Real estate market research example. Marketing research of the real estate market. Market opportunities and risks

1.3 Research of the real estate market. Targets and goals

The problem of studying the real estate market is an informational problem. To assess the volume and structure of housing supply, you need to obtain information on how many and what premises are on the market, how many and which ones are being prepared for commissioning, and what has already been specifically commissioned from real estate objects. According to the data on home sales, one can judge only the realized part of the demand.

The objects of market research are trends and processes of market development, including analysis of changes in economic, scientific and technical, demographic, environmental, legislative and other factors. The structure and geography of the market, its capacity, sales dynamics, market barriers, the state of competition, the current market situation, opportunities and risks are also investigated.

The main results of the study of the real estate market are forecasts of its development, assessment of market trends, identification of key success factors. The most effective ways conducting a competitive policy in the market and the possibility of entering new markets. Markets are segmented, i.e. selection of target markets and market niches. In order to make informed decisions in any market, you need to have reliable, thorough and timely information. The systematic collection, reflection and analysis of data on the problems associated with the functioning of the real estate market constitute the content of marketing research. To be effective, these studies, first, must be systematic; second, to rely on specially selected information; third, to carry out certain procedures for collecting, summarizing, processing and analyzing data; fourth, use tools specially designed for analysis purposes. Thus, marketing activities are based on special market research and the collection of information necessary for their implementation. Streams of this information are ordered by specific research procedures and methods. Let's dwell on the most important objects of the real estate market research.

Real estate market conditions and forecasting

The general goal of market research is to determine the conditions under which the most complete satisfaction of the population's demand for goods of this type is ensured and the preconditions for the effective sale of manufactured housing are created. In accordance with this, the primary task of studying the real estate market is to analyze the current ratio of supply and demand, i.e. market conditions. Market situation is a set of conditions under which activity in the market is currently taking place. It is characterized by a certain ratio of supply and demand for real estate, as well as the level and ratio of prices.

Gathering information is the most important stage in studying market conditions. There is no single source of information about the market situation, which would contain all the information about the processes under study. The research uses different types of information obtained from different sources. Distinguish information: general, commercial, special.

General information includes data characterizing the market situation as a whole in relation to the development of the industry. The sources of its receipt are data of state and industry statistics, official forms of accounting and reporting.

Commercial information - data extracted from the business documentation of the enterprise, on sales issues from partners in the form of information exchange. These include: applications and orders construction organizations; market research services materials (materials on sales movement, market surveys, etc.).

Special information represents data obtained as a result of special events on market research (surveys of the population, buyers, experts, sales exhibitions, business meetings), as well as materials from research organizations. Special information is especially valuable because it contains information that cannot be obtained in any other way. Therefore, when studying market conditions, special attention should be paid to obtaining extensive specialized information.

When studying market conditions, the task is not only to determine the state of the market at one time or another, but also to predict the likely nature of its further development for at least one or two quarters, but no more than one and a half years, that is, forecasting.

Market forecast is a scientific prediction of the prospects for the development of demand, product supply and prices, carried out within the framework of a certain methodology, based on reliable information, with an assessment of its possible error. The forecast is based on taking into account the patterns and tendencies of its development, the main factors that determine this development, adherence to strict objectivity, conscientiousness in assessing the data and forecasting results. The development of a market forecast has four stages: establishing the forecasting object; choice of forecasting method; forecast development process; estimation of forecast accuracy.

Establishing the object of forecasting is the most important stage of scientific foresight. In practice, the concepts of sale and demand, supply and supply of goods, market prices and sales prices are often identified.

Under certain conditions, such substitutions are possible, but with appropriate reservations and subsequent adjustments to the results of forecast calculations. The choice of the forecasting method depends on the purpose of the forecast, the period of its lead, the level of detail and the availability of initial (basic) information.

The process of developing a forecast consists in performing calculations, performed either manually or using computer programs with the subsequent adjustment of their results at a qualitative, professional level. Estimation of forecast accuracy is performed by calculating its possible errors. Therefore, the forecast results are practically given in interval form.

Market forecasts are classified according to several criteria. According to the lead time, the following are distinguished: short-term forecasts (from several days to 2 years); medium-term forecasts (from 2 to 7 years); long-term forecasts (over 7 years). They differ not only in the lead period, but also in the level of detail and the forecasting methods used.

By the essence of the methods used, groups of forecasts are distinguished, the basis of which is: extrapolation of a number of dynamics; interpolation of a series of dynamics - finding the missing members of a dynamic series within it; coefficients of elasticity of demand; structural modeling is a statistical table containing a grouping of consumers according to the most essential feature, where the structure of consumption of goods is given for each group. When the structure of consumers changes, both average consumption and demand change.

On this basis, one of the forecasting methods is built: expert judgment. This method is used in markets for new products when basic information has not yet formed, or in markets for traditional products that for a long time have not been investigated. It is based on a survey of experts - competent specialists; economic and mathematical modeling.

The results of the analysis of the predicted indicators of the market conjuncture in combination with the reporting and planned data make it possible to develop in advance measures aimed at the development of positive processes, the elimination of existing ones and the prevention of possible imbalances and can be provided in the form of various analytical documents.

1. Summary overview - a document summarizing market indicators. The dynamics of general economic and sectoral indicators, special conditions of the conjuncture are analyzed. A retrospective is carried out and a forecast of the market indicators is given, the most characteristic trends are highlighted, and the relationship between the conjuncture of individual real estate markets is revealed.

2. Thematic overview of the market situation. Documents reflecting the specifics of a particular market. The most pressing problems, typical for a number of objects, or the problem of a specific real estate market are identified.

3. Operational market information. A document containing operational information on individual processes of the market conjuncture. The main sources of operational information are data from population surveys, expert assessments of specialists.

Market volume

The main task of real estate market research is to determine the market capacity. Market capacity is the aggregate effective demand of buyers; possible annual sales of real estate at the current average price level. Market capacity depends on the degree of development of a given market, elasticity of demand, changes in economic conditions, price levels, quality and advertising costs. Market capacity is characterized by the size of the population's demand and the amount of supply in the real estate market. At each moment of time, the market has a quantitative and qualitative certainty, i.e. its volume is expressed in value and natural indicators of the objects being sold and purchased.

