Water consumption at livestock farms and complexes. "Mechanization in animal husbandry Mechanization of water supply for livestock farms and pastures

To water the cows and prepare food for them, it is necessary to organize a competent water supply to the barn. Today, livestock farms also use water for sanitizing milking machines, milk tanks and utensils, washing the udder, washing cows, and cleaning premises. Uninterrupted water supply of the farm is one of the main conditions for milk production. That is why it is very important to correctly design and properly install a water supply system for an economic complex.

Barn water supply schemes

Water supply systems livestock farms Is a collection various devices and the engineering facilities needed to extract, pump, store and deliver the required liquid to the barn. Local communications (they have their own water source, pumping devices and water supply) are used for centralized water supply to livestock complexes, and group communications - for servicing several large structures connected by a common area.

The water supply of the cattle farm is a source of liquid, a water intake facility, pumping units, external and internal water supply networks. Often, the scheme is supplemented with filters or other equipment that purifies water.

In pressure water pipelines, liquid is supplied by pumping equipment, in gravity systems, the main element (source) is located above the level of the barn.

For water supply of livestock farms and complexes, local and centralized types are used, which have underground water sources and fire-fighting tanks with a liquid supply.

Determination of the external water supply scheme

The farms have an external water supply, which is laid outside the building, and an internal one, which directly distributes water to the farm. An external network can be dead-end, where communications are diverted from the main highway to various sides of the communication, along which the liquid moves in one direction.

Also, a ring-shaped scheme is used, which is a closed-loop pipeline in which water is supplied to the livestock farm from both sides.

The main advantage of the dead-end system, designed for the farm, is its short length, which reduces installation costs. The main disadvantage is that in the event of an emergency, the entire barn will need to be disconnected from the water supply. The use of a ring scheme on a farm makes it possible to repair damaged areas without interrupting the supply of liquid to the farm. A significant disadvantage is the long length of pipelines and the increased costs associated with this.

Given the lower costs of installation and operation, many people prefer a dead-end water supply scheme. It is drawn on the plan taking into account the smallest route length and the number of branch nodes. This calculation assumes that there are 2 streams in all sections with the corresponding consumer flow.

Technological and hydraulic calculations

Water in cowsheds is required for technological, economic, hygienic needs, and external fire-fighting water supply cannot do without it.

When calculating the required amount of liquid for a livestock complex, you should first calculate the average daily consumption of stocks. Depending on the number of cows kept and the water consumption rates that are set for these farms, how the farms are supplied with liquid depends. After that, the maximum water consumption is determined taking into account the coefficient of daily irregularity (because this value is used for further calculations).

Depending on different conditions, the daily consumption of liquid in the barn can reach several hundred cubic meters. The calculation of the water supply system must be performed in such a way that the network provides a high-quality supply of water for drinking cattle, because its lack will instantly cause a decrease in productivity.

According to SNiPs, there are certain norms of water consumption (measured in liters per day). For example, for:

  • cows - 70;
  • bulls - 45;
  • young cows up to 2 years old - 35;
  • calves up to six months - 25.

The hydraulic calculation of the water supply allows you to determine the diameter of the pipeline and the decrease in pressure as a result of overcoming the resistance in the pipes when passing the required amount of liquid through them. It will be necessary to determine this indicator in order to find out how high the water tower should have, and what specifications pump equipment.

Mechanization of water supply to the economy

The organization of water supply for livestock farms requires significant human labor costs. The calculation shows that for the delivery of 1 cubic meter. m of water and its distribution to cows without mechanization will need about 5-6 people / h, and in the case of automation - 0.04-0.05 people / h. It can be seen from this that the transition to innovative technologies makes it possible to reduce labor costs at times.

The required pressure in the network is created using pumping equipment that delivers water from the source to collection tanks or treatment facilities. After that, the pumps pump liquid into the tower and then to the water pipelines into the network.

Different mechanisms are applicable for pumping water from different types of sources (deeper or shallow). The choice of one type or another, the determination of power depends on the depth of the water source, its flow rate and the amount of liquid required for farms. Water-lifting devices are manual, motor-powered and self-acting.

In the water supply of barns, manual, driven piston and centrifugal pumps, compressor units, hydraulic rams are used.

Mechanization of water supply helps to reduce labor costs, increase productivity and create the required sanitary conditions in the premises of the barn.

Water towers and reservoirs

Water towers provide the required pressure in the general network, with their help, the water supply is regulated, and the issue of storing its reserves is resolved. For this, underground reservoirs are used, from which the liquid then enters the pipelines when using pumps.

In animal husbandry on farms, hipped-roof columns made of metal are most often used. They are produced in different capacities (up to 50 cubic meters) and heights (10-30 m). The column of the structure is also filled with water. As a result, real stocks are much larger than indicated in the equipment passport.

Agriculture presupposes the obligatory availability of a stock of water resources, which must be at hand in the event of a fire (must be in ground or underground gravity reservoirs). Water is supplied from them with special fire pumps. In the absence of such containers, the liquid is taken from water bodies or rivers.

According to the standards, the water tank must contain such a supply, which will be enough for 10 minutes of operation of fire hydrants in parallel with the standard consumption for other needs.

The use of equipment for drinking cows

The farm is not complete without drinking bowls. These devices are invariably used for feeding cows. There is direct contact with cattle, therefore, products should be made taking into account the anatomical features of animals. Autodrinkers are specialized devices, thanks to which the cattle is supplied with drinking water from the mains.

The use of special equipment for drinking cattle in livestock complexes makes it possible to increase milk yield by 15-20% and significantly reduce the labor costs of personnel for servicing animals.

Individual drinking bowls are used on cow farms where tie-down content prevails. Group devices are used for loose-housed cows. Such equipment can be stationary or mobile. The latter type is used during grazing of cattle.

For pigsties, automatic drinkers are used, equipped with a special valve (ball) placed in a special tank. The trough for the device is made with a lid that protects the containers from contamination. When the pig drinks water, its level in the trough decreases, the valve moves in parallel and opens the opening of the pipeline. He fills the trough again.

Installation of internal water pipes on the farm

The internal water supply system on the farm begins with a riser, from which pipelines branch off. In the fodder preparation room located at the farm, water is supplied to important devices (steam generator, water heater, root washer, fruit washer), to the stalls - automatic drinkers, watering taps.

Laying of the pipeline leading directly to the drinking bowls is carried out along the trajectory of the location of the feeders (a height of 160 cm from the floor must be maintained). A pipe (its diameter is 25 mm) is connected to each drinker along the stand. These branches are connected to the pipeline using special fasteners, and from the bottom they are screwed to the tee of the desoldering device. In the aisles at a height of 2.5 m from the floor level, transitions are made in the shape of the letter "P".

The use of automatic drinkers is a thoughtful step in water supply for livestock farms. Cows constantly receive clean water, drink it according to their own needs. High-quality stocks will protect the cattle from gastrointestinal diseases, and the constant use of liquid helps to improve the condition of the animals and significantly increase the productivity of the enterprise.

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The technical maintenance of equipment (TO) should be understood as a set of measures that ensure the necessary reliability and the required operability of machines and equipment during the period of their use.

As a maintenance system, we choose a planned - preventive system, since it ensures the operability of machines and equipment during the entire period of their operation.

As a type of maintenance, we take a combined type of maintenance, which is carried out by the forces of the economy with the participation of district repair organizations. At the same time, the attendants6 are operators, locksmiths, foremen - adjusters. Work is carried out at the service station or in farms at posts and maintenance points directly at livestock facilities or CRM.

Organization of maintenance on the farm

The main task maintenance machines and equipment of livestock farms and complexes - ensuring the highly efficient use of electrification and mechanization through high-quality and timely maintenance, rational use of spare parts, materials, exchange stock of components and assemblies. Equipment condition monitoring and all maintenance operations are carried out by the technical service department.

Maintenance of machinery and equipment of livestock complexes and farms is organized taking into account the characteristics of farms, which can be divided into three groups:

1) farms provided with the necessary material and technical base, as well as a well-oiled engineering and technical service and performing all the work on the maintenance of machines in animal husbandry with their own resources and resources;

2) farms that perform operations of daily maintenance of all equipment and periodic maintenance of only simple equipment by their own forces and means, and periodic maintenance of only simple equipment with their own resources and means, and periodic maintenance of complex equipment (refrigeration plants, milk pipelines, etc.) by the forces of regional production association;

3) farms with a weak material and technical base, low availability of specialists and machine operators, performing maintenance and repair work on all machinery and equipment on complexes and farms by specialized organizations or relevant inter-farm associations, taking into account the specialists of the farms themselves.

Best practice shows that the bulk of the daily maintenance of machinery and equipment can be performed by the personnel working on them: operators, livestock keepers, etc.

