How to make fertilizer from quail droppings. Quail manure as fertilizer is a profitable waste of poultry farming. Is it worth buying industrially processed litter


It can be assumed that since ancient times, when man only began to engage in agriculture, one of the first fertilizers was, of course, bird droppings. Sowing various plants, the first farmers noticed that in places where droppings were accidentally scattered, plants grow much better. And gradually, in order to increase the amount of food from their garden, people began to bring in bird waste.

Until now, on some islands of the Caribbean Sea, large quantities of guano - the dung of seabirds decomposed in a dry climate - are harvested. This fertilizer is even exported. In the mid 60s and 70s of the XX century, due to the production of a large amount of mineral fertilizers, poultry droppings somehow faded into the background. But today, the undeservedly forgotten fertilizer is becoming popular, especially on homestead plots.

With long-term maintenance of quails, a large amount of quail droppings accumulates, since the yield of droppings in relation to feed is approximately 1: 1 by volume, i.e. bucket of feed - bucket of droppings .. Of all types organic fertilizers bird droppings are considered the most valuable. In terms of chemical composition, it is 3-4 times richer than large manure cattle... Nutrients in it are in a combination favorable for plants and soil microflora, quickly dissolve in water and are easily assimilated. In terms of the effect on the crop in the first year of application, poultry meth is close to mineral fertilizers. But due to the high concentration of organic components and their gradual release, poultry droppings have an effect on the yield in the next 2-3 years, that is, it has an aftermath. And this must be taken into account when introducing the manure, as well as the fact that the amount of nutrients in the manure varies depending on the type of bird, its age and feed composition.

However, bird droppings should not be considered a panacea. The ratio of nutrients is not suitable for all garden crops, in particular potatoes, some root crops and other "potassium-loving" vegetables. Potassium deficiency can be compensated for by adding fertilizers such as potassium chloride (100 g per 1 kg of manure) or by adding ash.

There is another disadvantage of this fertilizer: the bulk of nitrogen in the manure is in the form of uric acid, which, when high doses of manure are applied, inhibits the growth of seedlings and young plants. Gradually, it turns into urea, and then into ammonium carbonate, which is easily nitrified in the soil. Therefore, the result of an overdose is the accumulation of nitrates in vegetables. In addition, fresh poultry droppings are toxic to plants due to water-soluble metabolites (poultry waste products), and direct contact with the plant can lead to burns, illness, and even death.

How to eliminate the negative effects of fresh droppings? It should be applied together with straw, peat or sawdust in a 3: 1 ratio. Litter is usually used in the first half of the growing season of vegetable crops. It is undesirable to keep the droppings in pure form, since a significant proportion of nutrients, in particular nitrogen, is lost in this case. Losses are especially high (up to 40%) during freezing in winter and subsequent thawing in spring. Try adding fresh sawdust, hulls (sunflower seed hulls) or small (from a combine harvester) straw to this area. These materials will make the soil loose (physical impact), and will also contribute to the decomposition and recycling of excess nitrogen compounds contained in the manure (biological effect with nitrogen conservation). The fact is that the microorganisms in the soil and in the same droppings, decomposing the fiber of sawdust and other materials, spend nitrogen on it. This will have a double benefit - the soil will become loose, and sawdust, husk and straw will turn into humus, from which plants will consume nutrients for several years.

The simplest, most affordable and cheapest way to process manure, in which nitrogen losses are insignificant, is composting. To do this, moisture-absorbing peat, straw, sawdust, and leaves are laid on a raised flat area in a layer of 30 cm. Poultry droppings are poured on top with a layer of 20 cm, and then again peat or sawdust and again droppings. And so they form a pile up to a meter high. If the components are dry, then they are moistened when laying. And the unpleasant odor can be eliminated by covering the pile with straw and a layer of earth 20 cm thick. In a month and a half, the compost is ready. At the same time, pathogenic microorganisms, helminth eggs and weed seeds die in it. Better to cover peat compost in the fall. It must be scattered and immediately embedded in the soil by digging up the garden. Composting in spring will slow down the maturation of the crop. And only on sandy soils this can be done in the spring - two weeks before sowing or planting the orchards. Manure compost can be applied randomly, or better, in furrows or holes.

