Draft regulations on the title of master craftsman. Regulations for the establishment of the title of Master Craftsman

Taking part in craft workshops is a unique opportunity to learn the secrets of ancient crafts, admire the process of forging, carving and painting, making pottery, try yourself as real masters, make a souvenir with your own hands !!!

blacksmith craft

At the Kremlin's Blacksmith Yard in Izmailovo, professional blacksmiths create their amazing masterpieces, literally "reviving" the metal. Blacksmiths work in the only smithy in Moscow, which was designed, built and equipped not only as a workshop, but also as a kind of museum artistic forging... Under the strict guidance of a professional, you can make small souvenirs, for example, a coin or a real horseshoe, to hang on your door for good luck.

A visiting master class "Show of blacksmiths" is possible.


Clay is an amazing natural material that attracts not only the eye. It is no secret that many felt the desire to take clay in their hands, to feel the special plasticity, warmth of this material. However, not many people manage to realize their idea, since clay modeling is an ancient skill, with many of its secrets. Masterclass in pottery will help you to comprehend the basics of pottery. You can not only observe the work of the master, but also sit down at potter's wheelto learn how to shape and decorate pottery.

Making carved candles

Since ancient times, fire has symbolized the comfort and tranquility of the hearth. If you don't have a fireplace in your house, and you enjoy looking at the flame of the fire, you should definitely attend a unique workshop on carving candles from colored wax. In the candle workshop you can not only see how the master works, but also make a unique souvenir with your own hands, which will make the atmosphere of your home warmer and more comfortable, and meetings with family and friends unforgettable and romantic. It is possible to conduct individual master classes.

Wood carving

Among different types decorative and artistic creation woodcarving takes one of the first places. Wood is the ideal material for a craftsman.

The tree heals a person and fills him with vital energy.

The structure of the wood is pleasing and enchanting.

A person of any age is capable of mastering this art - you only need imagination and a little free time.

Painting on wood, painting on clay toys

With the passage of time, artistically processed wood, and clay products - household items, toys gradually began to be enriched with color. The reason, first of all, was the desire of the master to enrich the subject and turn it into a real masterpiece. Drawing intricate patterns is a painstaking and very exciting process, in which anyone can participate!

Gingerbread painting

It was considered a great success to receive a gingerbread with his own name as a gift. Guests of the holiday in the Izmailovo Kremlin have a real opportunity to paint a gingerbread, as well as write on it with sweet colored glaze the name of a person dear to him. Or just paint intricate patterns under the strict guidance of a pastry artist.

Since ancient times in Russia, the gingerbread was considered a symbol of prosperity, well-being, family happiness. Various miraculous and healing properties were attributed to him.


One of the primordial Russian crafts is wicker weaving, that is, weaving from a willow twig. Craftsmen have created so many things - from a mushroom basket and household baskets to traveling chests and wicker furniture. Today, alas, we see this less and less. Therefore, the master of basket weaving teaches this wonderful artistic craft according to his own method. In a master class on weaving, you will not only get acquainted with the history of weaving a willow twig, but also learn the basics of this craft.

Weaving on a loom

The loom is one of the most ancient tools of human labor, and weaving is one of the most ancient crafts. The first hand loom appeared in about 5-6 thousand years BC. e. Today the loom can be seen only in showroom... However, interest in the ancient craft does not subside, and more and more creative people are fond of hand weaving.

The master will acquaint you with the principle of the weaving machine and will help you to prepare the woven fabric yourself. With the help of a loom, you can weave a bright fabric - a rug, a tablecloth or a napkin, and much more, as long as your imagination is enough!

Master class "Patchwork doll"

A patchwork doll that is easy to manufacture and does not require expensive materials can be a wonderful gift for both children and adults. Each of us had a favorite toy, a doll ... But how many people know that a doll is the most ancient invention of mankind, and it was used not only for play, but also as a talisman protecting the baby? In peasant life, toys were made from various materials, but textiles were one of the most common. What toys can be made from a regular patch, and how is it done? Our craftswomen will tell you about this.