Operators of farms and complexes should be fully responsible for the correct operation, complexity, technical condition and safety of the machines and mechanisms assigned to them.

The main work on periodic maintenance on farms and complexes is performed by specialized units headed by a foreman-adjuster. The link usually includes fitters, an electrician and a welder. The installation team is engaged in the repair of simple equipment and the parts are repaired in a central workshop or at a service point, and complex components and assemblies are sent to specialized workshops.

Filtration equipment on livestock farms is used not only as a source of drinking water, but also to maintain the required level of fire-prevention training and to treat wastewater contaminated with the waste products of cattle or birds.

Photo: Water treatment plant “Jalshuddhi” - Animal Husbandry.

In the development of livestock and fish farms, a very important place is occupied by the organization of a water supply and sanitation system. As a rule, farms are located at a considerable distance from the city, so the possibility of using the central water supply as a source of drinking water is minimized. How is water treatment of livestock complexes carried out? And what is the difference between filters for wastewater coming from meat processing plants and poultry factories?

Types of water purification systems in animal husbandry

Water supply systems for livestock farms and complexes are obliged to ensure the supply of water in the required quantities and corresponding to the norms and quality standards. Estimated amounts of water consumption are determined in accordance with the total water consumption, determined as the sum of three indicators (Fig. 1)

Figure: 1. Water treatment system for livestock complexes

The estimated water consumption for fire-fighting needs, depending on the number of livestock, ranges from 5 to 20 liters per second (if it becomes necessary to extinguish a fire for three hours). One hundred thousandth pork production complex requires 3,000 cubic meters of water per day. The daily rate of a ten thousandth farm reaches 600 cubic meters. meters of liquid per day. The volume of wastewater, taking into account the water used for cleaning and cleaning premises, can be conditionally equated to the daily consumption of drinking resources.

Table 1. Average annual consumption of fresh water (in cubic meters) per 1 ton of processed raw materials

Meat processing plant capacity (tons per shift)

Average annual consumption of fresh water (per 1 ton of processed raw materials)

Sources of water supply

Wells, artesian wells and surface water can be used as a source of water supply for livestock farms. For small complexes with a water flow rate of up to 40 cubic meters per day, it is most rational to use underground waters located close to the earth's surface, pumped through pumping units through shaft wells.

An artesian well is suitable for organizing water supply for large livestock farms. In this case, the expense for organizing water intake is compensated by the benefit from the use of less powerful filters for drinking water (the exception is iron removers).

Filtration (aeration) of surface waters is the main stage in organizing water treatment for fish farms.

The choice of treatment facilities for livestock complexes depends on the specialization of the enterprise. Farms engaged in poultry and meat processing are forced to additionally install degreasers, as well as systems for cleaning ammonia, suspended solids, opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms. (3, 4)

Sources used:

1. Kirillov N.K. (Chuvash state agricultural acad.). Veterinary and sanitary control of the state of livestock facilities State and problems of veterinary sanitation, hygiene and ecology in animal husbandry

2. Kostenko Yu.G. Veterinary and sanitary control in the processing of raw meat.

3. Sanitary rules and norms SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters"

4. Sanitary rules and regulations [For food enterprises and processing industry]. -2 ed., As amended, and add.

In the standard projects of farms and complexes in accordance with the production assignment and water consumption standards, water supply systems have been developed and, on the basis of hydraulic calculations, daily, hourly and second costs for each water supply facility have been determined. Due to the concentration of production, the daily consumption at the complexes can be several thousand cubic meters. The water supply system must ensure an uninterrupted supply of water for drinking animals, since a lack of drinking water immediately causes a decrease in productivity.

For cows and calves, the indicated quantities should include hot water (315 ... 320 K) 5 and 2 liters, respectively.

Let's consider the main parameters of the water supply system of a dairy complex for 1200 cows. The complex has three cowsheds for 400 heads each (with a daily water requirement. 167.7 m 3, a milking and dairy unit for three herringbone-type installations (19.25 m 3 / day), veterinary and sanitary checkpoints (513 m 3 / day) and a boiler room with a flow rate of 205 m 3 / day. The total water consumption at the complex exceeds 1440 m 3 / day. The complex includes a feed shop, interlocked with a vegetable storehouse for 1000 tons of root crops, for the preparation of which up to 7 m 3 / day of water is required In addition, water is required for irrigation of green spaces and lawns of the complex (consumption of 3 liters per 1 m 2 of plantings), taking into account the fact that 25% of the area of \u200b\u200ball plantations is irrigated daily.

According to the technological process, the maximum hourly consumption at dairy complexes is: with a livestock of 1200 cows - 50.64 m 3 / h; 800 cows - 36.78 m 3 / h; in a barn for 400 heads - 10.8 m 3 / h. When determining the amount of water required for the preparation of feed, you should take 20 l / day per head of cattle; for one lactating sow with litter - 40 l / day and for one fattening pig - 6 l / day. For the water supply of the personnel serving the farm, the rate of water consumption per person is 60 l / day for those working on the farm, and 25 l / day for those who come.

Table 2.2

Estimated water consumption rates for various

species of animals per head

Cattle: Amount of water, l / day
bulls and heifers
young animals up to 2 years old
calves up to 6 months
breeding boars, adult uterus
uterus with offspring
young animals older than 4 months. and pigs
weaning pigs
Sheep and goats:
young animals up to one year old
Horses (workers, riding, breeding, lactating queens, foals up to 1.5 years old)
Ducks 1,25
Geese 1,25
Young growth 0,5–0,6

At fattening complexes of an industrial type, the water consumption is much higher. Thus, at a complex for raising and fattening 10 thousand heads of cattle per year, the daily water consumption is 2.5 thousand m 3; at a pig-breeding complex of a closed cycle for 108 thousand pigs per year, this figure exceeds 4 thousand m 3.

To ensure the normal operation of water supply systems at livestock complexes, backup facilities are being built. The projects provide for the following number of reserve boreholes: if there is one working well - one reserve, with 2-10 working wells - two reserve ones. At pumping stations, standby pumps and standby power supplies are installed.

Water supply systems

A water supply system is a set of machines, equipment and engineering structures combined into production lines, designed to extract, pump, improve the quality, storage and supply of water from water sources to the places of its consumption.

Distinguish between group and local water supply systems. The former are intended for centralized water supply of several large objects connected by a common territory (city, district, etc.), and the latter are intended for servicing one individual water supply facility (farm, livestock complex, etc.). The local system has its own autonomous water source, pumping station and water supply network.

Depending on the location of the water source relative to water consumers, pressure or gravity water supply systems are used. With a pressure system, the water level in the source is located below the level of the water supply object, and water must be supplied to consumers by pumps, creating some pressure.

In a gravity system, the water source is located above the level of consumers, to whom it flows by gravity. Depending on the type of water pumping equipment, the systems are tower - with a water tower and reckless - with a pneumatic water-lifting (pneumohydraulic) installation. In the water supply of livestock farms and complexes, local and less often centralized (from one water intake) water supply systems with underground water sources and reserve fire-fighting tanks equipped with motor pumps or motor pumps have become widespread.

Depending on the specific conditions (terrain, power of the water source, reliability of power supply), the equipment used in the water supply system is combined into various production lines.

A diagram of a pressure tower water supply system with water intake from a surface source (river, pond) is shown in Fig. 2.4. Spring water 1 through the intake and pipe 2 by gravity flows into the intake structure 3 (well), from where the pumping station 4 the first lift is fed to the treatment plant 5 where its quality is improved. After cleaning and disinfection, the water is drained into the tank 6 clean water, from which by the pumping station of the second lift it is pumped through the water conduit to the pressure-regulating structure - the water tower 8. Then the water enters the water supply network 9, leading it to the water supply facility 10 (farm, complex, village).

Figure: 2.4. Water supply scheme from a surface source: 1 - source;

2 - gravity pipe; 3 - water intake structure; 4 - pumping station of the first

lifting; 5 - treatment plant; 6 - a reservoir of clean water; 7 - pumping station

station of the second rise; 8 - water tower; 9 - water supply network;

10 - water supply facility

In contrast to the system with water intake from a surface source, the water shown in Fig. 2.5 water supply system from an underground source using boreholes 1 does not require cleaning, as a result of which the scheme does not contain treatment facilities, a reservoir of clean water and a pumping station of the second rise. As a result, the entire system is simpler and more reliable.