But not all gardeners keep the bird. Where can you get this valuable fertilizer? Litter is available in large poultry farms. Here it is disposed of at a high (700 ° С) temperature, bacterial fermentation is used at 250-300 С or composted. Thermally dried manure and manure-based peat fertilizers (Piksa, Roossis and others) surpass mineral fertilizers rhenium and manure in their effect on the yield. They retain almost all the properties of fresh poultry manure, do not contain pathogenic microorganisms and weeds, and, unlike it, have a constant composition. These modern fertilizers are used for pre-sowing seed treatment, growing seedlings, spring dressing of the soil for garden crops and for feeding them. These fertilizers restore soil fertility, increase the yield, accelerate the formation and ripening of fruits, and lengthen their shelf life.

Of all existing types of organic fertilizers, poultry droppings are in the first place. It contains a lot of different nutrients, and plants absorb them quite easily. The drier the droppings, the greater the concentration of nutrients. If in a wet state it contains up to 2 percent nitrogen, 1.5 percent phosphorus and up to 1 percent potassium, then in a dry state it contains two to three times more: 5-6 percent nitrogen, 3-5 percent phosphorus and 2- 2.5 - potassium. Dried droppings are 80 percent organic matter. Many people think the best dung is chicken. However, duck, goose, and turkey are quite close in their properties to none, only chicken gives less droppings.

It is good to use poultry manure as the main fertilizer. It is necessary to introduce it under potatoes and vegetables before sowing for digging in such an amount: in dry form - 100-300 g per 1 sq. m, in its raw form - 300-900 g. The best result is when the litter is used as a top dressing. To apply raw manure to holes or furrows, you need 40-100 g, dry - 20-50 g per 1 sq. M. Liquid fertilizing is even more effective: dilute 1 kg of raw manure or 0.5 kg of dry manure in 10 liters of water and add 1 liter to the soil every 7-10 days until vegetables ripen. Poultry droppings are indispensable for the preparation of composts, both ordinary, household, and peat-throwing, dung-sawdust, and cow dung. Application rates - up to 1.5-2 kg for digging.

With a large number of birds, the further use of the manure can become a source of additional income and increase the profitability of the entire household farm as a whole. It is possible, for example, to build a greenhouse and a biogas plant that uses animal waste - manure and dung. The resulting gas can be used to heat the quail farm itself and the greenhouse. Quail droppings can be placed in compost heaps and, after some time, filled in appropriate packaging, sold as fertilizer.

Quail droppings are another option for plant nutrition. And although today it is not used as often as modern mineral fertilizers, quail droppings can be much more effective.

If you keep these birds, then with the help of the waste arising in the process of their life, you can save on the purchase of ready-made fertilizers and get a high yield from vegetable crops and fruit trees.

Benefits and composition

If we compare the chemical composition of quail droppings and manure, then the first fertilizer has it 3-4 times richer. Moreover, it contains all the nutrients that are so necessary for the full growth of plants. Thus, the soil will be fertilized even after 3 years from the moment of top dressing. When carrying out mineralization with the help of quail droppings, it is necessary to understand that the concentration of components in its composition is determined taking into account the age of the bird and its feed.

In addition, quail droppings are not suitable for all plants. For example, you cannot use it to feed potatoes. Quail waste does not contain potassium, so it must be applied in combination with poultry droppings. But what is the composition of chicken manure as a fertilizer, and how to use it. very detailed in this

The video shows quail manure as fertilizer:

The next disadvantage of such fertilization is that nitrogen is concentrated in uric acid, and its action is aimed at suppressing the growth of young crops and seedlings. So fertilizer will have to be applied in small dosages and to prevent overdose. Otherwise, nitrates will accumulate in plants. It is also forbidden to use fresh quail droppings. The fact is, it has a high toxicity, so that in direct contact with plants, they can get sick and simply die.

But how to apply, and for which crops, is described in great detail in this article.

It will also be interesting to know how to fertilize with nitroammophos, and in which case it is worth using it, indicated

How to fertilize plantings in the garden with horse manure, and for which crops it is worth using such fertilizer, is indicated in this article:

How to cook

Since it is forbidden to use fresh manure, there are several options for using this fertilizer.


To obtain a formula, you need to prepare a container. It is best to use a regular barrel. Lay quail droppings and resin in layers. First place the droppings 20 cm thick, and then a layer of straw 30 cm thick. The straw serves to absorb liquid.

Quail manure compost as fertilizer

If you use this method of processing, then you can create a useful fertilizer that is allowed to be applied to the soil. It is best to do this in the fall, when you have to dig a site. But it is better not to use compost in spring, as this will slow down the growing process of some plants.

Solution preparation

An effective solution can be prepared from quail droppings. To do this, you need to find a suitable container. Fill it halfway with droppings, and then fill it with water. Stir everything with a wooden stick and cover with a lid. Insist for 7 days.

