Now "Made by us" and in Telegram. Russian aviation Il 112v light transport aircraft

Contracts with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the development and serial production of a light military transport aircraft IL-112V has not yet been concluded due to price differences, the issue is planned to be settled by the end of this month. ITAR-TASS reported this cEO - General Designer of JSC "Il" Viktor Livanov.

"The final decision on this machine has not been made. So far, the Ministry of Defense is not satisfied with the price that we have set, and are somewhat dissatisfied with the terms," - said V. Livanov.

He clarified that on the eve of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin instructed the interested parties as soon as possible - within two weeks - to find a compromise.

General Director - General Designer of OJSC "Il" Viktor Livanov

"The Ministry of Defense requires a reduction in the price of both development work (R&D) and serial production. In the price of a serial aircraft, only 30% is an assembly plant, everything else is suppliers and subcontractors," - explained the head of the enterprise.

"Now all the work (on the Il-112V project) is carried out at our expense. The final decision has been made - we settled on the TV7-117SM engine for this machine, because any new engine requires additional money.", - added V. Livanov.


The Il-112 aircraft is designed to transport a wide range of various cargoes weighing up to 6 tons over a distance of up to 6000 km. Features IL-112 surpasses analogues in range and flight speed, if possible, operation from short runways, in any geographic and climatic conditions, day and night, in simple and difficult weather conditions.

One of the main features of the aircraft is the ability to operate in small, poorly equipped airports with both concrete and unpaved runways. The aircraft is also distinguished by high fuel efficiency and increased height and width of the cargo compartment in comparison with aircraft of a similar class.

The aircraft is equipped with an integrated complex of onboard equipment. All flight and navigation information and information about the operation of aircraft systems are displayed on 6 liquid crystal displays.

For the Il-112 aircraft, an operating system was adopted for technical condition without major overhauls, ensuring the maintenance of the required level of airworthiness at minimum operating costs within the assigned resource of 45,000 hours. or 30,000 flights and a service life of 35 years.

The main characteristics of the Il-112

Aircraft characteristics:

  • profile - screw monoplane with a high-lying straight wing
  • crew - 2 pilots
  • passenger capacity - 44
  • lifting capacity - 6 t
  • length - 23.49 m
  • wingspan - 25.74 m
  • height - 8.9 m
  • curb weight - 15 t
  • normal takeoff weight - 20.4 t
  • max. takeoff weight - 21 t
  • fuel capacity - 7900 l

The main characteristics of the power plant:

  • number of engines - 2
  • engine type - turboprop
  • engine - TV7-117ST
  • power - 2 × 2800 HP
  • propeller - single-row six-blade AV-112
  • screw diameter - 3.9 m
  • thrust - 3 645 kgf
  • afterburner - 4 145 kgf
  • fuel consumption - 500 kg / h

Flight specifications:

  • maximum speed - 550 km / h
  • cruising speed - 480 km / h
  • practical range - 1,000 km at maximum load, 3,400 km - 3.5 t
  • ferry range - 5,200 km
  • practical ceiling - 7 600 m
  • takeoff run - 870 m
  • path length - 600 m

D. Livanov did not rule out that as the work progresses, individual characteristics of the engine will be improved - a preliminary agreement with the United Engine Corporation on this matter has already been reached.

The head of the enterprise recalled that the current state armament program provides for the production of 62 Il-112V aircraft for the RF Ministry of Defense, which should replace the outdated An-26.

We remind you that March 13, 2014 deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin discussed with the designers the prospects for launching production of the Il-112 and Il-114. He announced this on his Twitter page.

"Held a meeting of the heads of our airlines and aviation industry. We will build and buy OUR civil aircraft, - he wrote. - On Monday I am going to the Ilyushin Design Bureau for a conversation with aircraft designers. We will discuss the prospects for launching the production of IL-112, IL-114 and other promising machines. "


Passenger aircraft of local airlines with two turboprop engines TV7-117S with a capacity of 2500 hp. to carry 64 passengers. During the development of the aircraft, special attention was paid to reducing the noise level both on the ground and in the cockpit.

For this purpose, six-bladed low-noise propellers SV-34 with a system for synchronizing their rotation in frequency and phases were developed. In addition, the gap between the ends of the blades and the fuselage skin has been increased.

The first flight was performed on March 29, 1990. It was certified by the "Aviaregister" of Russia only in April 1997. Serial production began in 1992 at the Tashkent Aviation Production Association (TAPO) named after V.P. Chkalov, where capacities for the production of 100-120 aircraft per year were created.