Figure: 2.5. Water supply scheme from an underground source: 1 - well;

2 - pumping station; 3 - water supply network; 4 - water supply facility;

5 - pressure tower

In the previously considered water supply system (Fig. 2.4), the water supply network is powered by a water tower. Water is supplied from the pumping station and the tower's pressure-control tank in only one direction. Therefore, such a system is called a bushing system. Similar schemes are used in cases where the terrain has a slope towards the end of the water supply network. If there is a rise in the direction towards the end of the water supply network (Fig. 2.5), the pressure control structure (tower) is installed at its end. This system is called a counter-reservoir system. During peak consumption hours, water enters the water supply network from two sides: from the pumping station and from the water tower. When the terrain is flat, the tower is built in the center of the territory occupied by the object of water consumption.

"Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University"

Khakass branch

Department of Production and Processing Technologies

agricultural products

Lecture course

by discipline OPD. F.07.01

"Mechanization in animal husbandry"

for specialty

110401.65 - "Zootechnics"

Abakan 2007


The mechanization of production processes in animal husbandry depends on many factors, and above all on the methods of keeping animals.

On cattle farms used mainly stall-pastureand stall housing systemanimals. With this method of keeping animals, it can be tethered, looseand combined.Also known content conveyor systemcows.

When tethered contentthe animals are tied in stalls located along the feeders in two or four rows between the feeders they arrange a feeding passage, and between the stalls - manure passages. Each stall is equipped with a harness, feeder, drinker and milking and manure removal equipment. Floor area for one cow is 8 ... 10 m2. In the summer, the cows are transferred to pasture, where a summer camp is arranged for them with sheds, corrals, a watering hole and milking installations for cows.

When loose contentin winter period cows and young animals are in the premises of the farm in groups of 50 ... 100 heads, and in the summer period - in the pasture, where camps with noses, corrals, and a watering hole are equipped. Milking of cows is also carried out there. A type of loose housing is box housing, where cows rest in stalls with floor side fences. Boxes allow you to save bedding material. Conveyor-line contentmainly used for servicing dairy cows with their fixation to the conveyor. There are three types of conveyors: circular; multi-carriage; self-propelled. The advantages of this content: animals, in accordance with the daily routine in a certain sequence, are forced to the place of service, which contributes to the development of a conditioned reflex. At the same time, labor costs for the approach and driving away of animals are reduced, it becomes possible to use automatic means for recording productivity, programmed dosing of feed, weighing animals and managing all technological processes, conveyor service can significantly reduce labor costs.

In pig breeding There are three main systems for keeping pigs: free-range- for fattening pigs, replacement pigs, weaning piglets and queens of the first three months of sowing; easel-walking(group and individual) - and boars of sires, queens of the third or fourth months of fertility, suckling queens with piglets; walk-free -for feeding livestock.

The free-range system of keeping pigs differs from the pen-and-walk system in that animals during the day can freely go through the holes in the wall of the pigsty to the walking yards for walking and feeding. With easel-walking, pigs are periodically released in groups for a walk or in a special feeding room (dining room). With free-range keeping, animals do not leave the pigsty.

In sheep breeding distinguish between pasture, stall-pasture and stall systems for keeping sheep.

Pasture maintenanceused in areas characterized by large pastures, where animals can be kept all year round. On winter pastures, to shelter them from the weather, half-open buildings with three walls or corrals are always erected, and for winter or early spring births (lambing), capital shepherds (sheepsheds) are built so that they fit 30 ... 35% ewes. To feed the sheep in bad weather and during lambing on winter pastures, feed is prepared in the required amount.

Stable-pasture maintenancesheep are used in areas where there are natural pastures, and the climate is characterized by severe winters. In winter, sheep are kept in stationary buildings, providing feed of all kinds, and in summer - on pastures.

Stall contentsheep is used in areas with high arable land and with limited pastures. Sheep are kept all year round in stationary (closed or semi-open) insulated or non-insulated premises, giving them feed, which they receive from field crop rotations.

For raising animals and rabbits apply cellular content system.The main herd of minks, sables, foxes and arctic foxes is kept in individual cages installed in sheds (sheds), nutria - in individual cages with or without pools, rabbits - in individual cages, and young animals in groups.

In poultry apply intensive, walkingand combined content system.Poultry keeping methods: outdoor and cage. For floor keeping, birds are raised in poultry houses 12 or 18 m wide on deep litter, slatted or mesh floors. In large factories, birds are kept in cage batteries.

The system and method of keeping animals and poultry significantly affect the choice of mechanization of production processes.


The design of any building or structure depends on its purpose.

Cattle farms house cowsheds, calves, buildings for young animals and fattening, maternity and veterinary facilities. For keeping livestock in the summer, summer camp buildings are used in the form of light rooms and sheds. Ancillary buildings specific to these farms are milking or dairy-milking units, dairy (collection, processing and storage of milk), milk processing plants.

Buildings and structures of pig farms are pigsties, pigsties, fattening pigs, premises for weaned pigs and boars. A specific building of a pig farm can be a canteen with appropriate technology for keeping animals.

Sheep buildings include sheepfolds with greenhouses and shelter bases. The sheepfolds contain animals of the same sex and age, therefore, sheepfolds can be distinguished for queens, valukhs, breeding rams, young animals and feeding sheep. Specific structures of sheep farms include shearing stations, baths for bathing and disinfection, sheep slaughtering departments, etc.

Buildings for poultry (poultry houses) are divided into chicken coops, turkey houses, goslings and duck houses. By designation, poultry houses are distinguished for adult bird, young animals and chickens raised for meat (broilers). Specific buildings for poultry farms include hatcheries, brooder houses, acclimatizers.

On the territory of all livestock farms, auxiliary buildings and structures should be built in the form of storage facilities, warehouses for feed and products, manure storages, feed shops, boiler houses, etc.


To create normal zoohygienic conditions in livestock buildings, various sanitary and technical equipment are used: internal water supply network, ventilation devices, sewage, lighting, heating devices.

Sewerage designed for gravity removal of liquid excrement and dirty water from livestock and production facilities. The sewerage system consists of sludge grooves, pipes, and a sludge collector. The design and placement of sewage elements depend on the type of building, the method of keeping animals and the technology adopted. Slurry tanks are necessary for temporary storage of liquid. Their volume is determined depending on the number of animals, the daily rate of liquid secretions and the accepted shelf life.

Ventilation designed to remove polluted air from rooms and replace it with clean air. Air pollution occurs mainly with water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2) and ammonia (NH3).

Heating livestock buildings are carried out by heat generators, in one unit of which a fan and a heat source are combined.

Lighting there are natural and artificial. Artificial lighting is achieved by using electric lamps.



Timely watering of animals, as well as rational and adequate feeding, is an important condition for maintaining their health and increasing productivity. Untimely and inadequate watering of animals, interruptions in drinking and the use of poor-quality water lead to a significant decrease in productivity, contribute to the appearance of diseases and an increase in feed consumption.

It has been established that insufficient watering of animals when kept on dry feed causes inhibition of digestive activity, as a result of which feed intake is reduced.

Young farm animals, due to their more intensive metabolism, consume water per 1 kg of live weight on average 2 times more than adult animals. Lack of water negatively affects the growth and development of young stock, even with sufficient feeding.

Drinking water poor quality (cloudy, unusual smell and taste) does not have the ability to stimulate the activity of the secretory glands of the gastrointestinal tract and, with strong thirst, causes a negative physiological reaction.

Water temperature is important. Cold water adversely affects the health and productivity of animals.

It has been established that animals can live without food for about 30 days, and without water - 6 ... 8 days (no more).


2) underground sources - groundwater and interstratal waters. Figure 2.1 shows the scheme of water supply from a surface source. Water from a surface water source through a water intake 1 and the pipe 2 flows by gravity into the receiving well 3 , from where it is supplied by pumps of the pumping station of the first lift 4 to treatment facilities 5. After cleaning and disinfection, water is collected in a clean water tank 6. Then, by the pumps of the pumping station of the second lift 7, water is supplied through the pipeline to the water tower 9. Further along the water supply network 10 water is supplied to consumers. Depending on the type of source, various types of water intake structures are used. Shaft wells are usually arranged for the intake of water from thin aquifers located at a depth of no more than 40 m.

Figure: 2.1. Scheme of the water supply system from a surface source:

1 - water intake; 2 - gravity pipe; 3- receiving well; 4, 7- pumping stations; 5 - treatment plant; 6 - storage tank; 8 - water pipes; 9 - water tower; 10- water supply network

A shaft well is a vertical excavation in the ground that cuts into an aquifer. The well consists of three main parts: a shaft, a water intake part and a head.


The amount of water that should be supplied to the farm through the water supply network is determined according to the calculation rates for each consumer, taking into account their number according to the formula

where - daily rate of water consumption by one consumer, m3; - the number of consumers with the same consumption rate.

