Satellite internet kaytnet. How much does the satellite Internet cost, the tariffs for Kitenet are presented below. Two-way satellite Internet Kite Net

Kiting (power kiting) is any sport where the power of a kite (from the English kite - "kite") is used as a pulling force. This is a sports equipment that can tow a person on water, land, snow or be used for jumping and gliding.

For centuries kites of various designs ascended to heaven different countries the world, delighting observers on earth, beauty, variety of forms and indescribable grace of pirouettes that these fantastic structures painted in the air. But kites not only served as an obligatory attribute of festivities in some countries (China) and fun for children in others. There have been repeated attempts to use these lovely structures for more prosaic purposes. For example, in the early 18th century, George Pocock used kites as an alternative propulsion power for ships. The design, created by the inventor, made it possible for the ship to move against the wind, moreover, it allowed the shipowner to avoid paying the "horse tax" tax imposed at that time. The kite, developed in 1903 by Samuel Cody, could lift a person. It was with the help of a structure he invented, attached to a small boat, that Cody was able to cross the English Channel.

Time passed - the field of application of kites of more and more perfect designs expanded. The kite has been successfully combined with various sports equipment. As a result, sports such as kitesurfing (a combination of a kite and a surfboard), kiteboarding (combining mountboarding and wakeboarding, surfing and snowboarding, skateboarding and, of course, kite), kitesurfing and kiteskining (an amazing combination of kite and alpine skiing or snowboard). In addition, kitebugging (a special sports three-wheeled buggy stroller attached to a kite), kitescudding (body dragging - towing behind a kite on the sand), kiteboarding (towing a kite on the water surface) appeared. And, finally, it should be mentioned kitelifting (lifting a person on a kite is one of the most dangerous types of kiteboarding) and kitemunwalking (no less dangerous jumping from great heights using a kite).

A very strong wind is needed for kiting. Misconception - there are different types of kites, many of them can be used in relatively light winds, and some (for example, the "KiteSki" system, which includes water skis and a 2-line delta kite) can move against the wind. It should be borne in mind that the lower the wind speed, the larger the kite will be needed for kiting.

The fall of the kite on the water is big problem for athletes. This is not true. Many modern kite models (such as the "Wipika" and the aforementioned "KiteSki") are equipped with a water launch system. Restarting BOW kites is also not difficult.

The BOW, like other flat inflatable kites, often "dives". No, the stability of this wing is quite high, thanks to the special C-shape, as well as the use of pressure relief under the wing (Sweep), which displaces the center of gravity back. The kite, which is at the edge of the wind window, does not dive, but shifts back and begins to flutter, giving the athlete the opportunity to take control of what is happening and align the flight of the kite.

Learn to fly a kite for a long time. Completely erroneous opinion. To master the basics of the aerobatic kite control technique, half an hour is enough, you will have to spend a few more hours learning the secrets of moving with a kite for towing. Then it’s a matter of practice, and after a few days you will be able to handle the kite with confidence. However, it should be borne in mind that such a quick training is possible only under the guidance of an experienced instructor. After all, the nature of such an original sports equipment as a kite is quite peculiar, it is difficult to master a kite on your own, while there is a high probability of getting injured due to a lack of knowledge and lack of necessary skills and abilities.

Kiting is an activity for men. Completely erroneous opinion. Among the athletes mastering the kite, there are many women who achieve great results and prizes in competitions. Indeed, in some cases, control of a kite requires attention, well-developed intuition and sensitivity, and not brute force.

Only very rich people can go kiting. The equipment will not cost you that much, especially if you have been involved in any extreme sport before. For example, ordinary alpine skiing or snowboarding is quite suitable for snowkiting, while the snake itself costs about $ 300 plus a $ 60 trapezoid. The main thing is to correctly determine the wind statistics, place and style of skiing in order to purchase equipment that meets all the conditions.
If your natural element is water, then for kitesurfing at the initial stage, you can use a snowkite or windsurf trapeze ($ 60) and any wetsuit ($ 70-150). In total, a used starter kit will cost about $ 500.
It should be noted that using various snakes for snowkite and kitesurfing should only be at the initial stage, while the specialization of the kite is quite significant for you. As you gain experience, you will find that these pieces of equipment are quite interchangeable.
Finally, in some cases the kite can be used without additional equipment - for kitelifting (kitelifting - flying), moonwalking (jumping), scudding (sanddragging - rolling on the sand on the heels) or body surfing (bodysurfing - sliding on the water with your own body).