By 1999, at least 10 examples were built. On the basis of the passenger version, the Ilyushin Aircraft Company has developed an IL-114T cargo plane equipped with a side cargo door measuring 3.25X1.71 m and capable of transporting goods weighing up to 7 tons in containers or on cargo pallets.

To protect the territorial waters and the economic sea zone, a patrol version of the IL-114P with the Strizh radio-electronic complex has been developed.

Characteristics of the Il-114 aircraft:

  • Aircraft length, m - 26.88
  • Wingspan, m - 30
  • Wing area, sq.m - 81.9
  • Height, m \u200b\u200b- 9.32
  • Crew seats - 2
  • The number of passenger seats - 64
  • Maximum takeoff weight, t - 22.7
  • Fuel capacity, l - 8360
  • Cruising speed, km / h - 500
  • Flight range with 64 passengers and luggage (with fuel reserve), km - 1000
  • Operational ceiling, m - 7200
  • Required runway length (ISA conditions, at sea level), m - 1550

In addition, according to D. Rogozin, the design potential of the Tupolev and Myasishchevites will be strengthened. "From industrial assembly, we will move on to our own development and production," the Deputy Prime Minister said, adding that his immediate plans include a meeting with the designers of the Tupolev Design Bureau and the Myasishchev Design Bureau, a prompt solution to the issue of strengthening their creative potential and the formation of scientific and technical hurt.

"Such a great country as Russia, with its time zones, cannot exist without its aviation, - concluded the deputy chairman of the government. - From "industrial assembly", which makes us dependent on outsiders and does not lead to the transfer of technology, we are moving on to development with our own brains and production with our own hands. "

RIA Novosti on December 20, 2013 reported that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the United Aircraft Corporation will conclude a contract for the development of a light military transport aircraft Il-112V in 2014, the amount of the contract for development work (R&D) will amount to 7.9 billion rubles. said Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov.

Deputy Ministry of Defense of Russia Yuri Borisov

"The contract will be signed in 2014. The position on the contract remains in the state defense order in 2014, there is an amount of 7.9 billion rubles for the completion of development work on the Il-112V. Another contract with UAC - serial for the supply of aircraft - we will sign after the completion of these works ", - said Yuri Borisov, without specifying the date of completion of the ROC.

The deputy minister did not name the exact number of Il-112V aircraft to be delivered to the Air Force, but informed that "we are talking about several dozen aircraft."

"The first deliveries of the Il-112V are planned to begin in 2017," - confirmed Yu. Borisov.

As previously reported in the press service of OJSC "Il", for the Russian Air Force in OJSC "Voronezh Aviation Aircraft Association"62 such aircraft should be built.

They are designed to re-equip the fleet of light military transport aircraft and will replace the outdated An-26. The contract was planned to be concluded by the end of 2013.

The production of two more Il-112 B aircraft was launched in Voronezh. This was announced by the general director of PJSC "Il" Yuri Grudinin.

  • JSC "ODK-STAR" has delivered experimental units intended for installation on the TV7-117ST engines of the newest military transport aircraft Il-112 V. Created in the interests of the air force and having the prospect of serial production, the Russian aircraft of a new type Il-112 V performed first flight on March 30, 2019.

    Completely composed of Russian components and designed as part of import substitution system automatic control and fuel supply SAU-65ST was developed using modern design solutions that made it possible to increase the reliability of the units in accordance with the declared characteristics of the TV7-117ST engine developed and manufactured by the St. Petersburg company, JSC ODK-Klimov: at maximum takeoff mode, the engine power is 3100 hp, in an increased emergency mode - 3600 hp

    Currently, the JSC "ODK-STAR" has also created a modernized version of SAU-65ST

    Video from

  • The Il-112 V light military transport aircraft made its first flight.

    On March 30, the first prototype of the Il-112 V light military transport aircraft, built under a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense, took off from the runway of the airfield of the aircraft building enterprise PJSC VASO (part of the UAC Transport Aviation Division).

    This was reported by the press service of PJSC "Il".

  • "The permission for the first flight of the military transport Il-112V has been received," the press service said.

  • On November 27, at the Voronezh aircraft building enterprise PJSC VASO (part of the UAC Transport Aviation Division), the procedure for the transfer of the first flight model of the Il-112 V to the flight test station (LIS) took place.

    At LIS VASO, the specialists of PJSC "IL" will conduct the whole complex of the so-called aerodrome tests of a promising light military transport aircraft. As a result, a conclusion will be given on the readiness of the Il-112 V for the first flight.