The following rates of water consumption (dm3, l) are accepted per head for animals, birds and animals:

dairy cows ..........................

sows with piglets ................. 6

beef cows ................................... 70

sows are pregnant and

idle ............................................. 60

bulls and heifers ..................................... 25

young cattle ................. 30

weaning pigs ............................. 5

calves ................................................. ..twenty

fattening pigs and young animals ........ 15

breeding horses ............................ 80

chickens ................................................. ......one

stud stallions ................... 70

turkey .............................................. 1,5

foals up to 1.5 years ........................... 45

ducks and geese ............................................ 2

adult sheep .................................... 10

minks, sables, rabbits ...................... 3

young sheep ...................................... 5

foxes, arctic foxes ..................................... 7


In hot and dry areas, the rates can be increased by 25%. The water consumption rates include the costs of cleaning the premises, cages, milk dishes, preparing feed, cooling milk. For manure removal, an additional water consumption of 4 to 10 dm3 per animal is provided. For young poultry, these norms are halved. For livestock and poultry farms, a special household water supply system is not designed.

Drinking water is supplied to the farm from a common water supply network. Water consumption rate for one worker is 25 dm3 per shift. For bathing sheep, 10 dm3 is consumed per head per year, at the point of artificial insemination of sheep - 0.5 dm3 per one inseminated sheep (the number of inseminated queens per day is 6 % total livestock on the complex).

The maximum daily and hourly water consumption, m3, is determined by the formulas:



where is the coefficient of daily irregularity of water consumption. Usually take \u003d 1.3.

Hourly fluctuations in water consumption are taken into account using the coefficient of hourly unevenness \u003d 2.5.


According to the principle of operation, pumps and water lifters are divided into the following groups.

Vane pumps (centrifugal, axial, vortex). In these pumps, fluid is moved (pumped) under the action of a rotating impeller equipped with blades. In figure 2.2, a, bshows a general view and a diagram of the operation of a centrifugal pump.

The working body of the pump is a wheel 6 with curved blades, when rotating in the discharge pipeline 2 pressure is formed.

Figure: 2.2. Centrifugal pump:

a - general form; b- pump operation diagram; 1 - pressure gauge; 2 - discharge pipeline; 3 - pump; 4 - electric motor: 5 - suction pipe; 6 - impeller; 7 - shaft

The pump operation is characterized by total head, flow rate, power, rotor speed and efficiency.


Animals drink water directly from drinkers, which are divided into individual and group, stationary and mobile. According to the principle of operation, drinkers are of two types: valve and vacuum. The first, in turn, are divided into pedal and float.

On cattle farms, automatic single-bowl drinkers AP-1A (plastic), PA-1A and KPG-12.31.10 (cast iron) are used for watering animals. They are installed at the rate of one for two cows for tethering and one for a cage for young animals. The AGK-4B group autodrinker with electric water heating up to 4 ° C is designed for drinking up to 100 heads.

Group autodrinker AGK-12 designed for 200 heads with loose housing in open areas. In winter, to eliminate the freezing of water, its flow is ensured.

Mobile drinking bowl PAP-10A intended for use in summer camps and pastures. It is a tank with a volume of 3 m3 from which water is supplied to 12 single-bowl drinking bowls, and is designed to serve 10 heads.

Self-cleaning single-bowl drinking bowls PPS-1 and teat drinkers PBS-1 are used for drinking adult pigs, and PB-2 is used for suckling piglets and weaning pigs. Each of these drinkers is designed, respectively, for 25 ... 30 adult animals and 10 young animals. Drinking bowls are used for individual and group keeping of pigs.

For sheep, the APO-F-4 electrically heated group auto-drinker is used, designed to serve 200 heads in open areas. Drinking bowls GAO-4A, AOU-2/4, PBO-1, PKO-4, VUO-3A are installed inside the sheepfolds.

For floor keeping of birds, flute drinkers K-4A and auto-drinkers AP-2, AKP-1.5 are used, for cage keeping - nipple autodrinkers.


Water used for drinking animals is most often judged by its physical properties: temperature, clarity, color, smell, taste and taste.

For adult animals, the most favorable is water with a temperature of 10 ... 12 ° C in summer and 15 ... 18 ° C in winter.

The transparency of water is determined by its ability to transmit visible light. The color of the water depends on the presence of mineral and organic impurities in it.

The smell of water depends on the organisms living and dying in it, the state of the banks and the bottom of the water source, from the effluents that feed the water source. Drinking water should not have any foreign smell. The taste of the water should be pleasant and refreshing, which determines the optimal amount of dissolved mineral salts and gases. There are bitter, salty, sour, sweet water tastes and various flavors. The smell and taste of water is usually determined organoleptically.



Procurement, preparation and distribution of feed is the most important task in animal husbandry. At all stages of solving this problem, it is necessary to strive to reduce feed losses and improve its physical and mechanical composition. This is achieved both by technological, mechanical and thermochemical methods of preparing feed for feeding, and by zootechnical ones - breeding animal breeds with high digestibility of feed, using scientifically grounded balanced diets, biologically active substances, growth stimulants.

The requirements for the preparation of feed mainly relate to the degree of their grinding, contamination, the presence of harmful impurities. Zootechnical conditions determined the following feed particle sizes: length of straw and hay cutting for cows 3 ... 4 cm, horses 1.5 ... 2.5 cm. Cutting thickness of root and tuber crops for cows 1.5 cm (young animals 0.5 ... . 1 cm), pigs 0.5 ... 1 cm, poultry 0.3 ... 0.4 cm.The cake for cows is crushed into particles 10 ... 15 mm in size. Milled concentrated feed for cows should consist of particles with a size of 1.8 ... 1.4 mm, for pigs and poultry - up to 1 mm (fine grinding) and up to 1.8 mm (medium grinding). The particle size of hay (grass) meal should not exceed 1 mm for birds and 2 mm for other animals. When laying a silage with the addition of raw root and tuber crops, the thickness of their cutting should not exceed 5 ... 7 mm. Silage corn stalks are crushed to 1.5 ... 8 cm.

Contamination of fodder root crops should not exceed 0.3%, and grain fodder - 1% (sand), 0.004% (bitterness, knotweed, ergot) or 0.25% (cockle, smut, chaff).

The following zootechnical requirements are imposed on feeding devices: uniformity and accuracy of feed distribution; its dosage is individual to each animal (for example, the distribution of concentrates according to the daily milk yield) or to a group of animals (silage, haylage and other roughage or green dressing); prevention of feed contamination and stratification into fractions; prevention of animal injuries; electrical safety. Deviation from the prescribed norm per head of an animal for stem feed is allowed in the range of ± 15%, and for concentrated feed - ± 5%. Recoverable feed losses should not exceed ± 1%, and irrecoverable ones are not allowed. The duration of the operation of distributing feed in one room should be no more than 30 minutes (when using mobile devices) and 20 minutes (when distributing feed by stationary means).

Feed dispensers should be universal (provide the ability to dispense feed of all types); have high productivity and provide for the regulation of the rate of delivery per head from minimum to maximum; do not create excessive noise in the room, it is easy to clean from the remains of feed and other contaminants, to be reliable in operation.


Feeds are prepared to increase their palatability, digestibility and nutrient utilization.

The main ways of preparing feed for feeding: mechanical, physical, chemical and biological.

Mechanical methods(crushing, crushing, crushing, mixing) is used mainly to increase the eatability of feed, improve them technological properties.

Physical methods(hydrobarothermic) increase the palatability and partly the nutritional value of feed.

Chemical methods(alkaline or acidic treatment of feed) increases the availability of indigestible nutrients to the body, breaking them down into simpler compounds.

Biological methods- yeast, ensiling, fermentation, enzymatic processing, etc.

All these methods of preparing feeds are used to improve their taste, increase their complete protein (due to microbial synthesis), enzymatic breakdown of indigestible carbohydrates to simpler compounds available for the body.

Preparation of roughage.The main roughage for farm animals is hay and straw. In the ration of animals in winter, the feed of these species is 25 ... 30% in terms of nutritional value. The preparation of hay consists mainly of chopping to increase the palatability and improve the technological properties. Physicomechanical methods are also widely used to increase the eatability and partially digestibility of straw - grinding, steaming, brewing, flavoring, and granulating.

Chopping is the easiest way to prepare straw for feeding. It helps to increase its edibility and facilitates the work of the digestive organs of animals. The most acceptable length of cutting straw of medium degree of chopping for use in the composition of loose feed mixtures is 2 ... 5 cm, for the preparation of briquettes 0.8 ... 3 cm, granules 0.5 cm.For chopping, stacked straw is loaded with forage (FN-12, FN-1.4, PSK-5, PZ-0.3) into vehicles. In addition, for grinding straw with a moisture content of 17%, crushers IGK-30B, KDU-2M, ISK-3, IRT-165 are used, and straw with high moisture content - grinders without sieve action DKV-3A, IRMA-15, DIS-1 M.

