. - The back is not bolenta, the nose is not chihanto, the catfish are cusanto, the legs are shaganto.
P. - Health.
I. - In the garden of copanto, in the house of pribiranto, tascanto bags, everywhere in time.
P. - Youth, long life.
I. - Do not swear, always love, respect your friends.
P. - Friends, happiness.
I. - Always pouring for the hero of the day Nadezhda!
P. - Let's drink for the hero of the day Nadezhda!


I would even say, let's drink to the unity of peoples and understanding. Well, so we saw off our guests from far abroad, and it was time to sing. Do you agree? Then let's sing our favorite drinking songs of our hero of the day.

Guests sing songs, you can sing 3-5 songs.


And so I think we have already sat too long, let's hold a few more contests. And the spouse will be the first to show his skill to our birthday girl. Come on, husband, go to the center, now we will check you.

The husband of the hero of the day comes out and the presenter asks him questions. Questions about the hero of the day, and their family life.

1. Name the exact date and time of your wife's birth.
2. What school number did she attend?
3. What was her favorite school subject?
4. What dress did your spouse wear to the prom?
5. What institute (school, technical school, university, etc.) did your spouse graduate from?
6. What marks were given in the spouse's diploma?
7. When was the first child born? State the date, time and day of the week.
8. What spirits does the spouse prefer? Their name?
9. What kind of flowers does your wife like more than others?
10. What is your wife's favorite dish?
11. Where would your spouse like to go on a trip: a - to the country; b - in Sochi; c - to the Canaries.
12. After retirement, she will: a - engage in floriculture; b - breed rabbits in the country; c - to raise grandchildren.
13. What TV series does your wife prefer to watch?
14. What movie character (or actor) does your spouse consider the ideal man?
15. How long does it take your wife to prepare a set meal? Answer options: a - in 15 minutes; b - per hour; in - in 24 hours.


Well, not bad results, but there is still something to strive for and something to achieve. Let's slap the wife and call the hero of the day herself on stage. Now we will play with our guests. Our birthday girl has two decks of cards in her hands. In the first deck questions, and in the second deck answers to your questions. Now, in turn, you will pull out questions and immediately a card with an answer and read it to us.

The essence of the game is that any question fits any answer.

Sample questions for cards.
1. Does your loved one make you jealous?
2. When do you have to smile?
3. Do you compliment your boss?
4. Are you afraid of prison?
5. How often do you put wine on the table?
6. How often do you sort things out with your fists?
7. Do you respect alcohol?
8. Do you enjoy erotica?
9. Do you remember those who loved you before?
10. Do you dream of winning a car?
11. How often do you step on the feet of others?
12. How often do you fight with your friends?
13. Are you jealous of your other half?
14. Is your character unbearable to others?
15. Do you like to enjoy food?
16. Do you like to play the fool?
17. How often do you remember your loved one?
18. Do you spend your hard-earned money on trifles?
19. Do you want to go to America?
20. Do you hide your left-hand earnings from your family?
21. Do you use obscene words in a conversation?
22. Do you believe in love at first sight?
23. Do you experience fatigue from work?
24. Do you criticize our government?
25. Are you capable of noble deeds?
26. Are you patient and well-mannered to the best of your ability?
Sample answers.
1. There was not and will not be.
2. Let's talk about this without witnesses.
3. I am ashamed to ask such questions, knowing my character.
4. This is the most pleasant thing for me.
5. Only when in a bad mood.
6. Of course, and more than once.
7. It happens, but only at night.
8. Every day, and more than once.
9. Whenever I go to bed.
10. Had to suffer from it.
11. Only awake and in slippers.
12. Exclusively in a restaurant.
13. And under torture I will not tell.
14. This is my hobby.
15. Once a day I allow myself this pleasure.
16. It was once.
17. When there are guests in the house.
18. Of course, otherwise it would be uninteresting to live.
19. Not without it.
20. This is my secret, I do not want others to know about it.
21. If there is no second half nearby.
22. When kicked out of the house.
23. This topic is unpleasant for me.
24. When my relatives do not see.
25. At night under the covers.
26. Only in thoughts.