Bobbin lace making

From time immemorial, weaving lace has been a favorite female home handicraft. Together with our craftswomen, we try to continue this folk tradition. The emergence of Russian lace-making was associated with various cities, each of which created its own artistic style. Vologda lace, Kirov lace, Mikhailovskoe colored lace and Yelets lace differ from each other in pattern, density and color, but all lace weaving techniques are based on busting - shifting bobbins with threads wound on them in a certain order. We invite you to test yourself and try to do this exquisite handicraft.

Straw weaving

In folk art, straw is indispensable plastic material... Twisted, bent, tied in bundles of straws in the hands of craftsmen turn into dolls, figurines of animals and birds. The art of straw weaving is a rather laborious occupation, but no less exciting, requiring special knowledge of the material and mastery of it. Here you need to feel the volume, proportional ratios, be able to notice and convey characteristics Images.


Cross stitch is one of the most popular types of embroidery and is widely used by lovers of needlework. Already from the very name it is clear that the stitches that a skilled hand applies to the fabric are crosses. Cross stitching can be used to decorate clothes and its individual parts (collars, pockets, belts), table linen and household items (napkins, tablecloths, sofa pillows). Crosses look very cute on children's things, and embroidered wall panels will decorate the interior of your home. With experience, you will be able to create your own patterns, and at first you can use ready-made ones, a huge selection of which we inherited from our ancestors.


Beads are a versatile material that gives unlimited possibilities for arts and crafts. And besides traditional jewelry, bead-weavers are interested in products of a completely different theme: flowers, decorative trees, braided caskets and notepads. Any such product will be truly unique.

Painting on fabric (batik)

The technique of painting on fabric, or batik, gives unlimited possibilities for creating both small miniatures, for example, postcards, and large items - scarves, garments, etc. Panels made on fabric using the technique of "cold" or "hot" batik and framed with a mat look very attractive.

Painting on glass
Patchwork mosaic (patchwork)

Patchwork sewing is a folk applied art with rich centuries-old traditions. After all, different nations and in different times we meet products that have become real works of art. They are obtained by combining scraps of fabrics of different colors, while the scraps are in the form of geometric shapes. And nowadays such products are very popular. Having acquired the necessary work skills, you can easily create even such seemingly voluminous and time-consuming things as wall panels, quilts and bedspreads. Thus, the products from the patchwork will not only bring you concrete benefits, but also, by allowing you to express your individuality, will decorate your home, make it more comfortable and stylish. It will not be difficult to do this, the most everyday skills in sewing and knowledge of the basic techniques, with which the craftswoman introduces you, is enough.

Decorating Russian felt boots

The master teaches to decorate products made of 100% sheep wool by hand roll with beads, rhinestones, beads, crystals, fur, braid, paint felt boots acrylic paints for fabric, turning them into haute couture felt boots.

Music master class

The most fun and exciting master class in Russian folklore! You will learn truly Russian art - playing on wooden spoons, as well as popular Russian songs and dances. A unique musical instrument - you will take wooden spoons with you to surprise your friends with your skill!

The emergence of handicrafts falls on the beginning of human production activities. The rudiments have been known since ancient times

The concept of crafts

Craft is a production activity based on the manufacture of industrial objects with the help of small manual labor, which prevailed before the development of machine production and survived with it.

A person who professionally makes objects is called an artisan.

What is folk craft

Folk craft refers to items that are made using ordinary materials at hand and simple designs. Folk crafts are diverse in their creative activities, products are made by hand and most often from natural materials or close to them (wood, fabrics, metal, etc.). This type of activity developed from home craft, when the necessary household items were made. Like art, folk crafts developed depending on culture, religion and sometimes political views.

Craft history

The craft has a long history of origin. Primitive communities most often engaged in domestic crafts, making objects from stone, bone, clay, wood, etc. Household craft is the production of items needed for a household. In some places and today, this activity is of great importance.