Flavoring, enrichment and steaming of straw is carried out in feed shops. Various types of alkalis (caustic soda, ammonia water, liquid ammonia, soda ash, lime) are recommended for the chemical treatment of straw, which are used both in pure form and in combination with other reagents and physical methods (with steam, under pressure). The nutritional value of straw after such treatment increases 1.5 ... 2 times.

Preparation of concentrated feed.To increase the nutritional value and more rational use of feed grain, various methods of its processing are used - grinding, roasting, boiling and steaming, malting, extrusion, micronization, crushing, flaking, recovery, yeast.

Shredding- a simple, generally available and obligatory way of preparing grain for feeding. Good quality dry grain with normal color and odor is crushed in hammer mills and grain mills. The degree of crushing depends on the eatability of the feed, the speed of its passage through the gastrointestinal tract, the volume of digestive juices and their enzymatic activity.

The fineness is determined by weighing the residues on the sieve after sieving the sample. Fine grinding is a residue on a sieve with holes with holes of 2 mm in an amount of not more than 5%, with no residue on a sieve with holes of 3 mm in diameter; medium grinding - residue on a sieve with holes of 3 mm in an amount of not more than 12% in the absence of residues on a sieve with holes of 5 mm; coarse grinding - residue on a sieve with holes of 3 mm in amount of not more than 35% with a residue on a sieve with holes of 5 mm in amount of not more than 5%, while the presence of whole grains is not allowed.

Of the grains, wheat and oats are the most difficult to process.

Toastinggrains are carried out mainly for sucking piglets in order to teach them to eat feed at an early age, stimulate the secretory activity of digestion, and better develop the chewing muscles. Usually roasted grains, widely used in feeding pigs: barley, wheat, corn, peas.

Cookingand steamingused for feeding pigs with legumes: peas, soybeans, lupines, lentils. These feeds are preliminarily crushed and then boiled or steamed for 30 ... 40 minutes in a feed steamer for 1 hour.

Malnutritionit is necessary to improve the taste of grain feed (barley, corn, wheat, etc.) and to increase their eatability. The malting is carried out as follows: the grain is poured into special containers, poured with hot (90 ° C) water and kept in it.

Extrusion -it is one of the most efficient ways to handle grain. The raw material to be extruded is brought to a moisture content of 12%, crushed and fed into the extruder, where, under the action of high pressure (280 ... 390 kPa) and friction, the grain mass is heated to a temperature of 120 ... 150 ° C. Then, due to its rapid movement from the high-pressure zone to the atmospheric zone, a so-called explosion occurs, as a result of which the homogeneous mass swells and forms a product of a microporous structure.

Micronizationconsists in processing grain with infrared rays. In the process of grain micronization, starch gelatinization occurs, while its amount in this form increases.


To prepare feed for feeding, the following machines and equipment are used: choppers, cleaners, washers, mixers, dispensers, storage tanks, steamers, tractor and pumping equipment, etc.

Technological equipment for the preparation of feed is classified according to technological characteristics and processing method. So, the crushing of feed is carried out by crushing, cutting, impact, grinding due to the mechanical interaction of the working bodies of the machine and the material. Each type of grinding has its own type of machine: impact - hammer crushers; cutting - straw silage cutters; grinding - millstone mills. In turn, crushers are classified according to the principle of operation, design and aerodynamic features, place of loading, method of removing the finished material. This approach is used for almost all machines involved in feed preparation.

The choice of technical means for loading and distributing feed and their rational use are mainly determined by such factors as the physical and mechanical properties of feed, the method of feeding, the type of livestock buildings, the way of keeping animals and poultry, the size of farms. The variety of feeding devices is due to a different combination of working bodies, assembly units and different methods of their aggregation with energy resources.

All feeders can be divided into two types: stationary and mobile (mobile).

Stationary feeders are various types of conveyors (chain, chain-scraper, rod-scraper, auger, belt, platform, spiral-screw, cable-washer, chain-washer, oscillating, bucket).

Mobile feed dispensers are automobile, tractor, and self-propelled. The advantages of mobile feed dispensers over stationary ones are higher labor productivity.

A common disadvantage of feeders is their low versatility when dispensing various feeds.


Technological equipment for feed preparation is placed in special rooms - feed shops, in which tens of tons of various feeds are processed daily. Comprehensive mechanization of feed preparation allows improving their quality, obtaining complete mixtures in the form of single feeds while reducing the cost of their processing.

Distinguish between specialized and combined feed shops. Specialized feed shops are designed for one type of farm (cattle, pig-breeding, poultry), and combined-for several branches of animal husbandry.

In the feed shops of livestock farms, there are three main technological lines, according to which feed machines are grouped and classified (Fig. 2.3). These are technological lines of concentrated, juicy and coarse (green forages). All three come together in the final steps of the feed preparation process: dosing, steaming and mixing.

Bunker "href \u003d" / text / category / bunker / "rel \u003d" bookmark "\u003e bunkers; 8 - sink-shredder; 9 - unloading auger; 10- loading auger; 11 - steamer mixers

The technology of feeding animals with complete feed briquettes and granules in the form of single feed is widely introduced. For farms and complexes of cattle, as well as for sheep farms, standard designs of feed shops KORK-15, KCK-5, KTsO-5 and KPO-5 are used, etc.

KORK-15 feed shop equipment setdesigned for quick preparation of wet feed mixtures, which include straw (in bulk, in rolls, bales), haylage or silage, root crops, concentrates, molasses and urea solution. This kit can be used on dairy farms and complexes of 800 ... 2000 heads and fattening farms up to 5000 heads of cattle in all agricultural zones of the country.

Figure 2.4 shows the layout of the equipment of the KORK-15 feed shop.

The technological process in the feed shop proceeds as follows: straw is unloaded from the transport dump vehicle into the receiving hopper 17, from where it comes to the conveyor 16, which is preliminary

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With proper feeding of the cow, milk is formed in the udder continuously throughout the day. As the udder capacity is filled, intra-udder pressure increases and milk production slows down. Most of the milk is found in the alveoli and small milk ducts of the udder (Fig. 2.5). This milk cannot be removed without the use of techniques that induce a full milk flow reflex.

The release of milk from the udder of a cow depends on humans, animals and the perfection of milking technology. These three components determine the overall process of milking a cow.

The following requirements are imposed on milking equipment:

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Figure: 2.6. Schemes of work and arrangement of two-chamber teat cups:

a - two-stroke milking; b - three-stroke milking; 1 - rubber cuff; 2 - glass body; 3 - liner rubber; 4- connecting ring; 5-transparent inspection pipe (cone); 6 - milk rubber pipe; 7-o-ring; M -interwall spaces of teat cups; P - suction cup chambers

This pressure difference (vacuum) forces the milk out of the teat cistern through the sphincter to the outside, which is why milking mills are sometimes called vacuum milking.

At any time, a certain state is established in the chambers of the teat cup: atmospheric pressure and vacuum, in a certain sequence they change (alternation).

The work of a single-chamber teat cup (Fig. 2.7) is as follows. Air is pumped out of the glass, and a vacuum (vacuum) is formed under the nipple. In this case, the nipple is pulled out and rests against the end of the glass. There is a pressure difference under the teat and inside the udder, the teat sphincter opens and milk begins to flow. Is happening sucking beat(fig. 2.7, a).The duration of the sucking stroke is determined by the duration of the vacuum under the nipple and the presence of milk in the milk tank of the nipple. Further, air is admitted into the suction chamber and the pressure difference decreases to a minimum (to natural values), the flow of milk through the nipple sphincter stops and begins rest beat(fig. 2.7, b).In this case, the nipple is shortened and blood circulation is restored in it. With a beat of rest, the beat of sucking begins again. The full cycle of operation of a single-chamber glass consists of two steps: sucking and rest.

Figure: 2.7. Scheme of a single-chamber teat cup with a corrugated suction cup:a- sucking beat; b - tact of rest

The work of a two-stroke glass can occur in two-three-stroke cycles (sucking-squeezing) and (sucking-squeezing-rest). During the sucking stroke, there should be a vacuum in the suction and interwall chambers. Milk flows from the udder teat through the sphincter into the suction chamber. During the compression stroke, vacuum in the suction chamber and atmospheric pressure in the interwall chamber. Due to the pressure difference in the suction and interwall chambers, the liner shrinks and compresses the nipple and sphincter, thereby preventing milk from flowing out. At the stroke of rest in the suction and interwall chambers, atmospheric pressure, that is, at a given period of time, the nipple is as close as possible to its natural state - blood circulation is restored in it.