    The Il-112 V light military transport aircraft, capable of carrying a maximum load of 5 tons, is designed to transport soldiers, military equipment, different types weapons and other cargo. The machine is being created to replace the An-26 and An-24 turboprop. It is planned to be released in two modifications: for civil aviation (Il-112T) and military transport aviation (Il-112V). Earlier it was reported that the military intends to order 62 vehicles.


  • Preparation of the newest Il-112 V light military transport aircraft for the first flight is underway. Thus, the specialists of the Transport Aviation Division of the United Aircraft Building Corporation started testing the systems installed on board the first prototype flight model. This is reported by the official website of the Ilyushin Design Bureau.

  • The flight prototype of the promising light military transport aircraft Il-112 V has successfully passed the first test for tightness and moisture resistance of the fuselage at the VASO manufacturing plant (PJSC Voronezh Joint-Stock Aircraft Building Company, part of the Transport Aviation Division of PJSC United Aircraft Corporation).

    Currently being completed assembly work in the cockpit. Deliveries to the plant of all major blocks of navigation and other experimental equipment have been completed. Full-scale work on its development will begin next week.

    The Il-112 aircraft is a light transport aircraft project developed by the Ilyushin design bureau. The main task of this unit was to replace the old An-26 aircraft. The designers' plans were to create two modifications for civil aviation and for the transport of military cargo.

    In the 90s, the monitoring of the aircraft market was carried out, which showed that the domestic CIS market requires Il-112 aircraft in the amount of 300 to 1 thousand aircraft. The advantage of this aircraft is that it can be used on low-equipped and short runways, even with unpaved surfaces. The operating system provides for the use of the machine without major repairs, it is only necessary to maintain the suitability level. According to the forecasts of the creators of the Il-112, its operational service life should be 35 years.

    The history of the Il-112 aircraft

    The development of the project began in the early 90s, initially it was planned to manufacture a passenger vehicle. The project was financed by the Il-Bashkiria company. They wanted to start mass production in 1994 in Kumertau APO. These plans were never implemented. As a result, serial production was transferred to the Voronezh ASO.

    Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation this project was introduced in 2004, after which it was planned to create a working aircraft for 2006. But this, too, was not implemented due to a further delay in the development of the project. Financing was provided by the Ilyushin Design Bureau, and this unit was included in the state defense order until 2015.

    The Ministry of Defense suspended funding in the summer of 2010, despite the fact that four Il-112s had already been partially built. For the complete revision of these machines, 800 million rubles are not enough.

    Ultimately, VASO prepared four aircraft samples, and two of them are flight models. Manufacturers plan to reach the production of 18 such machines per year. Another problem was the refusal of the Ministry of Defense from transport variants of the Il-112 in 2011 in favor of the An-140. For this reason, the development of the Il-112 transport aircraft was discontinued.

    In the winter of 2014, Ilyushin's company entered into a new agreement with the Ministry of Defense, which deals with the further development of transport vehicle IL-112. It is planned to manufacture it in 2016, and the serial production is planned to begin in 2018.

    Design features of the Il-112 aircraft

    The machine is made according to the monoplane scheme, on which the straight wings are located high. The car must be driven by two pilots. The passenger version of the Il-112 aircraft accommodates 44 people in the cabin, and the cargo model has the ability to lift 6 tons of cargo. The normal weight of the vehicle during takeoff should reach 20.4 tons. Fuel tanks have the ability to hold 7.9 thousand liters of fuel.

    The power plant consists of two turboprop engines, which are designated as TV7-117ST. Each engine delivers 2800 horsepower. The Il-112 aircraft has an air propeller consisting of six blades placed in one row, with the designation AB-112. The total thrust of the power plant is 3645 kgf. In the afterburner flight mode, the thrust reaches values \u200b\u200bof 4145 kgf. At a normal cruising speed of 480 km / h, the Il-112 consumes 500 kilograms of fuel per hour.

    The Il-112 passenger airliner can reach a maximum speed of 550 km / h, and the maximum flight range is one thousand kilometers. When the vehicle is overtaken, the flight range can be 5.2 thousand kilometers due to the installation of additional fuel tanks. Maximum heightthe plane can climb - 7.6 kilometers. When taking off, the plane needs 870 meters of runway. When landing, the device only needs 600 meters to stop completely.

