Decorative painting on wood for beginners. Wood vases Forms of wood vases for painting

If the soul of your home wanted to choose a warm place for itself, it would choose a wooden vase. Products from natural wood have always been a symbol of the hearth, family peace and imperturbable happiness.

Just think about how much beauty is embodied in these small objects. Uniqueness handmade, painting, delicate design, not to mention the mighty energy of the wood vase. It contains the power of sunrises and sunsets, the magnetism of yin and yang, the beat of the sun's heart. In its magical hollowness one can hear the song of forest birds, the sound of oak groves, the echo of the winds.

For peace of mind

A wooden vase is like a grown water lily for living bouquets and fancy ikebans, it gives an elusive charm to flowers and inspires creative imagination. In its outline and drawing there is the harmony of a tree, which is more perfect than anything. Such a product brings to the house the life of the meadows, the radiance of the sea and sand, the suppleness of delicate flower stems, the scent of spring and forest.

Crafted with diligence and love, wood vases will become your family's talisman and an excellent gift - they are timeless, they love children and cats. Their secret lies in the unsinkable art of love.

The most popular among professional craftsmen are wooden blanks for vases for painting and decoupage... This is easy to explain, since a wooden vase is the easiest material to work with. Due to the porosity of its structure, it has good adhesion and lends itself easily to various decor techniques. Blanks of wood vases for painting and decoupage to wholesale from the manufacturer cheap enough that everyone can in our online store.

Joiner's wooden blanks for painting and decoupage, as a rule, are made from natural woodeither plywood high Quality... To such products, before they are in the hands of a real master, a lot of efforts are made by the joiner. In particular, the wood is carefully processed, and the workpiece itself is sawn out, collected and glued. This includes such products as - a casket, a casket, a chest, a music box, a case, a wine box, a tray, a key holder, a hanger, a box for stationery or cutlery and much more. Naturally, the cost of such blanks is much higher than others. Such wooden blanks for decoupage must be kept away from dampness and moisture.

Flat wooden blanks for painting and decoupage are made of plywood... They require minimal machining, so their price is much more affordable than the prices of the previous category. These blanks include various pendants, panels, cutting boards, frames for photos, wooden painted spoons and shovels, etc.

Wood turning blanks for decoupage and painting are also made from natural woodby grinding on a special lathe... They are round-shaped bulky wooden blanks in the form of eggs, beads, balls, nesting dolls, bracelets, wooden spoons for painting and much more.

Creative activities undoubtedly benefit the interior: on your own, you can create both original decor elements and furniture. However, it is better to start the path of needlework with the fact that you need to buy wooden blanks for painting. Also, to implement the idea, you will need acrylic paints and primer, brushes, sponges, sandpaper, as well as a little imagination. Both classical and modern options picture.

  • The surface of the vase must be prepared in advance: treated with a special degreaser, covered with acrylic primer in two layers with intermediate drying. Then the product is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper to get rid of irregularities, brush marks.
  • Now you can proceed directly to painting. Start by applying the main background on which the artistic elements (flowers, curls, dots, geometric shapes, etc.) will be located. The main thing is that the next layer of paint is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. The process is accelerated by a stream of warm air from a hair dryer.

Original ideas

Novice craftsmen should purchase compact, even wooden blanks for their debut: cutting boards, trays, saucers and plates. You can gradually move on to more complex contours, including vases, decorative barrels, boxes, accessories for storing honey and other products.

To buy wooden blanks for painting in retail and wholesale, place an order in our online store.

Hand painted and decorated vases made of glass or ceramics can be a great gift, wedding decoration or decor item for your home. Hand-painting on glass / ceramics, depending on the desired pattern and technique, can be either difficult, requiring skills, or very simple, accessible to beginners.

Master class number 1: Stylish geometry for beginners

To create such a laconic and stylish vase decor with your own hands, you do not need to be able to draw - even and neat stripes, zigzags and intersecting lines can be created using masking tape.

You will need: spray paint, acrylic or stained glass paint for glass and ceramics, a brush (a synthetic brush is suitable for acrylic paints, a natural brush for stained glass), masking tape (better of different widths), as well as nail polish remover or alcohol for surface degreasing, cotton pads and sticks.

Painting technique:

  1. We degrease a ceramic or glass vase with a cotton pad and any degreaser;
  2. As soon as the surface is dry, we glue the vase with tape according to the stencil principle, for example, as shown in these photos (scroll to the right).

Tip: a very beautiful effect can be achieved by gluing the vase with narrow tape as shown below.