It is necessary to distinguish between two levels of market capacity: potential and real. The real capacity of the market is the first level. The potential level is determined by personal and social needs and reflects the volume of implementation adequate to them. In marketing, the term market potential is also used. The real capacity of the market may not correspond to its potential capacity. The calculation of market capacity should be spatio-temporal.

The market capacity is formed under the influence of many factors, each of which can, in certain situations, both stimulate the market and restrain its development, limiting its capacity. The entire set of factors can be divided into two groups: general and specific. Common are socio-economic factors that determine the size of the market: the volume and structure of supply, including by representative enterprises; the range and quality of the premises provided; the achieved standard of living and the needs of the population; purchasing power of the population; the level of the ratio of prices for goods; population; its social and age and gender composition; the degree of market saturation; geographical location of the market.

Specific factors determine the development of markets for individual objects, and each market may have specific factors only for it. In this case, a specific factor in terms of the degree of influence may be decisive for the formation and development of demand and supply for a particular housing. The set of factors that determine the development of supply and demand are in a complex dialectical relationship. A change in the actions of some factors causes a change in the action of others. A feature of some factors is that they cause changes in both the total capacity and the structure of the market, while others are that they, without changing the total market capacity, cause its changes. In the process of market research, it is necessary to explain the mechanism of action of the system of factors and measure the results of their influence on the volume and structure of supply and demand.

The identification of cause-and-effect relationships in the studied market is carried out on the basis of systematization and analysis of data. Systematization of data consists in building grouped and analytical tables, time series of analyzed indicators, graphs, diagrams, etc. This is a preparatory stage for analyzing information for its quantitative and qualitative assessment... Processing and analysis is carried out using well-known methods, namely grouping, index and graphical methods, construction and analysis of time series. Causal relationships and dependencies are established as a result of correlation-regressive analysis of time series.

Ultimately, a description of the cause-and-effect relationships caused by the interaction of various factors will allow us to build a development model in the market and determine its capacity. The market development model is a conditional reflection of reality and schematically expresses the internal structure and causal relationships of a given market. It allows using a system of indicators in a simplified form to characterize the qualitative uniqueness of the development of all the main elements of the market at the present stage and at a given period of time in the future. The formalized model of market development represents a system of equations covering its main indicators. For each market, the system can have a different number of equations and indicators, but in any case, it must include supply and demand equations.

Accordingly, there are three complementary ways of developing a forecast.

Questioning - identification of the opinions of the population, experts in order to obtain estimates of a predictive nature. Methods based on questionnaires are used in cases where, for a number of reasons, the patterns of development of the process cannot be reflected by the formal apparatus, when the necessary data are not available.

1 Extrapolation - continuation into the future of the tendencies of processes, reflected in the form of time series and their indicators, based on the developed models of the regressive type. Extrapolation methods are usually used in cases where information about the past is available in sufficient quantity and stable trends are identified. This option is based on the hypothesis that the prevailing trends will continue in the future. Such a forecast for forecasting is called genetic and involves the study of econometric models.

2 Analytical modeling - building and using a model that reflects the internal and external relations in the course of market development. This group of methods is used when information about the past is minimal, but there are some hypothetical ideas about markets that allow us to develop its model and, on this basis, assess the future state of the market, and reproduce alternative options for its development. This approach to forecasting is called targeted.

The result of the work on determining the market capacity should be an overview of the state of the market and its factors, as well as a forecast of market development, taking into account the trends of changes in the influencing internal and external factors.

Market segmentation

Any market from the point of view of marketing consists of buyers who differ from each other in their tastes, desires and needs. The main thing is that they all buy goods for different reasons. Therefore, you need to understand that with a variety of demand, and even in a competitive environment, each individual will react differently to the proposed real estate. It is very difficult to satisfy the needs of all consumers without exception, because they have certain differences in needs. For example, a number of consumers prefer elite apartments and are ready to pay the corresponding price, while others have the opportunity to purchase housing with acceptable consumer characteristics at a low price.

In-depth market research suggests the need to consider it. In this regard, when planning your business, it is necessary to consider the market as a differentiated structure depending on consumer groups and consumer properties, which in a broad sense defines the concept of market segmentation.

Market segmentation is, on the one hand, a method for finding parts of the market and determining the objects to which the marketing activities of enterprises are directed. On the other hand, it is a management approach to the process of making an enterprise decisions on the market, the basis for choosing the right combination of marketing elements. Segmentation is carried out in order to maximize customer satisfaction, as well as rationalize the costs of the construction company for the development of a construction program and the commissioning of finished premises.

The objects of segmentation are, first of all, consumers. Highlighted in a special way, having certain common features, they constitute a market segment. Segmentation refers to the division of the market into segments that differ in their parameters or in response to certain types of activities in the market (advertising, marketing methods). Despite the possibility of segmenting the market for various objects, the main focus in marketing is on finding homogeneous groups of consumers who have similar preferences and respond in the same way to marketing proposals.

Segmentation is not a purely mechanical process. To be effective, it must be carried out taking into account certain criteria and characteristics. A criterion is a way of assessing the justification for choosing a particular market segment for a particular enterprise, and a feature is a way of identifying a segment in the market.

Among the disadvantages of segmentation should be called the high costs associated, for example, with additional market research, with the preparation of options marketing programs, providing appropriate packaging, using different distribution methods.

Segmentation has advantages and disadvantages, but it is impossible to do without it, since in a modern economy every product can be successfully sold only to certain market segments, but not to the entire market.

Signs for market segmentation: geographic, demographic, socio-economic, psychographic, behavioral.

Geographic segmentation involves breaking down the market into different geographic units: state, states, regions, counties, cities, communities, as well as the size of the region, density and population, climatic conditions, remoteness from the manufacturer. This feature was used in practice earlier than others, which was due to the need to determine the space of the enterprise. Its use is necessary when the market has climatic differences between regions or features of cultural, national, historical traditions. A firm may decide to act in one or more geographic areas or in all areas, but subject to differences in needs and preferences defined by geography.