Landkiting and snowkiting are extremely traumatic activities, kitesurfing is much safer, especially for beginners. Much depends on the equipment you choose to move on a particular surface. For instance. Mountainboard (MTB), all-terrain board (ATB) - a board similar to a skateboard or snowboard, it is quite suitable for moving on a fairly flat surface (asphalt, the bottom of a dried lake, ebb and flow clay beaches, etc.), and here it is absolutely not suitable for driving on rough terrain. A more universal attribute for landkiting is the kite buggy - a special three-wheeled low trolley equipped with large wheels that make it much easier to control. This type of recreation can be safely recommended to people of any age, even who have not been involved in any kind of sports before. This type of kiting is the least traumatic.
Snowkiting, subject to the safety rules, the selection of the appropriate equipment and the availability of suitable weather, can also give even an inexperienced beginner a lot of incredible sensations. The main thing is to understand the theory correctly and not rush to reach transcendental heights in one jump.
And finally, seemingly so simple and safe kitesurfing, in fact, is not so easy to learn. For example, you need to pick up speed right away (since kiteboards, unlike surfboards, do not have buoyancy). The kite gives such an opportunity, and this is where inexperienced beginners begin to have their first problems - after all, a mistake at high speed leads to quite noticeable impacts on the water (it turns out, it can be very hard), the insidious constantly changing surface of which can present a lot unexpected surprises.

The easiest way to get started with kiting is kitesurfing. Misconception. The easiest way is to master landkiting (on a buggy), snowkiting, and only after that move on to mastering the art of moving on a slippery and overly unstable water surface.

Windsurfing is faster, easier, easier to learn than kiting, and the equipment is cheaper. Indeed, a windsurfer can develop a pretty decent speed, but, for example, with a minimum wind, the kiteboarder will easily and quickly pick up the acceleration necessary to perform tricks, while the surfer is just starting to plan. And movement against the wind will not be difficult for a kiter.
The cost of windsurfing equipment is by no means cheaper than a similarly functional kitesurfing equipment, but transporting a windsurfing kit is not easy, while, for example, a kitesurfing line or winter foils plus a board can be easily transported even to public transport... And another plus of kiting is the lack of a rigid connection to the riding season. With a little modification, your kitesurfing equipment is perfectly suitable for snowkiting.
Learning to windsurf is easier only at first - when mastering the basic course (maintenance of equipment, safety, start-finish, movement, turn, etc.), but the development of tricks in kitesurfing is much faster, and it is easier to achieve sports results ...

Person previously engaged in different kinds sports (for example, boxing, skateboarding and paragliding) may not waste time learning to kitesurf - everything will work out without preparation. Of course, a well-trained body, experience with a skateboard and paragliding skills will accelerate the mastery of the kite, but will not replace training. Skills similar to kite flying techniques can be learned in the process of wakeboarding (riding on a board behind a boat), but even this kind of experience cannot completely replace knowledge of safety rules, theory, piloting practice, etc., which can only be acquired under the guidance of experienced trainers.

Getting acquainted with kiting should start with the purchase of equipment. Of course, in our time, it will not be difficult to acquire equipment. But learning how to use it correctly yourself is unlikely to succeed. After all, beginners are often not able to correctly identify desired speed air flow and either simply cannot use the kite due to a very low wind speed, or, due to too strong wind ("overdose"), they get into an unpleasant situation. Therefore, it is better to prefer training under the guidance of specialists to the advice of "knowledgeable" friends and various self-instruction manuals, who can tell a lot about the advantages and disadvantages of one or another equipment, whether there are conditions and prospects for skiing in your area, what moments in training are the most difficult etc. In addition, in kite centers during training, you can purchase equipment at a discount.

Kiting can be done anywhere - it would be a flat surface. This is how inexperienced beginners most often reason, choosing asphalt roads for skiing, and even the streets of small cities. The result is kites hanging on trees, rooftops, power lines (most often damaged). Therefore, to avoid damage to expensive equipment, overly narrow beaches lined with trees or power lines should be avoided, and highways - after all, the trajectory of an athlete using the tractive power of the kite is very difficult to predict, therefore, it is quite possible to collide with a car traveling at high speed.