Well, we laughed now let's dance. Competition for the most accurate dance. That is, we give each of the participants such a sheet and he gets up on it and starts dancing. When the music ends, he folds his sheet in half and starts dancing again. And so on until there is only one winner left. And the one who leaves the aisles of his paper in the dance will lose.


And now we ask the guests to take their places at the table, now we will make wishes, blow out the candles and eat a birthday cake. Please bring a cake. Traditionally, there are exactly as many candles on the cake as the birthday girl's age. Namely 45 candles. Now our hero of the day will make a wish and blow out the candles. And there are a lot of candles, and she is alone, let her best friends help her with this. Friends come to help.

The hero of the day makes a wish and everyone blows out the candles together. Then everyone eats the cake, and the feast comes to an end.


Well, our fun has come to an end. The fun is over, but life goes on. And we will gather here again in 5 years to celebrate the new anniversary of our dear full name.
In the meantime, you can once again congratulate our dear birthday girl on her birthday and see you again.

What's in your name

The host announces that the bag contains prizes for the contestants. The name of each prize begins with the letter contained in the name of the hero of the day. If the participant guesses which prize corresponds to the next letter, then he receives it. The winner is the one who scored more prizes during the competition.

The participants of the competition are divided into teams, each of which will be three people. The leader holds three ribbons in each hand. Each participant takes one end of the ribbon, and at the signal of the leader of the team, weave a braid from the ribbons. You can’t let the ribbon out of your hands, so the participants will have to squat, step over each other, etc. The team that quickly braids the braid wins.

Anniversary hedgehog

The participants are divided into teams. Each of them receives an apple or other piece of fruit with 60 toothpicks or skewers stuck in it. Participants take out one toothpick (skewer), while saying one compliment to the hero of the day. The team that completed the task faster and came up with the required number of compliments wins.

Collective congratulatory ode

Participants of the competition write one phrase on a piece of paper, then fold the sheet so that the phrase is not visible and pass it on to the next participant. The condition is rhyme. That is, each participant voices the last word of his phrase to the next, and he comes up with his phrase so that it is the first to rhyme. Then the presenter reads the resulting ode to the hero of the day. The winner, the author of the funniest phrase, is determined by the hero of the day himself.

In advance, you need to prepare rubber gloves according to the number of participants in the competition. They will need to be filled with water, tied on top and hung on a rope, well secured with clothespins. The leader quickly walks along the rope and pierces one of the fingers of each glove with a needle, after which he gives the “Start” command. Participants grab bowls or other containers and try to milk all the liquid from the glove into the container as soon as possible. The fastest milkmaid or milkmaid wins.

King of beasts

The king of animals, the lion, is usually chosen as the hero of the day. He sits down on the throne and, pointing to the next guest, tries to explain to him with gestures and facial expressions who he is. And this guest should, according to his role, approach the lion. If the guest was shown long ears with gestures, and he decided that he was a hare, then he should gallop to the lion, and if he was shown a wriggling snake, then he should crawl, and so on. When all the animals have gathered at the feet of the king, he rewards the most intelligent and skillful with something delicious.

The participants are divided into teams. In each of them, one "nurse" is chosen. Instead of a bandage, they get a roll of toilet paper. The host announces how many and which injuries each nurse should “cure” and gives the “Start” command. The winner is the "nurse" who will quickly complete the task and bandage the indicated parts of the participants' bodies.

Family budget

Props are prepared in advance: balloons are inflated and a coin or banknote is put into each, their denomination can be different. The balls are put in one pile. Participants receive symbolic bags. At the leader’s command, they all rush to the balls together, begin to pop them and collect the money they found in their bag. Then the amounts are calculated and the winner is declared the one that replenished the family budget more.

Competitions for the anniversary of 30, 35, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75 years
A large collection of contests and games on the site PozdravOK.RU. Exclusive games, Anniversary Contests will decorate any event, making it interesting for everyone!

How to organize an anniversary for a woman: fun contests at home. What contests can be held on the anniversary of a woman

If a woman decides to celebrate a round date in the family circle without resorting to the services of holiday agencies, please note: celebrating an anniversary at home is a troublesome and responsible task, requiring considerable financial investments, organizational skills and a creative streak.

This is not an easy task: decorate the table beautifully, come up with an original scenario with heartfelt wishes, riddles and fun contests at home, especially if the hero of the day is a woman.