Before sending the solution to the ground, you must take 500 ml of the mixture and dilute with 10 liters of water. This feeding option cannot be attributed to a complete fertilizer replacement. So it should only be used in the summer during watering. But how urea fertilizers are used and applied in the garden is detailed here

Heat treatment

If you carry out heat treatment of the litter, then it can be used without adding any components. But such events can only be done in an industrial environment.

Heat treatment of manure

Purchase finished products you can at the poultry farm. In the course of such processing, fertilizer becomes more useful than manure and other types of dressings. And this is due to the fact that the composition does not contain harmful microorganisms and residues of weed crops. Moreover, the fertilizer remains unchanged important qualities fresh droppings. But how to use poultry manure as fertilizer, and what garden crops can be enriched with this manure, is told

What crops can be used

Quail manure is very often used for feeding grapes. To do this, you have to dig grooves between the bushes at a distance of 50 cm. Add quail manure or a composition in a liquid consistency there. It is worth performing such events once a season. Further, the plants will need to be fertilized with other mineral components throughout the growing season.

Also cucumbers may need such feeding. This crop will always respond positively to such fertilizers. it will be possible to get a high yield even if the cucumbers are fertilized only once a season.

And here there is no limit to the imagination of experienced summer residents. So many fertilizer recipes have not been invented. IN last years litter is gaining more and more popularity to increase yields. But no, not chicken, as you might think, but such a bird as quail. It is often bred, as are chickens and ducks. Experienced gardeners consider it one of the best fertilizers. We will tell you today how to use quail manure as fertilizer.

Quail litter. Pros and cons

Before we tell you exactly how to make fertilizer, it is worth pointing out the benefits of using it. And there are a lot of them. Among the many store-bought preparations, there are various feedings that people are in a hurry to buy so that there is less hassle, and they believe that such fertilizers have everything they need for the harvest. But many of these products contain chemical compounds that accumulate in the fruit, and this is dangerous. Simple folk organic recipes are safe and environmentally friendly.

Using quail manure as fertilizer has its own individual advantages:

  • the fact is that it is not difficult for those who keep these birds to get good fertilizer. The output of top dressing, according to summer residents, per 1 kg of feed, 1 kg of high-quality fertilizer;
  • its charm is that the litter contains all the necessary elements, while it can be very for a long time stored;
  • but more importantly, the effect of the use of quail droppings persists for the next three years;
  • also it should be noted that quail fertilizer better than chicken;
  • it is imperative to say that it is quail manure as a fertilizer, we will describe how to use it below, that helps to stop and prevent the development of diseases in the soil;
  • assimilation of it by crops is much faster than feeding from a store. Accordingly, the result will be obvious.

For information!

For those who do not like to waste time and tinker with poultry waste, there is a ready-made litter packaged. It is sold in garden stores.

You also need to indicate the two main disadvantages of feeding from quail droppings:

  1. It is low in potassium. And this is the main element for a good potato harvest. To solve this problem, ash is added along with the droppings.
  2. Such feeding is very strong, as it contains a lot of urea, and it can burn plants. To prevent this from happening, you need to do everything right and recycle the litter wisely. Let's talk about this already.

How to breed quail droppings for feeding

To prevent quail droppings from becoming a poison for your crops, it must be properly processed. There is nothing difficult here. Find a barrel in your area. Dung is placed at the bottom, after which a layer of straw is placed. About 20 cm waste, cover with 30 cm straw. After that, it is done in the same way layer by layer.

What is it for. The fact is that dry straw will absorb all unnecessary substances and absorb moisture. You can also take sawdust. So, the barrel should be three months old.


It is better to lay such fertilizer on the site in the fall. Therefore, calculate the time. And the barrel must be at least three months old. During this time, the straw will absorb moisture, will have time to rot, which will give even better fertilizer. All pathogenic flora will also die.

It is best to start harvesting quail droppings in late spring, summer. Then you can do everything right in the fall. When the top dressing is ready, it is simply scattered on the site and plowed up the ground.

Today, due to a sharp increase in the production of industrial mineral fertilizers for plant growing, such a valuable natural fertilizer as quail dung has been undeservedly forgotten.

However, experienced gardeners know its true value, therefore, it is very often used in their personal plots.