Demographic segmentation involves breaking down the market into groups based on demographic variables such as gender, age, family size, stage life cycle families, income level, occupation, education, religious beliefs, race and nationality. Demographic variables are the most popular factors used to differentiate consumer groups. One of the reasons for this popularity is that needs and preferences, as well as the intensity of consumption, are often closely related precisely to demographic characteristics. Another reason is that demographic characteristics are easier to measure than most other types of variables. Even in cases where the market is not described from a demographic point of view (for example, based on personality types), it still needs to be done with demographic parameters.

Psychographic segmentation. In psychographic segmentation, buyers are subdivided into groups based on social class, lifestyle and personality characteristics. Members of the same demographic group may have completely different demographic profiles.

Behavioral segmentation. In segmentation based on behavioral characteristics, buyers are divided into groups depending on their knowledge, relationships, the nature of the use of the product and the reaction to this product. Market actors consider behavioral variables to be the most appropriate basis for shaping market segments.

After dividing the market into separate segments, it is necessary to assess the degree of attractiveness and decide how many segments the company should target, in other words, select target market segments and develop a marketing strategy.

Target segment - one or more segments selected for marketing activities enterprises. At the same time, the company must, taking into account the chosen goals, determine the strengths of competition, the size of markets, relations with sales channels, profit and its image of the company.

Market segments in which the company has secured a dominant and stable position are usually called market niches. The creation and strengthening of a market niche, including by finding market windows, is ensured only through the use of market segmentation methods. After determining the target market segment, the company must study the properties and image of competitors' real estate and assess the position of its object on the market.

Competition and market barriers

In a market economy, firms operate in a competitive environment. When studying consumers, you shouldn't forget about your competitors. The main task of competitor research is to obtain the necessary data to ensure a competitive advantage in the market, as well as to find opportunities for cooperation and cooperation with potential competitors.

To this end, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, it is necessary to first answer the following questions:

· Who are the main competitors of your company?

· What is the market share of your firm and its main competitors?

· What is the competitors' strategy?

· What methods are used by competitors in the struggle for the market?

What is financial condition competitors?

· Organizational structure and the management of competitors?

· What is the effectiveness of competitors' marketing programs (product, price, sales and promotion, communication)?

· What is the likely reaction of competitors to your firm's marketing program?

· What stage of the life cycle are your product and competitor's product at?

The first stage of the study competitive environment is an assessment of the characteristics of the market in which the firm operates or intends to operate. Next, you should study who the real or potential competitor is. A competitor is an important element of the infrastructure of the marketing system that influences the marketing strategy of a firm in relation to goods, suppliers, intermediaries, buyers. Researching competitors' positions covers a wide range of issues and requires the involvement of a significant amount of information. It is advisable to analyze the characteristics of the main competitors in the following sections: market, product, prices, product promotion on the market, organization of sales and distribution.

The study of the competitive environment requires systematic observation of the main competitors, not losing sight of potential competitors. It is advisable to accumulate the obtained information in data banks. Analysis of information allows specialists to derive reasonable estimates for each factor of competition and to characterize the general position of the company in the market in relation to its main competitors.

Market opportunities and risks

Any company must be able to identify emerging market opportunities. The search for market opportunities is made after assessing the potential of the enterprise and takes into account the real possibilities of the latter.

Unmet market needs are the basis of market opportunities for an enterprise. In a situation where the buyer is completely satisfied with the supplier's services, the offer to him of similar goods on similar conditions by another company will not be successful. At the same time, in this situation, the buyer may have unmet needs for a higher-quality object, more favorable conditions, and a more voluminous service. The identification of such needs is carried out by building hypotheses: previous experience of the leader or consultant; proposals of the company's personnel; experience of partners and contractors of the enterprise; competitors' innovations.

The task at this stage of developing strategies is to build as many hypotheses as possible. The main method of obtaining materials at the enterprise and from its partners is a free interview, in which the interlocutors are encouraged to express any, even the most "crazy" ideas. Having chosen a segment, the firm must study all the offers that are currently on a particular segment. Further, it is necessary to provide the object with no doubt, clearly different from others, a desirable place in the market and in the minds of target consumers. This is called market positioning. Having made a positioning decision, the firm is ready to begin planning the details of the marketing mix.

Analyzing marketing opportunities, selecting target markets, developing a marketing mix and implementing it require auxiliary marketing management systems. In particular, the firm must have systems for marketing information, marketing planning, marketing service organization and marketing control.

When establishing entrepreneurial risk, the concepts are distinguished: "Expense", "Losses", "Losses". Any entrepreneurial activity is inevitably associated with costs, while losses occur at an unfavorable place of coincidence of circumstances, miscalculations and represent additional costs in excess of those planned. This characterizes the category "risk" from the qualitative point of view, but creates the basis for translating the concept of "entrepreneurial risk" into a quantitative one. Indeed, risk is the danger of losing resources or income. In relative terms, the risk is defined as the amount of possible losses, referred to some base, in the form of which it is most convenient to take either the state of the enterprise or total costs resources for this type of business.

Chapter 2. Research of the real estate market of the Republic of Khakassia

In order to study the real estate market, it is necessary to carry out the following measures: it is necessary to assess the volume and structure of the supply of this product, the volume and structure of demand for it and compare these values \u200b\u200bby this level prices. Then you need to calculate the dependence of demand and supply of goods on the price and select such a level at which demand and supply will be balanced. It is possible to ensure a balance between supply and demand due to changes in the latter in one direction or another.

The market research problem is an information problem. To assess the volume and structure of the offer, you need to get information about how many and what objects are on the market, how many and what objects are being prepared for implementation and what is already being implemented specifically. According to the data on the sale of real estate objects, one can judge only the realized part of the demand.

The objects of market research are trends and processes of market development, including analysis of changes in economic, scientific and technical, demographic, environmental, legislative and other factors. The structure and geography of the market, its capacity, sales dynamics, market barriers, the state of competition, the current market situation, opportunities and risks are also investigated. The main results of market research are forecasts of its development, assessment of market trends, identification of key success factors. The most effective ways of conducting competition policy in the market and opportunities for entering new markets are determined. Markets are segmented, i.e. selection of target markets and market niches.