So I want the evening to become not a boring banal event, but a bright joyful event in the family chronicle. And for the hero of the occasion - the embodiment of a short, but magical fairy tale with the realization of her cherished desires.

What underwater reefs are waiting for the organizers of the anniversary in preparation for such a significant day?

The organization of a feast at home is easily feasible for every hospitable family, and in this case, you can fully rely on the help of junior female staff. The daughters and granddaughters of the hero of the day will willingly take on the usual care of housewives - they will find how to surprise the invited guests, how to decorate the house of the birthday girl.

But as for the scenario with pleasant surprises and competitions for the anniversary, the choice of a sparkling cheerful presenter - you will have to rack your brains over this for more than one day. It is desirable that a familiar man become a home toastmaster- perhaps the owner of the house, talkative, self-confident, humorist without complexes and a bit of a womanizer.

We offer a choice of options for gaming competitions of various directions, which will help to leave the most pleasant memories of this day:

Competitions for the anniversary of a woman at home: intellectual

  • Competition for the development of deductive abilities

Suitable for any family party. Participants are divided into two teams, for example, women's and men's. The host, or one of the players, thinks of a specific item and describes some of its features and properties. The team, paying attention to the suggestive clues of the narrator, must guess what it is about.

Female examples:

1. - Finding it on a man's shirt, any woman will be upset,

Every woman has her own

“Men have to taste it.

2. - Not a single woman can do without him,

- It can be of any shape and size, and breaking it is not good,

Male examples:

1. - Every man dreams of having her,

- He is ready to wash her, cherish, care for her with trepidation and even without a reminder,

- He does not spare any money for her, and is ready to get into a loan, paying it off for years, if only to own it fully.

2. - Before this weapon, any man is powerless,

- it tastes salty.

Answer: women's tears

The winner is the team that answers the maximum number of questions correctly.

  • Competition for the best awareness of the life of the hero of the day

You can jokingly call him "Yellow press". It is necessary to find out in advance from the hero of the day not well-known events from the biography. And rewrite them on a piece of paper, at the same time writing in fictitious false facts about the life of the birthday girl.

At the celebration, the host reads out a list of false and true stories. And if the player thinks that it was, then he raises the YES sign, otherwise - the NO sign. Those who make a mistake two or three times are out of the game. This should continue until there is only one left who becomes the winner.

Competitions for the anniversary of a woman at home: creative

  • Poetry competition "for the best acrostic"

Contestants can showcase their talents by coming up with funny quatrains, in which the initial words at the head of each line are the name or word of the previous player. For example, the name Galya:

Glamorous and beautiful

And sometimes dangerous

It's easy and pleasant

I am happy many times

There can be multiple winners in this competition.

  • Competition "Draw a portrait of the hero of the day with closed eyes"

A very funny competition for a woman's anniversary at home, the essence of which is to try to portray the intended object - that is, the birthday girl, blindfolding the artist. It will take several players willing to demonstrate their creativity and measure them against each other.

Each participant in the game is blindfolded, given a pen or pencil, a piece of paper, and they simultaneously or in turn begin to write a portrait. You can turn on the music and end the contest at the end of the melody. What happens in the end will amuse everyone.

  • Competition for the best compliment for the hero of the day

Players take turns singing praises to the birthday girl. The hostess of the banquet will evaluate the results and choose the winner.

  • Funniest Paparazzi Photo Contest

At the very beginning of the evening, several players are selected to participate and given a secret task: to capture the funniest and most interesting moments during the anniversary evening on the phone. At the end of the program, all photos, if possible, should preferably be displayed on a wide screen. The competition can be a surprise moment of the anniversary and cause unpredictable reactions, so photographers need to be extremely careful when shooting participants. However, this is also the most interesting competition at home - guests will eagerly look at the photos with great pleasure, giggling at themselves and at each other.

Competitions for the anniversary of a woman at home: mobile

  • Competition "Cavaliers and Ladies"

Rules of the game: the team of gentlemen is male, it is enough to choose several people. Each gentleman must give his lady a flower, which is located at a distance of 10 meters.

Playing gentlemen line up at the starting line. The task of the players is to travel a given distance on a tricycle as quickly as possible and get to the flower first, and then deliver it to its destination. Whoever gave the flower first is the winner.