If you want to ride often, you will have to buy many kites that correspond to different wind speeds. In fact, the number is not that large - after all, modern kites have a fairly wide wind range, their dimensions go after three meters, therefore, to ride in winds at different speeds, fewer kites are needed than, for example, 10 years ago.

Basically, the kites are the same - only the design is different. No, the differences between some types of kites are quite obvious, and it's not just the material used or the original shape - sometimes the kites, outwardly almost indistinguishable from each other, have a completely dissimilar design, and, as a result, have different properties. For example, the original invention of the Leganu brothers (Dominic and Bruno) - a curved wing with an inflatable structure that allowed to move against the wind and equipped with a lifting system from the water surface, and its various modifications, the crown of which is rightfully considered a BOW kite (Banana Ocean Wing - "banana ocean wing "), contributed to the rapid development of kitesurfing.
Quite interesting are the single-layer frameless kites of NASA (nasawing, rogallo, NPW5, NPW9b), the basis for which was the invention of Francis Rogallo - a soft wing, initially intended for the descent of NASA spacecraft. These designs can even be made at home by stitching from two rectangular pieces of fabric. With many advantages (low material consumption, high thrust, etc.) these kites have a significant drawback - a relatively low aerodynamic quality, which, however, is steadily increasing due to further improvement of the kite design. For example, if the first wing of this type (NPW5) had an aerodynamicity of about 3.7, then the latest SailWing model has an aerodynamic quality of 6 units, like training paragliders.
In addition, there are two-layer kites, the design of which is akin to a paraglider - between two layers of fabric, fabric nevura is sewn into the wing profile. On the leading edge of the wing there are air intakes equipped with valves (ram air), due to which the structure is filled with an incoming air stream and gains a certain rigidity.

Bilateral satellite Rainbow-Internet - the Internet is where you want it.

FROM home computer the user sends a request to the Internet, which is sent to the satellite using the VSAT via the request channel. The satellite relays the request to the provider's server, from where it is sent to the Internet. The response from the network follows the opposite path - first it comes to the provider's servers, from there it is transmitted to the satellite and through inbound channel received from the satellite by the user. Since the channels work simultaneously, hence the name of this type of access - "two-way", "symmetric", "synchronous", "duplex".

Note! Permission to use the equipment is issued by the SCRF for the operator, which saves the subscriber from legal risks associated with the use of two-way satellite communications.

Two-way satellite Internet Kite Net

Behind the name KiteNet stands a team of professionals who have been engaged in satellite communications for a quarter of a century. It is thanks to this vast experience that a solution has appeared that destroys the myth that satellite Internet is available only for a lot of money and only for a select few.

The emergence of KiteNet is a real revolution in the world of communications, since now even a private user can afford satellite Internet. Moreover, now everyone can get access to the Internet, regardless of whether the communication network is developed or not where he lives.

The KiteNet trademark belongs to the RuSat company, which was founded 10 years ago. Today "RuSat" is a universal operator satellite communications and provides services based on its own teleport. Among the clients of "Rusat" are corporate customers and private users, telecom operators, state enterprises and institutions. For the mass media, "Rusat" organizes TV reports and video bridges, distributes television and radio programs via satellite.

The partner of RuSat in the implementation of the KiteNet project is the leader of the mass market of satellite communications - Raduga-Internet.

The company "Raduga-Internet" was founded in 2005. The operator carries out data transmission based on satellite technologies throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. "Rainbow-Internet" organizes satellite and mobile Internet access, satellite online broadcasting and collective access to the Internet. The company uses its own solutions for customer service.

Receiving equipment

The set of equipment consists of 2 blocks connected to each other:

1. Satellite dish

Satellite dish with transceiver ("dish") - installed on the roof, wall or on the ground in the immediate vicinity of your home / office. It is important that the antenna is not blocked by a wall or other obstacle and "looks" at one of our satellites.

The antenna diameter, depending on the location of your object relative to the satellite, can be 0.75 m, 0.96 m, 1.2 m, 1.8 m, 2.4 m.

2. Satellite modem

This is your Internet access point, with its help you can connect several computers to the Internet. The modem is configured automatically - no additional software is required to access the Internet through it.