In order to make informed decisions in any market, it is necessary to have reliable, thorough and timely information. The systematic collection, reflection and analysis of data on the problems associated with the functioning of the market constitute the content of marketing research. To be effective, these studies, first, must be systematic; second, to rely on specially selected information; third, to carry out certain procedures for collecting, summarizing, processing and analyzing data; fourth, use tools specially designed for analysis purposes. Thus, marketing activities are based on special market research and the collection of information necessary for their implementation.

Streams of this information are ordered by specific research procedures and methods. Let's dwell on each object of market research.

Market conditions

The general goal of market research is to determine the conditions under which the most complete satisfaction of the population's demand for goods of this type is ensured and the prerequisites for the effective sale of manufactured products are created. In accordance with this, the primary task of market research is to analyze the current ratio of supply and demand, i.e. market conditions. Market conjuncture is a set of conditions under which activity in the market is currently taking place. It is characterized by a certain ratio of supply and demand for goods of this type, as well as the level and ratio of prices.

Three levels of market research are considered: general economic, sectoral and commodity.

An integrated approach to the study of market conditions involves:

· Use of various, complementary sources of information;

· Combination of retrospective analysis with the forecast of buyers, characterizing the market conditions;

· Application of a set of various methods of analysis and forecasting.

Gathering information is the most important stage in studying market conditions. There is no single source of information about the market situation, which would contain all the information about the processes under study. The research uses different types of information obtained from different sources. Distinguish information: general, commercial, special.

General information includes data characterizing the market situation as a whole, in relation to the development of the industry or this production. The sources of its receipt are data of state and industry statistics, official forms of accounting and reporting.

Commercial information is data extracted from the business documentation of the enterprise, on the sale of manufactured products and received from partners in the course of information exchange. These include:

· Applications and orders of trade organizations;

· Materials of market research services of enterprises, organizations and trade institutions (materials on the movement of goods in wholesale and retail organizations, market surveys, proposals for the current replacement of the range, etc.).

Special information represents data obtained as a result of special events for market research (surveys of the population, buyers, trade and industry specialists, experts, sales exhibitions, business meetings), as well as materials from research organizations.

Special information is especially valuable because it contains information that cannot be obtained in any other way. Therefore, when studying market conditions, special attention should be paid to obtaining extensive specialized information.

When studying market conditions, the task is not only to determine the state of the market at one time or another, but also to predict the likely nature of its further development for at least one or two quarters, but no more than one and a half years, that is, forecasting.

Market forecast is a scientific prediction of the prospects for the development of demand, product supply and prices, carried out within the framework of a certain methodology, based on reliable information, with an assessment of its possible error.

The market forecast is based on taking into account the patterns and trends of its development, the main factors that determine this development, adherence to strict objectivity and scientific conscientiousness when evaluating data and forecasting results.

In general, the development of a market forecast has four stages: the establishment of the forecast object; choice of forecasting method; forecast development process; assessment of forecast accuracy;

Establishing the object of forecasting is the most important stage of scientific foresight. For example, in practice, the concepts of sale and demand, supply and supply of goods, market prices and sales prices are often identified.

Under certain conditions, such substitutions are possible, but with appropriate reservations and subsequent adjustment of the results of forecast calculations.

The choice of the forecasting method depends on the purpose of the forecast, the period of its lead, the level of detail and the availability of the initial (basic) information. If a forecast of the possible sale of a product is made to determine the prospects for the development of a retail trade network, then coarser, evaluative forecasting methods can be used. If it is performed to justify the purchase of specific goods for the next month, then more accurate methods should be used.

The process of developing a forecast consists in carrying out calculations, followed by adjusting their results at a qualitative, professional level.

Estimation of forecast accuracy is performed by calculating its possible errors. Therefore, forecast results are almost always given in interval form. Market forecasts are classified according to several criteria.

According to the lead time, the following are distinguished: short-term forecasts (from several days to 2 years); medium-term forecasts (from 2 to 7 years); long-term forecasts (over 7 years). Naturally, they differ not only in the lead period, but also in the level of detail and the forecasting methods used.

Market forecasts are distinguished by product characteristics: a specific product, types of goods, a product group, a complex of goods, all goods.

On a regional basis, market forecasts are made for: specific consumers, administrative regions, large regions, a country, the world.

By the essence of the methods used, groups of forecasts are distinguished, the basis of which is: extrapolation of a number of dynamics; interpolation of a series of dynamics - finding the missing members of a dynamic series within it; coefficients of elasticity of demand; structural modeling is a statistical table containing a grouping of consumers according to the most essential feature, where the structure of consumption of goods is given for each group. Expert review. This method is used in markets for new products, when basic information has not yet been formed, or in markets for traditional products that have not been researched for a long time. It is based on a survey of experts - sufficiently competent specialists; economic and mathematical modeling.

The results of the analysis of the predicted indicators of the market conjuncture in combination with the reporting and planned data make it possible to develop in advance measures aimed at the development of positive processes, the elimination of existing ones and the prevention of possible imbalances and can be provided in the form of various analytical documents.

· Summary overview, or report. The main document with generalized indicators of the market, consumer goods. The dynamics of general economic and sectoral indicators, special conditions of the conjuncture are analyzed. A retrospective is carried out and a forecast of market indicators is given, the most characteristic trends are highlighted, and the interconnections of the conjuncture of individual markets are revealed.

· Thematic (problem or product) overview of the market situation. Documents reflecting the specifics of a specific situation or a separate market. The most pressing problems, typical for a number of products, or the problem of a specific product market are identified.

· Operational (signal) market information. A document containing operational information, which is a kind of "signal" about individual processes of the market conjuncture. The main sources of operational information are data from trade correspondents, population surveys, expert assessments of specialists.

Marketing research real estate market

Marketing remains one of the most popular ways to generate additional income. In terms of marketing promotion, one of the most difficult market segments is real estate. The reasons for the difficulty with the use of marketing tools are a whole range of problems, ranging from the specifics of the sale of expensive goods and services of durable use to high competition in the sales segment. Nowadays, it is relevant to use a "creative", non-standard approach in promotion, events are used that can not only generate a stream, but, for example, position the project. Also, promotional events, sponsorship, sale of advertising opportunities are still effective.