    IL-112 characteristics:

    Maximum flight range, km 6000 Cruising speed, km / h 550-600

    Aircraft length, m 20.65

    Aircraft height, m \u200b\u200b7.90

    Wingspan, m 23.45

    Cross-section of the cargo compartment, m 2.4x2.4

    Required runway length, m 1000

    More precisely, the lack of prospects for the more expensive turboprop. The place of the newest airliners in the airlines is occupied by the ancient ones in turboprop with the cost tending to zero. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to ensure the profitability of transportation.
    In fact, the cost of new jets and new turbo-pops of the same capacity has become equal.
    The difference in the cost of fuel as a percentage of the cost of one seat is completely justified on very short routes - if not vanishingly small.
    In addition, the initially passenger Il-112 is a completely different aircraft - an analogue of the Dornier-328. The Il-112V is a completely different aircraft - it has nothing to do with the first project, except for a turboprop.

    Yes, and the Il-112V itself is, in principle, unnecessary to anyone - the concept and characteristics are too outdated, nevertheless, an attempt is stubbornly continuing to attach it in this form.

    However, there is an option. By analogy with the Dornier-328, it is quite possible to create a version of the Il-112V with jet engineor rather with Silvercrest®, Snecma.

    With the Silvercrest®, Snecma brings business aviation into a new era. By drawing on our vast experience in making engines for civil and military aircraft, we have designed a new-generation engine in the 9,500 to 12,000 lbs of thrust class to meet the growing needs of premium business jet manufacturers. Intended for long-range, large-cabin bizjets in the super-midsize category, Silvercrest incorporates Snecma "s top technologies: optimized 3D aero design, active clearance control, the ForeVision ™ predictive maintenance system, etc. Its qualities make it a key to business aircraft efficiency: in particular 30% longer range because of fuel consumption 15% better than current engines in its class. The Silvercrest® also offers world-class environmental performance: 15% lower CO2 emissions, 50% decrease in NOx (oxides of nitrogen ) and a significant reduction in noise.

    And that's it. At the same time, the company found only one Dassault Falcon 5X aircraft and therefore is free for cooperation. For operators of business aircraft, who often have to take off at a moment "s notice anywhere in the world, performance also means dispatch reliability. To address this critical challenge, Snecma gives Silvercrest® users high-end global support, 24/7, with a complete range of innovative services, tailored to the needs of each customer.

    This means the Il-112Jet will carry up to 6 tons at a speed of up to 650 km per hour at any level minus the unmasking noise of the propellers. Light version of An-74. Suspension of the engine on pylons under the wing will, in principle, improve the bearing properties of the wing. Such a solution can allow and additionally unload the wing and take additional fuel. It will also allow experimenting with laminar flow and controlled boundary layer.

    There is no such product in the form of LVTC on the market. http: //
    I would like to return to the topic to jet aircraft... The IL-112 variant is not only a promising VTA FOR EXPORT, since there are simply no offers of jets in such a weight, and the turboprops are slow, fly low and unmask themselves with the noise of propellers.
    A variant of the JET IL-112, as a passenger aircraft, although less efficient than a purely passenger aircraft, but in comparison with
    unambiguously gains in efficiency, due to a much larger capacity with practically comparable fuel consumption, assembled in India will be even cheaper. The Dornier328Jet was in demand and operators could become starter customers. Appearance vysokoplana is identical to Dornier328Jet, only a priori a little larger.
    The modified landing gear in combination with a straight wing will allow flying from any airfields, and engines with a thrust of up to 5 tons, take off in any conditions and fly with one engine over any high altitude.

    However, due to the peculiarity of the ramp fuselage, it is possible to seat passengers just like that only with minimal comfort, and you still need significant changes in the design or some kind of convertible cargo-passenger version, but with low efficiency .. Therefore, you need a full-fledged passenger compartment for 70-80 paks, engine thrust Silvercrest® allows. At the heart of the fuselage is the Il-112V, but three plus two for the seat units.

    Since it is still necessary for the passenger version to have a more comfortable cabin, the length can be increased, up to 100 pax in a compacted one. Naturally on short-haul routes.

    But the main thing is the engines. An-72 \\ 74 still looks attractive in this sense.
    If not for the size of the cargo compartment. There were sober thoughts about this, but for some reason they migrated to the turboprop, which already lacked traction, unlike the An-72 \\ 74.

    The An-72 \\ 74 with increased cargo dimensions had certain chances to be better than Spartan.
    But we went the way of An-178 - and that's a completely different story.