The entire installation process will take 2 to 4 hours. Read more about the options and cost of installing KiteNet in the Satellite Internet section - Kite Net -

This section presents the KiteNet tariff line, which includes various groups of tariff plans and convenient options:

  • "Starter" tariff
  • tariff "Social"
  • group of tariffs "Surfing"
  • group of tariffs "Freestyle"
  • tariff group "Breeze"
  • tariff option "Turbo night"
  • tariff "Stop"


This is a temporary free plan with which you can try KiteNet service. The volume of traffic provided on this tariff is 1000 Mb, the validity period of the tariff is not limited (the speed from the satellite to the subscriber is up to 16 Mbps, from the subscriber to the satellite - up to 1 Mbps). Using this tariff, you can test the service, top up your account and choose a working tariff from the line available to you.


Tariff for communication without limiting the amount of web traffic. The "Social" tariff is designed for limited web surfing, communication through various instant messengers and viewing messages email.


The tariffs of the "Surfing" group are designed for searching and browsing the Internet and have built-in mechanisms that do not allow downloading large files.

"Surfing" is suitable for subscribers who prefer to use traffic evenly throughout the day. In measured surfing mode, you can download from the Internet the daily volume of information specified for your tariff at the maximum speed (see the table below). Also, within your daily traffic limit, the required download is available (for example, to watch videos). After using up the traffic allocated for a day, the tariff switches to unlimited mode at a low speed.

The amount of information that can be downloaded at the maximum rate of the tariff (per day)Speed \u200b\u200bon the tariff after the daily traffic limit is exhaustedSubscription fee of the tariff, per month
Surfing-1 up to 512 Kbps up to 128 kbps 120 Mb up to 64 kbps 1350 rbl
Surfing-2 up to 1024 kbps up to 256 Kbps 250 MB up to 128 kbps 2475 rbl
Surfing-3 up to 1024 kbps up to 256 Kbps 500 MB up to 256 Kbps 4725 rbl

"Turbo night" option

Tariff option "Turbo-night" allows subscribers connected to the tariffs of the "Surfing" group, increase throughput up to 4 Mbps in direct channel and up to 1 Mbit / s in the return channel at night - from 23.00 to 6.00 Moscow time.

Advantages of the "Turbo Night" option:

  • new Internet access speeds are set from 23.00 to 6.00 Moscow time;
  • the restrictions on the volume of consumed Internet traffic, which are in effect within the "Surfing" tariff group, are removed from 23.00 to 6.00 Moscow time;
  • connects to personal account user by pressing one button;
  • a choice of the option validity period is provided - 1 day, 7 days or 30 days;
  • connects immediately, from the moment of its activation, and the entire selected period is valid (for example, when the option is activated at 13.00 of the current day, it works until 12.59 next day, with the selected option validity period of 1 day);
  • with an active option, you can schedule the connection of an option with a different reporting period, and it will automatically connect after the expiration of the previous one.
Option validity periodMax. speed in the channel from the satellite to the userMax. channel speed from user to satelliteThe cost
1 day up to 4 Mbps up to 1 Mbps 30 rubles
7 days up to 4 Mbps up to 1 Mbps 210 rbl
30 days up to 4 Mbps up to 1 Mbps 900 rbl

Option fee is debited at the moment of connection.


  • If during the reporting period the user does not change the tariff plan (that is, during the month he works on one of the tariffs of the "Surfing" group), then the option remains valid.
  • If during the reporting period the user changes the tariff plan (that is, during the month he switches from one tariff of the "Surfing" group to another tariff of the same group or to a tariff of another group), then the option is automatically disabled and the funds DO NOT RETURN!
  • If in a new reporting period a user switches to one of the "Freestyle", "Breeze" group tariffs or another tariff plan from the "Surfing" group, while having a connected or planned option, the action of which goes beyond the reporting period (that is, the option is paid from On the 15th of the current month until the 15th of the next month, and the transition to another tariff plan is carried out from the 1st of the next month), then the option is automatically disabled and the funds DO NOT RETURN!Partial return money to the subscriber's account NOT PRODUCED! PLANNED OPTIONS LIKE BURN OUT!


Freestyle tariffs are the optimal solution for those who regularly access the Internet and can calculate and redeem the required traffic volume in advance. If the traffic included in the package is consumed before the end of the reporting period, the subscriber can wait for the start of the next reporting period, or continue working in accordance with the cost additional traffic at the selected rate. According to the terms of these tariffs, the volume of traffic required during the reporting period is paid in advance. If the traffic included in the package is consumed before the end of the reporting period, the subscriber can continue to work on the basis of per megabyte payment. The subscription fee is charged for the entire reporting period, regardless of the connection date and depends on the selected package.