The two-stroke mode of operation of the teat cup is the most stressful, since the teat is constantly exposed to vacuum. However, this ensures a high milking speed.

The three-stroke mode of operation is as close as possible to its natural way of milk production.



Milk is a biological fluid produced by the secretion of mammalian mammary glands. It contains milk sugar (4.7%) and mineral salts (0.7%), the colloidal phase contains part of the salts and proteins (3.3%) and in the fine phase - milk fat (3.8%) in the form, close to spherical, surrounded by a protein-lipid membrane. Milk has immune and bactericidal properties as it contains vitamins, hormones, enzymes and other active substances.

The quality of milk is characterized by fat content, acidity, bacterial contamination, mechanical pollution, color, odor and taste.

Lactic acid accumulates in milk due to the fermentation of milk sugar by bacteria. Acidity is expressed in conventional units - Turner's degrees (° T) and is determined by the number of millimeters of a decinormal alkali solution consumed to neutralize 100 ml of milk. Fresh milk has an acidity of 16 ° T.

The freezing point of milk is lower than that of water, and is in the range of -0.53 ...- 0.57 ° C.

The boiling point of milk is about 100.1 ° C. At 70 ° C, changes in protein and lactose begin in milk. Milk fat solidifies at temperatures from 23 ... 21.5 ° C, begins to melt at 18.5 ° C and stops melting at 41 ... 43 ° C. In warm milk, fat is in a state of emulsion, and at low temperatures (16 ... 18 ° C) it turns into a suspension in milk plasma. The average size of fat particles is 2 ... 3 microns.

Sources of bacterial contamination of milk during machine milking of cows can be contaminated skin of the udder, poorly washed teat cups, milk hoses, milk taps and parts of the milk line. Therefore, during the primary processing and processing of milk, sanitary and veterinary rules should be strictly observed. Cleaning, washing and disinfection of equipment and milk dishes must be carried out immediately after the end of work. Washrooms and compartments for storing clean dishes should preferably be located in the southern part of the premises, and storage and refrigerating compartments in the northern. All dairy workers must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene and systematically undergo a medical examination.

Under unfavorable conditions, microorganisms develop rapidly in milk, therefore it must be processed and processed in a timely manner. All technological processing of milk, conditions of its storage and transportation must ensure the receipt of milk of the first grade in accordance with the standard.


Milk is cooled, heated, pasteurized and sterilized; processed into cream, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, fermented milk products; thicken, normalize, homogenize, dry, etc.

Farms that supply whole milk to milk processing enterprises use the simplest milking scheme - cleaning - cooling, carried out in milking installations. When delivering milk to the retail network, the following scheme is possible: milking - cleaning - pasteurization - cooling - filling in small containers. For subsurface farms that supply their products for sale, lines are possible for processing milk into lactic acid products, kefir, cheeses, or, for example, for the production of butter according to the milking - cleaning - pasteurization - separation - butter production scheme. Condensed milk preparation is one of the promising technologies for many farms.


Keeping milk fresh for a long time is an important task, since high-quality products cannot be obtained from milk with high acidity and a high content of microorganisms.

For cleaning milk from mechanical impurities and modified components are used filtersand centrifugal cleaners.Plate discs, gauze, flannel, paper, metal mesh, synthetic materials are used as working elements in filters.

For milk cooling use flask, irrigation, reservoir, tubular, spiral and plate coolers.By design, they are horizontal, vertical, sealed and open, and by the type of cooling system - irrigation, coil, with an intermediate coolant and direct cooling, with a refrigerating machine evaporator, built-in and immersed in the milk bath.

The chiller can be built into the tank or stand alone.

To heat milk apply pasteurizersreservoir, displacement drum, tubular and lamellar. Electric pasteurizers are widespread.

To separate milk into composite products, use separators.There are separators-cream separators (for obtaining cream and cleaning milk), separators-milk purifiers (for cleaning milk), separators-normalizers (for cleaning and normalizing milk, that is, for obtaining clarified milk of a certain fat content), universal separators (for separating cream, milk cleaning and standardization) and separators for special purposes.

By design, the separators are open, semi-closed, hermetic.


Milk is cleaned from mechanical impurities using filters or centrifugal cleaners. Milk fat in suspension tends to aggregate, therefore filtration and centrifugal cleaning are preferably carried out for warm milk.

Filters retain mechanical impurities. Fabrics made of lavsan have good filtration quality indicators: other polymeric materials with a number of cells of at least 225 per 1 cm2. The milk passes through the fabric under pressure up to 100 kPa. When using fine filters, high pressures are required, the filters are clogged. The time of their use is limited by the properties of the filter material and the contamination of the liquid.

Separator-milk purifier OM-1A serves for cleaning milk from impurities, particles of coagulated protein and other inclusions, the density of which is higher than the density of milk. Separator capacity 1000 l / h.

Separator-milk purifier OMA-ZM (G9-OMA) with a capacity of 5000 l / h is included in the set of automated plate pasteurization and cooling plants OPU-ZM and 0112-45.

Centrifugal purifiers give it a high degree of milk purification. Their principle of operation is as follows. Milk is fed into the cleaner drum through a floating control chamber through a central tube. In the drum, it moves along the annular space, being distributed in thin layers between the separating plates, and moves to the axis of the drum. Mechanical impurities, which have a higher density than milk, are released in a thin-layer process of passing between the plates and are deposited on the inner walls of the drum (in the mud space).

Cooling milk prevents spoilage and ensures transportability. In winter, milk is cooled to 8 ° C, in summer - to 2 ... 4 ° C. In order to save energy, natural cold is used, for example cold air in winter, but cold accumulation is more efficient. The simplest way of cooling is to immerse flasks and cans of milk in running or ice water, snow, etc. More perfect methods are using milk coolers.

Open sprinkler coolers (flat and cylindrical) have a milk receiver in the upper part of the heat exchange surface and a milk collector in the lower part. Coolant flows through the pipes of the heat exchanger. From the holes in the bottom of the receiver, milk flows onto the irrigated heat exchange surface. Flowing down it in a thin layer, the milk is cooled and freed from gases dissolved in it.

Lamellar devices for milk cooling are part of pasteurization installations and milk purifiers in a set of milking installations. The plates of the apparatus are made of corrugated stainless steel used in the food industry. The consumption of cooling ice water is taken as threefold in relation to the design capacity of the apparatus, which is 400 kg / h, depending on the number of heat exchange plates collected in the working package. The temperature difference between cooling water and cold milk is 2 ... 3 ° C.

To cool milk, use cooling tanks with an intermediate refrigerant RPO-1.6 and RPO-2.5, a milk cooler MKA 200L-2A with a heat recuperator, a milk purifier-cooler OOM-1000 "Holodok", a milk cooling tank RPO -F-0.8.


The level of mechanization of cleaning and manure removal reaches 70 ... 75%, and labor costs account for 20 ... 30% of total costs.

The problem of rational use of manure as a fertilizer while meeting the requirements for protecting the environment from pollution is of great national economic importance. Effective solution the issue involves systems approach, including consideration of all production operations in interrelation: removal of manure from premises, transportation, processing, storage and use. The technology and the most effective means of mechanization for the removal and disposal of manure should be selected on the basis of a technical and economic calculation, taking into account the type and system (method) of keeping animals, the size of farms, production conditions and soil and climatic factors.

Depending on the humidity, a distinction is made between solid, litter (humidity 75 ... 80%), semi-liquid (85 ... 90 %) and liquid (90 ... 94%) manure, as well as manure runoff (94 ... 99%). The excrement yield from various animals per day ranges from approximately 55 kg (for cows) to 5.1 kg (for fattening pigs) and depends primarily on feeding. The composition and properties of manure affect the process of its removal, processing, storage, use, as well as the microclimate of the premises and the environment.

The following requirements are imposed on technological lines for cleaning, transportation and disposal of manure of any kind:

timely and high-quality removal of manure from livestock buildings with a minimum consumption of clean water;

processing it in order to detect infections and subsequent disinfection;

transportation of manure to processing and storage sites;


maximum preservation of nutrients in the original manure and products of its processing;

exclusion of environmental pollution, as well as the spread of infections and invasions;

ensuring an optimal microclimate, maximum cleanliness of livestock buildings.

Manure handling facilities should be located downwind and below water intake facilities, and near-farm manure storage facilities should be located outside the farm. It is necessary to provide for sanitary zones between livestock buildings and residential settlements. The site for treatment facilities should not be flooded with flood and storm water. All structures of the system for the removal, treatment and disposal of manure must be made with reliable waterproofing.