  1. We put the vase on the newspaper and begin to carefully paint over the unsealed areas and the bottom, going on the tape so that the edges of the pattern on the vase are clear. In this master class, spray paint is used, but you can use acrylic or stained glass paints, as well as add contours to the drawing.
  2. Now it remains to wait for the paints to dry completely. Drying time for all paints is different, so you need to focus on the manufacturer's instructions. Spray paints dry very quickly and do not require baking, but acrylic and stained glass, as a rule, can be baked by placing the vase in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees, or let them dry naturally for 2-4 hours.

For your inspiration, we have selected the most beautiful ideas for decorating vases with your own hands using scotch tape. Take a look at the photo below - this simple decor can decorate even the most elegant wedding.

Floor vases are very large, and therefore hand-painted it is a long and laborious matter for them, but using scotch tape as a stencil, you can decorate them as quickly as possible.

Be careful when choosing paint colors. Unusual shades, such as gold, silver, copper, pastel, as well as white and black, will immediately turn an ordinary glass or ceramic vase into a designer decor item.

Master class number 2: Spot painting of a vase

For those who are not looking for easy ways and want to decorate a vase with a more complex pattern, we suggest mastering the technique of point painting, which is also called pique or point-to-point.

You will need: alcohol or acetone, cotton pads and sticks for degreasing and correcting the drawing, and for drawing, prepare high-quality contour paints, for example, from Marabu or Decola. You can also use acrylic paints and a small synthetic brush, cotton swab, or toothpick.

Painting technique:

  1. First you need to degrease the vase and wait until it dries.
  2. Spot painting masters can apply a drawing on a vase without the help of sketches, masterly improvising in the process of creativity. But for novice decorators, it is better to first outline the contours of the desired pattern.

  • You can transfer the picture to an opaque vase using a soft simple pencil: print or draw a picture in a suitable size, cut it out, and put it on another sheet of paper "face down", and then carefully paint over the wrong side of the sheet with the drawing with a pencil. Your task is to generously cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe picture with a lead. Now you should attach and secure with tape a piece of paper painted over to the inside of the vase, and then draw the outline of the drawing with the same pencil (preferably blunt) as shown in the photo on the right. Thus, a barely noticeable sketch will remain on the surface, which will facilitate your work;
  • To paint a glass vase, you just need to print or draw an auxiliary sketch by hand, and then glue it on the back.

Tip: when choosing a pattern for a transparent vase, remember that the patterns or images on its walls will intersect with each other. Therefore, it is better to place the main drawing on one side of the vase, and apply a background, that is, unobtrusive painting on the rest of it.

  1. Before you start painting vases, practice putting dots of the same size on paper, maintaining an equal interval, which should be such that the dots are distinguishable, but at the same time form a single unbroken line.

Test all the contours - they should not be thin and thick. Also prepare a needle for cleaning the tube nose and a cotton swab to correct the failed pattern.

If applying a bitmap directly from a tube seems difficult to you or if you do not have contour paints - it does not matter, use acrylic paints. Points different sizes can be put with the help of improvised means - an eraser on a pencil, a toothpick, a needle, a cotton swab, a small brush and even its blunt end as shown in the photo.

  1. When the drawing is finished, place the vase in the oven to bake according to the manufacturer's recommendations. As a rule, paints will dry completely after 24-72 hours by natural means or by baking in the oven for 30 minutes at 170 degrees (if you used baked circuits). Of course, large floor vases that do not fit in the oven need to be dried naturally.

Ideas for decorating a ceramic vase can be found in the following selection of photos.

And here are examples of spot painting on glass.

Master class number 3: Stained glass painting of a glass vase

Contours can be drawn not only in the point technique - in combination with stained glass paints, hand-painted vases can imitate stained glass.

You will need: degreaser, cotton pads and sticks, contours, stained glass paints, a natural brush, as well as an auxiliary sketch, printed or drawn by hand (if necessary).

Tip: Stained glass paints come in a variety of ways. For painting a vase, paints with alcohol or water are suitable. Also keep in mind that non-baked paints need to be fixed with a special varnish for stained glass painting. This option is more suitable for decorating a large floor vase that will not fit in the oven, in other cases it is better to buy baked paints.

Painting technique:

  1. Degrease the glass;
  2. Secure the sketch from the inside of the vase;
  3. Starting from the back of the picture, draw closed paths, adjusting the lines if necessary. Then let the contours dry for about 2 hours. A hair dryer or baking in the oven for 15 minutes (150 degrees) will help speed up the process;
  4. Now you need to fill the paths with paint, spreading it evenly with a brush. Stained glass paints are fluid and liquid - you need to get used to them. The main principles are that stained-glass paint should be in contact with the contour, and you shouldn't leave "unpainted".
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