The speed of data transmission from the satellite to the user is up to 16 Mbit / s.

NameThe volume of the included traffic, MbTariff cost, rub. per monthAdditional cost
traffic, rub. for 1 Mb
Freestyle 100 100 100 1,1
Freestyle 250 250 250 1,05
Freestyle 500 500 500 0,99
Freestyle 1000 1000 900 0,9
Freestyle 2000 2000 1650 0,8
Freestyle 4000 4000 3000 0,75
Freestyle 8000 8000 4500 0,55
Freestyle 16000 16000 6000 0,37
Freestyle 30,000 30000 10000 0,34
Freestyle 50,000 50000 15000 0,32
Freestyle 100000 100000 27000 0,30


The cost of traffic on tariffs of the "Breeze" group is the same and amounts to 0.75 rubles. for 1 Mb.

Within the tariff group, the tariffs differ in the subscription fee for the current day, which depends on the selected network access speed.

The data transfer rate from the user to the satellite is up to 1 Mbit / s.

NameChannel speed with satellite user Subscription fee, rub. per dayThe cost of downloaded traffic, rub. for 1Mb
Breeze 1024 up to 1 Mbps 4 0,75
Breeze 2048 up to 2 Mbps 9 0,75
Breeze 4096 up to 4 Mbps 14 0,75
Breeze 6144 up to 6 Mbps 18 0,75

The "Stop" tariff allows the subscriber to independently block / unblock Internet access, without contacting technical support... It is advisable to use the tariff if:

  • the subscriber has enough funds on his balance to pay for the connected tariff plan next month, but he plans not to use the Internet for a certain period time;
  • the subscriber has a "Social" tariff plan or one of the tariffs of the "Surfing" group, and he wants to block the service and at the same time receive a recalculation for the remaining days of this month.

ATTENTION!If before the blocking of the service one of the tariffs of the "Freestyle" group was activated by the subscriber, the funds for unused traffic after the blocking of the service is not returned. The traffic of the "Freestyle" tariff after switching to the "Stop" tariff is reset to zero.

The payment for the "Stop" tariff is debited at a time at the moment of connection and is 100 rubles... After payment, the "Stop" tariff is valid for 1 year or until it is disabled.

To block

  • go to the "Services" section and choose your tariff plan;
  • then select the "Stop" tariff plan from the drop-down list;

To unlockinternet access services, the subscriber needs:

  • go to your "Personal Account" on the website;
  • go to the "Services" section, select your tariff plan (when the blocking is on, it is called "Stop");
  • click on the "Change tariff plan" button;
  • then from the drop-down list select the tariff plan that you want to connect to work on the Web;
  • click the "Change now" button or schedule a blocking date.

IMPORTANT!If there are not enough funds on the subscriber's account to pay for the connected tariff plan for the next month, then he may not block access to the Internet - there will be no write-off of funds in the negative.


ATTENTION! Reporting periods of tariff plans are calculated MOSCOW TIME! Pay attention to this when working with tariffs in your Personal Account, if you are in other time zones!

Terms of tariffication and subscription fee charging for "Social", "Surfing" and "Freestyle" tariffs:

  • The subscription fee is debited from the user's account at the moment of connection to the tariff (date of connection).
  • The tariff is valid from the date of connection to the end of the reporting period.
  • The reporting period is the time from the 1st day of each month to the last day of each month.

  • During the validity period of the tariff, you can switch between tariffs of different groups at any time at will. The tariff change occurs from 00:00 a.m. on the next day after choosing a new tariff. You can also schedule a change in tariffs for any date you need, but not earlier than 00:00 the next day. The subscription fee for each tariff is charged in accordance with the terms of the specific tariff and does not affect the additionally connected tariffs.
  • IMPORTANT! When switching from tariffs of the "Freestyle" group to any other tariff plans, no recalculation is made for either traffic or money!

The above prices include all taxes.

When billing, the subscriber's incoming and outgoing traffic is summed up.

1 GB \u003d 1000 MB \u003d 1,000,000 KB \u003d 1,000,000,000,000 bytes.

The speed of information transfer (incoming and outgoing traffic) may vary depending on the availability and parameters of the server on which the Internet resource is located, weather conditions at the place of receiving and sending the requested information to the satellite, as well as on the availability of free bandwidth in the satellite channel.