The variety of technologies for keeping animals necessitates the use of various systems for cleaning manure in premises. Three systems of manure removal are most widely used: mechanical, hydraulic and combined (slotted floors in combination with an underground manure storage or channels in which mechanical cleaning equipment is located).

The mechanical system predetermines the removal of manure from the premises by all kinds of mechanical means: manure conveyors, bulldozer shovels, scraper installations, suspended or ground carts.

The hydraulic system for removing manure is flush, recirculating, gravity and settling-tray (gate).

Flush systemcleaning involves daily flushing of the channels with water from the flush nozzles. With a direct flush, manure is removed with a stream of water created by the pressure of the water supply network or a booster pump. The mixture of water, manure and slurry flows into the collector and is no longer used for flushing.

Recirculation systemprovides for the use of clarified and disinfected liquid fraction of manure supplied through a pressure pipeline from a storage tank to remove manure from channels.

Continuous gravity systemensures the removal of manure due to its sliding along the natural slope formed in the channels. It is used on cattle farms when keeping animals without bedding and feeding them with silage, root and tuber crops, stillage, bagasse and green mass, and in pigsties when feeding with liquid and dry compound feed without using silage and green mass.

Batch gravity systemensures the removal of manure that accumulates in the longitudinal channels equipped with gates due to its discharge when the gates are opened. The volume of the longitudinal channels should ensure the accumulation of manure within 7 ... 14 days. Typically, the dimensions of the canal are as follows: length W ... 50 m, width 0.8 m (and more), minimum depth 0.6 m. Moreover, the thicker the manure, the shorter and wider the canal should be.

All gravity methods for removing manure from premises are especially effective for tethered and box keeping animals without bedding on warm expanded clay concrete floors or on rubber mats.

The main way to dispose of manure is to use it as an organic fertilizer. Most effective way removal and use of liquid manure is its disposal in irrigated fields. There are also known methods of processing manure into feed additives to produce gas and bitumen.


All technical means for the removal and disposal of manure are divided into two groups: batch and continuous.

Transport devices trackless and rail, ground and overhead, mobile loading, scraper installations and other means belong to equipment of periodic action.

Continuous transporting devices are available with or without a traction device (gravity, pneumatic and hydraulic transport).

By purpose, there are technical means for daily cleaning and periodic, for removing deep litter, for cleaning walking areas.

Depending on the design, they are distinguished:

ground and overhead rail trolleys and trackless hand carts:

scraper conveyors of circular and reciprocating motion;

rope scrapers and rope shovels;

attachments on tractors and self-propelled chassis;

devices for hydraulic removal of manure (hydrotransport);

devices using pneumatics.

The technological process of removing manure from livestock buildings and transporting it to the field can be divided into the following sequentially performed operations:

collecting manure from stalls and dumping it into grooves or loading into trolleys (carts);

transportation of manure from stalls through the livestock building to the place of collection or loading;

loading onto vehicles;

transportation across the farm to a manure storage or composting and unloading site:

loading from storage onto vehicles;

transportation to the field and unloading from the vehicle.

To perform these operations, many different variants of machines and mechanisms are used. The most rational should be considered the option in which one mechanism performs two or more operations, and the cost of harvesting 1 ton of manure and moving it to fertilized fields is the lowest.


Mechanical means for removing manure are divided into mobile and stationary. Mobile devices are mainly used for loose housing with bedding. Straw, peat, chaff, sawdust, shavings, fallen leaves and needles of trees are usually used as bedding. Approximate daily bedding rates per cow are 4 ... 5 kg, sheep - 0.5 ... 1 kg.

Manure from the premises where animals are kept is removed once or twice a year using various devices attached to the vehicle for moving and loading various goods, including manure.

In animal husbandry, manure transporters TSN-160A, TSN-160B, TSN-ZB, TR-5, TSN-2B, longitudinal scraper units US-F-170A or US-F250A complete with transverse US-10, US-12 and USP-12, longitudinal scraper conveyors TS-1PR complete with transverse TS-1PP, scraper units US-12 complete with transverse USP-12, screw conveyors TSHN-10.

Scraper conveyors TSN-ZB and TSN-160A (Fig. 2.8) circular action are designed to remove manure from livestock buildings with simultaneous loading into vehicles.

Horizontal conveyor 6 , installed in the manure channel, consists of an articulated collapsible chain with scrapers fixed on it 4, drive station 2, tension 3 and turning 5 devices. The chain is driven by an electric motor through a V-belt transmission and a gearbox.

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Figure: 2.9. Scraper unit US-F-170:

1, 2 - driving and tensioning stations; 3- slider; 4, 6-scrapers; 5 -chain; 7 - guide rollers; 8 - barbell

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Figure: 2.11. Technological scheme of the UTN-10A installation:

1 - scraper itapovka US-F-170 (US-250); 2- hydraulic drive station; 3 - manure storage; 4 - manure pipeline; 5 -hopper; 6 - pump; 7 - KNP-10 manure conveyor

Screw and centrifugal pumps NSh, NTsi, NVTs used for unloading and pumping liquid manure through pipelines. Their productivity ranges from 70 to 350 t / h.

Scraper unit TS-1 is intended for pig farms. It is installed in a manure channel, which is covered with slatted floors. The installation consists of transverse and longitudinal conveyors. The main assembly units of conveyors: scrapers, chains, drive. On the TS-1 installation, a "Carriage" type scraper is used. The drive, consisting of a gearbox and an electric motor, imparts a reciprocating motion to the scrapers and protects them from overloads.

Manure is transported from livestock buildings to processing and storage sites by mobile and stationary means.

Unit ESA-12 / 200A (Fig. 2.12) is intended for shearing 10 ... 12 thousand sheep per season. It is used to equip stationary, mobile or temporary shearing stations for 12 jobs.

The process of shearing and primary processing of wool using the example of the KTO-24 / 200A set is organized as follows: the equipment of the set is placed inside the shearing station. Otaru sheep are driven into pens adjacent to the shearing station. The feeders catch the sheep and bring them to the shearers' workplaces. Each shearer has a set of tokens indicating the workplace number. After shearing each sheep, the shearer places the fleece along with the token on the conveyor. At the end of the conveyor, the auxiliary worker puts the fleece on the scales and, according to the token number, the clerk writes down the mass of the fleece separately to each shearer in the list. Then, on the table for classifying wool, it is divided into classes. From the classification table, the wool enters the box of the corresponding class, from where it is sent for pressing into bales, after which the bales are weighed, marked and sent to the finished product warehouse.

Shearing device "Runo-2" intended for shearing sheep in distant pastures or farmsthat do not have a centralized supply of electricity. It consists of a shearing machine driven by a high-frequency asynchronous electric motor, a converter powered from the on-board network of a car or tractor, a set of connecting wires and a carrying case. Provides simultaneous operation of two clippers.

Power consumption of one shearing machine is 90 W, voltage is 36 V, current frequency is 200 Hz.

Shearing machines MSO-77B and high-frequency MSU-200V are widely used at shearing stations. MSO-77B are designed for shearing sheep of all breeds and consists of a body, a cutting device, eccentric, push and hinge mechanisms. The body serves to connect all the mechanisms of the clipper and is lined with cloth to protect the shearer's hand from overheating. The cutting device is the working body of the machine and is used to cut wool. It works on the principle of scissors, the role of which is played by the blades of a knife and comb. The knife cuts the wool in a forward motion on the comb 2300 double strokes per minute. The width of the machine is 77 mm, the weight is 1.1 kg. The knife is driven by a flexible shaft from an external electric motor through an eccentric mechanism.

High-frequency shearing machine MSU-200V (Fig. 2.13) consists of an electric shearing head, an electric motor and a power cord. Its fundamental difference from the MSO-77B machine is that a three-phase asynchronous electric motor with squirrel cage rotor made in one piece with the clipping head. Electric motor power W, voltage 36 V, current frequency 200 Hz, rotor speed electric motor-1. The IE-9401 frequency converter converts an industrial current with a voltage of 220/380 V into a current of increased frequency - 200 or 400 Hz with a voltage of 36 V, which is safe for the operation of service personnel.

To sharpen the cutting pair, use a TA-1 single-disk grinding device and a DAS-350 finishing device.

Preservation "href \u003d" / text / category / konservatciya / "rel \u003d" bookmark "\u003e preservation grease. The previously removed parts and assemblies are installed in place, making the necessary adjustments. Check the operability and interaction of mechanisms by short-term start-up of the machine and its operation in idle mode course.

Pay attention to the reliability of the grounding of body metal parts. In addition to general requirements, when preparing for the use of specific machines, the peculiarities of their design and operation are taken into account.