In the real estate market today, to one degree or another, all sellers use four important components of competent product promotion:

1) informing the client about the offer;

2) formation of understanding of the proposal;

3) customer engagement;

4) building trust in the seller

True, an integrated marketing approach based on working out all the components is not observed in the overwhelming majority of cases. But what is always present is the same type of advertising modules with the facades of the object being sold, its characteristics and the area cut into it for sale, and the seller's contact information.

Today, marketing in the real estate market tries to convey the same values \u200b\u200bto the client, uses the same messages: the beauty of architecture, the view from the window, the infrastructure of the object, etc. To be successful, today the marketing of the real estate market needs a thoughtful attitude to the product, clear architecture brand, and benefits for the client (what makes a product useful and interesting to the manufacturer, the product is profitable, interesting and useful to the buyer, only then it will be possible to talk about certain promotion options. Clear "answers" to questions of future customers - this distinguishes marketing from production. Marketing Analysis market includes the following tasks:

Description of the promoted object (service)

Description of the boundaries of the location (micro area)

Study of the offer of analog objects

Study of the economic forecast for the neighborhood

Study of market entities (competitors)

Study of effective demand

Forecasting sales volume at various advertising costs

Marketing of real estate, as a type of product, implies the organization and implementation of activities to increase the attractiveness of a property in the eyes of the target group for which it is intended after commissioning. To provide effective advertising real estate in modern conditions is clearly not enough of a standard set of marketing activities. Moreover, with a professional approach, marketing is applied from the very beginning of work on the creation of real estate objects and continues throughout the entire life cycle of the object.

Real estate is a special category of goods and its main feature is its demand. Demand, as a rule, always exceeds supply, so real estate is always in value. It may seem that special original marketing moves are not required for promotion in this case. However, the situation changes radically if you carry out an elementary segmentation of the real estate market and look at it from the inside. In each sector, whether it is an apartment in a panel typical building, in a high-rise, vacation home, townhouse or penthouse with an individual layout, its prices and its own competition, and the requirements for the quality of marketing tools, despite the apparent prosperity, are increasing every day.

The marketing task of a real estate seller is no different from the algorithm of any other marketing campaign. It is necessary to determine how the potential buyer sees the object and try to implement this vision in the project as accurately as possible. Of course, the field for creativity is huge, there are a great many ideas and algorithms for solving problems, but it is necessary to determine exactly the option that will lead to guaranteed success and increase the number of sales.

The situation in the real estate market contributes to the improvement of marketing and forces builders, developers, realtors to be more and more inventive in the methods of implementing their projects. Any company operating in the real estate market is actively trying to entice buyers from its competitors, using the latest advertising technologies and new approaches to solving even the simplest problems. For example, for a profitable presentation of a residential complex, it is better to use aerial photography - this will allow you to see the new quarter from a bird's eye view, to evaluate in a different way not only the appearance, but also the infrastructure of the area. Competition requires not only maximum optimization of real estate advertising, but also the creation of more and more creative ideas that are more effective in influencing the target audience.

In this regard, branding and public relations (PR) are becoming more and more important tools in real estate marketing.

Progressive technologies of branding and naming allow the creation of new companies-brands and brand projects. Many companies conduct serious research on the creation and promotion of the brand name, corporate identity, slogan, logo, on the compilation of a brand book, the development of presentation and souvenir products. In order to capitalize and attract investors, serious work is being carried out on rebranding, renaming and restyling not only to promote real estate, construction, development companies, but also to promote individual projects.

Branding and naming residential complexes, shopping and business centers, as well as individual houses is an almost mandatory attribute of promoting and stimulating sales in real estate. A good brand name for a property not only has a significant impact on sales, but also makes it easier for sellers and buyers to communicate. New objects do not receive their permanent addresses immediately, and sometimes, even during construction, the numbering of houses changes. The original brand name allows the realtor to start an advertising campaign for the sale from the very beginning of construction and avoid misunderstandings with potential buyers.

The real estate market is a very financially intensive sphere of economic activity, so real estate advertising becomes more effective not only due to the branding component, but also due to the reputation element of PR (Public Relations). Reputational attributes of brands, creative solutions and trusting relationships are actively involved in the promotion of real estate objects. Of the PR directions, investor relations (IR - Investment Relations) and relations with government structures (GR - Government Relations) are of no small importance. Large and many medium-sized development companies are actively working with large investors and government agencies, which is very important for influencing federal and regional financial flows.

Creative PR is of great importance for real estate advertising. However, creativity is only valuable if it helps sell. Even the most original ideas, strategies, divinely beautiful designs will be useless if they do not correspond to the market situation and psychographic characteristics target audience... And, on the contrary, an advertising creative that most fully, emotionally and convincingly conveys an advertising message to a consumer, significantly saves money on advertising.

The use of modern real estate market operators marketing technologies led to the emergence of a range of services provided by real estate firms. The breadth of the range of services, whether legal registration transactions, real estate appraisal, transactions with securities, or the development of investment projects and management systems depends on the strategy and specialization of the realtor. Along with highly specialized companies, there are also those that seek to constantly diversify their activities.

Many of these companies have specialized marketing departments and departments. They develop advertising concepts for real estate objects and study the target audience, determining the optimal marketing communications for the implementation of advertising campaigns.

Real estate advertising consists of two parts - creating a creative and placing on advertising media. The most effective carriers of real estate advertising are television, outdoor advertising, print media and the Internet.

The realization of advertising goals obliges everyone structural units enterprises to act in conjunction. When developing a plan for advertising, there are major and minor goals. The main goal must be formulated in writing, so that, if necessary, gradually clarify it, avoiding mistakes. Without a clearly defined goal, it is impossible to successfully carry out advertising activities and accurately determine its result. The purpose of promotional activities can be short-term, medium-term and long-term. Defining a goal is time consuming, complex and almost always not completely achievable. The set goal must be real, achievable in a certain time frame and by certain means. Goal setting eliminates errors in the creation and distribution of advertising media. It is a reference point for each performer, opens up the necessary scope for his creative initiative. Depending on supply and demand, the plan provides for promotional activities for a specific product or service.