This section presents the KiteNet tariff line. For your convenience, we have divided all tariffs into two groups.

  1. Group A tariffsavailable for use with the KiteNet Economy and KiteNet Standard equipment set. This group includes tariffs with a monthly fee not less than 1350 rubles / month, namely:
    • Surfing 1
    • Surfing 2
    • Surfing 3
    • Freestyle 2000
    • Freestyle 4000
    • Freestyle 8000
    • Freestyle 16000
  2. Group B tariffs available for use with the KiteNet Standard set of equipment. This group includes tariffs that cost less than 1350 rubles / month, namely:
    • Social
    • Freestyle 100
    • Freestyle 250
    • Freestyle 500
    • Freestyle 1000
    • Breeze 1024
    • Breeze 2048
    • Breeze 3072
    • Breeze 4098
    • Breeze 6144
  3. If you want to connect tariffs of group B, access to which is not provided when purchasing a set of KiteNet Economy equipment, you can additionally purchase. This code removes the restriction on connection and use of any tariffs of the KiteNet service.

    The base cost of the KiteNet budget access code is 6,000 rubles.

    KiteNet provides discount on Access code to its loyal subscribers - for each purchase of a tariff that costs at least 1,350 rubles / month, the code cost is reduced by 8%. Actual price Access codedisplayed in the user's personal account. After 12 months of work with the two-way satellite Internet KiteNet KiteNet Budget Access Code sent to the subscriber free of charge.

    The subscriber can purchase KiteNet Budget Access Code at any time using the satellite terminal KiteNet.

    For each satellite terminal, an individual KiteNet tariff access code, which is enough to enter once to get the opportunity to use any tariffs of the KiteNet service without time limit.

    By purchasing Access code for budget rates, the subscriber pays for the service of connecting tariffs of group B. technical capability using the service on the selected tariff group. The amount debited from the subscriber's personal account for payment for communication services provided in the billing month is not refundable.


This is a temporary free plan with which you can try the KiteNet service. The volume of traffic provided on this tariff is 100 Mb, the tariff is valid for 3 days (speed from satellite to subscriber - up to 16 Mbps, from subscriber to satellite - up to 1 Mbps). Using this tariff, you can test the service, top up your account and choose a working tariff from the line available to you.


Tariff for communication without limiting the amount of web traffic. The "Social" tariff is designed for limited web surfing, communication via internet messengers (without sending and receiving files) and viewing e-mail messages (without attachments). Connecting the "Plus" option allows you to remove the restriction on a one-time download of information in the period from 23.00 to 09.00 (Moscow time).

The traffic management algorithm of the "Social" tariff is configured in such a way that it allows loading a web page of only a limited volume, after which there is a temporary decrease in the loading speed, there is a pause.

When surfing quietly, this pause is almost imperceptible, as you use it to view the loaded page. While you are reading and viewing the page, the download speed has time to recover, which provides a comfortable surfing on the Web. However, with fast "flipping" of web pages or loading sites with a lot of graphics, the limitations may become noticeable - page loading will begin to slow down.

The recovery period of the download speed after its decrease depends on the simultaneously loaded amount of information and the number of simultaneously sent requests. In this regard, it is recommended to wait some time to open the links located on the loaded page. The algorithm monitors download attempts and reduces the amount of information downloaded at a time by several times. The characteristics of the tariff do not imply the ability to watch videos or films on-line (for example, from Youtube or similar resources), because they require a one-time download of a large volume of traffic.

The validity period of the connected Plus option is limited by the validity period of the Social tariff, regardless of the date of its activation.


The tariffs of the "Surfing" group are designed for searching and browsing the Internet and have built-in mechanisms that do not allow downloading large files.

"Surfing" is suitable for subscribers who prefer to use traffic evenly throughout the day. In measured surfing mode, you can download from the Internet the daily volume of information specified for your tariff at the maximum speed (see the table below). Also, within the limits of your daily traffic limit, the necessary download is available (for example, to watch videos). After the traffic allocated for the day is consumed, the tariff switches to unlimited mode at low speed.

Tariffs are designed for comfortable web surfing and do not imply high speeds in the channel from the user, which imposes its own restrictions on sending large volumes of traffic (photos, attachments by mail), as well as voice and video communication in Skype, instant messengers and other similar software ...