    The power plant of the Dassault Falcon 5X is represented by two Snecma Silvercrest SC-1D tube-fan engines, allowing to develop aircraft thrust of 50.9 kN each, although it was originally supposed to install Rolls-Royce RB282 engines on the aircraft, however, their higher cost and expensive maintenance would most likely lead to an increase in the cost of the aircraft itself.

    Cessna Aircraft (part of Textron) within the framework of NBAA-2016 told reporters that it has decided on a company that will supply engines for the new Citation Hemisphere business jet. The choice fell on Safran Silvercrest, which, according to the manufacturer, will become the best option for the new model, primarily in terms of fuel performance (Silvercrest consumes up to 15% less fuel, approx. BizavNews). “Despite the well-known delays, we are confident that we will receive one of the most modern engines for business aviation on time, ”the company said.

    As a reminder, Safran has confirmed that it is currently revising its development schedule for its Silvercrest business jet engine. The engine maker expects to receive a completely redesigned power unit in next year... Main executive Director company Philippe Petitkolen said there were three phases to "rebuild" the program. First, the manufacturer had to “understand the problem” and identify individual issues that were not addressed in the specification. As a result of this work, the design of the engine was frozen by the end of 2015 and Safran has now entered the verification phase, which is now nearly complete.

    The first prototype engine to receive the necessary changes should be fully assembled by the end of November. Flight testing aboard Snecma's flying laboratory - a modified Gulfstream GII - is slated to begin in 2017, with certification expected to arrive in 2018. According to Philippe Petitkolen, there are no changes in the schedule and everything is under control.

    However, Dassault has already had to postpone the commissioning of the Falcon 5X business jet due to problems with this particular power plant. Several issues were reported in the media, including deformation of the casing of the power plant discovered during high-temperature tests. Such a problem could lead to the fact that the engine performance would be lower than what was promised to the Falcon 5X manufacturer. Last December, Dassault's Bordeaux-Mérignac plant completed the first runs and high-speed taxiing of the first Falcon 5X prototype. However, the French manufacturer is now planning the first flight of the 5X in 2017, and the first delivery not earlier than 2020.

    According to Safran, Silvercrest uses the most advanced technology from Snecma to deliver unmatched performance, reliability and environmental performance in the business aviation market, with 15% lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions than current engines. , nitrogen oxide (NOx) emission margin up to 50% according to CAEP / 6 standard The International Organization civil aviation, as well as a noise level corresponding to the future stage14 noise standard, which will halve the adverse impact of aircraft on the ground.

    In addition, the Silvercrest engine has ForeVision, an integrated real-time monitoring system developed by Snecma and a first for business aircraft. ForeVision constantly monitors engine performance parameters and, in the event of an anomaly, immediately sends data to the Snecma server, where it is analyzed by engineers using expert systems. If necessary, specialists can warn the operator and recommend him to take the required actions, ranging from preventive actions to calling the maintenance team.

    "Silvercrest engine technology, the result of Snecma's expertise in turbojet engines for civilian and military aircraft, has enabled us to achieve ambitious performance targets."

    The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe trolls is how to do without the Antonov Design Bureau.

    The fact of the matter is that the Antonov Design Bureau when Antonov was the Chief Designer and the Antonov Design Bureau was, and now it is necessary to decipher How would Antonov.

    An example Antonov created the An-72 LVTS, which is undoubtedly an ideal replacement for the An-26, and if it were not for the well-known events, it would eventually replace all of them.
    Another major requirement presented by the customer to the An-72 designers was the aircraft's ability to land and take off not just from unpaved strips, but from strips that were soaked from an excess of moisture and had significant irregularities.

    Not only considerable time was spent on solving this problem, but also a fair amount of financial resources. More than 30 chassis options were considered. Even such an exotic option as an air cushion chassis was being worked out. And it was not only calculated, but also tested in practice. On the basis of the An-14, a flying stand was built on which this very "air chassis" was rolled. Its all-terrain vehicle was excellent. But at the same time, the design of the aircraft was significantly complicated, and aerodynamic performance decreased. Also, a chassis of this type had an extremely low resource, which was unacceptable for a "front-line worker".