In developed countries, firms plan promotional activities after developing their annual budget. A wide range of advertising services from various agencies and firms allows you to carry out almost any intention in this area. Unfortunately, this form is not always acceptable for Russian entrepreneurs, since planning the annual budget in small enterprises is not always possible due to the instability of the economic situation and constant changes in laws and taxes. In addition, there are difficulties in the production and placement of advertising. In this regard, it is advisable to carry out advertising planning in four stages.

At the first stage, it is advisable to involve the heads of the main departments in drawing up an advertising plan with the direct participation of a representative of the advertising department, if any. First, a list of goods or services that require advertising is determined.

At the second stage of planning for each product or service, the types of advertising goals are determined, as well as the media and the timing of advertising in them. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of producing additional advertising materials for this event. It is advisable to define several options for advertising in the media (main and several backup). Then the advertising department or advertising specialist is entrusted with the preparation of information about publications, mass media, the approximate volume of messages, their cost and distribution times. Based on the information received, specific publications, media outlets, the timing of advertising messages are specified, determined, and their costs are calculated. All the work done allows you to form a draft advertising plan.

At the third stage, the real dimensions are determined moneythat can be used for advertising. Depending on the allocated funds, the draft plan is adjusted. If not enough funds are allocated, then in the plan you can change the frequency of advertising, reduce the publication area or change the edition, broadcast time of the advertising message, etc.

At the fourth stage of planning, the final coordination of the need for advertising with the real possibilities for certain period (quarter, year). It is better to develop a plan for the year, because it gives a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe needs of the company in advertising, plays a positive role in the receipt of proposals for advertising from the media or exhibition committees. In this case, it takes a minimum of time to assess the need for the proposed promotion. If the company has not developed an advertising plan, then, as a rule, random selection and random placement of advertising is made, which reduces its effectiveness and increases advertising costs.

The goals of the RC can be very diverse:

¨ introduction of new goods and services into the market;

¨ stimulating the sale of goods or increasing the volume of sales of services;

¨ switching demand from some goods (services) to others;

¨ creation of a favorable image of the enterprise (firm) and goods;

¨ ensuring the stability of the ideas of buyers and partners about a product or an enterprise (firm).

The duration of the campaign depends on the goal, the characteristics of the advertising object, and the scale of the campaign. Advertising campaign development includes:

1. Analysis of the situation

¨ a brief description of the current position of the goods

¨ brief description of target markets

¨ objectives of market activity

¨ what we want to achieve in relation to consumer awareness

a) The concept of the product (the set of useful qualities of the product from the point of view of the consumer)

Degree and type of involvement

b) Target audiences



c) Mass media (media)

Traditional (principles of working with the media, characteristics of the selected media)

Content elements

motto and text (structure, argumentation, image)

Art elements

visual (in ads, videos, points of sale)

Real estate merchandising is one of the methods of promotion and involves organizing displays at the facility, as well as methods of visualizing its advantages, starting with the visual appeal of the facility. To create a positive impression for a potential client, demo models of the object, floor plans, interactive models of the premises are created. Handouts, brochures, video presentations contain specific features of the object, a description of its competitive advantages, commercial terms and all the necessary information for brokers and buyers. These advertising materials have a single style, logo, common theme and create a positive image of the object and its seller.

Effective complex use of various marketing activities, including PR, real estate advertising and merchandising, allows you to achieve significant results in the development and implementation of the project. An integrated approach to real estate marketing is focused not only on the profitable sale of goods, but also aims to improve the culture of the consumer, his level of knowledge about the object, and provides the client with increased psychological comfort when making a transaction. These are the main prospects for the development of real estate marketing.

In real estate, one can distinguish three main lines of research:

  • Research / reviews of the market as a whole, or its individual segments
  • Research of construction projects (objects, territories, etc.) in all segments of the real estate market
  • Research and analysis of existing / operating real estate objects from each of the segments

Real estate market research, mainly carried out three different methods:

1. Market research using classic desk research methods.
2. Market research by conducting expert interviews.
3. Research of potential consumers (usually carried out in relation to any specific property in order to clarify its consumer characteristics or assess its market demand).

From its work, ANTEMA company focuses on the complex application of all three research methods, in relation to each specific project or segment of the real estate market.

The analysis appears in the form of three interdependent studies that confirm and complement each other, which gives the owner / investor the most complete picture of the market of the real estate segment of interest and market prospects.

The main research work carried out by the specialists of the Antema Company:

1. Definition and analysis of zones of influence of projects / real estate objects

  • main transport routes
  • main settlements
  • determination of the density and number of population in the zone of influence

2. Analysis of projects / real estate and location

2.1 Analysis of the physical characteristics of projects / properties. Factors limiting the potential use of the Site:

  • site relief
  • shape of the plot where the project / property is located
  • Availability and characteristics of access roads
  • the presence of natural and man-made objects on the site / as part of projects / objects restricting use
  • provision of communications
  • town planning restrictions (height, red lines, view lines, etc.)

2.2 Analysis of existing projects / real estate objects:

  • determination of basic consumer characteristics
  • determination of the main quality and technical characteristics
  • definition of the class of the project / property

2.3 Analysis of transport, pedestrian and visual accessibility

2.4 Measurement of road and pedestrian traffic on adjacent highways in order to determine the volume of the potential target audience for commercial construction projects.

2.5 Analysis of the immediate environment of projects / real estate objects. Characteristics of the surrounding buildings:

  • survey and description of the existing environment
  • planned residential and commercial construction
  • road construction
  • analysis of plans for the development and reconstruction of objects in the immediate environment based on information about the available initial permits, media information and other open sources, expert interviews

3. Analysis of different segments of the real estate market

3.1 Analysis of all segments of the real estate market of the location area, development trends:

  • collection and analysis of information about the existing offer, characteristics and classification of the proposed objects
  • projects under construction, projects presented on the open market
  • level of rental rates and sale prices, vacant space (expert assessment)

4. Analysis of the best use of projects / real estate objects and development of an integrated concept for the development of the analyzed territory as a whole