Exact time the return of the tariff to the next daily traffic allocation is tied to the moment of tariff activation, i.e. each subsequent volume of traffic at high speed you receive exactly at the same time when you initially connected this tariff.

Connecting the "Plus" option allows you to remove the restriction on the allocated daily traffic volume from 23:00 to 09:00 (Moscow time). The speed at which you can download the information does not correspond to the specified maximum speed for the Surfing tariff, but depends on the number of subscribers using this option at the moment. The validity period of the connected Plus option is limited by the validity period of the selected tariff of the Surfing group, regardless of the date of its activation. The traffic spent on the "Plus" option is not included in the daily volume allocated for your "Surfing" tariff.

Rate Max. speed in the channel from the satellite to the user Max. channel speed from user to satellite The approximate amount of information that can be downloaded in uniform surfing mode (per day) Maximum speed on the tariff after the daily traffic limit is exhausted Subscription fee of the tariff, per month
Surfing-1 512 kbps 128 kbps 100-120 Mb 64 kbps 1350 RUB
Surfing-2 1024 kbps 256 kbps 200-250 Mb 128 kbps 2475 RUB
Surfing-3 1024 kbps 256 kbps 500 MB 256 kbps RUB 4725


Freestyle tariffs are the optimal solution for those who regularly access the Internet and can calculate and redeem the required traffic volume in advance. If the traffic included in the package is consumed before the end of the month, the subscriber can either purchase the next package, or wait for the start of the next period, or continue working in accordance with the cost of additional traffic at the selected tariff. According to the terms of these tariffs, the volume of traffic required within a month is paid in advance. If the traffic included in the package is consumed before the end of the month, the subscriber can either purchase the next package or continue working on the basis of a megabyte payment. The subscription fee is charged monthly and depends on the chosen package.

The speed of data transmission from the satellite to the user is up to 16 Mbit / s.

During the period of its activity, the tariff can be in one of four states:

  1. "Prepaid traffic" - Internet access is open; prepaid traffic is used
  2. "Prepaid traffic exhausted" - Internet access is closed due to the fact that prepaid traffic has been exhausted, and the use of additional traffic is prohibited by the "Use additional traffic" option. To continue working, you must change the state of the "Use additional traffic" option or activate new tariff
  3. "Additional traffic" - Internet access is open; the use of additional traffic and the debiting of funds from the personal account for it is allowed by the corresponding option
  4. "Not enough funds" - Internet access is closed; prepaid traffic has been exhausted, the use of additional traffic is impossible due to insufficient funds on the Personal account.

Option "Use additional traffic"

Setting in the Personal Account, which allows you to allow or prohibit the spending of the Personal Account funds to pay for additional traffic.


The cost of traffic on tariffs of the "Breeze" group is the same and amounts to 0.75 rubles. for 1 Mb.

Within the tariff group, the tariffs differ in the subscription fee for the current day, which depends on the selected network access speed.

The data transfer rate from the user to the satellite is up to 1 Mbit / s.

The subscription fee is charged daily and depends on the selected speed. The subscription fee for the first day is debited from the Personal Account at the moment of connection to the tariff (the moment of connection). The tariff is valid until the same moment (time of day) of the next day (time of completion).

The subscription fee is charged for using the tariff at the selected speed within 24 hours from the moment of connection.

The subscription fee is debited automatically, regardless of the volume of traffic received / transmitted during the day. If the data transfer rate changed during the day, the account is debited subscription feecorresponding to the maximum data transfer rate.

To cancel the regular write-off of the daily subscription fee, you must change the tariff plan in your Personal Account. During the validity period of the tariff, you can switch between tariffs of different groups at any time at will. The subscription fee for each tariff is charged in accordance with the terms of the specific tariff and does not affect the additionally connected tariffs.

"Start with a minimum" option

When this option is enabled, the connection speed will be set to the minimum value at the beginning of each reporting moment in order to reduce your monthly subscription fees. Otherwise (the “Start from minimum” option is not selected), the connection speed will be maintained around the clock at the last set level.