  • Balloon fight contest

Each participant in the game is tied to the right foot of a balloon. After the leader's signal, the players try to pierce the balls of competitors, while saving their own ball. Those whose balloon burst are out of the game. The last player to keep his balloon intact is declared the winner.

  • Competition "Tug of war"

A popular type of competition in the school environment, but quite acceptable for holding an anniversary at home. Well entertains and develops a sense of collectivism. The participants of the evening are divided into two teams. The leader delivers the rope, the middle of which is marked with a colored tape and draws a dividing line between the two rivals. At his signal, the teams grab the rope and try to pull it to their side.

Competitions for the anniversary of a woman at home: musical

  • Competition "Karaoke Star"

Now almost every house has a computer and a microphone to it, or a karaoke system is installed. You can use the special program "Karafan" or on the Internet to find a selection of the necessary backing tracks and lyrics for songs. Anyone can sing, and the audience will choose the winner.

As an option, you can offer the "Battle of the Choirs" competition with various nominations: female choir, male, children's or mixed. This type of competition at home is one of the most interesting, because everyone loves to sing, but not everyone can take the risk of performing solo, and in the choir, participants feel more relaxed.

  • Competition for the best ditty

If one of the invitees knows how to play the accordion, or there is a corresponding record, be sure to hold a ditty contest. Hand out the finished texts on the sheets of paper to the guests, while they can sing their prepared ditty at will, invented on the go. The winner will be determined by a competitive jury, which can be selected in advance. In this game, the most mischievous and resourceful performer who manages to generate the biggest burst of laughter wins.

  • Competition "Musical Hat"

The players stand in a wide circle, the host announces the rules of the game: while the music is playing, you need to have time to take off your hat and put it on the head of a neighboring player. In the case when the music stops, the one who remains in the hat is out of the game. The game continues until there is only one winner left.

  • Competition "Dancing on the newspaper"

This is a game that is always a huge success and goes with a bang at any event, and even more so at home. The participants of this fun game are couples or mothers with children. The rules are as follows: a newspaper is spread under the feet of each dancing couple, with the condition that they do not step beyond it. They turn on slow music, the couples dance, and after a while they turn on a pause - at this moment the newspaper needs to be folded in half - the dance floor should be halved. The dance continues, then the music is stopped again - the newspaper is folded in four, and so on until the most persistent and resourceful couple remains, who managed to maintain balance on a small piece of paper.

Competitions for the anniversary of a woman at home: unusual

  • Contest "Makers of desires"

The wish of the birthday girl is the law for the guests. Notes with the tasks of the hero of the day are placed in balloons and scattered around the room. These can be the most ridiculous and ridiculous requests - read a poem, sing a verse of a famous song, crow and so on.

Players catch each of their balls, then they must extract the notes, having previously burst the ball, and perform what they read in the attached sheet. The winner is chosen by the hero of the occasion.

  • Contest "Guess what's in the bag"

Any few items or items of clothing are placed in a colored bag made of not very dense material. The host offers to guess by touch what lies there. Each player who guesses correctly takes the item won. A very cool option is when the players put on what they won - it can be funny lingerie, men's family underpants.

  • Competition "Make the princess laugh"

The participants of the game are divided into two teams - the team "Ivanushki" and "Tsarevna - Nesmeyan". The first team sits on chairs - conditionally, these are princesses who take on the saddest dull look. The task of the second team is to make them laugh in any way without touching them. You can tell jokes, show pantomime, build grimaces and funny faces. Each smiling princess is out of the game. The teams can then switch roles.

All competitions are indicative, in which you can and should add your own additional nuances.

Each winner will receive a commemorative prize., let it be any pleasant trifle - a beautiful fountain pen, a chocolate medal or a badge. At the end, you can arrange a game with a super prize, in which only the winners of the previous games are eligible to participate.

The main thing in holding the anniversary evening is the resourcefulness and organization of the host of the program, the ability not to get lost in force majeure situations. It is equally important to prepare the necessary attributes for the game, provide musical accompaniment, cheer up the hero of the day and all participants in the celebration.

How to organize an anniversary for a woman: fun contests at home
Holding competitions for the anniversary of a woman at home.