Later people started to lead the artisans appeared. Many artisans worked on the farmlands of kings, temples, monasteries and slave owners (Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece and the countries of Mesopotamia). Initially, the artisan worked alone, but since this gave little income, the craftsmen began to unite in groups. These groups were called artels and took orders from the population. Some of the craftsmen traveled to cities and villages, while others lived and worked in one place. Trades and crafts to order gave rise to the emergence and development of cities as centers of craft work and trade. To this day, in many settlements, the names of streets have been preserved, indicating the place of work of one or another master. For example, Goncharnaya - there was organized the production of Leather - processing of leather, the production of leather products, shoe repair, Brick - the production of bricks.

A form of professional craft appeared. A new social stratum has appeared in the cities - these are urban artisans. The main branches of urban craft were: the manufacture of metal objects, cloth-making, the manufacture of glass products, etc. Urban craftsmen had such privileges as city law, craft workshops, and their own freedom.

With the arrival, many types of crafts lost their primacy in production, machines began to be used in factories and plants. Today, artisans have survived in industries that serve the personal needs of customers and in the manufacture of high-value art products (shoemakers, tailors, jewelers, artists, etc.).

The history of the development of crafts in Russia

The population of Russian cities mainly consisted of artisans. Most of them were engaged in blacksmithing. Later, from blacksmithing, metalwork was formed. Its products have enjoyed in great demand in Europe. Weapons production has allocated craftsmen for the manufacture of bows, guns, quivers, etc. The armor of Russian artisans was considered an order of magnitude higher than the Turkish, Syrian and Italian.

According to the information from the chronicle, in 1382 there were already guns in Russia. Foundry (bell casting) was formed in the 14th century. With the invasion of the Mongols, production fell into decay.

Jewelry craftsmanship served the needs of the aristocracy. The surviving items (icons, golden belts, dishes, book bindings) testify to the high professionalism of jewelry craftsmen in the field of engraving, artistic casting, forging, niello and embossing. In the 14th century, it began in several Russian principalities, which formed a monetary craft. For the market and a wide range of customers, leather, shoemaking and pottery were designed. A variety of dishes, toys and construction Materials... In addition, stone churches (mainly of white stone) were built in Moscow and other cities, and tower clocks were installed with striking.

The works of the masters made a great contribution to the restoration of the destruction after the Tatar-Mongol conquests. Russian crafts influenced the preparation of the economic prerequisites for the creation of the Russian centralized state.

Since 1917, the number of artisans in Russia has dropped sharply, they have united in industrial cooperation. However, even now, Russian crafts include several world-famous folk art crafts.

Different types and types of crafts

Crafts are formed from the material from which the item is made. For a long time, people have known such crafts as:

blacksmith craft

This is one of the first occupations that appeared in Russia. People were always surprised to see the work of a blacksmith. They could not understand how the master made such amazing objects from gray metal. For many peoples, blacksmiths were considered almost wizards.

Previously, blacksmithing required special knowledge and a specially equipped workshop with many tools. The metal was smelted from which was mined in spring and autumn. Old Russian blacksmiths made sickles, openers, scythes for farmers, and spears, swords, axes, arrows for warriors. In addition, the household always needed knives, keys and locks, needles, etc.

Nowadays, technical progress has somewhat changed and improved the blacksmith's craft, but it is still in demand. Artistic forging is used to decorate offices, apartments, country houses, parks, squares, it is especially in demand in landscape design.

Jewelry craft

Jewelry craft is one of the most ancient in the history of mankind. Products made of gold, silver and precious stones have long been considered a sign of the power and wealth of the aristocratic class. Even in the 10th - 11th centuries, jewelers were famous for their talent throughout Europe. People have been passionate admirers of jewelry for a long time. Beads were made of precious metals or colored glass, pendants with various patterns (usually animals), silver temple rings that were hung from a headdress or woven into a hairdo, rings, kolts, etc.

In the 18th century, jewelry craftsmanship flourished in Russia. It was at this time that the profession of “goldsmiths and silversmiths” began to be called “jeweler”. In the 19th century, Russian craftsmen developed their own style, thanks to which Russian jewelry remains unique today. The famous firms of the brothers Grachev, Ovchinnikov and Faberge began their work.

Today, due to the growing prosperity, the population is more and more in need of highly artistic jewelry.