  • Low cost relative to the consumed feed for quails, namely 1 kg of feed \u003d 1 kg of manure;
  • It contains many useful minerals, including nitrogen and phosphorus;
  • After application to the soil, the beneficial effect on the growth and development of plants lasts for three years;
  • Due to the fact that the quail dung contains trace elements in an easily digestible form, they are absorbed faster by plants, therefore, after application, their rapid growth is observed;
  • Restores soil fertility, activates the formation and ripening of fruits;
  • Promotes an increase in plant productivity;
  • Increases the shelf life of the crop;


  • One of the disadvantages is that fresh quail manure contains, along with many useful substances, the so-called uric acid. This substance is toxic, has a negative effect on plants (can lead to plant burns). Therefore, like any litter, it cannot be used fresh. It should rest for a while, and immediately before use it is diluted with straw, sawdust or peat. This is not the only method for preparing quail droppings before applying to the soil, about other methods further ...

Processing of quail droppings

As mentioned above, fresh quail manure contains some toxic substances that can harm plants and negatively affect yields. In this regard, this substance should be overexposed for some time to get rid of toxic substances. It is not recommended to store it open, as this results in the loss of a large amount of nitrogen and other nutrients. The most rational way is to compost the quail droppings.

In addition to composting, there is an excellent recipe for making plant food from quail droppings.

How to prepare plant food

  • To prepare top dressing, you will need a container, which is half filled with droppings, and the other half is filled with water;
  • Then mix thoroughly, cover with a lid and leave for a week;
  • Before use, the resulting mixture is diluted with water: for 10 liters of water - 0.5 liters of the mixture.
  • This top dressing is used exclusively in summer for watering plants.

Heat treatment

At home, the heat treatment process is somewhat difficult, but the way out can be the acquisition of quail droppings at a poultry farm. In an industrial environment, the droppings are dried at high temperatures using the bacterial fermentation method.

  • Litter after heat treatment surpasses manure and other mineral fertilizers in its favorable properties;
  • Are saved beneficial features fresh droppings;
  • It contains no pathogenic microorganisms and weed seeds;
  • It can be used to fertilize the soil when growing seedlings, as well as in the form of plant nutrition;

Using quail manure as a fertilizer, you will soon notice a positive effect, the plants will certainly thank you with a generous harvest!

Many summer residents keep quails on their plot, with pleasure using their products: eggs and meat. But few people know. That the quail droppings can serve as the most excellent fertilizer for garden and garden plants. The advantages of this fertilizer over chicken manure are simply unique. Having tried to feed the plants with them once, you will forever give up other organic fertilizers. What is the value and usefulness of quail droppings.

Feeding plants with quail droppingsgrowing in the country can give an unsurpassed result. The composition of quail manure contains twice as much nutrients as chicken manure. These useful substances include, first of all, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. Along with these microelements, there are many more organic compounds in quail droppings, which can greatly increase soil fertility. The useful elements that are part of this type of fertilizer are easily absorbed by all plants, without exception! And this means that after feeding the plants grow well, gain strength, forming a much larger yield. An almost unique feature of quail droppings is that its trace elements help to protect plants from diseases and soil infections. Feeding your garden plants, you will immediately notice that after fertilization, fruits begin to ripen faster on trees and bushes of berry bushes! Eating a strawberry or apple, when the neighbors still don't have this, will be pleasant to any summer resident. But in the use of such a unique fertilizer, you need to understand the whole technology well. It is impossible to ignore the methods of fertilization technique, as you can get the opposite result.

Feeding with quail droppings begins with the preparation of the fertilizer material. Everyone knows that chicken droppings you cannot bring in fresh. So it is with quail droppings. Plants can simply burn out due to uric acid. Before adding droppings to the soil, gardeners recommend putting it in a compost pit. He must overheat there, or, as the people say, burn out. To do this, you can pick up any empty barrel. First, the droppings are laid out in balls, alternating between a ball of straw and a ball of droppings. In this case, the straw will absorb nitrogen, which will evaporate in the process. On top you need to put a ball of sawdust and cover with foil. This entire compost pile should remain intact for up to 2 months. In the summer, you can also feed the plants with quail droppings.

You just need to apply a liquid solution. To do this, you need to prepare a solution of manure with plain water in a 1: 1 ratio. After a week of tincture, this concentrate is diluted 1:20 and the plants are added to it.

To apply fertilizing with vegetable droppings in the autumn, you need to adhere to the following application rates: in dry form from 100-300 g / 1 sq. M., And in liquid form from 300-900 g / sq. M. Feeding with a liquid solution is much more effective, it must be repeated periodically 1 time per 10 days. Store quail droppings in a dry place. The concentration of trace elements in dry manure is much higher than in wet manure. It is also not necessary to oversaturate the soil, since excess feeding with quail droppingswill bring lagging plants in growth and development. Having fertilized the soil in your garden for 1 year, you can forget about introducing organic matter in this area for 2 or 3 years.