In units with a flexible shaft, the shaft is first connected to the electric motor, and then to the shearing machine. Pay attention to the fact that the rotor shaft turns easily by hand and does not have axial and radial runout. The direction of rotation of the shaft must correspond to the direction of rotation of the shaft, and not vice versa. The movement of all elements of the clipper must be smooth. The motor must be secured.

The performance of the unit is checked by short-term switching on during idle operation.

When preparing the wool conveyor for operation, pay attention to the belt tension. The stretched belt must not slip on the conveyor drive drum. When preparing for operation of sharpening units, scales, classifying tables, and wool presses, attention is paid to the performance of individual units.

The quality of sheep shearing is assessed by the quality of the resulting wool. First of all, this is the exclusion of re-cutting of wool. Re-shearing of wool is obtained by loosely pressing the comb of the shearing machine to the body of the sheep. In this case, the hair clipper does not cut the hair near the animal's skin, but higher and thus shortens the fiber length. Repeated clipping will result in a chaff that clogs the fleece.



The microclimate of livestock buildings is a combination of physical, chemical and biological factors inside the building, which have a certain effect on the animal body. These include: temperature, humidity, speed and chemical composition of air (content of harmful gases in it, the presence of dust and microorganisms), ionization, radiation, etc. The combination of these factors can be different and affect the body of animals and birds both positively and and negatively.

Zootechnical and sanitary and hygienic requirements for keeping animals and poultry are reduced to maintaining microclimate indicators within the established norms. Microclimate standards for different types premises are given in table 2.1.

Microclimate of livestock premises tab. 2.1

Creating an optimal microclimate is a production process that consists in regulating technical means microclimate parameters until such a combination is obtained, under which environmental conditions are most favorable for the normal course of physiological processes in the animal's body. It should also be borne in mind that unfavorable parameters of the microclimate in the premises also negatively affect the health of people serving animals, causing them to decrease labor productivity and rapid fatigue, for example, excessive air humidity in stables with a sharp decrease in external temperature leads to increased condensation of water vapor on structural elements of the building, causes decay of wooden structures and at the same time makes them less permeable to air and more heat-conducting.

Changes in the parameters of the microclimate of a livestock building are influenced by: fluctuations in the temperature of the outside air, depending on the local climate and season; inflow or loss of heat through the building material; accumulation of heat given off by animals; the amount of water vapor, ammonia and carbon dioxide released, depending on the frequency of manure removal and the state of the sewage system; condition and degree of lighting of premises; technology of keeping animals and poultry. The constructions of doors, gates, and the presence of vestibules play an important role.

Maintaining an optimal microclimate reduces the cost of production.


To maintain an optimal microclimate in rooms with animals, they must be ventilated, heated or cooled. Automation should control ventilation, heating and cooling. The amount of air removed from the room is always equal to the amount of incoming air. If an exhaust system is operating in the room, then the inflow of fresh air is disorganized.

Ventilation systems are divided into natural, forced with a mechanical air stimulator and combined. Natural ventilation occurs due to the difference in air density inside and outside the building, as well as under the influence of wind. Forced ventilation (with a mechanical stimulator) is subdivided into forced ventilation with heated supply air and without heating, exhaust ventilation and forced-exhaust ventilation.

The optimal air parameters in livestock buildings are maintained, as a rule, by a ventilation system, which can be exhaust (vacuum), supply (discharge) or supply and exhaust (balanced). Exhaust ventilation, in turn, can be with natural air draft and with a mechanical stimulator, and natural ventilation is pipeless and pipe. Natural ventilation usually works satisfactorily in the spring and autumn seasons, as well as when the outside air temperature is up to 15 ° C. In all other cases, the air must be pumped into the premises, and in the northern and central regions it must be additionally heated.

An air handling unit usually consists of a fan with an electric motor and a ventilation network, which includes a duct system and air intake and exhaust devices. The fan is designed to move air. The causative agent of air movement in it is an impeller with blades, enclosed in a special casing. According to the value of the developed total pressure, the fans are divided into devices of low (up to 980 Pa), medium (980 ... 2940 Pa) and high (294 Pa) pressure; according to the principle of action - on centrifugal and axial. In livestock buildings, low and medium pressure fans, centrifugal and axial, general-purpose and roof fans, right and left rotation are used. The fan is available in various sizes.

In livestock buildings, the following types of heating are used: stove, central (water and low pressure steam) and air. Air heating systems are most widely used. The essence of air heating is that the air heated in the air heater is admitted into the room directly or through the air duct system. Air heaters are used for air heating. The air in them can be heated by water, steam, electricity or combustion products. Therefore, air heaters are divided into water, steam, electric and fire. Heating electric heaters of the SFO series with finned tubular heaters are designed to heat air to a temperature of 50 ° C in air heating, ventilation, artificial climate systems and in drying plants. The set outlet air temperature is maintained automatically.


Automated sets of equipment "Climate" are designed for ventilation, heating and air humidification in livestock buildings.

The set of equipment "Climate-3" consists of two supply ventilation and heating units 3 (fig. 2.14), air humidification systems, supply air ducts 6 , exhaust fan kit 7 , control stations 1 with sensor panel 8.

Ventilation and heating unit 3 heats up and supplies atmospheric air, humidifies if necessary.

The humidification system includes a pressure tank 5 and a solenoid valve that automatically regulates the degree and humidification of the air. Hot water supply to heaters is regulated by a valve 2.

The sets of air handling units PVU-4M, PVU-LM are designed to maintain the air temperature and its circulation within the specified limits during the cold and transitional periods of the year.

Figure: 2.14. Climate-3 equipment:

1 - control station; 2-control valve; 3 - ventilation and heating units; 4 - solenoid valve; 5 -pressure water tank; 6 - air ducts; 7 -exhaust fan; 8 - sensor

Electric heaters of the SFOTs series with a capacity of 5-100 kW are used to heat the air in the supply ventilation systems of livestock buildings.

Fan heaters of TV-6 type consist of a centrifugal fan with a two-speed electric motor, a water heater, a louver unit and an actuator.

Fire heat generators TGG-1A. TG-F-1.5A, TG-F-2.5G, TG-F-350 and furnaces TAU-0.75, TAU-1.5 are used to maintain an optimal microclimate in livestock and other buildings. The air is heated by the products of combustion of liquid fuel.

The UT-F-12 heat recovery ventilation unit is designed for ventilation and heating of livestock buildings using the heat of the exhaust air. Air-thermal (air curtains) allow you to maintain the microclimate parameters in the winter in the room when you open a large section gate for the passage of vehicles or animals.


When raising a highly productive livestock of animals, it is necessary to consider their organisms and environment as a single whole, the most important component of which is radiant energy. The use of ultraviolet irradiation in animal husbandry to eliminate solar starvation of the body, infrared local heating of young animals, as well as light regulators that provide a photoperiodic cycle of animal development, has shown that the use of radiant energy makes it possible, without large material costs, to significantly increase the safety of young animals - the basis for the reproduction of livestock. Ultraviolet irradiation has a positive effect on the growth, development, metabolism and reproductive functions of farm animals.

Infrared rays have a beneficial effect on animals. They penetrate 3 ... 4 cm deep into the body and help to increase blood flow in the vessels, thereby improving metabolic processes, activating the body's defenses, significantly increasing the safety and weight gain of young animals.

Erythemal fluorescent mercury arc lamps of the LE type are of the greatest practical importance as sources of ultraviolet radiation in installations; bactericidal, mercury arc lamps of the DB type; arc mercury tubular high pressure lamps, type DRT.

Mercury-quartz lamps of the PRK type, erythemal fluorescent lamps of the EUV type and bactericidal lamps of the BUV type are also sources of ultraviolet radiation.

The PRK mercury-quartz lamp is a quartz glass tube filled with argon and a small amount of mercury. Quartz glass transmits visible and ultraviolet rays well. Inside the quartz tube, at its ends, tungsten electrodes are mounted, on which a spiral coated with an oxide layer is wound. During the operation of the lamp, an arc discharge occurs between the electrodes, which is a source of ultraviolet radiation.

Erythemal fluorescent lamps of the EUV type have a device similar to the LD and LB fluorescent lamps, but differ from them in the composition of the phosphor and the type of glass of the tube.

Bactericidal lamps of the BUV type are arranged similarly to fluorescent lamps. They are used for air disinfection in cattle maternity wards, pigsties, poultry houses, as well as for disinfection of walls, floors, ceilings and veterinary instruments.

For infrared heating and ultraviolet irradiation of young animals, the ICUF-1M installation is used, consisting of a control cabinet and forty irradiators. The irradiator is a rigid box-like structure, at both ends of which infrared lamps IKZK are placed, and between them is an LE-15 ultraviolet erythema lamp. A reflector is installed above the lamp. The control gear of the lamp is mounted on top of the irradiator and is covered with a protective casing.