Pottery craft

It is known that earthenware has been produced in Russia since the 10th century. This was done by hand, and mostly by female hands. To increase the strength and durability of the product, small shells, sand, quartz, granite, and sometimes plants and fragments of ceramics were mixed with clay.

A little later, they appeared, which made the work of potters easier. The circle was set in motion by hand and then by feet. At the same time, men began to be engaged in pottery.

Pottery reached an industrial scale in the 18th century. In St. Petersburg, and a little later in Moscow, ceramic factories appeared.

Items made by modern potters are still admired. Today pottery is a popular occupation in many regions of Russia, and the demand for ceramic products handmade is constantly increasing.

Approved at the meeting
Academic Council
Russian Academy of Crafts
June 23, 2018.
E.A. Prosvirina
Approved at the meeting
Founders of ANKhPR
___________ 2018

This provision has a number of articles based on civil legal acts RF government, ministries and departments. The Regulation has a framework branch effect and applies only to a limited number of artisans with authority and recognition, who have proven themselves in a wide range of folk crafts and trades in the Russian Federation and abroad. In some cases, the assignment of the title of Master Craftsman is allowed to persons who have an application from local Chambers of Crafts and from local regional artistic expert councils.

Conceptual apparatus.
The term "master of folk arts and crafts" is equivalent to the term "artisan". An artisan can denote a craftsman who does not necessarily possess techniques artistic craft... Therefore, usually, in relation to traditional arts and crafts, they say Master, not Artisan, adding a kind of manual labor (toy master, blacksmith master, furnace master, jeweler, ceramics master craftsman, Tiffany stained glass master craftsman, etc.)
Master craftsman - individualwhich makes products of a certain folk art craft in accordance with its traditions;
Master of folk arts and crafts - an individual performing products folk artcreating art products for utilitarian and (or) decorative purposes.

Regulations for the establishment of the title of Master Craftsman.

I. General Provisions.
Due to the lack federal law about craft activities and the absence of an authorized, authorized body conferring the title of Master Craftsman, the Russian Academy of Crafts, which has an educational license, together with the Association "Folk Arts and Crafts of Russia" establishes an expert council and a commission for awarding the title of Master Craftsman.
1.1. The regulation on the establishment of the title of Master Craftsman has been developed in accordance with the following acts:
1.1.1. Government Decree Russian Federation dated May 13, 2016 N 412 "Rules ... for the sale of products of folk art crafts.
1.1.2. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2017 N 2800-r On the action plan ("road map") for ... and the development of folk arts and crafts until 2019.
1.1.3. Appendix No. 6. Requirements approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2018 No. 67. On the support of Crafts and folk arts and crafts.
1.1.4. Law of the City of Moscow On craft activities in the city of Moscow dated April 7, 2010.
1.1.5. Regulations on the title "People's Master of the Russian Federation" dated April 02, 2002. Commission on folk art of the WTOO "SHR".
1.1.6. Law on Education of the Russian Federation No. 273-FZ.
1.1.7. Charter of NOCHU DPO RAR of a non-profit educational private institution of additional professional education Russian Academy of Crafts dated April 27, 2017.
1.1.8. Charter of the ANKhPR Association "Folk Art Crafts of Russia" dated April 27, 2004.
1.1.9. Draft Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation "On approval Model provision on the artistic expert council on folk arts and crafts "(prepared by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia on 03/28/2017)

I.2. This Regulation regulates the procedure for conferring the following industry titles: Master Craftsman of the Academy of Crafts, Master of Folk Art Crafts, Master Craftsman, Master of the Year, authoritative Master Craftsman, Metropolitan Craftsman, Best Craftsman Master, etc.
Titles, titles, regalia not prohibited by law are awarded by the decision of the expert art council from the Academic Council of the Academy of Crafts and the Association "Folk Art Crafts of Russia".