    Ultimately, we settled on a conventional retractable chassis with a steerable A-pillar and four powerful main struts with independent wishbones. This design made it possible to overcome bumps up to 35 centimeters high. In order to increase safety, the main landing gear did not have the locks of the retracted position, since during takeoff from a wet strip, they can become clogged with mud, which is fraught with their failure during landing. But at the same time, the designers introduced redundancy to increase reliability: if one of the main struts failed, the plane could land on the three remaining ones.
    During the tests, all the pilots agreed that flying the An-72 is "a pleasure." It is easy to fly, the cockpit is made in terms of ergonomics at the highest level. And even the noise level is low. The commission was impressed by the low takeoff and landing speeds - up to 165 km / h. With a normal load of 5000 kg, the takeoff run was 450 m, and the run was 350 m. But in flight performance, these indicators were increased, based on the maximum take-off weight and the level of training of the average pilot. In the reloading version, the aircraft was capable of lifting up to 10,000 kg of cargo. An-72 could take off with one engine running.

    But we are talking about two points. It would seem that perfect option for the Saudis. It is because of the dust. The A380, despite the fact that it flies exclusively from the runway, in the conditions of the Arabian Peninsula has a reduced engine resource, the dust is the same.

    And if you operate an aircraft with a GVPP, then the resource will fall many times, the An-72 has just plus high-lift engines. So instead, for some reason, a turboprop with air intakes below the base model is proposed. Moreover, in the modes, the fuel consumption is still 1200 kg per hour.

    For the Saudis, the An-72 jet would be more attractive, the engines can be much more powerful, or the latest version of the D436 with a thrust of up to 8200 kg, and or PW with a similar thrust. Facelift and avionics.

    And less dust, and the Saudis do not mind kerosene.

    No How would Antonov continue to go north.

    Second development option. An-74 is already a passenger version.
    In this case, everything is correct. However, the fuel consumption is high.
    So a more economical option would be suspended, as suggested in this thread. An-74 is quite comparable in weight with a turbo-pop. And in the end, the same option as in the topic would be possible

    No How would Antonov start a megaproject that cannot fly from any ground.

    Therefore, in order to avoid this systemic error, it is necessary to switch to the taxiway in the IL-112 design. In principle, for the military, a variant of the domestic RD based on the promising CM-100 is possible.

    The passenger Il-112 has no prospects - neither the propeller nor the jet. At least - before the 2030s (and by that time it will become obsolete for commercial aviation).

    So the Il-112V also has no prospects
    while planning only two experimental boards

    As an absurd idea, he suggested hanging on the Il-112V
    SaM146 will be a lighter analogue of An-72
    but the easiest is for a couple of three tons
    which will allow to do without Coend
    and cargo-passenger for 50 paks or 6 tons of cargo

    However, the question is why such a ramp modern army
    they need front-line ramp Il-214 format
    with ultra-high power-to-weight ratio
    While the IL-76 is being driven, they are quite enough to solve
    operational tactical tasks

    So is the Mi-382, which completely replaces the An-26
    in all respects
    also the military did not order them enough Mi-8

    Therefore, there is no place for turboprop in the army

    But paksovoz for soil are needed
    however, the An-24 is too big
    and IL-112

    Need lighter jets
    or helicopters

    while planning only two experimental boards
    but according to the results they will most likely refuse
    You will see that "based on results" they will order a series. Regardless of the results themselves and the need for the series, even with a satisfactory test result. (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)

    For the first time in our country, not just an airplane is being created, but the "Aviation Complex" Il-112V light military transport aircraft».

    The aircraft industry, like other high-tech industries in last years is rapidly reviving, overcoming the consequences of the crisis of the 90s. To a greater extent, this concerns the military sphere, especially since the presence of one or another type of weapon is in itself a factor of influence. We are talking not only about combat, but also about military equipment in general.

    One such example is development of the Il-112V - a new generation light military transport aircraft... It should replace the already rather outdated An-24 and An-26, both physically and morally outdated, and the deterioration and actual rupture of relations with Ukraine has only exacerbated this problem.

    Overcome dependence on Ukraine for helicopter engines \u003e\u003e

    All work on its creation is carried out by Voronezh Joint-Stock Aircraft Building Company PJSC on the basis of the design documentation of Il OJSC. A very important stage in the creation of this aircraft has just recently ended - the docking of fuselage units. Due to the excellent manufacturability of the developments of the Ilyushin Design Bureau, including high level the design and use of electronic models took about five days.

    By the end of 2016, the fuselage-wing docking should be completed *. In addition, simultaneously with the completion of the modular assembly, the construction of the second IL-112V for life tests began. Digital technologies made it possible to distribute the work on the manufacture of fuselage panels, hatches and aircraft doors with the Aviastar-SP enterprise, which is engaged in the preparation of production and design and technological development, which will also speed up work on the creation of the aircraft.