4.1 Identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of various uses of the Site

4.2 Analysis of the compatibility of different uses of the Site

4.3 Formation of the concept of the development of the Site based on the best use

4.5 Determination of the maximum output of areas of various functional purposes, the balance of the territory

4.6 Characteristics of potential buyers / tenants

4.7 Formation of forecast rental rates / sales prices for future premises in accordance with the developed concept.

5. Expert interviews with leading players in the real estate market in the studied market segments

  • classification of the studied segments of the real estate market of the location area
  • expert assessment of market volumes in the studied segments
  • promising areas of new construction, areas of mass development
  • large implemented and planned projects announced on the market
  • expert assessment of the location and types of properties recommended for construction
  • expert model of an object - type of property for each of the segments, volume

6. Conducting surveys of potential consumers in all studied market segments

  • Survey of potential consumers to determine the potential target audience based on the concept
  • Survey of potential consumers to determine the main points / places of concentration of the target audience
  • Preparing and conducting mass surveys of potential target audience
  • Processing and analysis of the obtained results

7. Carrying out pre-brokerage of retail and entertainment space for commercial real estate

  • Formation of a list of anchor tenants
  • Formation of a list of potential tenants of the entertainment zone
  • Formation of a list of tenants of retail space
  • Determining the interest of potential tenants in the project (testing the concept on potential tenants, including anchor ones)
  • Formation of forecast rental rates and sales prices in relation to the generated list of tenants.

8. Carrying out detailed economic analysis developed concept and development of an economic model of the project / real estate object

9. Development of a draft technical assignment for development architectural project Development of the Site

The term “marketing” (in English “marketing”) consists of the word “market” meaning “market” and the active ending “ing”, which allows literally translating marketing as “market activity” or “activity in the market”. Marketing research is one of the fundamental functions of marketing. Marketing research is the systematic and objective identification, collection, analysis, dissemination and use of information to improve the efficiency of identifying and solving marketing problems (opportunities).

Marketing research is concerned with making decisions about all aspects of marketing activities. Research is aimed at studying the internal and external environment of the organization. The basis for the classification of marketing research of the external environment is their division by research objects into target and market ones. Targeted marketing research (research of consumers, goods, competitors, etc.) is carried out to solve any specific tasks of the organization, for example, to highlight the target market segment. Market research is carried out to study the main parameters of the market, which, in turn, are characterized through a system of quantitative and qualitative indicators (Table 1).

Table 1 - Main directions of market research

End of table 1

Study the proposal

study of the volume, structure and dynamics of supply; research of the production and raw material potential of the supply; study of supply elasticity

Studying prices

research of the price level in the market; studying price dynamics over a certain period of time; research of the main price trends

Market research

study of the situation in the market under the influence of the following conjuncture-forming factors: supply of goods, demand for goods, market balance, market scale, etc.

Study of processes occurring in the market

research of market characteristics, trends business activity, market capacity and the firm's share in it, market research, etc.

In the context of the recovery after the global economic crisis, the issues related to the study of the real estate market, as one of the most affected by the current conditions, are becoming increasingly important. In this case, it is necessary to start with the definition of real estate, as such, and consider the features of the market under study.

Consider the modern understanding of real estate in Russia, and the peculiarities of its interpretation. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation acts as the primary basis for the definition of real estate, which classifies the following objects as immovable things (real estate, real estate) (Table 2):

Table 2 - Composition of real estate objects in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Individual objects

Complex objects


The enterprise as a whole, as a property complex, including: land plots, buildings and structures, inventory and equipment, raw materials and products,

Subsoil plots and subsoil funds

Everything that is firmly connected with the land, including: buildings and structures, objects of construction in progress

Equated to real estate subject to state registration: air and sea vessels,

Claims and debts, rights to designations that individualize the enterprise, its products, works and services,

End of table 2

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In this paper, we consider real estate not from the point of view of legislation, but by the definition adopted in the professional literature on economics and marketing - these are land plots and everything that is firmly connected with them, the movement of which is not possible without destruction or loss of their functions. Based on this definition, real estate, based on its origin, is broadly subdivided into: artificial objects (buildings), which include residential, commercial and non-commercial real estate; natural (natural), which includes the earth.

Consider this division of real estate (table 3).

Table 3 - Classification of real estate objects

The property

Real estate objects

Residential Properties

Apartment buildings;

Apartments and rooms;

Individual houses and cottages;

Country houses, summer cottages, etc.

Commercial property

Trade premises;

Office rooms;

Restaurants, hotels, etc .;

Industrial premises;

Warehouses, etc.

Public property

Schools, institutes, etc .;

Theaters, houses of culture;

Hospitals and clinics;

Administrative, sports tasks, etc.


Subsoil plots and funds

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In practice, the concept of real estate is distinguished as a physical (material) object and as a complex of economic, legal and social relations that provide a special procedure for their disposal and special stability of rights. Accordingly, it is customary to distinguish between four concepts of real estate (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Four concepts of real estate

Real estate belongs to the category of goods. It can act both as a consumer product (apartments, premises, buildings, non-production facilities), and as a production product (premises, buildings, industrial facilities). At the same time, real estate objects have unique characteristics that distinguish them from other goods (table 4).

Table 4 - general characteristics real estate objects

End of table 4

Fixed location

It determines the uniqueness of each property, largely determines its economic characteristics and positioning in the market

Uniqueness (originality)

Each real estate object has certain characteristics peculiar only to it that distinguish it from others


Any real estate object consists of two components - land and buildings (structures), for different types of real estate and different economic conditions, the ratio of these components, both in value and in physical dimensions, can be different


Natural form is not consumed, lasts for the whole life


The earth theoretically has an infinite lifespan and does not wear out. Buildings and structures have a limited lifespan compared to land. However, compared to the vast majority of other goods, buildings and structures are relatively durable


Real estate is a commodity that cannot be lost, stolen, or broken under normal conditions.

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The circulation of real estate, like any other product, is carried out on the market and is closely related to the attraction of financial capital and labor. At the same time, the real estate market is a market for limited resources, sellers and buyers. Consider the understanding of the real estate market by various authors (table 5).

Table 5 - The concept of the real estate market

End of table 5

N. Ya. Kolyuzhnova,

A. Ya. Jacobson

This is a system of actions and mechanisms for making transactions, or, in other words, a subsystem of the general economic market associated with the turnover of rights to real estate objects.