I.3. The objectives of this Regulation are:

Encouragement and stimulation of the activities of artisans of folk art crafts throughout the Russian Federation;
- preservation and development of rare and modern crafts in the broad popular masses of the Russian Federation and an increase in the artistic value of decorative works - applied arts;
- provision and creation of prerequisites and motivations for stimulation creative activity artisans and craftsmen;
- identification of talented craftsmen, stimulation of the creation of new artistic products of folk crafts;
- increasing the level of value of products of artisans;
- targeted support of artisans of folk arts and crafts.

1.4. The title of Master Craftsman is awarded for a period of five years with subsequent confirmation.

II. Procedure for conferring the title of Master Craftsman
2.1. A master craftsman is an individual who creates products of folk art crafts in accordance with the traditions of recognized artistic merit.
2.2. The title of Master Craftsman is awarded to persons exhibiting their folk art products in Mass Media.
2.3. Master craftsman has the right to carry out his activities on the terms employment contract or a civil contract with legal entities or as an Individual Entrepreneur.
2.4. A master craftsman is a one-of-a-kind performer of products, who owns the technology and secrets of the technological cycle, has a personal brand and has at least three students.
2.5. The title of Master Craftsman is assigned to persons:
- preserving the basics of traditional craftsmanship;
- creating know-how of technology for the tools and materials used, artistic and technical methods of their processing;
- passing on the skills of their mastery to other citizens.
- having an author's style in products and methods of work;
- having a high artistic level of products;
- those with at least 8 years of experience in craft activities;
2.6. To consider the submitted documents for conferring the title of Master Craftsman, a commission is created, the composition of which is approved by the Board of Trustees and Artistic Expert Council.
2.7. To consider an application for the title of Master Craftsman, the applicant submits the following materials to the Council:
- a statement on its own behalf in any form;
- a photocopy of your passport;
- application or letter of recommendation from an artist, designer, expert, in their field of art;
- a description indicating achievements, exhibitions in which the applicant for the title of Master of Craftsman took part, information about awards, incentives and other achievements in the field of folk crafts;
- personal photo (size 3 x 4 cm);
- confirmation of the presence of at least 10 creative works on CD-carriers, photo album of products (photographs measuring 9 x 12 cm),
made during the last 3 years, indicating their name and material from which they are made;
2.8. The Expert Council and the Artistic Commission, based on the results of consideration of the submitted documents, decide on the award of the title of Master Craftsman.
2.9. The registration of the issuance of certificates and the register of persons who have been awarded the title of Master Craftsman are kept in a special journal by the secretary of the commission.
2.10. After the expiration of the established period of validity, the certificate is subject to re-issuance (renewal) in accordance with the decision of the Council to confirm the title of Master Craftsman.

III. The rights and obligations of the Master Craftsman.
3.1. A master craftsman has the right, in accordance with applicable law:
- to contribute to the development, popularization, education in the field of folk arts and crafts,
- participate in exhibitions, fairs, festivals, competitions, auctions;
- be an active member of the expert and selection competitive commissions for representation;
- to exhibit their products and other results of their production and technical activities, including those created as ordered by the employer;
- for free attendance of trainings, seminars, lectures and workshops at the Russian Academy of Crafts.
- to carry out their activities and protect their copyrights at the international level in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- teach and be a trainer in trainings in their field of arts and crafts;
- for other forms of support, grant support, subsidies, subventions provided for by the current legislation.
- if a master craftsman produces unique products that require separate licensing (precious metals, fire fighting equipment, edged weapons, etc.), he submits to the Expert and Art Council a copy of the license

IV.Expert and Artistic Council.
4.1. Only full members of Guilds, Leagues, Unions, Associations, Councils related to works of decorative and applied art can be members of the Expert Art Council.
4.2. Membership and work in the Expert Council on a voluntary basis. An exception may be visiting meetings of the expert and artistic Council at the invitation of the local Chamber of Crafts or the Art Council of the Region of the Russian Federation, the expenses that are compensated by local executive authorities.
4.3. The number of members of the Council is at least three.
4.4. The secretary of the Expert Council on a voluntary basis carries out office work, accounting, registration and document flow.

Signature Secretary ______________
The chairman
Artistic Expert Council

The Russian Academy of Crafts invites everyone to receive the title of "master craftsman". Read more in the section "