    However, despite the current success, the path of the Il-112I turned out to be thorny. Its design began in the first half of the 90s. Then it was conceived exclusively as a 40-seat passenger aircraft with two TV7-117S turboprop engines. Already in 1994, its production was supposed to begin, but it did not work out due to a fairly common reason at that time - lack of funding.

    The keel compartment for the third MC21 aircraft is ready \u003e\u003e

    In 2004, the Il-112I project won the competition for the development of a light military transport aircraft held by the Ministry of Defense. The first car was supposed to take off in 2006. It would seem that everything should be fine already, but no. Again, due to funding problems, the implementation of the project initially slowed down, and then completely disappeared. Further more - in 2011, the Ministry of Defense decided to abandon this aircraft altogether, giving preference to the Ukrainian transport An-140, which are suitable only for transporting light cargo and personnel. These aircraft are not intended for the transportation of military equipment, let alone its landing. Nevertheless, as many as seven An-140s were purchased, and as for the Il-112V, by that time not even a prototype was built.

    In 2013, the situation changed dramatically and work on the Il-112V resumed. More precisely, it all started all over again, namely with the blowing of the model in a wind tunnel. In 2015, the technical design of the aircraft was defended to the customer, including the approval of its appearance, the composition of equipment and systems, as well as a set of documentation. At the same time, a full-size model of the aircraft cockpit was presented to assess the ergonomics of the pilot's seats. In the same year, an application was submitted to one of the leading Russian developers of gas turbine engines, JSC Klimov, to create a new turboprop engine for the Il-112V. In addition, KRET ("Concern Radioelectronic Technologies") began for him the development of an onboard defense complex - a completely new system of protection against weapons of the "air-to-air" and "surface-to-air" type, which will enter the troops in 2019.

    Prospects for the Aviation Complex. S. V. Ilyushina \u003e\u003e

    The tasks of the Il-112V, whose crew consists of two people, will include the transportation and landing of military equipment, light weapons, various cargoes, as well as personnel of up to 44 people. It should be noted that the aircraft will not be exported due to the installation of classified electronic systems, including communication systems. In the future, a modification of the Il-112T with conventional avionics will be created for civil aviation, which can be sold abroad.

    With a maximum load of 6 tons, the Il-112V flight range is about 1000 km, which will allow it to perform tasks within the military districts. The cruising speed is 480, and the maximum is 550 km / h. The aircraft is made according to the normal aerodynamic configuration, has a high-lying straight wing and a T-shaped tail unit.

    For IL-112V by the St. Petersburg enterprise UEC JSC "Klimov" turboprop engine TV7-117ST was developed** . As part of the power plant, it works in conjunction with the AV-112 propeller developed by NPP Aerosila, which has a higher performance and allows to increase the frontal thrust of the power plant.One of the peculiarities of TV7-117ST is that the RSV-34S automatic control system developed by UEC-Klimov controls not only the engine, but also the propeller, i.e. the entire power plant of the aircraft as a whole. This joint control allows you to maximize the potential of the characteristics of the engine and propeller and, in general, increase the efficiency of the power plant.

    The TV7-117ST engine, which expands the TV7-117 engine family, incorporates advanced technical and design solutions; in comparison with foreign analogues, it has competitive technical characteristics and operational parameters. Power at maximum takeoff mode is 3,000 hp, in high emergency mode - 3,600 hp. The AV-112 propeller used on TV7-117ST has a higher performance and allows to increase the frontal thrust of the power plant. In September 2016, bench tests of TV7-117ST started at JSC Klimov. The engine will be serially manufactured in the expanded cooperation of the UEC enterprises, which includes, in particular, JSC Klimov, JSC MMP im. V.V. Chernyshev "and JSC" Scientific and Production Center of Gas Turbine Engineering "Salyut".

    Modular design of two located on the wing turboprop engines TV7-117ST with a total capacity of 5600 liters. from. allows you to significantly reduce the costs and time for their maintenance and repair. The possibility of installing engines and higher power on the Il-112V is also being considered. In addition, the fuel efficiency of the Il-112V exceeds this parameter of the An-26 by almost two and a half times.

    The Ministry of Industry and Trade, UAC and UEC made a joint decision that the TV7-117ST turboprop engine will be used not only on the Il-112V, but also on the Il-114-300 regional passenger aircraft (in a modified version of TV7-117ST-01) instead of the previously planned less powerful TV7-117SM. At the same time, the UEC is ready to provide the first flight and the beginning of flight tests of the Il-114-300 with the TV7-117SM engines already mastered in production.