Channel speed with satellite user

Subscription fee, rub. per day The cost of downloaded traffic, rub. for 1Mb Tariff group
Breeze 1024 up to 1 Mbps 4 0,75 B
Breeze 2048 up to 2 Mbps 9 0,75 B
Breeze 4096 up to 4 Mbps 14 0,75 B
Breeze 6144 up to 6 Mbps 18 0,75 B


Terms of tariffication and subscription fee charge-off for the tariffs "Social", "Surfing" and "Freestyle":

  • The subscription fee is debited from the user's account at the moment of connection to the tariff (reporting moment).
  • The tariff is valid from the reporting moment on the day of connection to the reporting moment of the same date of the next month.
  • In the absence of a similar date in the next month, the end date of the tariff plan is the reporting moment of the last day of the month.
  • During the validity period of the tariff, you can switch between tariffs of different groups at any time at will. The subscription fee for each tariff is charged in accordance with the terms of the specific tariff and does not affect the additionally connected tariffs.

Possible account modes and states:

Standby mode

Standby is a special mode that is automatically enabled in the following cases:

  1. End of funds on the subscriber's account;
  2. The subscriber's account does not have enough funds for further renewal of the tariff;
  3. The included traffic on the Freestyle tariff is exhausted, and the consumption of additional traffic is disabled;
  4. The set limit has been exceeded in the "Limit traffic" mode;
  5. The tariff has expired, and the "Autoactivation" option is disabled.

In the "Standby" mode, full-fledged work on the Internet is impossible, access is only possible to the Personal Account of the KiteNet user, where the subscriber is invited to take actions necessary to resume access to the network - to disable or change the corresponding options, change the tariff, etc.

During the validity period of the tariffs of the "Social", "Freestyle" and "Surfing" groups, as well as until the end of the paid day on the tariffs of the "Breeze" group, maintenance of the subscription in the "Standby" mode is carried out without debiting additional funds from the Personal account. At the end of the tariffs validity period, for every full day the account is in the "Standby" mode, a debt of 3 rubles is accumulated for booking a frequency resource for a subscriber terminal in the KiteNet service management system, which will be automatically deducted if the subscription is activated. Regardless of the state of the subscriber's personal account, KiteNet maintains such a reservation at its own expense for 21 days. If during these 21 days the subscriber does not take actions aimed at maintaining his subscription, the subscriber terminal is disconnected from the network and its subsequent connection is carried out on a paid basis (see "Terminal deactivation").

In case of insufficient funds on the Personal Account, for a temporary full work on the Internet, the subscriber can use the "Promised payment" option in the Personal Account.

Replenishment of the Personal account during the period of the "Standby" mode leads to automatic activation of the tariff when the "Autoactivation" option is enabled and the funds on the Personal account are sufficient. When the "Auto activation" option is disabled, the tariff activation must be performed by the subscriber himself.

"Terminal deactivation"

The terminal is deactivated (disconnected from the KiteNet network) if the subscriber has not connected any of the tariffs before the end of the "Standby" mode. Because terminal deactivation is associated with the deletion of the corresponding account in the service owner's service management system; the terminal is reactivated on a paid basis.

The cost of reactivating the terminal is 950 rbl.

Auto Activation Option

This function is intended for automatic tariff prolongation for the next period. In the case of tariffs of the groups "Social", "Freestyle" and "Surfing" - prolongation occurs for a month, in the case of tariffs of the "Breeze" group - for a day. If this function is disabled, then upon expiration of the validity period, the account will automatically enter the "Standby" mode.
The option is connected in the Personal Account.

Traffic limiting mode

This mode allows you to set a traffic consumption limit for your subscription (from 100 to 500 Mb) for a time specified by you (from 1 hour to 24), after which it will be deactivated and go into the "Standby" mode. The option is connected to avoid uncontrolled traffic consumption on the subscriber's account.

The option is connected in the Personal Account.

During the validity period of the tariff, you can, at your will, at any time connect a new (additional) KiteNet tariff in your personal account and freely switch between the currently available tariffs. The conditions of each of the tariffs (subscription fee, terms, speeds) are independent and do not affect the conditions of additionally connected tariffs, unless otherwise agreed.

The above prices include all taxes.

When billing, the subscriber's incoming and outgoing traffic is summed up.

1 GB \u003d 1000 MB \u003d 1,000,000 KB \u003d 1,000,000,000,000 bytes.

The speed of information transfer (incoming and outgoing traffic) may vary depending on the availability and parameters of the server on which the Internet resource is located, weather conditions at the place of receiving and sending the requested information to the satellite, as well as on the availability of free bandwidth in the satellite channel.