K. I. Safonova,

I. A. Andreeva

This is a complex of relations associated with the creation of new real estate objects, with the operation of existing ones, as well as relations arising in the process of various transactions carried out with real estate.

A. V. Sevostyanov

This is a sector of the national market economy, which is a set of real estate objects, economic entities operating in the market, the processes of market functioning, that is, the processes of creation, use and exchange of real estate objects and market management, and mechanisms that ensure the functioning of the market (market infrastructure).

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In our opinion, it most fully reflects the essence of this market and at the same time, the definition of the real estate market given by A.V. Goremykin is set forth in an accessible form.

The real estate market has a ramified structure, and, based on various characteristics, it is subdivided into a number of narrower markets (Table 6).

Table 6 - Classification of real estate markets

Classification attribute

Types of markets

Object type

Land, buildings, structures, enterprises, premises, property rights, and other objects.



Local, urban, regional, national, global.

Functional purpose

Industrial premises, housing, non-industrial buildings and premises.

Operational readiness

Existing facilities, unfinished construction, new construction.

Participant type

Individual sellers and buyers, resellers, municipalities, commercial organizations.

End of table 6

Compiled by

The following transactions are carried out on the real estate market using market mechanisms: with a change of ownership - purchase and sale of real estate objects; inheritance; donation; exchange; ensuring the fulfillment of obligations (sale of pledged or seized real estate objects); with partial or complete change in the composition of the owners - privatization; nationalization; changes in the composition of owners, including with the division of property; bankruptcy (liquidation) of economic entities with the sale of property of the owners; without changing the owner - investing in real estate; real estate development (expansion, reconstruction, new construction); pledge; rent; transfer to economic management or operational management, for free use, in trust, etc.

The real estate market has a great impact on all aspects of the life of society through a number of functions (Figure 2).

Three additional functions have been added to the main functions inherent in all markets - regulating, stimulating, pricing, intermediary, informational and sanitizing the real estate market - investment, commercial and social. The commercial function consists in the formation of the consumer value of real estate and making a profit on the invested capital. The investment function allows you to preserve and increase your capital by investing in real estate. The social function is to stimulate the intensity of the work of citizens seeking to become owners of real estate.

Figure 2. Main functions of the real estate market

The functioning of the real estate market is carried out due to the actions of its subjects, which include: sellers, buyers, professional participants (institutional and non-institutional) (Figure 3).

1.Sellers (landlords): property owners (legal and individuals); builders (developers); bodies authorized by local authorities, etc.

2. Buyers (tenants): legal entities and individuals; investors and equity holders; government bodies, etc.

Subjects (participants)

real estate market

Professional participants

3.Institutional actors (representing the interests of the state): courts and notary offices; bodies for registration of rights to real estate and transactions with them; federal and territorial bodiesregulating urban development, land management and land use; bodies of technical, fire and other inspections involved in the supervision of the construction and operation of buildings and structures, etc.

4. Non-institutional participants (working on a commercial basis): building contractors; real estate agencies; appraisal agencies; law firms; banks; mortgage agencies; Insurance companies; Media, etc.

Figure 3. Subjects (participants) of the real estate market

Due to its specificity, the real estate market has a number of features that distinguish it from other markets presented in Table 7.

Table 7 - Features of the real estate market



Absolute immobility; - high price dependence on location

Competition type

Imperfect, oligopoly; - a small number of buyers and sellers; - price controls are limited; - entering the market requires significant capital

Elasticity of offers

Low, with an increase in demand and prices, supply increases little

Nature of demand

Demand is individualized and not interchangeable

Degree of openness

The transactions are private; - public information is often incomplete and inaccurate, which makes it difficult to assess the market situation

Competitiveness of goods

It is largely determined by the surrounding external environment, the influence of the neighborhood; - specificity of individual preferences of buyers

Zoning conditions

Regulated by civil and land legislation, taking into account water, forest, environmental and other special law; - great interdependence of private and other forms of ownership

Registration of transactions

legal difficulties, restrictions and conditions

The cost

includes the cost of the object and related rights

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Thus, it was determined that the real estate market has a special place in the economy of any country. Acting as a complex integrated category, it combines various interests and forms of activity of its subjects; various areas influence - from economic to social; a number of functions that have an impact on the country's economy as a whole. At the same time, the increased relevance of marketing research of this market is characteristic precisely for the regional real estate markets, a feature of which is the mandatory orientation not only to local conditions, but also to the general situation in the country.


1. Goremykin, V. A. Real Estate Economics: Textbook / V. A, Goremykin. - 5th ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Higher education, 2008.- 808 p.

2. Malhotra, N.K. Marketing research. Practical guidance / N.K. Malhotra. - 3rd ed. - M .: "Williams", 2002. - 960 p.

3. Marketing: general course: Tutorial / Ed. N. Ya. Kolyuzhnova, A. Ya. Yakobson - M .: Publishing house Omega-L, 2006 .-- 476 p.

4. Raizberg, BA Modern economic dictionary / BA Raizberg, L. Sh. Lozovsky, EB Starodubtseva. - 6th ed., Rev. and add. - M .: INFRA - M, 2008 .-- 512 p.

5. Safonova, KI, Andreeva, IA Economics of real estate: a textbook / KI Safonov, IA Andreeva. - Vladivostok .: TSUE, 2007 .-- 128 p.

6. Sevostyanov, A. V. Economics of real estate / A. V. Sevostyanov - M .: KolosS, 2007. - 276 p.: Ill.

7. Sharoshchenko, I. V. Economics of real estate: educational material / I. V. Sharoshchenko - Vladivostok: FESAEU, 2003. - 80 p.

8. Asaul, AN Economics of Real Estate: Textbook for universities [ Electronic resource]: [Administrative - management portal] / A. N. Asaul. - Electron. Dan. - SPb .: Peter, 2007. - Access mode: URL: http: //www.aup. ru / books / m76 / 2_1.htm

9. Civil Code of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: [Official website of the company "Consultant-Plus"] - Electron. Dan. - 2009. - Access mode: URL:

10. Grinenko, S. V. Economics of real estate: Lecture notes. [Electronic resource]: [Administrative - management portal] / S. V. Grinenko. - Electron. Dan. - Taganrog: TRTU, 2004. - Access mode: URL: http: //