    The fuselage of the aircraft is sealed and equipped with a ramp for loading bulky and heavy cargo, and the volume of the transport compartment is larger than that of the An-26 or An-32. The tricycle landing gear will allow the Il-112V to land and take off from small, poorly equipped airfields with various surfaces, including concrete or unpaved ones. The aircraft will also be able to automatically approach airfields at a minimum of ICAO Category II. Only manual entry will be provided for radio-technically unequipped or poorly equipped aerodromes.

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    The director of the Il-112V program of Il OJSC, Dmitry Savelyev, said that it is planned to dock the airframe of the aircraft by the end of February, then the attachment of the engine, systems and equipment. The production schedule for the Il-112 light transport aircraft provides for the aircraft to be lifted into the air no later than June 30, 2017.

    Savelyev noted that a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense for the supply of serial aircraft, including the first two of the pilot batch, is being worked out, and it is planned to sign it this year.In the production of the IL-112V, 54 subcontractors are involved in cooperation with VASO, over 80 contracts have been concluded. The aircraft is almost entirely made of Russian components.

    There is a calculation for creation of a transport modification of the aircraft - Il-112T, in which the avionics are standard - "no secrets", so the aircraft is expected to be supplied to Russian and foreign airlines. And to her, according to Dmitry Savelyev, domestic carriers are already showing serious interest, the total demand reaches one hundred units, including the needs of the videoconferencing system. However, the topic of supplying a military version of a light Russian transport aircraft abroad is not completely closed. During a recent visit to VASO, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the defense industry, said that the Indian military department drew attention to the Il-112V.

    * On February 2, 2017, the first prototype of the Il-112V light military transport aircraft entered the final assembly shop. PJSC VASO specialists have completed an important stage of the production cycle for the creation of the aircraft - docking of the wing with the fuselage.

    The wing of the Il-112V is a monolithic structure, which is a unique feature of the new light transport aircraft. Instead of two separate consoles connected to the center section, the IL-112V one-piece wing is attached to the fuselage from above with the help of load-bearing elements and special mountings. This design solution will lighten the weight of the aircraft, making the aircraft cost effective to operate.

    Work on the Il-112V project is being carried out in accordance with the state contract for the development of a light military transport aircraft concluded between the Russian Ministry of Defense and OJSC “Il”. New systems will be mounted on it, which are used, for example, on the modernized heavy transport aircraft Il-76MD-90A.

    The Il-112V aircraft is being created digitally in accordance with modern standards in aircraft construction, which shortens the project implementation time. The know-how is used for the first time in production - 3D terminals with which you can view the configuration of any part and the stages of the technological cycle, both in design and production. Going forward, the use of digital design will help improve the efficiency of aftermarket and service aircraft.The production facilities of VASO allow assembling from eight to twelve Il-112s per year, depending on the volume of the order.

    ** On April 5, 2017, the expanded cooperation of the UEC - Klimov JSC, Salyut Gas Turbine Engineering Research and Production Center JSC and Chernyshev MMP JSC supplied PJSC VASO with two TV7-117ST power plants for equipping the the first prototype of the Russian Il-112V light military transport aircraft. The main parts and assembly units for these engines were manufactured at the VV Chernyshev MMP. UEC specialists will provide support for the operation of power plants in the process of mounting on TV7-117ST engines are assembled entirely from Russian parts, assemblies and components.

    April 15, 2017 during a working trip to the enterprises of the Voronezh region Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin visited Voronezh mechanical plant and KB "Khimavtomatika", where he inspected the sites where the engines are manufactured, and also inspected the VASO aircraft plant, where he heard a report on the progress of work on the creation of the Il-112V.

    It was planned that the new IL-112V LVTS should make its first flight no later than July 1, 2017. But, most likely, these terms will be disrupted. According to the President of the UAC Yuri Slyusar, the first flight of the Il-112V is planned before the end of 2017.

    Estimated technical characteristics of the IL-112V

    Geometric characteristics
    Length, m 24,15
    Height, m 8,89
    Wingspan, m 27,6

    Wing area (trapezoid), m2

    Fuselage diameter, m

    Power plant characteristics
    Number x motor type 2хТВД
    Maximum engine power, h.p. 3 500
    Mass characteristics
    Maximum takeoff weight, t 21
    Maximum payload, t 5
    Fuel tank capacity, l 7 200
    Flight performance
    Cruising speed, km / h 450-500
    Maximum flight altitude, m up to 7 600
    Flight range with payload 3.5t, km 2 400

    Required runway length, m